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Kickstarter ~ [OSR] The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence

Started by VengerSatanis, December 09, 2013, 01:21:02 PM

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Weird science-fantasy, gonzo, and Lovecraftian sword-and-sorcery adventuring for your D&Desque campaign...

This is the announcement on my blog:

This is the actual kickstarter link:




Just changed the 23 pages to 32 if the original goal is met. 23 wouldn't be enough to do The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence justice.  Also uploaded a brand new video!

What is this "Purple-Haunted Putrescence"?

Here's a taste...

The Purple-Haunted Putrescence is a nebulous mass of tentacles, gaping orifices, and decay about 2 miles in breadth by 3 miles in width. It's a sentient being of dribbling, putrid, gelatinous, filth drifting between 30 - 50 feet above the islands like a malignant cloud of purple ooze; sometimes seeking victims to devour, other times attempting to communicate with inhabitants, or simply observing the life it may one day consume. Worshipers call it The Thing That Rots From They Sky.

Even inattentive adventurers will notice the purple-stained hands of cultists who worship The Thing That Rots From The Sky as god. The purple stain comes from squirming protoplasmic matter infrequently excreted from the putrescence itself. Cultists eagerly scoop up the translucent semi-fluid, its juice-secreting substance staining their bare hands. Cultists drop the excrement in the Pit of Yuzklatan in hopes of spawning a new Thing That Rots From The Sky in the next aeon.

A few choose to imbibe it. Most die; however, some become carriers of putrescent visions... prophets of the purple! All subservient to the Arch-Acolyte, of course.

Arch-Acolyte Yiksha Saleece is the cult's spiritual leader. He's as old as he is cunning, having received revelations from the Thing generations ago when Yiksha was only a boy. Those prophecies were set down upon several scrolls by a long-forgotten scribe. Since those early years, Yiksha Saleece is recognized as messiah of the Purple-Haunted Putrescence.

The prophecy of Yuzklatan, recorded upon purple juice-writ parchment and concealed within Yiksha's tent, speak of a time when The Thing That Rots From The Sky grows old and feeble, requiring an heir of its own ilk. When a purple spawn shall be created from small bits of the god itself, gathered at a time when it is healthy. In return for assisting the Thing's renewal, worshipers will eventually become part of this new, younger deity. The original, pre-translated word for this process of self-deification is "Yuzklatan".

Various belief systems regarding the Purple-Haunted Putrescence

1. Aeons ago, the Purple-Haunted Putrescence was flushed out of a space craft, drifted through a radioactive nebula, and landed in some kind of primordial ooze.

2. It developed from a biological weapon, used on another planet to subdue a citizenry on the brink of revolution.

3. The Purple-Haunted Putrescence is indeed divine, though a lesser god compared with Yazag-Thoth.

4. This rotting monstrosity was conjured from the abyss by three sorcerers; they were promptly immolated as it shuddered and dripped from a gateway bathed in violet flame.


This is the last update as the kickstarter clock has about 9 days left, but it's a substantive update, not just "hey, how's it going?":  
