
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => News and Adverts => Topic started by: SowelBlack on April 22, 2010, 03:30:42 PM

Title: Dungeon Map Software Survey / Contest
Post by: SowelBlack on April 22, 2010, 03:30:42 PM
Several people who like Hexographer have asked for something similar that helps make dungeon/building maps. So I've been starting on a new project called "Dungeonographer."

A few overview points:
-I expect it to be ready for at least alpha testing later this summer.
-It reuses some of the same code as Hexographer, so many of the features that I add to one can be added to the other.  (So it won't really take much time away from Hexographer.)  
-It will likely have the same license model as Hexographer: there will be a free version that runs on the inkwell ideas website and has 95% of the features, and there will be a pro version that can be downloaded and has a few bonus features.
-If someone has a full pro license to Hexographer, that person will get a significant discount to the pro version of Hexographer and vice versa in case later someone buys Dungeonographer then has a need for Hexographer.  (Likewise there will be a package discount for buying both at the same time.)

Right now I'm finishing the core functionality.  But I'd like to see what people might want in a dungeon mapping program in case there is something I should add as a high priority or change, so I've put together a survey. I'll randomly select one person who submits a survey response a free Dungeonographer Pro license when it is ready.  The survey will run through the end of April and I'll announce a winner in early May.

Here's the link to the survey: