
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => News and Adverts => Topic started by: slayride35 on March 23, 2016, 09:26:31 AM

Title: [DramaScape] Roofview Hotel w/30% off coupon till 3/27/2016
Post by: slayride35 on March 23, 2016, 09:26:31 AM
We have been asked quite a bit for a Hotel/Motel map, so here it is, the Roofview Hotel.This hotel or motel features two interior levels with a front office on the first floor + 9 rooms, a center recreation area with bar, patio seating, and a pool area that can be converted to a stage. There are two sets of stairs and an elevator that go up to the second floor which features a balcony that surrounds the center recreation area/courtyard which can be seen from above on the second floor and 10 more rooms. This map is useful in modern and pulp settings. I can see it being useful in 50-60s spy games, modern crime games, or even as an expensive dorm for a frat house with epic parties in the center area.
And here is a link for 30% off, the link expires on Sunday 27th March.
Title: [DramaScape] Roofview Hotel w/30% off coupon till 3/27/2016
Post by: slayride35 on March 27, 2016, 10:09:14 AM
Last day for 30% off hotel stays!