
The Lounge => Media and Inspiration => Topic started by: Koltar on March 28, 2008, 09:10:07 AM

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Koltar on March 28, 2008, 09:10:07 AM
In that other thread, someone compared me to Doiminus Nox and that new guy Jackalope.

Thing is, when I post on here  some parts of personality might get exaggerated  - but most times I've also had a long day at work and I'm venting or relaxing a little while I web-surf.

Nox is/was(?) the type of guy that annoys other gamers in real life if he talks about anything other than gaming.

He is the type of guy that regulars at the store tend to whisper :
 "Oh gawd , not him again."

Jackalope - based on the text record of his threats and a friendly meetup being cancelled is the kind of person that gets banned from a mall like the one I work at. If we saw him walking in the mall's corridor - one of my regular browsers/customers would have to say : "Ed, better call Mall Security . I just saw ______(Jackalope) walking near here in the hall."

I could probably get along with most of you guys at a game table just fine.

Yesterday was a fucked up day at work - we had computer problem with our tech at work. Good side is that my coworker that sometimes has tewnsion with me ? - She and I got along just fine and worked together just great.
If you're wondering the tensions between her and I have nothing to do with gender  - its because our personalities are too similar. We're both used to and prefer to be the ham actor or GM-type in a lot situations. However, she's a good person with the same dometimes lack of sleep and frustrations as the rest of us.

Thing is...she and I are both fairly stable and can hold down a job. (Two in her case)
I'm not so sure the Jackalope person can hold down a regular job.

- Ed C.

(For the record - My hate of the store's computer has now subsided. I was still tempted to throw it across the room. There was enough discipline and self control in me  NOT to.)
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: David R on March 28, 2008, 09:29:49 AM
I don't think anyone here thinks you're Nox creepy....but it's all the talk about women, Ed. It's kind of .....

David R
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: James J Skach on March 28, 2008, 11:15:16 AM
And the hugs...

I always got the sense you (Ed) have pictures of unicorns in your bedrooom...velvet ones...with pixies...nude pixies...

Which is all well and good if you're into that kind of thing. :D
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Seanchai on March 28, 2008, 11:32:33 AM
Quote from: David RI don't think anyone here thinks you're Nox creepy....but it's all the talk about women, Ed. It's kind of .....

Yeah. I don't know about the sex lives, relationships, etc. of my best guy friends. I'm okay not hearing about it the intimate details of the lives of folks on the Internet.

Outside that, you're an okay dude.

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Drew on March 28, 2008, 11:40:22 AM
In the main you seem like an honest and decent bloke with great enthusiasm for the hobby.

However, like others have said, it's the inescapable gravitational pull that women exert on your thinking that makes people wary. I don't for one minute think it's a full-blown obsession, but sometimes it definitely reads like that.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Silverlion on March 28, 2008, 01:05:47 PM
You know its funny how people always point to "job" as being a factor of being stable. As if that's the only deciding factor.

I held down jobs for many years (leaving of my own accord for better wages though in a few cases.)

My inability to currently work is do to illness--factors partially beyond my control. No, I'm probably not stable enough to hold a job--yet. That doesn't mean I'm likely to freak out and behave like a complete idiot over a web forum.

Might be something to examine when you start pointing out the limitations of others is realizing that there are more factors in play than employment, as a measure of some persons ill considered, and inappropriate behavior.

There are others: general emotional (and physical) maturity, socialization, possible mental or cognition issues, and others factors.

One of the most unstable people I ever knew was a doctor--who'd worked for years, because of his previous track record few challenged his current state, until he nearly killed someone by prescribing contra-beneficial medications.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: jrients on March 28, 2008, 02:21:27 PM
Ed's okay in my book.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Balbinus on March 28, 2008, 03:04:38 PM
Quote from: KoltarIn that other thread, someone compared me to Doiminus Nox and that new guy Jackalope.

They were unfair.  I wouldn't put you into the creepy or obnoxious categories.  I too struggle slightly with all the posts about backrubs and girls and stuff, but generally you're a good poster IMO.

That said, this isn't Tangency, I do think we should all try to avoid self-affirmation threads.  This is not an emotionally safe environment.  Keep your upper lip stiff and grow a pair is my general advice to anyone who posts here, if some guy compares you to Dominus, ask yourself, what would Jim-Bob do?  Then call the guy a cocksmock.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Ian Absentia on March 28, 2008, 04:03:09 PM
Quote from: BalbinusKeep your upper lip stiff and grow a pair is my general advice to anyone who posts here...
A pair of lips?

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: jeff37923 on March 28, 2008, 04:39:52 PM
You're not the same as Nox, but the female fixation does have a creepy vibe to it.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: walkerp on March 28, 2008, 05:02:19 PM
Quote from: Drewthe inescapable gravitational pull that women exert on your thinking

I suffer from this.  Don't most men?

But it's like breathing. There's not a whole lot of reason to talk about it most of the time.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Drew on March 28, 2008, 07:21:37 PM
Quote from: walkerpI suffer from this.  Don't most men?

In this case it's the difference between the pull of the earth and a supermassive black hole. Which is ok in and of itself. Some people are very highly sexed, others are enormously frustrated by the sheer lack of it in their lives. No problem there.  

QuoteBut it's like breathing. There's not a whole lot of reason to talk about it most of the time.

Exactly. This is where Koltar's creepy reputation originates. It's a shame really, because I think he's one of the more decent and honourable people who hang around here. I suppose we all have our quirks.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Hackmastergeneral on March 28, 2008, 08:44:05 PM
I don't come around often, but Koltar seems to be a FAR pace off from Nox (who I remember) and Jackalope (who I wish I could forget).
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Koltar on March 28, 2008, 08:58:20 PM
Just got home from work.
(Long frakking day)

Wasn't meant as an affirmation thread...but hey, whatever works.

Just felt that I was much, much more closer to normal guy than the other two individuals that were mentioned.

For that matter , I may have accidentally exaggerated a facet of my personality over the past 8 months or so.

But thats cool.

- Ed C.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Werekoala on March 28, 2008, 10:03:22 PM
I say you're a decent sort; always thought so. The Condoleeza Rice fixation is a bit... well, whatever floats your boat.

Besides, we know your name, where you work, what you look like, and the Convention types you hang out with - if you got too out of hand, we could send JimBob after you. :D
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Koltar on March 28, 2008, 10:14:43 PM
Quote from: WerekoalaBesides, we know your name, where you work, what you look like, and the Convention types you hang out with - if you got too out of hand, we could send JimBob after you. :D

Yeah , about that . I decided a couple of years ago  in another gamer forum that I might as well show my face and not hide behind a symbolic or borrowed pic avatar . To me, thats just being honest. Besides I've been a pretty public "Face" for over 10 years at various conventions. Someonme with more than half a brain would figure out who I was anyway - so I might as well be honest and up front and show ny face. (Even when the pic is me in my Klingon gear - its still two-thirds my face)

As for the rest ?
 I love you tooo - and I'd just tell JimBob : "Aw, Shut up, sit down at the table, roll some dice and try to have fun."  But I'd say that with a smile on my face.

- Ed C.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: shewolf on March 29, 2008, 01:18:46 AM
I've never found ya creepy Ed.

Jackalope is the kind to make me glad I own a handgun (even if it's not in my house... and lacks ammo... but still!) and I missed the Nox bit.

Totally off topic - Ad on the radio telling people to watch out for pedestrians. Kid voice saying that her mom got naied by an impatient driver. Tag line - think of the impact you'll make. Now that's messed up.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Jackalope on March 29, 2008, 05:06:22 AM
Quote from: shewolfJackalope is the kind to make me glad I own a handgun...

Oh my god.  If you're seriously scared of me in any sense, then you're an idiot.

And if you're not seriously scared of me, then what's the point of this comment?  To illustrate hypersensitivity?
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Consonant Dude on March 29, 2008, 07:07:46 AM
Quote from: KoltarMe?
I could probably get along with most of you guys at a game table just fine.

I was tempted to respond but I think it's better as a PM. Here I'll just say you give me a weird vibe at time but I shouldn't have piled on in that other thread.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: droog on March 29, 2008, 07:58:02 AM
Oh, come on! Koltar loves it when we pile on!
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Hackmastergeneral on March 29, 2008, 09:30:28 AM
Quote from: JackalopeOh my god.  If you're seriously scared of me in any sense, then you're an idiot.

And if you're not seriously scared of me, then what's the point of this comment?  To illustrate hypersensitivity?

All we have to go on is how you have presented yourself thus far on the internet.

And you have made NUMEROUS threats against people who have crossed you, and in the last thread shown an ability to fly off the handle and beat the shit out of people for no good reason.

I'm not scared of you, cause I know its all a big blustering show, and you wouldn't have the balls to spit at a mouse in real life, so you get your jollies by acting tough and macho on the intarwebz.  But, again, all we have to go on...

I can't blame her.  She does have a big macho hubby though, so that helps for something, right shewolf?

Though I imagine you could take this pipsqueak down with no muss yourself - you being a tough country girl...
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Kyle Aaron on March 29, 2008, 09:38:54 AM
Quote from: Werekoalaif you got too out of hand, we could send JimBob after you. :D
What am I gonna do? Cook for him?

I've punched two GMs, but that's the extent of my violence within game groups over the years. Sorry to disappoint and all...
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Koltar on March 29, 2008, 09:51:07 AM
Quote from: Kyle AaronWhat am I gonna do? Cook for him?

I've punched two GMs, but that's the extent of my violence within game groups over the years. Sorry to disappoint and all...

Holy Crap.

 Given those two choices - think I prefer the cooked meal for a group of gamers (INcluding Kyle Aaron - why not? He knows his way around a game table)
If you're going to punch me in the face - at least either let me take off my glasses first or pay for a new pair.

Oh and Kyle/JimBob is one of the many on here I'm pretty sure I could game with. Arguments and political debates away from the game are just that - stuff/shit away from the game that ain't that important at times.

- Ed
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: David R on March 29, 2008, 11:07:04 AM
Quote from: Koltar(INcluding Kyle Aaron - why not? He knows his way around a game table)

Be wary of Kyle. He's Australian. Those fuckers have a dodgy sense of humour. They unleashed Crocodile Dundee on the poor unsuspecting world.

David R
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Hackmastergeneral on March 29, 2008, 12:14:11 PM
Quote from: David RBe wary of Kyle. He's Australian. Those fuckers have a dodgy sense of humour. They unleashed Crocodile Dundee on the poor unsuspecting world.

David R

Fuck Croc Dundee - he was at least amusing, if cliched.

They thought YAHOO SERIOUS was the height of comedy.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: shewolf on March 29, 2008, 03:42:08 PM
Quote from: HackmastergeneralAll
I can't blame her.  She does have a big macho hubby though, so that helps for something, right shewolf?

Though I imagine you could take this pipsqueak down with no muss yourself - you being a tough country girl...

If I got the chance! Not only am I my father's daughter (he was a tough little sumbitch) but I live on the farm with the in-laws. So I've got 2 ex-military guys, a ragin' redneck, a scary Hoss of a woman I'll never dare cross, and the ex-yankee bitch (me!)

But people like Jackie here are bad for getting dri\unk and doing stupid shit. And you can't reason with a drunk. Fastest to shoot 'em and cry when the cops come. I got kids to worry about, after all. And Mother Warner passed on her acting skills to me. :hehe:
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Acta Est Fabula on March 29, 2008, 03:47:52 PM
Quote from: JackalopeOh my god.  If you're seriously scared of me in any sense, then you're an idiot.

And if you're not seriously scared of me, then what's the point of this comment?  To illustrate hypersensitivity?

What I think she meant was that she's getting to the point where she'd rather blow her brains out than listen to your adolescent dick-waving on some internet forum, not that she's actually scared of you in the traditional sense.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: One Horse Town on March 29, 2008, 03:52:50 PM
Who's stalking who?

Aha! The hunter has become the hunted. Those antlers would make a nice trophy! :haw:
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Werekoala on March 29, 2008, 05:14:16 PM
Quote from: shewolfIf I got the chance! Not only am I my father's daughter (he was a tough little sumbitch) but I live on the farm with the in-laws. So I've got 2 ex-military guys, a ragin' redneck, a scary Hoss of a woman I'll never dare cross, and the ex-yankee bitch (me!)

But people like Jackie here are bad for getting dri\unk and doing stupid shit. And you can't reason with a drunk. Fastest to shoot 'em and cry when the cops come. I got kids to worry about, after all. And Mother Warner passed on her acting skills to me. :hehe:

Any more at home like you, m'am?
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Hackmastergeneral on March 29, 2008, 05:49:24 PM
Quote from: WerekoalaAny more at home like you, m'am?

Are you kidding?  She's said she's the country redneck stereotype!

That means theres gotta be at least FIVE little Shewolf whippersnappers runnin around the tumbledown house with missing windows and peeling paint, playin in the mudpile outside daddy's shine shack, waitin for momma to ring the bell and scream "Kids!  Supper tahm!  Git in here befo' daddy comes an roasts your bee-hinds with a hickory switch!"

And likely momma and daddy are kissin cousins.  :D :haw:

Jus kiddin.  We all luvs ya shewolf.

Feel free to mock my Newfoundlander-ness any time (though, as a Merkin, you likely couldn't find it on a map, cause it ain't got U. S and A in the title...yuk yuk)
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Last Knight on March 29, 2008, 05:51:38 PM
Oh, you crazy crazy Newfies. Where ya at?
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Werekoala on March 29, 2008, 05:52:51 PM
Quote from: HackmastergeneralFeel free to mock my Newfoundlander-ness any time (though, as a Merkin, you likely couldn't find it on a map, cause it ain't got U. S and A in the title...yuk yuk)

I wouldn't have the first idea where to begin to mock a Newfoundlander...
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: shewolf on March 29, 2008, 06:38:14 PM
Quote from: HackmastergeneralAre you kidding?  She's said she's the country redneck stereotype!

That means theres gotta be at least FIVE little Shewolf whippersnappers runnin around the tumbledown house with missing windows and peeling paint, playin in the mudpile outside daddy's shine shack, waitin for momma to ring the bell and scream "Kids!  Supper tahm!  Git in here befo' daddy comes an roasts your bee-hinds with a hickory switch!"

And likely momma and daddy are kissin cousins.  :D :haw:

Jus kiddin.  We all luvs ya shewolf.

Feel free to mock my Newfoundlander-ness any time (though, as a Merkin, you likely couldn't find it on a map, cause it ain't got U. S and A in the title...yuk yuk)
Only 3 damnit! And only one's a good little She. the rest are little Hes...

And we ain't cusinz! Damn. This ain't west virginee!

Newfoundland... where is that, England? :D
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: HinterWelt on March 29, 2008, 06:45:19 PM
Quote from: WerekoalaI wouldn't have the first idea where to begin to mock a Newfoundlander...
Your dogs are large and drool too much!!!!

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: David R on March 29, 2008, 09:06:14 PM
Quote from: HinterWeltYour dogs are large and drool too much!!!!

This describes their women.

David R
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: shewolf on March 30, 2008, 12:33:16 AM
How about really, really hairy? :D
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Koltar on March 30, 2008, 12:37:35 AM
Quote from: shewolfHow about really, really hairy? :D

That might explain some bigfoot sightings - tho since it gets cold up in that part of North America - could be practical for warmth.

- Ed C.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Hackmastergeneral on March 30, 2008, 01:32:46 AM
Quote from: David RThis describes their women.

David R

Actually, most Canadians I know of recognize Newfoundland as having the most beautiful women in Canada.  Some guys I went to school with who were CFAs (Come From Aways) always goggled downtown at how gorgeous the girls were, and they had lived all over Canada.

I find Atlantic Canadian girls are, per capita, more pretty than most of the rest of Canada.  We breeds em right some good down 'ere.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: David Johansen on March 30, 2008, 01:38:59 AM
Quote from: droogOh, come on! Koltar loves it when we pile on!


Anyhow, I don't think anyone is really that much saner than the next guy.  Some hide it better.  But come on, is holding a job so good of a indicator.? I've been at the same place 18 years and it might as well be a burger joint for the amount of skill actually involved or the amount of control I have over my work day.  And I'm bug fuck nuts and socially irredeemable and you all know it.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: David R on March 30, 2008, 01:41:06 AM
HMG I was joking. Or maybe I was refering to the women Jackalope hangs out with :raise:

David R
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Jackalope on March 30, 2008, 07:31:03 AM
Quote from: Kyle AaronWhat am I gonna do? Cook for him?

I've punched two GMs, but that's the extent of my violence within game groups over the years. Sorry to disappoint and all...

Well, now, see that seems much more a sign of instability than anything I've ever done.  Of course, I've only been attacked by one player in my life, and he was later hospitalized as a schizophrenic.

And I've never taken a swing at someone over a game.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Serious Paul on March 30, 2008, 10:55:56 AM
I'm pretty sure I'd arrest each and every single one of you, if you showed up on my door step. Of course Michigan is changing it's CCW laws, and I no longer have to retreat....considers long and hard...fuck the paper work!:D

On a serious note I have yet to see anyone post anything online that's even made me flinch. Some of you may be almost as goofy as I am, but I don't see any of you as being much more than a bit eccentric by societies standards.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: David Johansen on March 30, 2008, 11:13:42 AM
I live for the day when I as a GM can say I've been punched for something I did to a PC in a game.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Serious Paul on March 30, 2008, 11:59:16 AM
Wouldn't that depend on who's doing the punching? I mean getting clocked by Vin Diesel or Mike Tyson is a lot worse than say the Pundit or Jong. (Not that I am singling anyone out.)
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Jackalope on March 30, 2008, 02:51:19 PM
Quote from: David JohansenI live for the day when I as a GM can say I've been punched for something I did to a PC in a game.

Closest I came was having a player hurl a unopened can of coke at my head from only a few feet away.  It missed me by about a quarter of an inch, and slammed into a china cabinet behind me.  Would have hurt like hell if it had connected.

The reason?  We were playing Werewolf: The Apocalypse, and his character got thrown off a roof while in wolf form, and I ruled that he could not grab the edge of the building as he sailed past it (no fingers!), and automatically fell.  Because this was W:TA and he was only four stories up, the damage was negligible and nothing he couldn't easily soak.  Everyone else at the table agreed with my reasoning.  He would not let it go, would not drop it.  It started becoming really disruptive, and another player suggested that I use my GM authority to assert that a rare Silver Ghost (with it's solid silver grille) was driving down the street.  I told the player to drop it or I would invoke the Silver Ghost and he'd take some real damage he couldn't soak, and he flung the pop can at me then stormed out of the house, never to return.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Koltar on March 30, 2008, 02:54:57 PM
* Yawn * .....

Immature player with an immature GM story.

- Ed C.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Thanatos02 on March 31, 2008, 05:35:17 AM
Quote from: KoltarThat might explain some bigfoot sightings - tho since it gets cold up in that part of North America - could be practical for warmth.

- Ed C.
Actually, that was me. Sorry about that, everyone.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Last Knight on March 31, 2008, 09:09:52 AM
Quote from: Thanatos02Actually, that was me. Sorry about that, everyone.
please put your pants back on
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Settembrini on March 31, 2008, 09:22:09 AM
Honestly, Ed you creeped me out at first. The girl-stories kept coming

But I must apologize, I mistook you. I think I have a pretty good bearing on how you mean stuff, seeing the GenCon Vid helped with that.

I think you are perfectly normal (as far as Trekkies go :haw:).
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Hackmastergeneral on March 31, 2008, 09:27:44 PM
Quote from: SettembriniI think you are perfectly normal (as far as Trekkies go :haw:).

Which ain't that far.

go, I mean, as in the Monty Python meaning of "go", as in the Nudge Nudge sketch...

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: James J Skach on March 31, 2008, 09:54:47 PM
Quote from: HackmastergeneralWhich ain't that far.

go, I mean, as in the Monty Python meaning of "go", as in the Nudge Nudge sketch...

See, now that's exactly the kind of comment that will bring a response from Ed that...well...I'll leave it at you have no one to blame but yourself...

Love ya, Ed!
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Hackmastergeneral on March 31, 2008, 09:56:18 PM
Quote from: James J SkachSee, now that's exactly the kind of comment that will bring a response from Ed that...well...I'll leave it at you have no one to blame but yourself...

Love ya, Ed!

Phah!  I've been tangling with that rampant fag lover Chango Chi - I'm ready for anything!
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Kyle Aaron on March 31, 2008, 10:54:20 PM
What's with all the gay jokes? Was there a timeslip and I've gone back to high school? I keep expecting to open the paper and see that Desperately Seeking Susan, Red Dawn and Rambo have just come out at the movies.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: JongWK on March 31, 2008, 10:55:56 PM
I heard there's a new Rambo movie... ;)
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Koltar on April 01, 2008, 12:45:22 AM
Quote from: James J SkachSee, now that's exactly the kind of comment that will bring a response from Ed that...well...I'll leave it at you have no one to blame but yourself...

Love ya, Ed!

No need to - those 3 or 4 new posters (plus Hackmastergnrl) are making themselves look pretty ridiculous on their own.

Also in polls in the past 10 to 15 years - more than 50% of America's population say they are fans of STAR TREK. So, basically what was at one time a cliche "geek/nerd" thing now isn't as much so anymore.

  These TREK fans and folks are getting married, having kids and pretty normal lives for the past 20 to 30 years.

- Ed C.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: RPGPundit on April 01, 2008, 02:38:46 AM
Ok, Chi? You haven't said a single relevant fucking thing since you joined, and you've descended now into open disruption of this forum.

Consider this a warning. Stop the nonsense idiotic posts that just take up bandwith, stop with the threadcrapping, and start posting something useful (or go the fuck away). If you continue to be disruptive to this forum, measures will be taken.

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Jackalope on April 01, 2008, 03:08:33 AM
Trekkies never get laid?

Heh heh.  When I was 14-16 I was a member of Imperial Starbase Seattle, a Star Trek LARP group based on the "Mirror Mirror" episode.  The women in that group, and there were plenty of women, were"easy virtue."   I was a little too young to take advantage of it (the average age of the group was about 23), but I know that there was a hell of a lot of hooking up going on.

And the cons.  Dear god, Trekkies put Romans to shame.  Orgies, drunken debauchery, polyamory, everything goes on at those things.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Hackmastergeneral on April 01, 2008, 06:44:12 AM
Quote from: KoltarNo need to - those 3 or 4 new posters (plus Hackmastergnrl) are making themselves look pretty ridiculous on their own.

Also in polls in the past 10 to 15 years - more than 50% of America's population say they are fans of STAR TREK. So, basically what was at one time a cliche "geek/nerd" thing now isn't as much so anymore.

  These TREK fans and folks are getting married, having kids and pretty normal lives for the past 20 to 30 years.

- Ed C.

It was a playful jab - I jest, I jest.  Take no offense, stout yeoman.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Hackmastergeneral on April 01, 2008, 06:47:26 AM
Quote from: Kyle AaronWhat's with all the gay jokes? Was there a timeslip and I've gone back to high school? I keep expecting to open the paper and see that Desperately Seeking Susan, Red Dawn and Rambo have just come out at the movies.

Its all in Chango's posts.  Read, and weep.  Then laugh, cause my avatar is uber-sexy-cool.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Last Knight on April 01, 2008, 03:06:01 PM
Looks like Chango_Chi has been wiped away, completely and utterly.

They erased everything... not even the gay jokes were spared...:eek:
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Cthy on April 01, 2008, 03:40:21 PM

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Koltar on April 01, 2008, 08:46:10 PM
Quote from: CthyGasp.


Both good words - in reference to what? I don't know (but thats okay)

Finally had a LONG hours day. Besides games and comics we also sell swords , knives and handcuffs - just had the delivery from (8 to 9 boxes worth) of that stuff from BUD K distributors.

I am on my last damn nerve.

So -  Did you guys have fun today after the big purge?

And Pundit - DON'T STEP down.
Finally got used to you and this site.

- Ed
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Last Knight on April 01, 2008, 08:57:13 PM
Quote from: KoltarBoth good words - in reference to what? I don't know (but thats okay)

Finally had a LONG hours day. Besides games and comics we also sell swords , knives and handcuffs - just had the delivery from (8 to 9 boxes worth) of that stuff from BUD K distributors.

I am on my last damn nerve.

So -  Did you guys have fun today after the big purge?

And Pundit - DON'T STEP down.
Finally got used to you and this site.

- Ed
I imagine they were in reference to the post directly above his.

Mmm... shiny sharp objects. I think I would probably have entirely too much fun in your store.

And also, entirely too many stitches.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Hackmastergeneral on April 01, 2008, 09:10:15 PM
Quote from: Last KnightLooks like Chango_Chi has been wiped away, completely and utterly.

They erased everything... not even the gay jokes were spared...:eek:

Yeah, in that light my avatar made zero sense.  Dammit - I was starting to warm up to those guys (not like that you pervo).  Plus I still got a kick out of "Gay receiver".
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: shewolf on April 02, 2008, 12:24:11 AM
It is interesting to see the mod action here. Much more deadly :) I like it.

Pundy for President!
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Hackmastergeneral on April 02, 2008, 06:16:50 AM
"Where did Chango Chi go?"


"Chango Chi - the jackass."

"There is no Chango Chi, there never was a Chango Chi citizen."
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: shewolf on April 02, 2008, 08:05:37 AM
Heh, guess what?

QuoteIt's not porn spam...
It's somebody who got banned over at TheRPGSite coming over here to start trouble.

So if you see somebody posting porn to inappropriate threads, please report them and post that you've reported them. I guess tonight will be one of those bitchy nights until we get an IP ban dropped.

-Darren MacLennan

He's just stirring up shit everywhere, isn't he?
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: jeff37923 on April 02, 2008, 10:18:17 AM
Quote from: shewolfHeh, guess what?

He's just stirring up shit everywhere, isn't he?

I caught that post too. Fucking hilarious.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: shewolf on April 02, 2008, 02:11:48 PM
Quote from: jeff37923I caught that post too. Fucking hilarious.
It's funny - he trolls there, then comes here and doesn't get his welcome, trolls, then goes BACK to flame out again. And he didn't even tyr over there. :haha:
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: RPGPundit on April 02, 2008, 02:20:57 PM
Quote from: shewolfHe's just stirring up shit everywhere, isn't he?

Yes, and Darren is just the sort of guy who might pretend to be a troll on this site in the hopes of making things difficult for me, only to watch it fail as people rally behind me on my decision to ban, only to go back to and porn-bomb his own forum in order to somehow blame it on theRPGsite.
He's that fucked up.

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Hackmastergeneral on April 02, 2008, 03:11:28 PM
Quote from: RPGPunditYes, and Darren is just the sort of guy who might pretend to be a troll on this site in the hopes of making things difficult for me, only to watch it fail as people rally behind me on my decision to ban, only to go back to and porn-bomb his own forum in order to somehow blame it on theRPGsite.
He's that fucked up.


I think you're reaching very mightily here, Pundit.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Ian Absentia on April 02, 2008, 03:53:41 PM
Quote from: RPGPunditYes, and Darren is just the sort of guy who might pretend to be a troll on this site in the hopes of making things difficult for me, only to watch it fail as people rally behind me on my decision to ban, only to go back to and porn-bomb his own forum in order to somehow blame it on theRPGsite.
Aw, shit.  You have to go and start posting crap like this.

You know, some people think you were Chango Chi, not Darren.  Personally, I think Chango Chi is just some random jackass, but that you and Darren are the same person.
You're both that fucked up.

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Cthy on April 02, 2008, 05:14:33 PM
That kinda makes sense, pundy runs rpgsite and rpgnet.....he runs the CIA.......the beanie babies

Oh gods

Curse you and your controlling ways, you'll never take me alive.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Acta Est Fabula on April 02, 2008, 05:30:25 PM
Quote from: Ian AbsentiaAw, shit.  You have to go and start posting crap like this.

You know, some people think you were Chango Chi, not Darren.  Personally, I think Chango Chi is just some random jackass, but that you and Darren are the same person.
You're both that fucked up.


Chango was on first and got banned in short order.  Then he came here.  I don't think he's a puppet for an mod.  I think he's just some random jackass that has nothing better to do.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: RPGPundit on April 02, 2008, 06:32:11 PM
Quote from: Acta Est FabulaChango was on first and got banned in short order.  Then he came here.  I don't think he's a puppet for an mod.  I think he's just some random jackass that has nothing better to do.

That is the most likely probability, yes.

Darren is still a total smegmahead, though.

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Seanchai on April 02, 2008, 06:45:58 PM
Quote from: Ian AbsentiaYou know, some people think you were Chango Chi, not Darren.  Personally, I think Chango Chi is just some random jackass, but that you and Darren are the same person.

Hmmmn. Hmmmn. They both do like Slim Jims.

Personally, I think Chango Chi is still with us. I think he created a whole bunch o' sockpuppets, then used one as a draw, creating a diversion to draw suspicion away from the other new accounts. "Oh, no, I'm not a Jackalope sockpuppet - I'm a real person who just got mixed up in the Chango Chi fiasco."

Personally, I'll be suspicious of the March 2008 folks for some time to come...

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Ian Absentia on April 02, 2008, 07:07:39 PM
Quote from: SeanchaiPersonally, I think Chango Chi is still with us. I think he created a whole bunch o' sockpuppets, then used one as a draw, creating a diversion to draw suspicion away from the other new accounts. "Oh, no, I'm not a Jackalope sockpuppet - I'm a real person who just got mixed up in the Chango Chi fiasco."

Personally, I'll be suspicious of the March 2008 folks for some time to come...
My thoughts as well. Some of the new people, all new members within less than 24 hours of one another, were almost diametrically too sensible and polite, in a couple of cases dedicating their first few posts to engaging Jackalope reasonably.

My other theory is that many/most of the newbies are all pals, all logging on to play along with one another.

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Acta Est Fabula on April 02, 2008, 07:09:18 PM
Quote from: RPGPunditThat is the most likely probability, yes.

Darren is still a total smegmahead, though.


A month ago I would have disagreed with you.  Now, not so much.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Acta Est Fabula on April 02, 2008, 07:10:47 PM
Quote from: SeanchaiPersonally, I'll be suspicious of the March 2008 folks for some time to come...


I'm actually Cessna.

:pundit: :D
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Koltar on April 02, 2008, 07:13:38 PM
Quote from: Acta Est FabulaI'm actually Cessna.

:pundit: :D

I don't think thats possible

As far as I know - Cessna already has an account here - he just hasn't posted anything in quite some time.

- Ed C.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Acta Est Fabula on April 02, 2008, 07:19:09 PM
Quote from: KoltarI don't think thats possible

As far as I know - Cessna already has an account here - he just hasn't posted anything in quite some time.

- Ed C.

I was just taking a jab at the loving relationship Cessna and Seanchai had.  It was historic.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: walkerp on April 02, 2008, 07:19:21 PM
I wish I were Aos.

I'm actually Halfjack.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Joshua Ford on April 02, 2008, 07:52:27 PM
I'm Spartacus.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Kyle Aaron on April 02, 2008, 08:00:15 PM
I think that bulletproof is just Cessna posting to see how much shit Tangency will swallow without wincing.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Seanchai on April 02, 2008, 08:49:25 PM
Quote from: Ian AbsentiaMy other theory is that many/most of the newbies are all pals, all logging on to play along with one another.

Could well be. Or work/home accounts. Work/library accounts, etc., to get around the easy detection of sockpuppetry.

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Seanchai on April 02, 2008, 08:52:34 PM
Quote from: Acta Est FabulaI was just taking a jab at the loving relationship Cessna and Seanchai had.  It was historic.

I can't speak for Cessna, but we'd invited him to join our group a number of times. If he wasn't a complete tease in that regard, he'd still be welcome to apply.

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Last Knight on April 02, 2008, 11:11:07 PM
Quote from: SeanchaiHmmmn. Hmmmn. They both do like Slim Jims.

Personally, I think Chango Chi is still with us. I think he created a whole bunch o' sockpuppets, then used one as a draw, creating a diversion to draw suspicion away from the other new accounts. "Oh, no, I'm not a Jackalope sockpuppet - I'm a real person who just got mixed up in the Chango Chi fiasco."

Personally, I'll be suspicious of the March 2008 folks for some time to come...

I am not a sockpuppet! I am a free man!

*runs away*
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Ian Absentia on April 03, 2008, 12:12:57 AM
Quote from: SeanchaiI can't speak for Cessna, but we'd invited him to join our group a number of times. If he wasn't a complete tease in that regard, he'd still be welcome to apply.
Now, in Cessna's defense, he did try to tough it out for a few days.  He took a pretty solid -- if not unexpected -- beat-down at the hands of more than a few people here who'd been waiting for an unmoderated chance to give him a piece of thier minds.  I think it's understandable that he decided to bail against the prevailing tide.

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: jeff37923 on April 03, 2008, 02:37:06 AM
In a bizzare fucked up way, I should thank Chango Chi for continuing to porn spam RPGnet with badly photoshopped pics of a gay Pundit fucking another guy, because now I have a link to the RPGsite that bypasses the content filters at work and can post here at night again.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: droog on April 03, 2008, 02:47:57 AM
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: jeff37923 on April 03, 2008, 02:50:11 AM
Quote from: droog'Smegmahead'?

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Seanchai on April 03, 2008, 12:05:16 PM
Quote from: jeff37923In a bizzare fucked up way, I should thank Chango Chi for continuing to porn spam RPGnet with badly photoshopped pics of a gay Pundit fucking another guy...

Oh...did he have to Photoshop some up?

Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: shewolf on April 03, 2008, 01:39:28 PM
I only found out about it from replies in other threads. They were long gone when I got there :(
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Aos on April 03, 2008, 01:57:15 PM
Quote from: walkerpI wish I were Aos.

They make an ointment for that now.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: jeff37923 on April 03, 2008, 05:30:17 PM
Quote from: SeanchaiOh...did he have to Photoshop some up?


Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: David Johansen on April 03, 2008, 11:26:05 PM
Quote from: droog'Smegmahead'?

In the old imperial system 9 Smegmaheads = 3 Fucktards = 1 Nazi Fucktard

Now you know!
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Grimjack on April 04, 2008, 12:34:31 PM
WTF!!!!!  I get wrapped up in work for a little while and when I check back here all of a sudden people are comparing Koltar to Nox, gay jokes are flying, and Pundit is nuking trolls from orbit!!!!

I've really got to spend less time working or I'll never get caught up.
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Koltar on April 04, 2008, 07:57:05 PM
Quote from: GrimjackWTF!!!!!  I get wrapped up in work for a little while and when I check back here all of a sudden people are comparing Koltar to Nox, gay jokes are flying, and Pundit is nuking trolls from orbit!!!!

I've really got to spend less time working or I'll never get caught up.

Yeah, its been a funny week or two.

- Ed
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: walkerp on April 04, 2008, 10:00:28 PM
Quote from: GrimjackWTF!!!!!  I get wrapped up in work for a little while and when I check back here all of a sudden people are comparing Koltar to Nox, gay jokes are flying, and Pundit is nuking trolls from orbit!!!!

I've really got to spend less time working or I'll never get caught up.

You gotta keep an eye on work.  It'll sneak up on you like that.  Don't forget the internet is flying by at 200 miles per hours and you sure don't want to miss a second of the awesomeness!
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Grimjack on April 07, 2008, 04:45:52 PM
Quote from: walkerpYou gotta keep an eye on work.  It'll sneak up on you like that.  Don't forget the internet is flying by at 200 miles per hours and you sure don't want to miss a second of the awesomeness!

If by "awesomeness" you mean the latest fads in porn or RPG's then I'm with you brother!!!
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: walkerp on April 07, 2008, 05:41:49 PM
Quote from: GrimjackIf by "awesomeness" you mean the latest fads in porn or RPG's then I'm with you brother!!!

That's what I'm talking about!
Title: Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....
Post by: Cthy on April 07, 2008, 05:53:25 PM
I'm up for that.