
The Lounge => Media and Inspiration => Topic started by: Kyle Aaron on December 31, 2006, 04:03:33 AM

Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: Kyle Aaron on December 31, 2006, 04:03:33 AM
Since droog and jdrakeh seem so keen to have a go at me, and are derailing other threads to do so, I thought I'd open a new thread to give them a chance to really stick the boot in.

Bring it on. That way you won't have to be off-topic in other threads.

Plus, you know, anyone else who wants to have a go. Jdrakeh said I had "a messiah complex". droog once called me a "mountebank", which I thought was just a character class in old Rolemaster, but there you go. Surely there are some others?

So, come on. I'm ready to rock.

As you give, so shall you receive.
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: jdrakeh on December 31, 2006, 04:20:04 AM
Quote from: JimBobOzThat way you won't have to be off-topic in other threads.

I'm not off topic in the other thread. I'm afraid you'll have to play with yourself here. I'm sure you'll manage just fine :rolleyes:
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: Silverlion on December 31, 2006, 04:35:00 AM
You know I tell you "to your face" (as in as much as I can on the internet) what I think.

However I'll be explicitly clear:

I think you sometimes are a bit self oriented--you seem to desire (to great extent) feedback on things you work on. I understand this desire, I sometimes want it too, but you seem to expect it. To the point of demanding it.

Not my bag really.

I think sometimes you come across as a bully online, you may not be one but when you go out of your way to find people to mock, and or disagree with--I wonder what the kind of life you lead to not have better things to do...

Do I dislike you? Not really, I don't care enough to dislike you, heck I think you've got good ideas from time to time, but sometimes the delivery of those ideas is so tied up in self-oriented focus that the idea gets lost.


We all have flaws though, sometimes we see them, sometimes we don't.
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: jdrakeh on December 31, 2006, 05:06:54 AM
Quote from: SilverlionYou know I tell you "to your face" (as in as much as I can on the internet) what I think.

I assume that you're talking to me, but to be clear. . . I didn't go looking for this argument. I call 'em as I see 'em. In the thread in question I dismissed game theory in general as largely self-indulgent bunk (as Kyle has frequently done where all theories other than Cheetoism are concerned) not just Cheetoism.

It was Kyle who stooped to the adhominem attacks, taking things to a personal level. He took what I said personally, but it wasn't intended that way (I guess I can see why that came across the way that it did, as he has firmly entrenched hismelf as his theory -- but that's hardly my fault). I attacked the idea, not the person behind it (well, initially).

At any rate, Thunderdome isn't for me. I don't have anything to prove, I said my piece (on-topic) elsewhere, and that's that. Game theory is largely bunk. If people want to subscribe, that's great. If they don't, that's fine too. I don't think they're obligated to hang on my every word. I love it when they do, of course, but if they don't. . . OH WELL.

[Note: This post is a response to Silverlion, not a response to Kyle. Again, that's not a game I'll be playing.]
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: Silverlion on December 31, 2006, 05:12:18 AM
Quote from: jdrakehI assume that you're talking to me, but to be clear.  

Nope I was talking to Jim Bob. Since his name is in the OP/thread title.  Sorry Heck. :)
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: jdrakeh on December 31, 2006, 05:35:34 AM
Quote from: SilverlionNope I was talking to Jim Bob. Since his name is in the OP/thread title.  Sorry Heck. :)

That's okay. I know that I can be an abrasive individual, as well, so what I had to say in response to your post probably needed to be said. . . say. . .  have you played any SAGA lately ;)

Please don't hurt me.
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: Kyle Aaron on December 31, 2006, 05:36:47 AM
Quote from: jdrakehIt was Kyle who stooped to the adhominem attacks, taking things to a personal level. He took what I said personally, but it wasn't intended that way
post #58 on the Cheetoism is all nonsense ( thread
Quote from: jdrakeh[...] Don't try to pass of Cheetoism as a love of all people, 'cause it's not -- it's a love of people who share your beliefs. And in that respect, it's no different than GNS in many ways.

Your messiah complex [...] you spend a lot of time hating on them [people] in a very public fashion.

As for me? I don't hate people, but I don't pretend that I'm Jesus, either. I don't claim to love everybody unconditionally while simultanteously spewing the hate on dozens of internet forums. I like some people better than I like other, sure. Still others, I intensely dislike. At least I can admit that.

Cheetoism isn't about loving people, it's you trying to play the Christ. You think way too much of yourself. I'm guilty of the same (you won't see me make that admission often, but here it's topical), but I'm not trying to sell myself as the Be All, End All of game theory (which you very much are).

Cheetoism is the same kind of auto-fellatio that most other game theory is.
Just reposting for jdrakeh's convenience.

Keep it comin'. By the way, Silverlion, I'm sure you can be more scathing than that. I know you're generally a nice and polite person, but you must have some viciousness in you. Turn it up to 11, mate.
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: droog on December 31, 2006, 08:10:29 AM
Give the kids an inch and they try to take a mile. Just because I started talking to you out of charity doesn't mean I'm going to help you grandstand.
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: TonyLB on December 31, 2006, 08:32:23 AM
Haven't most of the Thunderdome threads been about ... well ... substantive questions that people actually disagree about?  Like the one between Pundit and Sett about "What is an RPG?" or the one between Levi and Pundit about ... what was it ... theory in general?

And also, haven't most of the Thunderdome threads been between two people.  Y'know ... "Two men enter, one man leaves"?

Yer subvertin' our precious forum traditions, mate! :D
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: RPGPundit on December 31, 2006, 03:31:54 PM
Quote from: TonyLBHaven't most of the Thunderdome threads been about ... well ... substantive questions that people actually disagree about?  Like the one between Pundit and Sett about "What is an RPG?" or the one between Levi and Pundit about ... what was it ... theory in general?

Those are the "Pistols at dawn" threads.
To my knowledge, this is the first and (thus far) only "thunderdome" thread, though others had suggested it between me and James or between others in the past. I dismissed these suggestions as stupid.

Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: Silverlion on December 31, 2006, 03:40:07 PM
Ur, really I got nothing. There are few people who bring out real vitriol in me and  at this moment its not you Jim Bob.  Ask again when I have downshift mood though, right now I'm mellow depressed...

Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: J Arcane on December 31, 2006, 07:35:15 PM
Quote from: JimBobOzSince droog and jdrakeh seem so keen to have a go at me, and are derailing other threads to do so, I thought I'd open a new thread to give them a chance to really stick the boot in.

Bring it on. That way you won't have to be off-topic in other threads.

Plus, you know, anyone else who wants to have a go. Jdrakeh said I had "a messiah complex". droog once called me a "mountebank", which I thought was just a character class in old Rolemaster, but there you go. Surely there are some others?

So, come on. I'm ready to rock.

As you give, so shall you receive.
Bah.  Getting insulted by droog is ahardly a good reason to start a thread.  He's a troll.  His replies in every thread are entirely intended as baiting, and largely content-free independent of said baiting.  

Now jdrakeh is a smart enough guy, so I can see being a little miffed or injured by that at least.  

As for you well, we've been 'round and 'round more times than I can count.  Sometimes, I like you, and you definitely manage to get in some good points sometimes.  You're one of only two RPGnet posters in history to have me .sig an entire one of their threads.

At the same time however, you're also an egotistical ass, and you have a serious "witch-hunt"-like tendency.  Your whole BNG thing, while it had a core of truth, was a fantastic example of this behavior.
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: Dominus Nox on January 01, 2007, 11:26:30 PM
I won't lower myself to a thunderdrome thread even against this dick, but I still say I'll pop him in the mouth if I ever meet him after that one remark the worthless piece of shit made about me.
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: Kyle Aaron on January 02, 2007, 12:24:43 AM
Quote from: Dominus NoxI won't lower myself to a thunderdrome thread even against this dick,
So, like droog you posted to say you wouldn't be posting?
Quote from: Dominus Noxbut I still say I'll pop him in the mouth if I ever meet him after that one remark the worthless piece of shit made about me.
Only one remark? Surely there are more!

Were you once a CIA Ninja, Dominus Nox? When you stat yourself in GURPS, do you give yourself ST 15? I say again: I love internet tough guys.
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: beeber on January 02, 2007, 09:36:57 PM
actually, i left rpgnet when the OP got banned.  i thought the whole "kiero is not a gamer bit" was true and no reason for getting kicked of TBP.  

(c'mon, let's subvert this into "JimBobOz is not a prick" instead!  :teehee:  )

sure, you're blunt.  that's fine.  

i think game theory is crap too, tho.  stop talkin' and start doin'.  

(and none of that "go play" bullshit either)
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: James McMurray on January 02, 2007, 10:08:12 PM
Quote from: RPGPunditTo my knowledge, this is the first and (thus far) only "thunderdome" thread, though others had suggested it between me and James or between others in the past. I dismissed these suggestions as stupid.

Whereas I on the other hand dismissed the idea as pointless. I still think I was right on that one. ;)
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: UmaSama on January 03, 2007, 12:38:25 PM
All I have to say is that your posts sometimes are waaaay too long, do not misunderstand me, I do like when ideas are well presented but sometimes your posts looks like thesis.
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: James McMurray on January 03, 2007, 12:44:24 PM
Gotta agree with that one. I've skipped over many posts because they're way too long for what's being discussed. Me brain am be lazying.
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: Pseudoephedrine on January 04, 2007, 12:55:38 AM
I'll never forgive you for being an anti-semite, JB!

Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: jdrakeh on January 04, 2007, 04:36:27 AM
Quote from: PseudoephedrineI'll never forgive you for being an anti-semite, JB!

Urg. I know that you're joking, but it makes me wonder if you haven't seen Kyle's work to support the Holocaust denial movement. To quote him:

Quote from: Kyle SchuantMy Jewish relatives explained to me that it has been quite an effort to co-ordinate the testimony of hundreds of thousands of "Holocaust survivors," and their co-conspirators, the Soviet, British and American armies (who "liberated" the so-called "death camps".) Why, I have many relatives who have informed me, "six million didn't die, they just went out for pizza."
Your exposure of this Conspiracy is an effort which should, I believe, be lauded with a Nobel Peace Prize; for by showing that in fact very few people have ever been deliberately killed by anyone, you will heal the rifts between the races, and subvert the Conspiracy and its nefarious ends.
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: Kyle Aaron on January 04, 2007, 05:07:45 AM
Haha, The Mad Revisionist (!

Quote from: The Mad RevisionistFeatures:

   1. THE MOON: A Propaganda Hoax
   2. Exposing the DRESDEN DECEPTION (A response to Ernst Zundel's "Z-Gram")
   3. THE PARTHENON: A post-Hellenistic Fabrication
   4. The IRISH POTATO HOAX of the 1840's
   5. THE TITANIC: Hollywood Propaganda Fraud Exposed!
It's awesome ;)

I admit it! Six million just went out for pizza.
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: fonkaygarry on January 05, 2007, 02:37:20 AM
Quote from: JimBobOzHaha, The Mad Revisionist (!
Fuck TimeCube.  I want an RPG about this guy.
Title: [Thunderdome Thread #1] JimBobOz is a prick
Post by: Pseudoephedrine on January 05, 2007, 02:10:45 PM, "News for Grown-ups". Unfortunately shut down in 2002 when the president of AMD Inc. sued them for libel, but still funny even today.