
The Lounge => Media and Inspiration => Topic started by: fonkaygarry on May 05, 2007, 01:27:16 AM

Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: fonkaygarry on May 05, 2007, 01:27:16 AM
...was a very good movie.

Your thoughts?
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: J Arcane on May 05, 2007, 04:32:15 AM
I'm sad that I'm broke, and am thus going to miss it in theaters.  

I have similar feelings about the next Pirates.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Sosthenes on May 05, 2007, 09:03:30 AM
Quote from: fonkaygarry...was a very good movie.
I'll probably see it tonight. But a quick question before: How many minutes do I have to suffer through Kirsten Dunst destroying MJ?
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Seanchai on May 05, 2007, 10:47:33 AM
Quote from: fonkaygarry...was a very good movie.

Your thoughts?

Uh, it wasn't so good. The dialogue and plot were heavy-handed, there wasn't a lot of action, and a lot was crammed into two and a half hours.

Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Ian Absentia on May 05, 2007, 10:52:26 AM
Quote from: Seanchai...there wasn't a lot of action, and a lot was crammed into two and a half hours.
I grew very leery when I saw how many villains they were cramming into a single film.  Didn't they learn their lesson from Batman Forever and Batman & Robin?  I'll wait for the DVD.

Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Imperator on May 05, 2007, 11:21:26 AM
Quote from: fonkaygarry...was a very good movie.

Your thoughts?

It's the worst piece of shit I've seen since The Ghost Rider. No kidding. It's awful, from the start to the very end.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Ian Absentia on May 05, 2007, 12:09:02 PM
Quote from: ImperatorIt's the worst piece of shit I've seen since The Ghost Rider.
Wait, wait.  "The Ghost Rider" has already come and gone?  When did that happen?  

Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Imperator on May 05, 2007, 12:12:14 PM
Quote from: Ian AbsentiaWait, wait.  "The Ghost Rider" has already come and gone?  When did that happen?  


Spare yourself the pain. It's a smoking turd of a movie.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Sosthenes on May 05, 2007, 02:21:26 PM
Yup, worse than the original Daredevil version. And hey, I'm the one who really like the Punisher movie...
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: RedFox on May 05, 2007, 03:04:24 PM
I don't read a lot of comics, but due to a thread on Other Media at, I have to ask:

Do his pajamas actually turn into a cosmic parasite and try to eat him?  Because that's what posters keep telling me the villain is supposed to be, and I still can't quite believe it.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Dr Rotwang! on May 05, 2007, 03:31:00 PM
Quote from: RedFoxI don't read a lot of comics, but due to a thread on Other Media at, I have to ask:

Do his pajamas actually turn into a cosmic parasite and try to eat him?  Because that's what posters keep telling me the villain is supposed to be, and I still can't quite believe it.
I haven't seen the movie, but in the comics, that was what happened.

Actually, it was a whole new suit: during the Secret Wars, Spidey and a bunch of other Marvel heroes and villains (along with some chunks of real estate) weretransported from Earth to an alien world, courtesy of The Beyonder, to fight each other.  (C'mon, it's comics.)  During the ensuing bust-up, Spider-Man's suit got torn up; seeking a replacement, he ended up finding some kinda weird-ass alien glob in a lab somewhere amidst all the aforementioned real estate.  It hopped on him and turned into a suit.

Later, back on Earth, it went loco and then Venom happened and then Carnage but by then it wasn't 1985 anymore so I don't care much.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Sosthenes on May 05, 2007, 04:00:07 PM
IIRC, Spidey had to get help from the Fantastic Four to get the suit off. Sadly I have to say that while Spider-Man is a decent character, most of his villains are pretty stupid. At least they didn't include Kraven in the new movie, did they?
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: fonkaygarry on May 06, 2007, 04:21:54 PM

1.  No Kraven.
2.  The black suit is an extraterrestrial parasite (which I think was the origin used the cartoon.)

3.  There is both a musical "walking down the street" scene and a dance number.

4.  Kirsten Dunst is crying, about to cry or making Peter cry in 80% of her scenes.

And I fuckin' love it. :D

EDIT:  The only Spiderman comic I've read since puberty has been Spiderman Loves Mary Jane, so my tastes might be different from the usual.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Sosthenes on May 06, 2007, 04:58:01 PM
Okay, today I actually went to see it. Not that impressed. Kirsten Dunst was even more mopey than I ever thought of. Parker's stint as Emo-Travolta was funny at first, but quickly got tiring. I thought he'd grow a goatee any minute. Yes, it's a comic, but silliness is a dangerous and slippery road...
Also, too many enemies. And those had their problems. Sandman was Sandman for roughly one fight scene, the rest he was either Imhotep or King Kong. Venom came a bit too lately -- and I'm not too impressed with Foreman...

I can understand Raimi's problems. Compared to other superheroes, Spidey never was that epic. He had a number of conflict with small-time super-crooks and the rest of the time he has problems like anyone else. This doesn't exactly translate well to the big screen. Maybe once technology is advanced enough for us to get that degree of SFX in a TV series...

Two things remain: Kudos to James Franco. Give that boy a decent movie of his own, please. And secondly: I love you, Ursula Ditkovitch.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: C.W.Richeson on May 06, 2007, 05:27:48 PM
I thought it was a generally bad film, but then I'm a long time Spidey fan - easily my favorite hero.

The short version is that there is too much stuff going on in the movie and so there's no proper development of anything.  In the previous movies you really understood the villains and everything that was going on.  Here the symbiont falls out of the sky next to Peter and Sandman accidentally steps into some sort of giant particle scattering field or something.

On a character development level, the "I am bad" was fun at first but it drug on way too long.  By the time he was exploiting the girl next door for cookies I was really tired of it - it was just such petty evil.  I'd really have preferred seeing him "go too far" with a common robber or something instead.

On a comic book level I'm very sad that Spider-Man doesn't use his intellect to solve problems - that was the standard way to do it in the comics.  When he went to Harry I was sure he was going to say something like "I need you to go to your father's lab and get me these five things to help defeat Sandman/Venom."  Nope.

That the movie has no real resolution made everything even worse for me.  Sandman, a terrorist and murderer, is allowed to go his merry way.  I suppose it makes some sense, as he was clearly undefeatable in the film.

More here for those that can view Tangency. (
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Werekoala on May 06, 2007, 08:57:22 PM
I haven't seen it yet, but in every interview or snippet thereof I've read with Sam Rami, he makes it clear (if you're listening) that he didn't WANT Venom in this movie, but Ari Arad made him include him because "fans love Venom". As soon as I figured out the producer forced the director to add something he didn't want in there, I knew it'd a) be way too villain-heavy and b) not as good as one-badguy movies.

Seriously, you only have so much screen-time, how can you develop TWO new villains and continue the Goblin and Peter-is-just-this-guy-you-know-? storylines as well?

A shame, but it looks like it'll make umpteen-skadillion dollars and maybe he can make another one without bowing to Produceritis.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Blue Devil on May 06, 2007, 09:58:33 PM
I haven't seen it yet but I hope to see it soon.

I have friend who saw it and said it wasn't very good.   But it's nice to hear people say that it was a good movie.

Hopefully no one is going to post spoilers and run it :)
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Thanatos02 on May 06, 2007, 11:59:38 PM
I can't say that it was a really good movie.

But it was a lot of fun to watch.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Megamanfan on May 07, 2007, 01:12:08 PM
I might go see it in a month or two when the booger eaters and the crowd die down.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: JongWK on May 09, 2007, 12:24:05 AM
It was fun, though it could have been better and far too much happened in the movie. Overall, I still think that the second one was the best of the trilogy.

Some points:

The actor doing Sandman: Good choice!

Gwen Stacy: Meh. I expected better from Bryce Dallas Howard.

Ursula Ditkovich: Come on, Peter, this is the one who really loves you!

Venom: WTF!? That's the best origin they could think of??? I hope that it was just Sam Raimi's jab at Avi Arad... "It came from above! I swear it!"


They killed Uncle Ben... again.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: One Horse Town on May 09, 2007, 01:07:52 PM
Quote from: SosthenesSadly I have to say that while Spider-Man is a decent character, most of his villains are pretty stupid.

What!! You mean that the Vulture, Rhino and Tarantula are stupid! Shame on you, shame on you...:D Oh, and don't forget Boomerang.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Sosthenes on May 09, 2007, 01:41:22 PM
Or Doc Ock, Mysterio, Big Wheel, Hammerhead, Stilt-Man or the Taskmaster.

Not that it would've helped. FF had the best comic villain ever and what did they turn him into? Ultimate Doom without the silly legs...
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Drew on May 10, 2007, 03:48:01 AM
Saw it last night.

Silly song and dance routines and massive coincidences aside I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought all the villains were well played, and loved the team-up between Harry and Peter at the end. It was big, dumb and packed with action, which is all you can reasonably hope for in a four colour superhero film. I'll definitely be buying the DVD when it's released.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: Abyssal Maw on May 10, 2007, 06:59:18 AM
I liked it. It was a lot of fun.

I subscribe to the Bruce Campbell philosophy of movies; If it's about superheroes or monsters, then -- no matter how huge it is-- it's still a B-Movie, and it's ok to enjoy it even if it's not fine cinema.

Speaking of which:

0) James Franco steals the show. I would like to see this actor return as another superhero in his own movie.
1) Bruce Campbell once again gets a great scene.
2) I liked the song and dance parts. The streetwalker scene is the bestest.
3) Toby Maguire is starting to look a bit like.. young Martin Sheen.
4) In the coffee shop scene, one of Franco's eyes is puffy and half-closed, as if he is having an allergic reaction to something.
5) I liked the team up at the end, and I have high hopes they make a movie about the Phil Urich Green Goblin (my favorite of all the goblins.)
6) The next movie *must* be about Kraven.
7) In comics continuity, Sandman goes on to become a Hulk villian. I think it might be a good idea to do the same in the movies. In fact, I would wish for a Raimi-like direction to be taken with a new Hulk movie.
Title: Spiderman 3
Post by: KrakaJak on May 10, 2007, 09:17:45 PM
I just saw it and I loved it. Absolutely up to par with the first two movies.