
The Lounge => Media and Inspiration => Topic started by: Settembrini on April 28, 2008, 03:58:36 AM

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Settembrini on April 28, 2008, 03:58:36 AM
Dunno if anybody cares but I´m taking two weeks off this site. I wrapped up all the stuff that was unclear.

So, if anybody needs to contact me, visit my blog or somesuch.

I have the feeling I can´t learn much more here, and due to the evolving nature of the poster-population, this site has lost it´s collective memory. Old stuff has to be repeated again and again, even the casual RPG-threads repeat themselves.

Basically, it seems there´s nothing more to be discussed in the hobby, but there´s a lot to be done.

Anyhoo, take care, we´ll see us when something worthy of debate shows up, but not before two weeks have passed.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Kyle Aaron on April 28, 2008, 04:15:42 AM
Don't forget your bat and ball!
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Koltar on April 28, 2008, 07:21:27 AM

 This is true of almost EVERY damn forum.

I have a better memory than the "collective memory" of the Orange and Fluffy - because I've been n there long enough to notice patterns and trends.
 Not everybody does.

Same thing with this place - just not so much in my memory because I 've been on here barely over a year.

- Ed C.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: jgants on April 28, 2008, 10:51:57 AM
Quote from: SettembriniI have the feeling I can´t learn much more here, and due to the evolving nature of the poster-population, this site has lost it´s collective memory. Old stuff has to be repeated again and again, even the casual RPG-threads repeat themselves.

Basically, it seems there´s nothing more to be discussed in the hobby, but there´s a lot to be done.

I've always thought the point of these sites was to talk about what's going on in the industry, talk about new books, thoughts about gaming, etc.  I don't think I've ever visited a forum with the intent to "learn" anything about RPGs other than what's coming out, how did people like something that just came out, or what the latest industry gossip is.

I'm here for the current events type discussions.  I could care less about the "how to be a better GM" or "here's an idea I had for a game/character/setting" threads (one of the bigger reasons I stopped paying so much attention to RPG.NET, they focus way more on those types of threads and less on the types of things I'm interested in).
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Balbinus on April 28, 2008, 01:43:36 PM
Have a fun break.

Personally, when I take a break I just take a break, and then reappear later without announcing anything, but so it goes.

I agree with Koltar's comments above entirely.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: JongWK on April 28, 2008, 01:45:28 PM
Quote from: BalbinusPersonally, when I take a break I just take a break, and then reappear later without announcing anything, but so it goes.

I agree with this 100%. No need for this kind of forum drama.

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: -E. on April 29, 2008, 12:13:44 AM
I'm going to take an 8-10 hour break from this site.

During this time, I will be unreachable (and, likely, asleep).

TheRPGsite has *not* kept my attention or my interest during this period. I blame you (yes, *you* -- that's right -- you: not the rest of the posters... you, reading right now... right).

When I get back in the morning, I hope to see better discussions -- not more of the same. No repeating. Get with it (yes, I'm still talking to *you* but also the rest of them now).

The Sons of Batman do not talk. Expect action.

I will be repeating this post nightly until the quality of the posters improves.

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: RPGPundit on April 29, 2008, 10:23:01 AM
Tangency will miss you.

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: jgants on April 29, 2008, 11:51:22 AM
"Hello, I must be going.  I cannot stay, I came to say I must be going.  I'm glad I came but just the same I must be going."

- Groucho Marx, Sett, and every other Tangency Queen
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Abyssal Maw on April 29, 2008, 05:37:16 PM
Quote from: SettembriniDunno if anybody cares but I´m taking two weeks off this site. I wrapped up all the stuff that was unclear.

So, if anybody needs to contact me, visit my blog or somesuch.

I have the feeling I can´t learn much more here, and due to the evolving nature of the poster-population, this site has lost it´s collective memory. Old stuff has to be repeated again and again, even the casual RPG-threads repeat themselves.

Basically, it seems there´s nothing more to be discussed in the hobby, but there´s a lot to be done.

Anyhoo, take care, we´ll see us when something worthy of debate shows up, but not before two weeks have passed.

Its good to take a break. Your'e still one of my favorite peeps. ;) Maybe I will see on LJ.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Sacrificial Lamb on April 29, 2008, 06:05:42 PM
See you in two weeks, sunshine....:cool:
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Spike on April 29, 2008, 06:22:43 PM
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: J Arcane on April 30, 2008, 12:09:58 AM
Well.  The forum should get a hell of a lot more coherent for a while.
Title: You all are guilty for all my personal disgraces
Post by: Imperator on April 30, 2008, 03:50:58 AM
Hey, I just took a break from posting due to excessive amount of work. Should I had made an announcement or something? I think that I can yet blame you all for the shitload of work I've had. Let's try:

Damn you all! If you've had more interesting discussions, I would have not be obliged to take a break in order to get a ton of work done! You're fucking up my life, mates! What's wrong with you? I really expect the quality of discussion around here to improve drastically, so I won't have to do any work anymore!

I don't know. It doesn't convince me.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Seanchai on April 30, 2008, 02:54:01 PM
Quote from: SpikeDon't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

No, sir, it's "Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya..."

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: StormBringer on May 01, 2008, 11:28:54 AM
Quote from: ImperatorHey, I just took a break from posting due to excessive amount of work. Should I had made an announcement or something? I think that I can yet blame you all for the shitload of work I've had. Let's try:

Damn you all! If you've had more interesting discussions, I would have not be obliged to take a break in order to get a ton of work done! You're fucking up my life, mates! What's wrong with you? I really expect the quality of discussion around here to improve drastically, so I won't have to do any work anymore!

I don't know. It doesn't convince me.
What the fuck is wrong with you?  No one knew where you went for that period of time!  You inconsiderate bastard!  Your mother was worried sick!  She called the police twice and the hospital three times!

March right up to your room little mister, you're grounded!
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Settembrini on May 16, 2008, 05:36:58 PM
Things I found out regarding my personal journey:

We have a small-scale swine invasion going on, at the moment.

This site has lost ALL it´s memory.

Not only because of new people- but even people who have been around at the time of debate behave like they never had the argument. Concerning not opinions, but facts. This is especially true for most things related to D&D history.

Add to that a relatively vocal base of new people with their RPG.Net manners and WoDdy interests and a healthy dose of relativism makes this place pretty obnoxious to me. The only thing to do would be to fight, insult and educate for hours and hours, with the aim to drive people out of the forum. I have no interest in that. So the days of me being a dependable poster here are pretty much over at the current situation.

BTW: If you read this, and think you must mock the drama, you´ve lost. Cause it´s YOU, the reader, who´s CRAVING the drama. Elsewise you wouldn´t have clicked. So, catch-22.
I´m honest: To me it´s a bit emotional, as I´ve invested so much into this forum, and learned even more, got more in return. But now, I´m not only getting no new insights, I´m also watching people getting dumber. I tried to fight it with enlargening my Ignore List, but it became ridiculous recently. And I even un-ignored some of the older chestnutties!

Also, the group hygiene isn´t working anymore. blakkie is on a posting spree and everyone is trying to discuss with him. But it´s pointless! And everybdy used to know that! Why is everybody so bad with remembering things? Are folks getting dumber? I don´t get it. Even TonyLB, who has been clearly driven off last time, and who clearly has bad intentions is treated as if he was just a naive poster. But he´s not! Have you forgotten? We had PROOF of him being a spearhead for their tiny, ugly pyramid scheme. He´s a shill, and everybody agreed on that!

Really, a shame. There ALREADY is an RPG.Net. I don´t understand why so many posters bring discussions down to that level. And why so much of their Swine-tastes are becoming acceptable here. But it´s a free forum and those who post, they decide.

I think most of you play games (like) I never ever would want to play them.
This place has slowly become as alien to me as Story-Games.
Only on Story-Games, I understand why people behve like they do.

So, bye, talk to all of you elsewhere or here after the idiots have left.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Kyle Aaron on May 16, 2008, 07:21:42 PM
Quote from: SettembriniBTW: If you read this, and think you must mock the drama, you´ve lost. Cause it´s YOU, the reader, who´s CRAVING the drama. Elsewise you wouldn´t have clicked. So, catch-22.
The difference is that for you it's drama, for us it's comedy.

You should spend your time doing something useful and productive, like translating FtA! into German.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Settembrini on May 16, 2008, 07:58:47 PM
I´m sure you wrote a full page about life & posting and how you are a better human being than everyone else.

Honestly: This is an RPG site, where Internet-dudes with avatars shoot the bull about cool games, fight over editions and elucidate on gaming history. And, who fought the pretentious idiots destroying our hobby by making it into a self-validation exercise and a lifestyle unto itself.

But you are one of the main actors who made POSTING HERE into a self validating way of life, writing treatises on kitchen psychology on everyone and their mother. You think I´m lacking perspective when getting worked up on games? Sir, it´s you with the perspective problem. You don´t know what this site was supposed to be about. It´s not your living room.

Anyway this site has lost most of it´s qualities and allures to me. I fought hard to prevent the current slide into lameness and JimBobbery. But the blakkies and Davids and droogs and Swine infiltrators were stronger. I´ll fight on somewhere else. Stupidity and tastelessness have won, at least they did win many crucial battles on this site.

Fighting on would make me look like a moron and troll, as I would need to fight 15 of the most active posters. So it´s better that I go.

Again, for the sure-to-come-mockers: I cared about the site and helped build it in a certain way. I have no problems with expressing emotional attachment and disillusionment when such a fine venue goes to hell. THose who mock are the real probelamtic guys. because they hang out in the OT, and have made this a hang out place. It used to be a discussion room. If you have time reading this and mocking this, and see this as your entertainment, then you have already lost. You are hanging out, instead of being valueable to the hobby.

As you can see, I´m using this to let off steam. Steam that built up by that huge influx of douchebags. I can´t tell everyone of you how wrong, mislead and generally uninformed or tasteless you are in RPGs. So assume I think very lowly of you. I think there´s ten people of the active posters left thsat I respect. You know if you are one of them. Everyone else: :rolleyes:, yeah and that includes JimBob.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Kyle Aaron on May 16, 2008, 08:14:31 PM
No, I just wrote two lines this time :)

I thought you were going? "Just one last post...!"

My experience is that people who loudly announce they're leaving a forum will be back. The ones who really are going just disappear without a word, except perhaps an email to one or two posters they like and want to keep in touch with.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Koltar on May 16, 2008, 08:54:04 PM
Sett -

 Are you a Drama Queen or what?

My memory is pretty good (better than some maybe)

What the FuQ are you going on about?

- Ed C.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: David R on May 16, 2008, 09:23:06 PM
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.

- Harlan Ellison -

David R
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: StormBringer on May 16, 2008, 09:33:14 PM
Quote from: KoltarSett -

 Are you a Drama Queen or what?

My memory is pretty good (better than some maybe)

What the FuQ are you going on about?

- Ed C.
Keep your Klingon language to yourself, you filthy Trekkie.

Wait, is this the thread where we bemoan Stett leaving?
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Koltar on May 16, 2008, 10:00:33 PM
Oy Vey!!
 Who's speaking "klingon" ?   - thats just the word "fuck" spelled with letter 'Q'.

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Serious Paul on May 17, 2008, 01:12:53 AM
So how did that sex change work out for you Sett? :D They let that woman inside you out? Or is it still cage your rage time?
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: walkerp on May 17, 2008, 01:59:46 AM
Joking aside, Sett, I'd like a clearer explanation of the way the site was that you liked so much.  The majority of your posts in this thread are about what is now wrong and bad (and a lot of that is jargon).  I'm not getting what was so good before that is gone now.  Could you elucidate, if you are still here?
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Kyle Aaron on May 17, 2008, 03:32:16 AM
Or where he'd like to see the site going would be good, too.

At the moment he's reminding me of this guy we get at our Geektogethers.
"This pub is terrible. Can't we go somewhere else next time?"
"Sure. Where would you like to go?"
"Not here."
"Yes, we've established that you don't like this place. Which place do you like?"
"Not here."
"Well, when you think of another place -"
"I don't want to come here!"
"We have to have the Geektogethers somewhere. You can always just not come... but I'd rather you told us where you do like."
"Not here. This place stinks!"
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: droog on May 17, 2008, 04:02:51 AM
I won?

It feels hollow. Cold. Middlebrow.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Hackmastergeneral on May 17, 2008, 06:41:31 AM
If you want a place where you can lock discussion down to the things you want to talk about and keep the "swine" out, get a Livejournal account and lock comment priviliges.

Otherwise, stop whining and bitching about the internet being the internet.

Oh noes!  People who LIKE STUFF I DON'T are coming here and posting!

Why couldn't we keep those blacks and jews out of the country club???
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Kyle Aaron on May 17, 2008, 10:28:05 AM
It's important to have a diversity of views and people around, so that we have someone to make fun of.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: KenHR on May 17, 2008, 10:33:18 AM
Quote from: KoltarSett -

 Are you a Drama Queen or what?

My memory is pretty good (better than some maybe)

What the FuQ are you going on about?

- Ed C.

C'mon, Ed, you've started plenty of drama threads on your own...this isn't school, you don't have to throw in to look cool....
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Serious Paul on May 17, 2008, 02:00:17 PM
Quote from: Kyle AaronOr where he'd like to see the site going would be good, too.

At the moment he's reminding me of this guy we get at our Geektogethers.
"This pub is terrible. Can't we go somewhere else next time?"
"Sure. Where would you like to go?"
"Not here."
"Yes, we've established that you don't like this place. Which place do you like?"
"Not here."
"Well, when you think of another place -"
"I don't want to come here!"
"We have to have the Geektogethers somewhere. You can always just not come... but I'd rather you told us where you do like."
"Not here. This place stinks!"

HA! Kyle for the win!
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Pierce Inverarity on May 18, 2008, 02:12:44 AM
Quote from: SettembriniThis site has lost ALL it´s memory.

This is true. But then, all this club needs is a strong door, as we used to say in the 80s.

Ahh, the 80s, alas alas.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: jgants on May 18, 2008, 11:37:23 PM
Quote from: SettembriniAgain, for the sure-to-come-mockers: I cared about the site and helped build it in a certain way. I have no problems with expressing emotional attachment and disillusionment when such a fine venue goes to hell. THose who mock are the real probelamtic guys. because they hang out in the OT, and have made this a hang out place. It used to be a discussion room. If you have time reading this and mocking this, and see this as your entertainment, then you have already lost. You are hanging out, instead of being valueable to the hobby.

Who's not mocking this?  I mean, seriously - when Koltar or Grubman or Pundit or anyone else throws a drama queen fit, everyone mocks them.  So why would you be immune?

The line between "discussion room" and "hang out place" is and will always be extremely thin (if not nonexistant).  WTF does "being valueable to the hobby" mean, anyways?  This isn't an international RPG think-tank.  We're not here to solve the world RPG crisis or invent a revolutionary RPG or whatever.  Pretty much 99.9% of anything discussed on these boards or any other site is the same old crap somebody else said somewhere else already anyways.  What else were you expecting?  :confused:
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: J Arcane on May 18, 2008, 11:43:11 PM
Quote from: jgantsWho's not mocking this?  I mean, seriously - when Koltar or Grubman or Pundit or anyone else throws a drama queen fit, everyone mocks them.  So why would you be immune?

The line between "discussion room" and "hang out place" is and will always be extremely thin (if not nonexistant).  WTF does "being valueable to the hobby" mean, anyways?  This isn't an international RPG think-tank.  We're not here to solve the world RPG crisis or invent a revolutionary RPG or whatever.  Pretty much 99.9% of anything discussed on these boards or any other site is the same old crap somebody else said somewhere else already anyways.  What else were you expecting?  :confused:
You're missing the subtext.

He's admitting defeat.

His own little pet bullshit theory fell on deaf ears, and his dreams of becoming the next Ron Edwards fell apart in a shower of incoherent broken English.

In true wannabe messiah fashion he has to blame his failure to round up his own flock of sheep on anyone but his own idiocy, anything to avoid letting down his own pathetically sensitive ego.

He's already stormed off in a huff once, and now he's returned to find his little ploy failed to garner any further sympathy towards his already battered persona.

Next comes the part where he declares he's leaving forever, then he wanders off to whatever sites he's not banned from yet and bitches about how awful we are, only to return like clockwork every few months on the dot.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Thanatos02 on May 19, 2008, 12:17:25 AM
I'm sorely tempted to snark, but honestly, disillisionment is a bitch.

Frankly, I've tried to discuss rpgs here from time to time, and never have had any luck. Maybe it's because I play WoD and want to talk about those games sometimes. Maybe it's something else. I just decided to only post when I had something specific to say about games people follow here. That's why I'm so quiet now.

Wish I could offer better advice. Maybe this place will be more inviting when you come back. Could be you just need a break.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Kyle Aaron on May 19, 2008, 12:47:47 AM
Quote from: Thanatos02Frankly, I've tried to discuss rpgs here from time to time, and never have had any luck. Maybe it's because I play WoD and want to talk about those games sometimes. Maybe it's something else.
Maybe it's because you've not tried very hard - recently, at least. Looking at your last 50 posts... seems like you get pulled in by the bullshit threads, "unicef, child porn and anime", "a damning rebuke of anti-immersionists", and all that. You don't seem to make much effort otherwise.

Focus, Grasshopper, focus! :cool:
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Thanatos02 on May 19, 2008, 05:48:43 AM
Nah, you're right. I haven't tried very hard lately. It's probably because I'm going through a tough time right now, and even though I broadcast it in my blog and, very occasionally, Tangency, I don't really feel like getting angst all over therpgsite. I try to post in-character with wherever I read.

Lately, most of my role-playing thought has been both WoD-based and regarding larps, both of which catch a lot of flack here. Since I don't have all that much to contribute right now, I mostly just read the RPG threads and occasionally post off-topic. Hopefully, I'll have better things to say soon.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Kyle Aaron on May 19, 2008, 09:44:05 AM
Yep, I hope so, too. Any discussion site does best when lots of people try to lead discussions into areas which interest them. Discussion sites don't work so well when just a few people lead and everyone else follows.

Nor do they work if people just bitch and moan and run off in a hissy fit :p
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Mike S. on May 19, 2008, 11:00:47 AM
Quote from: SettembriniAnd, who fought the pretentious idiots destroying our hobby by making it into a self-validation exercise and a lifestyle unto itself.

There is no one out to destroy our hobby.  It's all in your mind

Quote from: SettembriniFighting on would make me look like a moron and troll, as I would need to fight 15 of the most active posters. So it´s better that I go.

No, fighting an invisiable war that isn't happening makes you look like a moron and a troll.

Quote from: SettembriniI can´t tell everyone of you how wrong, mislead and generally uninformed or tasteless you are in RPGs, In my opinion.

Fixed your typo.  Your are not stating face, you are stating opinion

Quote from: SettembriniSo assume I think very lowly of you.

Oh wow, some internet nobody thinks low of me.    Settembrini, you are a nobody.  Get over yourself
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Mike S. on May 19, 2008, 11:01:58 AM
Quote from: Kyle AaronNor do they work if people just bitch and moan and run off in a hissy fit :p


I am glad you survived Settembrini's scathing attack.  I am sure you  had a little cry, but I am glad to see you bounced bad.  :D
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Seanchai on May 19, 2008, 01:58:50 PM
Quote from: Mike S.No, fighting an invisiable war that isn't happening makes you look like a moron and a troll.

Not at all. Don Quixote got a book written about him.

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Mike S. on May 19, 2008, 02:09:54 PM
Quote from: SeanchaiNot at all. Don Quixote got a book written about him.


True, but I think Don Quixote has more crediability then Sett.  But that's just my opinion.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Kyle Aaron on May 19, 2008, 06:44:04 PM
Quote from: Mike S.Kyle,

I am glad you survived Settembrini's scathing attack.  I am sure you  had a little cry, but I am glad to see you bounced bad.  :D
Well, it did hurt a little bit, to be honest.

He essentially said everything I'd ever posted was worthless. And truth be told, there are some posts I put some effort into. I think we have a fun hobby, and I try to post things to make it more fun, ideas and techniques and questions and so on.

If you make an effort with something, and then someone tells you that's worthless, you get a little deflated.

But then I thought, "Well, some people like what I post. And anyway, he's German, so there you go."

I still don't know what "kitchen sink psychology" is. Perhaps it's a translation of one of those crazy thousand-letter German compound words.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: shewolf on May 19, 2008, 07:36:04 PM
I'm guessing kitchen sink psychology would be the sort of thing you'd get from your mother - as that's where moms belong traditionally - the kitchen.

That's all off the top of my head and the first thing I thought.... I could be wrong though :)

The husband thinks it refers to everything but the kitchen sink psychology.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Ein on May 20, 2008, 06:08:25 AM
As one of these Germans, but not as one of that type:

Kitchen sink psychology is the kind of psychology you get offered in your typical women's magazine. But actually the term is quite silly in German, too.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Balbinus on May 20, 2008, 06:32:37 AM
On the everyone used to see stuff, I always liked Tony and rather missed him.

Dwight annoys the hell out of me occasionally, but I don't see that as particularly a bad trait in a poster actually, and he also often makes me laugh or at least think.

Personally, I'm happier with them here as posters than not, but then I've played storygames and been contaminated.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Sean on May 20, 2008, 05:28:56 PM
Wot, Sett..gone ?

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Zachary The First on May 29, 2008, 10:16:12 PM
Quote from: Kyle AaronI still don't know what "kitchen sink psychology" is.
Trying to analyze why I feel compelled to play Rifts? :p
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: StormBringer on May 30, 2008, 12:24:32 AM
Quote from: Zachary The FirstTrying to analyze why I feel compelled to play Rifts? :p
Oooooh!  I know that one!

Small penis.  Especially if you play glitterboys.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Zachary The First on May 30, 2008, 07:54:04 AM
Quote from: StormBringerOooooh!  I know that one!

Small penis.  Especially if you play glitterboys.

I thought I just liked the setting.

And now I find out I have a small wang.

This is crushing.

(BTW, Rogue Scholars>Vagabonds>Glitterboy Pilots)
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: jgants on May 30, 2008, 10:33:09 AM
Quote from: Zachary The FirstI thought I just liked the setting.

And now I find out I have a small wang.

This is crushing.

(BTW, Rogue Scholars>Vagabonds>Glitterboy Pilots)

Darn straight.  The rogue scholar in my campaign definately had the highest kill count.  She even beat off a demon with only one arm (no, not like that you pervs...)
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Mike S. on May 30, 2008, 10:51:21 AM
Sett's back anyway.   As usual someone makes a big production about leaving and the end up coming back.

I believe Kyle called that one too.  Sett's a drama queen, that is all.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Skyrock on May 30, 2008, 10:58:30 AM
Well, if it's necromanced anyway, and if the actual topic is anyway invalid now with Set's silent return...
Quote from: Kyle AaronAnd anyway, he's German, so there you go.
Be carrreful wot ju zeh, ve vould heff a verrri shorrrt veh iv ve vanted to kick jurrr ass, as ju can zee in ze attachement :D

(And now I go back to do something actually useful and draft my FTA! intro adventure for the webzine. There's just sometimes the urge to fool around in Off Topic...)
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Mike S. on May 30, 2008, 01:36:48 PM
Dammit!  The moved Australia?  I wasnt given the memo on that!?!? :)
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Pierce Inverarity on May 30, 2008, 02:50:53 PM
Actually, we annexed it back in '37. Clearly you haven't heard of Crocodile Schicklgruber, the Tyrolean platypus hunter.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Mike S. on May 30, 2008, 03:35:23 PM
Quote from: Pierce InverarityActually, we annexed it back in '37. Clearly you haven't heard of Crocodile Schicklgruber, the Tyrolean platypus hunter.

No Sir, I have not heard of those.  I tried looking them up but for some reason Wikipedia has no record of them.   Must be a temporary glitch on Wikipedia's part :D
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Settembrini on May 30, 2008, 03:37:19 PM
I sense the strong urge to leave again. I tell you, once blakkie shows up again, I´m away, till he falls silent again.

Engine, Tony I can take. But Tony AND blakkie give me fits and lt me lose my trust in humanity. Especially when people talk to them.

ALSO: Pundit posts and fights more when I´m silent. That spares my nerves AND is way more entertaining!
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Mike S. on May 30, 2008, 04:50:07 PM
Quote from: SettembriniI sense the strong urge to leave again. I tell you, once blakkie shows up again, I´m away, till he falls silent again.

Engine, Tony I can take. But Tony AND blakkie give me fits and lt me lose my trust in humanity. Especially when people talk to them.

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: J Arcane on May 30, 2008, 05:00:01 PM
QuoteI sense the strong urge to leave again. I tell you, once blakkie shows up again, I´m away, till he falls silent again.

Engine, Tony I can take. But Tony AND blakkie give me fits and lt me lose my trust in humanity. Especially when people talk to them.

Shut the fuck up, you spineless twit.  

If you're not here to actually fucking contribute to this fucking forum, instead of whining like a little girl how evil and bad everyone is, then by all means, fuck right off.  As you may've notice, no one really missed you when you were gone anyway, except maybe Pierce for some perverse reason.

Grow a fucking pair, you goddamn crybaby.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Settembrini on May 30, 2008, 05:19:36 PM
I´m not whining, I´m gloating!

Big difference!

EDIT: Just to let you know, I´ll be hanging out a little bit longer just to displease you, JArcane.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: J Arcane on May 30, 2008, 05:21:22 PM
Uh huh.  Real men don't run off of forums just because they don't have the stones to actually confront ideas they don't like.

Go home to your momma you miserable crybaby.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Saphim on May 30, 2008, 05:28:26 PM
Now really, what do you expect from someone who blogs negatively about forum members in a language said forum members do not speak?
Hint: the answer is not: a spine.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Settembrini on May 30, 2008, 05:31:36 PM
EDIT: @JArcane
Oh, my dear friend, have you ever read what I wrote?

I´m disgusted by stupidity, and nothing else. Would I be blessed with the Pundit´s life-setup, I´d be drinving all you morons to hell, rhetorically. Alas, my time is more limited.

The good thing is, that people like you are making more of a drama out of it than myself.
Mocking you is like mocking fat wiccans, so I better stop!

@Saphim: I never said anything I didn´t say in englsih BEFORE.

So there´s even more drama and attacks from the likes of you...
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: J Arcane on May 30, 2008, 05:36:16 PM
QuoteNow really, what do you expect from someone who blogs negatively about forum members in a language said forum members do not speak?
Hint: the answer is not: a spine.

Apparently he can't even keep a point without backpedalling on it.

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Settembrini on May 30, 2008, 05:38:56 PM
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Saphim on May 30, 2008, 05:55:24 PM
Your last blog entry basically says that only people who are "thematisch gestört" (thematisch is not capitalized here btw, adjectives in German rarely are) still support the new version of D&D. Examples include james mc murray and 1of3 according to set's blog. I don't think james speaks german.

I can't really translate what the insult means though... even german native speakers are sometimes puzzled by set trying to master his own native tongue. But it is something along the lines of brain-damaged.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Aos on May 30, 2008, 05:58:45 PM
it's funny, but this reminds me of the section of Gravity's Rainbow when the bad guy gets stuffed into the pig suit and castrated.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: One Horse Town on May 30, 2008, 06:02:55 PM
An RPGnet style dogpile? Have a drink with Jason Vey, Sett. On second thought, i think you've had enough! ;)
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Mike S. on May 30, 2008, 06:08:09 PM
Quote from: SettembriniI´m disgusted by stupidity, and nothing else. Would I be blessed with the Pundit´s life-setup, I´d be drinving all you morons to hell, rhetorically. Alas, my time is more limited.

Yep, I mean living in mom's basement doesn't come free.  He has to take out the trash, do the dishes, mow the lawn and the like.


Settembrini is busy calling other members morons while he posts crap that makes no sense and backpedals at every turn.

He cries and says "I'm leaving!" and then comes back 12 days later.  His credibilty is well, non existant
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Pierce Inverarity on May 30, 2008, 06:13:10 PM
If any of you illiterate anglophone fucks misspells "backpedal" one more time, I'm going to invade your sorry ass country personally.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Settembrini on May 30, 2008, 06:14:00 PM
Hah! For a so-called nonexistant credibility, I have enough detractors around here to feel special. Here, at my "mom´s basement" *snicker*...
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Aos on May 30, 2008, 06:21:05 PM
leaving, weren't you?
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Settembrini on May 30, 2008, 06:23:40 PM
It´s important to you, it seems.

But alas, the stupidity will drive me away, that´s pretty much for sure. Didn´t expect you to be part of it, though.

And if you´d follow my words as closely as you imply (which is flattering), you´d know I´m back to GLOAT in certain peoples ignorant faces how RIGHT I was, how much I CALLED it from day zero.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: J Arcane on May 30, 2008, 06:25:17 PM
There's nothing more pathetic than watching a coward try to justify retreat as being a victory.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Aos on May 30, 2008, 06:28:38 PM
Oh it's not important to me; I'll be off the grid for two months come Monday morning.
 Beyond that, I can't make heads or tails of what you are saying. you claim to have provided links, but, really, I fail to notice them, and, even so, I fail to care. I don't even know, nor do I care what you're gloating about, but you are poisoning several discussions. If you think that I'd miss the chance to engage in stupidity of any sort, you have not been paying attention.

P.S. I never draw the whole map.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Settembrini on May 30, 2008, 06:37:42 PM
No, JArcane, it´s not victory. It is defeat, in a certain way. That; you ARE right about.

Defeat indeed, defeat indeed.

Defeated by the lack of memory of this site.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Ian Absentia on May 30, 2008, 06:51:32 PM
Quote from: SettembriniHah! For a so-called nonexistant credibility, I have enough detractors around here to feel special.
Sett, when you walk out onto a crowded street and start yelling obscenities and everyone looks, it doesn't mean you're popular, or witty, or even interesting.  It just means you're a goob who yells obscenities in the middle of a crowded street.

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Settembrini on May 30, 2008, 06:55:04 PM
EDIT: Anyhoo, I don´t need this all, although it amuses and flatters me to quite a degree. I´ll be gone as of tommorrow, returning for the inevitable "I told you so" regarding 4e once in a while.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Seanchai on May 30, 2008, 07:11:41 PM
Quote from: SettembriniI´ll be gone as of tommorrow, returning for the inevitable "I told you so" regarding 4e once in a while.

You're absolutely right - they are inevitable. No matter how 4e turned out, you'd have posted here, claiming victory over your windmills and foes.

Of course, I have the sweet joy in knowing no matter how much you protest against 4e here, you're still gonna play it.

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Settembrini on May 30, 2008, 07:17:52 PM
I will play it, under the circumstances I announced.
Nothing new as of late 2007.

But I´m more and more flattered about the interest you all have in my personal journey. Makes it somehow more important than it should be, no?
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Ian Absentia on May 30, 2008, 07:47:21 PM
Quote from: SettembriniBut I´m more and more flattered about the interest you all have in my personal journey. Makes it somehow more important than it should be, no?
It's like watching dogs humping in the yard.  You try to look away, but...

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Mike S. on May 30, 2008, 07:53:42 PM
Quote from: Pierce InverarityIf any of you illiterate anglophone fucks misspells "backpedal" one more time, I'm going to invade your sorry ass country personally.

Thats what I get for typing too fast and not spellchecking.  Doh!
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: James J Skach on May 30, 2008, 07:55:04 PM
it could also mean troubled by or disturbed by, right?

I mean, you don't even need a wife who speaks German, you could just look it up (
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Mike S. on May 30, 2008, 07:57:46 PM
Quote from: SettembriniI´ll be gone as of tommorrow, returning for the inevitable "I told you so" regarding 4e once in a while.

You mean the game with so much demand that they are already printing more and it hasn't been released yet?

You simply dont know what the hell you are talking about, but then that has never stopped you before.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Settembrini on May 30, 2008, 08:06:26 PM
For all that are interested, I´ll present a faithfull translation.


QuoteDie EINZIGEN die 4e noch gut finden und verteidigen sind Leute, die D&D bislang nicht mochten, die sich auf Borgstrom einen kloppen oder Thematisch gestört sind (McMurray, 1of3 & Co.).

"The ONLY ones who still defend and praise 4e are that kind of people, that
1) didn´t like D&D to start with
2) masturbate on Borgstrom [expressed in a pretty funny verb], or are
3) thematically [as in liking Thematic RPGS] deviant."

I hope that clears that up.

In regards to context: Everybody in Germanny knows I´m as hyperbolic as it can get.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Skyrock on May 31, 2008, 10:04:53 AM
I'm neither here to apologize for Set nor to join the dog-piling, but it is a faithful translation, and Set is hyperbolic on his blog all of the time. This one is actually a more tame entry in comparison.
I'd only add that "gestört" is an ambiguous adjective. In this context it could mean "deviant", but also "mad", "dysfunctional" or "out of order".

Thematic is Sets creation for Narrativistic in the GNS-sense that also sums up additionally or in replacement story-games, depending on the context.

1of3 is actually German, and it's neither news that they dislike each other nor that they occasionally attack themselves on their blogs.

In regards of James McMurray, there's nothing I could say in defense.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Saphim on May 31, 2008, 11:00:37 AM
"gestört" has an extremely negative conotation in colloquial german.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: walkerp on May 31, 2008, 11:39:43 AM
German actually sounds like a cool language.  There was a ton of pressure on me to take it in grade 8, which is exactly why I went into Spanish (french being mandatory) but now that I see there is all this playing around with words and combining them and just making shit up that gets accepted and understood (the exact opposite of french) I sort of wish I had gone down that path.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Pierce Inverarity on May 31, 2008, 12:13:15 PM
Fun fact: Many American women have a German fetish.

Beats me, too, but then why complain?
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Saphim on May 31, 2008, 12:38:42 PM
It is never too late to pick up a new language...
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Mike S. on May 31, 2008, 01:42:13 PM
Anyone want to take bets on how soon Settembrini will be back?  I bet it will be before 12 days is up.

What do you think?
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Kyle Aaron on May 31, 2008, 01:46:29 PM
No bet - this time he said he'd be back.
Quote from: SettembriniI´ll be gone as of tommorrow, returning for the inevitable "I told you so" regarding 4e once in a while.
In other words, "I shall not post here unless I happen to feel like it."

Which, you know, makes him just an ordinary poster here :cool:
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: One Horse Town on May 31, 2008, 01:47:53 PM
Quote from: Mike S.What do you think?

That you'll be waiting in the bushes. :raise:
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Ian Absentia on May 31, 2008, 02:09:23 PM
Quote from: walkerpGerman actually sounds like a cool language...
...while in actuality, its vocabulary, grammar, and syntax deal almost exclusively with time tables, engineering drawings, and lists of ingredients.

Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Saphim on May 31, 2008, 04:00:07 PM
Quote from: Ian Absentia...while in actuality, its vocabulary, grammar, and syntax deal almost exclusively with time tables, engineering drawings, and lists of ingredients.

Oi! You forgot an intricate and artistic part about our language nobody should miss!

Bureaucratic forms and requests.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Skyrock on May 31, 2008, 04:18:33 PM
Quote from: walkerpplaying around with words and combining them and just making shit up that gets accepted and understood (the exact opposite of french)
There's another vital difference to French: We never got rid of our funny dialects. So even if you have a good grasp on German, you are screwed as soon as you get anywhere where the regional dialect is the norm. Like East Germany. Or Bavaria. Or Berlin. Or Austria. Or Swabia. Or about any place outside of Lower Saxony (where default German just happens to be the dialect).

I can only illustrate this by the fact that I got easier around in the Netherlands than in Switzerland with my native grasp on High German - and I speak even a dialect that is related to Swiss German...
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Pierce Inverarity on May 31, 2008, 04:34:39 PM
Conversely, being default German and having lived in Swabia for three years I couldn't figure out what TF people were saying.

"TunNELL"? It's a TUNnel, morons.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Skyrock on June 01, 2008, 09:58:43 AM
Swabians are anyway the people of the Antichrist, as everyone from Baden, Berlin or any other German place apart from Swabia can confirm. (Even Bavarian Swabians dislike Swabians.)

Be happy that it wasn't "TünNELle"...
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Pierce Inverarity on June 01, 2008, 03:41:48 PM
Then again, in Hamburg you get streets with names like Eddelbueddelkamp or Waddhaddeduddebarg.

Fun fact: In Cologne, otherwise a pleasant city, a Kiosk is called a Buedchen.

A Buedchen.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Fritzs on June 01, 2008, 04:54:17 PM
Holy shit, I just must visit Germany more... I live relatively close and I don't posses these interesting informations...
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Pierce Inverarity on June 01, 2008, 04:57:03 PM
You can ask us anything, kid.
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: walkerp on June 01, 2008, 06:27:36 PM
Quote from: Pierce InverarityYou can ask us anything, kid.

Well for starters, what the fuck is a Buedchen?  (aside from being a kiosk)
Title: I´ll be gone
Post by: Saphim on June 02, 2008, 12:39:53 AM
I think it is derived from the word "Bude" which means shack or booth. Buedchen is the belittlement to it in cologne dialect appearently.