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Does Anyone Recognize This Symbol?

Started by Animalball Brasky, December 05, 2007, 04:04:26 PM

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Animalball Brasky

I'm trying to decipher what this symbol means.  Anyone have any ideas?

Animalball Games: I Rolled a 20!  That\'s Grievous Gaming!



You are posting in a troll thread.

Metal Earth

Cosmic Tales- Webcomic

Animalball Brasky

Animalball Games: I Rolled a 20!  That\'s Grievous Gaming!


You are posting in a troll thread.

Metal Earth

Cosmic Tales- Webcomic


[runs screaming from the room]

"I disbelieve!  I disbelieve!"
"The difference between being fascinated with RPGs and being fascinated with the RPG industry is akin to the difference between being fascinated with sex and being fascinated with masturbation. Not that there\'s anything wrong with jerking off, but don\'t fool yourself into thinking you\'re getting laid." —Aos



Enlightenment is only a few clicks away- nothing linked here is really that bad. My second link isn't really work safe though.
You are posting in a troll thread.

Metal Earth

Cosmic Tales- Webcomic


I have no idea what that original symbol is.  Do I care?

But that Real Doll movie, wow, that's actually quite disturbing and moving.  I actually watched it through to the end, which is saying considering my attention span on the internet.

I'm pretty sure you can see some gamebooks in the background of some of these guys' rooms.
"The difference between being fascinated with RPGs and being fascinated with the RPG industry is akin to the difference between being fascinated with sex and being fascinated with masturbation. Not that there\'s anything wrong with jerking off, but don\'t fool yourself into thinking you\'re getting laid." —Aos


Aos, still not seeing it other than obvious (and yes, funny) insults that don't clearly connect to the OP.


Does it really matter if we recognize it or not?

Does it improve our RPGs in some fashion? (probably not.)

 Does recognizing those squiggles get any of us a bigger paycheck? (again probably not)

 If you two just like insulting each other ....I guess thats your form of fun.

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...

Ian Absentia

Click the links, Ed.  Click the links.



I did click those links.

 They weren't that interesting.

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


Quote from: Elliot WilenAos, still not seeing it other than obvious (and yes, funny) insults that don't clearly connect to the OP.

Oh, sorry. I don't know what the symbol is either. I thought you were asking about the links.
Jesus, I'm stupid sometimes.
You are posting in a troll thread.

Metal Earth

Cosmic Tales- Webcomic


Quote from: walkerpI have no idea what that original symbol is.  Do I care?

But that Real Doll movie, wow, that's actually quite disturbing and moving.  I actually watched it through to the end, which is saying considering my attention span on the internet.

I'm pretty sure you can see some gamebooks in the background of some of these guys' rooms.

Yeah, I started out laughing at those guys but in the end, I felt real pity for them, even the crazy red neck.
You are posting in a troll thread.

Metal Earth

Cosmic Tales- Webcomic