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"Awww, CRAP."

Started by Dr Rotwang!, December 20, 2007, 08:07:32 PM

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Dr Rotwang!

Hellboy II Trailer!

Hellboy, Liz Sherman, Abe Sapien and Johann Krauss of the BPRD versus fugly monsters, evil fairy-things, stone giants and, apparently, The Rivendell Rejects!

Stuff breaks!  Doug Jones speaks!  More stuff breaks!  Gratuitous-but-subtle nod to John Landis! Some other stuff gets broken!  Bigger gun!  Property damage!  

Doc Rotwang! sez check it out.
Dr Rotwang!
...never blogs faster than he can see.


I'll check it in a moment, but they better not have gratuitiously replaced actors....

For you the day you found a minor error in a Post by Spike and forced him to admit it, it was the greatest day of your internet life.  For me it was... Tuesday.

For the curious: Apparently, in person, I sound exactly like the Youtube Character The Nostalgia Critic.   I have no words.



Lan Astaslem

"It's The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver

Ian Absentia

Last year there was an interview on NPR with Guillermo Del Toro, mostly talking up his last film, Pan's Labyrinth.  When asked what he most hoped would come of the film, he happily answered that he hoped it would make enough money to help him underwrite the making of Hellboy II.  The interviewer, dumbfounded, asked him if he was kidding, and he just as happily replied that he was totally serious.

I loved Pan's Labyrinth.  I'm glad to see that Del Toro's wish came true. :)



Also, for the record - I think immolation would be a small price to pay, if you catch my drift. ;)
Lan Astaslem

"It's The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver

Ian Absentia

Quote from: Spike...they better not have gratuitiously replaced actors....

I'm afraid that I don't.  Kelsey Grammer makes a kick-ass Hellboy.



Quote from: Ian AbsentiaI'm afraid that I don't.  Kelsey Grammer makes a kick-ass Hellboy.


He did alright as BEAST in that last X-mEn movie.

 Still , I think Ron Perlman does a pretty good job.

Love that Del Toro is at heart is just a big fanboy like the rest of us.

Some of those interviewers should realize that sometimes a director or moviemaker does something because they want to have fun too. (and they figured out that the rest of us might pay a movie ticket price for that kind of fun)

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...

Dr Rotwang!

Quote from: Ian AbsentiaLast year there was an interview on NPR with Guillermo Del Toro, mostly talking up his last film, Pan's Labyrinth.  When asked what he most hoped would come of the film, he happily answered that he hoped it would make enough money to help him underwrite the making of Hellboy II.  The interviewer, dumbfounded, asked him if he was kidding, and he just as happily replied that he was totally serious.
I used to think Del Toro was pretty awesome.  This little anecdote, however, drags him straight up to badass.
Dr Rotwang!
...never blogs faster than he can see.

Ian Absentia

You know, I sort of mis-remembered the interview -- it was almost a year ago. I found the archived file, though:

Go straight to 41:00 (it's a 45 minute interview), and they light right into talking about Hellboy.  Del Toro is positively animated when he discusses the topic.  The whole interview is pretty cool, though.



I downloaded the largest file, but my stupid computer refuses to show me the money... er.. .the trailer.

So: I liked Kelsey Grammer as Beastman, but his polished erudite Schtick seemed the prefect match anyway. I will have to trust that he'll make a good Hellboy.  I for one, still dislike on GP the swapping of actors. Even if the swap is a good one, it breaks continuity when ya watch 'em back to back. Then there is the whole 'who was the better X' arguements that inevitably follow, the broken hearts, the tears, the makeup sex....

... wait. Maybe...

For you the day you found a minor error in a Post by Spike and forced him to admit it, it was the greatest day of your internet life.  For me it was... Tuesday.

For the curious: Apparently, in person, I sound exactly like the Youtube Character The Nostalgia Critic.   I have no words.


David R

Why do all movie elves look as though they get their hair from the same wig shop?

David R

Ian Absentia

Quote from: SpikeSo: I liked Kelsey Grammer as Beastman, but his polished erudite Schtick seemed the prefect match anyway. I will have to trust that he'll make a good Hellboy.
No, no.  I was kidding.  That's totally still Ron Perlman as Hellboy. :p


Dr Rotwang!

Someone asked Chuck Norris if he thought he could play Hellboy.  

"I'm not sure I could do it as well as Ron Perlman, frankly," he replied with a shrug, and went back to skinning a beluga whale with his bare hands.
Dr Rotwang!
...never blogs faster than he can see.