
The Lounge => Media and Inspiration => Topic started by: ZetaRidley on March 25, 2020, 01:54:49 PM

Title: A different kind of review: Actual Play Pdocasts
Post by: ZetaRidley on March 25, 2020, 01:54:49 PM
It's not a secret that TTRPG's, specifically D&D, have taken off in recent years. This might be to the chagrin of some of the older guard in the community, myself included, but much of this new found popularity can be attributed to shows such as Critical Role. This has led to an entire new genre of internet stream/podcast: The Actual Play. It seems that lately, every Dick, Jane, and Tom thinks they can record their session, post it to the net, and have a podcast. With that being said, I am a podcast junkie and listen to about 10 hours worth of podcasts a week at least, its more like 10-20. Being that I've loved the hobby since I was a teen, you would think that this would be a perfect fit for me. But, perhaps unexpectedly, the sudden boom in the popularity of these shows has also led to many people jumping in with a critical lack of radio, editing, and showmanship skills trying to make a quick buck. Because of this naivete, if you search Actual Play, you will find many shows that are just out and out shit for lack of a better word.

With all of that being said, I've spent some of my podcast time of the past few months trying out new shows. I've listened to some abysmal shows, but I have found some gems. Mostly, I was interested in hearing how other people play. We all know that there is no one such approach the game, so hearing how people handle rulings or their style of role-playing is something I was looking for to help strengthen my own DMing and role playing skills. So, here is a review of sorts. With that being said, I do have some criteria, and I can afford to be picky since there are so many of these shows. Here are some personal rules for the Actual Play Podcasts that I keep around in my feed as well as how I review them:

With that being said, lets get into the shows I recommend, with their description, pros, and cons.

D&D is for Nerds (
This is probably my favorite show, and perhaps my most recommended show. This is a group of aussies, that get together and play a mix of homebrew and WotC's campaign books. Overall, they have fun at the table, you can tell they are having fun at the table.
Recommended Episodes/Arcs
Zombie Plagued Cult (their Tomb of Annihilation game), Into the Jungle Island of Dendar.

Dungeon Run (
Of all the shows, this is probably the most "Critical Roley" type show here. Still, its good and has good production values.
Recommended Episodes/Arcs
Just start at the beginning.

The Glass Cannon (
This show is solid and consistent throughout. Its a bunch of college friends, now in their 30s and 40s, getting together and playing a game.
Recommended Episodes
Just start at the beginning.

Advanced Sagebrush and Shootouts (
The only show here so far that is non-fantasy. They have many arcs, set in modern day, usually intrigue based stuff.
Recommended Episodes
Latest Arc, The Task Force.

With these reviews there are some shows that I don't recommend, and why:

And a few that you might check out, but I haven gotten deep enough to review yet.

So, take this as you will. Feel free to recommend a show too. Hopefully this helps you find something new and interesting to check out.
Title: A different kind of review: Actual Play Pdocasts
Post by: Ratman_tf on March 25, 2020, 05:13:16 PM
Are we going to restrict this to just actual play content? I've been going through Puffin Forest ('s videos lately.
Animated and amusingly narrated stories about his gaming sessions.
Title: A different kind of review: Actual Play Pdocasts
Post by: ZetaRidley on March 25, 2020, 11:08:11 PM
Doesn't have to be. Puffin's forest is great.