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Children of the Nothing

Started by Guest (Deleted), March 01, 2006, 07:48:47 AM

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Speculation is silly.  Vote with your posts; that is all that will matter.  The internet is a big place.


Quote from: BOZheh, cool.  :)  so, a number of forums that share members.  ;)  i think a war of attrition will kill at least one or two over the next few months - which ones will it be!!

I don't think so my friend. Those forums which are different and provide something unique for their users will be around for the longterm.


Quote from: CyberzombieSpeculation is silly.  Vote with your posts; that is all that will matter.  The internet is a big place.

Troll think metal deadman speak wisdom.


Quote from: TrollTroll think metal deadman speak wisdom.

Just wait a bit Troll I bet you change your opinion.



Quote from: LimperJust wait a bit Troll I bet you change your opinion.

I don't think I'm going to be the ONLY dead person around here, boyo...


Quote from: CyberzombieSpeculation is silly.  Vote with your posts; that is all that will matter.  The internet is a big place.
Is it possible CZ speaking words of wisdom?


Quote from: EldritchIs it possible CZ speaking words of wisdom?
Oh, please!  I finally grew up about a year and a half ago.  Catch up, people!  :p


Quote from: CyberzombieOh, please!  I finally grew up about a year and a half ago.  Catch up, people!  :p
So you mean you don't dress slutty in bad neighborhoods any more?


Quote from: CyberzombieSpeculation is silly.  Vote with your posts; that is all that will matter.  The internet is a big place.

i was just thinking out loud; my bad.  :)
don't quote me on that.  :)

Visit the Creature Catalog for all your D&D 3E monster needs!  :)


Quote from: BOZi was just thinking out loud; my bad.  :)
No problem.  Just trying to prevent any board wars before they happen.  Board wars are *so* 2002!


Quote from: CyberzombieNo problem.  Just trying to prevent any board wars before they happen.  Board wars are *so* 2002!
Are you tryin' to tell us , they're not fun? :huh:

edit : Need more smilies.....


Quote from: MegamieuwselAre you tryin' to tell us , they're not fun?

That would be the very crux of my argument.  They produce the occasional comedy, but mostly they're just dull.


Quote from: CyberzombieThat would be the very crux of my argument.  They produce the occasional comedy, but mostly they're just dull.

Plus after some of the shit that went down in A&C at NTL as it went down I would like to avoid stuff like that here.  It seems that TheRPGSite could be somewhat neutral ground as its not trying to be another NTL or NKL or even a tribute to either it is its own thing.

"I Am Become Death, Destroyer Of Worlds"


A rafter goblin from Dubuque (by way of Albuquerque) told me that the launch date of this forum was an unfortunate coincidence and was not meant to coincide with the end of a certain forum about Nothing.  So the lack of tie-in to that land of Nothing is not surprising.  :)


Troll like peace and quiet.  Drama ruin Troll nap.