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Started by Lurkndog, November 10, 2023, 12:18:51 PM

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The movie opens this weekend, March 22, 2024.

So far I'm seeing mixed reviews. They do say that the movie is funny, which is good because the trailers haven't had a lot of jokes in them. They also like the villain.

I'm not sure if I will get out to see it, seeing movies has become more of a hike now that my local theater closed.


I'm going to try and get out to see it tomorrow night.

Looking forward to some new proton pack action to drool over.


I liked it quite a bit.

Was supposed to be reminiscent of an episode of The Real Ghostbusters and I think they succeeded. Does take a fair amount of time until the new bad guy appears. Lot of buildup to him appearing.

Not perfect, but I liked it. It does expand on the tech a bit, and would be very easy to move in a "franchise" direction after this movie.


There's also this in the second movie.
"I am certain, however, that nothing has done so much to destroy the juridical safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice."― Friedrich Hayek
Another former RPGnet member permanently banned for calling out the staff there on their abdication of their responsibilities as moderators and admins and their abject surrender to the whims of the shrillest and most self-righteous members of the community.


I saw it. I found it to be rather dull and generally disappointing, but the others that went with me both liked it.


Seems to be getting alot of mixed reactions with reviews leaning to a bit dull. But not unwatchable like 2016.


Good news at the box office: they are on track to make around $115m on domestic box office alone, against an estimated budget of $100m. So, with their share of overseas box office, a solid profit.


Quote from: Lurkndog on April 03, 2024, 11:22:01 PM
Good news at the box office: they are on track to make around $115m on domestic box office alone, against an estimated budget of $100m. So, with their share of overseas box office, a solid profit.
The studios only get 1/2 of the ticket price. The theaters keep the rest. So Ghostbusters current $111 million worldwide box office has only earn the studio $55 million. If Frozen Kingdom manages to get to $110 million domestic plus another 50% for international, it will end up around $165 worldwide which would only get the studio $83 million in cash.

Unless this movie has spectacular, Top Gun Maverick-level, holds, there's no way it will be profitable.

If they hadn't made it woke, I would have gone to see it. But, I guess they'd rather have all the modern audience money instead.


$115 million on a $100 million budget is not a solid profit.  It's not a profit at all.  The general rule of thumb is to multiply a movie's budget by 2.5 to get the movie's break even point.  This is what the movie needs to make at the box office to break even after other costs and the cut that the theaters take is accounted for.  By the usual rule of thumb, the movie fell short of breaking even by around $135 million.     
"I am certain, however, that nothing has done so much to destroy the juridical safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice."― Friedrich Hayek
Another former RPGnet member permanently banned for calling out the staff there on their abdication of their responsibilities as moderators and admins and their abject surrender to the whims of the shrillest and most self-righteous members of the community.


Quote from: yosemitemike on April 15, 2024, 04:32:35 AM$115 million on a $100 million budget is not a solid profit.  It's not a profit at all.  The general rule of thumb is to multiply a movie's budget by 2.5 to get the movie's break even point.  This is what the movie needs to make at the box office to break even after other costs and the cut that the theaters take is accounted for.  By the usual rule of thumb, the movie fell short of breaking even by around $135 million.     

IF they only made 115 million on a budget of 100 million they lost money:

Around 50% (57.5 million) goes to the theaters

$250 million to break even, minus 57.5 million = 192.5 million loss.
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


Finally saw Frozen Empire, and it was a lot better than the trailers made it seem.

Not perfect, and not better than the original movie, but better than Afterlife, and lots better than Ghostbusters 2.

It had a lot of heart, and developed a bunch of new clever stuff that was all its own.

I'm buying the blu ray for this one.


I can co-sign that. I don't know that it made enough that we'll get a third, but hell getting a second movie post-Afterlife was gravy.