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Hasbro stock plunges after revenue drop, downbeat outlook

Started by Rhymer88, February 13, 2024, 09:04:40 AM

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Steven Mitchell

Quote from: BadApple on February 13, 2024, 08:54:04 PM
...and now they are blaming Disney.  I couldn't make this shit up.


In fairness, Disney is kind of a trail blazer when it comes to systematically destroying everything that people love about characters and good storytelling, while still profiting off of the remains of good will built up over generations.  Hasbro wasn't forced to follow them, but they aren't the first, and won't be the last.  ;D


If I lose any sleep over Hasbro's woes, it will be because I can't stop chortling whenever I think of it.  But I'm still salty over the fate of Avalon Hill under
WotC makes me play 1st edition AD&D out of spite...


Hasbro:  "I don't understand, we fired all the gamers and hired guys who shove zucchinis up their ass and identify as 15 year old girls to write content. We are talking the spiciest of spicy content, the gayest of gay characters.  How come all these socialists who are not working, are nihilistic and just want to spend time on Tik Tok talking about their time spent during the great revolution of 2020 in the CHAZ won't buy from us?"

Customer:  "You know we have spent thousands on D&D that went to your company for years.  Can you just put out good modules and rules and STFU on your fucked up political views?"

Hasbro: "Look fat, we are trying to protect you from all the evil content from Mike Mearls and earlier.  Look you need to look about how a living legal document is better than the US Constitution.  You need to buy the blackiest of blackiest modules created by the darky of darkies, we have found the darkest black xir's from the jungles of Africa, taught them their genders, paid for their genital reassignment surgeries and put them up as writers.  This has to be gold"

Customer:  "I'm not buying a module where the bad guy is the white king called Trumptard.  And where the protagonists are supposed to sing something about Shoot the Boeher's and then eat the white people because they will poison the wells?  WTF you hired Julius Malema to write your latest module "How to kill white orcs in 5 easy steps""

Hasbro:  "Malema is a race communist and HR decided we didn't have enough.  We tried to hire Luis Farakhan but he killed our first white recruiter and the gay black transexual recruiter he crucified, so it was only Melema who could save D&D"

Customer: "Burn in hell"

Hasbro: "Dirty white supremacist"

Jam The MF

Quote from: honeydipperdavid on February 13, 2024, 09:49:54 PM
Hasbro:  "I don't understand, we fired all the gamers and hired guys who shove zucchinis up their ass and identify as 15 year old girls to write content. We are talking the spiciest of spicy content, the gayest of gay characters.  How come all these socialists who are not working, are nihilistic and just want to spend time on Tik Tok talking about their time spent during the great revolution of 2020 in the CHAZ won't buy from us?"

Customer:  "You know we have spent thousands on D&D that went to your company for years.  Can you just put out good modules and rules and STFU on your fucked up political views?"

Hasbro: "Look fat, we are trying to protect you from all the evil content from Mike Mearls and earlier.  Look you need to look about how a living legal document is better than the US Constitution.  You need to buy the blackiest of blackiest modules created by the darky of darkies, we have found the darkest black xir's from the jungles of Africa, taught them their genders, paid for their genital reassignment surgeries and put them up as writers.  This has to be gold"

Customer:  "I'm not buying a module where the bad guy is the white king called Trumptard.  And where the protagonists are supposed to sing something about Shoot the Boeher's and then eat the white people because they will poison the wells?  WTF you hired Julius Malema to write your latest module "How to kill white orcs in 5 easy steps""

Hasbro:  "Malema is a race communist and HR decided we didn't have enough.  We tried to hire Luis Farakhan but he killed our first white recruiter and the gay black transexual recruiter he crucified, so it was only Melema who could save D&D"

Customer: "Burn in hell"

Hasbro: "Dirty white supremacist"

Too much truth, for one post.
Let the Dice, Decide the Outcome.  Accept the Results.


Hasbro stock dropped Oct 23, 2023, along with Mattel, on lackluster toy sales for Christmas. It's been steady since, slightly increasing.

Instead of peddling in rumors, why not just google Hasbro Stock and see for yourself. Four months of fairly normal behavior for the stock.


Quote from: Brad on February 13, 2024, 12:07:20 PMJRRT "superfans" who made videos on Youtube to push the Amazon Rings of Power and it was obvious they had no clue wtf they were even talking about. The only requirement for being a "superfan" was apparently having blue hair and writing a blog post about how LotR is misogynistic because you discovered it has like two female characters after you hatewatched half of the Peter Jackson movies.

What's really odd to me is how WotC has pandered to people who don't actually buy anything.

1: Because they are fake fans. They latch onto something like parasites and suck the life from it before moving on to the next trendy thing. They are infiltrators who just want to fuck with something because they are hatemongers.

2: Marketing. Always damn marketing. Marketing says outrage marketing is the road to riches so of course nearly every product now has something tailor made to piss people off. And wotc will play this cagey and half the time what they claim is not even there in the product. They know people like Pundit will knee-jerk at the bait and work for them for free. Relying on the curiosity buys to keep the sinking shop floating.

And probably a chunk of marketing and the execs or staff by now are "Believers" in the woke cult. And wotc has been in the hands of the woke since the prior wave in the 90s. Its just now they are out in the open and in your face relentlessly.

And eventually this infestation spread to Hasborg and things accelerate going downhill. You see it in so many venues now.


Now let's look at 6 months.

Now 5 years
"I am certain, however, that nothing has done so much to destroy the juridical safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice."― Friedrich Hayek
Another former RPGnet member permanently banned for calling out the staff there on their abdication of their responsibilities as moderators and admins and their abject surrender to the whims of the shrillest and most self-righteous members of the community.


Quote from: Jaeger on February 13, 2024, 04:13:13 PM
Quote from: LouProsperi on February 13, 2024, 03:28:18 PM

Before you all think this means gloom and doom for D&D, check this out from page 12 of the Powerpoint:

"Fourth quarter and full year growth in DUNGEONS & DRAGONS (+54% and +76%, respectively)."

Yes that growth was offset by declines in other brands, but companies don't sell brands with growth like that.

Lou gets it.

Wotc with D&D, and especially MTG, is the golden goose keeping the entire Hasbro ship afloat.

Wotc IP will be the last thing Hasbro will unload, even if they do go into full blown bankruptcy.

Anyone else getting their hands on the D&D IP in this lifetime is a pipe dream.

Wizards also includes Digital Gaming, which saw a big increase because of BG3. Wizards Tabletop, by contrast, declined in the fourth quarter.


The BG3 money for digital will be drying up.  Video games have a short tail.  And Larian studios is a gamer focused company, meaning they don't do microcontent to extend the tail and drain the gamer of money.  They will still sell many units but they will not EA BG3.


Quote from: Mistwell on February 14, 2024, 12:37:13 AM
Hasbro stock dropped Oct 23, 2023, along with Mattel, on lackluster toy sales for Christmas. It's been steady since, slightly increasing.

Instead of peddling in rumors, why not just google Hasbro Stock and see for yourself. Four months of fairly normal behavior for the stock.

Wow, do you really believe the shit you're shoveling?

Cutting off what's happened in the past 18 months fits the narrative you've manifested from out of your ass.

It's like being on a sinking ship and part of the bow just peaks above the water for a brief moment, but the ship is still sinking.

Wake up. The overall trend in down.

1. I'm a married homeowner with a career and kids. I won life. You can't insult me.

2. I've been deployed to Iraq, so your tough guy act is boring.


Companies never sell their IPs anymore. They get bought out by larger companies who inherit the IP that way. These corpos own ridiculous volumes of IPs. They aren't aware of most of what they own. They have no idea what to do with the IPs they know they own.

We need copyright reform. The copyrights on these decades old IPs need to expire now so that the minority of people who actually care can preserve and remix them.


Quote from: blackstone on February 14, 2024, 08:38:24 AM
Wow, do you really believe the shit you're shoveling?
Oh he absolutely does. Just like when gas prices quadrupled when Biden got installed, then dropped slightly and the retards were claiming how good a job he was doing because of the decrease. Yeah, instead of $1.20 I'm paying $3 in less than 4 years, but because it was $4 last year it's "better". Exactly the same bullshit. Manipulate the data to push a narrative.
It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.


Quote from: blackstone on February 14, 2024, 08:38:24 AM
Quote from: Mistwell on February 14, 2024, 12:37:13 AM
Hasbro stock dropped Oct 23, 2023, along with Mattel, on lackluster toy sales for Christmas. It's been steady since, slightly increasing.

Instead of peddling in rumors, why not just google Hasbro Stock and see for yourself. Four months of fairly normal behavior for the stock.

Wow, do you really believe the shit you're shoveling?

Cutting off what's happened in the past 18 months fits the narrative you've manifested from out of your ass.

It's like being on a sinking ship and part of the bow just peaks above the water for a brief moment, but the ship is still sinking.

Wake up. The overall trend in down.

And this is why a forum without moderation always goes conservative because the best ideas rises to the top.  The only way leftard ideas can flourish is when they are not allowed to be challenged.  Its why the no platform concept came up.  Leftard college professors know that their arguments are meritless and that a toddler can debunk easily.  What better way to keep the cattle in the cult than make sure the cattle isn't allowed to talk to someone of 100 IQ who can call out their BS.


Quote from: honeydipperdavid on February 14, 2024, 10:53:31 AM
Quote from: blackstone on February 14, 2024, 08:38:24 AM
Quote from: Mistwell on February 14, 2024, 12:37:13 AM
Hasbro stock dropped Oct 23, 2023, along with Mattel, on lackluster toy sales for Christmas. It's been steady since, slightly increasing.

Instead of peddling in rumors, why not just google Hasbro Stock and see for yourself. Four months of fairly normal behavior for the stock.

Wow, do you really believe the shit you're shoveling?

Cutting off what's happened in the past 18 months fits the narrative you've manifested from out of your ass.

It's like being on a sinking ship and part of the bow just peaks above the water for a brief moment, but the ship is still sinking.

Wake up. The overall trend in down.

And this is why a forum without moderation always goes conservative because the best ideas rises to the top.  The only way leftard ideas can flourish is when they are not allowed to be challenged.  Its why the no platform concept came up.  Leftard college professors know that their arguments are meritless and that a toddler can debunk easily.  What better way to keep the cattle in the cult than make sure the cattle isn't allowed to talk to someone of 100 IQ who can call out their BS.

What can I say, it's low hanging fruit. Easiest to pick, sweetest to eat.
1. I'm a married homeowner with a career and kids. I won life. You can't insult me.

2. I've been deployed to Iraq, so your tough guy act is boring.


Quote from: Mistwell on February 14, 2024, 12:37:13 AMInstead of peddling in rumors, why not just google Hasbro Stock and see for yourself. Four months of fairly normal behavior for the stock.

Now tell us about the chocolate ration.
Mechanics should reflect flavor. Always.
Playing: Cidallia "Cid" Rudolfeau, Human Gadgeteer Detective in Ironfang Invasion (D&D 5e).
Running: Chrono Break: Dragon Heist + Curse of the Crimson Throne (D&D 5e).
Planning: Rappan Athuk (D&D 5e).