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Dungeoneering Maps

Started by Thor's Nads, January 05, 2024, 04:49:07 AM

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Thor's Nads

In this thread I am going to post maps you are free to use in your home game.

This is The Tomb of Solwey


Thor's Nads



Very nice.  Thanks for sharing these.  They are great.



Since I download a lot of other people's maps for use in my games, I'm going to take this opportunity to try and contribute back: Here's a 2 1/2 floor map I made for a vampire lair. These were made in Dungeon Painter Studio, so free to use, but I don't think they can be put in anything commercial:

Floor B1:

Floor B2:

Floor B3 (Where you land if you fall down the pits on the other floors):

Thor's Nads



Very nice!  Dungeonscrawl?
"Testosterone levels vary widely among women, just like other secondary sex characteristics like breast size or body hair. If you eliminate anyone with elevated testosterone, it's like eliminating athletes because their boobs aren't big enough or because they're too hairy." -- jhkim

Thor's Nads



Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman

Thor's Nads

Tonis was a cruel Baron of Ilbor Paiden who had a great dungeon built in which to condemn those who opposed him. After he died, infernal priests of Lashtar turned the dungeon into a great underground temple to their dark lord. Eventually their power faded and various nefarious creatures moved in.


Thor's Nads

King Agronis was a holy defender of the faith and of the people, until his daughter was killed in a tragic accident, he sought out practitioners of the dark arts to bring her back and he gave his life in return for hers. He was forever cursed to be an unhallowed dweller among the dead.


Thor's Nads

Once a necessary defense on the edge of the badlands, Hartlon Keep has fallen into ruin and is inhabited by a goblin clan.


Cathode Ray

Very cool.  I made some hex maps for dungeon crawling.  Actually, a lot of them.  I know I have a few that I post for free use.  I'll have to find them and share them.

If you are looking for some good hex maps, though, I have a book on Big Geek Emporium.  Just do keyword search "Tactical Hex Maps".
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.

Thor's Nads

Quote from: Cathode Ray on January 11, 2024, 11:36:13 AM
Very cool.  I made some hex maps for dungeon crawling.  Actually, a lot of them.  I know I have a few that I post for free use.  I'll have to find them and share them.

If you are looking for some good hex maps, though, I have a book on Big Geek Emporium.  Just do keyword search "Tactical Hex Maps".

Hex maps? Are these for GURPS and The Fantasy Trip?

Cathode Ray

Quote from: Thor's Nads on January 12, 2024, 04:17:44 AM
Quote from: Cathode Ray on January 11, 2024, 11:36:13 AM
Very cool.  I made some hex maps for dungeon crawling.  Actually, a lot of them.  I know I have a few that I post for free use.  I'll have to find them and share them.

If you are looking for some good hex maps, though, I have a book on Big Geek Emporium.  Just do keyword search "Tactical Hex Maps".

Hex maps? Are these for GURPS and The Fantasy Trip?

They are for any system, but I made the book with The Fantasy Trip in mind.
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.