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Vox Machina - From the Same People Who Brought You Critical Role

Started by jeff37923, January 28, 2022, 06:44:12 AM

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The oversexed gnome bard caricature is enough to make you not watch this series.

Then there is the big, dumb half-giant barbarian who is constantly burping.

Then the prissy human aristocrat who lost his family and all their holdings to a vampire who wants revenge.

The flaming gay Nellie elf caricature running the magic item store.

Of all of the stupid tropes running through this cartoon, the thing that is the most jarring is the constant use of the word "fuck" - not because it is "bad language" but because if you want to create the illusion of a magical fantasy realm then using a modern swear word constantly is not the way to do it. This show would be what I hate the most about fantasy anime, if it wasn't already more believable as a D&D 5E campaign turned into a cartoon then an actual anime with a plot and characters.

Goblin Slayer was better than this.


And on the day of release by 8am, 226 out of 243 reviews are 5 star.

You can actually smell the astroturfing....


I watched the first episode and it reminds me a lot of the more annoying characters (and their players) that I've seen in gaming, especially in the past 10 years or so.


If you want a decent D&D-themed cartoon, then the best is probably Record of Lodoss War. Modern cartoons including anime sucks by comparison.

Banjo Destructo

Another thing I will never see, brought to you by people who made the first thing I will never see.


Just watched the first two episodes. Wow, it was way sleazier than I expected.  :o Funny how SJWs love this stuff and hate on Venger Satanis' stuff. I guess it's a case of Who? Whom? There are the elites who get to do what they like (until they get Cancelled) and the non-elites who very definitely cannot.


Female-presenting nipples and back sack in the first five minutes. Wow.

Honestly, I can't get into it. It's too ADHD for me. I can't decide whether it's better or worse than D&D anime, tho

It would work a lot better IMO if they pared down the characters to the classic mage, fighter, thief, and cleric combo. There's just too many to care about now


Quote from: BoxCrayonTales on January 28, 2022, 05:24:49 PM
It would work a lot better IMO if they pared down the characters to the classic mage, fighter, thief, and cleric combo. There's just too many to care about now

There are a huge swarm of PCs - reminds me of my games (I have games with 6, 7, 8 & 9 players running currently - 9 17th level PCs is quite a handful). I kinda wonder why Critical Role went with such a big group rather than the more usual 4-6.


Quote from: S'mon on January 28, 2022, 05:41:50 PM
Quote from: BoxCrayonTales on January 28, 2022, 05:24:49 PM
It would work a lot better IMO if they pared down the characters to the classic mage, fighter, thief, and cleric combo. There's just too many to care about now

There are a huge swarm of PCs - reminds me of my games (I have games with 6, 7, 8 & 9 players running currently - 9 17th level PCs is quite a handful). I kinda wonder why Critical Role went with such a big group rather than the more usual 4-6.

To quote Yogurt, "Merchandizing!"
"Testosterone levels vary widely among women, just like other secondary sex characteristics like breast size or body hair. If you eliminate anyone with elevated testosterone, it's like eliminating athletes because their boobs aren't big enough or because they're too hairy." -- jhkim

Crusader X

I couldn't get past the first 10 minutes.  Unappealing characters.  Bad animation.  Cringy swearing.

Goblin Slayer was much better than this.


Quote from: jeff37923 on January 28, 2022, 06:44:12 AM
Then there is the big, dumb half-giant barbarian who is constantly burping.

Haven't watch any CR or VM, but this comment made me think of the fat character from Exo Squad whose "thing" was to be a slob and burp.

Once in a while, a well placed burp can be funny, but when it's a character's 'catchphrase' it gets old and stupid very quickly.

QuoteOf all of the stupid tropes running through this cartoon, the thing that is the most jarring is the constant use of the word "fuck" - not because it is "bad language" but because if you want to create the illusion of a magical fantasy realm then using a modern swear word constantly is not the way to do it. This show would be what I hate the most about fantasy anime, if it wasn't already more believable as a D&D 5E campaign turned into a cartoon then an actual anime with a plot and characters.

Agree. There are some words that just carry too many modern connotations.
My bro uses it when DMing too. Makes me wince when the bad guys says "Fuck".
The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.


The trailer alone turned me off it before it even finished.

Their normal animations are alot more bemusing and watchable.


Money talks.

And the Kickstarter to develop a full-fledged CR animated series blew past its goal like it was on rockets. They asked for $750k, and raised over $11.5 million.

Now, you can interpret this as 'market demand' or 'fools and their money are soon parted'. Your call. But they had the money to make this thing. Whether it'll be any good... well, that may be another story.