
The Lounge => Help Desk => Topic started by: J Arcane on March 18, 2009, 10:59:35 PM

Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: J Arcane on March 18, 2009, 10:59:35 PM
You are a worthless human being not fit to lick my boots, a total mouthbreathing fucking lunatic the likes of which I have never encountered in all my years on this earth.  

I hate everything about you, and I hope you die in a fire ...

... is exactly what I would not say to him on any other fucking RPG board on the fucking internet.  And yet I feel the utmost and complete confidence that I can say such a thing to him now, because despite the continued ridiculous accusations of some people, this board is absolutely fucking nothing like those boards in any fucking way.

Jesus fucking Christ people, would you give it a goddamn rest?  I am sick to fucking death of reading this tired fucking rhetoric over and fucking over again, and I'm tired of reading the fucking arguments over it.

Fucking drop it.  Drop the goddamn lies, drop the goddamn half-truths, and own up to the fact that it isn't fucking true, so we can get on to actually talking about fucking RPGs instead of playing the "let's bait Pundit" game.

For fuck's sake this place is at times more lenient than fucking 4chan for god's sake, 4chan bans more people per minute than this site has in the entire time I've been posting here.
Get some fucking perspective, or get the fuck out, just stop cluttering up the board with a bunch of wasted fucking breath.
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: droog on March 18, 2009, 11:43:27 PM
That's more fucks per line than Scarface!
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: J Arcane on March 18, 2009, 11:46:46 PM
Quote from: droog;290956That's more fucks per line than Scarface!
I do love my fucks.
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: Koltar on March 18, 2009, 11:49:28 PM
Quote from: droog;290956That's more fucks per line than Scarface!

I thought David Lynch's BLUE VELVET had SCARFACE beat for most 'fucks' in a character's  monologue. ?

- Ed C.
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: David R on March 19, 2009, 12:02:25 AM
C'mon Ed. I would think there were more fucks per line in an average Kevin Smith movie....maybe not Zach & Mindy Make A Porno, but certainly some of his earlier stuff - Clerks, Chasing Amy.....

Edit: David Mamet's GlenGaryGlenRoss

David R
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: Ronin on March 19, 2009, 12:09:22 AM
Yall are missing the king of Fuck. The Big Lebowski.
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: Koltar on March 19, 2009, 12:15:17 AM
Quote from: David R;290962C'mon Ed. I would think there were more fucks per line in an average Kevin Smith movie....maybe not Zach & Mindy Make A Porno, but certainly some of his earlier stuff - Clerks, Chasing Amy.....

Edit: David Mamet's GlenGaryGlenRoss

David R

You may be fucking right about.

 Damn - even in typing I'm not that comfortable cussing.
 Just not my nature.

Chasing Amy is too difficult for me to watch at times. One of the characters reminds me of an old friend.

- Ed C.
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: Ian Absentia on March 19, 2009, 12:15:38 AM
Hmm...Midnight Run with Bob De Niro and Charles Grodin.  Lots of fuck in that film.  One of the longest fuck-fuck-fuck monologues I can recall off hand.  And the use of the noun "fucko".

Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: David R on March 19, 2009, 12:26:55 AM
Quote from: Koltar;290967Chasing Amy is too difficult for me to watch at times. One of the characters reminds me of an old friend.

Fucking hell, Ed. This is one fucking time, I'd like to know which fucking character ?

(Chasing Amy one of my fav romcoms)

As for fucko....everytime I read/hear that word. I can't help but to think of McManus in The Usual Suspects.

David R
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: Kyle Aaron on March 19, 2009, 01:03:25 AM
Quote from: J Arcane;290950this board is absolutely fucking nothing like those boards in any fucking way.
Other boards have people who suck up to the mods, too! :p

Remember, whatever bullshit they tell you, every discussion forum has only one rule: don't fuck with the mods. All the banned users of yesteryear forgot that.

All the other rules come down to doing as the mods tell you, and not questioning them too much. In many cases, abuse is okay but critiques are never okay.

Because in the end, every mod has a little Eric Cartman in them.

That's why they become moderators. Hey, it's why many of us GM :)
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: RPGPundit on March 19, 2009, 01:11:08 AM
You know, it can't be denied that there's a certain truth to what Kyle says. Obviously, the fundamental rule in many ways is "don't fuck with the mods", except that in most places the question of what "fucking with" amounts to is very different than it is here.

J Arcane is right of course that he would not be sanctioned for posting what he did.  If someone were to post that same sort of thing over and over again for months on end on a daily basis, they probably would get sanctioned.  They'd get sanctioned no matter who they were posting it about; because at some point it would evolve to be an attack against the site itself.

Though I personally didn't so much go looking to become an Admin as have adminhood thrust upon me; and did it not for the "Authoritah" (which I get elsewhere), but because there was really no forum around that suited what I really wanted to have, so I accepted the opportunity to create it myself.

Anyways, it does always come down to "do what the mods tell you"; its just that in this site in particular, those expectations are considerably more lax than in any other major RPG forum I know of.  So to get in trouble here, which I think is J Arcane's basic point, you have to either be a REALLY serious douchebag or be specifically "gunning for" the resident Admin, and do so egregiously over a relatively very long period of time.

Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: J Arcane on March 19, 2009, 01:29:23 AM
Quote from: Kyle Aaron;290977Other boards have people who suck up to the mods, too! :p

Oh, so it's "sucking up" to point out the blatantly fucking obvious now?

Huh.  Interesting definition you've got there.  

QuoteRemember, whatever bullshit they tell you, every discussion forum has only one rule: don't fuck with the mods. All the banned users of yesteryear forgot that.

All the other rules come down to doing as the mods tell you, and not questioning them too much. In many cases, abuse is okay but critiques are never okay.

Because in the end, every mod has a little Eric Cartman in them.

That's interesting advice coming from one of the very people I was talking about, someone who has yet to see the irony in making claims like this despite not yet having gotten his ass banned.  

Also, you used South Park to make a point.  Could you possibly be any more low brow than you already were?
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: Bradford C. Walker on March 19, 2009, 01:57:40 AM
J Arcane has the right of it here.  The Pundit walks the walk.  The shit that gets slung at him here would've gotten you folks banhammered into near year at RPG Net, EN World, the Palladium forums, and even at mother-fucking 4chan's /b/.  Whatever else you think of him, he's not a power-tripping petty dictator getting high on his own supply; he's been far more responsible with the power at his command than I've seen in most of the online communities, especially the gaming communities, and he's done it with far greater tact than is commonly the case.  I acknowledge it, and I appreciate it; he's been a far better host than many places I frequent, and I've been better off for it.
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: David R on March 19, 2009, 05:49:42 AM
Yay - kyle, droog, Seanchai and me are the Gang of Four.

David R
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: Kyle Aaron on March 19, 2009, 06:29:58 AM
Quote from: J Arcane;290985Oh, so it's "sucking up" to point out the blatantly fucking obvious now?
No, it's sucking up to start a thread to say how awesome the mods are :)

Quote from: J ArcaneThat's interesting advice coming from one of the very people I was talking about, someone who has yet to see the irony in making claims like this despite not yet having gotten his ass banned.  
Oh, it's quite possible it'll happen. I've been threatened by Pundit many times. Generally the threats are along the lines of, "I could ban you for that, but I won't because I'm such a fine chap." It's like the boss who says, "I could fire you without cause, but I don't, aren't I great?" or the GM who says, "I could say rocks fall, you die, but I don't."

It's what's commonly known as a "veiled threat." That's actually one of the more subtle ways of using power - you make the person aware of your power by claiming that you're a fine chap for not using it. And then eventually you do.

Pundit, however, despite occasional lapses into batshit insaneness and - in his online persona at least, I claim no knowledge of his real nature - is fundamentally fair-minded. So if you critique him it really fucks him off, but if you otherwise contribute to the forum then he'll put up with you. It's a balance thing. I like to think my positive contributions outweigh the negative (as seen by Pundit et al). Time will tell.

But who knows, really. Anything can happen - teh internets is serious fucking business, after all.

Quote from: J ArcaneAlso, you used South Park to make a point.  Could you possibly be any more low brow than you already were?
I'm sorry, was I supposed to be an intellectual? Unlike people with bullshit rpg theories, I make no such claim.

I could be more low brow, yes. But I save that for Australians, since everyone knows that Americans have little sense of humour, especially lacking in irony. They share this trait with Germans and Arabs, which explains why all three have a history of running around blowing people up. :p

Oh, and Gang of Four? Um, it would be a very mixed salad, that one. I mean, Seanchai? droog? Oy vey.
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: Benoist on March 19, 2009, 01:22:17 PM
Quote from: Kyle Aaron;291009No, it's sucking up to start a thread to say how awesome the mods are :)
Bullshit. So you can't like mods and say so on message boards because that makes you a "suck-up"?
What kind of stupid 3rd grader logic is this, honestly?
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: Benoist on March 19, 2009, 02:03:10 PM
Jesus! I just read through a bunch of ENWorld and threads and you just CAN'T talk about anything without having mods breathing on your neck "nuh-huh-huh!". You start comparing design elements of various editions? "Nuh-huh-huh!... can't do that... that's an edition war that is..."


Moderators on these boards are retards. They're cultivating the land of politically correct lameness that rubs WotC the right way... Christ. Can't tell people to grow some balls and actually agree to disagree every once in a while? Feel like being the teachers in a classroom of fucking douchebags? What a bunch of pussies, really!

Thanks for this forum, Pundit.
Title: Pundit, you are a cockraping douchebag.
Post by: RPGPundit on March 19, 2009, 03:56:36 PM
You're welcome.

I think the basic argument has been made for this thread too, everyone's had their chance to talk, and I'm going to close this thread too so we can get back to talking about RPGs.
