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Public Consultation: Nox & Nox-bashing Threads

Started by RPGPundit, February 12, 2007, 03:02:51 PM

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Mr. Analytical

"Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatiguability"

You've got to respect Nox for coming back here everyday when every day runs like this :

Nox : Hey guys... those Muslims sure do suck.  Am I right?  Am I right?

Everyone else : Shut the fuck up Nox you stupid piece of shit!

I'm surprised he hasn't gone off to post somewhere else as you have to admit, the guy's been getting it in the neck for like the last 6 months :-D

Kyle Aaron

A camel will sit still for hours, despite being offered tasty snacks, and beatings to get up. A mule will plod on or sit still for hours, despite beatings, inclement weather and the like. A dog will keep humping your leg desite being whacked with a stick.

We do not call these "courageous." I don't see why we should think of Nox any differently.
The Viking Hat GM
Conflict, the adventure game of modern warfare
Wastrel Wednesdays, livestream with Dungeondelver


For what its worth, Pundy DID post a poll with an option to "Ban the motherfucker", so I think Nox could be considered justified in firing back.
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver


His thread capping is annoying, but unless he becomes more disruptive I don't see the need to ban him. And you can always delete any of his posts that cross the line.
"Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness."

Terry Pratchett (Men at Arms)


Quote from: WerekoalaFor what its worth, Pundy DID post a poll with an option to "Ban the motherfucker", so I think Nox could be considered justified in firing back.

Ah, I use profanity at the drop of a hat, you crookdicked shitsack.

See? :D

Its part of the Pundit persona. If I'd really meant anything by it, I would have actually voted to ban him, instead of voting to protect him against gratuitous anti-nox threads.

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Quote from: RPGPunditAh, I use profanity at the drop of a hat, you crookdicked shitsack.

Trust not this vile charlatan! My dick is not a crook! Its had to earn everthing its ever gotten. My dick is an honest dick.
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver


I dunno, I'm torn about it really. On the one hand, I'm tempted to say just ban his ass and be done with it.

On the other hand, I'm also tempted to say let him stay a member, but put all the other members on his ignore list, so he can't see what we post.
"I don't hate D20, hate's too active, like running around setting PHBs on fire. No, my dislike is more like someone who's allergic to something and thus tries avoid any contact with it." - Lord Minx (@ RPG.net)


Quote from: PhishStyxI dunno, I'm torn about it really. On the one hand, I'm tempted to say just ban his ass and be done with it.

On the other hand, I'm also tempted to say let him stay a member, but put all the other members on his ignore list, so he can't see what we post.

Ow! Now that's harsh.  

Funny though.

J Arcane

Eh.  do whatever.  In the end, I'll still just IL the dumb cunt and be done with it if he stays, and if he's gone I won't miss anything except him showing up in random threads just to call Jimbob a cunt.

What I will take a stand on is him creating sock puppet accounts, presumably for the sake of getting around the IL system.
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He claims he did that because he is having difficulty logging in to his real account (& I admit, I believe that one. . . I just don't care).
"I don't hate D20, hate's too active, like running around setting PHBs on fire. No, my dislike is more like someone who's allergic to something and thus tries avoid any contact with it." - Lord Minx (@ RPG.net)

David R

Quote from: PhishStyxHe claims he did that because he is having difficulty logging in to his real account (& I admit, I believe that one. . . I just don't care).

Yeah. I think it's just some tech problems.

I have had a rethink. I don't think he shold be banned. I also don't think folks should create Nox bashing threads.

David R

Kyle Aaron

Quote from: BalbinusI think it reflects poorly on us by the way to give him shit except in response to something hateful he has posted.  If he posts racist crap then by all means we should tell him to STFU, but starting threads or attacks of our own accord is just bullying and IMO is not ok.
Like his posts here, or here? Two bigoted or trolling posts in less than ten minutes. The guy wants us to have a go at him.

We have on our forum a poster who has some particularly offensive views. He expressed them, people in the forum called him on it, and the mods quietly asked him not to express those views. Since then, he has not, unless directly asked to. So that's a guy who has offensive views, but at least knows when to shut the fuck up.

Whereas in Nox, we have a guy who never shuts up about these things. It's always Moslems suxxorz, the KKK is k3w1, political correctness is fascism, Andrew Hackard is t3h 3v1l, etc etc etc. It's always stupid and/or offensive rants.

When a guy's posting something offensive or stupid every ten minutes, it's kind of hard to pick out each and every instance of it and respond to them. So instead you get Nox-bashing threads. Now, I don't support those in principle, but in practice this stuff will happen. If you stir shit, some of it will splash on you. Nox is stirring shit. I'm not going to create shit to throw at him, but if he creates the shit and then stirs it, I'll take up a handful and fling it, because the guy asked for it, really.

The first guy I mentioned obviously had offensive views, but didn't want to stir shit, so stopped mentioning them when asked; Nox, by contrast, mentions them more when he's told they're offensive. I mean, if he didn't want to offend anyone he'd just go and post on stormfront.org, where everyone would agree with him. He wants to post somewhere where people will go, "oh my god! so offensive!" He wants a reaction.

He's just a cocksmock. A cocksmock is a condom; that is, it's something that helps you have fun, and ensures that nothing productive results from your fun. Nox is someone who has fun and in the process does nothing productive. On forums, anyway - I wouldn't have a clue what he does in real life, maybe he rescues cancer patient orphans or something, who the fuck knows.

He stirs shit, and some of it splashes on him. He's in no position to complain. It'd be like me complaining if someone called me a cocksmock.

I say again - use the forum software to stop him being able to post on Off-Topic. Posting on topics other than the main topic of the forum should be a privilege, not a right.
The Viking Hat GM
Conflict, the adventure game of modern warfare
Wastrel Wednesdays, livestream with Dungeondelver

David R

Every time I read your posts here, Jimbob I want to ban the guy. Please stop. I'm trying to live up to this sites ideals :rolleyes:

David R

Kyle Aaron

Quote from: David REvery time I read your posts here, Jimbob I want to ban the guy. Please stop. I'm trying to live of to this sites ideals :rolleyes:
Bugger the site's ideals! What are yours?

Like I said, I'm pretty sure the forum software would allow the mods to restrict access to various subforums. It's vBulletin, same shit as rpg.net uses, and they have Tangency Open be invisible to unregistered posters, and Backstage (or whatever they call it) be invisible to those not mods or admins. I also know of other forums where you can grant access to particular subforums only to particular individuals. So for example we could here have an Asia-Pacific subforum, and the mods would give access to David R, JimBobOz, and so on.

So I think we should do that with Off-Topic. Just let in those who've shown they can talk a lot about rpgs (have 200+ posts), or at least lurk inoffensively (have been registered for six months, and logged in at least once a month). Reading and posting in Off-Topic would be a privilige which could be removed if you were really annoying.

It's a way to avoid rpg.netting the site. After all, many of that place's rules and regulations came about through non-roleplaying game talk about politics, Islam, gays, abortion, etc. If we outright ban Nox, then we've created a de facto rule against posting outright bigoted statements. I'm happy enough with that, but I'm more in favour of prescriptive moderation - "you should post about X (roleplaying)" - than proscriptive - "you should not post about Y (Moslems are terrorists!)" I think prescriptive moderation, promoting certain topics relevant to the forum, is good for a place. Proscriptive, banning certain things, may be inevitable after a forum grows to a certain size, but I'd hope that we could avoid it as long as possible.

It's better to avoid or deflect than it is to fight; if we have someone who can't talk about X without flaming out, it's better to prevent that individual from talking about X, than it is to ban that individual outright.

Someone close to me in my life is bigoted, with extreme prejudice against almost everyone. I find it best to avoid the topics, rather than simply expel the person from my life, as they're a relative.

The VBulletin forum software, I'm fairly sure, allows us to make sure Nox avoids the topics. Of course, he can still go ahead and post "all Moslems are terrorists!" in some thread about Exalted, but I think that won't happen too much; he is bigoted, but is usually on-topic.

But if the forum software doesn't allow that, or if the mods wuss out and won't do it, then an outright ban is better than doing nothing. Just as with the person in my life, if I could never avoid the topics about which they're bigoted, I would have to simply not see them.

A simple topic ban wouldn't do it - it's just too tempting, if you're excited about some topic, to never talk about it. Moderation should recognise we're human ;)

What are my ideals? I think this is therpgsite, and we should make sure most of our posts are about rpgs. Talking about other stuff is like in your game group - we talk other shit, but really we're there to game, if the other shit ends up longer than the game, well do we really want to game?

So Dominus Nox has got to ask himself what he's here for. Is he here to talk about gaming, or just to stir up shit? If he had to choose one, which would it be? I think that if he had a free choice, he'd choose just to stir shit - so we shouldn't give him that choice, and should remove his access to the Off-Topic subforum. It's like in roleplaying, if you don't want the characters to use machineguns and grenades, don't give them machineguns and grenades! If you give 'em to 'em, they'll use 'em! :p
The Viking Hat GM
Conflict, the adventure game of modern warfare
Wastrel Wednesdays, livestream with Dungeondelver

J Arcane

QuoteIt's vBulletin, same shit as rpg.net uses, and they have Tangency Open be invisible to unregistered posters, and Backstage (or whatever they call it) be invisible to those not mods or admins.

It's more difficult than it sounds though.  Mainly because the only way to do that is setting up different usergroups, and then basically reassigning every account on the board.  Which is why RPGnet's "topic bans" or forum bans were entirely made voluntary for the user, they were simply trusted to not post where they weren't supposed to.

If a system is set up like that to begin with, then it's fine, and maybe that "character class" thing is already using the usergroups function, so then you could just assign Nox to a new private class called "douchebag" or something, and just limit that classes access.

Without being an admin I can't really tell.
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