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Public Consultation: Nox & Nox-bashing Threads

Started by RPGPundit, February 12, 2007, 03:02:51 PM

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The Good Assyrian

Quote from: TonyLB'cuz, really, the more attention you give Nox the more you convince him that he's being persecuted by authority.  You, Pundit, are the worst possible person to respond to this situation.  Let Nox get the shit kicked out of him by ordinary, unexceptional posters who just want to keep their neighborhood clean.  I genuinely think that, once he sees he's not going to get martyrdom at your hands, he'll tire of being universally seen as the village idiot.

For the record, I totally agree with what Tony said.


Kyle Aaron

Quote from: The Good AssyrianI suspect that there is a part of Nox that wants to be banned, in order to reinforce his persecution complex.  And yes, JimBob, that's me playing amateur psychoanalyst without even a day's training.  Bad me. ;)
Or maybe he just wants it, as someone said earlier, as a badge of honour. I mean, the first guy bannzorzed from therpgsite - that'd be quite an accomplishment!

When I got bannzorzed from rpg.net, a mate of mine said, "have you ever been banned from any other forum?"
"Yep, really. In fact, one time when I was suspended there, the very same batch of emails that had my suspension in it, had also an offer from another forum that I should become a mod there."
"Well shit mate, that's not good enough. I expect to see you banned from at least two other forums by the end of the week!"
"I'll try."

Most places which have any discussion worth a shit, it's pretty hard to get banned from them. So maybe Nox has a mate like mine, challenging him!

See? The possibilities are endless. It's hard to "read between the lines." Once on Tangency Open over at rpg.net Nick the Lemming said I was a "typical right-wing Christian male!" Only one of those three characterisations is true... But hey, he was "reading between the lines"!

Who the fuck knows what motivates the guy? Don't worry about it. Just respond to his behaviour.
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Let's face it, Nox would gain advantage whatever you did. You can't let what Nox might gain from your actions dictate how you deal with his activities. Pundit's first priority should be the boards, anything else comes second. With the capable, if unofficial, assistance of a number of people here Pundit has made this a place for substantial conversations. Dominus Nox is board crapping and Our Favorite Admin (OFA) is doing what he can to get Nox to stop. I support what OFA is doing. Nox really needs to take a year or two off and get his shit together.

Back months ago I said something really fucking stupid. Pundit told me in a private email to cut it out, so I did. I now know that it was stupid, that it is stupid, and it's not the sort of behavior a wise man engages in. It hurts people, gets you into serious trouble, and besides which, the perp's life expectancy in the general prison population is the shits. I was wrong, I apologize.

OFA will come down hard on someone, but he always gives you a chance to straighten up. Nox got a smack down and now has a chance to straighten up. He might take it, but the way it looks now I doubt he will. He'll get banned because there are somethings you just can't tolerate. Sorry, but nothing is universally applicable, and that includes tolerance.

And note that OFA explained his actions. The procedure was transparent. Nox was not damned to The Outer Darkness by secret conspiring, but scolded after a public discussion of his actions. I would much rather we get a chance to have a say in how a matter is to be handled even if the authorities ultimately decide to not use our advice. Because then we'll know that we were heard, and that the authorities will listen to our concerns even though they don't agree with us. That's what some people need to learn, that just because somebody listens to what you have to say doesn't mean they have to agree with what your say.

Dominus Nox has the initiative, what happens to him is up to him and no one else. He gets banned it will be his responsibility.
Any one who thinks he knows America has never been to America.


I missed the voting but this thread is inspiring none the less.

This post exemplifies what makes our board different than all the rest. Not just rpg.net, but all of the entire fucking internet.

Where else would you get a community address like this?
Where else would you get a community RESPONSE like this?
Only here.

My hat's off to you RPGPundit. For being the man in charge and encouraging this messageboard to be how it is. A place where you can truly speak your mind because as a community we would stand for nothing less.
 "Be the person you want to be, at the expense of everything."
Spreading Un-Common Sense since 1983


I voted for leaving things the way are, partially to see how this experiment of a site goes, partially because he'd just sockpuppet until he finds some other fixation.

Normally I'd say this has come to a head due to "feeding the troll" but this isn't a normal site.


I dont think it should be permissable for people to start threads solely to bait or attack Nox, which I've seen happen.

His attitudes bug me too, but the posters that are egging him on are as much, if not more, of a problem than Nox.

Trolling shouldn't be permitted, even if you don't like the person being trolled.