
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Design, Development, and Gameplay => Topic started by: HinterWelt on April 21, 2008, 09:30:30 PM

Title: [V2] Criticals...
Post by: HinterWelt on April 21, 2008, 09:30:30 PM
So, one thought is to eliminate them all together. Not a fan of that one.

So, I am playing with this idea.
Quote from: V2Criticals occur when the attacker rolls a natural 05 or less on the attack d100. First, this means that the attacker automatically gets max damage for that attack and may pick the area targeted for that attack. This is called a Critical Hit. Since Iridium is an open roll system, the attacker must roll and subtract. Take the amount rolled under and apply it to the Critical tables.

For example, if a 4th level bandit hits with a natural 04, then she must roll again and subtract on d100. If she then roll a 55, she would consult the Critical Table for her weapon at 51 (55 - 4 = 51).
Criticals are rolled on the critical tables by weapon. Punches are considered blunt weapons, while claws are considered edged weapons. If there is ever any doubt, the GM is the final arbiter.

This would make criticals more common but I could rework them to be open ended. I could even put them on one table.

The old way had you rolling a natural 20 on your d20 attack, then a % based on class and level (so a fighter would go up 5% per level). This would mean the chance of a level 1 fighter criticalling would be .25%. In the proposed system your would have a 5% unless I slide the probabilities down shifting the "no results" so we get a longer tail on our curve.

hmm, possible.


Title: [V2] Criticals...
Post by: HinterWelt on April 21, 2008, 11:11:37 PM
Critical table for mundane attacks as it would appear in the open ended critical option.
Critical Hit Chart   
d100   Description of Critical
01-50   You got all of that one! Max damage and automatic targeting.
51-60   Beautiful technique. Max damage, additional damage roll and automatic targeting.
61-70   Tendon Damage; enemy fights at a -20. Max damage, additional damage roll and automatic targeting.
71-80   Weapon hand damaged; foe drops weapon and fights at a -30. 1d10 bleeding / round until healed. Max damage and automatic targeting
81-90   Neck wound; foe stunned for two rounds, 1d12 bleeding / round, speech is impaired until regeneration is used. Max damage and automatic targeting
91-00   Sever major artery causing a ruby fountain of blood; foe fights at a -10. 1d6 bleeding / round for 12 rounds, at which time foe dies. Max damage and automatic targeting
101-110   Limb destroyed; rosy hued geyser coats everything in the area with blood. Foe collapses and remains unconscious for 4 rounds, stunned for 4 rounds, and then dies. Max damage, additional damage roll and automatic targeting
111-120   Attack pierces armor and crushes chest, causing a foamy pink gurgle to ooze from foe's mouth.  Foe must save vs. WILL or be incapacitated.  Foe dies in 6 rounds. Max damage and automatic targeting.
121-130   Helmet destroyed as skull is crushed.  Foe must save vs. WILL or fall unconscious.  Foe dies in 4 rounds. Max damage and automatic targeting
131-140   Devastating groin attack reveals yesterday's lunch; foe is unconscious for 1d4 rounds, stunned for 1d6 rounds, and must save vs. WILL or pass out until he dies.  If foe is awake, he fights at a -40.  Death occurs in 4 hours. Max damage and automatic targeting
141-150   Crushing attack destroys foe's chest; two additional damage rolls + 1d20 bleeding / round. Foe must save vs. WILL or die immediately. Foe is unable to fight. Max damage and automatic targeting
151-160   Foe loses attachment to head.  Instant death if applicable.
161-   Utterly incredible blow splits foe in twain!  Foe lives long enough to develop a split personality.

I am thinking about editing out the last two as they are at the extreme and may not play well with things like bullets.
