
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Design, Development, and Gameplay => Topic started by: RPGPundit on December 05, 2006, 01:17:42 AM

Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: RPGPundit on December 05, 2006, 01:17:42 AM
This thread is for what the title says.  If we're going to talk craft, one of the central points should be not to just list all kinds of RPGs and discuss them, but to discuss what you're all running RIGHT NOW, and what kind of stuff you're doing with it.

So, let's hear about what you're up to.

Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: beejazz on December 05, 2006, 01:26:11 AM
I've hit a lull. But a friend of mine is back in town that's actually into gaming, so I may get to play (as in... as a player) for once. Probably a Modern game.

Thus far, we've only done Magic the Gathering, though.

For all its oldness, MtG still rocks.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Balbinus on December 05, 2006, 07:12:25 AM
I'm playing right now, not running, that said:

The game is Te Deum pour un Massacre, albeit with some heavy houseruling behind the scenes I think.  It's a French rpg set during the French wars of religion.

The characters are in the town of Le Havre, with one PC being a nobleman newly appointed as responsible for all grain storage and taxation and with the possibility of being civilian governor.  I play Henri Morin, his personal secretary, a charming but ruthless and ambitious man born to the lower bourgoisie but with ambitions to rise far beyond that.  Other PCs are the noble's housekeeper and general household staff manager, a young noble who acts essentially as security consultant and a physician (five characters total).

Essentially, everyone outsources everything, the Baron decides what needs doing and tells us to do it, my character who is a social ninja in terms of skill levels then deputes various assistants to do his work and so on.

The game is focussed on intrigue, so far we've not had any fights at all (though we have instructed others to fight on occasion) and there is much maneouvering over who has the right to tax what and whom.  It's a fun game, particularly since most conversations tend to be very polite with an underlying hint that if things go badly extreme violence may follow.

The next game I will likely be playing too, and will apparently be more action based, I tend to think that it's good to follow up intrigue heavy games with more actiony games so as to get a change of pace so that should be fun too.

I intend next year to run some more of my Vikings game and possibly some Aquellare.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: KenHR on December 05, 2006, 07:55:13 AM
Right now I'm playing a 1st edition AD&D game with some guys I found locally who've been playing together for years.  The campaign plot is quite convoluted and I'm not really sure what all is happening yet as my monk joined mid-stream, but it's a great group of guys.  We just finished clearing out a dungeon (where my dude was captured and held prisoner, natch) held by some illusionist who was magic jarred victims for longer life or some such.  Now we're on our way to rescue gnomes from a kobold stronghold.  The game is tough and very much in the classic '80s mold (with better plotting, maybe), and I'm loving it.

I'm also running a Classic Traveller game that is not set anywhere in or near the 3I via cam and voice chat with my old group.  I started by presenting them with a number of archetypal Trav pursuits (space merchants, space pirates, space police, space merc, etc.) and every one of them chose pirates, so this is a pirate game.  The campaign has finally started (I've been working on it sporadically since March!) and concerns the adventures of the crew of the pirate yacht Mustang.  Yes, yacht; one of my players rolled up a noble and mustered out with it, and that was their only character who landed a ship.  He's kind of a naive sort, who has romantic visions of interstellar swashbuckling in his mind.

To get them started, I allowed the captain to swap out his TAS membership and the majority of his starting funds to outfit the ship's boat with some weaponry.  They're going to be relying on surprise to pick off targets here and there.

Our campaign wiki (in my sig below) has information on the subsector in which we're starting, as well as a campaign journal.  Next game's tomorrow night, and I couldn't be happier.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: PaulChapman on December 05, 2006, 08:11:46 AM
I'm running "Return to Castle Defiant," a weekly GURPS 4e Banestorm game featuring cinematic action, 500 point characters, and liberal use of the "spend a CP to upgrade a roll from --> fail --> success --> crit.success" rules. Also, two of the characters have Magery over 3, and all have wildcards skills (the mages = College! for their spells, the swordswoman = Sword!). Again, very liberally defined.

I'm playing a Mutants and Masterminds 2e game via Skype, set in Houston, after a super-hurricane takes out the resident superteam. This game runs once a week. I'm an Iron Man variant. It's too soon to make a call on the system; I'm not crazy about the Hero Point limitations, but the genre may be slowing me down a bit as well. We may be taking a break from this one over the holidays.

I'm also playing in a Werewolf the Forsaken game, every other weekend, set in Austin. I'm a former business guru/freerunner, now the spiritual negotiator for the pack. The system is being run with few tweaks, and it's surprisingly smooth -- the nWoD system seems to get out of the way when you want it to, but supports the really crunchy bits when you need 'em.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Balbinus on December 05, 2006, 08:17:00 AM
Personally I'd be quite happy to have posting in this thread be a prerequisite to posting in any others, but then I'm a fan of gamers being people who game.

I would absolutely be in favour of posting here being a prerequisite to posting to theory.

That aside, I'm quite curious to see more, what is everyone else doing?

Paul, interesting comments on Werewolf, most of the posts I see on NWoD tend to be whinging about the combat rules (which look fine to me) and I haven't seen much concrete comment on how it actually played.  That fits with what I had guessed though, it does look pretty smooth.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Sosthenes on December 05, 2006, 08:19:10 AM
After we decided to pause our "Elves are taking over Greyhawk" game for a while, I listened to the players what they wanted and got almost nothing. They all wanted to play fantasy, but no specifics. Apart from one player. He wanted to play a Drow campaign. I resisted, of course. For a while...

So a Drow campaign it is. But to make things interesting for me and some of the player who didn't want to go all-out backstabbing, we changed some of the ground rules. I've been reading the War of the Spider Queen novels, and while I didn't found them too exciting (and the end was utter crap), I got some ideas from them.
So I killed Lloth. Again. Drow society -- and especially monotheistic Menzoberranzan -- doesn't quite like that. Especially when some rather big enemies lurk just beyond their city. It gets even worse when all the players are the noble sons and daughters of a rather minor house.
Lloth will remain dead this time. Lots of statues and even some priestesses exploded, so most Drow assume that this time it's not just a simple test of their faith. This will be the big plot point: Every house is looking for a different way out.

During the first adventure, the characters escorted a human trader who allegedly held great power in his caravan. They passed through a big multi-cultured market where promises of power could be obtained. Well, they passed over some so in the end they had the choice between venerating the Drow Goddess of Death and Vengeance or going psionic. Strangely enough, they choose the latter. Considering that the last psionic Drow house was completely obliterated...

The other houses are going through some weird changes, too. (My players should not read further) I'm throwing in everything I can find as a supplement or weird anecdote. The first house evolves into Laser-Powered Chaos Hermaphrodites, the second one will slowly turn into the British Army, all kinds of surface gods will play their parts and I don't even want to know what my players will destroy and or create.

They recently killed two beholders and took their Mithril Mine (I didn't quite expect that) and I'll send them to faraway Maztica soon, where they should gather psionic power to help their house survive. Dark elves and sacrificial pyramids sounds like a opportunity that shouldn't be missed ;)

And because I can only stand so much intrigue and cold-hearted killers, we're running a Iron Kingdoms campaign, too. We're still in the Witchfire Trilogy part, so there's nothing intriguing to report. This is the first time they're playing with True20 and it worked out great this far.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: PaulChapman on December 05, 2006, 09:20:44 AM
Quote from: BalbinusPaul, interesting comments on Werewolf, most of the posts I see on NWoD tend to be whinging about the combat rules (which look fine to me) and I haven't seen much concrete comment on how it actually played.  That fits with what I had guessed though, it does look pretty smooth.

To be honest, we're not heavily into combat, but the few we've been in have gone smoothly. There are occasionally "WTF" moments when your 12+ dice pool comes up with no successes, but they're notable largely due to the reaction, rather than their frequency.

That said, I wouldn't hesitate to run a combat heavy WoD game; a Highlander style campaign is brewing in my prospectus pile as we speak.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Levi Kornelsen on December 05, 2006, 09:25:12 AM
Currently, I'm running one-to-five game playtests of all sorts of stuff I come up with.

The Cog Wars, The Exchange, and I'll be trying out Microcosm shortly...  Stuff of mine.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Blackleaf on December 05, 2006, 10:10:26 AM
In the Summer my friends and I had a PBeM game of Games Workshop's "Mighty Empires" with some extra Roleplaying thrown into the mix.  

This Fall has been really busy -- work, teaching, freelance and a new baby!  Last day of classes was yesterday, so things are going to get a little more manageable after all the marking is done.

In the New Year I'm planning for the playtest of my RPG, including a slot at the local Convention.  There's an active Living Greyhawk group here that I'm thinking of checking out, a weekly game of All Flesh Must be Eaten, and a group in the next town that are looking for people who want to try out Dogs in the Vineyard.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: joewolz on December 05, 2006, 10:42:40 AM
I just finished a C&C game set in Malbatil, a world I started creating which is loosely based on the Thirty Years' War.

Just recently, I'm running a one-shot (one to three sessions) of The Shadow of Yesterday.  It's a game about a pirate crew going for some mighty jewels in a ruined temple in the jungle.

They've already encountered a dinosaur, and next time they'll encounter the savage defenders of the ruins.  Then they'll encounter the rival pirate captain.

It's pretty fun so far.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: flyingmice on December 05, 2006, 10:46:09 AM
Right now I'm running two games of In Harm's Way, both dealing with British middies in the 1790s - the IRC one is being posted to Actual Play - and the otther is my face to face game.

I just temporarily finished my Commander's campaign for IHW - two of the Commanders got Posted for firebombing Tripoli with naptha barrels dropped out of hot air balloons and cutting out the Philadelphia in the process, and it's a good place to pause a bit.

I've restarted my StarCluster "Beginner's Luck campaign, now in it's fourth year. We're still setting up the campaign, which is likely to be based on and around Glorianna. Very, very high tech - so high tech that it looks primitive.

Not playing in anything.

Soon, I hope to be alpha testing In Harm's Way: Aces in Spades - an extention of IHW to WWI fighter pilots.

Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Reimdall on December 05, 2006, 11:33:35 AM
We just began my new campaign this past Sunday.  We're playing Epic RPG and I'm running it in Rimenor, which is a northern, tribal, just barely-iron age setting, inhabited by the villages and small towns of the Fost, who are kind of a combination of Vikings and Great Lakes American Indians.

The campaign started in Beohald, a once proud village fallen on hard times.  Everyone pretty much agrees that the hard times and bad luck came about twenty-five years ago, when the current jarl's father, killed all of the bards of the village (and therefore all of its history) in a fit of rage.

Since all of the warriors/hunters were out on an extended hunt, the almost-adult kids all took a trip to the next village to the west, looking for the missing half-breed trader husband of the herbwoman.  They took off on the game trail for the next village around the bay (around two weeks trip).  Two days out, they came across a grizzly bear.

Instead of letting the beast be, one of the characters got too close, and it ripped them a new one.  One of the characters spent the entire combat trying to get a spark to light a torch to scare the thing away.  Two of the characters almost died before they got lucky and killed it.  Then, after sacrifices and taking trophies, the gluttons for punishment went looking for possible offspring (it was a she-bear), and found them - two adolescent grizzlies snuffling across a clearing.  

Oddly, one of the party decided to approach the two big, young bears (possibly to capture them?  make friends with them?).  Anyway, she was not persuasive in her attempts, and the animals ravaged her.

The rest of the party agreed that this was obviously pay-back from the gods, some sort of Fostic Karma, and left the body to the bears.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Silverlion on December 05, 2006, 01:27:33 PM
Ongoing ALIENU/Hearts & Souls Game: Heroes are aliens/alien hybrids of college age on earth dealing with a variety of threats as the few superheroes that remain--albeit the college aspect hasn't been focused on the last bit its going to roll back around again I suspect.

Ongoing Reliquery/Hearts & Souls game: Heroes are teenagers who discovered an abandoned superhero lair with numerous experiments, trophies and other expected things--utilizing these items (some with evil histories) they're trying to be heroes and deal with the slow drift of the end of high school that pushes them apart as friends.

Ongoing: The Shrouded Keep/High Valor RPG: A lone dvegr battlemaster and a human farmer's son who inhereted a magic sword discover strange animals twisted mutant things near the river of Mistfall, atop the falls proper they uncover an ancient keep of Dvegr or Sidda design, hidden in the mists of the three falls, and only able to be reached by activating a special dam, haunted and forlorn they discover a mad alchemist trying to stop the monstrous things born from the tainted waters--as a still beating dragon heart buried under a fallen tower pumps strange warped blood-magic into the falls and river below.

The heroes stopped the heart and triggered a long dead prophecy, related by the dying alchemists last words and a ghosts whispers.  The Seven in Shadow rise to conquer the land, and its up to these two to gather the means to thrwart the Seven and hold against the long night they seek to bring about.

Ongoing Shadow X-men/MSH: (Beneath the Black Cross) Ongoing campaign about a trio of mutants in the Marvel universe, going to a West Coast iteration of Xavier's School, dealing with threats from avariety of foes old and new.

Ongoing ACE/Vast Frontiers Playtest: (Hangmen's Gulch) Asteroid field and goods depot above a colony planet on the frontier, a sherrif and his deputy spent time dealing with the rough and tumble miners, farmers, and other independents sorts from within 3 ton mecha.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Zalmoxis on December 05, 2006, 04:24:37 PM
I'm doing a lot of writing right now, and checking this board when I need a break. Unfortunately I am not actually playing anything.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: David R on December 05, 2006, 05:42:54 PM
I'm currently running my Cyberpunk(rap) campaign set in the Mid East - 99 Problems But The ...- inspired by the tv show Entourage. The pcs are part of a rising rap star's entourage performing, scheming and shooting, their way to glory. I'm about three sessions into the campaign. I've just dropped a hint about this setting's BigBad, an exclusive gentlemen's club that throughout time has made trophy's of popstars.

This will go on for another two months, than season 1 of this campaign ends, and I'll be running the first season of a fantasy game using the d20 system called Factotum-

Factotum - a person employed to do a wide variety of jobs for someone/somebody

Setting - It's a post apocalyptic planet. Death and disease has done the deed instead of wars. Human society is now divided into wandering scavengers, plague riddled cults, petty dictatorships and bizarre collectives. The use of technology is lost in time.

Strange mutated creatures lurk in the edges of the forest and the once heavily populated cities. It's part agrarian, part forager always bartering society. The strong dominate the meek. Humans fashion weapons and tools - sometimes they function as both - from the bones of slain creatures (humans or otherwise) and bits of metal they find littering the planet. Very Dark Sun like.

They have completely forgotten how to use any of the tech, which has somehow managed to remain functional around them. Instead they use them as altars, totem poles, religious relics, crude weapons etc. They pray to gods who do not answer them.

The only other sentient life on the planet (maybe) are the the strange insectoid Thri Keen (sp). Nobody knows whether they predate human civilization, but they are now the foremost predator species. They hunt humans not for food but rather to work in their strange mines - mining for god knows what.

They keep these humans in psionic bondage, repairing their bodies when broken and working them till they fade. They have also infiltrated some of these collectives, and have subtely enslaved people in key positions for unknown reasons. These compromised collectives although very succesful in what they do - farming, mining, hunting etc - are in the thrall of these starnge creatures. Humans, of these collectives also exhibit stange mental powers....

The PCs - The pcs are Robots from a bygone age programmed to help humans with the day to day tedium of living now reawakened by some mysterious force. These robots look like the Warforged from Eberron.

They are the only ones who can use the technology left by the ancestors of the current humans. They travel across the planet working for a time doing various jobs with the caches of technology they discover in human settlements and then moving on, taking the useless (for humans) technology with them.

The tech they find could be medical technology - scanners, drugs ect, construction equipment, communication tech, weapons etc. They build dwellings, cure outbreaks of certain disease, battle foes for these communities. They will work for a time for these people - all they ask in return is for the technology, which is useless to the humans anyway.

So, a group of Factotums may work in a village for awhile doing amongst other things, building a structure, tending to the medical needs of the people, setting up a comminication grid with another village etc.

I picture them as wanderers travelling with strange equipment, small vials of drugs, scanners, energy and martial weapons, music boxes etc looked upon by the humans as sorcerers and entertainers.

The robots could be persuaded to fight the local tyrant (they are programmed to be altruistic in nature) but their main opponents seem to be the Thri Keen and their human allies which the Factotums call the Brethren.

...after this first season, I'll be running my Over the Edge campaign (detailed elsewhere on this board :) ) - The Day of Living Dangerously or I may finaly start my IHW campaign - Our Cruel Sea instead of having one shots...if we can organize ourselves,the programming changes..IHW comes first, than 99 Problems, than The Day...and Factotum is on hiatus, for the time being....

David R
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Kyle Aaron on December 05, 2006, 08:50:07 PM
Well, I talked about how I created my campaign (, expecting that people would want to hear more after that, but apparently not... I guess no-one is as enthusiastic about your campaign as you are :)

Judging by stuff in the roleplaying forum, seems like "craft" threads, like "theory" threads, do much better when they're not named as such.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: David R on December 05, 2006, 09:30:12 PM
Quote from: JimBobOzWell, I talked about how I created my campaign (, expecting that people would want to hear more after that, but apparently not... I guess no-one is as enthusiastic about your campaign as you are :)

Yeah. My settings are pretty weird though :D

David R
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Dr Rotwang! on December 06, 2006, 10:26:54 AM
Iron Gauntlets with my wife.  My setting is called Caldeasmore, and yes it's exactly what you old-school FRP guys think it is.  Hell, last night  ran an encounter which was shamelessly ripped off from the cover of a book, and it felt so good.


It was this, kind of, but without the horse.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: jrients on December 06, 2006, 10:58:03 AM
Tonight Osric the Slayer, his xeph henchman Abu of the Thousand Scars, and their shady friends set sail in the Independent Sky Ship Cloudfool.  It's our first air voyage and we've got a load of stolen hellmetal for which we need to find a buyer.  We're a zillion miles from home due to an unexpected teleport from a dodgy dwarven plane-wizard so we don't know if the locals even speak Common.  Also, I hear dragons are to airships what cats are to squeaky toys.

Should be a wild run tonight.

Quote from: JimBobOzWell, I talked about how I created my campaign (, expecting that people would want to hear more after that, but apparently not... I guess no-one is as enthusiastic about your campaign as you are :)

I have avoided that thread because I can't pronounce the thread title, leading me to the conclusion that I'm not in the target audience.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Dr Rotwang! on December 06, 2006, 11:32:21 AM
Quote from: jrientsI have avoided that thread because I can't pronounce the thread title, leading me to the conclusion that I'm not in the target audience.
It's Gaelic, so it's not meant to be pronounced.  See, they don't actually have a written language -- spoken, sure, but not written.  All this "Ioffudd" and "Thuyyw" and "Waughnnsgt" stuff is just a shambling attempt at making it look like they can write stuff down.  Like a figure skater who can't drive buying a Lexus with her prize money.

It's probably pronounced "Fred Flintstone" or "Hot Burnin' Repcons Afire" or somethin'.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: RPGPundit on December 06, 2006, 12:33:58 PM
Quote from: Dr Rotwang!It's Gaelic, so it's not meant to be pronounced.  See, they don't actually have a written language -- spoken, sure, but not written.  All this "Ioffudd" and "Thuyyw" and "Waughnnsgt" stuff is just a shambling attempt at making it look like they can write stuff down.  Like a figure skater who can't drive buying a Lexus with her prize money.

It's probably pronounced "Fred Flintstone" or "Hot Burnin' Repcons Afire" or somethin'.

Ah Wales... where bands of barrel-chested miners still roam the countryside unchecked terrorizing innocent bystanders with their close-harmony singing, and you need a bucket of phlem just to pronounce any of the placenames...

Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Paka on December 06, 2006, 04:48:12 PM
The Friday night group is playing Burning Wheel.  We were shooting the shit after our PTA game wrapped up and I mentioned that I'd like to play a BW game that is more influenced by George R.R. Martin than Tolkien and my buddy Storn said, "I'd like to GM that game."

We had a city outlined, world set up and our character concepts before we left that night.  Two games later and it has been a blast.

Both the Sunday and the Friday group have been playing Spirit of the Century as our spare tire game when a gamer can't make it and have been having good fun with it.  With game titles like Centurion Science Heroes vs. the Murder Nation & Hardian Helm and Johnny Stripes vs. the Evil Earth its been good gaming.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Kyle Aaron on December 06, 2006, 06:25:05 PM
Quote from: jrientsI have avoided that thread because I can't pronounce the thread title, leading me to the conclusion that I'm not in the target audience.
It's old Saxon - not Welsh, you silly sods - and pronounced as written "Tee-wez-dag", and is the word from which we get "Tuesday." The other word is "Clee-wen", which means "group."
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Dr Rotwang! on December 06, 2006, 09:21:04 PM
Quote from: JimBobOzIt's old Saxon - not Welsh, you silly sods - and pronounced as written "Tee-wez-dag", and is the word from which we get "Tuesday." The other word is "Clee-wen", which means "group."
I think your dingo made that up.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: flyingmice on December 07, 2006, 11:10:41 AM
Hey! He didn't say anything about your dingo, doc! No need to get insulting here! :O


Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: SunBoy on December 08, 2006, 01:23:14 AM
Well, I just broke up with my girlfriend, who was playing my Amber campaign, and in the D&D campaign I was playing, and also I've left our usual club, so I ended up sending straight to hell not only those, but also a VtM LARP, another D&D campaign, great one, based on Calimport, a tweaked Iron Heros Britannia thing, and probably a SR4 campaign. And a week ago DtF crashed too. Not to talk about the possibility of one-shots and playtests on idle nights. So I only have left the Highlander-Roman Empire one, and the LOSH one (that stands for Legion of Super Heros). Like them both very much, luckily.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: RedFox on December 08, 2006, 12:46:08 PM
I'm currently, as I wrote in another thread, running a Uresia-based game using Big Eyes, Small Mouth.  I'm not using Skills, as I don't find the complexity really adds anything to a game I'm keeping rather lighthearted and fun.

Thing about BESM is it's great fun to make up characters, so on and off all week I've been creating NPCs for my players to interact with.  I'm thinking of having them be attacked by an elephant-sized steam powered mechanical walrus next session.

Then again, I might be going up to RHPS tonight, so I dunno if I'll be running tomorrow.  We'll see.

Anywho, I've consulted the wonderful BESM EX fanbook again and I'm pondering changing up combat before we get into our first armed conflict.  I'm not interested in switching to roll-over, but I'm thinking of comparing degrees-of-success for ACV and DCV rolls, using an HKAT-like "if you Defend but not as much as the Attacker succeeded, you take half damage" mechanic.

Mainly because I'm wary of the back-and-forth problem I've heard of so much with BESM combat.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Casey777 on December 09, 2006, 07:57:05 PM
Quick reply ( More later, prepping undead pandas ( for Tekumel...
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Imperator on December 11, 2006, 07:45:34 AM
Quote from: BalbinusI intend next year to run some more of my Vikings game and possibly some Aquellare.

I'd love to hear about both games. If you have any question regarding Aquelarre, I'd be happy to help.

I'm running a wild mix of Shadows of Yog-Sothoth and Innsmouth modules for CoC, and starting a campaign of Aquelarre centered on St. James Way and Death.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: JongWK on December 11, 2006, 09:55:30 AM
Quote from: SunBoyWell, I just broke up with my girlfriend, who was playing my Amber campaign, and in the D&D campaign I was playing, and also I've left our usual club, so I ended up sending straight to hell not only those, but also a VtM LARP, another D&D campaign, great one, based on Calimport, a tweaked Iron Heros Britannia thing, and probably a SR4 campaign. And a week ago DtF crashed too. Not to talk about the possibility of one-shots and playtests on idle nights. So I only have left the Highlander-Roman Empire one, and the LOSH one (that stands for Legion of Super Heros). Like them both very much, luckily.

Ow ow ow... Sorry to hear that it didn't go well in the end, SunBoy. :(
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Settembrini on December 11, 2006, 10:09:06 AM

Savage Tide Adventure Path (after having finished Age of Worms)
Eberron homebrew campaign
D&D homebrew


D&D set in Aventurien, currently "Against the Frost Giants!"

and as a spinoff: D&D Aventurien: Underseas, currently running "Shadow over Innsmouth"

The Traveller Campaign to continue the Traveller Campaign to end all Traveller Campaigns, scheduled for 2008
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: fonkaygarry on December 11, 2006, 11:31:54 PM
Playing in an Exalted detective story.  I dunno how long it'll last if other players don't join in, though.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: David R on December 13, 2006, 04:47:35 PM
This coming weekend will be the last game I run until all of us (my crew) get back from our various vacations.

It's a one shot, called "You Can Tell By The Way I Use My Walk"(since we are playing on Saturday night...oh nevermind) based on the old Gamma World setting (I just got so jazzed up by all the trash talk)...or rather think of it as a Gamma World adventure meets Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome meets Slash Maraud based on the lyrics of Funky Cold Medina.

David R
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Bradford C. Walker on December 13, 2006, 09:07:29 PM
I'm still running the Exalted game mentioned in my .sig file at the Big Purple site, which is now due to end by May of 2007.  I've had a roster shift during this time, have acquired and used most of the rulebooks in Exalted's 1st edition run, and now that endgame's coming I'm looking forward to an end that may well end in a Total Party Kill.  

In my run with Ex1, many of the quirks of the system came out and ended up having an effect on play that probably weren't intended at the time.  In our most recent sessions we've also come upon an insight that is independant of rulesets: the pace of campaign time must accelerate with the infrequency of campaign meetings to maintain the sense of progression on the part of the players, or they'll get bored and quit.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Imperator on December 14, 2006, 04:40:57 AM
Quote from: Bradford C. WalkerIn our most recent sessions we've also come upon an insight that is independant of rulesets: the pace of campaign time must accelerate with the infrequency of campaign meetings to maintain the sense of progression on the part of the players, or they'll get bored and quit.

This is a very interesting idea :)
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: O'Borg on December 14, 2006, 07:22:39 AM
The last PbP game I played in tanked when the GM started taking the CP2020 ethos "Screw over your players" a bit too seriously. My attempt to run a PbP CP2020 game fell flat - I got a grand total of five in character posts from four players and nobody seemed willing to continue. So I'm currently PbP-less.
My regular every-3rd-Sunday game is currently on Christmas hiatus whilst we and the GM deal with the festive nightmare, but in that game we've lost 3/5 players, Kinain & Husband to real life housemove & job issues and Catpain Spudulike to real life & burnout. We're not having much luck recruiting replacements either.
I'm thinking of changing my online handle to Jonah...
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: fonkaygarry on December 14, 2006, 10:16:34 PM
Quote from: fonkaygarryPlaying in an Exalted detective story.  I dunno how long it'll last if other players don't join in, though.
Just to let interested parties know:

The game's Exalted 2nd, based around a group of Dragon Blooded nobles trying to stabilize Grey Falls to keep the whole place from going blooey.

The game's on EFNet, in channel #Nz17_Productions.  It runs 8-11 PM Central US time.

PM me for any details you might want to know.  

We need more players!  Badly!  Come on!
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Wandering Monster on December 15, 2006, 05:06:35 PM
I just finished up a Deadlands:Reloaded game that ended quite well, tying up all the loose ends in one nice, neat package.  

Now I'm two sessions into what's being referred to as a "bar code fantasy" game, with elves, dwarves, and orcs (but no damn halflings) in a somewhat standard European medieval setting.  It's a far cry from my previous fantasy campaign that borrowed heavily from Maori, Mayan, and Chinese cultures where three out of four of the nonhuman races had scales (the fourth had an exoskeleton).

I play and run nothing but Savage Worlds, not because I think it's a superior system, but because it's one that I know and my players know, and it requires very little game prep, allowing me to spend my time working on settings and stories, and not statting NPCs.  If I wasn't so lazy and my players weren't so drunk, I'd probably be more willing to try out other systems.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Bobaloo on December 15, 2006, 05:07:26 PM
I've been "on sabbatical" more or less since the end of July. I've played a handful of RPGA Living Greyhawk, and I hope to play more.

But the big deal for me was DMing again for my son and his friends, playing in Mysteries of the Moonsea.  We've had 1 session so far, and I hope it continues.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: droog on December 17, 2006, 06:23:20 PM
I figure that everything I've been playing is like a red rag to a bull round here. Lately I've played A Thousand and One Nights, Agon, InSpectres and The Shab-al-Hiri Roach. I'm making plans for games of Bacchanal and It Was a Mutual Decision.

Yesterday, one of my groups played the pilot episode for a game of Primetime Adventures, and it was great; we're going to pick up the series after Chrissie/New Year. But hey, it's kind of old-school. We're guys running a magic-item business in a D&D-esque world – my character's a gnoll who wants to make it as an actor in the city.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: joewolz on December 19, 2006, 12:51:05 AM
We just had a game day today.  It was an informal game day organized and played by a few friends of mine and myself.  

We played InSpectres and Dogs in the Vineyard followed by Guillotine and Battle Lore.

All in all, an excellent day.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Arsenic Canary on December 22, 2006, 11:01:37 AM
Currently playing a zany Exalted game on Mondays, and Ptolus on Thursdays.

This is the first time in almost a decade that I'm actually playing instead of running, and it feels good.

That being said, I'm also gearing up to run a D&D game on Wed. nights, probably the spiritual sequal of my old homebrew campaign that went on for five years.  I'm looking forward to getting back into the saddle.

Just recently ended a game I called Dark Prophecy, which was kicked from system to system looking for a home until finally finding shelter in the rocky harbor of WHFRP.  That game was so dark that one of my players actually walked away for a month...not because he didn't like it, but because it depressed him so much that he needed a sabbatical.  That was the greatest compliment he could have given me. :D
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: David R on December 23, 2006, 01:08:01 AM
Upthread I said that GW was going to be the last game this year. Lucky me, I met up with some former gaming buddies who were off (more or less permanently) to Europe.

Talk (while drinking) turned to gaming and I ended up running an impromptu session of WFRP. They were going to start up a campaign once they settled down and the GM wanted me to get the four players he had, familiar with the second editions rules. Four? Five actualy, because I convinced his wife to play :D

The one off - Rats in the Vineyard :D - was a mighty success. And the group has now, one extra player - the gm's wife - because as she said post game..

"Once you do tough talk with Joseph Fiennes (The evil Count Pierre Ludoc) and duel on the rooftops - in the rain, there's no turning back..."

David R
Title: Game the First
Post by: Caesar Slaad on December 24, 2006, 07:01:36 PM
I'm running or soon to run two games right now:

Face to Face: D&D 3.5 - World of Baelish

The first game I am running in is a co-DM situation. Two of us wanted to run some things, one game night... so here we are.

We originally expected some newbies that never panned out. I had a more adventurous idea with more house rules that I decided against based on this. After it became clear the newbies weren't likely to show, I regretted that. I am still considering seeing if we can incorporate the rules and campaign ideas. Might not be worth the hassle.

I am running the game in a world called Baelish. It's my newish homebrew world that is made specifically to "plug in" various third party d20 system material. So far, the world includes:
I'm hoping to hit on lots of published adventures I've always wanted to run but never had the chance to, like the Freeport trilogy, mixed up with some of my own stuff when I have the chance.

Here's a Mercator projection of the world and some of the above sites highlighted:

Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Caesar Slaad on December 24, 2006, 07:07:17 PM
And the second:

Play-by-Post: Return to the Tomb of Horrors

Online, I am running the 2nd edition boxed set adventure Return to the Tomb of Horrors (which included the 1e classic) adapted to 3.5 rules. I expect a high turnover rate, but interest has been very good. I'm hoping the more puzzle-and-investigative nature of the adventure will keep a good flow going, whereas combats in PbP format often run very slow.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: David R on December 24, 2006, 07:27:23 PM
Quote from: Caesar SlaadGOOD STUFF

Seriously :cool:

David R
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: flyingmice on December 25, 2006, 12:17:52 AM
Yesterday I ran the first alpha of In Harm's Way:Aces in Spades, the PCs being British RFC pilots in 1915, flying FE.2 fighter bombers against the German Fokker Eindeckers. One of the PCs got a date with two French girls while another got stinking drunk at a club. They went wandering through the French fields, and captured a German pilot who had crash-landed his Eindecker. He set it on fire to protect the interrupter gear, but one of the PCs smothered the fire with dirt while another plugged the hole in the gas tank with grass. They went up for a training flight and engaged in mock combat - one pilot hung over - with some of the most dizzying acrobatics you could imagine - Hammerhead stall and spin, yoyos, Immelmans, Split Ss, a hair-breadth escape from a crash, even a Vertical 8! The aerial combat system worked exactly like I pictured it. When they landed, one kissed the ground while another lay flat on his back and moaned, covered with his own vomit - yeah, the hungover guy! :D

Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Pseudoephedrine on December 25, 2006, 10:50:40 PM
I'm playing in two D&D 3.5 games. I DM one, and am a PC in the other. It's the same guys in both games, and we alternate irregularly between one and the other.

The game I DM is set in a fantasy equivalent of the early 16th century, where a new continent has just been discovered. The PCs are freebooters, scoundrels and revenge-seekers out to slay their enemies, make lots of money, and explore the new world. Right now, they're in a lost city searching for a necromancer who apprenticed under one of the PC's brothers. The necromancer is the only one who knows the PC's brother's location, and the PCs want to kill him and get the info.

The other game is more complex. It's actually part of a series of campaigns we've been running for about three years, off and on, with various DMs and PCs. This is the last campaign in the series, and it's set in an alternate reality from the rest of the campaigns. Summarising it is a bit hard, but basically, the old reality was destroyed by Cthulu's ghost (we killed Cthulu in the second campaign, but he came back) and one of his minions. We're trying to figure out OOC if it's the same deal here or not, and we're not yet sure.

Both are tons of fun.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: jrients on December 26, 2006, 04:30:45 PM
Caeser Slaad, I love that Mercator projection of your world.  And the basic concept of "a place where I can set these adventures" is exactly what I want out of a D&D campaign world.

Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Melan on December 28, 2006, 05:08:46 PM
After more than half a year of burnout (during which I played, but didn't DM), I am gearing up for a new campaign. It builds on the themes of the Wilderlands and uses the campaign hexagon system style presentation, but has a much stronger sword&sorcery/weird fantasy direction. No elves, dwarves and goblins are involved, but I plan to use the whole range of slimes, molds, and assorted strange critters out of EGG's imagination (and some of my own). What I am shooting for is a game recognisable enough as D&D, but with enough changes to feel "off" a bit. Here is a thread ( wherein I discuss some of the things I wish to achieve, post some deity writeups and proceed to pick up a potential player in the process!

Since we can only play bi-weekly, I am planning to speed up level advancement by adopting the ale and whores rule - you get XP from treasure, but only after you have squandered it. Oh yeah, and ability scores will be rolled randomly, in order. Granted, players can choose between two series, but still, a step in the right direction!
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: KrakaJak on January 20, 2007, 04:26:32 PM
I'm running a Vampire: the Requiem game. With a lot of people new to the hobby or who are tired of D&D 3.x. and didn't know other games and rulesets existed.

The PC's started as an Invictus Inner Circle, in the middle of 1950's Las Vegas. They're trying to ascend a Prince in the middle of Carthian Control and a growing Vampire Population. An open assassination has left the Vegas Kindred on edge, and the PC's questioning their allegiances. They're in the middle of searching the sewers for the Nosferatu ringleader (the Nosferatu in my game have a clan identity as they are mostly segregated from greater Kindred society and have no voting rights under the current Carthian Law)
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Stumpydave on January 21, 2007, 04:59:13 AM
Just started my Dresden Files game using Risus.
Set in London, the PC's have been hired by the mysterious Mr.Fawkes to steal a painting from the Piazza Scarletti Casino in London's west end.

The Witch wants the painting for herself, the Werewolf just wants his cut from the job, the Paladin (Invested with a measure of Archangel Gabriel's wrath) wants to bestow judgement upon Mr.Fawkes and the Einherjar (one of Odin's champions, a WWII marine commando who's back to prevent Ragnarok happening early) who wants to destroy the painting.

So that coupled with gerowing certainty that the current owners are Red Court vampires should make this an interesting proposition.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: David R on January 21, 2007, 06:05:23 AM
We are into the second hour of my 24 & Crisis Is Our Brand inspired Over The Edge campaign - The Day Of Living Dangerously

Two pcs are in the control room trying to calm down an irate student union organizer with org crime links.

One pc is hiding out in an abandoned factory after being chased there by sinister policemen (who were part of her security detail)

Another pc is trying to negotiate a settlement between farmers and a big multinational corp all the while keeping an eye out on her partner (another pc), whose trying to calm down victims of what they think is corporate sabotage - which they did not authorize.

The last two pcs are meeting a source who could lead them to the leak, whose passing info to a determined journo out to get them & ruin the next day's election...

David R
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Tim on January 23, 2007, 01:38:50 PM
I'm currently GMing a Burning Wheel game: The Fall of Turmhoch. It's a fantasy foreign legion saves the world kind of a campaign. The characters are all 5 lifepath movers and shakers. The current situation involves our ranger and reluctant warrior scouting the northern wastelands to try and determine the nature of the threat to their world, while our oathbreaking dwarven prince travels the soft underbelly of the southlands to try and drum up support for the outnumbered garrison of Turmhoch.

If you're curious about how a BW game plays out, you can check our AP thread here (
I apologize in advance for the bastardization of any german words you might encounter.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Spike on January 24, 2007, 05:46:56 PM
Well... I joined a long running, but player poor D&D campaign, where my dual flail weilding mercenary occasionally feels drastically underpowered next to the Elven Wonder Twins (a Conjuror and Cleric respectively), but heck, it's fun in it's own way, and apparently my wait and see playing style is miles ahead of the couple I replaced (kill it and take it's stuff... what do you mean begger's don't have any stuff? ok, gimme the xp then!).  For a guy with no real armor I have an obscene AC.. and given the fragility of the wonder twins and the unpredictability of the Unicorn riding earth gensai (she of the I threaten small children to their parents because the parents are evil...)... well...

Sadly they only play about once a month, though I'm thinking that I might have to form a SR4 group with one of the Elven Wonder Twins, since we both like the game.

THIS friday (a week and a half late....grrr...) I hope to run the first session of my Runequest game, and thus actually report on how it's going.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: O'Borg on February 01, 2007, 08:30:59 AM
Quote from: Spike...where my dual flail weilding mercenary...

How do you dual-weild flails, wouldn't they get tangled up?
Or does your character have very long arms and goes in windmilling frantically like a Chinook in a barrel roll?
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: O'Borg on February 01, 2007, 08:34:36 AM
Due to an XMas hiatus, and this Sundays game being cancelled at the last minute (I was literally halfway there, and if I hadnt been delayed by the next door neighbour for 15 mins as I left my house, I'd have arrived on the GMs doorstep), I havent tabletop gamed since mid-November.
The GM is currently PBeMing us for a bit, which might prove troublesome later as I'm a much, much better writer than I am tabletop RPer (which is a reflection on my RP skills not my writing)
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: MGray on February 06, 2007, 09:57:35 PM
Let's see I am:

Running a game of Exalted set in the Hundred Kingdoms near Denandsor. The game is still in the early stages and the PCs are just now consolidating their positions in the boom town they are in. They are surrounded by three other countries that all want to use their vast resources for their own ends. Should be fun.

Running a game of D&D 3.5 set in an...alternate Forgotten Realms. I pretty much ripped everything out but Faerun and have been slowly but surely undermining certain underpinnings of the setting in order to get some conflict in there and make the PCs the stars of the show. Right now the PCs are investigating the manufacture and use of a set of soul stealing blades. One of these blades was used to permanently kill Storm Silverhand, a leader of the Harpers, and alot of the big names of the setting on both sides are in semi-hiding.

I will soon be playing in a D&D3.5 Campaign as a member of the 'SWAT team' of a City's Watch. Hopefully that'll go well.

That's pretty much it.

Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Koltar on February 23, 2007, 10:36:53 PM
This Sunday I am running episode or "Session #50"  of an ongoing GURPS: TRAVELLER campaign.
 We usually game every other week a pretty intense 3 to 3 and half hours sometimes 4 hours. Why so short a time? We used to have our game sessions on Thursday night, then Tuesaday night between 6pm and 9pm. Players had to go to work the next morning.  Now that we're gradually switching to Saturday or Sunday nights , the group ius hoping to get 4 to 5 hour session lengths.

 If you know the TRAVELLER universe, most of the group's adventures are set in around District 268 of the Spinward Marches.  The players are the crew of an Empress Marava-class far trader starship. The ship is the I.M.S. Margaret Thatcher ...but they just call her the "Maggie" most of the time.  Its set in the 3rd Imperium year of 1119 and in January 5639 AD on the Solomani calender.

We just "restarted" the above  campaign.

 From September 2006 to mid January of this year I was actually running a Fantasy mini-campaign using the BANESTORM setting. That was very strange for me .  For close to 24 years I've mostly run science fiction or TRAVELLER-esque Space Opera RPG campaign, with quite a few old FASA STAR TREK  campaigns back in the late 80s/early 90s.

The BANESTORM story had my  group of players very involved with the Caitness civil war situation. One of the Pcs was a very recent Banestorm victim - less than 3 days time before the campaign started.

Anyone want to hear more about either of those? Would I put those kind of threads in this section? or up in the regular Role playing section?

- E.W.C.
Title: Talk about what you're Actually Playing
Post by: Christmas Ape on February 24, 2007, 06:03:55 AM
After a few sessions of 3.x D&D (one 3.5 PHB, rest of the books 3.0) with a heavy dose of handwavium - in which we burnt a town, killed a dire bear, betrayed a druid, framed a duke we murdered as a traitor to the crown, then fled to become smugglers in the nearest city - we've started our more serious campaign.

It's an L5R game run using 3e rules during the 1e timeline - pre-Coup - featuring three bushi and a Togashi monk, each at the Wall for their own reasons. I've been playing Shiba Kiyonori, a short bald samurai with an Imperial spouse, a young sun, and a tendency to take himself a little too seriously; it's only been a couple sessions so I don't know the others well, save that the monk is one-eyed and one-armed, the Scorpion is avoiding a Lion enemy, and the Dragon bushi is basically a sword with feet to carry it between scenes. :raise:

It's been a lot of fun playing again, and I'm taking plenty of care to feedback the GM about what I'm liking. He hit a lot of buttons from my character description right in the prologue,'s going well.