
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Design, Development, and Gameplay => Topic started by: LordVreeg on August 31, 2009, 12:09:43 PM

Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 31, 2009, 12:09:43 PM
So, contrary to most designers, I have run the same setting/rulest for the super longhaul.
I began GMing 33 years ago, T&T 4th ed and 0D&D.  I ran the typical young  campaigns, moved up and learned, tried again, ran Tolkien's MiddleEarth and Moorcock's Corum Bro an Mabden, and 3 more campaigns before I started Celtricia, the year I turned 18.

This campaign was not planned to be my setting for the next 25 years.  But I finished High School as I ran my first groups in it.  I took it to college, where I probably played it far too much.  It came with me through a number of relationships, My later stint in college and my grad school days.  And I am still running it today.  One of the most gratifying parts is that 3 members of that original group from the winter of 1983 are playing in one of the two live groups I run in the Boston area.  That particular group contains characters made in our GuildSchool system 13/14 years ago.  My other live group, the Igbarians, is a baby of a group, having started 5 years ago, and had a near TPK 3 years ago, so most of the 7 players in that group are running characters 2 or 3 years old, though 2 players are starting new ones due to some player idiocy a few weeks ago.

One of the other gratifying parts is new players and groups.  I had an online group lose a few characters and need to regroup recently, so I started another online game.  A 2 hour a week think, it's all CBG players, with 3 players who made characters and got serious and a pregens that run as NPCs or pickup PCs.  

I've had two sessions so far, and it has gone well.  I'm going to post some of the background material and the logs so far.
--make that three.  
Make that four.  Crazy roleplaying fools.

And session 15 tonight. 12/1
session 18 tonight.
Session 23 happened on 1/20/10  the group has grown, and this is the group's page (  5 players.
Posted notes on session 31
And now session 37 has been posted.

have not updated the front post here for a while, though many other sessions have been posted.  did session 52 last night, posted some notes for that.

Session 55 tonight.  The group ended up tripping a trap on purpose (hello?) and got shoved down an ancient shft to the caverns below.  They are trying to find their way back...

We did the write up for session 61 last night.  
4/16/11---session 71

as of 5/1/12, i just wrote up session 118.  Never really thought this online game would go on this long, with no signs of flagging.

AS OF 8/1 we have written up session 128 and going strong.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 31, 2009, 12:15:12 PM
The Island
The Steel Isle lies off the south-western tip of the Bright Lands Plutocracy, around 80 miles off the mainland at the closest point, south-west of the city of Hobyt Inn.  It guards the northern entrance to the Tarn Bay, and also acts as an unfortunate breakwater in the Noreasters that would othewise roar right up the bay, Perhaps all the way to Orbi.  The Steel Isle is 94 miles from north to south, roughly it's longest dimension, but no more than 42 miles east to west.  Due to coves and crevicves, it encompasses a little over 3000 square miles.

The Steel Isle has been home to quite a few settlements in it's history, but it is best known as the, or one of the, primary receptacles of the Venolvian cultural remains.  Steel Isle was one of their earliest and longest lasting settles areas, with some historians giving it precedence as the original birthplace of that old island empire.  In any case, ruins still dot much of the island, though sometimes they are newer, Marcher-era ruins atop the older Venolvian ones.

It has a number of large hills in the center of the western coast, while much of the rest of island is covered in moor. The hills are called the Ensight Hills.  The southern moors are much more overgrown and wet, while the northern ones are drier, covered in Vneersberry and Reddle.  There is also one large green forest just south of the Ensight hills.  The Forest is called Cherio, and the whole southern part of the Forest, and much of the south-western tip of the isle, is covered by the Velonici Swamps.

Like much of Celtricia and the Cradle area, there are large areas of open wilderness.  Lizardmen, trogs, and gnolls wander in tribes and build rude settlements, while tales of insect-armored skeletal figures haunt the fireplaces late at night.  Small wonder that most sane folk stay close to the settled, protected areas.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 31, 2009, 12:16:50 PM
There are 6 real population centers on the Steel Isle, but the largest is Steel Isle Town.  Build on top of Stonto, a Venolvian town, there are still some older sections and buildings, old white fidikmarple structures in the old Venolvian/Wintric fashion, as well as many in the Marcher architectural style.

The other major settlements aer Colapus in the far north, Scar's Cove to the South, Tarbio, Ovxentown, and Toxamus to the West.


Over twelve thousand souls make Steel isle Town their residence, built on the western center of the island, nestled into a cove, with a pair of hills behind the buildings (north-east and south east), with a swampy area to the south.

Steel Isle town was originally a captured port called Stonto,  repopulated by the Grey March after they broke the Venolvians Power.  However, the immense distance between the Island and the Grey March quickly dissolved direct control.  And while it has been a property of the Bright Lands, Argus, and even Coom Isle at different times, Steel Isle Town is currently an independent city-state, albeit one that is a supporting member of the League of Stenron.

The main areas of town are:


The Docks.

The Leeward Docks

Merchant Row

The Bazaar

Courtyard Row

The Lower Hill

The Upper Hill


Baron Vor of the Order of Stenron is the leader of the town, and he has a council of twelve town leaders he works with, as well as a few commitees. Please note that he governs this large town, not any other part of the Island.  They recently got permission from Steward Julian of Trabler to hire the Scarlet Pilums to be the town guards here, supplanting the former militia.  Sir Essan holds the rank of captain of the Scarlet Pilums.

The Town Council is called the Council of Steel, however unimaginative that may be.  They meet in the main governmental building, a huge old Venovian temple-castle with a redone Marcher-Era roof from a few centuries ago.  This is called the Quegan, and it lies on a small sward of grass, with a ditch that was a small moat many centuries earlier.  Many of the larger buildings, especially on the Hill, are of similar Venolvian vintage.


There are four main rank delineations used in common politcal delineation (allong with countless minutae),  Squire is the title of an established member of a knighthood or Guild.  Sirrah is a senior member of that Guild or order.  Sir is a leadership position below that of the head of a guild.  Siran is the title of actual leadership, the Commander.

Mercantile situation
Steel Isle Town is the largest port on the Steel Isle, and has a good sized fishing fleet, that both feeds the town well, promotes the maritime community, and allows for some good trading.

Steel Isle's northern hills are a source of ParsingBrax, as well as Meteroic Iron.  While many of the old Venolvian Mines are sitting open and unused, there are a few groups who have recently retured to these in the last few decades, and are making money for their guilds.  The Charsteels are one such independent guild in Steel Isle Town.

Steel Isle is the stopping point for all watercraft coming from the ruined Delvan continent, and some enterprising guilds have set up shop taking orders for them at a small premium to circumvent the need for these traders to continue the hundreds or thousands of miles to Trabler, Argus, the Grey March, or the Bright Lands.

The trade in old Venolvian artifacts is also very good business, and both Hobyt Inn's Trikelicce Guild and Igbar's Sceding Tree take the Lion's share of this business.

The Largest church in town is that Lawful Triumverate, followed by the the Church of Madrak of the Earth and then Arlieng the Guide. Many other smaller ones are also present.  So the daily observances found in the rest of the cradle area are no less present here.  Also, there are rumors of a hidden cult, the Dark Way.  While it is only a tale for most townsfolk, the eclesiastic community is a little less pleased about it .  The Churches hold almost as much power as the government.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 31, 2009, 12:20:54 PM
List of Schools, Steel Isle Town

This is a list of guilds/factions that the players can belong to.  In the Guildschool Ruleset, the players ahve to choose one major and maybe one minor affiliation.  The Experience modifier (how fast they gain ability) for each of their skills is determined by this, so this is actually one of the most crucial decisions the players make.


The Order of Stenron

The Scarlet Pilums--the mercenary group recently hired.

Armor of Trade-Ogleic's Knighthood

Bowyers of Ceminiar--Ceminiar's honor guard

The Mysteriarchs of Lathe-Martial Brotherhood

The Blue Turtle Samurai-Honorable brotherhood

BoneKNights of Orcus-Wardens of the Boneyard



Collegium Arcana-The Huge multinational Mage Guild

The Tower-weather mages of Air and Water

The Steel Libram-A small outpost of the Igbarian Sages

Vasko's Brew--Alchemic branch of the Blackstripes



Trombic Fanfare--Brassy and bold



The Underworld

The Eye of Steel--Kasaraks local Eye

The Karin Machination--The Assassin branch of the Eye.

The Blackstripes--Heliopolis' Coom Isle group

Holders of the Straight Way-Belial's Assassins

The Laughing ones-Pilferers and influence peddlers

Burrow Boys-Dockside bulleys.


The Churches

The Church of The Solid Earth (Madrak the Mighty)

The Church of Black Humor (Jubilex of Chaos)

The Grey Church (Amerer, the Balance)

The Church of Obscurity and Fate (Darklingm Lord of the Night)

The Church of Direction (Alrieng, the Guide, and Oblimet, DevilDuke of Direction)

The Church of the Green Mother (Vernidale)--Nature mothers.  Very popular church

The Church of Belial the True and Clear (Belial)

The Shrine of Ogleic, the Tradelord




Gurellium Traders--Merchant Marines

Schen Traders-Exporters with branches all over the Island

Vaarstead fine Liquor imports-UNDER THE sCEDING tREE

Hamis Bowyery-The finest bows, metalrecurves a specialty, as are crossbows.

Grisley IronMongers-Guild of 6 Blacksmiths

The Sceding Tree-Large Master Merchant Guild that speculates in many markets.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 31, 2009, 12:27:33 PM
The Venolvian Empire

In the third century before the 'modern' age (some 1100 years ago, approximately -300 RON), the trade between on the Argonia Ocean was burgeoning.  The Argussian Empire's northern trade routes became heavily laden, with the Blue City Plutarchs (which would become the Bright Lands) and the Arcane City States (that would become Orbi) by sea, and they Traded with the Astrickon Traders and the Onoconians by land.  The Ancient cities of Hagenos and Lestchian created mysterious artifacts, and all the northern groups risked much for access to the power and splendor of the State of Winter, further north.

Pirates started operating in the quiet areas between the Tarn Bay and the Argussian ports to the south, and so the merchant ships became convoys, complete with triremic warships, though heavily sailed to take advantage of any air mages or weather mages.  Though some operated from the coast, most of the pirates came from Grace Island and Steel Isle, two very large islands that bracketeted the entrance to the Tarn Bay.  Larger Coom Isle, to the south, also was a jumping off point.

Both of these islands were large enoguh to support decent sized population, and their proximity to the Tarn Bay, the 'Golden Ship Road' made it perfect for waylaying ships and then escaping back to the mist-shrouded islands.

The Tarn Bay itself was a large inlet, one that cut a swath between the Northern Argussian marches (Today's Trabler) and the Blue Cities (Today's Bright Lands), then elbowed north, allowing sea access to the Arcanic city states (Now Orbi), and the northern tip of the Tarn bay extrends within 140 land miles of Fabled Winterloo.  So for the sea traders, the Tarn bay was a goldmine, and for the priates, it was a spiderweb, they felt, and they were the spiders.

The next centuries found the Far North fighting each other and an army of Undead , while the Argussian Empire battled Gastax to the South.  Shipping and mercantile activity increase, as did the piracy.  Coom Isle became more of the pirate Haven, while Steel Isle and Grace Island started to become more traditional ports, albiet with a still strong bucaneer influence.  By -100 RON, the pirates and the some ports on the islands were working together under what they called 'the Sea Lords' and what the Argussians and the other trading empires called the 'Pirate Lords'.

In -94, the growing town of Velonici became the capital of the Sea Lords Holding, and in -90 the Sea Lords took on the name of the Venolvians, which translates into "The Uniters" in the Anarch language.  The Pirate Lords of Coom Isle were loosely allied to the more official grouping of the other two islands. By -50RON, they have a flag, and the Amererian religion and the Entropic religion are fighting for control.  This battle for the faith of the Venolvian's never really ended.  The population is burgeoning, and they have taken on an architectural style similar to the Wintric/suprosian era.  It is at this time that the wire sculptures of insects and birds begins on the Steel Isle as well, spurred on by the entropic influence.

In -16RON, the last independent holding on the Steel Isle, Tal Irishi, falls to the Venolvians (See the Story of Meganna, the Fairy Queen), and even the Coom Isle pirates fly the flag of the Venolvians,

This was a time of rapid expansion for the Venolvians, a golden age of economic and cultural enhancement and nationalism. At the same time that the North was imprisoning the Dreadwing and the Theocracy of Nebler was officially founding their country, The entropic churches forced the capital to move from Velonici to Kulranik City, on Coom Isle.

History is never a vacuum, and eveything that happens has a ripple effect.  The first century in the Reckoning of Nebler was a turmultuous time throughout the cradle area.  The Astrickon Traders came into being to the west of the new Theocracy of Nebler, the Arcanic Table in the Mystic City states combined, and started to force out the old Devilkin backed families, Atros Beasthurion Armed the Omwo~ of the Black Forest, and the State of Winter moved slowly into the former Igboniat areas.  The Venolvians were incredibly busy as well, expaning onto the western Coastal mainland of the Cradle area.  These areas were wild and empty, and for decades other countries were almost unaware that the Venolvians were creating settlements in what was nominally in their borders.


Venolvia continued to expand over the next few centuries, and their navy controlled and tithed the areas their ancestors had plundered.  Their entropic water magic was extremely puissant, and their merchant guilds were lossely controlled by their governtment.  Labor was taken care of by their slaves, called the 'Beast-men', gnolls, Lizardmen, and Korang's Fratrecanis. They minted coinage, and were very active mining on the mainland, as well.  The wealth and expansion also served to exalt the upper class, and Steel Isle became the gathering spot for the well to do, with vacation Villas and pleasure palaces.


In 240RON, the Venolvian navy (still called the 'Reavers', in honor of their past) crushed the militant merchant fleet of 'The Inn', the most puissant of the  Blue Cities, and this officially announced the Venolvians to be the major empire along the Western coast.  The other countries and states saw the Venolvian expansion but did not want to confront them directly.  The Northern coastal part of their empire (now the western coast of the Grey March) had expanded into 4 major settlements and dozens of minor ones.  By 390RON, the Blue Cities officially joined together to form the Bright Lands Plutocracy, to stand against the Venolvian sea power.

In 418RON, there was a major disaster in the north, and over half of the military power of the Venolvians disapeared almost overnight.  No records survive from it, but the 'disaster' is noted in many secondary sources.  Also notable in this time was The Argussian Empire becoming a real ally of the Venolvians, though this may be in part to protect their somewhat fragile holdings in the Northern Argussian Marches.

In the late 400's, Sir Jon of Triston, of the State of Winter, led the Wintric Army against the Venolvians in the North.  Details are hard to come by, but by all reports he destroyed their main temple complex first, then marches with sword and fire thorugh the Venolvian settlements.  Before 500RON, he has sacked and salted every one of their settlements, on his way to earning the title 'Saint Jon' by the Lawful Triumverate.

Reeling from this, the Venolvians tried to recover and recouperate, but the Marcher fleet of Wind followed the retreating forces to the Islands, and combined with the Bright Lands forces, they sacked both Velonici and Kulranik City, essentially destroying the Venolvians completely by 515 RON.  

The Marcher forces actually left colonies on Grace Island and the Steel Isle.  By the 700s, the venolvian settlments were all ruins or coopted into local governments.  Their stonework was coopted for new work, their statues pulled down, the temples now housed different Gods.    

Their islands are now only a pale shadow of a former empire, the populations of these outskirt areas are barely a tenth of what they were at their peak.  Proud as it was, the Venolvians reached a quick height, and fell far.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 31, 2009, 12:57:36 PM
Dramatis Personae...

Current Members

•Hamish Haldane - PC - Delvan Human Chandler/Water Mage/Swordsman prodigy. De facto group leader. Foundling of the Gurellium Traders, now of journeyman rank. One of the more varied caster in Steel Isle Town, now is the master of a grey Thunderbird familiar.
•Maximillian Carchedin- PC - Vanir Omwo~/Kann Klaxik Cross. Cousin of the fallen Mior Carchedin and Armiger of the Arcanic Swords. His might is pre-eminent. Maintains a regular correspondence with his grandfather.
•Wurnik Woundhealer - NPC - Zyjman Orcash from the Church of Amerer the Gray also part of the Bowyers of Ceminar. Notoriously clumsy.
•Brother Cameleye - NPC - Hobyt (Shrum?) from the Church of Obscurity and Fate. Well versed in tracking and trap skills. Sneaky git.
•Vermortis Tygea - PC - Mixed Human Knight of the Armor of Trade. Survivor of a shipwreck that was attacked by golden masked cultists. Rescued by the party and joined with them to exact vengeance. Wields the Nacdilis.
•Carmen Ondradet - PC - Rebellious teenage Hobyt friend of Wurnik, from the Bowyers of Ceminiar. She has an unhealthy sense of entitlement. The Parties first crack shot, compared to Wurnick.
•Astell Arsaim,- PC -  Mixed Human knight of the Bone, and neophyte priest of the Church of Obscurity and Fate  
•MazAbd - PC - Omwo~ scholar of the Steel Libram
•Moss - PC - Human


Former Members

•Kellik (retired) - PC - Half Orcash Gnome Blue Turtle Samurai. Known for a short temper only calmed by combat or wine. Established an Inn and Tavern in Steel Isle Town.
•Mior Carchedin (dead) - PC - Slain on the second bridge by Death Cultists.
•Hsui (dead) - PC - Omwo~ sage of the Steel Libram. Was recued while fleeing for his life from cultists. Slain by some gnolls on the 2nd floor of Vexchian.
•Simon Smith (dead)  - NPC - Mixed Human Bone Knight of Orcus. Not fond of Torture. Carries the title of Sirrah. Slain by a heavily armored Cultist while defending Hamish.
•Gordin Edelman (In Town) - PC - Gray Marcher Human. Gartier sized, near-enough. Found captured by The Party and set free, to promptly join them on their quest. From the Church of the Solid Earth.  Staying in town after being rescued.
•Toden Hodd TorZyjman (out of action) - NPC - New Gartier priest of The Shrine of Ogleic as well as part of Armor of Trade. Taken out of combat after a werewolf ripped off his arm. Will be returning with the group to Vexchian now that he has recovered from his wounds.
•Rampan the Red (dead) - NPC - Red Hobyt pyromancer from the Collegium Arcana. Totally obsessed with fire and prone to bouts of overly complex speech that leave everyone around him confused.  Slain when Carmen pushed him down a flight of stairs after he got hit by a spear trap.
•Stormhammer Lenden (dead) - PC - Human Gurellium Trader. Knows Hamish. Fell off a rppe bridge after being hit by a crossbow bolt fired by a cultist.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 31, 2009, 12:58:50 PM
Transcript from the First Session...
(Cleaned up, without all the OOC)
Striding into the Offices of Chorbit are the Gartier Knight of the Armor of Trade, Toden Hodd TorZyjman and the orcash Bowyer Wurnik Woundhealer.
They join the gnomic Squire Kellik, Omwo~Mior the bowyer, and Hamish Haldane, Delvan Human Mage of the Tower complete the group of five. Each of these stalwarts belongs to a guild that works with the Sceding Tree...and all are here as a form of repayment, as well as an opportunity.

It is Tokush 1, the First day of the month of Winds, 895 RON. Cold outside, maybe 30 degrees, with snow still coming down.
The openning montage is in the large and richly appointed offices of the Gnome/Red Hobyt Chorbit, Trader Secundus of the ScedingTree of Steel Isle. He's imposing, despite his size, and has done well for himself here, though the Sabre at his side does not look out of place. He's got salt and pepper hair, with the pepper still getting the better of the battle.
Golden sunlight pieces the high windows, belying the frost bearing sea winds of early Tokush. The assmbled explorers can't help but note the way precious metals all over the office catch the warm sunbeams. The ceiling lamp, an electrum and silver loop is covered with fanifule winged insects perfectly placed in a braid. In the far right corner of the room, a full set of burnished scalemail chased with silver sits, with a wing motive on the shoulders and a mandibular faceplate. Ancient Venolvian work, to be sure, and worth a seargant's months wages at the least. And more items of this genre litter the tall office.
"It's not that it's especially dangerous, my friends" he goes on. "it's more that we haven't found tell of a really new site in quite some time."
He looks down at the ancient, ruined scroll on the massive Ironwood desk behind him. It looks like the morning sunlight will set it aflame, or that a breeze would blow the parchemnt's disparate parts into oblivion. There must be some serious magics holding it together.
"However, I am not saying that is especially safe, as it is to the south of the city." He sighs and picks up some notes on newer paper, "We can't be totally sure where this 'Vexchian' is...That's what the author calls it in the old notes we found, 'Vexchian"...but he does mentions some cliffs around it, and a stream, and a large forest spreading north from it."
He picks up a another square piece of thick paper.

"Our maps may not be perfect, but we do know there are cliffs in the southern Cheriot, in a very wet area, where the swamps and the forest intermingle." He looks up at the explorers. His eyes are somewhat clouded, but with what, none can say.
The room is quiet, waiting for him to continue. Finally, he puts the map back down.
"Of course, with the man-eating, Scalik tribes down there, it probably won't be totally unopposed", he says referencing the Lizardman groups that infest the swamps. "Which is why we have an armed group going to find it." He picked up the map again. "Also, the last major Venolvian find did include the corresponding ravenous undead Venolvian spirits."
Chorbit stands in profile, one hand on his hip. "I'm sure I don't have to tell you that even on a normal exploratory trek, we never know when we're going to run smack into an old Venolvian boneyard. The Steel isle was one of their central posessions." A brief smile crosses his face. "In other words, with as many old graves in as small an island as this one, be ready for undead"

He reaches behind the desk and pulls out two small wooden chests, places them on the desk, then pulls out two more.
"We at the Sceding Tree have been doing this for a while, and we want you to bring us back things to sell. TradeLord knows we're in this for a profit." He picks up the first wooden box, which is reinforced with leather and small studs. "This is a Field healers kit. You're getting two of these."
He moves to the third box. Darker, with black leather reinforcement. "This is a trackers kit. It has a notations journal, magnifiers, and a few odds and ends."
He picks up the fourth box, a small affair, not even a foot long and very narrow. "I'm hoping you need this, actually. It's a basic lockpick set some friends at the Scarlet Pilums got from a contact. Best not ask how."

"Well, with these, and the map, we wish you the best. Ishma's Blessing"
Chorbit looks at the group again. "Now, you're a tough seeming crew, it seems."

Kellik looks everyone over one by one, sizing each up with squinted eyes, his scarred face settling on them in turn one by one... a slight smirk on his lips.

Chorbit: "Who needs the field healer's kits? Speak up"
Wurnik:" I can use one of those kits, Sirrah"

Mior_Carchedin glances around, and then says,"
Pray tell, Chorbit. How... numerous.. are these lizardmen?"
Chorbit says, "The Snakeyboys??? Down in the swamp, they're like A klaxie on dick. Tons swarmin' about the swamp areas below the forest."

Chorbit hands a field healer's kit to Wurnik. "Only one healer?"
Kellik looks over at Wurnik, catching his eye. "Just remember to keep me healthy... that is if you like your head on your shoulders"
Kellik chuckles to himself
Wurnik says, " From what I hear, I'm going to be busy with healing!"

Hamish_Haldane says, "Such pessimisn, surely we will not be in such dire straights"
Toden clears his throat. "I have a little healing ability. I will take the other kit for the good of the group."
Mior_Carchedin shrugs, and says," Fine by me."
Chrobit smiles. "That's the spirit, boyo."
Kellik says, "Relax Wurnik this should be fun. It's been too long since I knocked heads"

Chorbit "Now, does anyone need the tracking kit?"
Mior_Carchedin says, "Toss it over here."
Chorbit hands the wooden case over
Mior_Carchedin rummages through the contents.

Chorbit :"Now, I am hoping someone might need the pick and tools I carefully provided"
Hamish_Haldane looks around, then says,"Now my good Chorbit, how "aware" are people outside this office, about this discovery?"
Mior_Carchedin "I have some.. experience with locks. Perhaps it would be wise for me to hold on to that."
Toden looks over. "Yes, perhaps you should Hold onto that"

Kellik is leaning against the wall, arms crossed in an arrogant manner as he chews his lip... he seems a bit impatient

Chorbit says, " Any other questions about this map, or what is expected? I promise you, we'll give decent value ."
Mior_Carchedin smirks, and says, "Good value, eh? No advance payment for something so... valuable?"
Chorbit gives a little false smile. "I have A donkey waiting with field rations by the south wall, and watered wine. You'll be rewarded if you bring anything back."

Hamish_Haldane looks around, and says, "Hmmm, does anyone need to purchase anything else before we depart?"
Mior_Carchedin says, "I can't imagine anything else I could possibly need."
Wurnik says, "I packed well before I left the guild. I figured it was time to travel..."
Chorbit rolls his eyes upward a bit. "You'll have more than enough to spend when you come back, I'm hoping for all of our sakes."
"Those of us who do come back", says Hamish.
Kellik smiles and says, "Watered down wine, cheap field fair to eat, rocks for pillows, and lots of blood to spill, Ishma's luck, lets get going!"
Mior_Carchedin says, "Hold on one moment, anything specific you'd like us to keep an eye out for, Chorbit?"
Mior_Carchedin glances dissaprovingly at the gnome.
Chorbit cocks a thoughtful eye. "Mior, the last find was an old Venolvian fort, but there was still a good amount of their weird, insect-ish statuary. Worth quite a bit. The collectors really eat it up."

Kellik gives Mior a toothy, defiant, grin

"Just statuary then? Nothing more ..exotic?", asks Mior.
Hamish_Haldane says, "Statuary? Seems a rather heavy kind of treasure to be looking for, no?"
Chorbit shrugs. "I think most of it you'll know when you see, but these statues, even small ones are in demand." He points at Hamish. And the bigger ones you may get later, as they may be heavy, but worth it."

The five leave the richly appointed tradehouse, and make their way to the south wall, going down the hill area through the bazaar.
There is a little light snow, but none is sticking. It is first hour after noon, and there is foot and mounted traffic all around.
Kellik rubs his hands as he walks, as it is just above freezing.
The crew has an argument who should carry the map, ending with Mior, who can read and write in westic, ending up with it.

Hamish_Haldane says, " I almost think we should be departing by darkness"
Kellik sneers, "pssh..."
Hamish_Haldane perseveres. "Less chance of someone following us"

(Mior continues to make his case about the map, although none are left arguing with him. "I'm acquainted with maps of all kinds, guys.")

Wurnik turns to the two in the front, looking concerned "Why, friend Hamish?"
Kellik rolls his eyes, "Ack, lets get this train going says I. I'll knock anyone's block off that comes bothering us!"
Hamish_Haldane says, "Who knows who else this Chorbit has spoken too, a find of this magnitude, statuary and all, should be kept secret."
Mior_Carchedin sneers, "Hmph, none of the unsavouries in this sad excuse for a town are worth our worry."
Toden grins "Aye, my friends!"
Hamish_Haldane shakes his heads ruefully. "I seem to be the minority then, shall we depart then?"
Mior_Carchedin looks over the map
Kellik seems amused at being called friend.

Toden says "Tradegod knows we have a ways to travel!"
Mior_Carchedin says "Why, after me dear *friends*.", and turns towards the low wall.
Mior_Carchedin starts walking.
Hamish_Haldane falls into step behind the Omwo~
Kellik grins. "Besides it's colder than an omwo~ at a diplomats fair."
Mior_Carchedin glances backwards
"Lets get moving," says Kellik, "it will keep us warm."
Kellik gives Mior another grin and follows the group

" I will lead or follow, but the road is beckoning.", SAYS Toden.
Mior_Carchedin gets the map out as they walk. Everyone looks at it and comments.
Hamish_Haldane says, "How far away does the map show the ruins, Mior? I think you can just see the curve of the pentagram at the bottom."
" It's a fair trek. ", says Mior. "I'd wager it's about 15 miles."
Toden looks at the map. "Fifteen miles through the Moors and swamps???"
Mior_Carchedin says, "I would advise we stick closer to the coast for now. Little reason to go further inland. Looks more like ah, 12.5 miles, really"
Kellik : "Sounds good to me, Lead on."
Wurnik " Makes sense"

So the group gets to the south wall, where there is a little gate, and lo, a an angry orcash and a human wait with a heavily laden donkey. Both wear the leather over tunic that is the armor and uniform of many of the merchant guilds.

The human holding the donkey looks at the five of you. "He's giving all this food to just the five of ye?"
Mior_Carchedin leans forward. "I'd wager the gnome eats more than you'd think."
Kellik belches
Toden" "Tos said at the table, the smallest ones make noble war"
Hamish_Haldane remarks offhandlednly, "Perhaps we are meeting others on our way west my good man?"
The second one, an orcash in leather, just grunts. "Take her, then, we'd love to get warm" the two look at Haldane, clearly not having thought of the possibility.

Hamish_Haldane takes the reins of the donkey from the human

Kellik glances over at the donkey. "I wonder how much wine one of these hauls?"
the donkey shudders
The Orcash in leather snarls. " Arr, take er, then."
Hamish_Haldane glares at the offending beast, while the two tradeguards depart for "The happy Strumpet", a distracting inn with a poor reputation.

"No seriously though" Kellik walks over and attempts to peer in the packs. "How much wine we score?"
*Mior_Carchedin snorts derisively
Kellik finds there are 2 large skins of 'Bastion's Best'
5 loaves of way bread
92 cuts of dried travel meat
and 48 bagels
Mior_Carchedin asks, "No cheese!?"
Kellik shakes his head. "You elves and your cheese."

Hamish_Haldane snatches a pieces of travel meat, and starts leading the donkey out of the city. It is closing on second hour.
Kellik says, "Well nothing fancy, especially not watered down."
Hamish_Haldane keeps walking. "Let us be off"
Kellik, still looking in the wine, remarks "but good to have something"
Wurnik smiles "Next time for the cheese, friends. We'll be able to afford it"
Kellik follows Hamish.

The group goes south, through the moors that are on the southern edge of town

Stands of low trees and hills, and countless little streams interrupt travel. Here and there, a trail goes for a while, then ends. A few fortified farmhouses are passed as the group makes it's way cross country, heading south and a little east, looking for the coast.
Mior_Carchedin tries to peer though a small copse. "Ah, rolling hills, rustic farmers. Not a cheese to be seen. What a civilized island."
Toden says "Amigal, there is much in our future. How shall we march?" The group has been going through the tall grass and moors in a line.

Kellik says, "I'll take the rear, good to have someone who can fight in the back"
Wurnik snickers.

Hamish_Haldane says "I'll lead this beast (indicating the donkey), perhaps in the middle of our caravan?"
Kellik mutters "Not to mention I can make rude gestures at you celing kissers from the back."

Hamish_Haldane looks at Wurnik. "Would you care to be in the front?"
"I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker.", says Wurnik.
Mior_Carchedin: "Much as I hate to have a gnome behind me, I suppose it makes sense."
Wurnik raise his bow..."Not first rank. Howzat"
Mior_Carchedin reconsiders "Although, a gnome in front is nearly as bad, especially when you're downwind."
Wurnik..." But shooting over a gnome is pure gold!"
Toden says, " I can help in the front...Who is with me"
Kellik mutters, "Just be sure to shoot over me. I'm at prime height for your sweet spot."

Hamish_Haldane asks, " So, Toden. How did one such as yourself end up involved in our little adventure? And Mior, do you need to take the lead as our tracker?"
Toden rejoins "Mior, the middle part id best for you, unless you track"
Mior_Carchedin sighs, "I suppose it would be best for my keen nose to be in the lead. None of the rest of you could smell out an ox, let alone a lizardman."

Toden looks back. "The Prime of the Platform told me we had many debts to the Sceding Tree, Hamish. According to him, we had been ahead in that reckoning for as good long time, but recently they had done us a few good turns."

By now an hour has passed, and the group has made some little progress,
with almost a mile traveled. The cold temperature is bracing against the exertion. The snow is no longer falling.

Hamish_Haldane says, "I am happy to say that I am not familiar with the scent of a lizard man, my good Mior. So perhaps you are quite correct"
Toden remarks, "Nor am I honestly!"
"I am," says Kellik. "Like an omwo~ but not as bad."
Kellik wrinkles his nose
Mior_Carchedin ignores the gnome.

Hamish_Haldane changes the subject. " hour out of the gate."
a copse of trees rears up on the coastal side, with a farmhouse made of stone to the west of you. They are both about 150 yards to the south.

Hamish_Haldane :"Anyone care for a bagle?"
Wurnik nods. "Yes, honestly. I'm a tad nervous."
Mior_Carchedin snorts. "Hah, without cheese, I'll save it till I'm dying of hunger."
Hamish_Haldane takes a bagel, and hands Wurnik and Kellik a bagel each
Mior_Carchedin looks for, any native plants with medicinal properties I can look for as he walks.
Kellik rips off a piece of bagel off of it with his teeth and chokes it down.
"hard as a rock"
Kellik takes another bite
Wurnik takes a look at Kellik, and thinks about handing him his bagel.
Hamish_Haldane, his mouth half full of bagel says, "Should we stop at the farmhouse, and perhaps find some more palatable stores?"
"Not that a good bagel can ever go wrong "
Kellik says, "You got something to trade them other than hard bread, tough meat, and watered wine?"
Kellik finishes his bagel with a forced gulp

Mior_Carchedin suddenly point, "Hark, dear friends, I spy something moving in the eaves of that copse."
Kellik looks over, and says, "What do you see?"
Hamish_Haldane, in between bites, says, "Hopefully it won't bother us until I can finish my bagel."
Kellik unlimbers his rapier. "Does it look like it needs killing?"
Hamish_Haldane hastily crams the rest of the bagel into his mouth

Mior_Carchedin says, "It seems to be.. a number of four legged beasts."
"I know plenty of things that have 4 legs that need killing," Says Kellik hopefully. He seems overly excited
Toden rejoins, "Aye!!!" The group is probably 100 yards away now, steering between the farmhouse and the forest.
Mior_Carchedin counsels caution. "Let us be wary as we pass by. They are man-height at the shoulder."
Kellik takes the side of the group nearest to the copse of wood.
Hamish_Haldane asks, "Are they hairy?" as Wurnik unlimbers his bow.

Mior_Carchedin squints. The rest of the group still has no idea what he is seeing. "There's three.. I don't recognize them. Some kind of horned deer."
Wurnik nods "Probably Argussian Deer, I'd think..."
Kellik smiles. " Hey, Meat!"
Mior_Carchedin looks over to the off side. "Dangerous, Wurnik?"
Wurnik nods. "Not a major threat, but they are tough and violent."
Hamish_Haldane smiles. "Seems we won't need to trade for some fresh meat. "Wurnik or Mior, could you perhaps bring one down?" Mior shrugs. "I've hardly known a dangerous deer."

Kellik nods, a light in his eye. "A good challenge."
They are about 75 yards from the copse when the deer emerge from the woods.

Hamish_Haldane shakes his head. "How dangerous could a deer be?"
Kellik shrugs. "Better by far than what we have to eat."
Hamish_Haldane draws his silvered rapier while Kellik kellik spits.
Mior_Carchedin draws a bead.
[07:05 pm] * Kellik positions himself 10 feet in front of mior
Toden "Kellik, shall we move forward and wait for a charge?"
Kellik nods "I like the sound of that", noting the two foot high grass.

Hamish_Haldane yells to the two in front. "Kellik, let me enchant your rapier."
Kellik shrugs. For Deer? "if you want", and holds it up for Hamish.
Hamish_Haldane moves up and begins to move his hands in a wave pattern, right behind Kellik, as the deer begin to charge.
Hamishes hands glow blue
Then Mior's bow sings
And that;s an arrow arching, arching...and landing on a big Argussian deer! It staggers a bit, and falls behind the others a bit.
Kellik grins and turns to face the charging deer, as his rapier suddenly is surrounded by an icy glow.

Hamish_Haldane charges towards the wounded deer, as Mior shoots again. He drops his bow as he shoots, burying an arrow in the dirt 5' in front of him. "Blasted biting flies."
Toden and Kellik are a little out in front, awaiting the deer charge.
Wurnick shoots a hunting arrow. And hits a tree.

Kellik laughs. "I think the archers have had too much to drink."
Kellik must have been thrown off by the laugh, as he trips as he slashes. The Deer tries to gore him as he goes down, but he rolls away from it.

Kellik is all worked up as he rises. "Come on you ugly hunk of meat!!"

Mior's bow sings again. The arrow arches up and then lands in the Huge Deer's shoulder.
2 arrows sticking from it, it plows forward

Kellik slashes at the deer as it turns back around to him, drawing blood, then a blue-white Gout of frozen water erupts all over the deer!
Kellik howls "I can already smell the venison cooking!", as the deer staggers.
Hamish_Haldan cackles. "More like freezing my friend!"
Kellik bursts out laughing
The deer collapses in a heap of freezing blood.
Hamish_Haldane Cheers! "Well done Kellik!"
another deer tries to gore toden, but the horns scrape harmlessly over his studded leather.
He lashes out with his axe and crushes the antlers and head.
Another deer lies flat, and bloodied/

The last deer, with 2 arrows in it, stops and wheels, as Miors bow sings again. The arrow hits the deer in the back, and it collapses
Mior_Carchedin golf claps politely.

Hamish_Haldane was running towards the farthest deer, but slows down, now that they are all down.
Mior_Carchedin pats Hamish on the back. "You'll get one next time."
Kellik smiles. "Good which of you is good at skinning and gutting?"
Hamish_Haldane sheaths his silvered rapier
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 31, 2009, 01:02:21 PM
Second Session

The group is standing around the three huge argussian deer they had brought down. They are in the moors a mile south of Steel ISle Town, a copse of wood to the east, a low farmhouse and other buildings 100 yards to the west.
It is cold, around 30 degrees, and a little windy on the moors. Patchy old snow is on the ground, amonsgt the old grasses.
Mior says, "bleesh, I should have got a light compound instead of a light long, I'll do that next time we're in town."

It's long after scond hour in the aftenoon, the 5 of you stand among the Argussian deer corpses.

Mior Goes to retrieve his arrows, finding one broken irretrievably. That was the one he attacked the ground with. Mior_Carchedin looks forlornly at the broken arrow
Hamish_Haldane says, " This is a ridiculous amount of meat, do you think we should see if that farm house has a smoke house or something?" referring to the farm house to the right of their track.
Mior_Carchedin says, " Mayhaps he would be interested in buying it off us."
" That is brilliant.", notes Toden.
"If anyone is resident.. anyways., " says Mior as he peers at the farmhouse.
the long, low farmhouse is 100 yards to the right of the explorers.
Hamish_Haldane says, " maybe we could trade some of it to get the rest smoked..."

All notate it has a fire coming from the smokestack, whilst Kellik is strapping his collected antler onto the groups pack animal for now

Hamish_Haldane says, " ok, the next thing is. How do we move roughly 1800lbs of deer meat?"
Kellik says, " I don't care, whatever we do with it as long as it tastes good and I get some"
Mior_Carchedin looks over, and says ,"Toden, you're a strapping fellow, up for some heavy lifting?"
Toden looks aggrieved.
"Did anyone bring an axe", asks Kellik
Toden: "Aye, I fight with a Bhuj!"
" We could try making a sled for it."m notes Kellik doubtfully, noting they weight in at 500-650 lbs each
Wurnik syas "A mixed blessing, to be sure"
Mior_Carchedin sasy, "I'm going to go over to yonder hovel to first see if the rustics are interested in buying it before we waste our time."
Kellik says "that or we could always try skinning and gutting em here"
Hamish_Haldane exclaims, "You know what, the farmer probably has a cart or some beasts, let us go over and see what is around the farm."
Kellik says, " and haul the pieces..."
Hamish_Haldane looks at Kellik funny... "like Mior says"
Kellik snarls, "Bah! Whatever..."

Mior starts, and the rest follow, to the long farmhouse
Except Kellik who stays put. "I'm not letting that meat go unguarded"
Kellik finds a nice place to sit in the (to him) tall grass and starts carefully wiping his sword, slightly annoyed from being ignored

The door is thick, and well made, of Darkwood painted grey
Hamish_Haldane raps on the door three times quickly
The sound does not echo, and the door flies open
Note : rollHamish rolled at 8 for Social CC. You can see how skill rolls really dictate the flow of the game and force roleplaying.
A slightly disfigured, strong hobyt stands in front of you with a loaded, cocked arbalest. He looks the group over, and brakes into a smile.
"Well, by the Hosting God, " says he. "Is that Hamish Haldane???"
Hamish_Haldane grins widely, and says, "Indeed it is, how are you,friend?
Mior_Carchedin is taken aback. "I take it you two know each other."
the hobyt puts down his weapon, and says in accented Westic "Ogliec knows, of course we do!!! We both have worked the Tradegod's way for the Guellium Trders!"
Mior_Carchedin leans forward conspiratorially
Hamish_Haldane says, "My friend, We recently had an encounter with some Argussian Deer, nothing too troubling. But now we have quite a bit of meat on our hands."
The ugly hobyt smiles again, the scar on his face dancing, " Hamish here was the most talented apprentice in adecade1" * Hamish_Haldane blushes slightly
Mior_Carchedin suddenly looks deflated, but rallies with , "Well friend Hobyt, what say you, want to but some meat?"
The Hobyt smiles again, " I'm Shurumm Heatherhands. You say you have fresh deermeat?, on top of old friends?" He looks quite eager
Hamish_Haldane laughs. "More than you could imagine Shurumm, do you have a wagon?", he asks.
Shuruum says, "" Aye, two. What kind of deer, and how many?"
Mior_Carchedin tries to peer past the Hobyt to look into the farmhouse
Hamish_Haldane says, "Three Argussian Deer I believe", looking to Wurnick to confirm.
Wurnick nods. "Aye, three BIG argussian deer, my fine friend. Fat, and healthy"
Hamish_Haldane says, "Oh indeed, a healthier specimen you would not see. Aside from being dead that is"
Shuruum's eyes go wide in disbelief. "Three of the big, nasty ones?? Jublex' word, or really?"
"Would you care to bring out a wagon, and we can go inspect it?", says Hamish. "We left a member of our group behind. I'd like to introduce you."
The Hobyt nearly runs over the explorers getting the wagon.
Hamish_Haldane walks back towards where we fought the Deer, and the rest follow.
Mior_Carchedin calls over to Shuruum, and Kellik notices the group returning.
Hamish_Haldane says. "Great news Kellik, the farmer was a friend of mine, he seems eager."
[Kellik cocks an eye. "Eager to what?"
Hamish_Haldane says, " just eager in general...I should say, we'll have no problem trading or selling this meat"
Mior_Carchedin is speaking to the hobyt. "Anyone else living in that big house with you, Shuruum?"
Wurnik follows Hamish, while Toden goes with the farmer

Shuruum says," My wife and brood are all there. And the ladies will want some as well. Quite a fortunate turn"
Kellik climbs up on the nearest carcass
* Mior_Carchedin looks nonplussed
Kellik, "I ain't going this whole trip with nothing but dry bread and travel meat."

so it is almost third hour when the wagon, led by 2 donkey , and the rest of the group, area all back with Kekkik
Mior_Carchedin peers across the field and spies the gnome making a fool of himself, he looks somewhat amused.
Kellik is still expounding. "...deaths door, thats why we brought these ugly slabs of meat down! Food!"
Toden, "Aye, how fortuitous for us!"
Hamish_Haldane says, " Well, we don't have to sell all of it, but I don't think we can travel with anywhere near all of it, Kellik"
Kellik grimaces theatrically. "You best make sure we're left with some."
Hamish_Haldane says, "On my honor Kellik, I will make sure."
Mior_Carchedin looks over to the farmer. "Eh, what do you say, Shuruum, can we leave some here for you to smoke and pick it up on the way back?"
Shuruum looks at the huge piles of deer. "Hamish, my friend, three of them? Ogleic's name, you were not using the words of Jubilex. How did you kill these babies?"
Kellik says, "You skyscrapers... sometimes I wonder if there's anything between your ears."
Kellik jumps off the deer
Hamish_Haldane says, "It was my companions good Shuruum," "and he introduces Kellik to Shuruum and his brood'
Mior_Carchedin grins winningly and strikes a pose near the deer he killed.
the hobyt stepos forward, "I am Shuruum, what is your name?" he says to Kellik
Hamish_Haldane says, "Kellik took one down himself! so did out gartier friend Toden, the last was downed by Mior."
Kellik looks shurumm over for a second
Shuruum looks over the group in turn. ""I am mightiuly impressed. I have enough food for the family, and a bit for the ladies. What do you ask?"
Mior_Carchedin wishes he knew how much the deer were worth, though he thinks he has an idea.
Kellik says, "I ask that these rockheads... especially the white-eyed ninny over there doesn't trade off all the meat."
Hamish asks, "well, Shurrum, do you have a smokehouse? or some way to cure the meat?"
Shuruum..." Aye, a smokehouse and a butchery, so shall we smoke one for ye, and I take the others in trade?"
Mior_Carchedin, says "Yes, that would do."
Hamish_Haldane crosses his arms. "How about, you smoke one for take one
and we take half on one fresh"

[note]this was followed by another bad roll.. and another bad one by Mior[/note]

Shurrum says" My friends, I need some for the ladies. The family will be fine, but I owe them. "
Hamish_Haldane sighs. "Alright, but we keep the antlers and the skins. How does that sound?"
[20:50] Since you seem to be such a good friend of Hamish's.. how about 25 goodwives for the deer and a half?
SHuruum rolls his eyes. " So I'll smoke one an a half, butcher one, and give half to the ladies."
"We'll take a maybe 20lbs of decent cuts from ours to supplement our current supplies. How does that sound?", says Hamish
Kellik says "how long will butchering and smoking take you?"
Shuruum looks at Mior..." The ladies need some, m'friend." Then he looks over to Hamish
"Friend Hamish, that sounds like a deal I could manage"
Shuruum looks over to Kellick..."I can have iot done by tomorrow am, at l;east the part that will hold you up."
Hamish_Haldane looks to the group
Mior_Carchedin shrugs
Hamish_Haldane says, "Anyone have issues with this? Seems fair to me."
Shurrum says "And 10 goodwives for the scion of Demongorgon asking for money, I suppose."
Hamish_Haldane laughs
Mior_Carchedin rolls his eyes
Toden asks the hobyt..."Where shall we sleep, friend Shuruum?"
Hamish_Haldane says, "Alright, lets begin loading these monsters" [note=Argussian Deer are 500-800 lbs]
Hamish_Haldane busies himself with loading the deer into the cart
Mior_Carchedin looks over at Toden, Hamish, and Wurnik, "Yes, you do that."
Mior_Carchedin stands to the side, yawning.
Shuruum says, " I ahve a low barn, and much hay. Will that suit. Friend Hamish will stay in the house, as a guildmate."
"I think I'd rather sleep in a tree." Says Mior_Carchedin, "Maybe I'll do just that."
Kellik asks, "hey anybody got some tinder, I need to set fire to a tree tonight"
Kellik grins
Wurnik says, " My friend, a tree is not as comfortable. Take comfort while we can..."
Mior_Carchedin sighs in an exaggerated manner
Hamish_Haldane grabs a piece of dried meat from the donkeys supplies.
Hamish_Haldane while chewing says,"Alright, its settled then, lets get this meat moved!"
Mior_Carchedin sighs, "Fine, I acquiesce. A barn. Whatever. "
Shurruum says, " I will tell my wife and 2 daughters to prepare deer for all of us, with wine and sheerbean." The ladies won't send their wolves for days"
All of you struggle to get the meat on board the wagon.
Mior_Carchedin struggles half-heartedly
And before 4th hour, the smell of peppar, sea salt, and tender deer is all around you.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 31, 2009, 01:10:59 PM
This is the rest of session 2

Hamish asks, "So, Shurumm, these ladies you are indebted to. How did this happen?"
Mior_Carchedin eyes the silverware
Kellik's mouth is watering
Shuruum nods slowly..."The Ladies? Nay, I owe them. They speak to the trees and beasts, they are protected by the curse of Vernidale"
Kellik makes a face. "ugh"
Hamish_Haldane looks at the hobyt farmer, "Protected you say?"
Mior_Carchedin says, "Hah, curse. And there's werebeasts in the woods too."
Shuruum node. " Aye. They have been here long before my time. They are witches, but a little meat and wine, and I have no livestock problems"

Kellik smiles, "speaking of wine..." and eyes Shuruum
Hamish_Haldane says "How far away are the Ladies? We're going a ways south.... Perhaps we could stop by on our way. I'd like to have a chat with them"
At this point, a healthy hobyt teenage girl in a white dress with all the right curves brings the out2 bottles.
Mior_Carchedin pockets a fork while everyone is distracted.

[Note] : ooMoir rolls a 1 on d100. "what fork", and all the other PCs and DM start cracking up.[/note]

Chorian Burntwise 888 in both bottles
Mior_Carchedin peers deeply into the bottle
Kellik smiles partly at the wine and partly at the hobyt being as she is rather "easy on the eyes"

Mior_Carchedin smiles slyly
shurrum says, " My girls work hard on the homestead, but good wine is a man's best reward!"
Hamish_Haldane lifts a hand. "Cheers to that! "

Kellik says, "good wine is a man's right"
Mior_Carchedin chinmes with, " Yes, the best reward. Who would even think of being rewarded with anything else? Not me, says I. Nothing else to reward myself with here."
Hamish_Haldane however refuses the wine, and takes wateronly
Vreeg_GM> the curvacious hobyt smiles at Hamish Haldane
Kellik sniffs at the wine
Mior_Carchedin downs a glass slowly
Hamish_Haldane grins back at her weakly
the deer come off the spit easily, and with that and warm Omik bread and the vegetables, the aura of good food is overpowering
Mior_Carchedin starts eating unusually fast, and is done quite before everyone else.
Kellik takes a taste of the wine, savoring the bitterness. He savors the food and wine, he seems almost a different person at the table
the girls and Shuruum enjoy the wine as well. There are 3 younger boys and a 4 yr old girl as well
\ Mior_Carchedin eyes the gnome warrily
Shurrum, " Friend Kellik the wine seems not to be lost on you."
Kellik surfaces a bit..." I'd rather lose myself than lose my wine". He takes a bite of the deer and then another sip of wine, enjoying how the flavors mix
Shuruum Mior_Carchedin peers about
(the other girl is whispering in Hamishes ear
Hamish_Haldane Stands from the table quickly, and says. "I.. err, must excuse myself for a moment/"
Hamish_Haldane beats a hasty retreat outside
Kellik throws Hamish a 'go get her' wink.

[Note = Biology]Almost all races in Celtricia can interbrred. So most families have blood from other races mixed in. Even btwen Ogrillite, Omwo~, human, and Stunati...that's the biology. So there is very often dalliance between races.[/NOTE]

the very cute hobyt girl looks bemused
Mior says, "Shurrum.. your humble abode is quite rustic. Er.. common. Commonly charming. Quite charmed, yes."
Wurnik frowns at Mior.
Kellik finishes off the glass and the last bit of his meat. And continues by absent mindedly eating a bit of bread
Shurrum smiles. "It is a simple life, but satisfying. And, this bounty of the best meat...simply providential. Ishma smiles on all of us"
Kellik says, " my stomach smiles back"
Toden lifts his glass.
Mior_Carchedin leans back "Yes, satisfying. My complements to the chef."
The merely cute hobyt smiles back.
Hamish_Haldane wanders off towards the woods, making sure he isn't followed

Mior_Carchedin says, "I think I shall retire for the eve. We needs must set out early, ruins to see, lizards to meet."
Shuruum holds out his hands. there is a bread pudding, and a sweet mead to end off the meal
Kellik is suddenly hungry again, and Wurnik sits back down.
Mior_Carchedin waves off the dessert and heads for the barn.
The girls both smile at Kellik's appatites
The dream-worthy one brings over the mead bottle, "More sweet stuff, noble warior?"
Kellik looks frankly at his host "Well shuruum, any place that has food and drink this good is good in my book"
Kellik accepts And chuckles at being called noble warrior
Mior_Carchedin rummages through the barn looking for hidden valuables.

[Note : HAH]more hilarity at this online.... great... mior's an 8 bit theater thief wannabe ;P I have an obligation. I'm morally questionable legolas. [/NOTE]

Back in the house, Shuruum beams. "Honestly, friend Kellik, it is the best type of night. This meat will ake my life easier in many ways. And the Ladies will approve."
Mior_Carchedin gives up exhaustedly after finding his twentieth old boot.

The rest of the group starts to wander back to the barn.
Wurnik, Toden, Mior and Hamish are both in the barn now. Kellik, the 2 girls, and Shuruum are left in the firelight drinking"
In the barn, Hamish_Haldane says, " so, Mior my good friend, do you think we should go and visit these Ladies?" "they might have some obscure bit of lore, regarding our destination?"
Mior_Carchedin says, " Hm, it might do to find out what powers walk these woods."
(IN the house, Kellik the gnome tells shuruum and his girls a few omwo~ jokes, and they all crack up.)
Shuruum ,and both girls laugh for minutes, the very curvacious bends over so you can see her huge chest.."

Wurnik, back in the barn..."aye. Any help we can get..."
Hamish_Haldane says, " the er... nice lass... told me they live off to the south. It is on our way"
Mior_Carchedin says, " These forests are so unfamiliar to me, nothing like home. I would be interested in meeting those who live here."
Hamish_Haldane recounts the directions he was given. "Just after a bridge, the first we come across she said"
Wurnik says, "Aye, they might have much to tell us.  What harm, i wonder?"
Hamish_Haldane, " agreed, we can let Kellik know in the morning. he seems to be enjoying himself. Goodnight my fellow travelers"
Hamish_Haldane doses off

Kellik says, "Well thanks for the wonderful time, not much chance for that when you're travelling like this. "I better go make sure the rest of them aren't raising hell"
Hamish_Haldane node, "agreed, we can let Kellik know in the morning. he seems to be enjoying himself. Goodnight my fellow travelers"
Hamish_Haldane doses off

Back in the house Shurrum says, " Kellik, nice to have youy qal here. I shall rouse you at dawn."
Kellik bids them good night and winks at the good looking hobyt and heads off to the barn

Mior_Carchedin climbs up to the loft to look at the stars and falls asleep
Wurnik and Toden sleep at the entrance, to watch
Mior_Carchedin dreams of deer that he never recieves any money for.
Kellik walks in to see them asleep
Mior_Carchedin dreams. "mrhhh.. just one... one silver piece"
Kellik grabs a piece of hay and amuses himself by tickling mior's nose.
Kellik eventually gets bored and heads over and bunks down next to the gartier

[Note : BASIC carnal is a skill]Kellick has a visitor that evening. [/note]

Mior_Carchedin dreams of deer recede into horrible nightmares of scantily clad gnomes

SHuruum wakes you all in the am...
Mior_Carchedin wakes looking shaken and covered in a cold sweat
It is around 15 degrees outside, though 40 in the barn
kellik looks refreshed, Toden comes back from his morning run.
It is now 5am , Tokush 2
Mior_Carchedin walks outside, yawns and stretches
Toden smles at Hamish. "I could get used to travelling this way"
Mior says, "I'd rather a pallanquin."
Hamish_Haldane mutters forlornly... "Or a wagon"
Hamish_Haldane busies himself loading the donkey, as Wurnick laughs.
Mior_Carchedin pets the donkey absent-mindedly
Kellik and Toden compare notes
Mior_Carchedin looks their way and grimaces
by 6am, the group heads south fortifies with hot Om bread.
Hamish_Haldane, "After some discussion last night, I think we should stop and see these Ladies"
the Sun is coming up, warming all a bit.
Mior_Carchedin stops whistling a tune from his childhood
Wurnik, " Aye, hamish"
Mior_Carchedin says, "Yes, Hamish, these ladies. We must speak with them."
Hamish_Haldane says, "So, there's a pass after the first bridge we cross or track really"
Wurnik asks, " Can any of us track at all?"
Mior_Carchedin shrugs
Hamish_Haldane says, "Not I, strictly a son of the city here, Wurnik"
Mior_Carchedin says, "I'm acquainted with the woods.. but have nary had much a need to track anything."
So the group travels for an hour, and the moor grows more wild.
Mior_Carchedin keeps a nose out for beasts

You have wandered through the thick grass and the thousands of small streams. The dead grass is high and whip-strong, coursing with the cold wind. The planars of Winter have not given up their grip here, though a few days of less cold have brought on some feeble promise of future greenery. Harsh bird-call is heard here and there, and wolves can also be heard far in the distance, competing with the wind.

Occasionally, a white column or a bit of rubble can be seen holding out against nature, or cleverly placed by the ancient builders on dry hillocks. This Tenimarple testimony is abundant enough to revise the explorer's estimate of how densly populated the Steel Isle once was.

After walking through a few miles of this, and skirting swampier areas, underbrush grows, and the few trees give way to ful copses of trees. The trees often cut the wind, and some of the inner ones are showing signs of waking up from the winter.

The ground is still mainly flat, but to avoid the really marshy areas, the group goes up and down a few small hills. Water can be heard more often, and after coming over one rise in a forested area, the group comes across an ancient bridge spanning a large stream. On your side of the water, there are virtually no signs of what should be a road leading up to the ancient span.

The winter mosses cover much of the 80' span, and in places it seems to be crumbling under the weight of ages. Obviously an ancient Venolvian way, it seems to be the best way over this watercourse.

Mior_Carchedin sighs. "Alas, it becomes ever more clear this island was once so much more." He mutters about miserly hobyts and disgusting hovels
Hamish_Haldane looks around. "This must be the first bridge, everyone be on the lookout for a track after we cross."
Toden says, "Aye. This span is a marvel of ancient hands" It is now 8am, and the sun is above the scattered trees.
Wurnik nods "These old folk knew their stuff. How old is this work?"
Mior_Carchedin points at the large number of human, omwo~, klakik, tracks going toward the bridge. Wurnik ins amazed, once shown.
Mior_Carchedin says. "No-one heard anything about Chorbit hiring a second crew? Have they? "
Kellik. Says, ""humans? Orcash?? who comes this way?"
Hamish_Haldane, "Ah, that bastard Chorbit. Sold us out...Mark my words, there will be a reckoning when we get back."
Mior_Carchedin says, "Well, I'd rather that than bandits."
Mior_Carchedin, "It is suspicious, though."
Hamish_Haldane glowers... "A big score he says, lots of statuary he says. I'll show him statuary..." mumbles off ranting.
Wurnik says," I am not sure. But at least, by this span, I feel like these ancients had some currency."
Mior_Carchedin grins at the mention of currency
Hamish_Haldane shakes his head. "If I meet these chumps, I'll teach them for moving in on our score"
Mior_Carchedin says, " Well, we'll just have to see what's left, won't we?"
Hamish_Haldane nods again, "Do you think perhaps its those people from the gate?"
Mior_Carchedin sniffs derisively
Wurnik.." Those poltroons... perhaps...Toden first?
Hamish_Haldane smiles, "then Kellik?"
Mior_Carchedin is still mad... "They didn't seem to have more than one brain to rub together between them. Not a chance."

The group crosses one at a time, as per Hamish, to be safer

Mior looks around..."The path seems to be over here."
Hamish_Haldane, "lets follow my friends, to the Ladies we go"
Hamish_Haldane grabs the donkey
Mior_Carchedin says, "Lead on then."
This path is ancient, and the group can see a fieldstone or two, as well as a bit of brick on occasion
so the group travels and moves down this path, well tracked and well travelled
Mior_Carchedinlooks up from the path. "I'm kind of surprised really, who comes out this way?"
Hamish_Haldane, "I think Shuruum mentioned Vernidale's, watch out for werebeasts!"
Mior_Carchedin examines the fresher tracks more closely. "Mere hours old.", he says.

another hour passes, as the group moves slower as Mior tracks carefully
Mior_Carchedin asks, "We're tailing someone."
Hamish_Haldane says, " is it the same people from before?"
Mior_Carchedin says, "By the bootmarks, I'd wager you are right."
Hamish_Haldane rubs his jaw. " hmmm, probably not the bumbling fools from the gate...Perhaps Chorbit did not sell us out..., we shall see"
Mior_Carchedin shakes his head..." At least ten have been this way."
Hamish_Haldane is taken aback. "hmmm, should we proceed stealthy like? I don't think we could fight 10 at once."
Mior_Carchedin says, " I don't think they're expecting us." and then stops, confused by the ground.
Wurnik. takes out his bow. " Not 10 trained warriors, honestly"
Mior_Carchedin finally looks up.... "This small track here.. to the west...Only.. wolf prints. The others go on to the south."
Hamish_Haldane grabs a bagel, "Anyone else care for a bagel?"
and he chews thoughtfully
Mior_Carchedin waves him off absently, while looking at the wolf tracks
Hamish_Haldane says, " weres do you think?"
Hamish_Haldane shudders. "or... something worse?"
Mior_Carchedin shakes his head again..." Unknowable and only one way to find out.
Hamis tosses Wurnik a bagel
Mior_Carchedin says, "Still ten going south. They all go along that way."
Hamish_Haldane says, "Ok, follow the wolves or the 10?"
Toden asks, "what did they tell us about the ladies?"
Mior_Carchedin says, " Let us meet these wolves to the west. Our ladies perhaps?"
Hamish_Haldane looks at the others. " They have some of Vernidales Cursed, powerful? witches, more then 1 know about. thats all I got, I had to er... excuse myself, rather early in the night.'
Mior_Carchedin raises an eyebrow
Hamish_Haldane blushes slightly
Hamish_Haldane clears his throat
kellik grins
Hamish_Haldane clears his throat. " Ok, so lets follow the wolves?"
Mior_Carchedin shrugs. "we can always backtrack."
Hamish_Haldane nods. "Agreed."
the group travels west, through lighter moors
the trees become less, but the hills become more
the group comes down a hillock, and finds 2 huge, black wolves on either side of them...gigantic, and is 1st hour after noon, and all has gone wrong.
Hamish_Haldane says, " Anyone know what a were looks like? Cause if these are, I dont think we should kill the Ladies pets"
Mior_Carchedin eyes widen, "Uh.. yeah.. whichever."
Mior_Carchedin edges behind Toden.
they do not attack, but growl softly and move behind you
Mior_Carchedin says shakily , " Well, how about we keep going then? Seems like a good idea. Yes, forward. Moving backwards never won any races."
Hamish_Haldane does not take his eyes of the wolves. "I concur good Mior"
Toden seems surprisingly philospohical. " Hmm. Geryon and Vernidale either smile on us, or shits down our throats."
Hamish_Haldane stands beside the donkey
Mior_Carchedin looks back at the wolves nervously
Hamish_Haldane moves forward sticking close to the pack animal

[Note : ouch][22:02] !roll 1d100
[22:02] Mior_Carchedin rolls 1d100: {91} = 91
[22:02] oof
[22:02] !roll 1d100
[22:02] Hamish_Haldane rolls 1d100: {93} = 93
[22:02] ooc: f my life, were going to get eaten. [/note]

the omwo~ ladiy screams at you, and runs away the other direction
Hamish_Haldane yells, "gah! Wait!"
Mior_Carchedin calls after in omwo, but one wolf follows her, the other growls menacingly
Mior_Carchedin yes, "Wait!"
Hamish_Haldane, "Look, my furry friend I have no wish to hurt you, and reveals the top inch of his rapier"
The Lycanthrope growls at the group...aggressively.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 01, 2009, 10:06:19 AM
There were 2 werewolves, protecting the druidess'. But as we are playing by the rolls, the druidess REALLY got skeeved out by the city-slickers, and sicced one of her wolves on them.

Now, this is a beginning group of adventurers, so even one werewolf is a tough fight for them. But the the way combat works in guildschool, numbers have a lot to do with stuff, especially with the high damage potential.

The role play was again exceptional, especially at the end of the combat.

Session 3---Enter the Werewolf.

The Were Growls at you, green Eyes ablaze.
Kellik and Mior are in the front,
Hamish and Toden are in the rank about 5 feet behind the front

Mior_Carchedin holds his silver fork out wardingly and begins moving to the rear of the group
and Wurnuik is in the back
Kellik draws his rapier
Hamish_Haldane says, "Toden, try and hold it up, and Kellik, let me enchant your rapier."
"good idea, " says Kellik.
Hamish_Haldane draws his rapier and moves towards Kellik, who holds up his rapier.
Toden steps up in front of Kellik to draw the giant Wolf's attention, and swings with his Bhuj.
Toden is not even close, the quick beast bounds out of range.
Mior_Carchedin unlimbers his bow and knocks an arrow
the wolf fades left, as Wurnik and Mior draw arrows, Kellik takes a defensive stance holding up his rapier for Hamish to enchant, and Toden pulls his axe out of the ground and tries to draw the creature.

Hamish's hand light a bright white and blue, and the rapier takes on a white-blue glow.  Hamish has cast coldnsap (http://

Kellik screams, "ok you half-breed moron come get what's coming to ya"
Kellik holds the rapier up in an offensive stance
Wurnik's bow sings, but the arrow bounces off the creature's hide
Mior also shoots an arrow, which bounces right of the creature's hide. Clearly, this creature in unnatural...
Toden's axe swings at the creature legs, but miss mightily.
* Mior_Carchedin 's eyes grow wide as he begins fumbling with his fork and a length of twine
The Great wolf jumps for Toden, a huge furry mass of dark hair and claws.

[Note : rolling] !roll d100
[20:45] Vreeg_GM rolls d100: {1} = 1
[20:45] (ouch)
[20:45] ooc: efff
[20:45] ooc: boo
[20:45] ooc: crap
!roll d100
[20:46] Vreeg_GM rolls d100: {37} = 37
[20:46] ooc: I was joking about healers dying Vreeg![/note]

Mior_Carchedin hurriedly ties his silver fork to an arrow, then frowns at the ungainly device, as The wolf rips at Toden's throat and right shoulder, blood gushes and the gartier's arm is ripped clean off his body! Toden falls gurgling to the ground as the giant wolf wheels on the group.

Kellik is now beyond pissed. "YOU BASTARD!!", he screams
Kellik jumps at the wolf
Mior_Carchedin screams in an undignified manner
* Hamish_Haldane just stops, frozen in shock

the wolf ducks back from Kellik, and dodges another arrow from Mior.
Wurnik's bow sings as kellik alone tries to keep the creature form the group. Hamish is behind him a pace, trryingt to stay calm and cast 'ColdSnap' on his own weapon.
Wurnik, in his panic, shoots the sky
Hamish'shands glow blue white once more, and his rapier is lit with blue fire. Both Kellik's and Hamish's rapiers are sputtering white-blue drops of ice.  Both Kellik's and Hamish's rapiers are enchanted with Coldsnap.  

Hamish charges the were , screaming, "TODEEEEEN!!!!!"
The wolf, seemingly unimpressed, jumps at Kellik. It is tired of the dance, huge, 250 lbs at the least.  It's eyes flash green
Mior_Carchedin nocks his forkarrow
Kellik has a fell look in his eyes, even as the creature tries to overbear him, snapping and biting.

Kelliks right leg has a vicious rip down it, bleeding profusely, but he roars and does not even hold up, and levels his rapier

[Note : rules]kellik protected 2 and took 2 (since the wolf did 4 hits after the divider. 6 exp in defence, 20 exp in HP.  In Guildschool, experience is only gained when skills are used.[/note]

Kellik's rapier zips over the giant, uninjured wolf.
Mior's bow sings again. The arrow wobbles in the air, due to the silver fork tied to the front of it.
The arrow slides over the wolf's spine, drawing a bit of blood
Hamish Haldane uses Kellik to get position to the left of the wolf, and darts in to stab at the wolf, but slice thin air.
Wurnik shoots an arrow, trying to catch the wolf diving.
and manages to ht the ground. "Damn the Unbalance!!!", he yells.
Hamish's rapier comes around on the backstroke.
Hamish gets closer this time, but the huge wolf is too nimble .
Mior shoots an arrow as the wolf jumps at Kellik's other leg, going very low to hamstring the Gnome.

The arrow ricochet's off the wolf's thick hide, but slows it a bit.   A bit of blood begins to flow...

Suddenly, the group feel an uplift, a momentary feeling that all things balance in the end...
Wurnik has cast an apprentice heal spell on Toden succesfully...without an arm, Toden is badly hurt, but he is alive...

The wolf again fails to overbear Kellik, who defends the group steadfastly. Both of Kelliks legs are now bleeding heavily, and the wolf is grinning a wolfish grin.

[Note : More exp example]Kellik took another 10 hits and defended 3 more...9 in exp in defence, 100 exp in HP.[/note]

Wurnik comes up behind Kellik, and his hands glow. The gnome warrior feels the power of the balance enter him and his wounds lessen. Kellik has a glazed look in his eyes but is still determined to rip the guts out of the thing that nearly killed Toden.
Hamish has gotten back into position, and dances forward, feinting right and driving the rapier home
Kellik has a glazed look in his eyes but is still determined to rip the guts out of the thing that nearly killed Toden.
Hamish catches the were jumping away from Kellik, squarely in the left chest, and the blade gushes blue-white water as it contacts and drives into flesh.
The wolf is bleeding, wolf jumps at Hamish...but the wound drives it off-balance and he misses Hamish, as the delvan human ducks under the bite.
Hamish_Haldane laughs in the were's face. "Yield you mangy dog!"
mior shorts another arrow, "Grandpapa! Guide my arrows true!"
Mior's grandfather is hard of hearing, as the arrow flies wide.
Kellik, bleeding and angry, tries to stab the were as it dodges the arrow.

[Note : the joy of a good dividing die][21:39] ok
[21:40] 4+8+10/1 + 2 (str is 18 and I think the 2h req is 9)
[21:40] now for coldsnap
d1 divider???
[21:40] ooc: bakana
[21:41] yes
(ooc nice)
[21:41] ok coldsnap was 9/3
[21:42] so 27 damage
[21:42] ooc: holy hell
[21:43] ooc: and that's what happens when you get a 1 on divider
[21:43] ooc: I'm glad I switched over to dice sage[/note]

Kellik catches the giant, bleeding wolf full in the throat as it turns to him, burying the rapier as the giout of white-blue frozen water bursts into the wound...the were looks quizzical for a second, then collapses. It's throat is a ruined, bloody pulp.
Mior_Carchedin applauds
Kellik jumps on the thing and starts stabbing the crap out of it in rage
wurnik sits down, then goes back to Toden
"DIE... YOU... BASTARD", screams Kellik as he works.
Mior_Carchedin picks up his forkarrow and kisses it
Hamish_Haldane lets out a sigh of relief, saying "Well done friend Kellik."
Kellik finally collapses to his knees, blood flowing down his legs

Hamish_Haldane walks over to Toden
Mior_Carchedin sighs. "Like Grandpapa always said, never trust a man with green eyes and too much armpit hair."
Hamish_Haldane lets out a strained laugh
Mior_Carchedin looks confused for a minute pondering his recollection of that statement and shrugs.
Wurnik is putting a huge bandage on Toden's arm.
"Toden.. I don't know what to say. None of us expected that, says Hamish quietly.
The glen is quite, as Toden sobs quietly.
Wurnik's spell has him functional, but with the loss of a limb he is maimed for life.
Hamish_Haldane says, " I think we should return to the farm." Hamish_Haldane ponders for a second, then puts Toden's severed arm onto the donkey.
Wurnik. Says, " I agree...Toden needs succor, and cannot go on"
Hamish_Haldane says, " Kellik, can you walk?"
Kellik pries out one of the wolves teeth
Kellik groans, "I'll manage."
Kellik gets up roughly and walks over to Toden, and puts the tooth in Toden's hand.
Hamish_Haldane attempts to build a fire
Hamish_Haldane looks a little digusted. " Anyone have something to start a fire with? I think we should destroy the corpse, I don't want it revived"
Kellik sits down next to Toden, not saying anything... just puts his hand on his good arm reassuringly
toden nods absently
Mior_Carchedin says, " Well, that was adventurously misadventurous.. er.. yes. Mayhaps we should leave as soon as possible?"
Mior_Carchedin eyes the corpse warrily
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 06, 2009, 12:01:27 PM
And the Explorers try to find safety, battered and bruised...
Session 4

It is almost third hour, and the group starts slowly going north
Hamish_Haldane cuts off the were’s head, with Toden’s fallen Bhuj.
Mior_Carchedin sniffs the air warrily
Hamish_Haldane grabs a bagel
Hamish_Haldane says, “Anyone else care for a bagel? I know it isn't the best time... “
Mior_Carchedin cringes. “Hark, yon wolf cries for we have slain it's brethren.”
Wurnik takes a side of Toden, who is nearly comatose and white, and the group totters north
Mior_Carchedin totters along
Wurnik says, "Mior, what did you say? About a wolf?”
Mior_Carchedin looks at the orcash, “ Oh, a little while ago, didn't you hear the wolf baying? It sounded.. almost mournful..”
wurnik--"No, I heard nothing." he looks worried
Mior_Carchedin says, “ This was a fateful meeting, an outcome desirous for none involved. Alas, what can be done?”
Kellik snarls, “ it was desirous for me.”
Kellik shambles on on unsteady legs
Mior_Carchedin whittles a Sauroid as he walks, it doesn't look very good.
Hamish_Haldanem shakes his head…” desirous for none involved is damn right”

The group moves north as quickly as it can go.
Hamish_Haldane shifts some bagels around and puts the were’s head inside a bag on the donkey.
“ This is one beast that won't come back to haunt us”
Mior_Carchedin shudders. “ Yes, hopefully.”

the travel is slower, but as he sun is getting lower, they pass over the old bridge. the air seems to quiet as the sun drops.
Mior_Carchedin chuckles. “Such a familiar bridge, I swear we had another arm last time we were here.”
Mior_Carchedin thinks no-one heard him
Hamish_Haldane frowns, “In poor taste Mior “
Kellik kicks mior in the shin
Mior_Carchedin griomaces, “Ow!”
Kellik snarls, “ shut your mouth whiteeye”
Mior_Carchedin glares at the gnome
Hamish_Haldane raises his arm “ok ok, calm down”

Toden does not notice the by-play, doggedly refusing to be a burden
Hamish says, “ it hasn't been a good afternoon for anyone…hopefulyl Shuruum can put us up for a bit and we'll go from there.”
Mior_Carchedin walks up to Toden.. . “Here, I made you a Sauroid."

[Note : sauroid]
guys, you'll note there a few times I change a term or something to be more setting specific.

Toden looks blankly at it.

"Mior, how far to the farm from here?", asks Wurnik
Mior_Carchedin looks at the map
“I judge about two more hours…maybe three.”
Kellik looks at the staggering group. “We're gonna need to rest then.”
Toden bites his lip, as Wurnik looks to Kellik...
Mior_Carchedin says, “Bah! Rest is for the weak! or gnomes.”
“or the wounded, “ says Hamish.
Wurnik. Looks at the ground nearby. " Can anyone make a fire??? ANYONE?"
“Why don’t I slit your legs open and cut off your arm... and then we can hear you say that again”, asks Kellik.
Hamish_Haldane says, “I sure can't.”
Mior_Carchedin ignores the gnome some more
Wurnik frowns as he sits Toden down "Crap. My city-state for a tinder box."
Mior_Carchedin rummages around “I swear I had one somewhere.”
Hamish_Haldane nods, “Indeed friend Wurnik.”
wurnik. SHRUGS. " Yes, well, let's have a bagel. and some wine."
Mior_Carchedin attempts to make a fire bow
Hamish_Haldane breaks out bagels and strips of jerky all around
Kellik finds a place to sit down
Hamish_Haldane pulls something from the donkey. “Ok, this shoudl raise our spirits a bit”
Hamish_Haldane tosses Kellik a wineskin
Kellik, smiles, then says impishly, “ I've got better”
Mior_Carchedin chews distastefully on some jerky as he works on the firebow
[Kellik pulls out a bottle of Tolerance Red Chias he'd been hiding on his person
Hamish_Haldane smiles at Kellik, “ haha”
Kellik Holds up a hand. “Not much, just a sip each”
Kellik passes it to hamish
Toden perks up a tad
Hamish_Haldane says, “A toast to our victory then!”
Hamish_Haldane takes the smallest of sips and passes it to Toden
“Chod the werewolfs...", says Toden
Toden takes a gulp, passes to Wurnik, who takes a sip
Mior_Carchedin holds out his hand impatiently
Hamish_Haldane wags a finger…” Mior…” he says in a low tone.
the group sits on the ground for a few minutes and gets their legs back
Hamish_Haldane turns to Mior. “ why were you carrying a silver fork of all things about your person?”
Mior_Carchedin lifts his shoulders… “uhhh, it's a good luck charm. grandpapa gave it to me.”
wurnik passes the bottle to Mior
Hamish_Haldane nods. “ Well it was certainly lucky for us”
Mior_Carchedin takes two hurried sips
Kellik cocks his eye. “what fork?”
Mior_Carchedin hands the bottle back to Kellik
“that Mior used to bleed the were”, says Hamish off-handedly.
Kellik sips the last of the wine
Mior_Carchedin shakes his head. “ It doesn't concern you gnome, really.”
Kellik sighs and tosses the bottle off into the bushes
Wurnik nods at Mior, "Aye. Clever and desperate, friend Mior."
Kellik considers going back to get the bottle for bludgeoning omwo~
Mior throws the firebow down in frustration, froaning at his mass of wood and string that won't make a fire.
Kellik says, “ toss me a strip of meat and a bagel would ya”, as he pops Hamish’s Wineskin.
Hamish_Haldane hand a bagel to Kellik, and a couple strips of meat
Toden looks over and his stump twitches
“My Thanks.”, says Kellik.
Kellik tears into the tough meat and bagel
Toden whispers bleakly..."Chor it all."
Kellik washes it down with some more wine and hands the wineskin to hamish
Kellik looks over at toden.

The light is started to fade a bit, as the sun moves behind the treetops
Mior_Carchedin looks up. “Sooooo, are we ready to go yet? I mean, this is nice and all. But.. yeah.”
Hamish_Haldane takes a swig, passes the skin to Wurnik
Mior_Carchedin looks about nervously
Kellik looks at Toden… “that was a hell of a thing you did... jumping him like that... brave, foolhardy, and worthy of a song or two.”
wurnik takes a big sip
Toden lifts his head a bit. ..."Heh.."
wurnik stands up
Hamish_Haldane glances at the orc
Kellik struggles up to his feet
Mior_Carchedin glances about, “What?”
Wurnik puts a hand to Toden, who struggles back up
Mior_Carchedin looks askance at Hamish, who seems jumpy.
Hamish_Haldane says, “If another were jumps out of the bushes at us, I'm going to skin the thing”
the group starts to move north again...

Hamish_Haldane keeps his rapier out, and leads the donkey
mior finds the trail, as he is familar with it and the plough and sickly are in the sky as the group sees the farmhouse

“ thank the fates”, says Hamish
Kellik whistles a marching tune
Mior_Carchedin says archly, “ Ah look, yon familiar hovel beckons.”
Hamish_Haldane sheaths his rapier and runs up to the door, and raps on the door three times quickly
Toden is almost falling. Mior_Carchedin yells, “ Shuruum, time to get up!”
Kellik walks up and steadies Toden “come on, just a few more steps and you can rest”
Shuruum opens in a flash, and sees the wounded Toden "OOOch, I feel like the center of town!"
Mior_Carchedin looks all innocent. “Oh, hello.”
Hamish_Haldane says, “ Shuruum, wake the brood. Toden and Kellik need help”

The daughters come out in a flash, and get a few chairs, as Shuruum lets the battered group in.
Hamish_Haldane moves his head close to Xhuruum. “ I'd also like to have a word with you, preferably off to the side”
Mior_Carchedin looks pained, “And I'm deathly hungry, soup sounds, grand, Would you be so kind?
Mior_Carchedin grins winningly
the fireplace is already lit, and the group can see a meeting was in session.
Mior_Carchedin peers about
Kellik is helping Wurnik get Toden in where he can rest
>There is a red hobyt in a red robe and a human with a demi-lune sitting by the blaze. Both make room for the damaged Gartier and his careful guardians.
Hamish_Haldane brings the donkey to the barn, and returns with a bag full of stuff
Mior_Carchedin glances at the Hobyt out of the corner of his eye
Hamish_Haldane says, “ Ah, you have visitors. On any other night, I would hate to impose Shuruum, but you can see we're in a sorry state.”
Shurrum says, “Actually.they showed up just an hour ago, looking for you fellows. “
Hamish_Haldane turns to glare at the new comers.
“Well, tell us about yourselves, oh valued new friends.”says Mior.
Hamish_Haldane says, “ And why pray tell, are you looking for us?”
The Hobyt stands, as does the human.
Kellik checks toden who is in a chair.
the Hobyt says " I be Rampan, an apprentice at the collegium Arcana. My friend Simon and I were recruited by Chorbit of the Sceding tree to aid you.”
Hamish_Haldane puts a hand on his chin. “hmmm”
Toden Moans
Mior_Carchedin shrugs and smiles. “ Well, help for my.. ourselves is always useful.”
Mior_Carchedin holds out his hand to the Hobyt as a friendly gesture. Rampan smiles...and puts out his hand.
Hamish_Haldane keeps glaring at the Hobyt
Wurnik asks Kellik to lift his pantlegs.
Kellik refuses. “Not till Toden’s looked to.”
Kellik points at toden
Simon says, " I can see Chorbit was not wrong."
Mior_Carchedin cocks an eye. “Oh?”
Kellik sits down on the floor, leaning against a wall, as the more plain, dark haired daughter of Shuruum brings out a tureen of oxtail soup.
Mior smiles his large, most artificial smile. “Oxtail, delectable! Thank you fair maiden.”
Wurnik goes and heals Toden again

Hamish_Haldane looks at the newcomers. “Well, welcome to our group then. Rampan, you said, and friend Simon?”
Kellik looks over at Toden, who is not looking at the food.
the curvy daughter, blonder, winks at Kellik, and rings out soup spoons
Kellik catches her eye and smiles roughly
“Shuruum,” says Hamish, “ do you think I could speak to you outside a moment, “
shuruum nods
Hamish_Haldane grabs the sack he's been carrying around and moves outside

The scene outside is dark, with both the twins (the moons) being out of sight. The bright stars give a little light in the frigid night.
shuruum looks up at Hamish. “what happennd?"
“The witches”, says Hamish
Shuruum’s eyes go wide.
Hamish_Haldane Pulls out the were’s head. See this? See Toden?”
Hamish_Haldane clenches his fist. “They attacked us for no reason Shuruum.”
" " Not good..." says SHuruum. “They have always been fair.”
“ No, not good at all”, says Hamish in a dark tone.
Shuruum repeats " they have always treated us fairly..."
Hamish_Haldane says, “ Well, must be nice. I didn't see any fairness today. Just a diseases that needs to be purged.”
“ Did you attack first, or come with weapons drawn?", asks the Hobyt farmer.
“No, “ says Hamish. “We did not We were walking, we wanted to speak to them about who lived around the ruins. And some strange tracks we found”
Shuruum shakes his head. "Hamish, I will provide shelter, but I will not attack the ladies."
Hamish_Haldane glowers. “The witch sicced one of her were’s on us. I wouldn't ask you to attack them Shuruum, I know you’re no warrior , but I meant to tell you two things/”
Shuruum shakes his haad. " I know not the ways of the ladies, Hamish. But I will not attack them."
Hamish_Haldane holds up a finger. “ First, there is a second were out there. So be on your guard, and keep a close eye on your family.”
“Secondly, don't get involved with them anymore. They will die, “
SHurrum looks quite upset. " Aye, but I might have to hire a guard or 2"
“talk to Chorbit, RETORTS Hamish. “If he asks, spin him a tale or something. Say were renting…Charge him outrageously “
Shuruum shrugs... " I will try to do so."
Hamish_Haldane grins wickedly. “Now, lets go back inside. Oh, and more thing Shuruum…I'd stop paying tribute to the witches if I were you/
He stuffs the head back into the bag and goes inside

Back inside, the room is warm and safe. Toden is being fed by Wurnik.
Mior_Carchedin makes casual conversation with Rampan and Simon, all while eyeing the silverware.
* Kellik closes his eyes and sighs, just leaning against the wall, relishing the rest, his legs feel like butter.
Mior_Carchedin finishes his soup and slowly slides the spoon down his boot then sits back as if nothing happened. a bead of sweat rolls down his temple.
Kellik looks over at mior, struggles to his feet and walks over
Kellik reaches suddenly into Mior’s boot and pulls the spoon out, and hands it to him
“ you dropped this”, he says.
Mior_Carchedin smiles nervously…” Oh. I.. err.. uh, was just cleaning it. on my sock.”
Kellik looks at him knowingly before heading back to the wall
Mior_Carchedin looks around…” Right, Rampan?”
Rampan seems distracted. " Huh? Sure. Whataever. I'm going to go burn something...I like fire..."
Mior_Carchedin looks amused. “ Yes. Fire. Always good.”
Hamish_Haldane laughs. “Haha, well looks like we won't be lacking a campfire anymore, Wurnik.”
Shuruum re enters the room. " I have opened the barn again. This door will be bolrted tonight, so knock loud if there is need.”
Mior_Carchedin eyes shuruum knowingly
Wurnik says, " Ceminiar smiles on us...Finally."
Mior_Carchedin nods. “ Quite.”
Shuruum looks over at Kellik " Toden will be bedded down in the couch here."
Mior_Carchedin hmphs loudly
Kellik moves over and leans against the couch
Simon walks over to Mior, “ Friend Omwo~, is there a problem?"
Hamish_Haldane waves ahnd. “ Ignore him Simon”
Mior_Carchedin shakes his head. “ Oh, no, not at all. Merely some phlegm caught in my throat.”
Simon nods.
Hamish_Haldane Says, “ So, Simon and Rampan, are you two fresh out of the city?”
Rampan has a burning brand he walks outside
Simon picks up from him…" Aye. Hamish"
Hamish_Haldane nods. “Souds good”
Hamish_Haldane eyes Kellik
Hamish_Haldane says, “ Kellik, about ready to hit the hay?”
Kellik nods. “ sounds good”
Mior_Carchedin strides ahead of everyone else for the barn
Simon says, “ " I am Bone Knight, on loan to the sceding tree. I am to aid the three of you in your duties to Chorbit."
Hamish_Haldane seems relieved by this.
Kellik obviously is adamant about staying by Toden for the night
Rampan is running around with his fire stick, out in the yard…
Mior_Carchedin watches him amusedly
Hamish_Haldane asks, “Did Chorbit mention anything interesting Simon? or.. no?”
“A Bone Knight... is he expecting a lot of undead?”, asks Mior
Kellik nods off, leaning against the couch... oblivious to the fact that he's still covered in blood
Huge white smokepuffs erupt from Rampan's hands outside
Simon, who is walking outside, says, " He did not say. Merely that he sent you undermanned, as he felt."
[Hamish nods a bit. “Well...”
Mior_Carchedin says, “ Interesting that he sent us anyways.”
“Aye, Mior…lets just say I'm glad your with us, “says Hamish
Mior_Carchedin says, “ At least he rectified his error. Perhaps a bit too late for poor Toden.”
Hamish_Haldane says, “ Simon, I want to warn you before we start out…there are some witches that live in the woods, they command some weres…They WILL die.”
Hamish_Haldane looks right at Simon…” and if you stick with us, you'll have to be part of that.”
Simon seems unperturbed. " I gather, from what I was hearing, Toden met the teeth of a werewolf?"

Mior_Carchedin shrugs. “ If we come across them. No use wasting time on wolves when valuable statuary beckons.”
Hamish_Haldane says, “ Quite, anyway I'm exhausted good night everyone”
Mior_Carchedin says, “Remember our debt to the sceding tree, Hamish!”
Wurnik is already snoring.
Mior_Carchedin climbs up to the loft again
Hamish_Haldane says, “ Mior, I doubt you will let me forget our debt” Then falls asleep
Mior_Carchedin says, “ And Rampan, don't burn the barn down. Please.”
Mior_Carchedin nods off to sleep while watching the stars
Rampan puts out the fire. "Sure. Whatever. Alwyays more tomorrow."

at 6am, the group is awakened...
Mior_Carchedin wakes in a cold sweat again. “This barn is cursed, I tell you!”
Kellik is snoring next to toden
Tokush 3, 6am, 36 degrees
Hamish_Haldane yawns
Wurnik looks beat.
Hamish_Haldane rouses himself. “ Alright everyone, are we going to head out to the ruins now? Or does anyone need to do anything else?”
Rampan is bright eyed..." Hey!!!"
Mior_Carchedin shrugs
The lovely, curvy daughter of Shuruum gives Kellik 3 loaves of braided bread
Kellik kisses her on the cheek when nobody is looking
Shuruum tells Kellik and Hamish that Toden is still asleep.
Hamish_Haldane says, “ Shuruum, you can take care of Toden right?”
Shuruum nods. “ I will send to Steel Isle town for a proper healer.”
Kellik finally notices that he's covered in dried blood
“Many thanks, we need to head out”, says HAmish
Simon comes out of the barn. “How far to the ruins?"
Kellik is still looking at his torn pants. “House of Death, I must have been out of it to miss that.”

Mior_Carchedin says, “ Well, always a pleasure Shuruum. We thank you for your kind hospitality.”
Hamish_Haldane looks at Simon. “A days walk? We walked for a few hours last time but didn't make it”
the cutie giggles at Kellik., The other daughter rolls her eyes
Kellik rolls up his pants and looks at his wounds

Wurnik? " Best time to heal you is now, Friend Kellik. I can spend our walking time recovering energy.”
“ok wurnik”, smiles Kellik.. “do your worst”
Wurniks hands glow a soft blue as he reaches out to Kellik’s legs. The rents in his legs disappear.
Kellik looks down at his legs. “Thanks. Would someone happen to have any pants?”
Hamish_Haldane takes a piece of jerky and chews on it patiently. “I don't believe any pants of mine would fit, friend Kellik”
Simon shakes his head. " No pants. Hopefully, we'll be able to buy a new wardrobe after this"
Hamish_Haldane nods. “ Many things will be bought, that’s for sure.”
Mior_Carchedin 's eyes glitter
Rampan runs ahead of the group....screaming something
Kellik looks at shuruum... “what about you... I don't have much to trade”
Shuruum shrugs. “Iwill have the girls let out s few pairs of pants, but nothing now will fit.”
Kellik shrugs and goes inside to say his goodbyes to Toden, whom he finds asleep. He hugs the buxom daughter of Shuruum, and follows the others.

the group starts south, and soon catches up with Rampan
they head through SHuruum’s south field...the track is more familiar, and though clouds come up, the way is clear
“Ready to get this damn statuary hunt over with?, “says Hamish, as Kellik catches up.
Kellik is huffing and panting.
They travel south and wind down the moors, moving quickly on a track they are beginning to know. Down a small rise, though a cose of trees and through a long moor, and they come to the bridge.

Next session...back to exploring!!!!!
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 13, 2009, 03:01:28 PM
Session 5, part 1
Wherein the group finds out the toll on the bridge...


so, 4 hours from midday,  the group comes to the bridge just south of Shuruum's farm.
Mior_Carchedin sniffs the air for trouble
Mior_Carchedin doesn't notice anything
kellik runs out a little in front.  He has since sliced off his pants and is wearing shorts since the tangles were getting in the way
Simon  says, "Kellik, I will take the front rank with you!
Rampan is 20 feeet off to the right
"This bridge is wider than I remember, " says Mior, shrugging.

Hamish_Haldane asks, " Cross one at a time? or in groups?"  The span is 10' wide.
Mior_Carchedin tuts.  " Tis only a bridge Hamish, and I don't smell any trolls."

Kellik crosses, then he looks back.  "what are you waiting for elf?"
Mior_Carchedin Looks up.   "There are new tracks here.  Different from before."
" New,  since yesterday?, " asks Wurnick.
Hamish_Haldane draws his rapier
Mior_Carchedin is looking at the ground.  “ Only a few.  But yes, new since yesterday.  This bridge sees much more traffic than I'd expect.’
Mior_Carchedin looks around to emphasize his point
SImon pulls out his demi-lune
Hamish_Haldane  looks around..  “ hmmm, I begin towonder what Chorbit wanted us to be equiped for”
Mior_Carchedin nocks an arrow cautiously
Kellik pulls out his rapier
Hamish_Haldane watches Simon and Kellik go over the bridge
“Did someone see something?,” whispers Kellik to Simon.

Back on the near side, Hamish_Haldane looks back to everyone…” New tracks! From yesterday, best be on our guard”
Rampan, who had been looking up at some clouds..." Mayhap Chorbit analyzed the probability of mixed race combat distributions and sent us to ameliorate the negative statistical connotation."
Hamish_Haldane looks at the Hobyt askance
"These clouds are cool", finished rampan
Hamish_Haldane shakes his head.  “Errr, that could be it... yes, nice clouds, time to cross the bridge, Rampan”
Mior_Carchedin cocks an eyebrow
Simon and Kellik cross the bridge slowly, but arrive on the opposite side with no issue.

Mior_Carchedin looks around, “I wonder where they went.”  Then he whistles, like an eagle.
Wurnik has an arrow out...Rampan has a whistle.  But they all cross the bridge.

Simon says" Come, brave Kellik.  Anon."  Of course, Kellik is already ahead of him.

the group continues down the path alert and ready, as the sun moves up in the sky.  The temperature is getting into the low 40's
Hamish_Haldane manages to get a piece of jerky our one handed, and begins to chew thoughtfully.  “So, we should make the ruins today right?”  
Mior nods  “We could.  I refuse to say more than that.”
" Hamish, I hope so...", says Wurnick.

after an hour, they come to the split, where the small path goes right, but the main path goes south.
Kellik stops.  “Which way?”
“ Uhhhh,” says Mior as he consults his map, “South, unless you want to play with the wereladies again.”
“Last time we went right, I say let us continue south, we can deal with the witches another time,” says Hamish.  “We need some statuary to finance us.”
Mior_Carchedin looks up in supplication.   "I am in complete agreement."
Kellik looks down the road
Mior_Carchedin looks down…”Yes, the tracks go south as well. “
“fair enough,” says Kellik, “ I don't care.”
After  going ahead a few paces, Mior says, “  knee I think we may meet our fellow travelers soon.”
Kellik starts down the south road, Simon following closely.
 Hamish_Haldane follows leading the donkey.

The moors are getting wilder, with thicker underbrush.  The smaller groupings of trees are becoming small woods, and the undergrowth gives way to wetness more often than before.  The folds in the ground also give way to actual hills, and at their bases the group finds themselves fording busy, wide streams covered in treacherous, thinning ice.  At the top of the hills, the sun has melted any trace of ice.  The trees and underbrush, far less on the hill, has started to bud in places.
After a few hours of such travel past the first bridge, and two hours past the side path to the ladies, the explorers go up a steep hill, following the tracks that Mior detected before.  This track gets easier and easier as the group goes up the hill.
As the intrepid explorers crest the hill, the path remakes itself into an actual ancient road, similar to some of the ones that lead out of Steel Isle Town.  The well placed stones have endured centuries of neglect, but are still intact.
At the very crest of the hill is a weathered milestone, cracked and scarred by the whips of erosion.  A few marks on it and its perfect square base betray the hands of civilization.
It is about 44 degrees up here...warmed by the sun, there is actually a lot of greenery pushing away the winter.
At the top of the hills, the sun has melted any trace of ice.  The trees and underbrush, far less on the hill, has started to bud in places.
kellik enjoys the warmness... his bare lower legs were getting a bit cold

Hamish_Haldane looks at the ancient milestone.   “Ah, signs of civilization again.  This road should let us make good time.”
Mior_Carchedin 's hair  blows dramatically in the wind, he feels strangely refreshed.
Rampan. Looks at the milestone.  "Kind of cool...Venolvian substratan deteriorated directional indicator.  Righteous."
Kellik looks at Rampan oddly
Wurnik looks at Rampan funny
Kellik looks back.  “whatever you're drinking... I want some”
Rampan giggles.
Mior_Carchedin  smiles.  “ Yes Rampan, and soon there will be statuary for all of us! “
Mior_Carchedin obviously had no idea what he said
  "I like statues, “ rejoins Rampan.  “The substratan chronology determinate might make us wealthy!"
wurnik shakes his head.  He is lost
Hamish_Haldane says, “ Yes Rampan, we sure hope so...”
“bah!!”, saya Kellik.  “ come on lets keep moving”  He looks over to Simon and says under his breath, “or I'm going to go crazy trying to understand this loon.”

The group becomes more upbeat.  The downslope is also partially laid with flagstones, though less than on the top, and the underbrush increases.   The explorers see some trees in the southern distance that are only found in swampier moors.  They go another twenty minutes.   There is the sound of water, and then, around a bend, another bridge.

The group comes around the bend and down towards the second bridge, in much better shape than the first one they crossed three hours before.
Mior_Carchedin shakes his head.  “There sure are a lot of these old bridges.”
Hamish_Haldane stops the group.  “Alright, same drill as before then, cross in groups?”
Mior_Carchedin SNORTS.  “ Bah! Enough with your drills! It's a bridge!”   He strides boldly towards the centre of the bridge.

[note=prophecy] ooc: going to grab a drink, I expect Mior to be pin cushioned when I return :D[/note]

Suddenly, a 4' ball of purple light erupts almost on top of Mior, crackling and popping as it rolls onto him !!!  Mior screams in agony
Kellik draws his rapier, as Mior_Carchedin cries in pain
Mior_Carchedin makes a pained retreat towards the group, stringing an arrow as he limps back a few steps.
Hamish_Haldane quickly ties the donkey to a tree.  “Anyone see where it came from?”
2 figures jump out of the bushes at the far side of the bridge, one in ringed leather, one in studded leather, both human, a female and a balding male.  They start running up the bridge as the glowing purple ball continues towards Mior’s retreat…Their armor is covered in chalk bone markings, and the ringed leather human is female
Hamish_Haldane tries to slow the Blue Turtle Gnome.   “Kellik, let me enchant your sword.”
Kellik  holds up a hand. “hold on.”Kellik calls across the bridge.  “What in blazes do you nuts want?”
The 2 humans rushing up the bridge  are 30 feet from Mior at this point and closing.

 01[21:13] (roll social cc, %)
Kellik tried to parley, or to use social skills.  The bridge wardens here are guards, not inlined to parley, but I gave him social -40 to start a parley.
[21:13] !roll 1d100
[21:13] Kellik rolls 1d100: {24} = 24
 01[21:13] social cc, %
[21:13] um
[21:13] 56  (GM  56-40=16% chance)  

the woman calls out as she rushes, " Death rules all of us ...Death over all!
Kellik Snarls, “death over you maybe!”  and he charges her, moving up the bridge, followed by Simon.
Hamish_Haldane sighs, and begins casting Coldsnap on his own rapier.

kellik and simon move as one... though  Mior_Carchedin is sweating in slow motion, watching the guardians close on him, as the ball of purple fire flares and tries to run him over.  He finally gets an arrow fitted while dodging, backpedaling, and bleeding.
Mior 's arrow slices down the Bald man's arm, drawing blood!

Kellik whoops a war cry as he charges
Mior_Carchedin nocks another arrow, but as he gets it to string, and the others start to catch up to him, the female reached Mior and stabs at him with her gladius.
She stabs Mior in the chest as he nocks his arrow, burying her sword fully in his chest…blood spurts and sprays over her and Mior as he crumples.
Mior_Carchedin gurgles as he slides off the blade to the ground.[/size]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 19, 2009, 09:01:55 AM
Session 6, a battle finished, a friend made.
finishing the battle from session 5.

Mior_Carchedin stares forlornly at his pooling blood as his vision fades to black "If only I had listened to grandpapa.."

kellik reaches the midpoint of the bridge, where the two antagonists stand over mior
Kellik dives at the girl who downed mior, but he misses his thrust as she jumps to the right.
there is a purple, pulsing, glowing ball of chaos rolling around the Kellik and Simon.
the man with the scythe swings at Simon, missing him
the purple ball of sparks rolls into Kellik and Simon.
kellik dodges it, simon is shocked by the ball, then
the female with the gladius swings at kellik, as wurnik comes up behind simon and heals him. Simon and Kellik hear him repeating "the blessing of the miracle."
the woman misses kellik as simon swings at the man
Simon's demilune slashes at him, but skips of his boiled leather. Kellik swings at the woman, trying to move from outside in, as she cannot duck into the Demilune.
His rapier takes her through the stomach, and she falls down messily, her abdomen punctured as the blade goes in deeply.
"NOBODY kills the Omwo~ but me!", roars Kellik.

By now, Hamish has enchanted his rapier and reached the combat in the middle of the bridge. He dodges past the ball of purple fire, and tries to zip by the orcash/human wilding the 6' scyth.
Kellik turns to the man as he tries to take a cheap shot at Hamish. Hamish tries to roll under the unexpected Scythe-swing, but his right shoulder catches almost the full brunt of the wicked blade, and blood and chunks of gore fly from Hamish's shoulder.

: Out of Character :(Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin mmmfs from under the bridge, presumable, perhaps I am in a bush.)

Simon stabs at the bald man with his demi lune
And Simon pikes on his right side, penetrating through the leather armor.
the orcash human gets stabbed in the right side, and stumbles, then recovers.
Hamish rolls down the other side of the bridge, bleeding heavily from his mangled right shoulder.

: Out of Character :( Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin struggles mightily with his bonds)

( Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin tears through his bonds with an echoing roar,)

the ball of purple glowing light tries to roll over Simon and Kellik, popping and crackling. They both try to dodge whilst battling the orc/man on the bridge.
kellik and Simon dodge the exact same way, and run into each other, then the little chaos ball plows into them ripping at their atoms with the power of entropy.
"I'm gonna kill whoever hit me with that", yells Kellik.
Kellik looks around
Note : Unlucky
[20:57] ooc: so.... are we officially the most combat failure group in Celtrician history?

Wurnik's bow sings as the group hears muffled curses on the far side of the bridge.
Wurnik's arrow flies past the bridge into the trees at the other side, ...a shriek erupts and is cut off suddenly..the ball of purple light winks out.

Note : the GM might not have noticed...
[21:00] <~Kellik> ooc: YAY I LIKE WURNIK NOW
[21:01] <~Kellik> ooc: he's hit things before... the sky... the ground... grass

The bald orcash human turns slightly at the shriek behind him; Kellik's sword takes him in the throat...and goes out the other side.
"Give my regards to Mior", says Kellik.

and...quiet.  The stillness of the wet moor is only broken by the harried breathing of the surviving combatents; even the birds hesitate to break the quiet.

Hamish_Haldane lets out a moan from off to the side of the bridge, and wurnik rushes forward.
Kellik kicks the big brute over
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin lurches slowly to his feet, grabs his Shamsheer and bursts out of the trees... and stops to a halt. "What happens here? Who are these brigands?", he says as he gestures at the corpses.
Kellik ignores him for a second and heads over to the side of the bridge looking over, "Hey, hamish, you dead?"
Hamish_Haldane groans. "not..... quite"
Kellik nods in satisfaction. "ah... good"
Hamish_Haldane lets out a second moan."... I wish.....I were."
Kellik tursn to Wurnik, who is already going by him. "hey wurnik you might want to tend to the wounded/"
Kellik looks over at the New Omwo~. " who are you?"
Wurnik runs up to the bleeding hamish, starting to mouth the words of the restorative manrta, the 'Blessings of the Miracle."

...then he trips as he casts
the ground is healed.  
He spits and tries again...The mantra is spoken, he touches Hamish..and Hamish'es Shoulder, which looked like he might be scarred for life, closes up most of the way. "thanks Wurnik," says Hamish.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin eyes the others warrily "I say again, what happens here?"
Kellik repeats himself , "who are you??" as he holds up his rapier.
Hamish_Haldane stands up slowly, and leans against the bridge
The nw arrival says, " I am Maximillian Vandredheim Hamrenkanazzer Volstshorn Carchedin, first son of Vandredheim Carchedin, member of the Arcanic Swords.."
Hamish_Haldane says, " I doubt he's one of them Kellik. he didn't show up till we killed the rest."
Rampan, wh has been carefully lining up the bodies while checking them , turns suddenly and says, " I know you!!!"
Kellik, sidways to Hamish..." hey I prefer being rude to being stabbed!"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, "I was aboard ship near Steel Isle.. I do not know how I got here."
rampan is jumping up and down now. " You are one of our armsmen! At the Collegium!"

" I don't know if rampan knowing you brings me comfort, or fear", says Kellik. He cleans his rapier on one of the dead guards tunics and sheaths it
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks at the red hobyt with the bowl cut hair. " I apologize friend Hobyt.. for I do not recall you. My head still aches. I believe I was drugged."
" Carchedin..., " says Hamish. "Any relation to our late Mior?

Simon picks up the body of slain mior, whose eyes are staring aimlessly.
Kellik says, " funny... annoying as hell. But I miss the bastard."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says " Mior is a cousin of the lesser branch of my family. I was sent by my grandfather to return him to Lestchian.."
Kellik reaches up and closes Mior's eyes
Hamish_Haldane goes into the woods to look for the Hobyts corpse.
he walks by Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin, who looks shocked "He was a cousin...What has happened!?"
Kellik says "this little wench downed him" and kicks the girl's corpse "I had my way with her for that."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin marches over to his cousin's corpse and stares at it forlornly. He bends down and places his hand on Mior's forehead and mutters an indistinguishable prayer.
then he begins removing Mior's clothes and armour. "We must burn the body before sunset. It is a tradition of my family."
Kellik nodes. "ok." Rampan continues joyfully looting the corpse of the bridge warriors.
"well he's the one to ask about burning", says Kellik, pointing to rampan.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin eyes the indicated Hobyt askance
Hamish_Haldane drags the Hobyt mages corpse to the bridge, and Kellik searches the woman's body
Rampan hums to himself. ..."Tatata, we'll burn after we find..."

Hamish_Haldane turns to Wurnik. " Congratulations Wurnik, you managed to hit someone! A damn fine shot."
wurnik looks pained...' yes, about time..."
Kellik grins at hamish's soft jibe
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " First, I must harvest the heart of my dear cousin. It must be placed on the wall of the dead."
(89 goodwives, 160 children, 19 horn)
( 3 silk armor (hum, hum, hob))
(2 hard leath armor (hum, hob))
(scyth, 2 banks daggers, med long bow, silver gladius (label 21)
(set of hunting knives, label 22)
( human ring leath and an argave shield)
( all three have silver skull pendants, (label 25), we 3 e, well polished, but worn. They are on black leather cords.)
(leather bound thick book, label 23, from the hobyt mage)
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin picks up Mior's dagger and carefully removes the heart, gingerly placing it inside a bottle of strange fluid.

Hamish_Haldane goes and gets the donkey
* Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin mutters another prayer
Kellik takes the gladius and hands it to max
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks up
Kellik says, " her payment for your relatives life"
Hamish_Haldane is by the beast of burden. " Alright, I guess the extras can fit onto the donkey... although I don't know about the scythe"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin sasy, "I thank you.. " to Kellik.
* Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin stares at the sword
Kellik grins wryly. " it may come in useful"
Kellik takes the girls pendant. "a proper trophy"
Hamish_Haldane walks over to Max, who is still staring at the sword. "We've been known to run into weres, so silver is always nice"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin raises an eyebrow[/SIZE]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 22, 2009, 02:07:53 PM
More of Session 6.  Corpses on both sides.
Simon says, "Aye, friend Kellik.  You fight well", while some of the others start to go through the arms and armow they have aquired.
Hamish_Haldane says, " Well, I think its time I upgrade a bit."
Wurnik looks over the dead bodies.  "Fuckers"
Hamish_Haldane grabs the hardened leather and argive
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin is still sorrowful, understandably.  "I must know.. under what circumstances was my cousin involved in this group?"
Hamish_Haldane says, " Mior was our groups tracker, we've been hired by the Sceding Tree to get some statuary."
Hamish_Haldane says, " Here Wurnik, for you."  as he hands him the Hobyts pendant
wurnik takes the pendant, and the armor.
Kellik takes the hobyt's silk armor
Kellik looks at Rampan, as the Hobyt is piling sticks around Mior
" The book and I will be frieds, I assure you, " says Rampan to now one in particular.
Hamish_Haldane hands Simon the ringed leather...Simon is thrilled.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin is still talking to Hamish.  "I see, would you allow me to take my cousin's place in your company? I must avenge myself on the Lord of these scum."

Kellik slips off his hardened leather and puts the silk on then puts his armor over it
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin  pauses for a second.  " And I must know why I was brought here.  A little curious about that as well."
Hamish_Haldane looks at Kellik, then walks over to the gnome.
" Any problems with a new Omwo~?, " says Hamish under his breath.
Kellik sasys, " as long as he doesn't go stealing the silverware I'm fine."
Rampan looks aver to Max..." Fate's handmaidens speak loudly in our ears, roaring their will.  Listen, tall one."
Hamish_Haldane nods to Kellik, then takes a step back to the group at the mid point of the beridge.  "Simon, I'll take your Soft Leather if your done with it."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin perks up an ear in Rampan's direction, asSimon gladly hands the armor over.
Kellik shakes his head.  "don't listen to rampan too much, you'll go insane."
Rampan takes out a white pipe, and lights it, as Hamish goes into their bags.
"Alright, tonight calls for some good steaks, " says Hamish.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin tidies up Mior's possessions into a neat pile while waiting.
Kellik looks up at the sky.   Tribin has dropped below the trees, and only Gerin barely remains above them, bathing the area in a reddish glow.

[note=The Sui] The planet itself is almost two and a half times the square mileage of earth, and is a satellite orbiting the binary start system of Tribin and Gerin (so named by the Omwo~ people).  Neither Tribin or Gerin is as hot as Sol (Earth's sun), but together they produce slightly more heat.  Gerin is a smaller, cooler orange/red star, and orbits the larger Tribin in the same period in which the Celtrician planet rotates upon its axis.  Because of these unique solar and planetary mechanics, the Celtrician day dawns red,  when only Gerin's lesser and reddish light illumines the planet's surface.  As the Celtrician planet rotates through its day, Gerin revolves around Tribin, producing a distinctly reddish light again as evening approaches.    In the final 10 days of the Omwo~ month (see calendars), Gerin appears in front of Tribin throughout the day, during which time Gerin is referred to as "the red eye of Tribin."  On the lithe day between the Omwo~ months, Gerin is eclipsed by Tribin and the day has a more yellow dawn and evening.  The Celtrician planet also has two satellites of it's own, and therefore two lunar cycles.   It is after 4th hour.[/note]
Wurnik is Nodding at Hamish...."Aye, my friend.  A feast."
Hamish_Haldane says, "we've still got 20lbs of Argussian Deer to eat, so let us feast in victory and remembrance."

Rampan says loudly, " Any last words for the rapidly stiffening one?"
Hamish_Haldane looks over to Kellik again.  " Kellik, do you want this Argive?"  Kellik shakes his heqad.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says to all, " His words have been spoken. It would be an affront to repeat them."
Kellik clears this throat.  " Mior, never did care for you but I hope you choke that wench when you meet her."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin inclines his head towards Rampan.
Hamish_Haldane says, " Have an uninterrupted journey friend Mior, "
Rampan waves a hand over the body, and closes his eyes.   a lick of flame pops down onto Mior's body...and a blue-white flame whoofs up quickly , engulfing Mior's mortal remains.  Rampan walks out of the flame slowly.
Hamish_Haldane picks up the argive.  "Alright, I'll take this shield"
Kellik and Wurnik sit over in the grass,  off the road just on the far side of the bridge.
Wurnik says" I am pretty toasted on spells"
" let's have some rest", says Kellik.  " I'm worn out after that."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin stands watching the pyre, and Hamish says, "let's camp on the bridge, its fairly defendable.  they won't be able to circle us easily."
Hamish_Haldane is checking out the bloodstains on his new armor.  " Its not pretty, I'll probably have to get it died next time we're in town."

" So what do we do with them", says  Kellik pointing at the three bodies.I vote toss them over the side of the bridge/"
"Anyone have any rope?, asks Hamish_Haldane. " I'd hang em from the trees as a message.  if not, over the side is good"
Wurnik says "Toss them over the side."
Kellik heads over and checks the hobyt making sure there's nothing left on him, then he shoves him over the side
Hamish_Haldane stands up.  "Over the side, then."
Rampan is looking at the leather book.  "Hmm.  I wish I had 'read magic'.  This is a spell book
Hamish_Haldane looks over his shoulder, which is not hard with a Hobyt.   "Interesting, a lot of spells in it, Rampan?"  Hamish continues past.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin straps Mior's dagger to his belt. And pockets a strange looking fork.
Hamish_Haldane begins to drag the bald orcash/man over to the edg.
Rampan. says idly," Nice handwriting." Kellik helps hamish with the body.
" over the side with you baldy, " says Kellik.
The corpse belches as they move it.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " Wurnik, your talents with the bow are most superb. I thank you and gift you my cousin's arrows."
Wurnik shakes his head.  " You saw my best shot of the Hawaak, my friend."
Kellik helps hamish push the bald man over then goes over to the woman
Kellik gives her body one last kick then starts to drag her over too
"I can read magetongue, would that help with the book?, " asks Max.  Rampan hands it to him, then Rampan starts another fire.  (he lights it of Mior)
Hamish_Haldane looks around, " So, what was it these brigands said before they killed Mior?", as Max starts making faces into the spellbook.  Spells are written in magetongue, but he does not know these words.  
Wurnik has started cooking the steaks.   The smell is indescribably wonderfu;.  He adds peppar.
Hamish_Haldane says, " Death something?"
Kellik nods.  " something about death to everyone"
Hamish_Haldane helps Kellik move the woman
" only ones dead though are them, " says Kellik as they work.
Kellik chuckles
Hamish_Haldane shakes is head.  " And Mior"
"Simon, your'e a Bone Knight, asks Hamish, "ever see anything like these pendants?   Skull livery would be your area of expertise, I'd think."
Simon's brow furrows.  "" Aye.  I remember when Voohrees was speaking about the cult of the Dark One, he mentioned these as an ancient sigil of theirs"
Hamish_Haldane rubs his chin.  " Dark One... "
Rampan says, ""OOH.  Now That smells something special..."
Hamish_Haldane says, "I thought they were erradicated or died off or something.  Theyhaven't been seen around these parts for a while."
Simon thinks for a second.  " in the last dacade on Steel Isle, there has been a resurgence, though most priests and politicians think it is just a bunch of crazies trying cleverly to prey on the minds of the impressionable.  Today in the town, there are rumors of late night meetings, of old families meeting in secret crypts or in old Venolvian ruins."
Kellik sits down  "lets eat,", as Wurnik works the meat.
Hamish_Haldane says, " Well these folk were certainly crazy.", as Kellik pulls out a big loaf of braided bread.
Hamish_Haldane continues , " We could probably get some coin for this information since we have the pendants as proof."[/SIZE]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on October 02, 2009, 11:47:40 AM
Session 6--
Wherein the group cannot catch a break.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin takes a mighty bite out of the defenceless steak
Tribin has dipped behind the hills, and even red gerin is behind the trees.
so most of the light comes from the cookfire on the bridge, and the pyre at the south end of the bridge.
Note : The suns
Celtricia has a binary sun system, with a large yellow one (Tribin) and a small red one ( Gerin).
Rampan is loving the steaks as well, and Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin munches loudly.
Wurnik asks, "What is the order for the watch?". As Kellik samples a steak.
Hamish_Haldane is still consumed by the last fight. " I wonder who we can sell the information about these Dark Way people to?", he mutters...
Wurnik says, "I'm sure many of the churches would want to know"

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin clears his throat. " I will take first watch, " says the newcomer.
Hamish_Haldane, snapping out of his thoughts, says, " I'll take last watch"
Kellik says, " I'll watch the inside of my eyelids", as he munches on the steak
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin watches the darkness, but can't see a thing for the glare of the fire
Hamish_Haldane crouches next to Wurnik, as he cooks. "Well you give us an in with the Gray Church, and our friend Toden might know some people from the Shrine."
Kellik looks at them thoughtfully. " wonder where a guy could find some proper spices around here."
Hamish_Haldane begins to eat his steak, and Rampan says, " I have some acid...that's a little zipppy..."
Kellik looks at rampan oddly.
By now, everyone is clustered sitting around the cookfire at the center of the gently arching bridgespan. The whole Bridge is just over sixty feet long,

Simon stands and covers his mouth with his hand, then says, " I shall man the middle watch this evening. Friend Max, wake me beofer mIdnight, and we shall share an hour."
Hamish_Haldane beams. " Excellent, that seems settled", and he finishes his steak
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, "Aye, Simon, I will do just that."
Hamish_Haldane stands and stretches. " Well, I cannot wait to get moving again. Good night to all."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin waves at Hamish. " I shall see you in the morn."

Kellik is still sitting up leaning against the railing of the bridge half an hour later. Max has kept the fire well tended, but the night is very dark, the stars partially blotted by clouds. Rees on both sides of the rivers give kind of an enclosed feeling to the bridge.
Kellik looks over at max
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin listens intently to the enveloping night
" so what's your story, " Says Kellik
Rampan draws some glyphs on the dirt near his head, everyone else is asleep
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " My story? What's to say. I am the first son of Vandredheim Carchedin. A well acclaimed knight of the Arcanic Swords by all accounts." He looks out off the bridge, down towards the south. "My father taught me nearly everything I know of arms."
Kellik rubs his chin, " arcanic swords eh? seems familiar... so how's you end up down there?" Kellik points to the bushes under the bridge.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, "well, I myself am an armiger of the order. You might say a squire. I know not how I ended up here. I was aboard ship heading for Coom Isle, I woke up here. I suspect I was drugged."
The insects are quieter now, and the sky black. Kellik and Max are somewhat absorbed.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " I had been searching for...
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin pauses
" my cousin. As a favour to my grandfather. He... fled the city on the night of his wedding. Confusing business."
Kellik chews his lip, and from the darkness, Rampan giggles.
The gnome says, " your whole family sounds rather... interesting"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin nods absently. "Orbi is an interesting land, you should consider visiting some day. You may stay at our family holdings in Lestchian, if it pleases you.."
Kellik says, " I might take you up on that offer if fate catches up with me again."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " But I digress, should you not sleep, Kellik? We must be up early."
Kellik chuckles to himself and crosses his arms in his lap and closes his eye. "Aye probably."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " A good night to you, then."

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin sits in wait, and watches the passing of the moon to judge the time.
He has a peaceful night, though the trees on both sides of the bridge seem lively in the wind.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin nudges Simon gently awake, as the night owls make soft noise. "It is the deeping hour of the night."
Simon gets up quickly, and stands. He buckles his armor, having slept in it but unbuckled. "Ah, Max. Thank you."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " Not a problem."
" How goes the watch?", ask Simon as he picks up his long demi-lune.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin nods out into the night. " It goes peacefully. I have no trouble to report."
Simon starts to nod, then his eyes flare wide, and he suddenly points behind Max, " Look!!"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin turns abruptly, and gasps at the strange figure shambling up the path from the south. Max and Simon see a strange creature limned in the twin moonlight. A man's body with a goat's lower part, some 8' high,. With a huge generous mouth and long, flowing black hair.

Note : [20:48] ooc: that is badass

Kellik is sleeping soundly oblivious to it all and dreaming of fine wine and finer hobyt females
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin hisses, " It looks like.. a...What do you call it Simon? A Satyr?"
Simon..."So tall, though"
The hulking manshape wields a long metal pole, silver and sharpened on an end, and wears a strange mangled piecemeal armor.
It hisses at the two on the bridge. It is standing on the south side, beyond the burnt-out pyre
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin quietly nudges Kellik awake with his boot, as he girds his Shamsheer
Simon is rousing Hamish...kellik starts to come awake with the hard nudges, and Wurnik is already awake.
~Kellik yawns, "ugh if it isn't morning yet someone is going to die"
It hisses again, displaying a forked tongue, jogging forward towards the bridge.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin puts his finger to his lip urgently, and points.
Hamish_Haldane calmly look s where Max's finger points. " That is probably the problem Kellik"
Simon says, ..."No horns..."
Kellik looks over at it, and hisgnomic features screw up"...what the hell?"
Hamish_Haldane blinks slowly. "This is a dream isn't it?"
~Kellik starts to put on his leather armor, and Hamish_Haldane draws his rapier (he slept in his armor), and Wurnik strings his bow.
the large creature takes 2 very quick steps forward, it is only 15' in front of the group.
Kellik shakes his head. " You're gonna get a bad back from sleepiong in that armor, Hamish ."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin step behind Kellik, and starts moving his hands up and down.
Kellik grabs his rapier
"can't we go one day without some oaf harrassing us?", says Hamish through gritted teeth.
Kellik smiles, "you can hug him if you want, omwo~"
Hamish_Haldane snarls, "maybe later. I'm casting ColdSnap on my rapier. Hey, can I cast it on yours?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin hefts his small metal hammer in his right hand in slow motion, and a light blue glow starts over it. His pupils dilate, also in slow motion.

The creature brings the five-foot thin rod up, as Hamish's hand takes on a white and blue light
Hamish lights Kellik's rapier, which takes on a silvery-blue frosty sheen.
Kellik finishes knotting up his armor best as he can
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin 's shoulder muscle twitches in slow motion
Kellik snarls, " blasted freaks interrupting my sleep..."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, "a rippling cascade of muscle it is."
Hamish_Haldane yells, in a comradely tone, " Is there anything we can do for you my good... sir?"
In response, the creature rams the shaft onto the ground, and a purple-red spark erupts from the ground, then starts racing towards the explorers. It branches and crosses, running across the bridge in quick, random pulses.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin blinks in slow motion.
"Pez and Bones, Says Simon.
Kellik spares a glance for Hamish. " ok discussions over", as Wurnik's bow sings.
He mutilates a tree
Hamish_HaldaneSays, " its ok, Wurnik, you come through when it counts"
the strange sparks come at the group, dancing and popping. Behind them, the huge goat-man hisses and moves towards the explorers.
The white, purple and red fire zips along the ground, hitting kellik and simon.
SImon jumps out of the way, but the fire whips arounbd Kellik's armor...
He is unharmed.

Note : [21:06] <~Kellik> ooc: hey armor is good for something after all

Simon brings his demilune into play, whipping it downward as he steps forward. Though the thing is fast and sinuous, he connects.
"Dang it," yells Kellik, " ... there goes 2 silver children!"
Kellik glances back at rampan
The demi lune bounces off the makeshift armor
Hamish_Haldane frowns. " that does not bode well.", as Simon nearly loses his balance.
Rampan shrieks from behind the party..."Mother fornicators!!!!"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin glances back in slow motion
the strange little balls of lightning zip at Kellik and Hamish.
they are flying all over the place
Kellik manages to dodge, but the purple and red sparks crawl up Hamishe's legs
Hamish's armor protects against the sparks, and Hamish breathes a sigh of relief.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin accidentally drops his hammer
Simon, Kellik are in the middle of the bridge, Hamish is coming around the right, then Max moves around the left. The eight foot creature whips it's silver spear around, holding it's ground.
kellik darts his rapier forward as the strange giant creature closes again.
kellik stabs the thing in the right side, and the reapier almost penetrates, but then the white blue flares, and a strange hissing roar comes from the huge creature as the Colsdnap flares.

Note : smart playing[21:20] ooc: good thing I enchanted your rapier  
[21:20] <~Kellik> ooc: haha yea

Hamish whips at it as Kellik has distracted it, and it is bleeding from the wound slightly.
Somehow, the large thing ducks out of Hamish's path as it swings the spear around
Hamish moves forward a it, as the balls of light streak around the center of the bridge, bouncing into the flanks and hitting him and Max.
Both of them thank their armor for protection. Then Wurnik's bow sings
Wurnik's arrow pierces the ugly beast's right shoulder deeply, lodging nearly 8" through the armor.
green blood spurts, and the creature loses balance a bit.

A thrill surges through the explorer's party. Hamish tries to strike from the left side, and says, "This thing has green blood....!"
The creatures swoon causes him to miss his strike, though

Kellik's rapier snakes in from the front of the group, as Rampan swears even louder from the back "Matriarchal rear passage takers!!!"
as the large thing dodges and falls away from Hamish, Kellik buries his rapier under it's armpit, up to the ichor spouts everywhere, mixing with the gout of blue white ice water from the Coldsnap spell....and it falls to the ground, barely twitching.
Kellik pulls his rapier out of it, and looks over to his friend. "thanks, Hamish"
Rampan is sitting on his ass in the back pouting
Hamish_Haldane speaks into the sudden quiet. "Anyone have any idea what in the eighth house that was?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin adds, " where did the electricity came from?"
"Rampan, did you recognize those spells?", asks Hamish.
Rampan retorts, " Chaos something."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin stares at the corpse of the beast loudly, yes, he can stare loudly. " This beast is an abomination against nature."
Hamish_Haldane says, " hmm Chaos, that is definitely planar sounding. Think it was a demon?"
Wurnik comes up from the back..."OK, who is dying, who is hurt, who is bleeding, where do I set up triage?"
Kellik says, " we're fine Wurnik... unless you want to operate on this cadaver."
Wurnik looks nonplussed. "What do you mean? we always get whacked..."
The large creature stinks prodigiously, and is smoking a bit. Max says, " It was said my father met his end against an unnatural beast, it was said it as well had green blood."
Hamish_Haldane nods. "I know, it makes me uneasy"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin pokes the corpse with his shamsheer.
Kellik wipes his blade off on the grass
Hamish_Haldane says, " Well done Kellik"
Kellik nods in a preoccupied way. "This bridge is unlucky. I say we pack up and haul out at first light;
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " Yes.. I am in agreement." and he looks back at his cousin's pyre for a moment.
Rampan notates the very bad sewed together armor on the creature's huge body, obviously the remnants of earlier victims and the silvery metal staff
Hamish_Haldane looks over. " What about its spear?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin picks up the staff and examines it asKellik pulls off his leather armor.
" ok the next thing that interrupts us... I'm gonna put my rapier through its crotch", says the gnome.
Wurnik goes back to sleep [/SIZE]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on October 22, 2009, 10:59:24 AM
Session 9, the beginning.
The last.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin sleeps with both eyes open, it is unnerving.

We are on 2/5 Tokush the 5th, the red gerin comes up first, taking away the blackness and replacing it with a red glow. The day of the Hawaak is Bowak, and this is also the Meresau of St. Oberg of Mammon, The day that the Devilkin worshippers plant flower bulbs in the medium climes. Dark clouds are coming in from the South.

Hamish_Haldane wakes, grabs the staff, and inspects it
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin leafs through his copy of the Social Anarchist Directives by Marl Karx after waking
Hamish notes the silvery material and strange, light feeling. He tries bringing it down on the ground, in a similar gesture to what the beast did.
“A most auspicious day.”, says Max.
it is 5th hour, and the Sue has just ended, though it is cold and dark
“Wake my friends, taste the redolent flavour of victory that drifts on the winds.”,says Max.
Wurnik sniffs the air. “Smells like burnt omwo~
*yawn* Hamish expels some are. “I would rather not taste anything we've had victory against.”
Kellik says, “ tastes like a cold morning with little comforts to wake to to me”
Hamish_Haldane grabs a piece of jerky and a bagel
Kellik stretches and stands up slowly, his joints creaking a bit from the awkward position he slept in
“Now this bagel”, says Hamish, L is something flavourfull.”
“ oof”, says Kellik, as he begins putting on his leather armor. “ well, best get ready... I don't want to stay on this bridge longer than necessary.”
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin leafs through his copy of the Social Anarchist Directives.
Kellik grabs a bagel and some jerky himself
Simon says "This bridge is defensable,,,but it is not where we are going"
Hamish_Haldane checks over the faithful donkey, and says, “deed Simon, though the fates only know what else is between us and the infamous Ruins.”
the donkey seems bored, but hungry
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, “ Onward then, I itch to avenge myself on the scum who so gleefully murdered my cousin.”
Kellik looks through the bags for some oats
Hamish_Haldane stops. “ One question... can anyone here track? Mior was our navigation.”
simon finishes getting his armor on, then shakes his head.
Kellik says “not worth a damn”, as he looks for oats.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin shakes his head sorrowfully. “The ways of the wilde are not mine, alas.”
Hamish_Haldane looks pained. “ Max, please tell me you grabbed the map off your cousins corpse.”
“ I can't track,” says Kelik, “... unless you want to track down some good food.”
Rampan hands over the map.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks at the Hobyt suspiciously.
Hamish_Haldane takes the map. “ Thanks.”
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin scratches his head
Rampan shrugs. “I was studying it carefully"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks at Rampan suspiciously
Kellik is still searching through the bags
Hamish_Haldane looks at the red Hobyt mage. “So Rampan, you know where to head out?”
“ There's got to be something in here for our beast, “ says Kellik as he searches. “AHA!”
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin> asks Wurnik, “ Can you possibly help us track?”
wurnik shrugs. "nay'
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks down the road south. “Surely if we follow this road our way will present itself.”
Simon nods...."And this is the best we are going to get..."
Hamish_Haldane nods “I agree, let's just follow the road until we see the Ruins, from what Chorbit was saying they're huge”
Kellik pulls out an oat pouch and puts some oats into it before struggling to pull the straps over the donkeys ears. “ugh chorbit skimped on supplies for the donkey.”
Hamish_Haldane grimaces. “ yes... Chorbit”
“ there you are, “ says Kellik.
Hamish_Haldane says, “ He and the Sceding Tree will have some explaining to do I believe.”
Kellik scratches the beast behind the ears
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, “ Let us be off then.”

SImon and Kellik start off in the front, as they are the best suited for pure combat,
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin falls into line near Hamish. “This Chorbit sounds like a miserly fellow, interested only in profit. I shall have to have a long word with him.”
Kellik chuckles. “he'd probably cower in fear”
Hamish_Haldane grabs the donkey and starts to lead it, in the middle of the group.
Kellik takes off in the lead with simon
the group takes off at a brisk walk, ignoring the chill
Hamish_Haldane says, “I'll lead the donkey beside Max.”
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin nods sagely
The explorers leave the bridge far behind them, and the trail is still dotted with flagstones and road. It twists and moves west a bit, but mainly goes south. They go through another wet, moorish area, but the old road is pretty easy to follow. Tribin and Gerin start getting closer as they track towards the middle of the sky, still hours away.

Kellik stretches his arms... hard rocks to sleep on
“ugh,” says Kellik. “ honestly I can't imagine how you feel after a night of sleeping in that armor of yours, Hamish.”
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, “ One wonders who would come out this way. It is not the most forgiving country.”
the group notes after that, around 2 hours to the midday, the ground gets wetter though the trees get bigger and thicker set.
Hamish_Haldane NOTES, “ Well its not nearly as comfortable as my silk, but I'd rather a bit of minor stiffness, than getting skewered in my sleep. besides, I'm not an old man, haha.”
Kellik is still obviously groggy and thus more benign than usual
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin sniffs the air leisurely

the exploreres go up a rocky slope, above the marShy ground. Hamish_Haldane sips water from a silver cup.
Kellik looks back at Hamish. “got any more water?”
The crew come down the other side, and come to an area where the road is almost sunken, visible, but barely above the marches
Hamish_Haldane checks our water stores, and Tribin has burnt off much of the cloud-cover, but it is still in the low 40's kellik says, “if not toss me a wineskin.”
Hamish_Haldane throws Kellik a wineskin
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin shakes his head. “This Chorbit is a madman, dredging statuary out of this mess? A fool's errand motivated by sheer greed.”
Kellik takes a deep drought from the wineskin, then wipes his chin
Hamish_Haldane shrugs. “ nothing wrong with a little bit of greed now and again.”
Kellik says., “ oh thats good stuff when you're thirsty enough.” He ties it back up and tosses it back to Hamish. Hamish_Haldane stows the wineskin on the donkey, and puts his silver cup away

the group plows forward, trying to avoid the wettest parts of the Moors. It gets harder, as the track becomes more obviously worked, and the group finds themselves in areas where only the stonework is keeping them inches above the wetter parts.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks around. “I would not be so judgemental if our erstwhile 'master' were here beside us.”
Hamish_Haldane is also looking al around. “So, snakemen in the marsh/”
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, “The beasts would be wise to leave us be. I am in a dark mood.”

As Max finishes, Simon steps onto a flagstone, and it gives way totally
Kellik reaches for simon, as he starts to go down.
Hamish_Haldane vies for the UNderstatment of the Goesi award, and says, “be on the lookout for something suspicious, Chorbit warned us the place was infested.”
Simon barely rolls out of the way to is right, grabbing onto kellik’s hand
Kellik holds tight. “ woah hold up”
Kellik peers down the hole
Hamish_Haldane SAYS, “ What was that? A trap?”
Kellik and Simon now note a stone marker just off the path, on the left, at the some horizontal plane as the trapped flagstone. It is placed in the marshy water, where it is not that easy to spot.
Kellik walks over cautiously and examines it. “some bastard trying to do passerbys in…”
Hamish_Haldane says, “ or snakemen.”
Kellik says, “ double bastard then.”
Rampan murmers, "Something beyond security, something hidden and special, the more difficult the finding, the more remunerative the task"
Kellik snorts. “ if I meet him remind me to skewer him with my sword”
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin eyes Rampan askance. “Speak clearly, man.”
Simon nods at Max, very seriously
~Kellik is looking the stone over
the group continues south, more cautiously, looking for stones and snares.
Hamish_Haldane says, “ Hidden for sure, special is another matter”
the ruined, old road moves westward slightly, though still mainly south
Hamish_Haldane looks over to the group’s new Omwo~ addition. “Don't mind Rampan, Max He likes a cryptic turn of phrase/”
Wurnik taes out a bagel
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin nods slowly, still eyeing the humming Rampan. ? I shall keep that in mind. An ability to turn words to one's desire is an oft overlooked skill in this day and age.”
~Kellik has picked up a branch he found along the road and is using it as a walking stick/trap checker
“haha, “ laughs Hamish. “ I never said anyone could make sense of what the Hobyt says though”

The group comes to a clearing, and the main road continues south into a deeper, foresty swamp,. There is a small trail to the right (West), as well. There is a lot of green, despite the season removing itself from the recent Winter. It is easily in the 40’s.
Hamish_Haldane looks down the trails. “If I remember correctly, we want to find a forest”
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin frowns. “ Our patron seems to have prepared us poorly for this ill-fated venture.”
Rampan looks down at the scroll in his hands. His red hair is almost in his eyes. "According to this map, the place of statuary and interest is close by, more to the South"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, “ Further into the swamp, then? Or to the west?”
Hamish_Haldane shrugs.” Alright, West or South ?”
Wurnik points to the old road " The Road should lead to ruins."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says “This swamp gives me an evil chill, but we must continue.”
Hamish_Haldane points off to the west. “No one up for a little side excursion again? I doubt there are weres lurking about here”
Kellik frowns at the memory. “ lets get going”
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, “ I would rather see our task to completion.”
“Although, I would love to find those witches...”, says Hamish. “South it is then...For today”
Kellik says, “ we can beat sense into the weres later”

the group goes another 200 yards, deeper into the swampy road, through some trees and mire...then Rampan hisses loudly
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin stops abruptly. Hamish_Haldane draws his silvered rapier
The red Hobyt ducks down...motioning everyone with him.
~Kellik gets down. Hamish_Haldane ducks, and Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin, Wurnick, and Simon slowly sinks to the ground
Kellik draws his sword, rolling his eyes wondering what it is this time
Rampan points off to the right a bit, and south
Kellik looks off that way, andMaximillian_VHV_Carchedin peers into the mire
Hamish_Haldane whispers, “ what in the name of Belials backside is it now.”

Down the road about 30 yards, and off to the east side of the road slightly (the left), There is an omwo~ standing on something about 25' up in the air, partially obscured by trees. It appears to be some kind of a building. He wears some kind of light metal armor, and arrows stick out of a quiver on his back.
Hamish_Haldane hisses, “ can anyone make out if its male or female?”
“male”, says Wurnick softly.
Hamish_Haldane says, “ probably not a witch....Rampan, did you detect some sort of wizardry?” Rampan shakes his head.
Kellik whispers* I vote we continue on slowly till we're out of range.”
Now that everyone can see it, it is obvious he is standing on some ruined building. The surface has been ground with decades or centuries of weather and vegetation.
Hamish_Haldane tries to detect any sorcery…
“oh lovely, says Kellik quietly, “... 100 gold Horn says that’s where we need to go. Well why not be polite and introduce ourselves. Kellik smirks.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin hefts his shamsheer carefully
It is barely off the course, probably on the side of the path 30'
Hamish_Haldane says, “ alright, its ruins, probably bears checking out.”
Kellik nods at his friend. “Well, nothing else to do.”
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 03, 2009, 04:14:47 PM

The End of Session 9

Tokush the fifth, Bowak. 3rd hour afternoon. A clear day, with the temperature in the mid forties, with some greenery already showing in the swampy-moorish regions of the South-eastern Steel Isle.
The explorers are kneeling down on a ruined, ancient road, now devolved into a trail.
Down the road about 30 yards, and off to the east side of the road slightly (the left), There is an omwo~ standing on something about 25' up in the air, partially obscured by trees. It appears to be some kind of a building. He wears some kind of light metal armor, and arrows stick out of a quiver on his back.

Hamish_Haldane hisses, " lets go, stealthy or quickly?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin asks, " Shall we attempt a stealthy approach?"
Rampan wonders aloud, "Anyone good at the sneakY"
Hamish_Haldane shakes his head. " not particularly no..."
" sneaky?, Says Kellik, " no. stabby? yes."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin shakes his head, " The arts of the thief are not in my arsenal."
Hamish_Haldane purses his lips. "Alright, lets run, its only 30'... worse comes to worse they'll be as startled as us."

"hmm, " says Kellik thoughtfully, "I could draw his attention."
"not a bad idea," says Wurnik
Kellik gets up opn his haunches, smiales, and says, " ok then."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin prepares to crash through the swamp like a raging bearmoth.. .but restrains himself
Hamish_Haldane seems worried. "bad idea, if he's a mage, although I didn't detect any wizardry, he could splat you."
Wurnik takes out a wicked arrow." I could try to draw his attention with an arrow through his head. He might be distracted by that."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin agrees. " A sound idea."
" we'll do a bit of both", says Kellik
Kellik draws his rapier again
Hamish_Haldane points to the gnome and the Omwo archer. " Wurnik and Kellik, go and distract him."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " Leave just after his arrow, friend Kellik! With any luck he will think it was you that fired it"
Hamish_Haldane continues with his plan. " myself, Rampan, Max and Simon will try and sneak closer."
Kellik nods. "that was my plan."
"One last thing, no one wants to try and parlry with this bloke?" asks Hamish." Not that it has done us much good so far."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks at the Omwo quizically.
Rampan shakes his head "were this a road or neutral place, mayhap..."
Hamish_Haldane says, " Fair enough"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " ..I leave such judgements to others, an ill haze leaves me thirsting for violence."
" Ishma's blessing, Wurnik and Kellik." Intones Hamish.

Note : ISHMA
Ishma is the goddess of luck, actually a former devilkin male deity of roguishness worshipped in the early Age of Heroes. In legend, Ishma left the devilkin lexicon and the Ninth House, to wander the House of Death and Zevashopal itself, staying unseen as Deva and Devo fought on the plain of Sharp Grass.
Currently, she resides in the Third Station, and is the patron of fortune and making one's own luck. As with others in this cosmology, she has become nearly unconsciously recognized for her attribute.
Hamish_Haldane ties the donkey to a tree and begins to sneak
Simon says, " Lucky Ishma over all of us, group."
The group gets into position quickly, with Rampan, Hamish, Max, and Simon moving slightly further south down the trail, trying to stay to cover.
Rampan again hisses
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks at him
Rampan..."Hamish...You wnat to coldsnap or anything?"
"I'll coldsnap my rapier, "says Hamish
weapon flares and lights cold and white, an early omen for Hamish Haldane. "Excellent".
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin signals Wurnik to release the arrow
it is a long distane, but the arrow flies true, and the shaft lands with a meaty thud,The arrow lodges in the omwo's trapezius.
he screams. Kelliki darts forward.

Hamish_Haldane smiles..." Ishma must truly have blessed Wurnik"
Hamish_Haldane unslings his Argive and moves slowly, stealthily forward.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin moves forward doggedly through the muck as silent as he can manage, with Simon following and Rampan giggling in the back.

Kellik runs along looking out for any danger
the group sees a human in chain mail join the wounded omwo~, and he yell something downward.
the owo~ tries a shot at Kellik, missing badly and hurts some swamp.

Hamish and Max, with thre others trailing, are coming towards the side of the building and they see a door burst open and 3 armored figures rush north after kellik, who turns and attempts to lead them around so the others can ambush them
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin possesses a hellish desire to let loose a bellowing war cry and impale a cultist.
Wurnik hits the side of the building with an arrow, and the human on top suddenly blazes
"Rampan, did you light em up?" says Hamish pointing towards the wounded Omwo~ and the chainmail clad human. Rampan shakes his head.
A scream erupts from the rooftop, followed by "Dark ones cock~!!!!!!"

Note : fumbles
Kellik> ooc: HAHAHA
Hamish_Haldane> ooc: lol, so much for the blessings of Ishma  
Vreeg_GM> (ooc No. total fumble on potion 100)
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin> ooc: I don't get it
[21:20] <~Kellik> ooc: he dropped his potion and it exploded
[21:20] ooc: oh, hah
[21:20] ooc: thats awesome
Simon, Hamish and Max are in a positon to charge the guys on the bottom in a flanking attack,as Kellik is running at full bore in a long arc attempting to draw the enemies around where the others can get blindsided
Kellik yells , "come on you fat morons, catch me if you can."
Above, a ball of fire envelopes the already burning human on the rooftop, upsetting the OMwo~ archer somewhat.
Simon, Hamish, and Max are on the flank of the three chain-leather clad warriors before they know it. Simon hits an orcash male, Hamish stabs a female human, and Max nails a ugly human male.
Kellik turns drawing his rapier. " my turn, " he announces to the tangle of weapons and bodies behind him, and dives into the fray
The wurniks's bow sings, and the Omwo~ guard on top of the building now has an arrow sticking out of his stomach.

Back on the ground, Hamish swings again, and delivers again.
Hamish puts the rapier through her chain-leather armor , right through her lower chest
she falls gurgling to the ground.
Then an arrow flies from above, taking Hamish through the breastplate, but the armors stops a lot of it...but he still takes 10 hits.

Note : ow[21:40] ooc: I is dead

hamish falls unconscious to the ground, bleeding heavily...seemingly lifeless
From above, the group hears another scream,
and rampan's maniacal laughter from behind you

Max overbears his opponent, then steps out quickly and plunges the full shamsheer forward, and it slices through the guy's right leg, blood spurts everywhere, including all over Hamish. The Femoral artery must've been cut.
the last one is not looking thrilled about being alone on the ground .
kellik jumps over Hamish, bransishing his rapier
[21:45] ooc: dying anyway
Kellik slams into the guys chest with a look of silly rage on his face, forcing him back a few steps and pinking his left forarm. Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin turns on the remaining man, breathing heavily
~Kellik bounces off the guys chest, "time to mess you up moron..."

The door slams open again and a blackened man in chain mail comes out, with a bright falchion. He is breathing hard.[/FONT][/SIZE]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 09, 2009, 10:46:38 AM
Session 10.
Finishing a combat and settling down.
Up on the roof, the hissing ball of flame rolls over the omwo~ archer again, who cries out in agony, and then the cry is cut short...
Simon tries to impale the hobyt in front of him, spearing the hobyt through the right side of his stomach, going through and removing blue, white, and red intestine on the way.

Note : [20:36] <~kellik> ooc: ouch

He falls down, and shudders heavily in his death throws. Now only the burnt omwo~ remains
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin bellows a mighty roar while twirling his shamsheer over his head dramatically and uselessly before landing his blow. the shamsheer goes over the breastplate, and cuts off the omwo~'s chin in a gout of blood.

Silence and hard breathing is all that remains, that and the victors.

Note : yuck[20:40] ooc: this fight is like something out of an anime, blood and body parts everywhere.
I tend towards graphic description. It reminds the players that combat is not an antiseptic set of rolls, but a messy, horrible thing.

Wurnick comes running, stooping at Hamish. Blood is all over the young Human, and his chest is especially damaged.
kellik throws down his rapier. "bah no fun for me." kellik notices wurnik and turns to see hamish on the ground. He goes dead silent.
Wurnick puts his hands on Hamish's gory chest. He closes his eyes again, and mutters a few words, variations on the "Blessing of the Miracle".
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin kicks the corpse of of the burnt human distractedly.. and then notices his chain mail armour. A familiar Carchedin glint lights in his eye.
Hamish_Haldane's hand moves suddenly..." Wurnik... *gasp* That.. better not have been..."
kellik rushes over to Hamish and the Omwo~ archer.
" of your arrows..", finishes Hamish.
kellik thumps hamish on the head with an open palm. "what are you thinking going off and trying to die without my permission?"
Hamish_Haldane coughs. "seems to be a bad habit I picked up. The ambush worked though."
wurnik grunts, and gets out his kit, as kellik retrieves his rapier
Wurnick removes the deep arrow. "Ugh...", grunts Hamish. Kellik frowns.
Simon nods to Hamish " Yes, they followed Kellik, allowing us to fall on their flank"
Kellik says, " oh yea... tons of fun for you and mister sentient fire pit. me... all I get is one measily lick in."
Hamish_Haldane looks up and groans, as Wurnick finishes. " More of those damn cultists, I want a skull trinket this time."
kellik pouts a bit

" So, how many did we get?, " asks Hamish, as Rampan strolls up, sniffing the air
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin is busily relieving the burnt corpse of its possessions
Hamish_Haldane looks to his friend. " here Kellik, give me a hand to stand up>
" oh so now I'm a crutch eh?", kellik grins and helps hamish up. Hamish_Haldane grins weakly

"Hamish," says Wurnick, " I'm going to try to heal you again."
Hamish_Haldane nods. " Alright"
" I have to use a different spell, "says the healer.
Hamish_Haldane shrugs. " Do your worst, Wurnik."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin seesm put out as he rifles pockets. " These curs. How dare the mongrel dogs contest our passage? The very notion is disgusting."
Kellik says, " well they won't be contesting much any more." Wurnick murmurs a different variation on a curative spell, and there is a light green glow on Hamish's chest.
Hamish_Haldane says, " Hmmm, I miss Toden more than ever. We could definetly use another person with healing ability."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin comes over. " I have some small skill with the care of wounds.. of the mundane variety of course. perhaps I could take a look and see."

Note : healing
01[20:48] (OOC--guys...the 1/hawaak rule? Hamish has had all three of wurnicks)
[20:48] ooc: sweet
[20:48] <~kellik> ooc: don't get shot again
this is in reference to one of the purposeful idiosyncrasies of the celtrician game. Lower power healing spells can only be cast once per 8 day week on a person. Even medium power ones can be cast once per day, and this includes the scroll or potion versions. So not only is a low HP world, but there comes a point where a player starts having trouble getting healed. This is also a very present threat in the live Igbarian game.

wurnick nods at max. "any help we can get!"
kellik says" I say we take a look at the ruins."
[Hamish_Haldane nods. " Ok, lets also check out what these folk contributed to our cause."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin examines Hamish's closing wounds with a careful eye while reaching for the healing kit. Hamish is still injured.
wurnick hands it over. Max uses the bone needs and gut thread to sew up hamish's wound.

Now that hamish can stand kellik goes over and starts searching the defeated, rifling through their equipment and possessions. He notes that Rampan and Max already did some of that difficult labor.
" Many thanks friend max", says Hamish
Hamish_Haldane walks over to the female cultist he killed, and grabs the small silver skull pendant. "Cultists again!"
kellik holds up a couple of the pendants in his hands...

Note : loot
5 silver skull pendants
> 360 silver Children
90 Goodwives
26 gold horn
10 elongated gold pieces with a strange face (label 30)
3 suits chain leath, 3 suits silk
I suit burnt human chain mail, I omwo scale mail
1 falchion, made of a blackish metal, label 11
a vial with a grey liquid (label 12)
and the black armor dude had a book with strange scrawlings (label 13) and a thich crystal vial with a clear liquid (label 14, we 25
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin idly wipes down his shamsheer on a piece of torn cloth.
Simon scouts on the east side of the building
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin sits on the folded set of chain mail, as if laying claim to it. Can anyone of us read these strange scrawlings?", he says as he hefts the book in his hand.
"Rampan, think its a spellbook?", Says Hamish, as he peer over Rampan's shoulder.
"rampan giggles and laughes..."Yes, this is spellbook"
Hamish_Haldane attemps to decifer the spells in this book. He does not make much sense of it.
wurnik looks at the vials
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " I can read magetongue, I shall attempt!"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin peers at the magish runes.. His eys become focuses and intense. " This spell book has spells in it.."

kellik shucks his old armor and pulls on the snug fitting chain leather
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin scratches his head dumbly
"ARG", says Hamish_Haldane. "this book tells me nothing."
Rampan turns the book upside down, and a tear rolls down his face
Hamish_Haldane shrugs. " Well, we've got two unknown spellbooks" we're bound to get some good cash for them."
rampan..." I cannot wait to get back to town. 2 friggin books...!"
simon comes back around
Hamish_Haldane asks " Find any statuary friend Simon?"
simon shakes his head. " no, but there are some sleeping areas and a small satchel I found"
Hamish_Haldane says, "hmmm, interesting."
kellik smiles..." ah good a place to get out of the weather for a change?"
Simon nods, " well ,inside the ruin"
kellik puts out a hand. "do we hide the stiffs. or leave them out as a message?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, "I wager friend Hamish needs rest. Perhaps we should waylay ourselves for a spell."
kellik grins wryly
Hamish_Haldane seems pretty energetic after Wurnick and MAx' ministrations. " We should just stack em a ways away."
Rampan's eyes light up. " we could burn them?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin nods. "Capital idea, Rampan. Burn the dogs."
Hamish_Haldane agrees, "the last thing I want is some demonic rat looking for a snack"
Simon looks askance at Rampan, " Aye, a signal Pyre, wise idiot."
Hamish_Haldane and Wurnick both laugh at that.
Hamish_Haldane says, " lets just stack them for now."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " The smoke would hardly be visible in this enveloping fog."
Hamish_Haldane pats Max on the shoulder. "we can burn them when we leave."
rampan the red Hobyt pouts.
"fair enough," says Kellik, "come on simon"
Hamish_Haldane says, " So, we have death cultists crawling all over this part of Steel Isle." as Kellik and Simon start to go to work on the bodies. Hamish comes over to help.
kellik says, " lets get these deadweights out of sight. " He drags the hobyt over behind a tree
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin watches glumly as the corpses are removed

the first floor is mainly still enclosed, and out of the weather. It is L shaped, the larger section maybe 70' by 30', the smaller 30' bt 30'. There is a courtyard to the south, creating a square with the l of the building. There is a smashed statue on the south-west corner, and another pile of rubble. to the west of the building, the ruined road continues south. The late-afternoon light fights to get through the trees.
Hamish_Haldane says, "Rubble.. a good place for hidden statuary>"
He searches the pile of rubble, slowly to make sure he find everything
Wurnick looks at the human critically. " I like the idea of resting for Hamish. Can we set watches?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin idly polishes his sword.
kellik nods. " sure...I'll take the first one."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks up frolm his sword. "Friend Hamish, best not strain your wounds so soon. Take a rest. I will the second."
Hamish_Haldane looks like he is going to protest, then thinks the better of it. "Anyone mind if I skip taking a watch this night?"
simon brings over the leather sack. "No, my friend. Rest."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin shakes his head." I do not. Sleep."
kellik stares hard at his friend. " hamish not only don't we mind but if you try to take a watch all beat up like that...I'll knock you out."
Simon nods " The third watch shall be mine."
Hamish_Haldane says, " I can agree with that Kellik"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin lowers himself into a light slumber
Hamish_Haldane> Let me take a look at this satchel, Simon
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin mumbles in his sleep. You think you can make out the words.
kellik walks into the ruins and takes a look around
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin mumbles in his sleep. " Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? No, says the man in Hagenos, it belongs to the college! No, says the man in Argus, it belongs to the emperor!.... No, says the man in Steel Isle Town, it belongs to the Sceding Tree!"
kellik figures that up top where the archer was will make a good lookout point and heads up
Simon hands the satchel to Hamish, frowning
Hamish_Haldane looks up at the Bone Knight. "Hmmm, anything wrong Simon?"
Simnon. " Nay, friend hamish. Or better put, much worries me out here amidst the fen and ruin around us, and I wonder at the armed defenders of these ruins. But I find the company well suited to such an investigation."
kellik whispers loudly down the stairs, in Sotto Voice. "I'll be up top if you need me." kellik draws his cloak about him and walks up into the elements
Hamish_Haldane rifles through the satchel, finding some items of interest.

Note : itemsGM_Vreeg> finds some dried herbs (label 190
a lg lantern made of grey hammered steel, made for oil. (label 110), we 35
109 oblong electrum coins, the electrum has a face on the front and a gryphon on the back
2 oil flasks (we 15@)oil

Hamish_Haldane puts the satchel by the donkey. "Good night everyone"
simon motions for the wineskin, as Hamish_Haldane removes his soft leather armor. Hamish tosses Simon the wineskin
rampan is snoring, his armor next to him, andsinmon gratefully drinks
Hamish_Haldane wads up a spare silk armor as a pillow
* Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin rolls over in his sleep, clinking in his new mail.
wurnick's armor is off, he is asleep
Hamish_Haldane says, " hopefully we can find some statuary tomorrow". Then he falls asleep, the night noises of bird and beast around the group, and the Wind all around Kellik above.[/SIZE][/FONT]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 16, 2009, 03:29:30 PM
Some more session 10, and most of session 11.

Wherein the group picks their way through the Venolvian Ruins in the Moorsih swamp, and discovers more questions...
kellik's watch goes without incident up above the others, on the second floor of the ruined mansion.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin wakes with vigor in his eyes and a spring in his step, slightly before his watch is due, as kellik walks back downstairs
kellik sees max
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin asks, " How does the watch?"
"your turn", says kellik, " not much cept a few lizardmen. they didn't notice us."
the night is chill, but not frigid, as kellik slips max a wineskin
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " Lizards, hmph."
kellik passes the wineskin. "... for the cold." Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin takes it gladly
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin perches atop the post in a lotus position, and max goes upstairs and watches for a good 2 hrs without incident.
the chill arounds him increases, and the fog grows. Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin shifts uncomfortably. Both moons are chased by clouds. It is 6 hours since the group finished fighting for this building, close to the midnight Hour.
Max suddenly is confronted by a transparent human, male, with a sorrowful gaze and a huge gaping chest wound. He moans at Max.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin eyes widen. He whispers in astonished fashion, "What trickery is this?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin rushes back down the stairs to wake his companions, making a horrible racket
the wind rises, and the fire below is dimmed. Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, "There is a spectre above!" and all awake, jumping up.
Hamish_Haldane runs over. " Max, is this really the best thing for a wounded ally?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks wide eyed at his friends. " I swear to you!"
Hamish_Haldane asks, " A spectre?"
" Nuts of Madrak!", exclaims Rampan, as he gathers himself.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin cautiously begins ascending the stairs again. "Just once, I would like a night uninterrupted by super-natural forces...", mutters Hamish from behind him.
" yes that would be most excellent, "agrees Kellik sourly.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin peers over the lip of the stairwell...the groups goes upstairs following...naught is there for Max to see...The wind is still chill, the clouds still fly by, but the image of the dead man is gone.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin scratches his head dumbfoundedly.
Kellik syas, " ugh if this is some kind of prank."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks all around. " I swear it.. it was right here."
Hamish_Haldane barks aout a little laugh. "Well done Max, spectre of the mists!"
kellik glares at max. Rampan. Turns around, grousing" 'SWEATY balls of Madrak, omwo~ freak..."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin opens and closes his mouth without saying anything
" Perhaps you fell asleep and dreamt it.", says Hamish consolingly.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin resumes his watch grumpily and the rest of the night passes without incident

vindak, Tokush the sixth, and red Tribin starts the dialy race, bathing the Moorish swamp in a red-tinger light. Many light wounds have healed, gashes have scabbed over, sore muscles replacing the wreched and pulled feeling from the day before.

Hamish_Haldane stretches, "I feel surprisingly healthy this morning, Wurnik, you truly are a miracle worker."
Wurnick thumbs over to the Omwo~ coming down the stairs." Thanks Max's sewing skills"
" See anymore mist spirits Max?, says Hamish_Haldane grinning widely.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin feels as healthy as an ox on a crisp autumn day. "It was there. I know what I saw."
the building is very, very old in the morning light. There is a courtyard to the south and ruins right beyond, and to the east is more swamp
kellik stretches before tugging on his armor. He looks over to Max. "you been drinking too much wine."
Rampan smiles at the book in his hands. " Spell books weigh less than statuary. May we keep finding them"
Hamish_Haldane says, " May we find one we can read."
Hamish_Haldane puts the extra loot onto the donkey, keeping a couple spare silk suits in his pack

the ancient road the group had been moving down continues south, hardly more than an occasional flagstone or curb.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks over to Rampan and Hamish. "Are these THE ruins?"
Hamish_Haldane and Rampan both nod.
"Praise be to the InBetweener, " says Wurnick as his eyes go upward. "I'd begun to think Chorbit got his jollies sending innocents on hare-chases."
Hamish_Haldane snacks on a bagel and some dried meat, and Wurnick snags a bagel as well.
Hamish_Haldane says, " Lets get this damn statuary hunt over with."
Wurnick says " But Hamish, you still have some skin left unscarred."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin munches on slices of dried apple he had concealed on his person
Hamish_Haldane laughs. "haha, true enough Wurnik. maybe I'll find a nice spike pit to fall into,
or some scalding acid."
"I'll be sure to be ready.", says Wurnick.
Kellik and Max lead the way, followed by Hamish leading the donkey, with Rampan next to him, and Wurnick and Simon in the rear. The morning birds are loud, and in the far distance is the roaring of competing draggonne. The undergrowth is choking, and the group can barely see a few feet in front of them, as the ambient light starts to turn more yellow. The start slowly and carefully south.

Hamish_Haldane says, " Kellik and Max can you lead the way please."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " As you please."
" Asses following asses, " intones Rampan. Hamish_Haldane snorts
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin turns backward and lays an icy glare on Rampan, and kellik scoops up a pebble and chucks it back at rampan out of annoyance

" So, we've run into quite the number of magical foe, " says Hamish to no one in particular., as Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin whittles a sauroid with his cousin's dagger as he walks. It's fairly mediocre.
Hamish_Haldane continues, "Death Cultists but no undead, thank the fates. That is something I can be thankful for. I could go the rest of my life without seeing another undead"

After only 50' south, the group sees the road continuing south through ferns and fen. On the left rises a large building made of grey marple, large, with 30' tall walls left in some eareas, some 50' across. It is another 40' ahead south.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " That looks significant."

As the group continues carefull, they see on the opposite side of the road, a wooden pallisade, burnt to the ground, across from the large building. The Palisade is set back another 60' from the road. Further to the south, there are a few ruined spires masquerading as trees.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin takes in the grand ruin
Rampan says," great. all roads lead to ruin"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, "So.. now that we're here... what do we do? Shall we investigate?"
" Aye", says Rampan.
Hamish_Haldane says, " We were commissioned to find some statuary, so that's the best thing to look for."
the explorers continues another 60' south, into an area where the trees completely canopy over the remnants of the road. There are foot prints all over the place here, which even the least skilled can detect. To the left is a grey marple building, with tall walls remaining, broken wooden doors in front of it. To the right, back 40' from the road, is a wooden pallisadde, mainly ruined. The front of it is littered with bodies. To the south of the marple building a is a totally ruined round building, barely a foundation,

Hamish_Haldane surveys the scene, and says. "Hmmm, we should check out those bodies. See if we can figure out what killed them."
the explorers turn west, towards the ruined palisade. In front of it are decaying naked gnolls, lizardmen, and a strange dog-man. Eleven Gnolls, and six Lizardman.
Hamish_Haldane says, " ach, beastmen..."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks perplexed. "What could have happened here?" he starts looking over the decaying, ripe bodies. The flies and bugs are disgustingly apparent. Many of the clothes and items have been stripped already.
Hamish_Haldane sniffs and almost gags. " Naked beastmen, lovely" Rampan turns and goes back to the road, his face greening.
Hamish_Haldane continues his search. "Any sign of who was inside the palisade?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin cautiously steps through the destroyed gate. Burnt logs and former defenses are blackened and asunder.
" Looks like these things attacked the palisade and got killed off.", observes Hamish.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin agrees. " It seems so."
Inside there are many, many more bodies, stripped hobyts, humans, omwo~ and a few more gnolls, as well as a single ograk, almost eight feet tall, spitted with arrows and missing a foot. The body has 2 huge, while centipedes, over a foot long, feasting on the carcass.

Hamish_Haldane turns toward the road. " Rampan, you ever hear of anything like that dog-man? It reminds me of gnoll, but not."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " Shall we follow the trail, so to speak?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin grins wryly
Rampan, still nearly sick, rasps, "...No, strange..."

Note : Goesi is the old Omwo~ word for the 60 day months of Celtricia.  It is pretty universally used iin the cradle areas.

Hamish_Haldane sighs. The walls have been burnt and ruined at the pallisade... a grand battle was fought here within the last few goesi.
Hamish_Haldane counts all the dead bodies. All told, some sixty or more. "Ok, hopefully whatever two groups were fighting it out are long gone."
Wurnick is helping Hmaish "What in the name of the balance has been going on here?"
Any buildings inside were all burnt down. Some stone foundations are beneath the wooden wreckage.
" Ok, we know of one group that loiters around these ruins, and Chorbit said they were newly discovered, "says Hamish speaking to all. "So, the group inside the palisade we're probably more Death Cultists."
Rampan giggles sickly " New to him..."
Hamish_Haldane continues, "the attacking group seems to be mostly made up of these weird animal-men."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks at Rampan suspiciously. "Anything about these cultists you'd like to tell us?"
Simon finds a rusting broadsword " A grand battle, and one that is perplexing, so far from civilization. Whose world are we intruding on?"
"Snakemen, Gnolls, this dog-man thing, and seems they had an Ogre.", remarks Hamish. "so uncivilized Ogrillites... The band of attackers are probably just the usual things that live far from civilization."
Rampan says, " Shall we try the other building, across the way?"
Hamish_Haldane looks out to Rampan. "Lets check out the broken down building to the south first, see if there's any clues."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin does not disagree. The group leaves the Palisade, and moves south slightly, to the ruined foundation just south of the Palisade. The odors of decay lessen slightly. The twin suns are moving towards the noon hour. The group finds 2 gnoll bodies there, with bows, with steel bolts through their chests
Hamish_Haldane checks the quality of the bows, and rips out the bolts. The explorers note the foundation walls are low, and the rubble is very large, as if this building has had more than one level collapse.
Hamish sees the bows are horrible. However, there one of the bodies has 20 more of those elongated electrums, with the gryphn and man's head.

Note : moneyIt may not seem like a lot, but that 20 electrum is 20 days of unskilled labor worth of coin, and a hawaak's salary for a craftsman.

Hamish_Haldane smiles waste not want not, I guess the victors never checked these gnolls.
and a silver sax dagger with a spider on the hilt.

Note : daggerit is a sax, a very large dagger, and it is the blade that is silver. We 35 Labelled 114
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin examines the dagger before slipping it into his pack. "Strange, I have never seen the like."
Hamish_Haldane admonishes, " Max, that's two silver weapons you have. The Gladius and the Sax"
Rampan muses "It is old. These ruins have provided some picking already, and some items are clearly Venolvian."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin asks, " Would you like one?"
Hamish_Haldane says, " my rapier is silver, but someone else could possibly use one."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin holds up a hand. " I merely carry the burden, as I have a strong back."
Hamish_Haldane turns. " Anyone here proficient with daggers or a gladius?"
Rampan says " I could use the sax. Heavy, but I'll manage"
Hamish_Haldane says, " Alright.. spider symbol..."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin tosses the dagger to Rampan. Rampan actually catches it, and tucks it in the sash of his red robe.
Hamish_Haldane nods. " Better safe than sorry, we've ran into our fair share of weres. And we're likely to meet more."
Both of the gnolls wear old scale leather, very old and in poor condition.[/FONT][/SIZE]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 27, 2009, 09:43:40 PM
More session 11

The explorers find better ruins, and try to parley by imitating the deadly enemy of the people they are talking to.

4:20 PM, red Gerin has whipped around Tribin and is now chasing the larger sun. The temperature in the swampy ruins is dropping back into the thirties. The shadows lengthen, as the group finishes pillaging the dead gnollic archers.

Kellik stretches a bit " I'll be glad to not have to deal with these oafs...damned cultists."
Hamish_Haldane holds up one of the skull pendants they have taken off of the cultists. " hmm Kellik, I think we should display our trophies a bit, in case we run into more of these oafs"

To the left and behind the group is the ruins of the larger buildings, and still wafting from directly North is the smell of roasting flesh
Kellik says, " I was thinking of perhaps decorating my armor with them... the whole skulls of my enemy thing would make a great motif."
Hamish_Haldane says, " at best we can avoid a fight or surprise them, I mean you, Simon and Wurnik are all wearing cultist armor."
Kellik grins a wolfish grin and chuckles " it would also piss them off."
Hamish_Haldane puts on one of the talismans
rampan "Kellik is not wrong, nor is Hamish"
Kellik pulls his out of his pocket and places it on his neck. "... finally making sense, rampan."

Hamish_Haldane says " So, all those gnolls and junk outside, the dog thing and what not>"
Rampan nods to Hamish. "Probabilities diverge, but there is agreement in a few vectors."
Kellik looks over at the hobyt "Ok. You just lost me again."
"Don't worry about it." says Hamish, "So, spider symbols on the daggers and skulls for the cultists. Nice folk in these parts."
Kellik says, "yes... but enough talk... personally I want to see about those statues."
Rampan ssems to be in his own world, "The FratreCanis is a figure of some worry, and his obvious leadership position recommends caution."
Hamish_Haldane looks back and down at the red haired and red-robed magician. " FraterCanis? That's the dog-man, then?"
Rampan noda absently. "Aye, a creature of the Venolvian mad archevault"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin has a far-away look in his eyes, and doesn't seem as if he'll be very loquacious in the near future
"Mad archevault eh?, " Hamish purses his lips in thought. "We can talk while we explore, into the ruins! Statuary awaits."
" exciting", yawns Kellik.
Rampan goes on, seemingly oblivious to Kellik. "in the height of their wealth and power, an artificer school of some note gained great power in Venolvia."
Kellik looks unexcited. Simon also seems antsy. "come on I'm with Hamish", says Kellik.
Hamish_Haldane says, "hmmm Artificer School... I like the sound of that..."
Kellik says, " lets get moving."

The flagstoned road continues south, into more ruins. Shadows leer through the trees above, and birds complain loudly about the chilling air.
Simon says , "this place is full of strange Mystery."
Hamish_Haldane says, "The usual formation, Kellik and Simon out front, I'll take the donkey with Rampan and Max and Wurnik as rearguard?"
Wurnick says, " Spread it out a few feet today...."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin slides into formation dumbly, it almost appears as if he is not moving his legs. simon unlimbers his demilune
Vreeg_GM> Simon and Kellik face the group south, and get back onto the road
Behind the exploreres to the left is a huge shell of a library, picked cleaned and a sad testimony to what was once a literate, educated populace.
Behind them to the right, a broken, wooden stockade build on the foundation of some old stone building. This still smoulders, the wreckage of a battle, litterered with bodies of tribal humanoids and armored humans, stunatu, and omwo~. The smell of burnt bodies comes from that place.

In front of the group is a road, leading past other ruined buildings, and down the road, the explorers can see steps leading up to another ruined building, less covered in vine and leaf than the others.

Kellik idly chats with simon as they walk, and Simon welcomes the chatter. He sees a large set of steps some 70 feet south, at the end of the road.

Hamish_Haldane frowns. "Steps... this is going to be a complete pain for moving statuary."
Rampan says, " Hmm. I detest moving towards an elevated position."
Hamish_Haldane nods. " Something we can agree on my friend."
Simon is looking side to side as the group moves south
Kellik halts the group, and Simon stops.
Kellik points over at a structure to the South and motions to be quiet "looks like guards, or something", he whispers.
Rampan says, "cultists, or their enemy, one wonders?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin is being killed by the suspense
Hamish_Haldane looks at Kellik. " Think we should try and bluff them? with the talismans?" If its their enemies were in for a fight ether way."
Kellik draws his rapier. "Best be on our guards either way."
Rampan whispers, "perhaps a bowman and a fighter to the side, here?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin 's talisman is displayed prominently upon his chest.
Hamish_Haldane nods to Kellik. "Ok, I'll try and bluff them."

the building is some 80' wide, the stairs are centered and are 20' wide
Rubble abounds, fallen statues, former walls, and it looks like there once was an enclosed structure at the top of the structure, whereas now, only a few stone supports remain.
Kellik says, " I'm going with you though."
Hamish_Haldane says, " Sounds good."
" as danger prone as you are, "Finishes Kellik.
Hamish_Haldane says, " I'll save my magic for later, these are just some guards. The rest of you guys hang back a bit, we'll signal.'
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin thinks we should all go together, it would look less suspicious, he refrains from mentioning this, however.
Hamish_Haldane begins to walk towards the figures, with Kellik. The rest hang back. Wurnick has his bow out.
Kellik walks at hamish's right
" Hail and well met!", calls Hamish.
Kellik has his rapier out but is holding it in an unthreatening manner
Kellik and Hamish get about 20' from the stpes (40' ahead of the rest), when a hissing voices squeals a warning. In the fading light, they see movement from above.
Hamish_Haldane stops dead, and Kellik stops, sheathing his rapier.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin stops looking dead, but only for a moment.

Max , simon and the rest see scaly figures throwing 3 sides daggers down at Hamish and Kellik...
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on December 01, 2009, 06:26:58 PM
Notes on the older, wealthy neighborhood of Steel Isle Town.

The page for this is here, as well (

The Upper Hill of Steel isle is a large, tiered area, dominated on the top levels by ancient mansions, and an ancient, castellated monastary with a spiked tower on the top of it, overlooking the town below.   It is considered a neighborhood of Steel Isle Town, and is the north-western part of that city.


It is actually 2 seperate hills, one lower and one higher, the Tramaturine and the Vasnuratine, but to the townsfolk it is all known as the 'Upper Hill'.

This section of the Steel isle town is the most sparsely populated, but one of the oldest.  Most of the main roads (Breshlaund, Trevling, Benevolunti) follow the curves of the road horizontally, while connecting roads act like switchbacks.  Ancient mansions with bricked, high walls castellate the old roads, many still bearing the beam and brick of the original venovian root, with marcher period add-ons.


The Monastery atop everything now bears the name of "Most Holy Refuge of the Knights of the Bone".  It is ancient, and the Bone Knights are the latest to hold sway here.  It overlooks the whole town,a s well as the hill.  behind it lies a log Boneyard, and craggy cliffs steeped in romantic, haunted mystery.


The street that girdles the next level down from the mount is Benevolunti, an ancient Venolvian road with a name that means 'good actions'.   There are only three huge compounds on this road, as well as 3 burnt-out ruins where collegium students go on dares.  The road is about 3 miles long.


The Second largest compound on Benevoluniti has a pair of Huge, wire flies (5' tall) adorning  the bricked entrance to the coach-drive. This entrance can be seen as one leaves the switchback and gets on the road.  The House is set back 400 feet fro the entrance, on a winding drive.  Imported trees from Gorntar pepper the reddish-green lawn, and a 9' steel and Greystone statue on a marple fountain dominate the yard of the Halstoms.


About half way up the hill, to the east of the Coldspire forge, lies a tall residence, a miniature castle.  External dark beams and white plastered outside walls, both earmarks of the Marcher style of the 6th and 7th century.  This ostentatious residence even has 3 turretts, and was orginally made by the PalMushta family out of Argus, and has been the home of the Gregorian rug merchants for the last 90 years.  They are very socially active, with 2 branches living in the place and 3 generations.


On the north edge of the base, really on the Vasnuratine, there is a huge open park with a few waterways.  Called the Tristonian Park[1], it was originally part of an estate, but the first Grey March Provost Marshall turned it into a public park when the manor was destroyed in the battle.  The Tristonian Park covers almost 19 acres, some of which is on the Tripple pond.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on December 03, 2009, 06:02:52 PM
5:15pm on the 6th of Tokush.

The battle on the steps...

Kellik grabs hamish by the arm and pulls him back towards the group.
A stone dagger with three edged sides shatters on the ground near hamish, another one hits Kellik in the right shoulder. It ricochet's off his ringed leather armor, not even scoring the armor. The Scaly liazardmen on the top of the ruined, stepped temple are certainly hostile.
Max and Simon charge forward from the back.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin charges in an oddly mechanical fashion that seems uncharacteristically slow
Kellik grabs hamish and runs for the group..."lead the morons to the slaughter"
Hamish_Haldane follows kellik
Hamish_Haldane screams back, " We're from the witches! Halt of face their wrath!"
Simon is already moving forward with max
Kellik remembering the witches halts in place and turns..."the witches, you say?"
Kellik draws his rapier, as a dagger skips about 9 feet from him.
Kellik, remembering Toden charges at full speed towards them. He is confusing Hamish's comment.

Hamish_Haldane says, "it was just a guess, who else have we met on our way south?." No one seems to hear him as he slows. Kellik has turned around and rushed the steps, so he turns as well.

Note : there are scaly (lizardmen?) figures, Hamish is foolishly trying to solve the problem with words

[21:16] <~Kellik> ooc: now that kellik knows they are allies of the witches he's decided to cut off their arms and avenge toden

Another stone dagger ricochets off of Hamish's thigh armor, then kellik and Hamish reach the steps, with Simon and Max not far behind.
Kellik charges up the 60' steps towards the closest foe. a doglike howl and a snapping, popping sound come from the top of the building

Note : another crit fail for the bad guys...[21:22] ooc: another FraterCanis probably, and a crit fail on a spell is my guess
01[21:22] (ooc don't build crossbows like they used to)
[21:22] ooc: lol guess not
[21:22] <~Kellik> ooc: haha

kellik crosses the threshold, facing a lizardman unlimbering a trident. There is another lizard man and a gnoll behind him, amid ruined columns that once supported a roof.
the other lizard man has a trident, they both have small shields. The gnoll, thick ofr one of his race, has a Bhuj.
Kellik dives into the closest one, whipping his rapier at a Lizardman, but the rapier blow bounces off his shield.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin is waving his shamsheer in front of him like a clockwork golem while moving towards the lizardmen

the other lizardman stabs at Hamish with his trident as the human crest the rise behind Kellik, but misses as Hamish ducks. Hamish rejoins with his rapier, but the blader skips off the rude leather and small shield.
From the shadows below, wurnick's bow sings...and the ancient building suffers
Kellik recovers and swings, as simon and max are getting near the top of the steps. Kellik misses the strike.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin ponderously climbs the steps, still waving his shamsheer ineffectually
Simon goes up and swings at the gnoll as it tries to close on kellik., but trying to mount the stairs and stab with his spear at the same time is too difficult. Everyonre on the top moves and slides, changing places and trying to gain an advantage. Hamish tries to break the impass, as Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin edges closer to his foe, his slowness would be comical if not for the violent gravity of the situation
he stabs hard and cuts the scaled lizardmans leg. And cries "First Blood!"
Kellik yells, " that'll teach these ugly buggers."
hamishe's lizardmans stabs at him, answering back.
and who misses by about a foot, distracted by the bleeding
max crests the rise, moving inexorably towards the large, 6' 5" armored gnoll facing Simon.
His large shamsheer whistles and clangs off the gnolls' scale mail, not ripping through the side but causing a pained yelp from the creature due to the impact.
Kellik's lizardman opponent stabs at him, and his dodge is a fraction slow, a small wound is opened in his left side. "AAAH, " he yells.
wurnick's bow again sings from the shadows below...
and an arrow protrudes from the gnolls right shoulder, blood spurting.
Hamish slices at his opponent, but missing. The explorers seem to be wearing the humanoid defenders down. [/SIZE][/FONT]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on December 05, 2009, 10:20:18 AM
Just as a State of the Game comment...

I'm about 3 sessions behind on the updates.  Hard to keep up transcribing them.  An absolute riot so far.

Players are taking advantage of the Wiki, and have created their own wiki page on the Celtricia site.  PC Steel ISle page (
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on December 13, 2009, 04:49:54 PM
5:17pm on the 6th of Tokush.

The battle on the steps...

One lizardman is bleeding from 2 places , one is fine, and the gnoll is bleeding as well.
the gnoll is sliced and has a arrow sticking in his shoulder
the uninjured Lizardman takes a hack at Simon with his axe, swinging from over his shoulder with great force.

Simon takes an axe blow to the chest, and blood flies all over all of you. The lizardman howls in triumph.
Hamish swings at the other lizardman, but misses his thrust.
kellik swings at the other Scalik (Lizardman), the one that bloodied Simon, who is bravely standing his ground. Kellik's rapier scrapes off the creatures deft shieldwork.
Max runs up to the Gnoll, who is trying to move laterally. Max can see a hole in the floor about 30' away.
Max slices him again as the gnoll tries to move, and the gnoll bleeds from many wounds heavily.

Hamish slips forward as wurnick's bow sings, and an arrow hits a ruined column next to the Scalik warrior fighting Simon and Kellik. Perhaps it distracts Hamish, as his slice misses it's mark as well.
The gnoll swings at max, who sidesteps as the downward slash. Everone's breath is becoming more harsh, as maneuvering replaces the swordstrokes.
kellik brings his rapier around. "ok ugly time to die!!" Then he slashes at air as the Lizardmane dodges hurridly back.
a Lizardman swings at Hamish, who deftly spins around it and keeps his rapier at the ready.

Then suddenly, blinding in the failing light, a ball of fire, 3' tall, lights behind the gnoll, and rolls into him from behind...The gnoll screams as the fire surrounds his legs...
the gnoll keels over, fried and burnt and wounded and dead...
the lizardmen hiss and fight with desperation, and kellik tries to take advantage...but he nearly drops his weapon, and barely catches it.
simon swings his demilune from l;eft to right, abandoning the thrust for the moment...hamish's lizardman 's arm, is cut off, spinning a bloody cartwheel across the floor...that Scalik crumples, dead...

as the group converges on the last lizardman, and he realizes his only escape is through a ball of burning fire...
he throws down his weap and lifts his hands up, hissing gently...
you all see Rampan off to the right, where he apparently climbed up the side, his hands ablaze , controlling the sphere.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin breathes deeply, looks around.. and then shrugs. "A lizardling eh, does it speak?"
Hamish_Haldane runs to the donkey, gets some rope (if we have some?) and brings it back to tie up the lizardman
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin walks up to the lizardman threateningly and glares at it, running his finger over the edge of his shamsheer.
Simon pushes the creatures crude large axe a dozen feet away.
Hamish_Haldane also leads the donkey up the temple, and recovers the thrown three-sided daggers
Kellik picks up the axe
The ball of fire roars behind you all, on a large platform, with walls crumbling (it was once a building). Damaged columns are all around the explorers, rubble is everywhere. Ruined carvings cover each column.
the top of this platform is around 50' x 50'
Kellik slams the crude axe down into the ground next to the lizardmans feet
Hamish_Haldane rumages in the donkeys packs
Rampan finds gnoll sized ring mail, average craftsmanship.
Kellik glares at the cowed Scalik warrior darkly

Note : moreRampan and Wurnick also find 245 ancient venolvian silvers
90 ancient venolvian electrum, a leather pouch (label 11a), a very old ornate tinder box, incribed with a sun and a lizard, Label 12
there is a very old, broken arbelest, and 14 iron bolt

~Kellik holds his rapier up to the lizardmans neck, "tell me you witch loving slime why I shouldn't gut you like a fish?"
Hamish_Haldane says, " Hopefully he can give us some answers friend Kellik"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin nods. "Stay friend Kellik. We do not know for certain if this creature is a servant of these witches."
The Scalik croaks... he speaks orcash, a derivative of westic.
Hamish_Haldane says, " there are many things I'm looking forward to asking him"
it's a little rough,. but the group can understand his words, though Orcash is a pretty removed sub-dialect of Westic.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedinasks simply and clearly, " So, lizard, why are you here? What is this structure?"
The Lizardman is somewhat stoic, as Hamish_Haldane rumages through the leather pouch.
He finds the pouch has cut herbs.
Hamish_Haldane calls over to his gnomic friend. " Kellik, show him your pendant, see if he knows what it means!"
The Scalik warrior hisses angrily as he sees it. "it means you are scum of the death we knew"
Hamish_Haldane purses his lips..." You mean Thanatos?...or Orcus?"
Kellik grins wolfishly..." no it means we had our way with the scum of the death lord."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin shakes his head." My dear wayward reptillian.. amphibious.. whatever. My dear friend, you must be mistaken."
Hamish_Haldane reveals what he took from the donkey earlier, the werewolf head. "Does this look familiar to you?" He seems TOTALLY nonplussed at the werewolf head.

The lizarman shakes his head. "no, bear the mark of the deathwalkers"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks hard at the Lizadrman. " Perhaps we killed these deathwalkers and took them from them, hmmm?"
Kellik nods, "a mark we took from the last ones that crossed us."
Hamish_Haldane asks, " are you Familiar with any of the witches in the woods around here?."
Kellik looks mean. "I take trophies from what I defeat... perhaps I will take your head as my next."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " And.. indeed, if we were deathwalkers, would we have spared your life?" in a reasonable tone.
He hisses, and says, " "Foolish cityfolk, we feast on the blood of the deathwalkers. You must be them, you bear their mark"
Hamish_Haldane rolls his eyes, " Darkling's droppings, this is getting old. Rampan, can you bring your fireball closer, please? I'm going to need a torch."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin picks up his pendant and throws it to the ground, stomping on it with his boot and grinding it in with the heel, as Hamish_Haldane grabs the oil from the donkey
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin asks, " Would a deathwalker treat his mark so?"
Rampan smiles, and drops the fireball onto some wood. WHHHOOSSSHHH!!!!
Kellik growls [/SIZE][/FONT]
Title: Sessions 14-22
Post by: LordVreeg on January 20, 2010, 10:21:56 AM

Synopsis time.  Sessions 14-22 below, encapsulated.

The quick and dirty, for those that don't know, is after the last haevily detailed transcription, the group's captured scalik was cut down by a 'pilum of bone' spell on top of the strepped temple. The Group ran down the grey steps down, chasing after the caster, and found themselves in an ancient Venolvian chaber of worship, with Bats on the ceiling and guano everywhere,
Kellik, Max and Hamish lit after the footsteps of the caster, while the rest of the group followed slowly, as they had just been in a fight on the top of the stepped temple. The group ended up fighting gnolls from one direction and a few scalik from another, taking major damage, including Wurnick, Kellik and Simon being hurt and Hamish going negative.   It was a stupid mistake on the part of the explorers, an amateurish error that luckliy cost no lives, barely.
The Group found some small statuary, and along with the other odds and ends and armor, fled back to Steel Isle town, making a stop to see Shuruum on the way at his farm.  The way back was harrowing, since the group did not feel up to fending off another attack for a few days, at least.

The explorers spent a few hawaak in town, building relationships, trading with Chorbit from the Sceding Tree. All the explorers were pleasantly surprised that Trader Secundus Chorbit treated them a little better, now that they had come back with some Venolvian Artifacts.  

They lived at the Blue Turtles Shell, in an old stone barracks. They all worked on some skills, and then started on their way back.  Each party member learned a new skill from their school, except Rampan, who spent more than all of his money buying new spells.  he owes trhe Collegium Arcana, now.

They again stopped for the night at Shurruums, having a huge dinner and checking in on Toden.

Finishing the synopsis, the group finished dinner, slept in SHuruum's Barn. The next morning the group continued south, through the moors and over the old venolvian bridges, past the signs of old conflict and the recent battles of the explorers.
1/2 a day later...the group was halted by a warrior in heavy armor in the middle of the road, which leads to a summit with the Witches. The explorers make an uneasy truce with them after finding them to be enemies of the Beast men. The ancient crones know things...

After another day and a half, the group comes to a fork. They are in the northern eaves of the deeper Velonici swamp, where the moors give way to overhanging branches and desnze growth. The Group goes west, through the sparse woods that border the swamp, and after 3 hours they come upon a wooden stockade, much like the one they discovered burnt to the ground in the Vexchian ruins. This one is between 2 hillocks, about 50'x60', with a human and a gnome in front of it, both armored in wiedly ornamented chain mail, silvery and burnished, with wiry filigree and earwig pauldrons. The group ends up in a huge donnybrook, with a necromancer casting spells from the top of the stockade and 5 other armed cultists. The groups better armor serves them well as they are able to wear down the cultists and dispatch them.

The group takes many of the strange chain mails, as well as dicovering a flail, "Nacdilis', a prototypical charged magic light flail. *Magic*!!!
They also discover, in a putrid small shed, 3 bodies chained to walls, one which bears the signs of torment, and one that is still clinging to life. This is Gordin, a huge Grey March human from the Church of Solid Earth. They revive him, and spend the evening in the comforts of the guardhouse.
The next day, Tokush 30th, the group gets going and heads back into the ruins, finding signs of more conflict in the ancient, overgrown Vexchain streets. A staked out robed gnome corpse with his entrails wrapped around his neck does not infer polite conversation.

The Explorers continue back to the large stepped temple, and lights their lanterns, as the descend back into the long staircase down...

session 23 tonight.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on January 25, 2010, 03:38:57 PM
Last session went well...thought I'd keep all and sundry up to date. Our intrepid band went down the stairs around 3 PM, and found themselves back in ths squared entry room with the frescoes on the walls. The floor is still covered with Guano, though this gives away the signs were bodies have been dragged away to the east and north. The group moves around the darkness, with Simon and Hamish with Lanterns, and there is a guttering torch lit in the west wall.

The group decided to go east, where the gnolls had come from last time. a five foot corridor meant they needed to go single file. The group went east, North, and then turned west, when Kellik noted there was some light coming up ahead from beyond a bend north in the next corridor. AS he notates this, Cameleye notices that the plaster on the east wall of the north-south corridor he is at is slightly different color than that of the walls around it.

AS this news passes to the fron, kellik hears gnollic voices coming closer from the front of the group.
Max and Kellik and up in the front of the group, in a '5 passage engaging 5 gnolls. Screeching, screaming, clanging, yelling combat.

Gordin and Rampan started pulling away the plaster in the area where it looked different...and while the Hamish joined the fray (where 3 guys darted in and out with rapiers and a shamsheer), Gordin pulled all the plastre and some brick down on himself and Rampan. Gordin's armor protected him, but Rampan was knocked out.

Note : Guildschool damage-- A critical failure on the detect hidden pulled ((8+2d6)/d6)+1 damage down on the two of them...and Rampan wears little armor. Wear armor if you can in Guildschool, protection=life.

Max moved back to help Rampan which allowed Gordin more room. Wurnick also moved to help Rampan, who was moved towards the rear (good thing he's a hobyt) while Simon moved up to support the fighters.

This took about 20 seconds to complete. The narrowness of the corridor made it difficult. Once the gnolls were winnowed down to a pair of tough veteran fighters, Kellik dove by them to force a flanking, and the grip finished them off, with Gordin, Hamish, and Kellik covered in gore, and a pile of gnoll bodies laying all over the corridor in mute testimony of the violence.

After removing all the plaster, the group can see an old fresco of various earthly activities with a skeletal robed figure overlooking all of these, and a door central. There is also a large amount of Ancient Venolvian writing, but the group cannot make heads or tails of it. Cameleye picked the very ancient and rusted lock on the door that the group found under the plaster. A 5' corridor yawned forward, fetid, stale air wafting outward. An ancient brick floor and grey plater walls and rounded ceiling in front of the group, but the dark of the passge swallows the group's lantern light after only 5'...darkness behind a door sealed for probably hundreds of years....

The group inches down the wierd corridor, VERY SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY...
After about 20', the front characters are suddenly greeted by a weird site, a square chapel with ancient fabric curtaons on the north and south walls...a few patches of an ancient rug remain on the bricked floor, and 8 black fidikmarple benches in 2 lines face the east wall, where a fresco of a dark robed skeletal creature presides silently over mortals of all stripes and religions. the four corners of the room have small, black lit braziers, putting off a soft greenish light and a sweet smell...5 black robed beings, human, omwo~, or maybe orcash sized, face away from the group towards the cracked fresco on the east...[/SIZE][/FONT]
Title: hi
Post by: shilpaworld4 on February 02, 2010, 05:10:25 AM
It's interesting game. i would like this game.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on February 02, 2010, 09:14:19 AM
Quote from: shilpaworld4;358779It's interesting game. i would like this game.

Well, this particular game is player on IRC server otherworlders, #celtricia, on wednesday nights, 8:30 eastern, if you want to observe.
AS is often my problem, I already have 6 players and one on deck, which seems to be about the limit for an IRC game.  But you can come on and if you want to get on deck, we can work something out.

What is it you like?  I think I am more interested in feedback now than in any time in the last 33 years of gaming, though I don't know why.  

Somehow, I find the online game easier to create better complete stories; in that the online game seems to be more suited to more of a chapter feeling.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on March 04, 2010, 01:06:38 PM
We had session 29 online last night.

I'll try to get back to posting some of the logs, as I am finally coming out of this part of the year.  But I have to say that I'm more happy than I though possible with this group.

Players page ( is where the PC's keep the current data.  We have 5 main PCS that show up 95% of the time, and a few guest stars who play the pregens (NPCS).  The group has a long way to go, but they have broken a few levels in spells and HP lately (though they need to break some in Lore, scholar, or detection...)

The group finished exploring a plastered over chapel of St. Arbor (A thanatosian Death cult), though they missed a few hidden areas.  They beat up on a wight and some fungus covered skeletons, and role played the hell of the the area and ancient splendors.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on March 11, 2010, 09:07:41 AM
PLayers page, with all the group info (
Session 30 last night, the group was fooled by gas jets of fire and a huge horned statue rising through the flames into thinking they were being attacked.  The Cult of St. Arbor of the Old Venolvians created it and the spectacle in the large chapel area to cow and impress the faithful...
Instead of doing more exploration on this level on the other side of the huge chapel, the group went downstairs...


Ok, breaking rule one of dungeon crawls.

They found themselvces in a large cavern, with a few dim light sources in view.  They were searching the cavern when Hsui (the sage from the Steel Libram) heard smoe gnollic voices from the east,  the direction where the group can see some stairs up 5' and some torchiers...the group plans to reverse the gnollic ambuscade.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on March 25, 2010, 09:10:02 AM
Quote from: LordVreeg;366291PLayers page, with all the group info (
Session 30 last night, the group was fooled by gas jets of fire and a huge horned statue rising through the flames into thinking they were being attacked.  The Cult of St. Arbor of the Old Venolvians created it and the spectacle in the large chapel area to cow and impress the faithful...
Instead of doing more exploration on this level on the other side of the huge chapel, the group went downstairs...


Ok, breaking rule one of dungeon crawls.

They found themselves in a large cavern, with a few dim light sources in view.  They were searching the cavern when Hsui (the sage from the Steel Libram) heard smoe gnollic voices from the east,  the direction where the group can see some stairs up 5' and some torchiers...the group plans to reverse the gnollic ambuscade.

Yeah, see, Session 31 showed why the group needs all members and why going down a level in a somewhat old-school adventure before the top level is done is just a bad idea.

the cavernous area where the gnolls were guarding (and my ogrillite races lije dim light, so there are pitch torches in a few places)  gave them some cover to shoot Arbelests before they rushed the group, and while the some of the party achieved surprise by hanging in a northern area and attacking after the melee was under way, the noise from the melee bounced all over the cavern and reached another 8 gnolls who are guarding an ancient temple to the Entropic Overlords a litt deeper in.
It was not a super hard battle, with Rampan rolling a Flaming Sphere ( from atop a rubble pile into the ranks of the 4 gnolls, and with Simon and Max both well armored (both have a max protection of 50, an average protection around 13, and a minimum protection of 6.5), but it went on, and a gnoll got a good shot in on Hsui (22 hits, he rolled lousy protection (6), and he was -9) and he ended up with a spear sticking out of his chest before anything could be done.  Kellik took a few hits, and Simon, kellik, and Max were covered in gnoll gore.
So the explorers found themselves finishing off the 4 gnolls while taking a casualty, with 8 more gnolls rushing at them, around 40' away.  The group ran back up the stairs, (Simon and Max making reflex-10% rolls to grab arbelests on the way by), and Rampan rolled the Flaming sphere to the bottom of the stairwell to buy them some more time.  

The explorers hooked a quick right at the top of the stairs, then popped open the small (2.5') hidden door that led through the thin corridor into the huge old chapel with the fiery statue....and while they were worming their way down, they heard the gnolls rush past the hidden door, confirming their trackers suspicion that the beastmen knew nothing of the hidden door.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on April 01, 2010, 09:49:28 AM
Session 32

Really fun session last night, the kind that time just flew by, and it seemed like the whole thing took 15 minutes (we did lose isobot so the session was just over an hour, shorter than normal)

The explorers regrouped, hid for a little while in the large temple with the chasm and the firejets, and the rows of corpses on the other side of the divide. Hamish, Rampan and Simon tried to use their small understanding of the Anarch language to read the Ancient Venolvian writing in the ancient text the explorers had found in the plastered over chapel are, aboutr St. Arbor the Maligned. They had trouble, until Brother Cameleye from the Church of Obscurity, Fate and Revenge came over to help.
Note : Cameleye rolled a crit success on his 4% basic scholar skill. Since his roll had a bonus from he 3 guys who can read a bit, he made the roll

There are over 300 pages in the book, and they only spent a little over an hour, but there was uch of ancient import, as well as a spell inscribed on the back page, 'Rotting Charge'.

By now, the party had decided that they did not want to leave Mr. Gibs (their faithful donkey) on the other side of th chasm, and had brainstormed a way to get them all over the shortest part of the chasm in the room, the 5' section.

Max had figured the gnoll patrol that had been searching for them might be gone, and with Max and Simon leading, all and sundry (with Rampan being especially annoying for some reason) went out the tiny (2.5' wide) secret passage north. There is no light in this passage and in the one they come out into, so Simon waits in suspense as Max' Omwo~ vision tries to see down corridor...and there are no gnolls in sight or sound.

So the party moves east and South, back to a converted guardroom they had been into before. There, they find the large Farnumwood table they had discovered before, 6'x'3'x3'. The group realized it is too tall, so Kellik breaks off the legs, after Max proves unable to. "CRACK! SNAP!!"

The group quickly zips back to the secret panel, and back into the large temple area. The 2 lanterns still provide most of the light, except a little that leaks up from below. The group can also hear gnollic voices wafting upward, as well... The east side of the chasm is the shortest, unfortunately which also leads to the largest concentration of the dead bodies.

Max and Simon gently lower the table down, so as to not make too much noise. Max crosses, with Simon and Kellik next in line...Suddenly, 2 tentacles whip up and over the edges of the makeshift bridge, whipping and Tearing an Max's legs!! Max jumped to the other side and avoided it, but a 9' long wormish creature with bulbous eyes and 8 long, rough tentacles crawled right up next to him, hissing and spitting. Max stood his ground as the creature came up the chasm wall, on the afr side of the chasm. Kellik and Simon charged over the bridge, to aid mighty Max. Before any more harm could be done, Kellik speared the writhing creature with his Pilum, shoving it into the upper part of the creatures head, a perfect crit strike that buried the head of the weapon some 2' deep into the creatures head...It thrashed twice mightily, and was still.

Note : Criticals happen on a roll of 7%+ 1/10 of the modified chance to hit (Kellik has a +41% to hit with the Pilum, so he crits on a roll of 11% or under). Crits in GS can reduce the dividing die, depending on the second roll to hit. An adjusted divider of '0' is treated as double damage, a '-1' is treated as triple damage, etc. Kellik acieved a -3 divider, and did 56 hits of damage, the crawler protected 7 and took 49 hits out of 21 total HP.. *SPLAT*[/[/I]RIGHT][/FONT][/SIZE]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on April 26, 2010, 11:38:26 AM
Session 34 this week.

Session 33 was pure combat, as the explorers ran into 4 cultists in ancient Venolvian Lamellar, which is has some larger segmented pieces and sewn overlapping plates in the joint areas. Lamellar protects like crazy in GS.

So with Rampan using fire spells (that armor protects 1/4), the arrors and lesser weapons were having trouble penetrating. Simon's Demilune, Kellik's Heavy Pilum, and Max' Shamsheer did pretty well, as did Gordin's use of the magical Nacdilis Flail.

This Wednesday, on last, very wounded cultist has taken a stand in the doorway, where the group saw him dart over and pull something, follwed by a ratchetting metallic sound coming from deeper with the chamber behind him...
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on May 13, 2010, 03:07:17 PM
Session 35 was more combat, as the last Cultist, an Omwo~ in heavy, Mantis and fly decorated Lamellar ducked back into the doorway to hold the door, seemingly.  The Explorers, slightly battered engaged him with 2 warriors (Simon and Max, primarily).  
The Cultsis managed to hold the door while pulling a large switch that had been out of site, releaseing a huge, 7' tall horned bear.  
The monstrosity had been well trained, avoiding the cultist and plowing into the explorers.  It bowled over Max with a roar.

Rampan pops his last fire blast at it, as Wurnick continues to try to rain arrows on it.  Kellik attacks with his Pilum, Simon stabs it immediately with his Demilune, as Max rises.  Hamish Haldane and Gordin have used all of their air and death magic, but they come on as well.
The Bear sends Hamish and Kellik sprawling, batterring them.  Max plants his Shamsheer in the Bear's Mid-section, then the balls of fire from rampan explode on the creature.  
Behind the Horned bear, the omwo~ cultist throws a silver-edged Pilum and Max, but it rebounds off of his Scale Armor.
Kellik and Simon skewer the huge monstrosity, and the group makes short work of the remaining cultist.

The group loots the reliquary of the Cultists, where they find...
Loot from the 4 Armored Cultists room

•4 suits of ancient venolvian masterwork lamellar (made from omnian steel) badly damaged. Taken from the Cultist guards.
•Mace made from ivory
•Huge emerald
•Long Platinum Box
•Horned Bear head
•Small iron box with southern crosses
•Leather Bag

Loot from Platinum Box

•Strange runes on ancient paper
•2 vials of reddish liquid
•A pair of glass beads that replicate human eyes

Then the group returned from whence they came.

Session 36 dealt entirely with the group of explorers healing what they could and leaving the underground Venolvian areas.  (Contrary to their belief, there was a cultist ambush laid to the south...which they totally avoided by leaving.  
They left the way they came, going through a tiny secret corridor in the room with the fire jets, and back to the entry room.  Though it was getting late, they travelled for an hour outside (falling in the marshy areas a few times) before resting, with double guards.  They evaded detection, though they saw a White dragon circling the area the next morning, which fueled a lot of conversation (you DO NOT fight dragons in Celtricia---you run).
No major encounters for the next day and a half brings us to Vindak, Tokush 30th .  Rainy and wet, but still a balmy 50 degrees, warm for the spring.  The group rolls through a few near-encounters and comes back to the Hobyt farm of their friend from the Sceding Tree Traders (from the farming cooperative), Shuruum Celemon.  Their maimed former compatrion, Toden, greets them, and Shuruum's Daughters prepare a meal.

Session 37 involved the trip into back Steel Isle town.  There was much conversation as to who they should see first and what their priorities were.  
They got to town, Max wowed and wooed the gate guards and got a message sent off to Chorbit, Trader Secundus of the Sceding Tree.

After that they went to Kostok Grisli to make a deal about lamellar. He turned down our initial deal, get one armor for fixing the other two (they already have a undamaged one). Following that he laughed in our faces as we tried to bargain with him. Eventually Hamish was able to propose a new deal (After Max stopped him from paying the extra fee for fixing the armor) where Kostok will fix all three sets of armor in return for Hamish and Rampan making themselves available to cast spells onto any enchanted item he wishes to make. He also kindly waived Hamishes previous debt to him.

When they had first showed up a human in some fancy scale armor was already there, after some discussion we learned he was Eddon of Eddon's Folly (a well known exploring group), and after trading stories and showing off our trophy (the Horned Bear head) he invited us to some tavern later that night to meet with a sage in his group to see if he could be of further use.

Ended at 1:10PM, Scaliak, Tokush 31, 895.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 13, 2010, 09:19:26 PM
Haven't posted on this in a while.
The Online Steel Isle group had session 45 last night.
the in-between sessions were all in-town RP stuff.  yes, session 38-42, at least, were just about spending time in town, dealing with guilds, trying to find information and track down data. They spent a lot of dough getting the ancient, masterwork Venolvian Lammellar's in usable shape.  They also spent a few nights in the The Bazaar area ( of Steel Isle town, searching for an the leader of Eddon's Folly, a well known group of travellers.
The eventually found these worthies in The Iambic Treblehorn (, and spent a full session in that Bardic Tavern (  This particular watering hole also had a full stage, and Tremanow, the Omwo~ sage of Eddon's Folly, took his time trying to make rhyme or reason of the strange book they had found in the Venolvian ruins of Vexchian.

Also, one PC decided that Kellik, his oenophile warrior, would take his share of loot and speak to the Sceding Tree Traders about setting up a bed and breakfast.  he created Carmen, a young, female bowyer with affiliations to the Eye of Steel Isle, one of the underworld guilds.

session 44 was about leaving town and going to the Farm of Shuruum, by now tradition, then getting on their way.  They went over two of the ancient bridges that they are getting familiar with (this is their third trip), and at night they saw 13 cultists of the Dark Way coming towards where they were.  The managed to set up an ambush around the second bridge, this was around 3am.

There was a priest of the dark way (rank 4)in a golden mask, with 1 human and a Hobyt in lammellar (rank 2), who had 20 HP each.   The other 10 were in scale mail and various races.

good fight, the priest escaped, and the explorers lost Simon Smith, a mixed human Bone KNight of Orcus, one of their original members and a tough fighter, as well as a bit of the moral voice.  

Steel Isle group's page on the Celtricia Wiki (
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 30, 2010, 10:05:51 AM

Session 45

At 3rd hour past midnight, Cameleye and Stormhammer see lights in the south, seemingly further down the road. The bank the group’s fire, and wake the others.
Carmen and Stormhammer stand and watch south. Rampan sweeps off the bits of wood and ash from the fire, while everyone else gets behind trees on the north side. The fog rolls through, making the procession of armored, robed cultists seem like ghosts. They are almost silent.

Cameleye, " There are about a dozen cultist coming up the path,...they don't seem to have seen us"

Hamish_Haldane, “Hmmm, “ as he peers down the road.
Wurnick slowly slips behind a tree, readying his sword

Hamish_Haldane,”Then let us ambush them. The more cultists we kill, the less we have to deal with in the ruins.”
Simon, "Storm, you and CAmel hide on the side they are coming from. Wait until they pass."

Stormhammer nods in agreement
Simon, " The rest of us shall hit them as they come over the bridge on the north side"
Hamish_Haldane,” As you say friend Simon.”
Camaleye runs to the south side as well, and ducks right
Hamish_Haldane gets into place for the ambush
Stormhammer hides away
Ramapon breaks down the stove, and the rest of the group goes north and hides among the rushes and trees
soon, all can hear the singing, a droning dirgish thing.

" Canavan, triumpala, Canavan, Meestaorr...", goes the voices, and then just over a dozen armored humans and hobyts's come into view led by a black cloaked, golden masked man...with 6 lanterns showing the way...they are proud, and fear little.
10 wear mediocre scale maille, but 2 of them wear strange, mantis-motifed lamellar armor, glinting in the lantern light…Loudly they sing, "Canavan, Perior, Triumpala!!"

they seem oblivious to the former occupancy, in the front is the black-cloaked leader, in his golden mask... and they are on the foot of the bridge, now. The bridge has a 50’ span.

 Stormhammer ducks behind a bush and keeps his sling ready, and Hamish prepares to call on the power of the House of the First Station. Wurnick fits arrow to bow, and Simon readies his Pilum for these perverters of the Shepherd’s words. The leader gains the center of the bridge, the torchlight bounces weirdly around him.
Carmen_Ondradet readies her bow and sights up the leader

Rampan succeeds casting, and slyly, so the white glow is behind the tree. He gets low, and blocks the glow as best he can and no one sees it.
The cultists sing as they troop over the bridge, oblivious to the preparations. "Tossa, Moradin!!", they sing…

Stormhammer peaks out from behind the bush, and does not see anyone close, so he uses his sling, aiming at one of the back ones in scalemaille.
a bullet wings out and whacks a hobyt cultist with a loud crack on the back, but bounces off the armor.

the cultists slow, and start to look around...
Stormhammer stays down.

Carmen_Ondradet peaks out drawing an arrow back to her shoulder and lets fly with a *thwp* into the leader. Her Bow is almost as tall as she is.
Carmen’s arrow ricochet’s loudly off the shoulder of the leader...snapping him around a bit.  

Carmen_Ondradet ducks back into cover, as the leader yells in a low voice…"Aroint, travail, we are attacked!"

Hamish Haldane steps out, as the leader and the front cronies start to charge, and brilliant whitish blue water, lit from within, slaps out with violence from his hands… *splooosh*
The leader skids back some 6 feet, with a knocked down and grunting loudly, his robes soaked and mixed with blood. He scatters the cultists.

Wurnick's bow sings…and an arrow bounces off a scale mail cultist.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin folds his hands together and bows his head…Max believes he is strong, stronger than before…
a light of belief is in Max's Carmen's knocks another arrow and lines up the leader while he's still recovering from his wet thrashing.

the cultists have all drawn weapons, mainly swords and spears, and are moving down the bridge, 2 in front actually are in lamellar, one a Hobyt and one a human.

“boing”, goes the arrow as it hits the leader, his armor shrugging off the big bow’s power.
“Curse you Ishma”, hisses Carmen…she shakes her fist in frustration as she goes for another arrow

Stormhammer peaks out again, giving another shot with the sling. the bullet sails into the night, never to be seen...

Simon has rushed out, meeting a lammellar clad warrior in a clash of metal and violence. Simon does his best to block the whole 20’ wide span.
Simon 's demilune tears through the cultists shoulder, spraying blood behind the cultist, who grunts in pain.

[21:20] ooc: did the insane pyro just crit?
[21:21] ooc: the world bursts into flames

*WOOMPH* Suddenly, a ball of flame roars into existence in the middle of the bridge…"Toast, you fallow, feckless, orcusfuckers!!!!", scream Rampan as his hands
Carmen_Ondradet shields her eyes from the roaring blaze, as 4 cultists start burning, and screaming… 4 scalemail cultists immolate, scream for a moment, then crisp into black charcoal…

Carmen_Ondradet ducks behind a tree screaming something about not burning up your own allies as the head threatens to blister her face
"eat hot Orcus seed, Fuckers!", screams Rampan as the roar of fire and the smell of burnt flesh encompasses the bridge area.
Stormhammer ducks even further down, from the heat as well as sight
Ramapn, the red hobyt is standing i the open behind all, shaking his staff and fist

Carmen draews a bead at the leader as he slowly gains his feat though water and fire, and sees brave Simon holding the bridge alone. The Hobyt and Human in ancient, glinting Lamellar both are facing him.

She nails the Hobyt lamellar Cultist, a hobyt who is turning to fight Hamish as the arrow hits him.
Carmen_Ondradet gives him a mocking and highly suggestive salute before slipping back behind the tree, as she puts an arrow through the right thigh of the hobyt, causing him to stumble, blood spurting out as the arrow remains in the thigh.

The leader reaches out his hands, and makes a fist, as grey shapes appear around the 4 burnt cultsist corpses, already black, as they curdle in on themselves…the grey shakes form facews in agony, then are absorbed into the Golden masked leader's torso.
the leader stands up straighter.

Wurnick hits and bounces another arrow off a cultist. “Leaves of Ceminiar”, he yells.
a lamellar armored human tribesman goes after Simon, as Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin clumsily hefts his arbalest, unfamiliar with the weight. Max aims for the leader. *boing*. Max’s bolt hits, but bounces off the human’s armor.

Simon slowly dodges the Pilum. Somehow...

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin frowns, he drops his arbalest and draws his grand shamsheer.

the lanterns are on the ground, but the huge fireball still roars and lights the bridge in an orange glare

The other lamellar fighter, the hobyt, reaches Hamish. he drops his pilum, almost falling on it. He needs to bend down to reach it. Hamish beans him, but the cultist giggles at Hamish’s weak attack. (as he tries to find his pilum).

3 of the Scale mail cultist in the rear peel off to go to the back of the bridge, perhaps also to avoid the roaring ball of flame.

Simon rears back his demilune ripping through the human's curriass, drawing more blood and knocking the man to his knees. The cultist still holds his Pilum.

Carmen_Ondradet launches an arrow at the giggling hobyt on the ground, but it overshoots. She curses, and begins plotting to gain ultimate power and overthrow Ishma.

a yellow light envelops them Hamish and Simon, and they hear singing. Hamish falls to the ground, sensless. Simon moves slightly to his right, and wards him menacingly. Hamish’s eyelids flutter and his eyes roll back…

Stormhammer sees 3 scale mail warriors coming towards him…about 20' away. Stormhammer searches for an exit strategy, and tucks tail…

Note : exit
[21:55] ooc: very sensible. Although not a good night for the Gurelliums

Stormhammer gets into the river, going under and letting the current take him a bit away...

a human in scale mail runs to stab Hamish, but Simon wards him. Max runs up, and Simon and max hold the whole bridge and deny all who would pass.
Another human in Scale mail attacks Simon, who dodges again and laughs dourly.

Stormhammers hears muffled gurgle behind him.  He turns and tries to see through the fog...

another scale mailled cultist goes at max, with a scimitar. Max dodges slightly, and he lops his own arm off and dies screaming.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin laughs boomingly “They send fools against me!”
The huge flaming ball rolls into the other scale guy, burning him a little
The leader, 2 lammellar guys, 2 scale guys, and 2 other scale guys on the far side are left side.

Carmen_Ondradet draws up her bow and centers it on the nearest scale wearer before letting her shot fly, just missed the scale human in the front .

On the other side, the hobyt Cameleye has leapt onto the back of another one and garrotted him…his head falls clean off.

the Gold-masked, leader points at Carmen, his ripped and bloodied black robes pushed by the light wind.. and the leader throws a few finger bones...and huge spears of bone erupt, flying and screaming at carmen...who dodges all of them...
He puts his hands on his hips, cocking his head.

Carmen_Ondradet shouts at the leader that he hits like a 12 year old hobyt girl.

The lamellared Human swings at Simon from the ground, as he holds the path…,his spear lodges in Simon’s throat, and cuts off Simon' head...the head rolls onto the ground, sightless eyes stare at Hamish's sleeping body.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin roars, “ You have forfeited your lives! I will avenge you, Simon!”

Wrunick’s bow sings as Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin roars furiously.

 Stormhammer watches from the distance as he sees an ally go down

Wurnick’s arrow rips through a hobyt’s forearm.

Carmen_Ondradet coldly watches simon’s lifeless body drop to the ground even as she draws back an arrow, aiming straight at the heart of the man who slew him.

The Human in lammellar, already bleeding heavily, expires when the arrow lodges in his stomach, it's tip out the other side.
Carmen_Ondradet says, “ give my regards to simon, you filth.”

A black, biluous smoke starts rising from the bridge, obscuring vision, even the fireball is dimmed within…
“Mage! You cannot escape your doom! It lies heavy upon you!”, screams Max as he steps over Simon’s body.

Stormhammer closes back in on the fight, cooly draws his sword, slashing at a cultist. The cultist was looking back at camelye, ignoring him.
the sabre rattles off the scale maille.

" Fry and sit in boiling oil, spawn of Ocus, eaters of the demon flith!", screams Rampan, spittle flying.
And another scale maille hobyt dies in flame as the ball of flame rolls over him.

Wurnick fires his bow…and impales a tree

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin yells, “ You will perish! Throw down your arms and embrace your end!” as the hobyt in lammellar attacks him…the spear bounces off max

The smoke gets thicker behind the Hobyt fighting Max. “You are a blot on this world! Now die!”, yells Max.

the Shamsheer flares white as it hits the Hobyt’s right shoulder, it flares and burns him. He falls to the ground.

The scale mailed human in the front tries to pierce Hamish’s motionless body. He stabs the earth. Max is distracting the few remaining fighters.

the black fog on the bridge starts to lessen, as Carmen_Ondradet draws her bow tight and shoots at the man trying to hit Hamish and nails him.

the arrow rips through his right shoulder and trapezius, slaying him as it guts his carotid artery. Carmen and Max notice the gold-masked leader is nowhere to be seen. The last 2 cultist look around, and throw down their arms.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin raises his blade high over his head.. but lowers it slowly.

Carmen_Ondradet approaches them, bow drawn.
they are on their knees, weapons tossed away, begging.

 Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin snorts. “Tell me, cultists. Why should we spare you?”
Carmen_Ondradet stands about 10 feet away, arrow pointed at ones head
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, “ We will take you back. For the city's justice. On your feet.”

He prods one with his shamsheer

Hamish_Haldane slowly wakes up, still groggy

Carmen_Ondradet squints at the hobyt cultist. “ wait... I know you” She kicks him.

they stand, hands on head, amazed at this sudden turn of fate. Moments ago they were singing and marching.

Hamish_Haldane shakes his head. “ I gather that we won since I survived.”
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin sighs heavily. “Alas... Simon did not.”

Carmen_Ondradet lowers her bow

Hamish_Haldane surveys the battlefield and a horrified look crosses his face as he sees Simons headless body

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, “ He must be returned to his brothers of the boneyard.”
Rampan looks up at the sky., " Eyeless honor, headless hope..."

Carmen_Ondradet is looking at one of the cultists. “ I've seen that one before, they do booking keeping for the pueta traders”
She points at one of the nervous captives

Stormhammer stays respectfully silent

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin points as well. “ Cameleye. Bind the prisoners.” The Hobyt in black leather produces leather strips, and does so.
Carmen_Ondradet pokes the Hobyt cultist. “ what are you doing tangled with this group??”
Hamish_Haldane nods. “ Hmmm, the cult has infiltrated the Steel Isle town. We knew that, but not any specifics.” [/FONT][/SIZE]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 01, 2010, 01:32:17 PM
Session Start: Thu Aug 26 20:31:52 2010

3 am, fog and night, with the light of the lanterns the cultists had playing over the dead bodies, as well as the dying Ball of Fire from Rampan's spell. Both small moons look down through the fog.

Stormhammer take a lantern. It is made of Brass and circular.
Simon's face plays in the flickering lights.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin stares down at Simon's corpse. One could almost swear they hear his lips moving

"Erg", says Hamish_Haldane. " This did not go as well as one could have hoped."
Stormhammer looks to Hamish. " with due respect to our friend Simon, these were death cultists, yes?"

the fog rolls over the pile of red, gutted corpses, body parts and blood everywhere. Simon's head stares at no one.
Stormhammer looks down suspiciously at the bodies

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " We must return him to his brothers of the boneyard. It is what he would want. "
"Cultists of the Dark Way, indeed, and foul", says Rampan
" Should we return the body to the Knights? , says Hamish_Haldane. "And Before or after we go to Vexchian?"
Wurnick says, " It is what he'd want."

" And these men? "Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin waves his Shamsheer at the prisoners.

Hamish_Haldane nods to Max. " I think we should strike while the iron is hot. If we wait they will know we're comming. The leader escaped!"
wurnick, " AS long as it is done, his faith, if any, should protect him"

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, "We will give them over to the pilums."
"I think, says Hamish slowly, "One for the Gurelliums, and one to Chorbit should suffice."
* Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks at Hamish uncomprehendingly
Wurnick nods, "Aye! I agree"

Stormhammer kicks at a body, then quickly shuffles back away... just in case. It has no arm and the head is mashed in. The two survivors are quaking in fear, tied by Cameleye. Their incredibly intricate Lamellar, complete with Mantis helms and insect motif, is on the ground.
Hamish_Haldane looks at Max. "We will give one of the survivors to Chorbit. And one will go to the Gurelliums. Yes"

"Neither of them are the arbiters of the city's justice, " Says proud Max as he shakes his head. "That would not be right. I can not countenance such an action, Hamish. "
Wurnick checks the knots made by Cameleye.

Hamish_Haldane holds up a hand. " What have these arbiters of justice done about the death cultists to begin with? Nothing! At least Chorbit will do something, if only to protect his investment."

Stormhammer draws his sword toward one of the two cultists, as Wurnick continues his inspection. "Tell me, do your friends plan on staying dead? or should we expect more fight from them?"

Cameleye appears behind Max, " Hamish, you wish to make our way south now, before this priest can make an alarum?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks out over the fog from the bridge. Something flaps noisily in the night above them, and more normal night sounds are returning. "It does not mean that we too can ignore what is right. The men must be judged fairly."

Hamish_Haldane looks over at Cameleye, as the little hobyt nearly disappears in the gloom. "Yes Brother Cameleye. We should go now." Hamish looks back over at Martial Max. "Judged? What they know is more important than judgement."
Cameleye moves to the piles of armor and arms, where Carmen is already poking around. "Shall we take the lamellar at least, from these 2?"

Hamish_Haldane nods " Yes, yes. Feel free to round up all the loot, Cameleye."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin crosses his hands. "South? We can not go south. We must return to the city. I will not have Simon rot. " Stormhammer nods in agreement with Max.
* Hamish_Haldane pauses as if in thought. He looks out over the strange, black moors, lit by lantern, obscured by shifting fogs. "The witches...", he says, "The crones can hold them. And they will stop Simon from rotting."

Wurnick says, " ...Aye.... Loyal Simon..."
Hamish_Haldane nods. " This way we can continue to the ruins before the leader alerts the cultists.."

Carmen_Ondradet does a double take. "Crones? you mean...?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin's face seems troubled. "I.. I suppose. Though I do not know that I trust them with the safety of our prisoners.."
Hamish_Haldane looks over to Carmenn and Stormhammer. "Two ancient Omwo~ witches, powerful in Animist lore. They have taught me some little of their ways."
Cameleye nods to Hamish, " alright. I can be persuaded."

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin slowly nods. " We will have to extract a binding promise from them. "
Stormhammer looks over from where he and Carmen sift through the bodies on this bridge, an island in an ocean of sinuous fog. "Hamish, Max, you have experience with these cultists, yes?" Stormhammer continues to eye the bodies
Hamish_Haldane nods slightly. "More than I would like, friend Stormhammer. We've killed scores of them." Wurnick nods at Hamish.

Stormhammer looks back at the bodies. "...and you're certain we're safe from their dead?"
Hamish_Haldane nods. "I believe so, all the undead we found in the ruins are ancient. Much older than the current incarnation of the Death Cult."

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, "They do not self-animate, if that is what you fear, Stormhammer. "

Hamish_Haldane says, " That being said, Rampan can probably burn their corpses to be same." Rampan the Red's eyes light up.
Carmen_Ondradet is still thoughtful. "I thought the witches were just legends... interesting stories and nothing more..."

Hamish_Haldane starts helping stripping dead cultists and piling their bodies.
Stormhammer nods to Hamish and Rampan "I feel that might be the best solution"
Rampan pulls out a satchel. " I can find a way, a way fire, and oil, ancient rites and fleeting souls..."

Stormhammer nods at the strange Hobyt. "if nothing else, it would allow me easier rest."

Carmen_Ondradet chews her thumb. "so they are real then? These prophecying crones...?"
Hamish_Haldane laughs a little, the sound muffed weirdly in the mists if the Moorish morning. "Ah Carmen, you'll see your share of legends. We saw a great winged lizard on our last journey.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, "Indeed. We have had the... great pleasure... of meeting them twice."

Hamish_Haldane nods and smiles. "Quite real, they've taught me some of their lore"

Wurnick seems to be impressed, as Stormhammer resheathes his sword. Rampan is humming as he gets something out of his satchel. It has been about a quarter hour since the cultists were first sighted.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " Shall we rest before seeking the witches on the morrow, then?"
Hamish_Haldane nods and cleans his weapon. "Alright, once we burn the bodies and load up the loot and poor Simon's body we can continue."
Rampan. Is humming to himself. " there is some looting here..." Stormhammer perks up slightly at the word "loot", his fear dissolving now that the bodies will be burned

"Can you continue a bit Max?", asks Hamish. "I think it would be wiser to rest far from this place."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin shrugs. Even that motion looks athletic on Max's muscular frame. "If that is your wish.. yes, I could manage."
Cameleye nods to Hamish, " Aye, away from the dead."
Stormhammer, "agreed."

Rampan rhymes brokenly to himself, " A blaze, Red God's maze, Burn and twisting flame I gauge..."

Hamish_Haldane says, " Let us get to work then."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin watches the others stack the bodies.
Carmen notices that Stormhammer seems to be missing beltpouches and obvious stuff in his searching.

The group finds 484 silver children
129 goodwives
51 horn

Stormhammer swears as he sees Carmen redoing his work. "oh, by the coins of Oblimet..."
Carmen_Ondradet unstrings her bow, carefully placing the string in a pouch
They also find that there are 9 leather cords with silver skull pendants...a silver main gauche with electrum tracery and15 old golden hexagonal coins.

and it is Half past third hour as the fog continues to roll over the bridge.
Stormhammer notices the pendants. "Hamish, the scores you say you've slain... did they each have these?"

Wurnick is nodding as he absently loots them
Rampan is already dousing the bodies in oil

Hamish_Haldane nods as well. " Aye, the pendants are a common theme."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says., " To a man. Yes, it is their sigil."
Stormhammer picks one up and examines it

Hamish_Haldane says, " We have a bunch", as he shows Stormhammer his cache of 5. I also looted this golden ring from one of their priests." He points to his golden fanged ring.
Stormhammer nods thoughtfully. "Should we need it, could these help allow stealth amongst their ranks?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin smiles a grim smile. " I fear not, Stormhammer. I would say that by now. they know us on sight."
"aye, it was a thought...", says StormHammer

Hamish_Haldane frowns. "I would rather slay them than pretend to be them. People who use necromantic magic should be killed."

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks over at the Red-robed mage standing over the pile of corpses. "Rampan, are you going to dispose of the cultists, or must we stand here all night?" Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin leans on his shamsheer

"Given the choice, Max, yes, but one never knows what lies ahead", says Stormhammer.
Rampan sends an ember onto the body pile, and a huge *FOOOSHHH* goes into the night, as the flames go 10' in the air, cutting through the gloom and fog.
Stormhammer covers his nose and watches the flames.

Wurnick unstrings his bow. " Which way shall we travel, Hamish?"

" South, " Says resolute Hamish. And that magic itself should not even be used.. Hopefully the witches will find us. If not I will have a trick to find them in the morning."
Then the group goes over the bridge, through the night and fog. Stormhammer has a shiny Brass Lantern. It lights a large area, though the fog swallows the light hungrily
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin is still thinking about the necromancers. " What of those who shrive the spirits of the departed? Surely you do not oppose such."

Carmen_Ondradet walks alongside wurnik still feeling most comfortable around him. Wurnick seems lost in thought.
Hamish_Haldane shakes his head with vehemence. " It is magic that should not be used. "
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin mulls this over. He and Hamish have been through a lot. together." ...I see."
Hamish_Haldane waves his arms as the explorers. move south "FIrst people use it only to shrive the spirit. Then they only have a reanimated animal.... Then they start using corpses of things that talked! The magic is corrupting. It is best left untouched!!"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " If such are your thoughts.. I will not try to dissuade you from them. Though I cannot agree."

Red Rampan deadpans. , " One cannot corrupt the Sacred Fire, the uncorruptable, or the permananently
the night closes in, and the fog deepens by fourth hour, a little red limning can be seen on the horizon

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin sudden;y turns, narrowing his eyes. He thrusts the lantern into the darkness.
" Who goes there?", Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin calls out
Wurnick grabs his bow, stringing it at the sound of Alarm from Max.
"...He is gone." Says Max as he scans the Moor to the East of the trail.

Rampan wakes slightly...he had been nearly asleep on his feet.
" We are watched. By who.. I cannot say.", says Max as he continues to peer out at the Fog banks that surround the explorers. "Be on your guard."

Wurnick Woundhealer scans with his friend..., " Max, my friend...what stalks us?"

Stormhammer looks around nervously, as Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin shakes his head slowly
Carmen_Ondradet yawns. The Red Hobyt is still sleepy. " Huh? What?", he says.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, "Keep your wits about you, friend Rampan.. We may have need of you yet."

Wurnick has an arrow nocked, " Max, what are you worried about. You spook me."
Hamish_Haldane stops with the rest of the group. " Perhaps we should just sleep for a little while?"

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin passes a hand over his eyes. "There was a figure, in the distance."
Hamish_Haldane puts ahand on Max's shoulder. " Probably one of the witches minions. "
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " He vanished as I called out."

Cameleye comes out from behind a tree, 20' away..." I saw nothing. Where was he?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin points. "Near 100 hundred paces away."
Stormhammer continues to turn and shoot nervous glances over his shoulder
Note : musicVreeg_GM> ( this)
[21:26] ooc: ok, now that music is making ME shoot nervous glances over my shoulder..

"Well, Nothing now.", says Cameley with certainly, despite the deep fog.

"I think perhaps you should sleep friend Max.", says Hamish_Haldane. " This is most likely another one of your mist ghosts."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin draws his hand down his face "Yes perhaps.. perhaps I should. Simon's death has shaken me."

Wurnick, kicks an old stone on the path, " Do we rest here..?"
Hamish_Haldane nods to the Orcash Healer/bowyer. "Aye. Let us sleep here, unless anyone can think of a close place that would be better?"

Stormhammer nods sleepily, " rest. rest is good." He realizes the explorers have been run ragged.
Wurnick looks through the deep, red tinged fog. " What watches, Hamish?"

Hamish_Haldane looks around, his gaze trying to pierce " I will take first watch. "Rampan is already snoring. "Let me sleep in a little as well please. The fight was quite draining."

* Stormhammer lays down, fidgeting with the pendant, contemplating the night

Wurnick smiles to Hamish as he layes himself on a blanket.. " Aye, Wake me for second watch."
Carmen_Ondradet sits up against an old twisted tree, poking at a rock with an iron shod staff
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " ...Rest. I must rest." Heeyes the prisoners..."Do not go running off. Who knows what lurks in the fog?" They are already asleep.

Carmen_Ondradet nods off after a few minutes, mouth wide and eliciting a sound akin to a sawmill.
Hamish_Haldane yawns as he settles into his watch

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin curls up, unsettled. Still, he manages to sleep. A few minutes later, he twitches in his sleep, troubled by dark dreams.

Stormhammer tosses and turns also. The night closes in around Hamish, the fog tendrils lit with a tiny bit of red, the sign that Red Gerin is an hour away from rising. Naught happens except the fog around Hamish, though the normal night noise are clear...Gerin continues making his way to the horizon.

Hamish_Haldane wakes Wurnick for the second watch, and falls quickly into a deep slumber, He tosses and turns on his small patch of ground.
Wurnick wakes Stormhammer at 7am. Red Gerin is high and Tribin is also above the horizon.
Stormhammer awakes, rubbing his sore ankle. He pulls back his hand, noticing some dried blood. Wurnick looks over to him.

Cameleye is also awake " Storm, did you hurt yourself?"
Stormhammer looks up..."oddly, no."

Cameleye, " Good."
Stormhammer continues, "... and yet, my ankle has been cut...tell me, how did you sleep? your dreams, if you had any?"

Cameleye looks trouble, as he stares out at the suns," I had ...disturbing...strange dreams." The three sit together quietly, trying to soak in some heat from the rising suns, as the mist rises from the moors. Wurnick tends a small blaze.

At 8 am, Wurnick wakes Hamish. He notes Hamish is covered in sweat
"This was not... a peaceful night", says Hamish as he slowly rises to a seated position.

Stormhammer Moves closer to Hamish. "Please, share... I imagine this might be more than just a restless night."

Wurnick has made kaffee. He hands Hamish a travel mug, made of Steel. Hamish seems to appreciate the hot liquid.

Carmen_Ondradet yawns and stretches, waking up refreshed. She stands up and...*crack*
"...ugh shouldn't have slept with my back to a tree."

" Aye", says Rampan from under his Red-Brown Blanket.

"Hamish, sour dreams for you, as well?", asks Stormhammer.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin shakes his head and looks out. " The mist does not give up all her secrets, Hamish. Do not be so quick to mock."

Hamish_Haldane huddles over his cup of kaffee. "Sour would be putting it lightly. I hope I never have another dream like that." His face is whitened and drawn.
Carmen_Ondradet is looking to see what Wurnick has cooked.

Wurnick notes the youngster looking over his shoulder " I have bacon and Bagels. Both coming up!"

Stormhammer is still sitting next to Hamish. " ones you won't forget soon? please, share them"
" I'd... I'd rather not speak of it., " says Hamish_Haldane. " Best to forget it. As quickly as possible."

Carmen_Ondradet looks at Hamish oddly. Cameleye looks thoughtful. Rampan grabs 3 bagels and eats noisily.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin throws two bagels to the prisoners absently
Stormhammer says, " Hamish... you weren't alone. Cameleye talked of bad dreams as well, and as for me..."

Hamish_Haldane gives the other two a hooded look, as Stormhammer reveals the gash on his ankle
Stormhammer says, " I dreamt of being dragged" Cameleye notes the deep gash with amazement.
Hamish_Haldane shakes his head. " My dreams we not quite so benign."
Cameleye looks at Stormhammer, " I too. Many dreams, but always, under tables, chairs, beds...hands on me"

Carmen_Ondradet stuffs a bagel in her mouth and moves over to look at the gash

Stormhammer stares at nothing, seeing things in his head..." dreams... I fear they were something more." He looks at Cameleye. "all of them different, but ending the same?"
Carmen_Ondradet looks at stormhammer oddly, then stands up to stretch again.

Hamish_Haldane looks up at Stormhammer. " If you must know, I dreamt of Simon. He was protecting me, as he must have in the battle, and then his face exploded." Wurnick's eyes go wide.

Rampan nods unconcernedly, " They have power over all of us. I gave into mine decades ago..."

Carmen_Ondradet walks over to the prisoners and kicks one in the side. "eat up or I'll eat it for you"

Hamish_Haldane lifts a hand to his head. "My dream ended with the leader standing over Simon's dead body."

Carmen_Ondradet starts wolfing down her bagel Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin stands up
The prisoner falls over, as Carmen nudges him again.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin shakes a hand. "Do not treat them harshly, Carmen. "
" I didn't do it", says Carmen as she backs up. Carmen_Ondradet cautiously approaches and pushes the other prisoner on the shoulder

Stormhammer looks at Hamish questioningly. " the leader? you mean, his mask? or did you see a face?"

" His mask.," says Hamish. He eats his bacon slowly

Carmen_Ondradet says, " hey wake up" as she reaches over at the other prisoner.
Hamish_Haldane looks down at his Kaffee. " That cursed golden mask..."
Stormhammer nods. " it was a face that I saw"

A little cry erupts from the other side of the camp. "They're... dead...", says Carmen_Ondradet. " both of them."

Stormhammer looks over at the cultists
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " What? Impossible."
" aye", says Stormhammer. as Carmen_Ondradet pokes at the unmoving cultist
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin says, " There is not a mark on them."
'WHAT!!! "says Wurnick?

Stormhammer says, " seems they dreamed of more than being dragged..."

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin rushes over, examining them
Hamish_Haldane puts his head in his hands.

Carmen_Ondradet is still holding her hands out in front of her. " I swear by vernidale's underpants that I had nothing to do with this."
" Of course they're dead. ", says Hamish.

All can see an eye socket open now, on the one laying down, empty, a bloody hole, and no breath...

Stormhammer takes a step back. " it's their leader. it must be. and he caused the dreams, as well."

Carmen_Ondradet backs up... then rethinking things approaches and grabs their bagels before backing up again

She stuffs a hunk of bagel in her mouth and chews thoughtfully
Hamish_Haldane says, " I am not well enough to try out my new trick for finding the witches."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin seems pained. " ..But we must find them, Hamish."
Hamish_Haldane glares at Max

Wurnick, says, " Aye. Simon deserves no less."
Hamish_Haldane's glare moves ro Wurnick. " I am well aware."
* Carmen_Ondradet finally goes over and plops down next to wurnik

Cameleye asks, " Do we carry this body on the donkey all the way>?"
Carmen_Ondradet grabs some bacon

Stormhammer cautiously walks up to examine the bodies closer

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin seems irritated. " Are you volunteering, Cameleye?"
Hamish_Haldane makes a small groan. " I am going to get some more sleep. Wake me an hour after noon. We can continue to search then."

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin stirs the fire as Hamish_Haldane returns to try and get some rest.
Cameleye, looks at Max " If needs be. The donkey has 2 suits of armor on him, money, and a body. Not much more he can carry."

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin seems to consider the Hobyt priest of Darkling. "If you can manage, then. If not, we will carry him between us. I will not leave Simon."
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 02, 2010, 12:46:27 PM
Guildschool is a pretty lethal sort of Skill based game.  Armor is critical, since it can offer a ton of protection in a low-hp game.

This group is running low on meat shields.  Max is decent, and Hamish is grabbing one of those old venolvian lamellars, but this group needs another front rank fighter, especially with Simon's head being cut off.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on October 14, 2010, 10:10:38 PM
Ran session 50 tonight.
Will upload the details this weekend, but the exploreres made it back into the venolvian ruins of Vexchian.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on October 29, 2010, 08:42:49 PM
session 51The explorers left the room with the strange, horned, floating skull, and moved back into the chapel room, wherfe Carmen tripped on a string. They negotiated the tricky path around the guardroom, back to the long east-est corridor (which Max finally noticed was sloping, east to west...)
they went back through the tiny secret door, back into the large temple room with the fissure, and across the wooden bridge the party made before.

On the way up the staircase beyond, Cameleye and Carmen both spotted a newly laid trap on a stair, and avoided it. However, there was another one just beyond that flung pilums from huge crossbows bolted on to the ceiling of the staircase. Wurnick neatly sidestepped, as Carmen tried to kick Rampan out of the way.
Clever, strange Rampan was impaled by a Pilum, that drove into his stomach gutting him. Unfortunately, Carmen kicked him down the stairs at that point, in an (Note : he took an additional 6 hits with a 1 divider...Ouch) effort to save him, and he tumbled down 15' of stairs with a Pilum jammed in his stomach, leaving a smeared red trail as he fell. He expired in front of the group, looking at Hamish and Vermortis strangely....
Carmen shrugged.

The group continued up the stairs, and went through the south door.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 05, 2010, 09:33:51 AM
Session 52 last night.

Fun game, one of those, 'How we can somehow get a very retro/OSR vibe in a skillbased somewhat math-heavy game" type games.

Group finished looting Rampan the Insane Firemage's body, with some respect for the dead finally included.
Went back up the stairs from the ancient temple area where the cultist's keep their bodies, back into the Vexchian area where the Death Cultists are active.  They saw lantern light from under the door, so they were careful, but it turned out to be a lantern hung from an old torch sconce on the wall, down the corridor.  The corridor stretched west, with a south turn within sight, and white double doors beyond that (where the group had a tough fight a few Hawaak before).
However, Stormhammer noted that the wall across from the door seemed a little off kilter, poorly set, unlike much of the care put into everywhere else.  And after some work with a dagger and Vermortis, knight of the Armor of Trade,  using his muscles, they wedges it open a bit.  Stormhammer and Carmen Ondranet spotted a little kyhole hidden in front, and they peered down it, where Carment saw a thick, braided metalwire going from the key mechanism to the door, but she could not remove it.
So after marching a bet, and hemming and hawing, the Hamish Haldane (how does a guy from the Gurellium Trading Guild become the main caster in any group?) helped Vermortis to push at the door...

*SNAP!!!*  *Twannnggggg*the sound of a wire and a strange metal spring noise, followed by the whole corridor falling, levered by a hinge to the west...dumping the characters down an ancient chute with hooked spikes on the walls (and old Venolvian trap in case placed during the early days of Vexchian), covered in rubble and huge webs, dumping them maybe 60' vertically through a twisting stone chute (Stormhammer and Cameleye note a few interesting Fidikmarple chambers sighted during the slide), into an end...

that pops open as they hit it, dumping the characters and their faithful donkey (Mr Gibs, who is almost dead now) out of a hidden panel 10' up in a cavernous area.  They can see, far above, a few stone walkways and some lantern light from way up there, but it is dark here.  They are on the banks of an underground river, loudly rushing by, to the n-e the river moves, and goes into a shrinking cavern area, to the s-w, the cavern opens.  The stream is some 25' wide here, loud, moving fast, thpugh much of the noise comes from the n-e are where the stream constricts and speeds up.

Across the stream, on the other bank, Cameleye and Stormhammer's darksight spots approximately 10 scalik (lizardmen) warriors, staring at the pile of explorers...

(The session was another v. strong roleplay session.   I ended giving out 150-300 exp per character for Roleplaying, which is high for the 1.5-2 hr online session, but everyone stayed very in character, and Vermortis, Hamish, and Stormhammer were VERY good.)
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 09, 2010, 10:21:08 AM
Quote from: LordVreeg;414318Session 52 last night.

Fun game, one of those, 'How we can somehow get a very retro/OSR vibe in a skillbased somewhat math-heavy game" type games.

Group finished looting Rampan the Insane Firemage's body, with some respect for the dead finally included.
Went back up the stairs from the ancient temple area where the cultist's keep their bodies, back into the Vexchian area where the Death Cultists are active.  They saw lantern light from under the door, so they were careful, but it turned out to be a lantern hung from an old torch sconce on the wall, down the corridor.  The corridor stretched west, with a south turn within sight, and white double doors beyond that (where the group had a tough fight a few Hawaak before).
However, Stormhammer noted that the wall across from the door seemed a little off kilter, poorly set, unlike much of the care put into everywhere else.  And after some work with a dagger and Vermortis, knight of the Armor of Trade,  using his muscles, they wedges it open a bit.  Stormhammer and Carmen Ondranet spotted a little kyhole hidden in front, and they peered down it, where Carment saw a thick, braided metalwire going from the key mechanism to the door, but she could not remove it.
So after marching a bet, and hemming and hawing, the Hamish Haldane (how does a guy from the Gurellium Trading Guild become the main caster in any group?) helped Vermortis to push at the door...

*SNAP!!!*  *Twannnggggg*the sound of a wire and a strange metal spring noise, followed by the whole corridor falling, levered by a hinge to the west...dumping the characters down an ancient chute with hooked spikes on the walls (and old Venolvian trap in case placed during the early days of Vexchian), covered in rubble and huge webs, dumping them maybe 60' vertically through a twisting stone chute (Stormhammer and Cameleye note a few interesting Fidikmarple chambers sighted during the slide), into an end...

that pops open as they hit it, dumping the characters and their faithful donkey (Mr Gibs, who is almost dead now) out of a hidden panel 10' up in a cavernous area.  They can see, far above, a few stone walkways and some lantern light from way up there, but it is dark here.  They are on the banks of an underground river, loudly rushing by, to the n-e the river moves, and goes into a shrinking cavern area, to the s-w, the cavern opens.  The stream is some 25' wide here, loud, moving fast, thpugh much of the noise comes from the n-e are where the stream constricts and speeds up.

Across the stream, on the other bank, Cameleye and Stormhammer's darksight spots approximately 10 scalik (lizardmen) warriors, staring at the pile of explorers...

(The session was another v. strong roleplay session.   I ended giving out 150-300 exp per character for Roleplaying, which is high for the 1.5-2 hr online session, but everyone stayed very in character, and Vermortis, Hamish, and Stormhammer were VERY good.)

Skofflox, you can see the quick map here,

Here (,%20near%20the%20stream--Steel%20Isle%20Group)
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 19, 2010, 10:58:10 AM
Session 53 included the damn Old-School parley.
 The group  got ready to defend itself, and weapons were all drawn, when Stormhammer, a mercahnt with decent social skills, decided to try to parley in Westic, which the UNdershaman in charge of the Scaliks spoke, and then he rolled very well...
Combat avoided, information gained  I gave 1/3 exp for the combat for working around it, and the exploration went on from there.  More alter on the exploration, but it was nice to see the brains show up.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: skofflox on November 19, 2010, 03:18:22 PM
thanks for the map link. I have subscribed to this thread...great stuff Vreeg!
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on December 02, 2010, 04:34:15 PM
Quote from: skofflox;418376thanks for the map link. I have subscribed to this thread...great stuff Vreeg!

Whoops, did not see you pop in here.

Yes, session 55 tonight.  After carefully following the stream in the caverns, and looking up in vain at the lantern light in the spaces above, The group ran into a Giant, 9' pug-faced necromancer, that lived under an ancient stone and brick bridge.  AS with the Scalik warriors, Stormhammer of the Gurellium Traders managed to bridge the gap, making peace with the huge, outcast necromancer, Grastic.

Grastic also informed the PCs that he could see two spirits tied tio them by some nefarious necormancer, and he Shrived ( the the spirits, freeing them.
He then let them know about the ancient stiarway to the south, and the Hall of Winged Prophecy to the North.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: skofflox on December 02, 2010, 06:09:20 PM
roger that...sorry to have missed the Thanksgiving session...:)
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on December 10, 2010, 12:40:50 PM
Session 56 last night.

Crazy fight.  Explorers had fallen down an ancient trap to the cavernous second level.  Worked their way around an ancient stream, parleyed with some Scalik (Lizardman) warriors and a shaman named Pehnni, suffered a few falls into the stream, met a giant, hermitish Necromancer who lives under an ancient stone underground bridge.

They made friends with both groups thanks to Stormhammer, a member of the Gurellium Trading family.  The Giant Necromancer also showed them a way north, to the Hal of Winged Prophecy, and the south, where an old crumbling staircase upward lay.

More later about the battle of the stairs.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on December 23, 2010, 10:37:59 PM
Session 58 tonight

A Gurellium Trader PC took a crossbow in the side on a rope bridge...and fell off 80' to his death....
group found it's way out, however...

Skofflox, any comments on the system or game?
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: skofflox on December 28, 2010, 02:20:25 AM
Quote from: LordVreeg;428273*snip*
Skofflox, any comments on the system or game?

Sometimes difficult to join an ongoing group but Vreeg and the rest of the players are accommodating and patient,providing answers to rules and setting questions. Lots of great RP moments!
(and I am no longer the junior member,hooray!)

It is my first chat room game and it is nifty having an embeded d. rolling program (all hail Isobot).Still very immersive...I can see great potential for RP with like minded folk using chat rooms (if maps/graphics/pics were available without having to click off site,VAVOOM).Character generator is cool.

The setting is both deep and broad, encompasing many years of work and play. Interesting "Guild" system that effects xp. use,skills,religious affiliation etc.
Lots of intriguing detail. Still very much a nu'b. so not much more to say as of yet. Need to interact with the setting/group more.

The system is gritty and detailed. Some interesting d. mechanics in regards to wpn. damage. I am still learning. I get help in-game and that keeps the system flowing for me. More to say on this as I become more far so good though by no means a "light" system IMO!  

Vreeg maintains a Celtricia homepage with rules and setting info available to peruse and this is a great boon. I look forward to Thurs. evening games and am having a blast!
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on January 04, 2011, 10:37:52 AM
Session 59 was strange and wild; Stormhammer had just fallen to his death after being hit by a cultist's crossbow on one of the rope bridges.  The group had gone from being lost in the underground and unsure of their future existence and in a resource-management mode, to the elation of finding the way losing Storm.

It was blackest night when the crawled out the long. fidikmarple stairway, findng themsleves in a long, ruined chamber in the VexKorang swamps.  There was large carvings and statuary, but all on too massive a scale to take with them.  The group looked aout and arround, and the group spotted the tip of a ziggurat to the north.  Since they knew of one, they went that way, stumbling about in the swamp.  AS they reached it, over sunken logs and going over one area of a ruined aqueduct,  they found it was indeed the one they knew, that housed their normal entrance into the underground ruins.  

They had not only escaped the underground, they now knew their position.  

The group skirted the west way around the pockmarked and crumbling edifice, and in the dark fell into a deeper swamp area, but at last came out in the north, front area of the ziggurat.  They struck north with Lanterns hooded, as a few group members saw a large flame to thr north.

This turned out to be a few scailk B'nixBurin burning a humand and an omwo~ alive.  The group killed 2 of them (though thier leader, some kind of death-caster, escaped), and rescued them.  

Now the red light of Tribin, the smaller of the 2 suns, is limning the tops of the leaves of the swamp-groves, heralding the morning of Harvak, the 56th of Tokush.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on January 16, 2011, 11:25:59 AM
Interesting session, #61.
The Explorers spent most of it travelling back to town, and a few people spotted the giant Sauroid flyer nearby.
A lot of use of detection and some good skill stretching behind the scenes.  One of the dynamics of a good GS game is players trying to stretch the use of their skills.  

As a side note, as a GM, I often use Youtube links as auditory atmosphere.  Normally Tangerine Dream or Midnight Syndicate.  Sometimes they are also good as personal signatures.  I recommend anyone running an online game get a few links together like this.  Sometimes moody...Sometimes funny.

Kellik's Audio Cue

The Steel Isle gang is getting a little more canny in using social skills and magic that affects social skills.  This is actually one of the hardest places for GM adjudication.  Combat stuff is a little more black and white, but easier.  However, I consider the social part of it the fun part of GMing.

There was also a lot of good conversation and planning.  And eating.  Neophyte Wurnick ran out of Bagels finally, but he has dome dried pasta, lemon juice, spices, and Bacon.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on January 17, 2011, 10:13:18 PM
IN case you had not seen, this is the main page for the Steel Isle Town.
This is the town's page (
go down to the neighborhoods and click on the upper hill.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on March 03, 2011, 01:11:33 PM
Session 65 tonight.

The group is back in Steel Isle Town, drinking and carousing with the well known adventuring band, "Eddon's Folly".  Our explorers were holding forth at the Iambic Treblehorn, a Bardic Tavern in the Bazaar neighborhood (

Tomorrow, the second to Last day of Tokush, the group plans to honor an invitation to the Celebration of Piscos of the Axe, at the Church of Irony and Black Comedy.

And then, after the group climes to the Upper Hill and returns Simon's Body to the Most Holy refuge of the Bone, the chapter house of the Bone Knights of Orcus.

Eventually, they'll get back to the ruins of Vexchian.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on March 07, 2011, 03:17:04 PM
At times, various and sundry may verbally accost the author (yours truly) as to why pile on layer after overdone layer onto this setting. Why not push a breath of fresh air past their jaded, setting-nostrils, something unique, or failing that, something different and less hoary. Perhaps something more witty or nouvelle, less standard?

While there are actually answers manifold and various, one particular answer is that through dint of familiarity and overwork, I can sometimes feel Celtricia. Feel how it is supposed to be, how it is, not as how I want it to be. I am in the trackless wastes and gigantic spaces between settlements, not writing it, existing in it and perhaps reporting on it. The complicated relationship between race and culture, mixing over the encroaching centuries and millenia, tastes astonishingly real to me. The layer and strata of ruinous history, of pathos and tragedy played and replayed, crushes down on my writer's psyche at times, not as a creation, but as an object I uncover, piece by voide-beast guarded piece.

I still remember the first time this feeling of being, of cross-referenceable logic as opposed to preference, overtook me during a session. Celtricia was by no means my first creation...but it was the first that I knew the answer to questions based on knowing what was already real, and what should come from it.

And unlike those that look back to their hallowed gaming days of their youth as unreachable heights, gaming in Celtricia just keeps getting better. Live and on the IRC, there are times when the reason the groups and your charming expedition-director get sucked into the finely grained detail of a hairstyle or the right clothes or the type of food being eaten is due to the shared unconsious urge to push that shared reality to that immersed level, or if one preferes, a more immersed level, as if the immersion is the actual, secret dirty satisfaction we are all seeking.
And what can one say when one can feel the unseasonable warmth of Tribin and Gerin as they rise over the Bazaar of Steel Isle Town, and can feel the this glory mixing with the sadness of lost comrades shared over an early drink in a rooftop cafe? One can only be glad of the road taken, and the strange solidity underfoot of this road as one delves deeper into discovering what is in Celtricia, together.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on March 07, 2011, 03:18:19 PM
Session 64

More awesomeness Roleplaying in town, eating squab, drinking spices ale, making buds... Really great social RP night in much for a pure dungeon crawl.


" oh shut it, I already feel pretty enough to fart daisies... I hate it"

"Carmen_Ondradet bounces off astell in an attempt to run away from the wild eyed barber"

"Cameleye, "Might as well wait for water to be less wet."

" !roll d%
[21:28] 99
ooc: hamish spontaneously combusts
The Gartier Stops the group dead, " HEY! We're quite full up, folkls...especially for the underage"

"Moss> Look, I don't think this really needs to be a problem.
[21:31] We're all here to have fun.
[21:32] We're not gonna cause trouble and you don't even have to worry.
[21:32] !roll d%
[21:32] 95

" The Gartier chakes his head, ducks, and shakes it agian, confused
[21:38] ooc: wait, it worked?"

" Your magics are the epitome of vulgarity. I do not approve of such use. "

"Astell> Can we get some fruit and bacon with our food?
Eddon, " Hey, Viv! Some squab and fires here, if you please!!!"

" Eddon, it is truly a joy to be in your company tonight. to think, if we had happened upon some other place...
[ Indeed.
Eddon smies and waves a hand, " Friends, it was menat to be. Oblimet and The queen of the dance made it so...."
I'll drink to that!
* Astell whsipering
who's the queen of the dance?"
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on March 07, 2011, 03:19:31 PM
Session 65 was pretty much more of the Soap Opera side of the game moving forward, but at least we got a lot of progress made, so that someday there will be adventuring again. I leave you with some comments from in game. This things has turnined into RP central.

Top comments...
"Hamish_Haldane> It's not as bad as some cursed necromancer or death mage, but hardly a pure Art like Water or AIr"
Carmen_Ondradet waves hamish off.

ooc: that poor bagel never had a chance... against MAX!
Carmen_Ondradet sits, legs sprawled out on the floor drinking kaffee, eating bagels with bacon, and rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Wurnick, " Max and I go to climb the upper hill, to the Bone Knight's tower. Who comes with us?"
I'll go with you
Then moderate your glibness.
* Carmen_Ondradet smirks at max

The Klaxik ho;ds the gate he had just barred. "The statue Seekers...well, we are not open yet, but I suppose..." he opens the little gate
friends, yes, that would be us
nice to have connections around here...
the best table , under a little umbrella, is laid quickly

Carmen_Ondradet raises her glass to wurnick
the glasses ar rounder than perhaps they should be, but the wine is cool and biting.
he obviously meant alot to you
so to simon
Wurnick, " To Simon, more than we deserve. May he be off and protected."
To Simon, dear companion. Parted from us too soon.
To Simon
to Simon, whom I, unfortunately, could not meet
Wurnik smiles wanly
* MazAbd toasts somberly
the wind and sun moves the clouds off,
and the waitress unfurls the umbrella as the group eats bread and thinks...
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on March 11, 2011, 10:40:36 AM
Session 66 went swimmingly. The explorers took their leave of the Steel Libram Sages, and moved across the Lower Hill through the Courtyard Row, to the Northern edge of the Rotee Bazaar neighborhood, where they went into the Bookenders Scholars.

Magister Pendelton was pleased to see them, and he was able to dispel the pesky wards on the last scroll, which was written in a version on magetongue tinged with Anarch, probably from the period of the venovian EMpire when the Entropic Overlords Religion was in full sway. The scroll had a grouping of chaos spells on it.
The group did some good rolling and roleplaying, and the Magister decided he want to one up the Steel Libram and so payed a premium to get all three scrolls, especially for their historical worth (especially the Vicorian one). We're talking over 9k Horn here, which could probably buy a small brownston in some areas.

After that, the group moved out, back to the Courtyard row, moving down to the Merchant Row area. When they had gone down the stall and hawker infested Merchant Row for a bit, they were in the Bazaar section of the street and town. The group was accosted by a small cloture of toughs, Orcash and human. Rather than start a fight, the group gave them 4 of the silver skull medallions they took off the bodies...then, on their way into the Red Priest inn, they had the doorman call the Scarlet Pilums that there was a group of suspected Death Cultists nearby.

The group then went upstairs and got ready for the invite-only part of the celebration of Piscos of the Axe, at the Church of Black Humor and Chaos.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on April 02, 2011, 03:14:35 PM
Session 70 comes up this Thursday.
Who would have ever expected this online game would go on for 1/2 this long, not to mention be goning strong and still adding members.

Group has finished 8 sessions played in town in Steel Isle Town, and is on their way back to the Vexchian ruins.  They have attracted 4 new followers, as well.

On a related, personal, but truly monumental issue...the Celtricia/Guildschool Wiki has just hit 1000 unique pages.  I am just astounded by that, personally.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on April 16, 2011, 11:30:26 AM
Session 71 last week, as the group heads back down through the Leeward Farmlands back to the Vexchian Ruins.  A lot more cultist activity, though the stop at Shuruum's Chrorm farm nets a huge dinner.

Wurnick and Moss, actually. Maz decided that he would be most helpful if he remained alive. However, Maz now officially has the coolest apprentice.

The group aslo found that another farm, further south, had been burned out by the cultists.


The Red Knight had informed us that our help wasn't needed at the farm, and that our use would be best if we continued to the ruins, so we did. He also informed us that the cultist's ranks were increasing in response to us, which he said should be taken as a compliment. Maz helpfully suggested their surrender as a more acceptable compliment.

On our way, we had stopped at the first bridge, and Wurnick made us all a delicious hare lunch, while Modo provided some music. Out of nowhere, an owlbear attacked us, knocking Hamish and Max unconscious. Cameleye ran, and Maz followed, dragging Gracie along with him. Everyone else stayed to fight. Modo did his best to aid with inspiring music.

During the battle, Wurnick, unfortunately, misaimed an arrow, which had hit Unconscious Max for 6. Moss had similar luck with his morningstar, and had clubbed Hamish. The owlbear wasn't quite sure what to think of Wurnick Curly and Moss, sans Curly.

Maz and Gracie continued to watch the fight from afar, but Gracie quickly decided that enough was enough. Rushing into the fray, she took a swing with her mighty ax, and with power and luck, managed to be the one to slay the beast.

Current wiki page for the adventurers (
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on April 20, 2011, 09:25:42 AM
Session 72


I think I've probably said a few times that I prefer a very lethal game, where physics have a strong effect (like, giant creatures can create a huge amount of force).  
And I could also say that it is a game where truly epic creatures. like Dragons, are really, really dangerous.

So I did everything in my power, short of breaking DM objectivity, to let the PCs know that going to talk with the Green Dragon one of their familiars had spotted was a BAD IDEA.  Lore rolls, outdoor rolls, fauna rolls...nothing worked.

Well, 1 round into that interaction, near TPK where only a few miraculous rolls allowed two PCs to escape, killing 4 followers, 2 NPCS (1 an original), and 3 of the 5 PCs.  
Session 73 should be interesting.
Normal PCs start with 5k exp to distribute.    The Followers started with about 4k, though most were up to 4800-5400.  Hamish, one of the PCs who Perished, led the group with about 14.5k EXP after 71 online sessions.  Since the 2 remaining PCs have 13.7K and 9.7k, I am going to start the new PCs with 8.8K.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on April 25, 2011, 09:38:59 AM
Nothing quite like a well done, player-at-fault near TPK to get the player's blood flowing.  
The online guys who play in the Steel Isle Game number about 14 now, with normally 4-8 in a given session.  In a very Old-school way, players (and their characters) will sit out a trip back to the Vexchian ruins, then join back in later once the group comes back to Steel ISle Town.

This thing with the Dragon knocking off a large protion of the current and the main group has really brought up some vengeance seekers.  The online traffic on that subject is very enlarged.  

I just hope they can let their revenge get a little cold.  There is a reason that the Green Dragon's fear aura and one round of breath weapon was all it took last time.   One does NOT go dragon hunting in Celtricia.

Session 73 tomorow night.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on May 11, 2011, 06:40:35 PM
Sessions 73, 74, and 75 were comprides of the 2 survivors returning back to Steel Isle Town.  They first needed to make it back, wracked by doubt.

Then, they needed to explain to their patrons why they were back so soon.  After all, they decided to play 'talk to the dragon' only a few days outside of Steel Isle Town.  Then they had to try to recruit some new help.

Max is now known as 'Max the Accursed', as that group has lost some 11 members total, now.    
From an outside perspective, however, it seems that the group has a much more tightly organized approach, trying to make a more balanced and better prepared party.

Session 76 next Tuesday.  The new group is on the road back south to the Ruins of Vexchian.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on June 27, 2011, 12:54:46 PM
Up to session 82 right now.
New PCs for the players who fell due to deciding to talk to the Green Sauroid.

Current Situation
•The end of Tanos 21, 10pm, A long day of travel, a huge battle, prisoners have been gruesomely killed and Max haunted...

Current Members
•Maximillian Carchedin- PC - Vanir Omwo~/Kann Klaxik Cross. Cousin of the fallen Mior Carchedin and Armiger of the Arcanic Swords. His might is pre-eminent. Maintains a regular correspondence with his grandfather.  Known by some as "The Accursed"  Oldest member, probably 14k+ exp
•Astell Arsaim - PC -  Mixed Human knight of the Bone, and neophyte priest of the Church of Obscurity and Fate.  In the 9k exp range
•Moss - PC - Gesana Human from the Church of Obscurity and Fate. Rescued by the party at the end of the third trip to the ruins. Often opinionated.  9k exp range.  
•Victor - PC - Some healer guy, of the Church of Obsurity and Fate,  New Member
•Trisk Elion - PC - Mixed Human, Hamish's godfather because of his friendship with Hamish's mother. Has watched over Hamish from afar. An old and usually somewhat laid back necromancer.  New member
•Toden Hodd TorZyjman - NPC - New Gartier priest of the Shrine of Ogleic as well as part of Armor of Trade. Taken out of combat after a werewolf ripped off his arm, but has rejoined the group.  Very dedicated to the group and to recovering Hamish and Wurnik's bodies. 11K exp
•Smiggle Smiggins - PC - Hobyt spellcaster of some kind, maiy artificer and mentalist.  New member

Minions - Followers attracted by the parties fame and fortune
•Bonatos Regiano - FratreCanis battlemage of the Arcanic Swords and follower of Max.  New Member

•Mr Gibs - Original donkey, has survived a lot.
•Fettle - donkey bought by Hamish on the 4th trip to the ruins.
•Nettle - donkey bought by Hamish on the 4th trip to the ruins.
•Odd - donkey bought by Hamish on the 4th trip to the ruins.
•Bob  - donkey bought by Hamish on the 4th trip to the ruins.

From Here (

The Group has just survived a major fight with some cultists of the Dark Way, followed by A haunted visitation onto Max during the evening.  Highlight of the linked page might be the list of former members.  very OSR in the lethality level.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on July 09, 2011, 03:47:41 PM
OK, I managed to get Session 70 into a log form. Took a few days. Since we are up to session 83, It is going to be quite a while until I catch up, and I might take SD up on the offer of some help.

But I think it is important to help understand what is going on and why and to keep continuity. It is also nice as it shows the interactions and how a GS game sounds and feels.

Sparkle, there were about 30 rolls made, maybe 20 by the PCs, depsite no combat. The direction of the storyline is partially dictated by the success of some of the social and detection rolls.

How we left a trail of bodies all over the Steel Isle?"
"Lord Gibs, Prince of Donkeys"

(**begin session 70**)

AM of the 15th, Dunsak. Bright and warmish, in the 40's.

Moss-"So, do you always stop at this farm you speak of?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-"We do. It is our custom.", he says succinctly.

the group leaves the Leeward Gate, now guarded by 6 scarlet Pilums

Hamish_Haldane-" Shuruum is a farmer for the Gurelliums and a good friend. He has put us up on many an occasion." He smiles. "Many, Many an occasion"
MazAbd-" it's a nice farm."

The group numbers eleven explorers, and 5 donkeys.
* Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin waves to the Pilums

Moss-" How long does it usually take to get to the ruins? Last time is a little foggy."
Wurnick- " two and a half days, Moss"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin, to his new follower-" Boyo my boy! Apple me!"

The group of Scarlet Pilums wave back, recognizing the group. The leader looks familiar.
Boyo brings an apple to Max.

Moss cocks an eye. "Apple you"?

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin bites into it with gusto

Moss-" Really?"
Boyo points his thumb back towards the Scarlet Pilums- "That is Spearseargent HarelBlak"
MazAbd-" looks like Max here is really enjoying the fruit"

Wurnik is eating a bagel in the mist of the morning

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" Yes, the fruit of our labours. What is not to enjoy?" he laughs at the world.

the path seems a little more well worn as the explorers make thei way onto the farming areas.
Hamish_Haldane hovers around the new donkeys making sure they behave themselves

MazAbd clears his throat, and looks at Boyo. "Would it be much to ask for one for myself?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" Yes.", he says back to the group.

the group sees dotted farms to the right, and spotted woods to the left.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-"These apples are a vital component of Boyo's training. I cannot so frivolously expend them."

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin nods sagely
Moss sighs.

MazAbd lifts a hand to the air. " sounds fair, then"
Moss sighs again." Are we there yet, friend Wurnick?"

the group travels to almost the noon hour, over the dusty road, some two and a half hours from town.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin chews louder

Hamish_Haldane looks to Max." I fail to see how carrying a bag of apples will improve him."
Wurnik- "Ask Oblimet, silly one"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin smiles at the road in front of him. "It builds character, of course!"
Moss-" Maybe, Hamish, it is to see how long it takes him to see the absurdity of the task.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" Aren't you already feeling more capable, Boyo?"
Moss-" But I think, in Max's case, he just wanted some apples."
Boyo hefts his spear. "We'll see"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin" Don't listen to them, Boyo. I think we can all see who it is that knows the most of fighting, hmmm?"
Hamish_Haldane-" I'm afraid I will agree with friend Moss this once."

A cart and 6 klaxiks is seen about 120 feet to the south coming up a slight hill. They are dressed in dark armor and seem to be toiling.

Hamish_Haldane-" A cart is what we need!", he says excitedly. Then he remembers the group has recently bought a 2 wheeled cart.
MazAbd-" another one, Hamish?"
Hamish_Haldane-" Yes, there is quite a bit of statuary." He says confidently.

The klaxiks toil towards the explorers, taciturn. They push the cart themselves, they have no beast.
MazAbd steps forward a bit

MazAbd, looking back at the group, " shall I greet them?"
Moss-"If you wish,", then he looks closely, "Though they look... grumpy."
Wurnik, shrugging, "It surely is an improvement on attacking them. Our usual Modus Operendi"
Moss-" I thought we were usually the ones that got attacked...In any case..."

MazAbd waves at the other group, speaking up
The lead klaxik, in studded leather, stops about 40 feet away.

Hamish_Haldane-" Wurnick I am wounded, we try negotiation with all who would listen!"
Wurnik, shaking his head " You normally talk to me when you are wounded."
MazAbd, to the road, oblivious of the exchage behind him." greetings!"

Moss chuckles.

Hamish_Haldane, to his follower " Modo, do not listen to this slander."
Modo, bowing slightly...."No Sir"
Studded Klaxik in the front, with a huge scar across his jaw. " Hail the Road..."

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin bows slightly in the Orbic fashion, behind Maz.

Hamish_Haldane, still making his case in the back of the Van..." The stories of Hamish Haldane are rife with diplomacy!"
MazAbd nudges Gracey, who followed him. "watch and learn, girl"

Maz, Max and Moss note that the Klaxik in Blue robes behind the cart has an arbalest. Max pulls his huge shamsheer out as nonchalantly as possible.
Hamish_Haldane feeds his thunderbird familiar a piece of jerky while watching Maz. The large bird snaps it up greedily...

MazAbd, loudly and with a trained voice..." what brings you out on this day?"

Moss gets a quick drink while the crew is paused.

Studded Klaxik, bowing, "We bring the body of our daughter to the Church of the Earth, to seek protection in the afterlife for her."

The Klaxiks behind the leader, also mainly in studded Leather or chain leather, seem to relax a bit.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin calls out, " Protection from the afterlife? Do you seek to raise her?"
they seem shocked, and a voice from the back says, " Nay, brave knight...just to seek protection and to allow her spirit to Migrate in peace."
Moss-" Well, words are nothing at this point, but take our condolences and do not let us delay you."

Hamish_Haldane nods solemnly

MazAbd-" yes, I believe my friend Moss here speaks for all of us with those sentiments."

they nod gratefully. Klaxiks in the back mutter their thanks.
MazAbd bows head in respect

Studded leader, " It is a hard thing, and the Church of the Earth parsimonious with their protection"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" Ah, of course. My mistake. It is an uncommon practice, of course."

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin bows again, slightly deeper, in the Orbic fashion
MazAbd nudges Max

Hamish_Haldane, takes on step forward, though still in the rear." What happened to your daughter, if you do not mind my inquiry?"
Note : rollIsobot=win Soc roll 11 for Hamsih
Studded Klaxik,shaking his head slightly and frowning at Max " Uncommon?"

MazAbd glares a bit at Max, and then addresses the Klaxik...

Hamish_Haldane-"He is from Orbi, do not mind him." Note : That explains itOrbi is actually considered far more sophisticated than the small Steel Isle...
MazAbd-"forgive him..."
The Studded leader, To Hamish, "Young one, we found her body on a table in the woods, near our farm,....with...horrible..." he has trouble going on and his voice trails...
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin,, stridently, " Cultists no doubt! Despicable slime!"

Hamish_Haldane frowns

MazAbd-" a table in the woods? Merely standing there, in the open?"
Hamish_Haldane-" We have encountered such things before. There are a band of death cultists about." The Klaxiks nod, and Hamish continues..."Could you perhaps give us more accurate directions? We would investigate, for whatever peace of mind it may bring."
A blue robed, female klaxik, coming down from the cart, " It was a table we had used for separating wheat and to place bushels on, near our west field." She is wide and elderly.
MazAbd-" you seem like decent folk. perhaps we can help avenge the girl, if such help is wanted?"
Note : roll[20:59] 1roll d%
[20:59] !roll d%
[20:59] 8
[21:00] ooc Maz finally rolls well.
[21:00] ooc: SCORE
Studded Klaxik, to Maz..." Or farm is south and west , off the Truanny road. It is labelled the "Short Shrift" We do not know how to thank you. "
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin, " Do you have any cheese?"
The Blue Robed Klaxik shakes her head and lumbering forward slightly." Hopefully, the Priests of Minious Stottar will take pity and allow us to make payments"
MazAbd smiles a little. " you are in mourning. we ask little more than friendship. aye, Hamish?"
Hamish_Haldane nods, " Aye, remember the name Hamish Haldane!"
MazAbd offers a hand, "and I am known as Maz'Abd"
A young Girl klaxik, from the back, " We have no cheese, Sirrah Knight. Nor even the surety of the church shriving my sister."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin shakes his head-" Ah, well, doubly unfortunate, then. "

Wurnik gives Max an incredulous look.

The Studded klaxik grips Maz' hand. " Ishma smile on you, brave ones."
MazAbd-" same to you, friend"

Hamish_Haldane nods towards the group again

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks over to his followers. "Remember this well, Heddle and Boyo, nothing builds a warrior's constitution quite like a good cheese!"

Heddle looks funny at Max, while Boyo nods

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin laughs good naturedly. "The proof is in the pudding, as they say."

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin reshoulders his shamsheer.

Boyo, looking confused, "Not in the cheese, Sirrah Max?"
Hamish_Haldane-" Well, let us find this table, perchance we will find something useful."
Moss sighs again. "Yes, let us away."
Wurnick, "Aye"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" Well. In this case, the pudding is the cheese. Or is it myself? Hmmm. Well, you get the idea."

MazAbd chuckles overhearing Max and Boyo

"Jubilex the Laughing God smiles at Max, "says Wurnick,
MazAbd cocks his head. "cheese pudding, eh?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin nods. " Second only to vanilla. "
Moss notes the troubled look on the priest of The Lord of the Trees. "What is it, Wurnick?"

the sound of the creaking cart moving in the opposite directions moves away....

Wurnick-, " I decry the lack of ability for them to have the body shriven, that is all"
Note : Death and the spiritURL
Hamish_Haldane nods. "It is dealing with the necromantic arts, no matter for how noble a cause. I wish there were none to do such a task on the island!"
Wurnik- " This is where I think you are wrong, Hamish. The tool is well used here"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks back at the youthful mage. "You are alarmingly consistent, Hamish."
Hamish_Haldane looks down, shaking his head vehemently. "The tool corrupts, it should never be used."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" Perhaps, if only in this one instance, you are incorrect."
A voice shrieks from the party. "ONE???", says Carmen.

Hamish_Haldane ignores Carmen

Moss smiles, " I was wondering if you'd wandered off, Carmen....You'd been oddly quiet."
Wurnik, dogedly " This spell protects the spirit from the evil that others could do to it, Hamish"
Moss, " About how many goodwives does it cost to have cast?"
MazAbd-" you are our leader, Hamish, but it appears as if you are outnumbered in this. for better or for worse."

The group continues over the hill, as Tribin takes the lead again in the sky. The sound of the wagon going down the other side of the hill can still be heard slightly.
Hamish_Haldane sighs and shakes his head wearily

Moss-" Or, better said, how much must one "donate"?
Wurnik-, "Most churches charge a pittance, but the Church of the Solid Earth is a bit ...tough. Probably 50 goodwives." Note : URL what does 50 goodwives mean?
Hamish_Haldane-" Using necromancy to rob others in time of grief!"
Moss turns, then starts back around the other way. " I shall catch up in a moment friends."
Wurnik-, " Aye Hamish, a poor use"
Moss runs off toward the Klaxiks. He yells back, "Don't wait, damnit. Go. I'll catch up."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" While we wait for friend Moss, allow me to demonstrate lesson number 3!"
A minute or so later, the old female klaxik in the Blue Robe sees Moss coming, "Did you forget something, friend?"
Moss-" Yes. I fogort my manners." Note : wowLike +50 RP exp. Right there.
" Here.", Moss holds out 50 horn.

The elder Klaxik lady reaches up

Moss looks down at her. "Take it and think nothing of it."
She is nearly crying, " Oh, sirrah, this is too much..." she whispers.
"Money is no replacement for a daughter, " says Moss. "I demand no repayment."

the other klaxiks are bowing low and touching their hands to their heads. Almost in unison.

Moss-" My name is Moss, if you ever wish to find me."
Moss-" Stop that. You would do the same for me if you could."
"We shall never forget you, Sirrah Moss", says the Studded leather leader.
Moss-" Hold your heads up high and celebrate her life."

Back on the road with the party, Max Holds forth.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" Swordsmanship is all about having a proper grip, two handed, of course!"

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin demonstrates the right technique for Boyo and Heddle.
Hamish_Haldane continues leading the donkeys onward.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" A shield is a hindrance, it interferes with a deft slice."

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin demonstrates again, cutting the air
so the group continues south, down the road...
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin looks back at his followers.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" You have chosen a fine weapon, Heddle, the falchion will serve you will, with the proper respect and care."
Moss strolls back up-" And what do you think of me, if Boyo isn't "appropriate", Max? Some sort of barbarian?"

Moss hefts his morningstar.

Modo is taking notes in a book, " Hamish, this is going to be quite a tale..."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" Ah. Morningstars and tridents and more. All fine tools of combat. But not of the art."
Moss-" Art?"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" Of course! Swinging a giant piece of metal around. True skill is used for something like this" he hums his swords around for another cut.

Hamish_Haldane taps his silvered rapier

Wurnik- " All combat is brutish necessity, Max. Healing is an art, killing, a necessity"
Hamish_Haldane shakes his head and suddenly laughs. "Oh Modo, wait until you meet the giant gnome!"
MazAbd turns to his follower. "Gracie, don't desert your weapon now, for it shall serve you better than diplomacy when dealing with the cultists."

MazAbd turns to Hamish

MazAbd-" giant... what?"
Modo...quizzical..." Ooohh-kay"
Moss-" In any case,"
Hamish_Haldane0-" A giant gnome. No I do not know how or why."
Carmen-"Right, the big, goofy healer"

By two hours after noon, the group can see Shuruum's Farm to the right of the road, looking prosperous. 2 oxen and 5 workers can be seen. The group still sees mainly sparse patches of forest to their left, and getting a little wetter. Red Gerin, the small sun, is starting to loop back around Tribin.

Moss-"I think this is the farm y'all mentioned."
Moss-" Are we to pay a visit?"
Cameleye, "The food is from Inkmisa, friend..."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin seems shocked. "We would be remiss if we did not!"
Hamish_Haldane-" I feel it might be taking advantage of friend Shuruums hospitality to bring 11 folk."

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin hustles up the path to Shuruum's house, ignoring Hamish.
Hamish and the group go toward the large barn and low, L-shaped house with the round roof.
the group stops , and Shuruum's busy family is all about.
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin calls back

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" We don't have to stay, of course, but we must visit!"

his daughters rush to prepare food, the kitchen is awhirl with activity and hobyt movement. The party members admire the rugs and hangings that cover the white walls, and sit at the large, low table.
the party is sent out to the barn with 2 basins to clean themselves up.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-"Shuruum! How good it is to see you and your family again!"
MazAbd, looking around on the way to the barn..." this is a nice farm. well tended to, it appears..."
Hamish_Haldane-" Greetings friend Shuruum, do you know of a nearby farm, Short Shrift?"

Toden comes around, his remaining elbow raised to Hamish, a large smile. His furry, near seven foot height is out of pace in this family of Hobyts, but he seems very comfortable.

Hamish_Haldane beans at their old comrade. " Ah friend Toden, it is always welcome to see you. How do you fair this day?"
Shuruum- "Short Shrift? Sure, an about ah hour walk south to the Truanny road, then another hour west
Hamish_Haldane-"Hmmm we must pay a visit there lately, tragedy has befallen them."

MazAbd admires the agriculture
Hamish_Haldane familiar flutters about

Toden- " things are well, Hamish. By all the armor you sport, things go well for your work with Chorbit"

As the group moves back in to the house, the female hobyts (for most of the family is Hobyt) bustle and prepare a boar shank, with white mashed tuber, and mashed chorm

Hamish_Haldane-"Indeed friend Toden, we have found some amazing things in the ruins. And Chorbit pays well for them."
Moss-" A farm. This takes me back."
Shurrum-" What tragedy, Friend Hamish?"
MazAbd-" you, as well, Moss?"

The food is splendid, and the table groans with the weight of the victuals. The Boar shank is destroyed though a worthy opponent. Wurnik and Toden give the Blessings of Amrist and the harvest
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin digs in

Hamish_Haldane, between bites-" Cultists found their daughter, and sacrificed her in some ritual..."
Shurrum is shocked, "They are a good, honest group, if unlucky"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" Best be wary, Shuruum. We will try to get to the heart of this, but keep your daughters close, I'd say."
Hamish_Haldane-" Indeed, we will go and search the site. See if we can find anything about why they would do such a thing."
Toden, "We have seen a few groups of the fiends about, Hamish. "
Hamish_Haldane-" Even this close to town? It is getting worse and worse, we must stamp them down this time."
Shuruum, "Aye, they seem to be more bold and militant"
Mosslooks left and right, then says softly, " They're probably looking for us."
SHurrum nods, "Could be, my friend."
Hamish_Haldane-" Well they shall find us, ready and willing to give them their deaths!"
Moss-" Indeed."
MazAbd clears his throat, " excuse me... Shuruum, was it? I apologize for interrupting, but I would like to say that your farm is in great condition. the work you put into it shows" Shuruum seems pleased by this.
Hamish_Haldane-" How have the relations with the Crones been lately Shuruum?"
Shurruum, "Very good. They have stopped in to teach Toden a few times, and one of their green knights has brought in some bloody robes for us to bury"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" Ah.. forgive my ignorance, bloody robes?" He looks a bit confused. "I am not familiar with such a custom."
Hamish_Haldane-" That is swell, I too have learned from their teaching."
Hamish_Haldane-"Perhaps they lost on of their... pack?
Toden, " The robes came from cultists, friend Max"
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin nods. "Ah, of course."
Moss-" The crones, or at least their knights, can defend themselves, it seems."

The hobyt daughters bring whipped cream and vneersberry and ebbel and serve tranquin terror to one and all. One asks Hamish about their sister who is living with Kellik.
the night becomes merrry, and singing commences
and one and all participate in song. The singers do, "Kernal and Ivory", "John's Old Bones", and "Tell me of her smiling eyes"and the group finds themselves sleeping in the hay of the barn after the night grows long.

Moss-" Shall we keep watch?"
Wurnik, " Normally no need, Moss....but to be safe a good idea"
Cameleye-"Aye, with the cultists about..."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin throws his pack down. " Glad you volunteered, Moss!"
Moss grins. " ...I'll take first watch, then."
MazAbd-" Gracie shall take my watch. she should have the experience. aye, Gracie?"
Note : -followersooc you guys are just awful....there is a revolt on the horizon
Hamish_Haldane-" I will take the last watch"
Gracie, with a sour grin on, "Of course, Maz...this time"
Hamish_Haldane-" This way someone can cover for me in the ruins if I must regain my power."
Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" Boyo, Heddle and I will sit a watch! It will be an excellent training opportunity!"

The guys seem excited to watch with Max
the group sleeps deeply and restully, brought back to days of their youth (a few hawaaks for Hamish), and restored by the fresh air and the hearty food and welcome

Note : Hamish is still in his mid-teens[21:45] ooc Lol
[21:46] ooc: Hamish remembers his youth as if it were just... waitasec
[21:46] ooc: clever folk you guys are  
the group is totally refreshed as red Gerin rises
on the am of the 16th Bowyak, a clear day and warm.
MazAbd stretches and yawns. the group uses 2 tubs of washwater, then makes their way to a quick breakfast of Bacon, mashed spiced Chorm, and Kaffee
Then the group leaves through the wide open door, down the path to the gate, and heads south

MazAbd-"Now that was a pleasant night."
Hamish_Haldane-" Aye, it usually is at Shuruums."
Max and Moss lead, through the wide wagon path amongst the fields, with a forest to the east
wurnik, " You see why we stop there..."
MazAbd nods and pats his stomach. "Indeed, a worthwhile custom"
Moss-" I do see, Wurnik."

The group continues until about 9 in the morning, , then passes the Truanny road

Hamish_Haldane points, " I believe this is the way to Short Shrift"
Wurnik, " Aye"
MazAbd-" alas, less time for scenery, there"

the group turns west, a much larger road in front of them. Wagon tracks are easy to pick out.
the group moves as the day gets warmer onto this wide road.

Maximillian_VHV_Carchedin-" Lesson 5! Always keep an eye out for trouble!"
Moss nods, and says tersly," Indeed, Max. There is someone off to the right as we speak. I see them in the undergrowth."
Hamish_Haldane- "Max, whatever happened to that eye trinket you took from the ruins?"

Carmen draws a bow and arrow, and Moss pulls out his morningstar.

Hamish_Haldane looks around..." What is the problem?"
Modo, " Moss, what do you see?"
Moss peers into the brush. " Someone in red plate off this way."
MazAbd-" are we certain yet that combat is the best response?"

Moss points toward a clearing to the right.

Cameleye speaking from some trees to the north, " Someone we have met before..."
Moss-" But better to be prepared than caught with our pants down."
Hamish_Haldane-"Ah the Red Knight"
Moss-" Ah."
Hamish_Haldane puts a hand on Moss' shoulder. "Do not worry Moss, he is"

Moss returns his morningstar to its proper place.

Cameleye, " Aye. He waits to the north and west. He hides damn well for that armor"
Hamish_Haldane sends his familiar off to the Red Knight
**end Session 70**
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 06, 2011, 06:15:08 PM
Session 86 notes below.
followed the ideal of Old School play in skill based system.  The session was a bit of a barn-burner.  lots of smart, out-of-the box thinking, as well as tension.

The group continued into the second level, and surprised a gnoll on guard, in a small white plastered room. There was compacted, ancient trash and paper, cloth, wood, furniture, bones, all in 6"-1' of pure garbage.

There was also a double wooden door, with huge hinges on the east wall, where the trash was a little cleaned off. The dozing gnoll was just north of this. Astell and Moss charged the gnoll as it reacted, followed by Burnous moving south and Smiggle asking for Burnous' torch.

Astell and Moss pinned the gnoll in place, though the fight was close. Triske sent his remaining skeleton in, as well. Smiggle tried to threaten the gnoll with the torch, then the double doors burst open, and another 7 gnolls poured out, in ring mail and variously armed. Screams in orcash (and a deep gnoll voice yelling in Omwo~ in the back?) rang out as the newcomers poured out.
The skeleton actually was in front of them and got in a lucky hit on one of the front gnolls, which kind of stopped them from getting in as the double door was only 5' wide, and that stopped on gnoll in his tracks.

Moss kept focusing on the first gnoll, while Astell sort of sidled over to try to cover both area, but he was gashed badly by a spear into his side immediately, drawing a lot of blood, though the knight stayed on his feet. Burnous shot an arrow at the wall.

A demilune smashed the side of the skeleton's head, spattering bone fragments, but the construct got back up. Moss smashed up the ring-maille armor of the gnoll in front of him.

AStell missed a gnoll with reddish hair and a scimitar sliced open his left shoulder. Luckily, Toden reached behind Astell and poured the power of the Treelord into the Beleagured Bone Knight, healing hims somewhat.
Thins were looking grim, and Smiggle put the torch to the garbage, hoping to light it. It lit a bit, fitfully, and the explorers started for a retreat, though it looked like the warrirs would nt be able to properly retreat. Astell screamed for the rest to leave and that he and Triske's last pet (somehow still up) would hold the door. Smiggle was already moving toward the corridor in the north.
AStell was in danger of being overborne when Burnous perfectly tossed an oil flask at the fire Smiggle had started smoldering, which fanned out and splashed onto the gnolls perfectly, igniting all the trash in that area. Astell and Moss stumbled back from the blaze, and the gnolls, the front ranks ablaze, retreatred slightly into the doorway where the trash was less.

Moss and Astell both were slightly ablaze, and the skeleton fionally folded into the flames (brave revenant), and the group was one step ahead of the fire as centuries of detritus, thick and well packed, started to blaze.
The group ran north, and as they emerged back into the huge cavern area, Moss and Smiggle heard gnoll voices echoing from the the group kept running for the stairs, and as they got close, crosbow bolts started hitting the wall. the group kept running all the way up and around the corner, clanging, bangning, through the corridors of the top level.

They stopped in front of the skull fresco near the entrance. The Voidtouched had all burnt their conduits, the fighters were bleeding. Toden reached into the eye sockets of the skull fresco and opened the doors back into the hidden Chapel of St. Arbor, as the sound of gnolls could be heard getting closer
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 07, 2011, 01:56:19 PM
More on the Economy of the Cradle--some information about money and Wealth in the Cradle lands of Celtricia...from here (

The Electrum Standard and the Economy of the CradleLands (
How is money used and played in Celtricia? What is common to find, what types of coins and how are transactions handled? Especially in the Cradle area, which includes Trabler, Orbi, and the plutocratic BrightLands.

The northern celtrican cradle is based on the Electrum standard, in that an unskilled villein's work is worth an electrum coin per day. In a city like Igbar (, the electrum standard still holds true. Igbarian Drafted soldiers are recompensed an electrum goodwife a day, as well, though this may take a while to catch up to them.

So, in terms of the electrum standard, thes minted coins of Trabler (, and the worth of money in most systems, (please note the inhabitants do NOT normally mention the metal when discussing money. They call them Goodwives or trips or horn...)

100 Copper Strips=

10 Silver Children=

1 Electrum Goodwife=

1/2 Gold Horn=

1/10 Platinum Unicorn.

In terms of the total economy, that electrum per day signifies the absolute lowest end of the pay scale, one certainly that is in the poverty range. Unfortunately, there are many laborers in every city that earn this or less. While this is the low end, a very large part of the population cannot move past this level.

The Scarlet Pilum's Militia pay their beginning recruits 13 silver children a day, and a buck seargent makes 3-5 Goodwives a day. Remember that the military houses and feeds these people, as well. There is no tax on income in Trabler or the Grey March, so I always use a rule of thumb for income only think of an electrum as being 50 american dollars. It's 6.25 per hour in todays world (literally. 50 dollars a day, *5 days, *52 weeks is 13k per year. 250 for a week/40 hours is 6.25). It is also very important that the normal Celtrician Work week is 5.5 days in town of the 8 day hawaak (, though that is for the upper working class. Business owners and blue collar workers put in 7 out of 8 days (reserving Fastak only), and the truly poor of course work everyday.

So the most common coin in the central Cradle are is the electrum goodwife, followed by the silver Child, followed by the Gold Horn, followed by the copper Strip. Bars, restaurants, and most normal businesses use Electrum Goodwives and Silver Children almost exclusively. Northern use the Orbic or Marcher coinage more often. Though I still price things in my head automatically in gold, I have gotten better at responding to all price inquiries in terms of Goodwives, when they are speaking to a merchant. After once glass of wine too many, it gets hard, but answering that 'a new suit of Studded Leather will cost a hundred Goodwives, less 19 goodwives for the ripped-up old suit you are trading in' is the way to go.

It also important to take a partially Age of Reason, partially gilded age approach to money, in that there is a tremendous range of incomes, a tremendous range of prices, and a lot of people trying to make money. At first glance, those two time periods are far apart, but the cradle area of Celtricia has a huge lower and lower middle class, a new and growing middle class, but still, 95% of the wealth of the world is placed in 1% of the population.

So while 750 Goodwives in a year is the low end for a houshold income in Trabler, the actual average Household income is probably around 1800 goodwives. Furthermore, in Igbar , it is probably closer to 2500 goodwives of actual income per family due to the communication, the proximity to trade, and the concentration of Factions. Understand that in the math, the paragraph above affects this average.

And if an 'average' family makes 55-56 goodwives in a hawaak, that means someone making 100 goodwives in a hawwak is pretty well off, and a shopkeeper who makes 150-200 goodwives a hawaak is doing very well. A lesser landed nobleman who has estates might find his estate income nets him 400-1500 goodwives a hawaak, if it is well run and profitable, and the ROI for a large caravan can be a loss, up to 100,000 Goodwives.

These numbers are most useful to a GM when a group of PC's wander into Igbar or SteelIsleTown with 500, 2000, even 5000 goodwives a piece.

There are flophouses in Igbar, places where a bed is paid for by the night, where they pack 6-10 beds in a room and charge between 5 copper strips and a silver child per bed per night. A crappy room rented for a hawwak (the eight day week) near the docks will be a 10-15 Silver children for the week (1-1.5 electrum goodwives).

A decent Teque Guild Inn rents rooms (with 2 beds) for 5-10 silver Children per night, Hostem's House of Hospitality has rooms from one to seven Goodwives a night, and the Upper Crust's room rates are between ten and forty goodwives a night.

Slavery, officially, was outlawed in most of the cradle lands over the last four or five hundred years (excepting The Argussian areas), but indenture to a guild is still common, and the poor often work decades to pay back their indenture fees to the guilds before making any profit.

Renting a small apartment for the 60 day month in a poor section of town will be 30-40 Goodwives. A middle level apartment would be 50-75 goodwives for the same period. Renting a $2500-$5000 a month luxury apartment would be 100-200 goodwives per 60 day month.

How much does a backpack cost? A decent one runs 1-2 goodwives. A Tunic? A basic homespun cloth one is 2 silver children, a nice one in a shop maybe 4-7 silver children. Nicer cloth or embroidery will be 5-12 silver children. Silk or Samite? Now we are talking the same range, but in Goodwives. Sharma's Dresssmakers, part of the Vissippe Trading guild, can get 40+ Goodwives for a dress.

Property is huge. Owning (deeded) property is gigantic. Buying an acre of farmland in Igtiche (the farming community just outside of Igbar) runs about 1000 Goodwives, though property is normally done in Gold Horn or in Writs of Worth ensured by one of the banks, so it would be 500 horn. With a little farmhouse, maybe 1000 Horn, though these do not count the administrative fees and bribes. A two-story house in Igbar would run between 4000 and 10000 gold horn, in one of the medicore neighborhoods, maybe a tiny bit less in SteelIsleTown. That would be the equivalent of buying a brownstone today in an up and coming area. Understand that a Mansion on the Upper Hill in Steel Isle Town, with the 6 acres,on Benevolunti Street just sold for 269k Horn.

Adventuring may be profitable, but surviving it costs a ton. Magic and artificed items cost a fortune, since they are rare, and are normally handles in Gold Horn. It is all based on the cost of the spell. Buying a casting only scroll costs normally 25 gold horn(50 electrum Goodwives) a spell point, and a learning scroll will cost approximately 35 gold horn (70 electrum Goodwives) per spell point. Cantrips have 5-10 total spell points, so that should give some idea why magic is where the cast is at. Brother's cure (cures 2-7, can be used once per hawaak) has a total cost of 15 spell points, which means 400 gold horn for a casting scroll, or 525 gold horn for a learning scroll, or more than most succesful shopkeepers make in a hawaak.

The casting scroll cost is also normally equivalent to the cost of having a spell cost, so you can see how expensive spells might be for the population at large to purchase.

Potions have the same effect as scrolls, only since anyone can use them, they cost 50 gold horn per spellpoint cost. A potion of Brother's Cure would cost 750 gold Horn, if there is anyplace selling. And this is the most common type of potion. Please notate that the cost is comparable to an acre of farmland...
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 20, 2011, 09:56:15 AM
Session 87 and 88 involved going back into the dark, hidden chapel area, where the  relics and evidence cult of the Dark one and St. Arbor had been hidden for hundreds of years behind the frescos.  Earlier incarnations of the group had been here, but now, Moss was the only member of the group to have been in this chilly chapel area.  
They were hiding here, and at first were in defensive position in case the gnoll pursuit back up from the second level found them in here.  The group had found no evidence that any of the Beastmen had discovered the hidden area.

Triske was interested in the histoy of the place, and of the exact cult trappings of the St. Arbor stuff, and of the bones all over the place, which Moss told them had come from they earlier group riping apart the skeletons they found after being surprised by some ravenous undead in the place.  Some carvings and writings on the wall speaking of 'The Purity of Saint Arbor'.
Moss and Smiggles also found a hidden door to the north, mirroring the one to the south the group had gone through before.
The group stayed in this terrible place for 12 hours, rejuvenating the bruised void conduits of the casters and taing care of the burns and physical wounds of the others, especially Astell and Moss, who bore the brunt of the fighting.  
Triske was upset he could not find a whole sekeleton to animate as a servant.

Moss and Burnous snuck out after 12 hours, and found gnoll footprints back and forth, but no immediate sign.  So the group went back to the staircase in the north west back to the cavernous area on the second level.  After they got there, they waited and listened, and Burnous, Moss and Triske heard gnollic voices and depper voices echoing far below.
Burnous snuck out and through the cavern area.  The group had lost a member (Hsui~)  to a crossbow bolt a few hawaak back, and more crossbow bolts had been shot from the raised area with colums to the far eastern side of the Cavern last time they were chased out of the second level, so something there had to be taken care of before they went on.

Burnous came back to the group that he had succesfully gotten closer by going around the north wall of the cavern.  There is a lantern hung on the far east wall, and some metal torches burning on a large fidikmarple temple 50'-70' farther into the raised cavern area.  The middle of the cavern is covered in a huge rubble plie which the group already note before, mainly just pieces of the roof that fell, but a few carved peices of broken statuary as well.
Behind the fluted and old columns were 4 gnolls in scale mail, with arbelest and other weapons, standing guard

Session 89
Current roster and state of the group (
This session involved the careful planning of attacking the gnolls behind the columns, and the attack.
Burnous snuck all the way back to the south part of the cavern, past the south, carefully crafted exit to the southern part of the wide staircase at the bottom of the coumned area.
Smiggle casted a Source Charge on Moss' Morningstar, Astell cast Preperation for Combat, Minor on himself, and Toden cast Great Strike on AStell's Flail.

Moss (barely) and Smiggle were able to dart unseen and unheard to behind the rubble pile.  Sir Astell of the Bone Knights, Triske, Father Toden the One-Armed, and Victor of the Church of Obscurity and Fate stayed at the bottom of the stair.

Moss Tossed a burning lantern behind the gnolls into the cavern, whcih succeeded in catching their interest, Burnous ran up the steps as the rest of the group all charged from their hiding places...Burnous backstabbed a gnoll, but failed to penetrate his scale armor.
The gnolls tunred and started to attack Burnous,  before Moss and Smiggle came up right behind him on the southern side of the while the Explorer's gambit had failed in hurting any gnolls, they succeeded in avoiding the withering fire of the arbelests.
Astell charged from the north side of the stair, splittin ghrt gnolls ranks, with 2 gnolls fighting Burnous, Moss, and Smiggle, and 2 fighting the Bone Knight Astell.  The gnolls were on the top steps, the Explorers fighting upward and across.
Session 89 ended with the fight still ongoing, and whilst Moss and Astell were both bleeding heavily, one gnoll was dead and 2 others badly, badly wounded.  Victor and Toden had both come up and started to heal the PCs from behind.
Session 90 on Tuesday night.

Current Situation

•Tanos 25, 3:14AM battling the gnolls on the stair up to the columns.  one gnoll has been spitted, 2 others are bleeding

•Current Members
•Maximillian Carchedin- PC - Vanir Omwo~/Kann Klaxik Cross. Cousin of the fallen Mior Carchedin and Armiger of the Arcanic Swords. His might is pre-eminent. Maintains a regular correspondence with his grandfather.  Known by some as "The Accursed"  Has taken to bouts of quietness and reflection after being the centerpiece of much death and destruction.  Literally did not join the party on the second level and is wandering the outer ruins by himself.
•Astell Arsaim - PC -  Mixed Human knight of the Bone, and neophyte priest of the Church of Obscurity and Fate.  Has a family history of dealing with the undead.  With Max gone, he is the lynchpin of the shieldwall.
•Moss - PC - Gesana Human from the Church of Obscurity and Fate. Rescued by the party at the end of the third trip to the ruins. Often opinionated.  Large with a morningstar.  
•Victor - PC - Priest from the church of Obscurity and Fate.  Taciturn and very much a healer first.
•Trisk Elion - PC - Mixed Human, Hamish's godfather because of his friendship with Hamish's mother. Has watched over Hamish from afar. An old and usually somewhat laid back necromancer.•Toden Hodd TorZyjman - NPC - New Gartier priest of the Shrine of Ogleic as well as part of Armor of Trade. Taken out of combat after a werewolf ripped off his arm, but has rejoined the group.  Very dedicated to the group and to recovering Hamish and Wurnik's bodies.
•Smiggle Smiggins - PC - Hobyt spellcaster of some kind.  Has recently joined combat.  Loud and opinionated.
•Bournous - NPC - Omwo~ rescued from a necromantic ritual, somewhat sneaky but prone to setting off traps.

Minions - Followers attracted by the parties fame and fortune



•Mr Gibs - Original donkey, has survived a lot.
•Fettle - donkey bought by Hamish on the 4th trip to the ruins.
•Nettle - donkey bought by Hamish on the 4th trip to the ruins.
•Odd - donkey bought by Hamish on the 4th trip to the ruins.
•Bob  - donkey bought by Hamish on the 4th trip to the ruins.


Former Members

•Kellik (retired) - PC - Half Orcash Gnome Blue Turtle Samurai. Known for a short temper only calmed by combat or wine. Established an Inn and Tavern in Steel Isle Town.
•Mior Carchedin (dead) - PC - Slain on the second bridge by Death Cultists.
•Hsui~ Cuo~t (dead) - PC - Omwo~ sage of the Steel Libram. Was rescued while fleeing for his life from cultists during the second expedition to the ruins. Slain by some gnolls on the 2nd floor of Vexchian during the same expedition.
•Simon Smith (dead)  - NPC - Mixed Human Bone Knight of Orcus. Not fond of Torture. Carries the title of Sirrah. Slain by a heavily armored Cultist while defending Hamish.
•Gordin Edelman (in town) - PC - Gray Marcher Human. Gartier sized, near-enough. Found captured by The Party and set free, to promptly join them on their quest. From the Church of the Solid Earth.  Staying in town after being rescued.
•Rampan the Red (dead) - NPC - Red Hobyt pyromancer from the Collegium Arcana. Totally obsessed with fire and prone to bouts of overly complex speech that leave everyone around him confused.  Slain when Carmen pushed him down a flight of stairs after he got hit by a spear trap.
•Stormhammer Lenden (dead) - PC - Human Gurellium Trader. Knows Hamish. Fell off a rope bridge after being hit by a crossbow bolt fired by a cultist.  
•Vermortis Tygea (in town) - PC - Mixed Human Knight of the Armor of Trade. Survivor of a shipwreck that was attacked by golden masked cultists. Rescued by the party and joined with them to exact vengeance. Wields the Nacdilis. Currently somewhere in town.
•Hamish Haldane (dead) - PC - Delvan Human Chandler/Water Mage/Swordsman prodigy. De facto group leader. Foundling of the Gurellium Traders, now of journeyman rank. One of the more varied caster in Steel Isle Town, now is the master of a grey Thunderbird familiar.  Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Wurnik Woundhealer (dead) - NPC - Zyjman Orcash from the Church of Amerer the Gray also part of the Bowyers of Ceminar. Notoriously clumsy.  Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Brother Cameleye (dead) - NPC - Hobyt (Shrum?) from the Church of Obscurity and Fate. Well versed in tracking and trap skills. Sneaky git.   Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Carmen Ondradet (dead) - PC - Rebellious teenage Hobyt friend of Wurnik, from the Bowyers of Ceminiar. She has an unhealthy sense of entitlement. The Parties first crack shot, compared to Wurnick.  Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•MazAbd (dead) - PC - Omwo~ scholar of the Steel Libram. Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Boyo heri Harioak (dead) - NPC follower - who wishes to be Max's squire.  He is from the Scarlet pilums. Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Gracie Verntack (dead) - NPC follower - an orcash gnome female in chain armor, wishes to follow Maz the socialite merchant warrior. Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Modo dren Biddlebbe (dead) - PC follower - shrum Hobyt Bard of the Fanfare, wishes to travel and chronicle Hamish's rise to fame! Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Heddle the Foggy (dead) - NPC follower - a human from the Arcanic swords, also wants to cut short his training and learn from Max. Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Bonatos Regiano - FratreCanis battlemage of the Arcanic Swords and follower of Max.  Had his head split in twain by a gnolls voulge in the Vexchian ruins.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 06, 2011, 10:10:24 AM

Weave and I were going over skills last night.
and I just want to note...

once you have a skill, the school gives the BASE EXPMOD

You find out what the ATTRIB XPMOD is and add that to BASE EXPMOD and this (blus any bonues during chargen) becomes the the EXPMOD for that skill. All EXP Points allocated are multiplied by that EXPMOD, as it represents the speed you learn that skill.

Now don't forget to take that ATTRIB EXPMOD above, and multiply that amount by the column value for 'base', and this gives the character the BASE BONUS amount in the ability...this represents native ability from attributes. This is one thing Weave did not know.

Any skill that has a dropdown skill mightactually allow a dropdown bonus in that subskill. For example, Basic blunt has these dropdown skills: multi, dam bon, att vs, init bonus, singleweap special, degrade armor, and parry. If any of these subskills have an integer in the 'dropdown' column, a character with the parent skill has the parent ability* the dropdown amount as a bonus in that skill. Since dmagae bonus, for example, has a .25 dropdown, a character with an 8% skill in Basic Blunt actually automatically has a 2% skill in damage bonus.
The dropdown is a key element in game design.

Note that one does not get the ability to gain levels or the BASE BONUS amount above. The sub skill mentioned above,damage bonus, like many, is a +1 per to ability points skill. IN other words, for every 10 points in the ability, the player gets +1 damage after divider). So the player with this skill will gain a lot from learning this skill and getting a few levels in it.

From a game design perspective, the dropdowns are something I am very proud of. Dropdowns represent incomplete/lesser knowledge of advanced skills that people know from learning the basics. Taking a basic art class does not make one an expert at painting, a basic finance class does not make one fluent and completely competent at mergers and gives a little knowledge and ability, but not much. Without taking more advanced classes, one does not really get a lot better.

then, once you have the skill, you get to roll the amount per level and add it to the base and any dropdown.

Just a clarifier.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 09, 2011, 07:16:43 PM
Heading for session 91 next session.
The characters are in a cavernous area where the venovians obviously did a lot of temple and statue building.
They just finished a fight with some gnolls on a staircase leading up to the plateau in front of them.  The stairs are thick with blood and gore, and the combat was anything but quiet.  In front of them is a huge, columned temple in the open, ancient Venolvian style.
Session 91this week coming up
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 13, 2011, 09:43:03 AM
Current Situation, as of end of session 91

•Tanos 25, 4:15 in the stinky room with the huge demonic statue.  The just discovered 2 huge Rubies in the eye sockets ...This room was discovered by Plaes and openned by Jon's reading of the words inscribed on the back of a huge obelisk in a semi-abandoned area of a cavern.
Current Members
•Maximillian Carchedin- PC - Vanir Omwo~/Kann Klaxik Cross. Cousin of the fallen Mior Carchedin and Armiger of the Arcanic Swords. His might is pre-eminent. Maintains a regular correspondence with his grandfather.  Known by some as "The Accursed"  Has taken to bouts of quietness and reflection after being the centerpiece of much death and destruction.  Literally did not join the party on the second level and is wandering the outer ruins by himself.
•Astell Arsaim - PC -  Mixed Human knight of the Bone, and neophyte priest of the Church of Obscurity and Fate.  Has a family history of dealing with the undead.  With Max gone, he is the lynchpin of the shieldwall.
•Moss - PC - Gesana Human from the Church of Obscurity and Fate. Rescued by the party at the end of the third trip to the ruins. Often opinionated.  Large with a morningstar.  
•Victor - PC - Priest from the church of Obscurity and Fate.  Taciturn and very much a healer first.
•Bournous - NPC - Omwo~ rescued from a necromantic ritual, somewhat sneaky but prone to setting off traps.
•Jon Cedric Galica - PC -GM Human of the Frigid Song of Igbar, found in a temple on the second level.  
•Valtonian Sunwilow -PC - Vanir Omwo~ Caster from the Collegium Arcana
•Plaes Holdir-PC-Orcash/Wolden Omwo~ wily and dangerous
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 20, 2011, 03:03:25 PM
and for my guys who check here more than on the CBG, we are playing tonight 8:45 eastern, #celtricia...session 92, I think.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on October 06, 2011, 10:14:50 AM
Session 94 last Tuesday Night.

Very Good Night.  Lots of historical discovery under the Temple of the Entropic Overlords, then a major fight if they should stay or go.  The Kill ratio for this trip into Vexchian has been very low (only Triske, the Necromancer, has died), but the group has explored a lot of the second level caverns (finally...they have been sent scampering away with casualties every other time they ended in the second level), including finding two secret areas the Beastmen and the Cultists are unaware of.

So the group is retreating pretty whole for once, to fortifiy and the spend money and becasue they have no one who can cast omnipotent eye...
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on October 19, 2011, 10:48:21 AM
Last 2 sessions have been spent with the group extracting themselves from the Ruins of Vexchian.  Sessions 95 and 96.

In and of itself, leaving was a difficult choice.  The group had penetrated the second level, after being chased out the last 3 times they had gone down that far.  Much had been discovered, including a pair of strange, secret areas, unknown perhaps since the last days of the Venolvians, and a temple where some of the humanoid tribesmen kept on appearing from thin air.  
However, the group had also met with some change and disaster, such as the near beheading of Triske the Necromancer, and the additions of Plaes Holdir, Valonian, Burnous and Jon the Bard.  The newcomers were poorly supplied and integrating them into the group dynamic, especially with some of the leadership issues.  
Also, the group had found a good amount of interesting artifacts; at least enough to warrant a return trip home to refit and rest.  Frankly, the group is fried out.  Squire Astell needs some time away from the old ghosts, Toden needs to report back to the Shrine of the Wood and to rest, and Moss needs to take a pill.  

And since they started their escape, they have been attacked a few times as well as narrowly avoiding a few more entanglements, as well as finding Triske's Body decapitated and wired to a cross at the bottom of an old temple.  

And when we left off, at 3 in the am, after an all-night retreat through the swamps (which somehow felt really ehausting last night), the group has found the first really solid area to camp, right near where they rescued Burnous a few days before, on the way in.  And as Victor started his watch, Triske's headless body slides itself off the horse they had tied it to.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on October 26, 2011, 12:30:10 PM
Mellow session last night, session 97 in the books.

Group started at 3:30 am on Tanos 26, dealing with Triske's headless corpse trying to ambulate, fixating on Victor, and pointing back the way they came from.  While spooky and indicative, to a few members, this is just another damn spirit, albeit one of their own.

undeath and shriving

This is actually one of the themes of the world, that of the Migration of the Spirits, and of the Love/hate relationship with Celtricia and Necromancy.
From the wiki...the souls of the dead are very much stuck in the 'Waking Dream', the taoys of necromancy and necromantic effects, unless they are shriven.

Undeath, the Binding of Spirits

"On the blessed House of Life, the Well of Life is the fount of 'All-that-is-to-Come', at once the one source of the spark of the health of those that live and at the same time the gateway for all that is yet to come.  The inscrutable plans of the Celestial Planars, the destiny and life-force of their servants-to-be, all are sourced through the Well of Life before they are transported to their yet unborn vessels in the 'Waking Dream' that is the living world.

And just as needed in this grand cycle, the Grey and stately House of Death, where Orcus of the Passage helps guard the Well of Death.  All Spirits that depart the 'Waking Dream' make their way through the Void to the Well of Death on the red and grey plain of Zevashopal.  There they wait for their makers and any others of the Planars that might lay claim to them, for them to cycle back to the unformed stuff that they were before the spirit's trip began.

And at times, the Plains of Zevashopal are ringed by combatants for the possession of a soul that more than one of the Great Planars wish to lay claim to."

-From the Well of Souls, the Book of the Church of Orcus, the Opener of the Way.

After the thing was speared abused, and tied up, headless and twitching...the group went back to sleep.
Though Astell hypothosized that maye the group should go back and help Ichabod Triske to find his head.  Victor was all about stopping the damn body from following him.

The group finally rested a bit, though woke up still tired (3 days in the adventure with one short sleep, plus some of the group has been rescued, folowed byt flight from the place at night, running from batles, hiding, and after all that, going from 8:30pm to 3am without a break to make some ground up between themselves and the Ruins of Vexchian.

The next AM, the body seemed still, and the group left.  The moved North on a beautiful warm spring day, around the moors that lie between the Cheerio Wood and the Tarnic Straits.  They only stopped to observe a few Hippogryphs at play above the dense forest.  then the continued north, realizing they were running out of food, being down to ale, honey, and dried epfel.  They also ran into some human/tumanoid tracks going east west.  They ignored them.

 The group came around the North edge of the wood, and moved through the Moors, seeing hilly territory above.  This is a route the group has now taken some 4 times (5 if you count the dragon aborted mission), and when they passed the fork going west and north, they knew that west led to some territory where the Crones and their knights lived.  The group continued north.  (that was the theme)

The group continued north, to end at the 'second old bridge', a stone, arched bridge of old Venolvian manufacture, at 8 pm on the 27th of Tanos.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 01, 2011, 10:06:56 AM
Session 98 tonight, 9pm eastern.
The group will continue travel north from the ruins, coming to the southern fields and the house of Shuruum the hobyt, we hope...before coming to town.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: David R on November 01, 2011, 12:59:52 PM
Bloody good stuff ! I really dig these writeups. I find the level of detail in your setting very inspiring.

David R
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 02, 2011, 11:32:19 AM
Quote from: David R;487502Bloody good stuff ! I really dig these writeups. I find the level of detail in your setting very inspiring.

David R

Thank you, BTW.  I enjoy the weekly online experience.  it is different, but enjoyable.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 02, 2011, 11:33:22 AM
Session 98 was something of another hex-crawl, with the group sleeping on the second stone bridge, and waking half way through the night by a few unshriven undead (actually of their own making, from a goesi or so ago) and Triske's Body, having crawled over and grabbed Victor's ankle.
The group also managed to sleep through a large reptilain creature eating those undead 50 yards away around 3 am.  Yay, people on watch.

I enjoyed the conversation about the unshrived spirits and the areas around Steel Isle. The PCs spent a while  RPing the experience of newer characters on the sheer number of unshriven spirits, and Toden and Squire Astell explaining why so many were about still.

The group woke up, ate more dried epfel and kafee, then went north, up and started over the hills (where they spotted another covey of Hippogryphs) on a semi-flagged old road, with ruins sprinkled through the hills.  From the top of one of the hills, they could see a bay, and further, the ocean to the east.  the North was more moors, with a forest after, and to the Northwest, after the moors could be seen more hills and low mountains.  This being GS and the setting being Celtricia, as red Gerin and Tribin (the suns) started to become even at the mid day,the group sang many chanteys and rounds, led By Jon of the Frigid Song.   And again, this being GS, the Hyppogryphs were avoided.  Death happens.

The group trecked north, over the hills, and into the moors beyond.
AS the afternoon wore on, they knew that the next day would bring them to the settled moors of the Southern Fields, and to their friend with ties to the Sceding Tree, Shuruum.
The group ended close to the first stone bridgfe, where Moss and Jon heard human and Orcash voices beyond the trees....
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 03, 2011, 05:09:53 PM

One of the interesting things about how I like to work is that I do enoguh work to make a game or system or setting playable...then spend years and decades adding to it. I think I had about 20 spells when I first started with Guildschool, and maybe 30 skills.  
 Skill list (
here is the current version, 387 skills long.  
As with many things, this is partially the result of playing the setting and system for decades, and making both match each other and support each other logically.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 09, 2011, 12:58:34 PM
Session 99

Moss heard the gnollic and orcash voices...
the group stood on the bridge, deciding what to do, as the red evening came on.  While they dithered, 2 gnolls and 10 orcash warriors burst through the wall of trees to the north.  They wore ratty studded leather, bits of scale maile and 2 had wooden shields.  The mainly has spears and a few axes.

The humanoid band stopped at the edge of the forest...but the uncertainly evinced by the explorers convinced the tribals to rush the 50' to the bridge.  *BLARG and ARG*!  they came on, the orcash in the front, the gnolls readying throwing spears behind.  The explorers looked at each other, shrugged, and set up to defend the 15' wide bridge.
(a very bright move)

and the group being very nonchalont about the banzai charge of the tribals did plant a seed of doubt in them.  The group showed no fear, no worry, merely set a competent skirmish line and spell casters behind getting to their business.

So the tribals chucked a few spears that bounced off the heavier armors of the explorers, and when the yelling tribals hit the entranched and readies line, Squire Astell stepped out and crushed the first Orcash who hit the bridge with his mace, spraying the orcash behind with brains and blood. Victor cast a spell that put a red and gold sparkling glow over the whole group of explorers.  The tribals could see this was not a small casting, by the visual evidence.  The Jon Galica the Bard soke a word, and two other Ocash in the front row fell on their faces...Then, as they wavered, Moss the gartier swung at the last orcash in the front rank with his huge morningstar and took the humanoid's head right from the shoulders; just from the sheer crushing force, spinning the poor creature's body completely upside down and smashing the ruined head into the face of the orcash warrior in the rank behind, blood flying everywhere and the head ricocheted up into the air and landing behind the gnolls.
The explorers had not even taken a hangnail's worth of damage yet.

after taking almost 25% casualties so fast, I rolled a morale check, and the gnolls were barely able to keep the orcash facing the party. then....

From behind Moss and Astell, Jon the Bard Gestured and smiled at the tribals.  Casual, calm and confident.  (and then rolled a 1% on his intimidate roll....)

--Then the tribals just went all to pieces, throwing down their arms and shields, begging for mercy...the main gnoll pled for the lives of his hunting party.  After some parley in westic the Gnoll leader was able to explain that his tribe from the Ensight hills was an enemy of the tribe of the Horned One, and actually abided by the laws of the ladies (the crones).  The gnoll pledged that his tribe would guard the road between the bridges for the explorers, and then feted them with roast venison and stolen beer.

Heck of a well parleyed outcome, honestly. [/SIZE][/FONT]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 09, 2011, 05:18:16 PM
as of session 99...

Current Situation

•Tanos 28, in front of Shuruums's door, after making friends and allies with the Trine Guldana

Current Members
•Toden Hodd TorZyjman - NPC - New Gartier priest of The Shrine of Ogleic as well as part of Armor of Trade. Taken out of combat after a werewolf ripped off his arm. Returned to help lead the group after he healed and the group suffered losses.        
•Astell Arsaim - PC -  Mixed Human knight of the Bone, and neophyte priest of the Church of Obscurity and Fate.  Has a family history of dealing with the undead.  With Max gone, he is the lynchpin of the shieldwall.  Titled Squire, and has leadership potential.
•Moss - PC - Gesana Human from the Church of Obscurity and Fate. Rescued by the party at the end of the third trip to the ruins. Often opinionated.  Large, sort of in-charge with a morningstar.  
•Victor Halvor - PC - Priest from the Platform of Trade.  Taciturn and very much a healer first..a rock of stability.
•Smiggle Smiggins - PC - Hobyt spellcaster, quiet lately.
•Bournous - NPC - Omwo~ rescued from a necromantic ritual, somewhat sneaky but prone to setting off traps.
•Jon Cedric Galica - PC -GM Human of the Frigid Song of Igbar, found in a temple on the second level.  Bardic Sage, Bardic caster and a help in the front line.
•Valtonian Sunwilow -PC - Vanir Omwo~ Caster from the Collegium Arcana, rescued from the same tem ple as Jon.
•Plaes Holdir-PC-Orcash/Wolden Omwo~ Sneaky, wily and dangerous.  No stranger to killing.


Minions - Followers attracted by the parties fame and fortune



•Mr Gibs - Original donkey, has survived a lot.
•Fettle - donkey bought by Hamish on the 4th trip to the ruins.
•Nettle - donkey bought by Hamish on the 4th trip to the ruins.
•Odd - donkey bought by Hamish on the 4th trip to the ruins.
•Bob  - donkey bought by Hamish on the 4th trip to the ruins.


Former Members

•Kellik (retired) - PC - Half Orcash Gnome Blue Turtle Samurai. Known for a short temper only calmed by combat or wine. Established an Inn and Tavern in Steel Isle Town.
•Mior Carchedin (dead) - PC - Slain on the second bridge by Death Cultists.
•Hsui~ Cuo~t (dead) - PC - Omwo~ sage of the Steel Libram. Was rescued while fleeing for his life from cultists during the second expedition to the ruins. Slain by some gnolls on the 2nd floor of Vexchian during the same expedition.
•Simon Smith (dead)  - NPC - Mixed Human Bone Knight of Orcus. Not fond of Torture. Carries the title of Sirrah. Slain by a heavily armored Cultist while defending Hamish.
•Gordin Edelman (in town) - PC - Gray Marcher Human. Gartier sized, near-enough. Found captured by The Party and set free, to promptly join them on their quest. From the Church of the Solid Earth.  Staying in town after being rescued.
•Rampan the Red (dead) - NPC - Red Hobyt pyromancer from the Collegium Arcana. Totally obsessed with fire and prone to bouts of overly complex speech that leave everyone around him confused.  Slain when Carmen pushed him down a flight of stairs after he got hit by a spear trap.
•Stormhammer Lenden (dead) - PC - Human Gurellium Trader. Knows Hamish. Fell off a rope bridge after being hit by a crossbow bolt fired by a cultist.  
•Vermortis Tygea (in town) - PC - Mixed Human Knight of the Armor of Trade. Survivor of a shipwreck that was attacked by golden masked cultists. Rescued by the party and joined with them to exact vengeance. Wields the Nacdilis. Currently somewhere in town.
•Hamish Haldane (dead) - PC - Delvan Human Chandler/Water Mage/Swordsman prodigy. De facto group leader. Foundling of the Gurellium Traders, now of journeyman rank. One of the more varied caster in Steel Isle Town, now is the master of a grey Thunderbird familiar.  Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Wurnik Woundhealer (dead) - NPC - Zyjman Orcash from the Church of Amerer the Gray also part of the Bowyers of Ceminar. Notoriously clumsy.  Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Brother Cameleye (dead) - NPC - Hobyt (Shrum?) from the Church of Obscurity and Fate. Well versed in tracking and trap skills. Sneaky git.   Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Carmen Ondradet (dead) - PC - Rebellious teenage Hobyt friend of Wurnik, from the Bowyers of Ceminiar. She has an unhealthy sense of entitlement. The Parties first crack shot, compared to Wurnick.  Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•MazAbd (dead) - PC - Omwo~ scholar of the Steel Libram. Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Boyo heri Harioak (dead) - NPC follower - who wishes to be Max's squire.  He is from the Scarlet pilums. Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Gracie Verntack (dead) - NPC follower - an orcash gnome female in chain armor, wishes to follow Maz the socialite merchant warrior. Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Modo dren Biddlebbe (dead) - PC follower - shrum Hobyt Bard of the Fanfare, wishes to travel and chronicle Hamish's rise to fame! Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Heddle the Foggy (dead) - NPC follower - a human from the Arcanic swords, also wants to cut short his training and learn from Max. Killed by an ornery green dragon.
•Bonatos Regiano - FratreCanis battlemage of the Arcanic Swords and follower of Max.  Had his head split in twain by a gnolls voulge in the Vexchian ruins.
• Trisk Elion - PC - Mixed Human, Hamish's godfather because of his friendship with Hamish's mother. Has watched over Hamish from afar. An old and usually somewhat laid back necromancer..his neck was ripped open buy a gnoll on the second level of the ruins.
• Maximillian Carchedin- PC - Vanir Omwo~/Kann Klaxik Cross. Cousin of the fallen Mior Carchedin and Armiger of the Arcanic Swords. His might is pre-eminent. Maintains a regular correspondence with his grandfather. Known by some as "The Accursed" Has taken to bouts of quietness and reflection after being the centerpiece of much death and destruction. Literally did not join the party on the second level and wandered the outer ruins by himself.

Items of Interest found or legendary
•Current booty page
•Wealth Distribution Scheme (SIG Party)



•Chorbit - Hobyt Trader Secundus of the Sceding Tree. Employer of The Party. Very well connected, slightly racist vs Ogriilites
•Shuruum - Hobyt Guild Farmer outside of Steel Isle Town for the Gurellium Traders. Fond of Hamish, pays tribute to The Witches, fairly well off, employs 2 farm hands. Also has  a wife and four daughters, one of which is married to Kellik.
•Sirrah Bjorniad - Sergeant of the Gurellium Traders, recently promoted Hamish to journeyman.
•Kostok Grisli - Klaxik smith on the street of smiths, is going to repair two sets of ancient Venolvian masterwork lamellar for the party in exchange for Hamish and Rampan being avaiable to enchant somethin for him.
•Sirrah Joru Hamikal Ovreisiol - From the Church of  Obscurity and Fate (Darkling). Had Brother Cameleye join the Party. Had a small silver chest stolen by the Cultists, the party is currently on the lookout for this item.
•Trebiouc - Omwo~ apprentice in the Sceding Tree and Knights of Trade. Currently guarding Shurrums farm from harm.
•Eddon the Green- Human, part of the Eddon's Folly adventurer group. Met with The Party Kostok Grislis shop, and after swapping stories about foes vanquished, invited them to meet at a tavern later that night. The other three members of the Folly are Heemius of Bookenders, the red Dwarf and the merchant. Invited the Party to the chaosian festival
•Cal - Orcash Trader Quintus in the Sceding Tree. Knows Gordin from his past.
•Hessium - Omwo~ Member of the Bookenders, learned sage who did some trade with The Party. Extremely surprised to see the fancy scroll cases the party found.
•Magister Garfielt - Magister of the Steel Libram. Helped the Party with identifying some scrolls.
•Magister Pendelton - Magister of the Bookenders, did some trade with the The Party.
•Karras and Serah  - Members (Omwo~ and Human, respectively) of the Penal Few adventuring company from Stenron, who work in the service of the Church of Inkmisa. Have arranged a meeting with Moss about some business.
•Hammerclaw - Necromantic Giant who guards a bridge. Has a very nice axe, and helps people in exchange for food (dead bodies count as food).
• Trine Guldana-jexom, gnoll from the Trine...promised to aid the party and patrol the old trail between the bridges.


•The Witches/Crones - Two ancient Omwo~ witches that live in the woods outside Steel Isle Town. Payed tributed by Shuruum.  Hated deeply by Kellik. Upset over actions by Hamish, they have still settled the feud between themselves and The Party. Wear ancient green leather armor. Now respected by Hamish since they've taught him some of their lore.
•Werewolf Pack - Pack of werewolves loyal to The Crones. Shebos the werewolf, child of the crones?,  was killed by The Party.
•The Red Knight - Omwo~ Knight in red Scale, scimitar and shield enchanted by powerful Earth Magic. Formidable foe.
•Pehnnie - Scalik Undershaman, hit it off with Stormhammer.




•Stronghoen - Minotaur leader of the beastmen in the Ruins. Superb with an Axe. Betrayed some trust from the Witches and destroyed something his ancestors were supposed to guard.
•Unknown Caster - Mysterious and powerful caster, killed Crawdaddy with a Pilum of Bone spell. Escaped from the group afterwards. Believed to be a Death Cultist; if so, possibly a Priest of the Dark Way.
•Oracular Skull - Strange silent skull that floats inside a warded and trapped room. The roof of this room changes magically, or so it seems. Created by a Thanatosian cult, it can see the future.
•White-gray Sauroid - Giant flying lizard seen by the party, who were lucky enough to be able to hide in the bush.  
•Golden Masked Leader - Leader of the Cultist Procession, badly wounded by Hamish and Carmen but managed to escape in a great display of magic
•Green Sauroid - Ornery and chlorinous; killed the majority of the party on the disastrous fourth expedition to the ruins.


•Crawdaddy (dead) - Sympathetic Lizardman defeated in combat atop the ruins. Gave the party some information but was killed by someone unknown powerful caster.
•Priests of the Dark Way - One of these powerful caster/fighters has been slain by The Party, thanks to Brother Cameleye. Wore a fanged golden ring thought to denote rank, currently worn by Hamish Haldane. Observed to have used both Death and Necromantic magic.
•Wight - A wight that was killed by The Party, wounded Max with its Scimitar of Bloodletting.
•Fungeletons - Skeletons covered in a strage fungus, easily dispatched by the group. A small vial of the fungus was recovered by The Party.
•Giant Centipedes - Fast but weak creatures with a potent venom.
•Carrion Crawler - Attacked the Party as they crossed the chasm, was obliterated in a single blow by Kellik.
•Lamellar Armored Cultists - Four cultists armored in ancient masterwork lamellar carrying pilums and using earth magic. Three were slain by the party and the last committed suicide after releasing a Horned Bear
•Horned Bear - Very large horned bear, slain handily by Kellik. It's head has been taken by Hamish as is his custom.
•Cultist Procession - Killed ten cultists (two in lamellar), captured two (slain in the night by something mysterious) and the Golden Masked Leader escaped.
•Whistle Cultist - Omwo~ Cultist caster, died by choking to death on a whistle.
•3 Gnolls - Three gnolls encountered after the party returns to the ruins
the first time after their encounter with the green dragon.
•Numerous gnolls and even ogres on the second level on the 5th trip.


The Organizations

•Death Cultists - The Dark Way, worshippers of Thanatos, Orcus and Hewecar. Symbol is a silver skull pendant. Operating out of the Ruins. Possible connections to Steel Isle Town. Possible fanged golden ring to denote higher rank. Members have been seen to use Chaos, Death and Necromantic spells. They had a stockade outside the Vexchian ruins that was cleaned out by The Party.
•The Beastmen - Various bestial humanoids that live in the ruins under the command of Stronghoen. Lizardmen and Gnolls have been encountered. Slain Ogres and FraterCanis have been sighted, killed by Cultists (presumably). No spell casters from this faction have been encountered yet.
•The Witches - Opposed to the Cultists and the Beastmen. The Beastmen betrayed their trust and destroyed an artifact earning the ire of The Crones. The Party owes them the Pearl of Water if they manage to find it in return for healing Hamish.
•The Sceding Tree - Huge multinational trading guild with strong presence on the Island.  
• Trine Guldana -Large tribe of Oggrilites living in the Ensight Hills, follows the rules of the ladies.

Items of Legend

•Pearl of Water - Artifact created by Korang the Artificier, used to control something. The Party agreed to give this artifact to the Witches should they come across it.

People of Legend

•Korang the Artificer - Ancient artificer of Steel Isle, created the Frater Canis and foul Bearmoth, among other creatures. Also created the Pearl of Water
•Magister Lyam Pendleton - Servant of Korang, the Party found some scrolls addressed to him well hidden in the ruins.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 15, 2011, 07:01:24 PM
Session 100 tonight.

We're almost back to town, so probably anti climactic.  But still a good barrier.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 16, 2011, 09:22:20 AM
Quote from: LordVreeg;490094Session 100 tonight.

We're almost back to town, so probably anti climactic.  But still a good barrier.

Lots got done.  Group was moved quickly throguh shuruum's, through the gate, through the Leeward docks, up to the Leeward Bazaar  ( the magnificent Iambic Treblehorn (, where Eddon yelled down at the group) and off to the House of Chorbit.  We played that interchange, and Chorbit again was so impressed he rented out the top floor of the Red Priest inn ( for the players for the hawaak.

Session 101 next tuesday.  The group needs to get out of their armor and stuff (for legal reasons, and because of social ones) and sell stuff...whcih is not as easy in my setting as some.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on December 07, 2011, 05:52:14 PM
Interesting Steel Isle Game last night.  Session 102.
another pure role play, but with some strange humor and some pathos.

Group finished drinking with Eddon, with Bard Jon playing the Zitan with the chanting bards.  Group got pretty drunk, thinking of absent friends, etc.  Under the influence, Plaes and Moss got into an argument. Moss stalked off.  He went to a BAr with a Marcher infuence.

Group suddenly remembered the headless, semi-animate body of Triske, still tied to the back of a pack animal back at the Red Priest Inn.  They stumbled out, sans Moss (who was eating fish and drinking Island Magic Beer) and pelted back to the Inn...where the body was missing.  Semi-animate, remember...

(Note: tables
  I do have tables for in-town happennings, and I had some whopper rolls...this one was a 97 for the bar fight )

Moss saw an ugly bar fight with a klaxik woman being knifed by 2 human toughs...and no one would help.  He ran back to get Heemious and Eddon.

Meanwhile, the rest of the drunkards looked for tracks, and yelled to see if anyone had seena  headless body walking around, since they had lost one.  Then they remembered that only Moss was a real tracker...then Plaes heard some screaming from the inn, wilst Squire Astell fell asleep in the barn.

Heemious and Eddon had no healing abilit, so they went upstairs to get a priest, and then ran back to the Bar...but the klaxik woman was dead.  

Meanwhile, the others ran up the stairs to the Red Priest Inn, and up to the second floor, to track the screaming down and find their wandering, headless body...but instead interupted a grisly theft.  
"You're not our headless body..."[/SIZE][/FONT]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on December 14, 2011, 11:43:55 AM
Session 103

Moss was still separate from the group when we started at 8:30pm, on Tanos 30.
The rest of the group was standing over one sleeping human body, which Burnous and Jon were tying up, one dead Hobyt Body, and a carved up hobyt female in a long black gown.

And the group was still in the bag.

So a Rose (the Hobyt woman with black curling tresses and a long black dress)  and Plaes have a heart to heart...the dead man is an ambassador from a BrightLands trading guild making overtures to the Church of Obscurity and Fate here on the Island; and someone apparently had an issue with it.  Victor and Toden healed her up, as well, though she was still covered with her own blood.  Plaes notes a few other interesting bits of jewelry, and also manages to take everything off the sleeping assassin.

The Drunkards agree to hide the body and take the unconsious assassin (Jon succesfully slurred a shuttered sleep spell on him on session 102).  She leaves with a wink to the beffuddled and inebriated Plaes, walking by Moss on the way out, covered in blood but smiling.

The group goes upstairs to rest, slepp,m and sober up.  Moss goes out to get Squire Astell, who is still asleep in the stables.  
And By the way, Triske's Headless, semi-animate, VICTOR-LOVING corpse is still at-large.

Moss notes a lot of carriages about, and a few other things, then they go to bed, after a brief conversation with moss and Jon.  Trader Secundus Chorbit of the Sceding Tree Traders had rented the entire top (4th) floor of this prestigeous inn for them.

Of course, after this incredibly long day, (that started some 9 sessions ago) things still have to go wrong.  Very wrong.  Jon wakes the group up from their deep, inebriated slumber,  screaming, as he had smelled something andheard something and went to check.  His hand was burnt...and the group smells smoke...and they are on the fourth floor.

Note: whoops
So we only had Moss and Plaes as PCs last night, and so only 2 PCs to roll detect.  Moss merely screwed it up; PLaes had the great 100% roll.  We said he was dreaming of sitting next to a hot stove on a sweltering summer day...Llum gets it immediatly

Luckily, the group for once acts quickly and get's Toden's 50' of silk rope, Jon pushes a 600 lb bed over to a window (oooohhhlook..lots of fire below us...and look at all the people...), and they toss a rope out.  Valtonian breaks and ankle and a few folk have trouble getting down the 4 stories...Jon SLides down with one hand carrying his ancient Vicorian Zitan in the other...and as Moss lets out the assassin, the building starts to crumble, and literally, as the bed starts to go through the floor, Moss us going down the rope, and that starts to yank the ropw back Moss makes it down.

The Whole Red Priest inn Implodes then, destroying the stables, and only one donkey Fire magi from the collegium arcana as well as 2 deductors with fire magic try to keep the blaze dampened enough not to spread[/SIZE][/FONT]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on December 26, 2011, 10:24:47 AM
session 104 in the books, with the group

OK, Spells found in the scrolls and books so far...
Now the group has to work on the hard truth of selling or keeping these spells.  Spells can be worth 5-20 Gold Horn per spell point if selling, but buying teaching scrolls can be 30-50 Gold Horn per sp, if the spells are even available.
(from an ooc standpoint...some of these spells are very cool and would be useful to this group.  Our Guildschool system actually has it's own spellbook built to mirror the history of spellcasting and the setting itself.)

Jorm Haddars's book...
Insect Feast ( blade ( soul (   Silent Strike (  Detection of poison (

One of the ancient scrolls found under the Temple...the authority spells would rock for this group.  Some of these are rare, as these scrolls are Vicorian ( in Origin...
rigid lock (  lesser authority ( greater authority (  Perservere (

The other ancient scroll...
lesser control ( ( of life (  fertility charm ( Strike (

Rampan's Spell Book...(God, I miss Rampan as an NPC)
Immunity to Heat ( Sphere ( Fire Blast ( (, Fire ( ( ...Least eye ( Charge, the most popular cobat buff spell in Celtricia ( Eye ( Blade (

So the group all got a ton of spells...and this is alos one of their primary sources of potential wealth. It makes poor economic sense to sell these if casters want them, but the opposite is certainly true.  We need to make sure Valtonian gets a look, as well...
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on January 25, 2012, 09:00:24 AM
session 107 was a regroup, still in Steel Isle town.  Social skills were used (with Victor scoring good loyalty from Yeomic, his tiny gnome/hobyt crossbreed neophyte priestess of the Platform of Trade.

group spent money and time learning skills (it would have been a good session to watch on the mechanics side if anyone wanted to see the mechanics we have for learning new skills in a skill based system), though Squire Astell needs to spend his loot (he has over 1100 gold horn to work with.)

At the end , we rolled quickly for the other new followers attracted by your strange message...and Astell has a new squire, a huge 8' tall ograk with a 21health who weighs almost 1000 lbs.

session 108 next week.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on February 29, 2012, 12:39:22 PM
OK, session 111 was long and interesting, then ended with a huge combat versus a big scary!

The group started at Shuruum's, then found a few bags of food left for them.  the group left going east then south on the Farm Road into the Sothern Fields, through other farmlands, and picking up rumors from passer's by, noting the way the Trine Guldana (the gnoll tribe) had become pretty accepted by these hardy farmers on the edge of civilization.

The group moved through this are, passing farmlands as the ground and terrain became more moorish.  Trees became more gathered into copses, and the day became warmer.  
Then, after moving into the proper moors, the group came over a rise, to hearing screams of pain and anger and huge thrashing noises from a large copse of trees down the hill.  A gaggle of Gnolls, bloody and damaged, from the Trine Guldana, came puring out of the copse, and PLaes, Jon and Billo White (followed by the rest of the group) ran to meet them and to support them.  Jexom, Headman of the Trine War Party, warned them of a horor released by the cultists.

The group penentrated the trees carefully, moving slowly in.  they heard screams abruptly cut off, and strnge giggling and what sounded like words...then Plaes (who, like Burnous, was using the trees to angle around for flanking/backstabbing) was able to see what was skittering and giggling...

fully twelve feet high, in spider form, yet with a man's body and a hairy skulls face, it moved with arachnid grace and towards the group did turn and race, with wild mane and hairy, envenomed tail...

Bravely is the only way I can describe the way the explorers went to work against this terror of Korang's Gene Vats, as it was a nightmarebeast faought in deepest shade, dodging tree and root.  Billo, Jon, and Moss made up the van, with Jon and Moss taking most of the attention, Valtonian, Vicotr and Toden behindcasting, and Burnous and PLaes sneaking around trying to backstab or flank.

The creature had a heavy carapace, and while Jon's thick armor absorbed many blows that could have crushed a man, both from claw and stinger, and while Moss and Billo suffered acid being spit at them, ultimately the group fought hard and well.  After Moss' Morningstar, ensourcelled by Valtonian, smashed into the creature's gibbering skull face and released a source charge, the huge thing started to think batter, and when Plaes and Burnous cut it's back legs out from under it, it tried to retreat, but the group surrounded the skulled horror in spiderform, and overthrew it.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on March 11, 2012, 02:33:36 PM
Session 112 last week was healing and cleaning up.
Lots of damage fighting the Death Root Mother.

After that, they spoke to the Trine Guildana (the Gnollic Ogrillite tribe), who said they needed a few hawaaks to heal up.

The group continued on through some of the lower moors, discovering a few new peices of Venolvian ruins.  Session 113 startes with them moving back towards what they now call 'the First Bridge', and ancient Venolvian span where they have had a few combats.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on April 14, 2012, 05:01:19 PM
Sessions 113 -116
these sessions continued the treck from the edge of the habitated lands (the Southern Fields) and through the first part of the Moors to the Silberti Swamp. (map of that area here (  This is the fifth trip to the Ruins of Vexchian.

There were a few arguments, and a few night hauntings as well, which is hardly surprising with all the unshrived souls ( still caught here from the War of the Shield.  (the PCs also have the headless body of Trisk Elion, animated, wandering around in the trackless wastes, with designs on Victor's head.)

Then, as they got close to the First Bridge (the trip is segmented almost in thirds by 2 of Venovian Bridges), they found the remains of death cultist's they had fguht before in this area before (someday the'll learn to shrive some spirits someday, or maybe at least to burn some bodies; less moral, but it stops some of the issues.
9 zombie warios, some fast, smelly Omwo~ one, and a semi cognizent, clever mailled orcash undead.  His Maille turned out to be dificult to penetrate, as well.
That was a fight.  The PCs took the fight for granted, and it almost cost them a few times.  Moss was knocked down to 1 hp, healed back, then knocked down to below 0 and almost lost when the mailled one burst into flame and grappled with him at the end of the fight.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on May 01, 2012, 09:27:26 AM
Current Situation after session 118

•Tanos 50, closing on second hour as the group regains the ancient Venolvian road.  The explorers went through and Burnous and PLaes_Holdir did a scout of the area where they found cultists building a tower.  They spotted some 40-plus cultists, and saw a palisade by the road, as well as a squat tower and out buildings.  Burnous and PLaes also rescued a female Klaxik prisoner.  The group finished session 118 taking a prisoner and going back to the road, planning on crossing it and going to the west side of the road, towards the Ensight Hills.  Burnous' Map here (

This is the group's sixth foray to the Ruins of Vexchian, and this toqwer and contructions were not there 3- hawaak ago when the group passed by here last, or at least, no where near this advanced.  SO the cultists are creating a base a few days South of STeel ISle Town, but a few days North of the Ruins.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on May 08, 2012, 11:42:10 AM

It was a good game  last night, though Victor was missed.  Sneakiness, archeology, interrogation, skullduggery...

Session 119 involved the explorers going to the west side of the old Venolvian road through the moors, since the Cult of the Dark one clearly had decided to hold the road itself with their new tower and palisade on the only rise on the road in a hester ( in either direction. It was about 2nd hour after noon still on Tanos 50, and the group had a hobyt cultist prisoner in tow.   So the explorers spied a small pile of stone and brush about a bankar to the west and south, the only real feature in the moors on that side.  The group could also see some grey clouds building over the large hills far to the west.

The explorers started towards it, marching from hillock to hillock and avoiding the wettest places of this red and green moor ( The prisoner is bound and puts up little fuss with the grim and dangerous looking explorers leading him away.  The group gets to the hillock by mid second hour, and get behind some bushes.
Of course, there was the sound of terrifying huge wings in the air, that set the group splashing and dashing through the wettest moors to the hillock...and the site of a Wyvern with a rider landing in the Cultists' encampment...

 There, Moss, Toden and Plaes (the grimmest of the group, and the leaders) questioned the hobyt while Burnous Gar and Bryx found some old columns and a set of stairs.  Toden was also pleased that Bryx seemed to be more 'in tune with the Godstraat' then others in the group.  

The interrogation was not very professional, but the scarred, hooded, and dangerous air of the group scared the hobyt into telling what little he knew, which was still useful in learning a few names and confirming the wyvern rider and that the cultists were indeed fortifying, mainly in the area between the two bridges.

Once finished, Plaes dispatched the hobyt quickly with his trident through the hobyt's throat, and they used the dirt from the uncovered ancient pool to bury the body.  Not quite casual brutality.  Toden was disgusted by the cultist's 'perverted' philospophy.
Then the explorers moved over to a slighly larger hillock they saw part way between themselves and the eastern foothills of the Ensight hills.  They started splashing their way through the moors, as tribin dipped low and Red Gerin's light became the main illumination.  Then Moss spotted the ruins of an old road, a bit sunken, but much drier.  The group followed it along, ruined and tragic as the sun sank, seeing foundations and such ( all knocked over all about.  Then, as Tribin sank and the sky turned all scarlet with Red Gerin peeking over the water behind them, they reached the hillock.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on May 15, 2012, 04:05:32 PM
Session 120
Hauntings, sneakings, and critical attacks.  Tanos 50

The group started with Tribin, the large yellow sun just dipping past the Ensight hills on the horizon in front of the explorers, smaller, red Gerin.  They folowed the old road, sometimes lightly submerged, sometimes above the moor, as it moved past old foundations and knocked over statues.  They could see ahead, some hour or so through the wetness, the rocks and trees of the 'island' they were making for, to the South and west.

After going down a small hill and up an old set of stairs, the group sees a pond off to the right of the road, and PLaes and Moss see a small band of gnolls of to the right, maybe 120 feet away.   The group hides, and PLaes goes foward, and spies on the gnolls as the light fades.  One gnoll has a well-kept, grey-white suit of Scale Armor, with dragonflies inlaid on the back.
The full darkness falls, and strange lights and distant horns are heard on the right side of the pont, off towards the direction the road they were following went.  the gnolls also were watching, and took a pose indicative of their expectation of the show, as strange, 1/2 seen phantoms dance and screams and horns wail seeming to come from nowhere.  

The Gnolls and the players enjoy the show.  

Then The group sneaks over, as the gnolls leave 2 on guard, and PLaes assassinates all the gnolls but one.  Succesfully sneaking and slaying first the ones on guard, silently, then the sleeping gnolls.  Then the group woke and questioned the last gnoll, finding out that this band was part of Trine  Stronghoen...the beastmen of the Ruins the group was returning to for the fifth time.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on May 19, 2012, 09:36:46 AM
By the way, this group may lead me to the creation of Vreeg's Sixth Rule of Setting Design.  That in a good Sandbox, it will create itself as it needs to be.

I have noticed, in a Sandbox, that there is a skill (and something of an art) to building a lot of information in the direction you think the players are going to go, but still filling in histories and side-bits as well as (most importantly) enough information sketched on the outskirts of this path and nearby that the GM can logically extrapolate and the players never know when they have mved from the center of the detailed part off to the more sketched in areas.  This is a critical part of good GMing, and is part of the fifth Rule, about the 'illusion of preparedness'.
Especially because the good sandbox GM  is very Aurelian in nature ("The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.") and between session in the same way, will adapt to the new 'direction' of the PCs and detailing more fully in that area and sketching in the sides and big-picture stuff around that new Player direction.

I never thought the Steel Isle Online game would go on this long (though in retrospect, it makes sense), but it just hit session 120.  It was certainly devised as more of a Dungeon Crawl, but the way to the adventure is certainly difficult.  And that route, though mainly sketched, keeps becoming more and more detailed as the players move through the adventure and the moorish wilds Between Steel Isle Town and the Ruins of Vexchian.

Recently, the group needed to avoid a new settlement of the cult of the Dark Path (itself a response to the PC actions) and went off to the wetter moors to the west to loop around, where I had sketched in the ruins of Vericium, a large, destroyed town sacked in the War of the Shield. Since the PCs moved in that direction, I detailed the maps and some encounter areas (mainly passive undead, since Celtricia is so undead and spirit-heavy, visions and spirits can be used as informational encounters to smarter characters, etc) and changed the encounter charts to fit the area more (and added the obligatory uniques).

And since I have done this quite a few times before, one starts to see a pattern.  Since even the longest campaign with the GM with the most sparetime cannot possible do more than create broad strokes for many areas.  And the Sixth Rule I am working with is that a good GM will allow the players and their actions create where the details need to be; and through this, the settig will grow and populate in response to the game that is being played.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on May 26, 2012, 04:39:56 PM
I haven't really gotten any time to write up the 'after-action' report for session 121.
Things are 'stupd-busy' at work right now.

Session 121 was knowledge building and role-playing.  The explorers are still in the Moors between the two bridges, in an area they now know was once Vericium, an ancient and destroyed Venolvian polulation center.  The Knights of the Bone, Squires Billo and Abryxia, have felt spirits everywhere they turn.  As the night darkens and the moons rise, the presence of the spirits grows stronger.

Moss, Toden, Jon and Plaes_Holdir questioned the remaining gnoll, and learned much about an underground palace, where Stronghoen led the Trine Vexchian from.  Moss really got into the questioning...but eventually let the gnoll go...

Later that night, Abryxia and Billo cast a shriving on a strong ancient spirit in the area, making all the spirits in this ancient and soul-infested area more well-inclined to the group
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on July 11, 2012, 09:13:42 AM
Session 125 two nights ago...

Current Situation
Tanos 52, about 10:30am.  Max has rejoined the group after spending the better part of a Goesi with the Knights of Colors.  They have determined to sneak up on the Ruins avoiding the old Vexchian Road, and have found strange metal tracks in the moors.


Current Members
•Toden Hodd TorZyjman - NPC - New Gartier priest of The Shrine of Ogleic, as well as part of Armor of Trade. Taken out of combat after a werewolf ripped off his arm.  Returned after taking over a Goesi to heal to help lead the group after he healed and the group suffered losses, but is taking a backseat in leading lately.      

•Moss - PC - Gesana Human from the Church of Obscurity and Fate.  Rescued by the party at the end of the third expedition to the ruins.  Often opinionated.  Large, and sort of in charge with a morningstar.  

•Victor Halvor - PC - Priest from the Platform of Trade.  Taciturn and very much a healer first.  A rock of stability..and a budding philosopher.

•Bournous - NPC - Omwo~ rescued from a necromantic ritual.  Somewhat sneaky but prone to setting off traps.

•Jon Cedric Galica - NPC - Human of the Frigid Song of Igbar, found in a temple on the second level.  Bardic Sage, Bardic caster and a help in the front line.  Has Venolvian Lammellar.

•Plaes Holdir - PC - Orcash/Wolden Omwo~.  Sneaky, wily and dangerous.  Trained assassin in Steel Isle Town. Rarely seen without his new mask.

•Abryxia Ravenstone -PC -Hill Klaxik, From the Most Honorable Knights of the Bone.  Recently re-armed well spoken Squire, shriving priest.

•Maximillian Carchedin- PC - Vanir Omwo~/Kann Klaxik Cross. Cousin of the fallen Mior Carchedin and Armiger of the Arcanic Swords. His might is pre-eminent. Maintains a regular correspondence with his grandfather. Known by some as "The Accursed". Has taken to bouts of quietness and reflection after being the centerpiece of much death and destruction during the disastrous fourth expedition to the ruins. Literally did not join the party on the second level and during the fifth expedition to the ruins, and wandered the outer ruins by himself.  Rejoined the group after spending time with the Knights of Colors.

Minions - Followers attracted by the parties fame and fortune
Hennik Gor - NPC - Red Hobyt wannabe assassin.  Recruited by Plaes to help the party.
Capilina - NPC - Gastax Hobyt  from the Church of Black Irony. Bitchy follower of Moss.
Billo White - NPC - Huge Ograk. Inherited by Astell, Bonewarden.    Recently allying closely with Abryxia.
Yeomic Fernfollow - NPC - tiny Hobyt/gnome crossbreed Scale Apprentice of the Platform of Trade.

This session featured the return of Max from his sojourn with the Knights of Colors, and the decision of the explorers to avoid the old Vechian Coastal road on this trip back to the ruins (the 6th?), and instead cut across the Moors and swamps.  During the evening, the spirit of an ancient dracolisk came close but was shrived... The group found a strange row of metal tracks with buttressing underneath, and is following that as it snakes southward...
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on July 22, 2012, 04:36:54 PM
Session 126 dealt with the party resting near the rtacks, then coming upon an area with sunken, circular ruined building on the swampy, overgrown, mainly underwater sides of the tracks.

The group spent some time and effort loking through them, finding a bunch of silvery gears and levers below the water's surface.

After working with them some, Abryxia and Max got some of the ancient Venolvian gears to move ans spin, and eventually heard a rumbling under the track, when a long, thin 'boat' with wheels popped up from underground onto the tracks.

The group spent a while learning how it worked, and then cooked hazardously down the ancient tracks to the end, just over the hills and near the ruins.  
They were at the Vexchian area at last.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: The Traveller on July 22, 2012, 04:40:55 PM
I'm loving this. Kinda on a cyberpunk riff at the minute, but this is very much calling me back to my fantasy roots.

Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 01, 2012, 12:37:07 PM

Re: CELTRICIA- Steel Isle Online Dungeon crawl


Session 128

was a riot, though we ended in the middle.

Session started at the bottom of the wide stairs that led down 300 steps from the top of the flat Ziggurrat

Toden, " Jon, this IS the fifth time we've been back here...
 The floor is a grey Fidikmarple, in tightly packed flags.  The area at the bottom of the stairs is pooled with liquid, branches, and old leaves.  The corners have small cisterns where water gathers, and the walls are a dark marple, but plastered white turned yelllow, with frescoes of snakes and lizards being smashed by warriors with skull-pommelled weapons.  the ceiling is 15' high and vaulted, and many , many tiny red eyes look back at the explorers.
a dissected gartier bleeds all over the floor in front of the group.

 the room stinks of guano and the floor is covered in piles of itand the 5' corridor to the west seems to be partially filled with firewood
 the smell of caverns, unerground, and moisture is under the smell of guano and the ancient construction still takes the breath away....
 metal torchiers on the north and east, next to entrances, with strange, bundled wicker torches in them.

The group lights lanterns (yeomi, Billoc and Burnous have them) and then loot the bodies from the ambsuh they laid on the gnolls.  They find and put away all the shineys and coin (all old Venolvian stuff),  They spent some time trying to figure out some starnge items, and then looked North and east.  North led to some well known bat-filled areas, and PLaes was determined to get back to the strange sub basement they found under the temple in the level below.

Note: loot with the gnolls
 296 ancient vonolvian silvers
> and 96 ancinent electrums
there is a skull shaped ivory die (label 101a)
 Jon_Galica examines the ivory die
 one of the falchions has some blacksteel on the pommel, and is very fine quality (label 101b)
Billo and Abryxia both note that they can feel a lot of old and new spirits unshriven here, and Burnous finds a huge quantity of tracks moving in and out of the east, arched door.
The walls and ceiling are of a reddish brick, crumbling and ruinous.  12 party members and 3 donkeys.

 In guildschool, we expedition.  We do not really explore.
The corridor is 5' wide, and really not big enough for Max with his SHansheer and Jon with his pilum, so they sort of move into a snaking ond and a half people per rank.  they move east and then north.  the two in front wear ancient Venolvian Lammellar, which makes a litttle noise as the move.
All sorts of arows and bolts are stuck in the far walls of the corridor, most of them less than a year old.  The group has had a lot of fights in this area.

The group heads north down the red0bricked, arched corridor.

 Jon_Galica notices damage on the wall
"What happened to this wall here?
Plaes_Holdir shrugs.."No idea, can't be that important. "
Toden, " behind that wall is a door, a secret area, sacred to the god of death and of Saint Arbor"

Plaes_Holdir "Ah, perhaps slightly important then, but already looted?"
 Toden" we have hidden there before.  we have been through much of it,"
 Jon_Galica nods "Ah.  So we don't go in there."

 Toden" there is a skull, with horns...most disconcerting.  It talks"
Abryxia, " Maybe that is where all the voices are coming from..."
 Jon_Galica> "Fascinating...."
Plaes_Holdir  makes a disgusted face.  "Bah..Talking skulls are of no interest to me.  I can't kill it or sell it."
Jon_Galica> "But it's a curiosity nonetheless..."
 Toden, " this one especially.  We did research on it...a construct of the Cult of St Arbor...It speaks to the void"

Toden  looks over at Jon, who's eyes are glassy, " Jon, it floats in a strange would have trouble getting it..."
Jon_Galica wistfully "I imagine SOMEONE would be interested in buying a talking skull that speaks to the void.....As unsettling as that is...."

 Burnous holds up a hand, " something moves to the north..."
 Jon_Galica quiets to observe
Alright, let me check it out"  he sneaks ahead to scout
 max gets down

Jon_Galica raises his defenses and tightens his grip on his pilum, his knuckles whitening
 the roup is very, very silent
Jon_Galica resists the impulse to tell Plaes to be careful
 You hear a gutteral yell, and a huge twang!!!!!
Plaes_Holdir> Gnolls!

Note: Buckets of piss
 01[21:49] !rill d%
 01[21:49] !roll d%
[21:49] 3
 01[21:50] !roll d%
[21:50] 15
[21:50] "Buckets of piss!"
[21:50] ooc: fuck I'm dead
[21:50] ooc: WELP, char number 4, here I come
 01[21:51] !roll ((2d6+1d8+23)\(d5-1)
[21:52]  try this  !roll (2d6+1d8+23)\(d5-1)
 01[21:52] !roll (2d6+1d8+23)\(d5-1)
[21:52] 37
[21:54] ooc: holy crap!
[21:54] !roll (56-d10)/((2d6)/2)
[21:54] 11.7777777777778
[21:54] ooc: and my head explodes
 01[21:54] 25 hits to the face
 01[21:54] ow
 01[21:54] ooc  how many HP?
[21:55] ooc: not 25
 01[21:55] lol
[21:55] ooc: 12, so I'm dead at -13
 03[21:55] * Plaes_Holdir is now known as Corpse
 01[21:55] an arbelest is a huge mofo piece

 the group behind hears the yell...and sees plaes' head get pinned to the wall to the right, with an ugly, meaty thunk, by a huge crossbow bolt.  He is still.
Jon_Galica yells "PLAES!!!!"
 Max roars and jumps up
 Victor also i son the move as is Toden..healers are almost running over the warriors....
 Jon_Galica moves up to where he can spear the first thing to come around that corner, running to get into place with Max.
 Jon and Max rush around the corner, seeing 2 gnolls moving north, yelling in Orcash,  moving around the corner, and more voices from the north.
 Toden has whipped out a scroll, an old one in a beaten silvered, coiled case.
Jon_Galica runs up to where they rounded the corner and thrusts  around the corner as I reach it
 Toden roars, " Jon, Max, hold the corner...Billo, grab our friend the pincushion... we are leaving this place"
Jon_Galica> "We're letting them get away with this!?"
Toden, " I have a scroll, I need peace and quiet to use it, Bard!"

 Max, " Jon, let us chase a bit, then....?"
 "Yes, lets!"

 Jon and Max race around the corner, seeing the corridor goes 10 north then turns east
 they hear crashing an movement to the east

 Billo pulls the bolt out of PLaes Eye socket
 then puts him on his shoulders and carries him effortlessly, following Toden
 Jon and max rush north, then they hear a metalic screech abd twang from behind them, a sound of springs and wires....
 (2 huge spears hit Max, 1 hits Jon)
 thud! thud! thud!

 Jon hears the nouse and rolls under them...
 as does max
Jon_Galica> "WHOA!"
 the huge spears impact into the north walll...
 Max, " HAh, the cowardly fools though they had us in their ambush!"
 max and Jon dive and roll perfectly, coming up looking east...

 meanwhile, Toden and Abryxia light candles in the opening room, with the huge stairway up.
 Abryxia, " Lords of Bone, Plaes is so mad!
Yeomic, " You can hear him?"
Abryxia, "No, but I can feel him..he is a very fiery spirit."
Victor sets to helping Toden..he holds the scroll, as Toden only has one arm.

 Jon and Max turn into the corridor, and sees their way goes 15', then ends with with a corridor turning north, and some 5+ gnolls rushing out of the heavy, open door do the south, opposite.  
A slight stop, and the creatures, whering rough leather and chain armors then rush at the explorers...
Max gets in front, with Jon slightly behind....
Jon_Galica> "A DEATH FOR A DEATH!"
 Max "AYE!!!!"

Meanwhile, in a large room with sunlight streaming down a huge staircase, Toden and Victor sit on opposite sides of PLaes lifeless body, in a circle of red and black candles.  Abryxia and Yeomic sit at pllaes feet and head.  
Victor holds the scroll for Treefather Toden, and the other sitters whisper the words as Toden speaks them, trying to lend strength to Toden's reading of this Potent scroll.
The 5 red candles all flutter, and gutter...and the chanting grows.
Sweat pools on Toden's Brow, and Victor's arm's shake.

rolling spell success for scroll
 01[22:16] !roll d%
[22:16] 6
critical success in scroll use.....Normally there is
days of rest needed after 'raise the earthen Dead...
But we will allow for more immediate, based on this roll

 Plaes whole eye re-knits...and the blood stops flowing...and the angry spirit comes flowing back in
 Plaes_Holdir eyes open wide and he looks around, anger etching his face.  " Hewecars blood..."
 toden, unconsious in front of PLeas, billo standing over him, Victor and Yeomic cradling the one-armed healer.
Plaes_Holdir glances between them... "Thank you..."

Meanwhile, Jon and Max give no ground as the two groups crash into each other, spear, sword, simitar, and war-rake all fly and flense...
 the gnoll in front stabs at you two, with a big spear at max

[22:24] !roll d%
[22:24] 2
 01[22:24] hitting him
[22:25] ooc: Ouch!
 01[22:25] !roll d%
[22:25] 19
 01[22:25] hard
 01[22:25] !roll (1d8+1d6+17)\(d5-1)+3
[22:25] 57
[22:26] :-O
[22:26] ooc: boy these emotes are really vague.  I almost look happy
 01[22:26] roll !roll (61-d10)/(2d6/2)
 01[22:27] (isobot) 49
 01[22:27] holy  shit

the gnoll rips a huge shot at max, with full looks like it will go righ into his head...
 but max somehow deflects most of it at the last second, and the spear rips a chunk out of Max's right shoulder...blood pours out of it.
 the gnoll is perpelexred, as Max calmly wipes the huge wound on his shoulder.
Max, " I have been through worse, gnoll..."

Jon swings his pilum around, and throws down a shot at a gnoll behind the one who stabbed Max, one weilding a scimitar
Jon_Galica> "DIE MONSTER!"
 jon spins over Max, and takes the scimitar-wielding one in the head, ripping skin and flesh away from the scalp, skipping over it, and the gnoll yells as his har and blood splatter behind him on the others of his ilk.
 Max roars, spins and brings the huge sword into the gnolls crotch with huge force.
 and despite good protection, Max 's huge sword rips through the gnolls leg, crotch, and into its abdomen, spraying blood and bile everywhere, and it screams and howls as it perishes. Max tugs the sowrd out of the gnoll's cracked pelvis with a disdainfull wrist-snap.

 A pilum whooshes out of the door, at Jon, but the pilum somehow misses Jon.
 Jon_Galica deftly dodges the projectile at the last moment, stpes left and stabbing a gnoll
 slicng into the arm badly, and the gnoll with a broadsword yells and yammers.
Max and Jon step around each other, protecting each other's backs in the small corridor, and depsite the odds, start forcing the gnolls back a bit.
Max tries not to slip on gnoll intestine.
a spear-gnoll stabs at Max, double handing it
  hitting him in the chest, but max laughs at the creature as he sidesteps as it hits, casuing it to bounce off of his shell-like Lammellar.
 a gnoll with a broadsword stabs at Jon as Max bumps him a bit, but Jon's armor is up to the task as well.

Back in the front room, Yeomic cannot believe PLaes is consious and moving around.  
Victor speaks as his hands trace a complex sigil on the Mercurial Assassin, " PLaes, by all rights, you should be resting.  Even the blessings of the Scalelord should not allow you to rejoin combat."
Yeaomic also heals him.  

Plaes_Holdir flexes... "Alright! By Hewecars name it's time for me to exact some revenge!"

 Plaes_Holdir grabs his trident and heads off to combat
> billo is holding the bolt he pulled out of plaes' head, looking at it oddly.
Plaes_Holdir yells back as he leaves the room..." Billo, hold on to that thing! I'll have a use for it"

Back in the melee,  an arbelest twangs
 missing max narrowly
 Jon whirls on in, seeing 2 injured gnolls in front,  he swings high over the ducking max
 (jon and max hear footsteps running from the south}
Jon_Galica thrusts his pilum at the spear carrying gnoll
 into the abdoment and lower rib cage of the gnoll, pushes into the bet, knocking him back and drawing a bit of blood.

 A piulm wings out at Max from the back
 the warriors can see a gnoll with a war-rake in the back

[23:04] ooc: what kind of weapon is a war-rake anyway?

the twice damaged spear gnoll swings at jon, stabbing his chest,
 but jon defends it
 "Come on! Put some force behind it!", Jon_Galica taunts
 the broadsword gnoll also swings at Jon an overhand smash...he hits
Jon takes bloody shot in his right upper arm and blood spurts out, joining the other streaks on the walls and floors.
Jon_Galica "Aargh!"

 max swings at the spear gnoll, going for a stab
 max 's shamsheer cuts through armor, breastbone, and through all the way to the gnoll's back....
"Huk...Hulk!!"  it collapses and dies, spurting blood all over max
(behind, a gnoll with a pilum, and gladius, a pilum, and the hoko gnoll)

 jon jumsp high, all the way over the stabbing max, and eyes the dark-haired gnoll that wields a broadword.
Jon_Galica wipes away some blood and grins at the broadsword wielding gnoll
Jon_Galica> "This one knows how to play!"
 slipping and twisting, jon still scores a hit, slashing the gnoll's left leg, pinking him
 max and jon have forced the gnolls back, into the doorway area

Note: crit, crit, crit again...
 01[23:20] yep, you crit on an 11
 01[23:20] roll again
 01[23:21] (jon, +1 crit per 10% to hit)
 01[23:21] base is a 7&)
 01[23:21] plaes, roll again
[23:21] !roll d%
[23:21] 34
 01[23:21] -2
 01[23:22] on divider
 01[23:22] !roll (35-d10)/(2d6/2)
[23:22] 7.75
[23:22] ooc: Gotcha, so I crit on a 10
[23:22] !roll ((1d12+18)\(d6-2))+4
[23:22] 82
[23:22] ooc: god damn that feels fantastic

 plaes comes from no where, jumping, spinning over the whole fray, stabbing at the hoko-gnoll in the back, taking the gnoll through the neck, and stabbing his spear perfectly down the gnolls exposed throat, down to the thing's stomach
"That was revenge!" says plaes as he lands on his feet, spinning with a wicked smile...SPUURT!!!!!  blood and guts, as plaes lands on his feet, spinning with a wicked smile...
 the floor is awash with blood....

and we ended there, with 3 gnolls in between Jon, Max and PLaes...[/SIZE]
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 02, 2012, 10:44:20 AM
Might have to write a post on critical hits soon, and what they do and why they matter.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 06, 2012, 07:57:11 PM
Session 128 tonight, looking forward to deeper dungeon draping in the ancient ruins.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on August 29, 2012, 09:58:07 AM
Session 130 last night was a success.
This is the 3rd time the explorers have penetrated this area of the Ruins, but due to some fast work and some good scouting by PLaes and Burnous, the group was able to quietly make their way down the long steps to the cavern area, dousing their lamps as their were torches lit in three areas (south and many to the east), the group made their way quietly, taking their time, down the stairs, whilst PLaes and Burnous had hiden in the large cavern.
Max, Jon, Billo White, Moss, Abryxia and Hennik Gor (this group is pretty magic-weak, but fighter heavy) all wheeled down and around the last part of the staircase and ran pell-mell across the rubble strewn (and bloodstained) floor of this cavern area towards the defensible stair and columns where the gnolls were caught flatfooted.  out of the 4 gnolls, 2 got off crossbow shots, since PLaes also clambered up the side of the cavern and backstabbed one of them.

The fight lasted 30 seconds, while the 4 gnolls, then three gnolls after the backstab, yelled and tried to hold the stair, but this group of explorers is much, much tougher than the last group that came down this way.  Bloodied and thrice wounded, the last gnoll sunk to his knees surrounded after his last comanion fell.  PLaes_Holdir delivered the Coup, as this now-hardened group of warriors had no arguement about his fate.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 05, 2012, 01:09:31 PM
Another good explorative session last night is session 131.

The group snuck to the north of the large cavernous area, keeping to the wall, slipping behind an ancient obelisk with a statue of a wounded human cradled in an ancient Kalxik's lap, and around the raised temple platform.  

There, they found the panel on the back foundation with the skull in the owl's face.  Plaes remembered how to open it, and the group slipped back into the strange, ancient passages below the temple, into darkness and fetid air.

The first chamber was the one they had hidden in for 12 hours before, and looted of various chests labelled as gifts to different powerful Magi.  This is where PLaes found ther Gimp leather armor.  After searching around, the group finally checked out the 10', squared off entry on the southern part of the east wall, whcih went only a little bit then turned south.  PLaes explored, and found a skeletal warrior, damaged and one who obviously expired on this spot leaning against the east wall.

The group found still-good ancient, filigreed and carved lamellar on him, inscribed with ants and spiders.  There was also a wicked trident with a wooden haft, still in good chape, with barbs on it.   The group stripped the ancient warrior, then moved on, where the corridor turned west.  The humans were totally blind here, but they found a double door immediately, and then found 2 more locked entrances in the corridor beyond.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 15, 2012, 03:32:07 PM
Quick note on some of the rules.

Circumstance Checks are here (, and there have been a few slight changes.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on September 29, 2012, 06:06:37 PM
Probably will paste up session 132 and 133 by next week.
But I love clever use of spells and mechanics.

I have a spell called 'Bleu Eyes' (, that allows a person to see the light cast by a 'bleu torch, a 'bleu Lantern', or a 'bleu sun' (all different artificer spells), and after years, seeing my groups actually using it is awesome.  The light cast is invisible to others, so it does not cast any real light and does not give away the pcs or npcs, but I've been using it for ages around them, and they are just getting to using it...
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on October 06, 2012, 05:27:47 PM
•Tanos 53, about 10:25 pm,  session 133 involved the searching and exploring of the hidden areas under the second level...

•This included the going to a heretoforth ignored staircase up, hearing loud bellowing and gnollis voices from above, Plaes and Burnous finding hinges in a staircase, then discover, the hard way, a trap below it and a corridor, under the other secret stairway (secrets within secrets).  The group followed it, and after hearing water and finding wet areas, opened an old, shuttered door to find themselves in a carved out, stone-paneled dry edge next to a black as ink, loud running underground river.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on October 10, 2012, 05:36:03 PM
session 134 last night.

Tanos 54, 8:30 am.

more exploration, though after the group rested (woken by yelling of the gnolls and lizardment above), the level of interest and speed of the investigation of the ancient Venolvoan chambers hidden under the second level of the Caverns of Vexchian increased.  
The discovery of an enchanted door handle that tried to bite te layers hand off, as well as the defeat of said piece, brought short-lived triumph...until the large double door popped open, and in the darkness, pairs of orange eyes could be seen shambling from another long-forgoten chamber....
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on November 17, 2012, 08:54:28 AM

Currently, there is a thread about religion in settings.
Instead if derailing it with Celtricia stuff, I thought I'd make a post about some of the Philosophical and Religious ideas of the Cradle Area of Celtricia.  I'm not sure if this will get any responses, but that thread has made me think of this, and how a well-realized cosmology, history and hisatory of faith, and understanding of religions in a setting really helps the players get into the game and into character.

Though ancient History is full of the doings and positions of the Celestial Planars and their minions, there is next to no direct contact between these beings and those that live on the Waking Dream.  However, this does not mean that faith in Celtricia is completely based on the unknown.  Magic and the use of Void-borne power sources, as well as much necromantic ability and it's limits work within bounds that fit the cosmology as laid out by most faiths.  So while there is a large element of unknowability and interpretation of mortals in each faith; much of the cosmology is heavily agreed upon (though written from differfent standpoints) and is supported by the use of magic today.

Note: divine?
 Guildschool does not have divine magic, it has many types and power sources, but no typical dichotomy here.

"And as with any institution run by mortals yet fueled by the passion of belief, players in Celtricia find sects, cults, and power-bases in a state of growth, change, or upheaval, as often as in a stable state.  In Argus, the Vernadalian worship takes the form of the Church of the Serpent Queen, while in Igbar the Serpent Queen cult has been banished and repudiated, replaced by the Church of the Green Mother.  The different foci and different morality systems of these related groups creates a conflict more bitter than a typical rival. "

In other words, there is only one real overarching belief system in Celtricia; but because of the ambiguity and lack of direct contact, there are thousands of splintered faiths based on different interpretations and viewpoints.   I am going to go into the Index and pull out terms that deal with religion in Celtricia, and the movements and thoughts currently used in the history of the game.  I am not going to list individual faiths, planars, or saints, or anything else, just a few terms that give the flavor of the Faith in Celtricia.

From the Celtrician Index (

Accords of Presence (Term)
•The ancient Planar agreement for all the Planars to leave the 'Waking Dream' and not interfere with it directly.
•The chronological delineator that ended the Age of Legends

Alementary (term)
•Alementism (Historical Term) Vicorian philosophical belief that gained traction later.
•Philosophical belief that the original eight Celestial Planars are the only True Gods and that the later planars are angels.

Avuntic (term)
•Religious and philosophical term for a materialistic bent, as opposed to a fatalistic one.  Avuntic faiths celebrate living and existing in the now as opposed to those that see the time in the waking dream as part of a longer cycle.  Avuntists do not believe in any continuation but a complete reprocessing of the spririt after the trip to the Well of Death.

Celestial Planar (term)
•The Celestial Planars describe the most powerful of the Void Travellers, the Gods of the Waking Dream. These beings embody and through their existence define cerrtain traits and chtracteristics.

Concerted (term)
•Religious term from Om that began use back in -600RON, spread North by about -100RON.
•Religious continuum describing the leve of conflict among planars.  A truly Concerted faith believes that the planars are acting out parts but all work towards the same goal behind the scenes, A totally unconcerted faith believes in heavy conflict between the Planar agencies.

Eminentism (term)
•The belief and philosophy that Oronath and Thanatos have no direct influence or concern over the Waking Dream. While currently this belief is considred fundamental, it has not always been this way.
•Eminentism (Historical Term, opposition) The Belief of the Dark one of the Venolvians was based on the concern and activity of Thanatos.

Godstraat (term)
•Marcher term meaning the Street of the Planars. Originally coined for the huge street of many temples in Storied Stenron, now most cities boast an area known as the Godstraat.

Hogunett (term)
•Celebration of judgement and gift giving in the middle of the winter Goesi, a Holiday.
•Also, the term is often used to desribe a good and wise judgement, as a derivation of the holiday.

Migration of the Spirit (term)
•The description to the travel and process of life energy from the Void (starting at the Well of Life) to the Waking Dream and the struggle back to the Void (to the Well of Death).

Se~oudoxic (term)
•Religious term for a faith or person who venerates saints.
•Se~oudoxical faiths go through cycles of popularity, currently on the rise

Shriving (term)
•The act of communing with a spirit or soul of a deceased creature and removing many or all bounds the Waking Dream has on it, allowing it to start the journer through the Void to the Well of Death. (c.f., Migration of the Spirit)

Song Of Creation (Term)
•The Historical/religeous story that describes the creation of the universe, which can change drastically from text to text.

Stations, the (term)
•The Stations are the slightly smaller places/power sources in the Void.  The inhabitiants of the House of Fire migrated to the Third Station when the House of Fire was destroyed.  The House of Air migrated to the Second Station for the same reason. For that reason those spell sources can fluctuate a bit more

Void, the (term)
•The Void is the interminable place that containes the Houses, the Stations, and the Waking Dream.

VoidBlind (term)
•Term used to describe those who cannot touch the sources of power in the Void (the houses and stations). 95% of the population is VoidBlind.

Waking Dream (term)
•The Term to describe the Celtrician planet and environs, as opposed to the Void and the Void-borne Houses and Stations.  
Weterlouse (term)
•The term comes from the Hobyt language, and means 'Brothers of the Faith'. It is used to describe very active members of a parish who are not part of the Clergy.

Now, a lot of these have their their own pages of full information, most importantly the text page for the Song of Creation.  But no term really gives the underlying feel of religion and the affects of faith in religion like the Migration of the Spirit.  So I am going to take the time to cast "Wall of Text" and reprint that page here.

Migration of the Spirit

Death, an end to one Journey and the Hopeful Beginning of Another

Even in an existence with a somewhat unified cosmology, the fear of death can be strong, and history is full of myths describing the lengths people have gone to avoid the final end. Couple this with the tangible evidence of the soul and the horrors that can be inflicted on it, by way of undead which walk the Waking Dream, and a reader might get some insight into the particular fear of death and dying alone that lies beneath the surface.

The term "Migration of the Spirit" normally is used to describe the passage of the spirit of a deceased person from the Waking Dream to the Well of Death. It is the returning of the energy spent in the Well of Life to the Void, and of the eventual return of this soul back to the Waking Dream. Different faiths use different legends and perspectives to describe this event, but this passage is described almost universally.  And another phenomena that is universally described is the difficulty a spirit has in making this journey.  Some faiths or legends talk about the power of unfinished labors or relationships, some speak of the hold of collected memories or unnatoned sins, but the evidence of necromancy and the manifestations of bound spirits is obvious to the most cultured cityfolk.

For the personality of a person in Celtricia, this manifests as a fear of dying unshriven. For without the shriving magics, the soul of a creature can be tied to the Waking Dream for decades or centuries.  To die and become the toy of some careless, nefarious necromancer is the not-so secret fear of anyone with intelligence in the Waking Dream, except for a few death worshippers.

Shriving magics are literally magics which can protect a soul from other necromancy, and can aslo speed the journey into the Void to the Well of Death.

This is obviously a reincarnation mechanic, and one that is supported by the ability of some mentalist spells to actually unlock fragmented former life memories. Couple this with the ability of unscrupulous Necromancers to use the spirit wrongly, and this gives you the proper feel of the Migration of the Spirit.  Necromancers can shrive spirits and calm or learn from spirits, but some necromancers also use their powers to enslave these earthbound spirits.

Because of all of this, coupled with this very common and strong cultural fear of undeath is a very large population of undead creatures and undeath, as undead servants can last for centuries or even longer, as well as areas where the large amount of unshriven souls have found twisted, elongated, life hating existences.   Ancient batlegrounds, tribal feuds, barrow-lands, all of these can literally be over-run with dozens or even hundreds of souls unable to leave the Waking Dream finding vessels to continue.    Which makes the shriving priests an important position for most faiths, and the need to deal with undead a serious issue for any population and one of the reasons that in Celtricia, there are no small, isolated population centers.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on December 20, 2012, 09:24:36 AM
Session 139

•Tanos 55, 12:40am...on a ledge with a hidden door on it, 25' up.
•with the group discovering a ledge above an entrance in a deep ceilinged, hidden room.
It was hard going up to the ledge, with a lot of basic athleticism needed, and frankly, with armor and weapons and full packs...lucky some of the group made it there.

Then, the group found a plastered over door above the one they had come in, and spent time unplastering, and between Plaes' sharp eyes and Jon the Bard's knowledge, they found a version of Tighten door ( cast on it.
Th session ended after 5 guys were up at the top and discovering that the spell had been cast on the outside of the plastered over doors... group rested 9 hours ago, so though their internal clocks are mesed up, not too tired.

Also, gritty feel of the game system showed up, along with a cruel dicebot.
climbing up a rope 25' with a full pack, armor, and weapons?  Not so easy...and led to the proper answers...someone tie some knots in this thing...
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on January 02, 2013, 12:49:09 PM
did session 140 last night.  great exploration, though the PCs missed a few good clues.  
(I am a big believer in non-railroading, they miised it, then they missed it)  
Still, very dark and moody as they found the secret chambers of Kologne, who ran a dark cult in the mage school during it's earlier, brighter times.  These rooms were sealed by those that finally discovered and defeated him...

the group found none of that, nor the hidden tombs.

In other news,  

Looks like we are going from IRC to  The customer service has been great, and they can literally do our dividing dice.  So this is probably gping to be a switch over.
Title: Steel Isle Online Logs
Post by: LordVreeg on February 19, 2013, 08:59:56 AM
Group just hit session 150,
Still in the Ruins, though they have managed to go around and through secret areas and come up in a differnt area of on of the maps from the second expedition (this is the fifth).  SO they are probably going to make a break for the surface, and head back to town.

As always, I have been adding to the population centers of the play area, which is the very bleak Steel Isle, and the small city of Steel Isle Town (  Most recently, I finished a page on the Southern Fields (, the district of town to the South.