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[MRQII Elric] Young Kingdoms Campaign

Started by Akrasia, May 11, 2011, 08:46:25 PM

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Since we have a few MRQII/BRP fans here, I thought that I would post the notes of my current campaign for anyone who is interested. (These notes were originally all posted at my blog. The link to the 'index' for all related posts is here, also in my sig.)

I'm a player in this campaign, for a change, and our GM is the co-author of MRQII and many Elric FRPG products, including MRQII's Elric of Melnibone, Lawrence Whitaker.
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!


Setting Information for 'No Reason for Waking'
(By Lawrence Whitaker)

This is a story of Melniboné’s slow decline and retreat from its Bright Empire.

Some things are still to come to pass, but will not do so for many years.

Here is a synopsis of things that have yet to happen, are happening and have happened…

• Prince Elric, 428th Emperor of the Dragon Isle will not be born for another 100 years.

• The twin demon blades, Stormbringer and Mournblade have been lost to Melniboné’s emperors for over three centuries.

• The Young Kingdoms are rising in power. Two hundred years ago Earl Aubec of Malador led the first revolts that weakened Melniboné’s grip on the world and allowed the new kingdoms of men to emerge from the Bright Empire’s embers.

• Some Melnibonéan Lords cling to their ancient holdings across the Young Kingdoms, but most have retreated to the Dragon Isle, to slumber amongst the dreaming spires. The few that remain are besieged by those humans who would overthrow Melniboné’s power completely. Some remain defiant; some seek clandestine means of escape. Occasionally they have human allies but, for the most part, they are surrounded by enemies.

• Melniboné’s current ruler is Empress Sathril VIII, a beautiful and enigmatic ruler descended from Empress Terhali’s dynasty. She has personally decided that the world of men is an increasing irrelevance and Melniboné can find strength within its dreams and amongst its own, shining spires. She, more than anyone, has hastened the return of the Dragon Lords to Imrryr.

• Empress Sathril’s First-Husband-Concubine, Prince Quire, advocates forging new empires in worlds parallel to the Young Kingdoms, where the people are of a degenerate state much as the early humans once were in this world. His ideas are gaining credence in the court although Empress Sathril has yet to be fully convinced.

• The island of Pan Tang, always jealous of Melniboné’s glory, has forged its own alliances with Chaos and seeks an empire of its own. The nations of Dharijor and Pikarayd have become vassals of Hwamgaarl, eager to benefit from Pan Tang’s growing power and its pacts with the Lords of Hell.

• Pan Tang’s ruler is Torquada Varenkor, Theocrat of Pan Tang, and a man who has pledged his soul utterly to the Sword Rulers. His will is devoted to expanding Pan Tang’s influence and to the purging of Melniboné from the face of the world. But his hatred of the Dragon Isle is not so great that he finds their knowledge of sorcery abhorrent: Varenkor goes to extraordinary lengths to secure whatever sorcerous knowledge he can and employs his feared Revealers to scour the world for Melniboné’s treasures.

• In response to Pan Tang’s relationship with Chaos the land of Vilmir, a new kingdom of the northern continent, cleaves ever more deeply to the Lords of Law, forming its own pacts as a countermeasure to the influence of Chaos. Vilmir’s ruler is King Alarest, a pious and intolerant man constrained by severe personal codes and an addiction to self-chastisement
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!


Edvund Yrvim

(Alias: 'Ilkyn Blackviper')

Half-Melnibonéan (Race); Sorcerer (Profession); Melnibonéan (Culture); Ilmar region (Homeland); 30 (Age)

Str 10 • Con 8 • Siz 11 • Int 16 • Pow 16 • Dex 10 • Cha 13

Combat Actions 3; Strike Rank 13; Move 8; Improvement Modifier +1; Magic Points 16; Hero Points 2

Common Skills

Athletics (30); Brawn (21); Culture (Melnibonéan) (62); Dance (23); Drive (26); Evade (40); Evaluate (29); First Aid (43); Influence (26); Insight (47) Lore (Regional) (32); Perception (42); Persistence (47); Resilience (36); Ride (26); Sing (29); Sleight (23); Stealth (36); Swim (18); Unarmed (20)

Advanced Skills

Courtesy (30); Language (Low Speech) (80); Language (High Speech) (60); Lore (Melnibonéan) (61); Lore (History) (32); Lore (Million Spheres) (32); Witch Sight (30)

Passion: Hates Father (Serec Yrvim) (62)

Runes (all in the Tome of Jade and Blood, an heirloom of the Yrvim family)

Bewilderment (35)
Contact (35)
Passing (35)
Reflection (50)
Sleep (35)
Speed (50)
Touch (35)
Truth (40)

Combat Styles

Melnibonéan Warrior (Sword & Shield) (30)
Prudent Distance (Sling & Shield) (50)

Family & History

· Father is a Melnibonéan lord (Serec Yrvim), mother was an Ilmiorian (human) concubine (deceased)

· Family has a good reputation (in Melnibonéan realms)

· Half-brother is Bodric (shares the same father, Serec Yrvim)

· 1 contact/ally in the Melnibonéan Royal Court

· Has adopted a new identity ('Ilkyn Blackviper') in light of recent events (is trying to avoid notice from both humans and Melnibonéans; also wants to keep his valuable grimoire safe)

Noteworthy Items

The Tome of Jade and Blood (grimoire of runes)
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!



Edvund Yrvim

(Alias: ‘Ilkyn Blackviper’)

Half-Melnibonéan (Race); Sorcerer (Profession); Melnibonéan (Culture); Ilmar region (Homeland); 30 (Age)

Str 10 • Con 8 • Siz 11 • Int 16 • Pow 16 • Dex 10 • Cha 13

Combat Actions 3; Strike Rank 13; Move 8; Improvement Modifier +1; Magic Points 16; Hero Points 2

Common Skills

Athletics (30); Brawn (21); Culture (Melnibonéan) (62); Dance (23); Drive (26); Evade (40); Evaluate (29); First Aid (43); Influence (26); Insight (47) Lore (Regional) (32); Perception (42); Persistence (47); Resilience (36); Ride (26); Sing (29); Sleight (23); Stealth (36); Swim (18); Unarmed (20)

Advanced Skills

Courtesy (30); Language (Low Speech) (80); Language (High Speech) (60); Lore (Melnibonéan) (61); Lore (History) (32); Lore (Million Spheres) (32); Witch Sight (30)

Passion: Hates Father (Serec Yrvim) (62)

Runes (all in the Tome of Jade and Blood, an heirloom of the Yrvim family)

Bewilderment (35)
Contact (35)
Passing (35)
Reflection (50)
Sleep (35)
Speed (50)
Touch (35)
Truth (40)

Combat Styles

Melnibonéan Warrior (Sword & Shield) (30)
Prudent Distance (Sling & Shield) (50)

Family & History

· Father is a Melnibonéan lord (Serec Yrvim), mother was an Ilmiorian (human) concubine (deceased)

· Family has a good reputation (in Melnibonéan realms)

· Half-brother is Bodric (shares the same father, Serec Yrvim)

· 1 contact/ally in the Melnibonéan Royal Court

· Has adopted a new identity (‘Ilkyn Blackviper’) in light of recent events (is trying to avoid notice from both humans and Melnibonéans; also wants to keep his valuable grimoire safe)

Noteworthy Items

The Tome of Jade and Blood (grimoire of runes)
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!


Bōdric Yrvim

Half-Melnibonéan (Race); Mercenary (Profession); Melnibonéan (Culture); Ilmar region (Homeland); 28 (Age)

Str 15 • Con 12 • Siz 11 • Int 12 • Pow 10 • Dex 15 • Cha 9

Damage Modifier: +1d2; Combat Actions: 3; Strike Ranks: 13; Move: 8

Magic Points: 10; Hero Points: 2

Common Skills

Athletics (55); Brawn (51); Culture (Melnibonéan) (54); Dance (24); Drive (25); Evade (45); Evaluate (36); First Aid (27); Influence (28); Insight (42); Lore (Regional) (24); Perception (27); Persistence (49); Resilience (50); Ride (40); Sing (19); Sleight (30); Stealth (42); Swim (37); Unarmed (40)

Advanced Skills

Courtesy (21); Language (Low Speech) (71); Language (High Speech) (31); Lore (Chaos) (34); Lore (Melnibonéan) (54); Mechanisms (27); Survival (22)

Passion: Craves acceptance as a full, noble Melnibonéan (34)

Combat Styles

Noble House (Twin Blades) (70)
Mercenary (Mace & Shield) (50)
Distance Death (Bow/Sling) (70)

Family and History

· Son of a Melnibonéan father (Serec Yrvim) and a (now deceased) human mother

· Father (Serec Yrvim) has a good reputation in Melnibonéan High Court

· Half-brother is the sorcerer Edvund Yrvim

· Has a contact/ally in Imrryr

· Well-travelled over the past decade (served as a mercenary for many years in different parts of the world)

· Warrior cultist
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!


Adralat Na-Keth

Human (Race); Dreamthief (Profession); Nomad of the Time Streams (Culture); Unknown/'Earth'? (Homeland); 25 (Age)

Str 11 • Con10 • Siz 10 • Int 12 • Pow 15 • Dex 12 • Cha 10

Combat Actions 2; Strike Rank 12; Movement 8

Magic Points 15; Hero Points 2

Common Skills

Athletics (63); Brawn (21); Culture (Nomad of the Time Streams) (75); Dance (22); Drive (27); Evade (29); Evaluate (27); First Aid (24); Influence (70); Insight (67); Lore (Regional) (24); Perception (67); Persistence (65); Resilience (64); Ride (27); Sing (25); Sleight (22); Stealth (64); Swim (26); Unarmed (23)

Advanced Skills

Courtesy (22); Dreamtheft (65); Language (Common) (72); Lore (Million Spheres) (84); Mechanisms (24)

Passion: Fascinated by the Melnibonéan people and their culture (41)

Combat Styles

Dreamthief (staff, bow, sword, shield) (64)

Family and History

· Mother is still alive (somewhere in the Million Spheres)

· Also has two sisters (somewhere in the Million Spheres)

· Family has a poor reputation

· 2 Enemies/rivals (possibly hunting for Adralat?)

· Reasonable connections in original community (somewhere)

· An inheritance was denied to Adralat!

Noteworthy Items

· Dreamstaff

· 1 Dream from the Land of Forgotten Love (Intensity 9; Persistence 45) (This dream was taken from one of Adralat's enemies, who may be pursuing him now)
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!


RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!


The Yrvim Saga
(Written by Lawrence Whitaker)

During the reign of Empress Terhali, her favoured servant, Lord Anryk Yrvim was sent to subdue the fractious tribes of Ilm on the northern continent. Taking with him a retinue of good Melnibonean warriors Lord Anryk set about bringing Imrryr's rule to those uncultured savages who still dressed in the furs of bears and wolves. Within five short years Yrvim ruled all the lands from the Ilm coast to the Forest of Arreos. These lands, although dedicated to Terhali, were gifted to Lord Yrvim for his loyal service and he became High Lord of the region.

Thus it remained for a thousand years.

When the Dharzi came from the far east, tearing across the world like a scouring wind, High Lord Yrvim's descendants were prepared. They hade weathered the storm of civil war that brought Terhali's reign to an end. They had endured internal treachery and the occasional Ilm uprisings to remain in control of their ancient, hard-won territories. But, prepared as they were, they had not counted on the strange beast-magicks of the Dharzi and their spells and incantations turned the native flora and fauna against the natural order. High Lord Mazzarin Yrvim assembled his warriors against the coming horrors and had his sorcerers prepare spells and summonings of their own. These were drawn from The Tome of Jade and Blood, the ancestral grimoire developed by the Yrvim family in centuries long past.

High Lord Yrvim prevailed against the Dharzi but at great personal cost. A thousand died over two days of terrible fighting and Yrvim was forced to cede large swathes of land to the advancing Dharzi host and their terrible vampire wolves. When the fighting was over, the High Lord found he had concentrate too much on repairing and rebuilding the core estates, particularly the family seat, the (once) beautiful Palace of Yr. The lands he had lost stayed lost and the Ilm tribes retook lands lost to them when Lord Anryk began his conquest.

Eight centuries passed. The Ilm grow stronger and more civilized. They built a city of their own, on the coast, and named it Ilmar. High Lord Yrvim and his successors challenged the city and enslaved it for a time, but allowed the Ilmari, as they now called themselves, to retain what they had built. Ships from other, newly civilized lands were coming to Ilmar on a daily basis bringing riches from many parts of the Young Kingdoms. By allowing the Ilmari to retain their city the Yrvim family found it could tax the city revenues in return for peaceful coexistence. So it remained for a further seven hundred years.

But the Ilmari were not content with this relationship. A new force, centred on Bakshaan, a city to the south of Ilmar, was taking hold across the northern continent. Secretive and cunning, these Mereghn were spies, assassins and brokers of secrets and power. They infiltrated the noble houses of the Ilmari and spread dissent. Over several decades, informed by Mereghn knowledge, the nobles of Ilmar sought to challenge what remained of Yrvim dynasty. They had seen how the southern lands, under Earl Aubec's command, had overthrown their Melnibonean masters and now sought to do the same.

This happened in the rule of High Lord Serec Yrvim, your father.

[Lord Serec Yrvim]

Lord Serec had been born in Ilmiora but brought up and schooled in the Imperial Court at Imrryr. He inherited all the cruelty and disdain of true Melniboneans. When he returned to the Palace of Yr it was with a determination to take Ilmar from its human rulers and make it an extension of Melnibone, dedicating it to Empress Sathril. He brought warriors from the dragon isle and also employed mercenary bands, which were now rife across the Young Kingdoms, to fight on his side. He laid siege to Ilmar and demanded the exodus of the noble families who ruled the city. His true-Melnibonean son, Carac, commanded one wing of the Imrryrian forces whilst his bastard half breed son, Bōdric, fought with the mercenaries. A second son, the wily Edvund, studied the Tome of Jade and Blood in the Palace of Yr.

But High Lord Serec had not counted on the guile of the Mereghn, who were the real rulers of the city. Mereghn spies had found their way into the Yrvim family and lay in wait for the precise moment when their grand plan could be unleashed. Whilst Serec and his sons besieged Ilmar, these Mereghn assassins rose up – some thirty of them – and slaughtered the loyal Yrvim household, including the treasured Oi-Yoo Concubines. On hearing this treachery Serec had no option but to return to the Palace of Yr. On his arrival he found the palace in flames and mercenaries in the employ of the Mereghn waiting for him. Surrounded but defiant, Serec, Carac and Bōdric fought for the remains of their home. Edvund, meanwhile, ever suspicious of treachery, had prepared escape routes and now made use of them, evading the Mereghn murderers who were looking for him and, in particular, the Tome of Jade and Blood.

Serec Vyrim spent a day in battle against the Mereghn mercenaries calling upon Mabelrode of Chaos to aid him, but to no avail. His mercenaries either routed or joined the enemy. Carac, his most loved son, fell to an Ilmioran axe. Bōdric, deserted by his comrades, was forced to flee himself. The last that was seen of High Lord Serec Vyrim, cruel and proud lord of Yr and servant of Empress Sathril, was of the man standing over the broken body of Carac, twin longswords in hand, elbow-deep in gore, defending the burning remains of his palace. Bōdric is sure he saw his father weeping; the first time in forty years a tear had ever left those cruel and scheming eyes.


Edvund reached the stables where most of the horses, panicked, had been released to trample through the ranks of combatants – Melnibonean and human – in a bid to escape the flames. Only two horses remained; old, mangy affairs ear-marked for slaughter. There, in the stables, was where his brother, Bōdric, found him.

'I fear we have lost our home,' Edvund said drily. 'Is father still alive?'

'When last I saw him, he had cleaved a man in twain and beheaded another,' Bōdric replied. 'But Carac is dead,' he spat into the straw and continued to saddle the half-broken mare. 'I think I laughed when I saw the bastard cut from shoulder to thigh.'

'Oh, I rather liked Carac,' Edvund said. 'Dim, but he had his uses.'

'Such as?' Bōdric asked, suddenly wondering if, perhaps, Edvund had been a part of the treachery.

'Why, dearest brother, he ensured father placed this in my keeping.' And from a leather satchel slung across his shoulder, Edvund tugged the corner of the family grimoire, the Tome of Jade and Blood. Bōdric recognized it immediately. How could he not? He spat once more.

'So you got the grimoire. At least our father honoured you with something. He promised me a pony once, and I'm still waiting.'

'A pony? Oh, I had one of...' Edvund cut short his words as Bōdric flashed a look of murder in his direction. 'No matter.'

'We should ride,' Bōdric said. 'The savages will be here soon. They won't hesitate to kill everyone they can. Even Serec cannot stop them.'

'But where do we go?' Edvund asked. His plans had not got this far.

'As far from here as we can. To the east lies only the remains of the forest, and things the Dharzi created still roam there. West lies the coast. We can, perhaps, seek passage on a ship and head for Jharkor. I hear the Salamir family still rules there and they should give us shelter.'

'The Salamirs?' Edvund asked, with not a little suspicion. 'Are they not considered traitors by Empress Sathril?'

'So they say,' Bōdric replied, 'but I met them once when I campaigned in Jharkor and they were always hospitable.'

'Jharkor it is, then,' Edvund said. 'But, brother...' Bōdric, swinging himself into the saddle scowled at Edvund.


'Let's keep this,' and he patted the satchel, 'a secret between us, eh?' Bōdric shrugged.

'Its yours. I have no interest in it. All I ever wanted was a fucking pony.'

To Be Continued...
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!

The Butcher

Good stuff.

I've been following this on your blog, and I love it. It's what sold me on MRQII Elric. When I finally get around to running it, I intend to steal the hell out of it, so keep posting :D


Yeah, it's cool stuff. Keep on posting about it.
The Pernicious Light, or The Wreckers of Sword Island;
A Goblin\'s Progress, or Of Cannons and Canons;
An Oration on the Dignity of Tash, or On the Elves and Their Lies
All for S&W Complete
Playing: Dark Heresy, WFRP 2e

"Elves don\'t want you cutting down trees but they sell wood items, they don\'t care about the forests, they\'\'re the fuckin\' wood mafia." -Anonymous

Philotomy Jurament

Very cool.  Looking forward to hearing more.
The problem is not that power corrupts, but that the corruptible are irresistibly drawn to the pursuit of power. Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.


Thanks guys. :)

The 'journal entries' are all written by me (qua 'Edvund Yrvim'). Some of the other posts are written by Lawrence (in which case I've credited him).
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!


The Journal of Edvund Yrvim - Entry 1

The Palace of Yr has fallen. It has stood defiant on the shores of the Pale Sea since the reign of the demonic Empress Terhali, but now it is no more. The ruins belong to the humans of Ilmar. And so, another minor chapter in the unfolding saga of the collapse of the Pale Empire has been written.

I cannot shed a tear for the fall of the last vestige of the Yr dominion on the Northern Continent, even though the Yrvim blood flows through my veins. I am, at last, free from the iron fist of my father, whom I loathe with the heat of five suns. Since the death of my gentle mother a dozen years ago, I have remained at the Palace of Yr only because of the precious Tome of Jade and Blood. But now that the power of House Yrvim has been broken, I may take the tome and flee without fear of being hunted by my father’s lackeys. The tome is mine, and mine alone!

My half-brother Bōdric and I have fled to the nearby port city of Ilmar. We must flee these uncivilised lands as soon as possible. Although we are both part human, bastard sons of the vile Serec, our Melnibonéan features may eventually be noticed. Many here have no love – and quite justly so, in my view – for my father’s people.

In order to avoid detection amongst these humans, and retain possession of my cherished grimoire, I have adopted the rather prosaic name ‘Ilkyn Blackviper.’ Sometimes I impress myself with my own cunning!

While at the harbour of Ilmar, my brother and I encountered a rather strange human also looking for passage away from these bloody lands. He claimed that his name was ‘Adralat Na-Keth,’ and he seemed to be from lands far away. At the same time, though, he struck us as a skilled traveller and negotiator, someone who may be of some help to us. Consequently, we agreed to travel together, at least for the time being.

While negotiating for passage on a ship to take us to the port of Dhakos, where some of our Melnibonéan kin retain a vestige of their former power, a few vulgar sailors tried to take advantage of our wealth and apparent naïveté. My half-brother Bōdric convinced them of the imprudence of their tactics by flourishing his twin blades, in the manner of the Melnibonéan ‘Noble House’ fighting style. The salty curs apprehended the folly of their ploy, and promptly directed us to the ship’s captain to negotiate our passage.

[Captain Ramier]

Within a nearby ramshackle tavern we discovered Captain Ramier, who proved to be an agreeable, if slightly crass, Jharkorian. Fortuitously, Ramier informed us that he was planning on journeying to Dharkor the next day, and would be happy to take on some passengers, for an appropriate price. We dispersed some of the shiny silver coins that these humans cherish so much, and sealed the deal with a vigorous shaking of hands. Such charming, earthy customs these humans have!

Reflecting on the harrowing events of the past few days, I decided that the value of being able to move with great rapidity could not be underestimated. Consequently, I attempted to inscribe a rune of speed onto my ornate leather boots. Alas I failed.

And now, it is time for some rest. I have no doubt that I shall find tomorrow’s sea voyage quite invigorating and exhilarating!
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!


The Journal of Edvund Yrvim - Entry 2 - 'Plans Change'

Blast! Lord Straasha seems to loathe me. Ever since Captain Ramier’s ship left the port city of Ilmar I have been afflicted with a terrible illness. The constant swaying of the boards beneath my feet induces nausea in me so terrible that I cannot even find words in Common or Low Melnibonéan adequate to convey it.

Nonetheless, I shall try to keep my bile down long enough to update this journal.

Our voyage proceeded without event (aside from the persistent voiding of my stomach’s meagre contents) for seven days. Captain Ramier proved to be a rather perceptive fellow, discerning my half-brother’s Melnibonéan blood. Fortunately, the pragmatic Jhakorian sailor seems to hold no great prejudice against my father’s kin.

In order to minimize the likelihood that we might be assaulted by raiders from vile Pan Tang, Captain Ramier planned to cut through the Pale Sea to the southwest for seven days, before turning northwest to complete the journey to Dharkor. I am grateful for the captain’s caution: I can think of no fate worse than to be victimized by the depraved minions of Hwamgaarl’s deranged Theocrat.

On the seventh day of our voyage, we encountered a very odd sight: a Melnibonéan ship adrift. The ship – a jet-black ‘hornet’ barge of exquisite beauty – floated listlessly a few hundred metres away from our own vessel. Eager for what profit might be made from the sale of such a magnificent craft, as well as whatever loot might still be aboard, Captain Ramier (after a brief conference with myself and Bōdric) decided to seize the vessel.

Alas, it turned out that the hornet barge was not abandoned entirely, and, as we approached, a massive human began firing the barge’s trebuchet at our ship. He launched various insults at us as well, interestingly in the Low Melnibonéan tongue. I attempted to communicate with the brute, explaining to him that we meant him no physical harm, but to no avail.

Thankfully, the missiles launched from the trebuchet did our ship no harm, and eventually we closed with the hornet barge. The great brute, his magnificent thews bulging, drew some of Captain Ramier’s cautious sailors into a brutal mêlée, severing the arm of one with remarkable grace. Bōdric succeeded in implanting an arrow into the brute’s leg, weakening him somewhat, but not diminishing the human’s furious, glorious defiance.

Eventually Bōdric and I boarded the battle barge, joining Captain Ramier’s sailors, and the defiant warrior recognized us as part Melnibonéan. At this point he surrendered immediately, prostrating himself before us, and apologizing profusely for his defiance in the Low Melnibonéan tongue.

It seems that the mighty brute, who goes by the name ‘Myluk,’ is a warrior-slave of the Melnibonéan noble house of Salamir.


House Salamir! The very house with which Bōdric and I had hoped to gain succour in Dhakos.

After some tedious grovelling, Myluck revealed to us the following pieces of knowledge:

Quote· Six weeks ago the Jharkorians elected a new King, Dharmos, and he pledged to make Jharkor a free realm. Salamir sent emissaries to meet with the king and pledged peaceful co-operation in return for certain secrets, as long as Salamir could be left to run his estates as he always had. Dharmos refused, believing this to be a trick of Chaos. He gave Salamir three weeks to prepare to either leave Jharkor or defend his estates against attack. Salamir chose to leave.

· Word was sent ahead to Imrry that Salamir was returning. The Salamir reputation has never been strong in Imrryr. Salamir must have given certain assurances or made certain bargains, because Empress Sathril sent word that he would be welcome.

· In the meantime, the Dharijorians attempted to invade Jharkor’s northern territories, wanting to exploit the new king’s weakness. The fighting spilled into the estates of Lord Salamir, hastening their departure. Most of the slaves were freed and only the nine closest were kept to help sail the Barge back to Imrryr.

· Myluk does not know what happened to Salamir’s estates, but the Dharijorians would have murdered all had they stayed.

· Salamir and his retinue sailed for five days – a straight course for Melniboné. One the fifth day a dark-sailed ship appeared on the horizon, coming from the southeast. This was a pirate vessel. Salamir ordered a change of course but the small ship could not outrun the pirate galley and they were forced to defend themselves. Salamir tried to hide his family and use runes to protect them, but his magic seemed to have deserted him. The pirates boarded, fought, and captured all. Recognising the strength of their prize, they decided not to rape the women or further abuse the menfolk, as they would fetch far more in the slave market of Ryfel. Myluk heard all this discussed.

· Myluk heard several names mentioned: Malagan, Boorg, and Nhagren.

No respite for Bōdric and I from the blistering winds of misfortune, it would seem.

In light of this miserable news, and the fact that the Melnibonéan battle barge likely could be sold only in the Dreaming City, Bōdric and I decided that our best option would be to proceed directly to Imrryr. Assuming that we could gain entrance to the city – and I was confident that our news of the fate of two noble Melnibonéan families, Salamir and Yrvim, would suffice for that – Captain Ramier could sell his captured vessel, and we could make plans to journey to Ryfel to try to save Lord Salamir and his kin.

With the surprising assistance of the strange human Adralat Na-Keth (who seems perversely intrigued by anything associated with Melniboné), we managed to convince Captain Ramier of the wisdom of our proposal. Our plan changed, and we set off due south for the Dragon Island.

The prospect of returning to the heart of the crumbling Bright Empire filled me with dread. I have no great love for my father’s people, and their condescension towards ‘half-bloods’ like myself only magnifies their innate grating arrogance. I would prefer to seek new lands amongst the healthy, if vulgar and ignorant, humans, than dwell in the charnel houses of a fading civilisation. My half-brother Bōdric, on the other hand, longs for full acceptance by our father’s people. It obviously is a doomed desire, but I have not the heart to make this explicit to him.

My misgivings aside, our route seemed clear. Four days later we arrived at the exterior sea wall that protects the city of Imrryr. Since we did not have a trading permit or certificate (or whatever the Chaos-damned thing is called), we were forced to wait for two days. I have no doubt that only my mention that we had important news concerning Salamir and Yrvim to the pampered official with whom we interacted prevented our immediate expulsion.

On the thirteenth day since our departure from Ilmar, we were granted entry into Imrryr.

The journey through the sea wall maze was a trial. The blindfold made my seasickness even more troublesome than usual, despite the relative calmness of the waters within the maze’s tunnels. I refused to show any sign of illness, however, lest I be irredeemably humiliated.

At long last Ramier’s ship emerged from the maze and our blindfolds were removed. Before us shone Imrryr in all its glory! I may dislike my father’s people, but their skill at building is unrivalled. The glorious towers of the Dreaming City are without aesthetic peer in this world. Imrryr is not merely a city – it is a work of art.

Ramier and the rest of the humans on board, including our odd but adequately charming companion Adralat, were confined to the foreigners’ quarter of Imrryr. No visitors are allowed into the city proper. Of course, most visitors do not complain: the foreigners’ quarter of Imrryr is more magnificent than any human city anywhere within the Young Kingdoms.

My half-brother and I were led into the city itself by the same effete official with whom I had parlayed two days ago. Initially I was under the impression that the official and his guards were escorting us to my father’s apartments in the city. After a few minutes, though, I was informed that Bōdric and I were to be taken to Empress Sathril in the imperial palace for an audience, for she wished to hear news of the noble families Salamir and Yrvim directly from us.

An audience with the Empress herself!

I was seized with anxiety. Suddenly, my nausea threatened to return…
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!



1. 'Lord Straasha' is the Elemental Lord of water.

2. Lawrence Whitaker wrote the information conveyed by Myluk (the 'bullet points' in the 'quote').

3. Since these notes are written from the perspective of Edvund, some details may be incorrect and/or glossed over.
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!