
Fan Forums => The Official Amber DRPG, Erick Wujcik, and Lords of Olympus Forum => Topic started by: sir brad on May 19, 2013, 08:56:53 PM

Title: New Abilities
Post by: sir brad on May 19, 2013, 08:56:53 PM
so games bean going for a few months now players have rounded out or improved their stats enough for the time being, starting powers have bean improved or new ones acquired or seriously looked at with a points pool built up to get them soon if not now.

the Conjurer has picked up High Compelling a few power words and thrown some points in to Stats and artifacts, he wants to try his hand at ability creation, He's thinking of "Summoning" that is basically Conjuration only for Forces both Physical & Metaphysical with Sprint Entities instead of Creatures.

I'm trying to figure out a fair price for it, I'm guessing 20 points as a stand alone and 5 points as an addition to Conjuration. I've bean tinkering with power creation and the numbers come back all over the shop so I figured it may be time to get arbitrary and peg it to an other power.

next up is our Trump Artist, she want's to be able to "Hang" spells on Trumps one use ones via Sketches and reusable ones in proper Trumps, I don't know if I should make it a Power, make the reusable ones Artifacts or let it just be as a kind of a clever skill.
Title: New Abilities
Post by: jibbajibba on May 20, 2013, 09:43:05 AM
Quote from: sir brad;656030so games bean going for a few months now players have rounded out or improved their stats enough for the time being, starting powers have bean improved or new ones acquired or seriously looked at with a points pool built up to get them soon if not now.

the Conjurer has picked up High Compelling a few power words and thrown some points in to Stats and artifacts, he wants to try his hand at ability creation, He's thinking of "Summoning" that is basically Conjuration only for Forces both Physical & Metaphysical with Sprint Entities instead of Creatures.

I'm trying to figure out a fair price for it, I'm guessing 20 points as a stand alone and 5 points as an addition to Conjuration. I've bean tinkering with power creation and the numbers come back all over the shop so I figured it may be time to get arbitrary and peg it to an other power.

next up is our Trump Artist, she want's to be able to "Hang" spells on Trumps one use ones via Sketches and reusable ones in proper Trumps, I don't know if I should make it a Power, make the reusable ones Artifacts or let it just be as a kind of a clever skill.

If you use partial powers and power trees new powers are very simple to work out. Most steps ina power tree are 5point steps all the base powers work like that so for new powers get eh main idea. base initiation is either 5 or for the BIG ones 10. Then each thing you can do with it costs 5.

So for conjusration I have maic affinity 5; imbue item with power (upto 4 points ) 5 -> imbue item with power (upto 8points) 5 - Imbue item with power (upto 16points requires equivalent in the Power being imbued)
Conjure item from shadow (upto 4 points ) etc etc

so this new power woudl stack in a similar way  .
i have used this to create powers as various as prophesy, Time manipulation, Natural afinity, elemental magic and others.
Each time the PC first gets the initiaton level and then develops it int eh way they want and I just add more points for each step.

works really really well theeh new powers are more balanced and feel more organic.
Title: New Abilities
Post by: Artifacts of Amber on May 20, 2013, 05:53:35 PM
I use a partial powers system and a rather extended sorcery and conjuration rules, at least compared top the basic book. I'll try to hunt up my PDf and attach it tonight when I am home.

Basically I have sorcery and you can by the ability to hang spells on various powers and if you have sorcery and conjuration you can hang a conjuration as well. I tend to do powers in 5 point leaps and hanging stuff in a 1 pt for 3 spells.

Since most of that is based on the second series it seemed Merlin had definitive restrictions on how much he could hang at a time, when he took the time.

hope that helps
Title: New Abilities
Post by: sir brad on May 20, 2013, 08:53:05 PM
so looks like I've got "Summoning" about right. putting that in the trust but verify file

how about "Spell Trumps", should it be a Power, an Artifact or just a skill for for the clever Sorceress/Trump Artist? I ask as since she upgraded to proper Pattern she can't stash spells in the flaws of "Shadow Patterns" (Variant power of Broken Pattern) anymore so the player cooked up the idea of Spell Trumps.
Title: New Abilities
Post by: RTrimmer on May 20, 2013, 10:31:40 PM
Does she want the ability to store spells in Trumps made for it, in any Trump she's made or any Trump at all?

The first is adding Conjured Qualities and/or Powers to (only) Trumps, say 5 points. Anyone can use them as Racks, yes? Maybe give them resident Intelligences and such too.

Maybe 5 for the second and another 5 for the third... or maybe not. Could anyone but Dworkin use his Trumps as Racks? And they're the commonest Trumps around, usually... Probably wouldn't work with Chaos/ Logrus Trumps if you have such things.

Quote from: sir brad;656271so looks like I've got "Summoning" about right. putting that in the trust but verify file

how about "Spell Trumps", should it be a Power, an Artifact or just a skill for for the clever Sorceress/Trump Artist? I ask as since she upgraded to proper Pattern she can't stash spells in the flaws of "Shadow Patterns" (Variant power of Broken Pattern) anymore so the player cooked up the idea of Spell Trumps.
Title: New Abilities
Post by: sir brad on May 21, 2013, 12:03:32 AM
Way she explains it is you must make a Trump (or sketch) with a graphical representation of the Spell, add the spell time to the time to make the trump, you then can hang a spell of the same type with the same linchpins in that card, once used a proper trump can have the same spell hung on it again but a Trump Sketch is consumed and physically destroyed (burns up, looks like it's trumping out or whatever).
Title: New Abilities
Post by: RTrimmer on May 21, 2013, 11:09:21 PM
1 point?
Less efficient than using a spell rack.
Title: New Abilities
Post by: Croaker on May 24, 2013, 01:52:38 PM
For trumps, I'd say 5 points for the ability to rack spells in trumps you're drawing.
The trump must represent the spell, of course.

Trump scketches are subjects to the usual limitations of these, and destroyed once used.
Actual trumps are more durable, but should work as trump gates, endurance-wise. That is, to realease a spell is fine, but to keep open a trump spewing out lava requires some fortitude!

Something he can also do with trumps is emulate conjuration.
Basic trumps can already be used to contact and bring to you the creature depicted in it.
Quote from: sir brad;656030I've bean tinkering with power creation and the numbers come back all over the shop so I figured it may be time to get arbitrary and peg it to an other power.
For what it's worth, IMO, the power creation rules in LoO are, although similar, much better.