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Alpha Blue, by Kort'thalis Publishing

Started by ijonchrist, September 03, 2017, 10:15:07 PM

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"Finished? Baby, we ain't even started yet!"

That's how I felt after I finished reading Alpha Blue last night. I will start by saying that this game is definitely not for everyone... in fact it really targets a very specific audience. Now, is that a bad thing? Hell no! In fact, I daresay that by knowing exactly who it aims to please (namely the author and anyone with a similar taste towards sleaze and sci-fi) Alpha Blue is made stronger because it doesn't have to apologise or beat around the bush. It gets straight to the point!

What you have here is a fully independent Science Fiction RPG set on a Space Brothel. Sure, it has a lot more to it than just space whores, orgies, and technologically superior forms of sexual pleasure, but those are the key ingredients that make Alpha Blue stand out from any other space station in the known universe. The author has a great love for cheesy 70s/80s sci-fi, and this game oozes with tributes and references to some of the best! Having grown up watching Star Trek (TOS), Buck Rogers, and Battlestar Galactica on old box TVs, there's a lot for me to love here too.

There is a full conflict resolution system contained herein (you only need about 4d6 to get the full experience), quick and fun character creation rules, and enough random tables to keep your games unique and entertaining for a very long time! In fact, you can completely randomise your PCs, NPCs, Alien Species, Plot, and lots of crazy little encounters and details using the multitude of charts found inside this great blue treasure trove of space smut.

The book itself is laid out in a very sensible order, and I found it not only easy but also quite enjoyable to read. I snickered a lot and couldn't help but tell some of my gaming buddies about this hilarious chart here or paragraph there as I read it through. The artwork is everywhere (seriously, there isn't a dull page) and very NSFW, and the quality of it is fantastic for an Indie venture! I backed the project on Kickstarter and can't wait to get my physical copy!

Now that I've gushed about what I love about Alpha Blue, I'll point out an opportunity for improvement and one aspect I feel could cause some controversy, at least in the massive online RPG community that I take part in. OFI - I couldn't help but feel that some of the charts could have been placed or laid out a little better, so that they either fit on a single page or at the least on an open flat double page. It would be handy to not have to turn pages while consulting a single chart. Room for Controversy - The game is very obviously and unapologetically geared towards a straight male perspective. As I said earlier, it knows it's audience and goes for broke (and I fall into that category myself). It wouldn't be hard for any decent GM to add more attractions to appeal to straight women/gay men of course should they want to, but I could see some of the more boisterous SJWs of the greater RPG community using it as a stick to beat the game with. These are minor niggles at best, and don't take away at all from my enthusiasm for the product itself.

Overall, I give this product a 4/5 for its independence and potential for extreme fun and laughs with the right group of people. I know I will be running it for my friends very soon! I'd also like to note that this is not the first product I've backed by Venger As'Nas Satanis, and the guy always delivers. As a customer I couldn't be more satisfied with his communication and quality of service.