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Talislanta pbp?

Started by One Horse Town, November 17, 2008, 08:52:46 AM

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Wow. I'll definitely need to slap a post-it with that information on my book's inside cover.


Ah, thanks for checking on that. We should revise our sheets accordingly.

I've been distracted by Thanksgiving and other matters, but, returning to the scene, I will say this to Slantaris, considering that a partner with an interest in future gain is likely to be far more motivated than a hireling...

"My dear Captain Slantaris, please do not misunderstand me; the consideration I offered was merely a surety, a token of my good will in engaging you as a co-venturer in the enterprise which I propose. As such it reflects on me, not on you. Please consider that I will be financing the crew and supplies for this expedition; nevertheless as you have shown your faith in Chan-Ra I declare myself as well to be his ardent partisan. I will offer him the same as I have you: 150 gold lumens and a 10 percent share (of whatever profit remains after expenses). Furthermore I will personally, as president of our little corporation, declare a bonus of 100 lumens to each of you upon discovery of the fountain which I seek."


Although Slantaris did not get exactly what, he is more than happy with Chan-Ra taking a share of the wealth and the promise of a bonus as well. With a sigh and a resigning smile, "Duly considered and no misunderstandings between us. I will accept your offer though I cannot vouch for my friend should he prove talkative and will be ready whenever you are ready."


[ooc]Excellent. Then with that business out of the way I'll leave hiring a crew and provisioning the ship to you guys.[/ooc]


Chan-Ra took another drink of his Aquavit as he half-heartedly listened to the bargaining between his Gao Din friend, and Captain, and the Cymrilian magician named Phenirian of Quil.  Chan-Ra secretly loved this effervescent liquor, and the amberglass goblets in which the drink was usually served.  

After all, it was only hospitable to offer a Cymrilian a glass of Aquavit to drink, Chan-Ra thought slyly to himself.

Suddenly, Chan-Ra realized that the deal was being finalized, and that he was being asked for his approval.  Chan-Ra was no fool, and it was clear by their tone and demeanor that a satisfactory agreement has been met between them.  Chan-Ra trusted Slantris' judgement in these matters.  Chan-Ra's skills were better served with a rolling deck under his webbed feet.

Chan-Ra looked at Slantrisjudgment and Phenirian and said, "I am in agreement as well gentlemen."

Chan-Ra raised his amberglass goblet and proposed a toast, "there is strength in the number three.  May Aqus bless this venture and create the bonds of friendship strong and true!"


Hello?  *tap, tap*  Is this thing on?


We need to put together a crew list. I was thinking you two could do that. And then if we prefer we can just cast off.

One Horse Town

Quote from: Elliot Wilen;271205We need to put together a crew list. I was thinking you two could do that. And then if we prefer we can just cast off.

In case anyone missed this first time around...


20 normal deckhands required. (half the normal crew can be press-ganged if you like. They might not like it too much though).

Standard crewmen 3 gold lumens a month

You probably need at least 1 of each of the following crew-members also.

Carpenter/Sailmaker 4 gold lumens a month per ability level

Ships Doctor/healer 5 gold lumens a month per ability level

Navigator/Pilot/First Mate 5 gold lumens a month per ability level

Available NPC specialists

These guys are kicking around and are currently looking for work.

Green Aeriad Botanomancer - 45 gold lumens a month & 5% share of profits

Krosk, Zadz & Trask
Jhangaran Mercenaries - 6 gold lumens a month & 1 gold lumen per day on active guard duty & 2 kegs of grog a week for each one employed.

Yassan Technomancer – 80 gold lumens a month & 5% share of profits


Right, I personally hired the Jhangarans out of my pocket. If it'll help speed things along I'll suggest we take up Chi-Chi-Kar and Yain as well (treating their salaries as expenses and then cutting them into the profit as they request). I'd prefer not to press-gang a crew. What's a decent "professional" ability level for the carpenter, etc.?


I believe an ability score of +4 for the carpenter and the first mate should be sufficient (assuming they are reasonably gifted in the associated attributes). For the doctor, let's get one with an ability level of +6. We do not want our men dying quickly since once we cast off as it might be a burden to replace them. So, the 20 hands, one carpenter with +4 ability level, one first mate with +4 ability level, and one doctor with +6 ability level. That's about 126 gold lumen in expenses per month. As for the specialists, I do not want to hire the technomancer at all. I am neutral in regards to the botanomancer though, he might be a suitable replacement for the doctor and prove himself useful in other ways.

One Horse Town

For hired help, ability 3 would be considered pretty decent. 5 would make up a well regarded crew. Higher than that and you get towards the better crews available.


I assume OHT intends that the cost per ability level is for the total, after you add in attribute values. So a less "experienced" but talented person will be equally effective and ask for just as much as an experienced person with less native ability.

It seems we have to cap our doctor at +5.

What do you have against the technomancer, he could be pretty handy in a pinch, don't you think?


I don't want to press gang anyone either.  Having a doctor at +5 is fine.  

Now, I am not so sure about either the technomancer and botanomancer.  Although, I have a question regarding their employment.  

Do they come with their own equipment and portable labs?  

The technomancer is expensive to keep on retainer.  His services may be limited on the voyage, and they are specific in their contracts.  

The botanomancer is cheaper to keep on retainer.  His services may prove useful, but might limited as well.  

We might do well with not hiring either the technomancer or botanomancer and using those funds to hire more crew, experienced crew (can guard), or mercenaries.


Okay. We'll just get the first mate, doctor, carpenter, and crewmen then. Is it possible for me to haggle those rates down?


So, is this game dead One Horse Town?