
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Play by Post Games => Topic started by: Benoist on November 27, 2010, 12:42:55 PM

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 27, 2010, 12:42:55 PM
The adventure continues from there (

Once the basket, ropes and machinery are all ready, the first team gets ready. Soon, Ylarum and Gareth are lowered into the well, down into the bowels of the earth.

The lights from the Gold Ladder’s main room become distant. You have to rely on your lantern to discern the features of the shaft as you are making your way down to the subterranean levels under the inn. Every now and then, you can spot some planks covering accesses to various tunnels or areas of the underworld located at seemingly random depths. The shaft itself is crude, with its walls made of carved rock and flattened earth. Nothing neat or particularly consolidated – just a practical well that was dug up just a few weeks ago, it seems.

You can hear and feel water dripping down the well as a result of the heavy rains you experienced earlier that evening. The smell of earth and fungi becomes stronger. There is a thin dust in the air. Your basket drags against the shaft, sending some dust and rocks crash down below.  

DM: Rolls 1d100 for various hazards during the descent. (

Ylarum and Gareth, roll 1d100 each, please (the basket is moderately off balance as it drags against the wall of the shaft).

Ptolus/AD&D Threads on the RPG Site
Pre-game Chat (
Player Characters (
Experience Points (
Out-of-character thread #1 (
People and Places of Ptolus (
In-character thread #1 - The Gold Ladder (
In-character thread #1a - Delbaeth (
In-character thread #2 - Underground (part 1) (
In-character thread #2b - Limbus Sanguineum (
In-character thread #3 - Back to the Surface (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on November 27, 2010, 02:15:33 PM
Quote from: Benoist;420422DM: Rolls 1d100 for various hazards during the descent. (

Ylarum and Gareth, roll 1d100 each, please (the basket is moderately off balance as it drags against the wall of the shaft).

OOC: I roll a 70 (
Gareth tries to look over the border of the table, trying to use infravision to get any sign of activity in advance. He smiles reassuringly to Ylarum, and whispers to him:

"I didn't expect that my first adventure in Ptolus would start so fast."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 27, 2010, 02:47:33 PM
DM: Not to worry, Gareth handily manages the momentary lack of balance.
Waiting for Ylarum's result now.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 27, 2010, 10:42:06 PM
1d100=68 (

rolled a 68.

Ylarum will use his sheathed sword to keep us off the walls so long as it doesn't impart a spin, as best he can.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 28, 2010, 11:24:52 AM
You both manage to keep your balance as the basket drags against the wall of the shaft. A few pokes of Ylarum’s sheathed sword help tremendously as you finally break into the area which was briefly described to you earlier: a very large circular room a hundred feet in diameter with walls made of polished sandstone.

As you reach the large dais which occupies the center of the room, you first notice three visible light sources: octagonal lanterns hanging from the ceilings of three corridors leading to the chamber you are in. The first lantern, to the north, burns with a red light; the second lantern, to the east, burns with yellow hue that somehow seems more intense than your own; the third, to the west, burns with a strange, deep blue light with violet undertones.

Under each lantern, you see a pedestal, and on each pedestal, a large five-foot wide urn covered with a little octagonal roof curving up to a little flame carved from same metal at its top.

All around you, painted on the walls of the chamber, you can see large frescos depicting epic scenes you cannot quite make out yet. In front of each fresco (to the north-earth, north-west, south-east and south-west), there is a large curved stone trough. One of them, to the north-east, seems to have been shattered on its eastern corner with great force. All around it on the floor, there seems to be some substance that spread all around the yellow lantern, then to the south of your position. There is even some of that substance near the indigo lantern to the west.

Everywhere on the floor around the dais, there are bits and pieces of mattresses, some chests still intact (three actually, one to the north, one to the east and one to the south – see map), some bits of laundry, pieces of paper and so on. Probably some of the possessions the monks brought down with them as they explored the place.

The last detail you notice in the surrounding penumbra is this twenty-foot wide spherical shape in the southern wall, between two of the gigantic frescos: this seems to be some sort of mirror, judging by its refractive properties, but its surface looks like some sort of liquid, or fluid. If that were so, the contents of this strange vertical vase should have poured onto the floor immediately, but they are staying in place, as the gravitational forces were somehow changed in that particular spot of the room.

You get off the basket. There is a thin dust in the air, just like there was as you went down the shaft. You hear droplets of water fall at random into the distance. And a deaf, thumping sound, maybe to the east, that seems much more regular, but not mechanically so. Thump. Thump. … Thump-thump.

You send the basket back for a second run. What do you do?

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on November 28, 2010, 02:38:27 PM
"Ylarum, my friend, let's take a look at the monk's belongings and see if we can get some clue of what happened. Let us start with that chest on the north side."

If Ylarum follows me, I'll head to the chest in the north. If he doesn't, I'll stay close to him. My goal is to check the monks belongings first, and wait for the rest to arrive before inspecting the coloured lanterns, the substance on the floor and the liquid mirror, in that order.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 28, 2010, 10:05:04 PM
Ylarum leans very close to Gareth and whispers: "Hold; before we go poking in those belongings which mayhap hold vermin or worse still traps, let us wait for the next of our fellows.  I don't like that thumping sound from the eastern tunnel.  We should watch it carefully.  Shutter the lamp nearly all the way.  The light here will provide for the nonce."

Ylarum motions towards the west side of the dais, and moving as quietly as a large, armored man can (which is to say probably not at all) he crouches on the west side at the foot of the dais, peeking over towards the eastern tunnel where the sounds emanate from.  He gestures for Gareth to follow his lead and loosens his sword in it's scabbard.

(DM: how high is the dais - does it look completely impractical to expect any cover for an ambuscade there?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 28, 2010, 10:26:34 PM
Each step of the dais is about one foot high. So it's about 4 feet high total.

As you move to the western side of the dais, it becomes clear what this strange substance on the floor really is: melted flesh, as if many pounds of it had been dipped into some corrosive liquid and then spread all over the area.  You can see half-dissolved feet, and hands... is that a skull over there? This gives you pause for a moment.

Are you proceeding and crouching by the side of the dais? You will have no choice but have to walk onto the sickening stuff.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 28, 2010, 11:49:26 PM
(DM: so just walking over to the west edge of the dais and hunkering at the foot will put us in dissolved flesh?  Just so we're clear, if due N on the dais is 12 o'clock I'm talking about standing at the 9 o'clock, which looks clear of any puddles of goo per your map...if it's abstract and thus I will end up in the soup (as it were), that's cool; realizing what he's about to step in, Ylarum will look for a better place.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 29, 2010, 12:18:55 AM
DM: OOPS. It's me who made a mistake. I mixed things up. Thanks for catching that. You can take cover behind the dais to the west without trouble. Still, you have made out what the melted flesh really is. Sorry about that guys.

So, assuming Gareth shutters the lamp, this would be our situation:


Does Gareth still want to pick up that chest to the north (remember he is the lantern bearer here), or does he listen to Ylarum's advice and waits for some of the others to come down the well?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on November 29, 2010, 10:53:30 AM
I follow Ylarum's instructions, and keep my eyes and ears peeled trying to make out what that noises may mean. I draw my sword, just in case.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 29, 2010, 11:06:29 AM
The basket soon comes back down as Ylarum and Gareth wait for some back-up. There is still this deaf sound to the east. Thump. Thump-thump.

A cold wave washes down your spines. It's is not warm in here.

DM: Rissthil and Runch, you're up - check out the previous posts of this thread for a description of the room you find yourselves in. There are four light sources here: the three lanterns that are part of the complex, and the lantern Gareth shuttered.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 29, 2010, 11:11:05 AM
Ylarum hisses to try and draw Runch and Rissthil's attention.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on November 29, 2010, 11:33:33 AM
Can I make out what is making the sound? Drums? Machinery? Something huge lumbering down a corridor?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 29, 2010, 11:39:09 AM
Quote from: Imperator;420898Can I make out what is making the sound? Drums? Machinery? Something huge lumbering down a corridor?
DM: Good reflex. When in doubt, always ask more questions. It's kind of hard to tell. You think the sound's too "wet" to be a drum. There's a kind of "squishy" or "spongy" quality to it. It's definitely not machinery, because the sound really doesn't have a rhythm of its own. It's not regular enough. Could it be something huge? Could be, yes. It definitely has a kind of slow weight to it. You listen... and then you kind of realize how amazing that is to be able to tell so much about a sound just by listening to it.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on November 29, 2010, 11:47:32 AM
Quote from: Benoist;420899DM: Good reflex. When in doubt, always ask more questions. It's kind of hard to tell. You think the sound's too "wet" to be a drum. There's a kind of "squishy" or "spongy" quality to it. It's definitely not machinery, because the sound really doesn't have a rhythm of its own. It's not regular enough. Could it be something huge? Could be, yes. It definitely has a kind of slow weight to it. You listen... and then you kind of realize how amazing that is to be able to tell so much about a sound just by listening to it.

"Ylarum, I don't like a bit the sound of this.It has to me an organic meaning. Something big."

I look around. Do I see something amongst the matresses and stuff that could be an oil flask?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 29, 2010, 11:55:01 AM
Quote from: Imperator;420901I look around. Do I see something amongst the matresses and stuff that could be an oil flask?
DM rolls a bunch of dice.
As a matter of fact there is. Due south, about 20 feet away from you, right in the middle of a puddle of melted flesh stuff, there is a little clay container that suspiciously looks like an oil flask.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on November 29, 2010, 12:03:28 PM
Quote from: Benoist;420903DM rolls a bunch of dice.
As a matter of fact there is. Due south, about 20 feet away from you, right in the middle of a puddle of melted flesh stuff, there is a little clay container that suspiciously looks like an oil flask.
"Ylarum, hold still. I'll go check that flask of oil. It may come in handy."

I leave the lantern there, so Ylarum can use it if needs to, and move silently to retrieve the clay container. I check its content, and if it is oil, I return to my position with Ylarum saying "See? I'm always happier with this kind of stuff near me."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 29, 2010, 12:11:25 PM
Roll for Move Quietly (d%). Not that Ylarum was particularly silent when he moved down the dais, but it never hurts. ;)

As for the flask, judging by the piece of cloth that is pressed by the lid against the flask itself and the stains it carries, it definitely is a flask of oil. You check the contents: yup. It is oil, most likely brought by the monks down here to fuel their own light sources.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 29, 2010, 12:14:55 PM
Ylarum whispers : "Mind you didn't get any of that...stuff...on your hands.  Scrape your boots on the edge of the step, there, too - I've heard tell of living ichors and molds that can eat the flesh off a man, this might be something of that ilk..."

I keep my eye on the far door, insomuch as I can see it.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on November 29, 2010, 02:46:11 PM
As the make-shift basket is lowered in the light and the chamber opens up, Rissthil blinks several times to adjust his vision to the new light.  He quickly rotates his head around to get a 360-degree scan of the situation as the basket touches the ground.  Once Runch steps out of the basket, Rissthil tugs the rope three times to signal his companions above to pull the basket up for the next pair to be lowered down.

Seeing Ylarum and Gareth crouched on side of the dais, Risshtil crouches and cautiously moves to their position.  

"Any hostiles sighted?" the elven sailor whispers to Ylarum and Gareth as he starts digging through is backpack, "Othos said that goblins and trolls were sighted by Delbaeth."

A moment or two later, Rissthil produces a torch from his backpack.  He uses the lantern to light the torch.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 29, 2010, 03:00:24 PM
Quote from: Drohem;420954As the make-shift basket is lowered in the light and the chamber opens up, Rissthil blinks several times to adjust his vision to the new light.  He quickly rotates his head around to get a 360-degree scan of the situation as the basket touches the ground.  Once Runch steps out of the basket, Rissthil tugs the rope three times to signal his companions above to pull the basket up for the next pair to be lowered down.

Seeing Ylarum and Gareth crouched on side of the dais, Risshtil crouches and cautiously moves to their position.  

"Any hostiles sighted?" the elven sailor whispers to Ylarum and Gareth as he starts digging through is backpack, "Othos said that goblins and trolls were sighted by Delbaeth."

A moment or two later, Rissthil produces a torch from his backpack.  He uses the lantern to light the torch.

Ylarum, whispering to Risshtil: "That rhythmic beating sound, off to the east yonder...God's blood knows what that is.  Who's next down?  Right now we wait for anything unt'ward.  No goblins or trolls thus far, thank heavens.  I'm ready for a fight as much as the next, but not until we've our whole company."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on November 29, 2010, 03:04:47 PM
Rissthil focuses his attention to the east for a moment and hears the strange beating sound.

He nods affirmatively to Ylarum and whispers back, "Ulas and Othos."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 29, 2010, 03:35:28 PM
(Whispering):"Once my troupe is down, we'll make our way.  I don't like the idea of crossing that muck but I want to know what's beyond to the east before we go any other route.  I don't want something lurking behind us near what may be our only way out."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 29, 2010, 03:40:52 PM
(DM: how deep is the slime?  Does it seem to be "pools" or is it just thin smears?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 29, 2010, 03:52:47 PM
DM: kind of an half-liquid paste spilled all over the floor, really. It is most of the time about one inch thick, but can vary up to several inches "cakes" in places, especially when pieces of bones or trinkets are mixed in the goo, or it agglomerates against some feature of the room, like the pedestals under the lanterns.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on November 29, 2010, 04:04:19 PM
Quote from: Benoist;420908Roll for Move Quietly (d%). Not that Ylarum was particularly silent when he moved down the dais, but it never hurts. ;)

As for the flask, judging by the piece of cloth that is pressed by the lid against the flask itself and the stains it carries, it definitely is a flask of oil. You check the contents: yup. It is oil, most likely brought by the monks down here to fuel their own light sources.
My stealth roll: 20
So, I get back with Ylarum (and now Rissthil) with my new oil flask without making noises.
Quote from: thedungeondelver;420910Ylarum whispers : "Mind you didn't get any of that...stuff...on your hands.  Scrape your boots on the edge of the step, there, too - I've heard tell of living ichors and molds that can eat the flesh off a man, this might be something of that ilk..."

I keep my eye on the far door, insomuch as I can see it.
I make sure that I scrape any of that stuff. Any significant stench in the air coming from it?

Quote from: thedungeondelver;420975(Whispering):"Once my troupe is down, we'll make our way.  I don't like the idea of crossing that muck but I want to know what's beyond to the east before we go any other route.  I don't want something lurking behind us near what may be our only way out."
"My bet is on something big and slow, friends. That is why I feel that having a flask of flammable stuff can come in handy. Fire can drive fell beasts away."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 29, 2010, 04:15:34 PM
Quote from: Imperator;420993I make sure that I scrape any of that stuff. Any significant stench in the air coming from it?
DM: a fermented, acrid smell that reminds you of vomit that's been allowed to "give some personality" to a bar room for a few days mixed with a sort of "boiled pork fat" stench to it. It's really sickening stuff.

Also, given your success on your Move Quietly check, you are really adapting well to this new environment. If you want to do something really stealthy (for the next turn or so), you're feeling really good about it.

As you are all catching up with each other under your breath, you can hear a piece of wood, like a plank or something, falling somewhere away, north of your position.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on November 29, 2010, 04:25:28 PM
At the sound of something falling, Rissthil quicks turns his head toward the north passage and looks that way.  Quietly as possible, he slowly draws his longsword out of its scabbard.  He also lowers his torch as much as possible so that the dais and their bodies might help to block some of its light.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 29, 2010, 05:54:25 PM
Everything is quiet. The distant thumping stopped.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 29, 2010, 11:05:41 PM
Ylarum draws his sword, slowly and whispers : "Steady...steady.  If something's out there, let it rush 'pon our swords, not us into its teeth."  

(Now focusing my attention northward, as well; still holding the same position.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on November 29, 2010, 11:50:17 PM
Rissthil merely nods his head affirmatively in response to Ylarum's whisper.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 30, 2010, 12:04:35 AM
You hold your positions.

You suddenly hear a long, deep, guttural moan coming out of the shadows.

Then, out of the eastern corridor, you see a huge hulking shape walk slowly to the yellow lantern. It is about ten feet high. It is fat, and it is dead ugly. It has two arms, two legs, a torso and abdomen just like you, a small, round face with no nose, and little, blank porcine eyes with no aim, nor focus.

It drags itself slowly towards the light.  

Above, from the ceiling, you see the basket coming down on its third run.

What do you do?

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on November 30, 2010, 12:17:04 AM
Rissthil holds his position and waits to see if the creature notices them or the descending basket.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 30, 2010, 12:28:07 AM
Ylarum waits to see what the creature might notice, or what it's intentions are.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on November 30, 2010, 12:45:56 AM
As I exit the basket I draw my longsword, set my shield and start moving towards the others,looking about to familiarize the surroundings,adjusting to the light. I squat and listen to the others not saying much, silently reciting a simple prayer to Charlathan as the stench fills my nostrils.

When I hear the dropping/breaking wood I keep more focus on the N.hallway until I see the creature near the lantern to the east. I grip my sword firmly and prepare to spring in that direction should it see the descending basket.

I keep looking at the beast,closely watching his actions, praying that it leaves before seeing the basket.

(If I get the sense he sees it I will stand, yell a challenge and move around to the N. to flank position whirling my sword in challenge!!)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on November 30, 2010, 02:30:39 AM
I ready the flask of oil for throwing it to the creature. If a fight starts, I plan to douse it on oil and set it on fire. Sword seathed, lantern ready on the other hand.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on November 30, 2010, 08:55:16 AM
Othos ducks into the basket as it descends into the chamber, peering to the east and sniffing with his ample proboscis.

"Well, how about that, Ulas?  It looks like the rest of them left this here for us.  Oh wait, they're over there behind us.  Well, this got out of hand in a hurry.  May the Builder keep your bones whole Ulas."

Othos reaches into his pack and slips on a rune-etched helm:
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 30, 2010, 12:14:06 PM
You see movement behind the hulking creature.

It tries to move past the urn under the yellow lantern and bumps into it. The creature seems surprised the urn didn't just fall off its pedestal. It frowns, a bit like a gigantic infant would, and slaps it hard with the back of its hand. The blow is so hard you feel air displacement from where you're standing. The urn doesn't break, and doesn't even move. The creature slashed the back of its arm against the metal roof of the urn pretty bad. As its large elliptical movement ends high above the creature's tiny head you see some black blood spray all over the area to the north-earth of your position.

Just at the same time, you see smaller, humanoid creatures creep between the monster's legs and aside of it. These look like orcs, goblins, maybe hobgoblins. Hard to make out in the dark. There are at least five of them: three still behind the giant monster, two now stepping on the sickening goo by the urn. You see that the goo reacts to the creatures' steps. Tendrils of flesh, half-digested arms, skulls and guts of vomit caress their legs and provide them with support, even comfort as they walk towards you. They too seem to move in a slow, disjointed manner, like the huge giant-ogre thing, but also seem less absent-minded, their common attention definitely focused on you.

The basket reaches the ground. Othos and Ulas Xegg step out of it.

Who wants to roll for your group's initiative? (1d6)

Initiative for the hulking monster and his buddies: 4. (

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on November 30, 2010, 12:20:24 PM
5 (

Ulas will try to maneuver over next to Runch and put that cot between himself and the opposition. He'll nock an arrow and try to shoot at the green orc.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on November 30, 2010, 12:21:25 PM
Rissthil sees that the smaller, goblinoid creatures have spotted them and the basket.  He prepares himself for battle.


OOC: Initiative check = 3 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 30, 2010, 12:32:02 PM
Okay. This means you guys act in Segment 4, while the creatures act in Segment 5 (edited after I saw Cole's post).

Declare your spells and general actions during the round (should have been before init but that's okay. We'll let it slide for the round).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on November 30, 2010, 12:41:04 PM
OOC: Do I perceive the stench of corruption? Fuck, I'm sure these critters are undead. Also, the gooey stuff is creepy as Hell.

Gareth runs in a straight line to the basket and throws the flask of oil to the chest of the big monster, trying to douse as much of it as possible with oil. Once he achieves that, he'll go back, watching the creatures and trying to get Rissthil's torch.

"Beware, my friends! Let me get a clear shot!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on November 30, 2010, 12:43:42 PM
OOC: While still crouched behind the dais steps, Rissthil is going to set down his torch and sword and cast the shield spell on himself.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on November 30, 2010, 12:44:22 PM
Othos will attempt a long range lob of ye olde throwing hammer at the forward goblinoid, then take a several paces back towards the party.  He won't begin a descent down the dais, just create more distance from the enemy and cluster in with the group a bit.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 30, 2010, 01:40:12 PM
Ylarum yells (since stealth is now out of the question) : "Form a wedge!  I'm on the point, spellcasters at the rear!  Good throw, Gareth - burn 'em all!  Othos, fall back and link up with us!  Steady lads, steady!"

I'll then move forward onto the dais' middle with (hopefully) those in the group taking some direction and doing likewise.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 30, 2010, 02:32:24 PM
Still waiting on Runch's and Ulas's intents.

Gareth: roll d20 for your attack/oil flask throw.
Rissthil: Shield Spell in effect by Segment 5, when the monsters act.
Othos: roll d20 for your hammer throw. Then you are stepping back and see Ylarum hopping up the steps as you do so.
Ylarum: You move to the middle of the dais. This catches the creatures' attention as they clearly intend to move forward.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on November 30, 2010, 02:35:44 PM
Quote from: Benoist;421359Still waiting on Runch's and Ulas's intents.

Did you catch this post (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 30, 2010, 02:42:40 PM
Beyond the init result you mean? Err... no? LOL :D

Ulas: You move back by Runch's current position and shoot an arrow at the green/most forward orc. Roll d20.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on November 30, 2010, 02:45:31 PM
Quote from: Benoist;421369Beyond the init result you mean? Err... no? LOL :D

Ulas: You move back by Runch's current position and shoot an arrow at the green/most forward orc. Roll d20.

20 (

Does strength apply to bow damage in OSRIC?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 30, 2010, 02:53:45 PM
Quote from: Cole;421371Does strength apply to bow damage in OSRIC?
For specially-crafted bows only. This is not the case of the bow you possess. You inflict maximum damage from your bow: 6 damage.

@ Othos: Strength damage does apply to hurled weapons (Hammer throw).
@ Gareth: Strength damage does not apply to the oil flask (the container's kinetic force doesn't do any damage itself as it explodes on contact, but the oil does).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on November 30, 2010, 02:54:09 PM
Quote from: Cole;421371Does strength apply to bow damage in OSRIC?

Only if you have specially made bow.  (cf. OSRIC 2.0 page 29, note under missile table.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on November 30, 2010, 03:09:18 PM
I roll an 11 ( If I add my DEX bonus to missile, that is a 12. Do I scorea hit? If not, I hope at least to splash plety of oil on the ground.

[OOC: Not a very good roll, I guess, unless they have a shitty AC]
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 30, 2010, 03:39:51 PM
Quote from: Imperator;421396I roll an 11 ( If I add my DEX bonus to missile, that is a 12. Do I scorea hit? If not, I hope at least to splash plety of oil on the ground.

[OOC: Not a very good roll, I guess, unless they have a shitty AC]
Given the size of the creature, that it is incredibly slow, and still puzzled as to the reason why it cut open its massive hand on the urn's roof that is completely undamaged, yes, it is (just!) a hit!

No creature around is affected, though (they're all 5 feet or so away from the hulking thing). Roll for damage. 2d6 to start with.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 30, 2010, 03:45:11 PM
How close are they?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on November 30, 2010, 03:47:18 PM
Quote from: Benoist;421426Given the size of the creature, that it is incredibly slow, and still puzzled as to the reason why it cut open its massive hand on the urn's roof that is completely undamaged, yes, it is (just!) a hit!

No creature around is affected, though (they're all 5 feet or so away from the hulking thing). Roll for damage. 2d6 to start with.
The motherfucker eats 5 ( points of damage. I hope is a good, dry, flammable undead.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 30, 2010, 03:49:52 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;421431How close are they?
They're still at the position you see on the map at the beginning of the round. They haven't acted yet.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on November 30, 2010, 03:56:03 PM
unmodified attack roll [thrown hammer at goblinoid] (1d20=11) ( no strength mod to speak of, +1 to hit goblins, hobgoblins, orcs and half-orcs, range penalty.

Othos hurls the hammer and falls back into the wedge formation.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 30, 2010, 03:59:07 PM
Quote from: Benoist;421434They're still at the position you see on the map at the beginning of the round. They haven't acted yet.

Does big guy bellow in rage after being set alight?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 30, 2010, 05:30:39 PM
At this point, here: the situation.

The closest creature from you takes an arrow right in the skull from Ulas Xegg. It falls prone and is jerking uncontrollably in the goo.

Rissthil's incantation summon his Shield, which is now in effect.

Othos misses his target with his thrown hammer.

Runch (acting on Skofflox's original intent ( yells a challenge and moves around the dais to the North to flank enemies after their initial assault.

Ylarum yells his orders and hops on top of the dais.

And finally, Gareth hurls his oil flask, which hits the huge creature right in the face. The yell that comes out of the flames is REALLY, really loud, and raging. The creature crashes back against the (southern) wall to its left. It is blinded.

Your enemies move as fast as they can to meet you in combat, all save the one that took an arrow in the head and is now prone, as well as the creature just behind the huge oaf which seems terrified by the view of the flames and hesitates.

A very fast, nimble goblin whose flesh seems devoured by a sort of cancer eating at its skin makes incredible leaps forward to strike at Ylarum (counts as a charge). It is covered with patches of the same sickening stuff that is on the floor. The two others now climbing the steps of the dais you can recognize as an orc, and a human dressed in monk robes, respectively. Both of them visibly affected by the same kind of ... disease, but they are not nearly as nimble as the charging goblin is.

Goblin charges Ylarum: Hits AC 2. ( Damage: 6. ( Ouch!

Declare your Spells and General Actions for the next Round!

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on November 30, 2010, 05:49:48 PM
OOC: Rissthil will pick up his longsword and torch and move directly Ylarum's left and attack the goblin before him.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on November 30, 2010, 05:56:16 PM
Ulas will try to shoot an arrow at the monk before the monk reaches melee. He'll then shift to his right to form up with Othos and Rissthil.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 30, 2010, 06:36:20 PM
Now locked in mortal combat, Ylarum will heel back with his sword to give as good as he got (hopefully).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on November 30, 2010, 07:02:17 PM
Othos plans to approach Ylarum's south flank (avoiding the spot where the basket will drop) and cast cure light wounds on him
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on November 30, 2010, 08:46:49 PM
Quote from: Benoist;421457*snip*
Declare your Spells and General Actions for the next Round!


Ben: Not moving quite that far w. from the others. Say 5' less towards original position and 1 good stride back from the steps. Positioning myself so the goblins near the red lantern will be hindered by the furniture near the corner while keeping the wall to my back.

Seeing goblins near the red lantern I yell "Ambush,Ware the left flank comrades!" I move to the NE flank yelling an challenge in Orcish "Come dogs,my steel hungers!" while making a rotation with my longsword. Choosing my ground (see above) I plant my feet wide and hold sword a bit over rt. shoulder as I set shield and await all comers.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 30, 2010, 09:03:32 PM
DM: OK I updated the map following your instructions. Refresh the thread and it should show up.
Just waiting on Gareth now.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 30, 2010, 09:15:06 PM
(The red haze of pain burns a moment of clarity in Ylarum's mind and he thinks it's less of an ambush and more of a spoiling attack on their part...)

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on November 30, 2010, 09:19:41 PM
Quote from: Benoist;421514DM: OK I updated the map following your instructions. Refresh the thread and it should show up.
Just waiting on Gareth now.

looks good...loudly as the combat swirls "Charllathan grant us  a boon..." as I open my being to Charllathan's will in this moment of need...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 01, 2010, 03:13:44 AM
Quote from: Benoist;421457And finally, Gareth hurls his oil flask, which hits the huge creature right in the face. The yell that comes out of the flames is REALLY, really loud, and raging. The creature crashes back against the (southern) wall to its left. It is blinded.
Declare your Spells and General Actions for the next Round!

Gareth draws his sword and runs to the big monster, trying to use its state of blindness to... backstab it!

Ben, if you rule that backstab is not an option because the combat has started and all that, then I will try to flank Ylarum's foe and backstab him.

No battle cries from Gareth. They get in the way of backstabbing.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 11:16:16 AM
Okay! Somebody (first to post) roll for initiative! (1d6)

The bad guys roll: 3. (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 01, 2010, 11:20:39 AM
Quote from: Benoist;421727Okay! Somebody (first to post) roll for initiative! (1d6)

The bad guys roll: 3. (

We get a 5 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 11:54:47 AM
Quote from: Imperator;421731We get a 5 (
Alright. This means you guys act on Segment 3, and the bad guys act on Segment 5.

Rissthil: roll d20 for attack with your sword on the goblin.
Ulas: roll d20 for your shooting an arrow at the monk.
Ylarum: roll d20 for attack with your sword on the goblin.
Othos: you cast Cure Light Wounds on Ylarum. It takes 5 Segments, which means it will take effect next round.
Runch: you move to the NE flank. You are close to Rissthil, and in contact with an orc. You can roll d20 to make an attack.
Gareth: you run to the huge hulking creature as it turns its back on you (as per monster intents!!). You leap off your feet. Make your d20 attack!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 01, 2010, 12:35:21 PM
Quote from: Benoist;421743Gareth: you run to the huge hulking creature as it turns its back on you (as per monster intents!!). You leap off your feet. Make your d20 attack!

I roll an almighty 19 (! So I guess I hit!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 12:38:40 PM
Quote from: Imperator;421772I roll an almighty 19 (! So I guess I hit!
You totally do hit. Roll for damage. Multiply the die result by 2 (backstab). Plus any Strength damage modifier you got!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 01, 2010, 12:42:27 PM
1d20+2=21 (

He's dead, Jim.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 12:47:30 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;4217781d20+2=21 (

He's dead, Jim.
LOL Roll for damage!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 01, 2010, 12:51:10 PM
Quote from: Imperator;421772I roll an almighty 19 (! So I guess I hit!

Quote from: thedungeondelver;4217781d20+2=21 (

He's dead, Jim.

[OOC: golf claps for both of you]
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 01, 2010, 12:56:49 PM
Quote from: Benoist;421786LOL Roll for damage!

1d8+4=9 (

(I'm doing a minimum of 5 so if he's an actual gobbo and not some undead horror he fall down go boom regardless :) )
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 12:58:31 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;421793(I'm doing a minimum of 5 so if he's an actual gobbo and not some undead horror he fall down go boom regardless :) )
Who knows? Who knows... :D
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 01, 2010, 01:03:07 PM
Rissthil attacks in conjunction with Ylarum trying to find a opening the creature's defense.  Even though Rissthil wasn't able to land a telling blow on the creature, the distraction did provide an opening for Ylarum viciously slash the creature.


OOC: Rissthil misses the creature in round 2 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 01, 2010, 01:05:19 PM
Quote from: Benoist;421794Who knows? Who knows... :D

Uh, does he fall down go boom?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 01, 2010, 01:06:52 PM
Othos approaches Ylarum's south flank and begins to grunt a chant in archaic Dwarven: "╖ ╡ ╕ ╖╖ ╥╥ π "

[OOC after enemy attacks for the round Ylarum receives cure light wounds ]

cure light wounds on Ylarum (1d8=5) (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 01, 2010, 01:29:42 PM
(Tried rolling attack + damage together for sake of speed, IC gave me a weird 4x2 spread of results I couldn't interpret. So rolling again separately.)

1d20: 20 (

1d6 : 2 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 01:30:57 PM
Quote from: Cole;421816(Tried rolling attack + damage together for sake of speed, IC gave me a weird 4x2 spread of results I couldn't interpret. So rolling again separately.)

1d20: 20 (

1d6 : 2 (
Wow. Second critical hit in a row! You do 6 damage automatically!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 02:35:23 PM
Alright. In the interest of moving forward, I'm going to assume Runch's action is on hold (plus I have a doubt as to his actual location, so we'll see).

Ylarum and Rissthil attack together. While Rissthil isn't able to land a telling blow on the creature, the distraction does provide an opening for Ylarum who swings his sword so hard he basically severs its body in two different pieces. It doesn't seem to realize it at first but his bits collapse under its own weight in such a way that it can no longer be ignored. You notice that the legs are still kicking left and right, while his arms are trying to find a balance they'll never get back.

Othos is casting his spell.

Ulas shoots his arrow and lands a second headshot in a row, which sends the monk flying backwards, down the steps, into the gloo. His head hits a chest there with a big "thump!"

The big oaf is aflame. Gareth jumps and stabs it right between its two shoulders. (still waiting on the damage roll for that). The giant oaf, in return, reaches for its back and tries to grab Gareth. He fails (, and tries to run away very awkwardly, still aflame (Gareth, you need to roll me 1d6 more damage aside from the backstabbing blow, btw), Gareth on its back.

Runch's action is on hold.

The last diseased orc in your direct vicinity attacks Rissthil... and fails miserably. (

Tudd falls directly from the ceiling and lands on the basket with a loud "BAM!" sending dust in the air all around him.

Ylarum gets 5 hit points back. (

[Still waiting on the backstab damage from Gareth, the additional 1d6 fire damage from Gareth, and Runch's delayed action]

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 01, 2010, 02:38:37 PM
Hmm, so he fell down went "slish".  Excellent.

(DM: is the orc on Rissthil in melee distance?  That is, within 10' so I can move and attack in the same round?  Appears so, I just wanna make sure)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 02:40:15 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;421843(DM: is the orc on Rissthil in melee distance?  That is, within 10' so I can move and attack in the same round?  Appears so, I just wanna make sure)
Oh yes. Looks like he is to me.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 01, 2010, 03:02:34 PM
Quote from: Benoist;421842Alright. In the interest of moving forward, I'm going to assume Runch's action is on hold (plus I have a doubt as to his actual location, so we'll see).

Runch's action is on hold.

The last diseased orc in your direct vicinity attacks Rissthil... and fails miserably. (


Position looks good Ben.

After bounding up the steps Runch attacks the Orc as he scrums with Rissthil , swinging with his longsword in a downward arc ....
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 03:04:08 PM
Alright. d20 Attack roll, mate. :D

Roll for damage too. That'll save some time.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 01, 2010, 03:06:44 PM
Quote from: Benoist;421865Alright. d20 Attack roll, mate. :D

Roll for damage too. That'll save some time.

'CRUNCH'...17+3 for spec.=20

damage coming up...:)
ohhh yeah...
12 total...!

The orc doesn't have a chance to counter the viscious blow...the long hours of practice paying off as my longsword hews through the rough armour and bites deeply into flesh...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 01, 2010, 03:13:52 PM
Pivoting on Rissthil's right flank, Ylarum takes an overhanded lob with his broadsword at the orc.

1d20+2=3 (

...and misses pathetically.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 01, 2010, 03:14:25 PM
(if the Orc falls I will look to see if any of my companions need healing. If not I will start to move to the N. passage....if he stands I will stay engaged.)

I look a bit surprised at the dust rising from the basket and grin at the sight of he moving?!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 01, 2010, 03:18:52 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;421868Pivoting on Rissthil's right flank, Ylarum takes an overhanded lob with his broadsword at the orc.

1d20+2=3 (

...and misses pathetically.

methinks he is finished or at least hurt'n BAD...12 damage on my attack!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 01, 2010, 03:26:22 PM
Coughing and waving his shield hand around to clear the dust as he rises to his feet and fumbles for his morningstar, Tudd shouts, "I'm here brudder.... where's the mean things to hit?!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 03:56:10 PM
Runch? I have one word for you: Decapitation! :D

The orc's head flies off its shoulders, bumps against a wall and lands with a loud fleshy sound somewhere on the floor.

There is still Gareth on the back of the hulking creature (who needs to roll his backstab damage, plus another d6 for the fire damage), and the two humanoids Runch spotted by the red lantern a few seconds earlier.

Tudd, you're in from now on. Nimten? You show up from the ceiling. You see the current situation (you have line of sight to the huge oaf from where you are).

Smeads is currently lowered down the well (will become active next round).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 03:57:38 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;421868Pivoting on Rissthil's right flank, Ylarum takes an overhanded lob with his broadsword at the orc.

1d20+2=3 (

...and misses pathetically.
That doesn't count. Runch's action was delayed, and it was still Round 2. By the time Round 3 begins (now), the orc is decapitated.

OK. Declaration of Intents, people!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 04:17:42 PM
Updated map at the beginning of Round 3.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 01, 2010, 04:21:06 PM
Ulas will try to shoot the more easterly of the two orcs in the north corridor, then shift toward Othos.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 01, 2010, 04:23:12 PM
Tudd will look for Runch and make his way to his brother's side, ready his shield and sling, then look for any threatening enemies.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 01, 2010, 04:24:09 PM
OOC: Round 3 Intent... Rissthil is going to step directly north and stand at the edge of the top step of the dais so that they will have to come up the steps to attack him.  If any enemy approaches him, he will attack with his longsword.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 01, 2010, 05:06:41 PM
Sorry on the delay, I was working here.

Backstab damage: 1d8 ( x 2 = 12

Fire damage: 3 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 01, 2010, 05:11:21 PM
My intent in this round is:

a) if the oaf is still up, I will keep my sword stuck on the fucker hoping to enlarge the wound (and keep a hold on him), and stab him in the neck with my dagger.

b) if the oaf falls down, I will unstuck my sword from its corpse and run back to the group, in the dais.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 01, 2010, 05:23:23 PM
Othos will rush (waddle) almost directly north just before the descent down the dais.  He will hunker down into a squat with his shield planted firmly in a defensive position, forming a nice beefy Dwarf-wall for nearby folks like Rissthill, Ulas or Ylarum to fire missiles from behind.  He'll take this opportunity to properly wield his morningstar now.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 01, 2010, 05:30:51 PM
Ylarum will move to hold the center of our staggered line, ready to shift to the north if need be, but keeping a careful eye on the developments to the east.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 01, 2010, 05:34:47 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;421883Coughing and waving his shield hand around to clear the dust as he rises to his feet and fumbles for his morningstar, Tudd shouts, "I'm here brudder.... where's the mean things to hit?!"

Quote from: Sigmund;421923Tudd will look for Runch and make his way to his brother's side, ready his shield and sling, then look for any threatening enemies.
Ben., Not sure how long it takes to do but here is my intent...

After wiping my blade on the fallen...I stride to meet him,a smile playing upon my lips amongst the carnage. "I see you made it down...interesting approach." As I look him over for wounds continuing "Close your eyes and Kneel for a moment brother,let the will of Charlathan be a balm to you, afore you enter the fray." Leaning my shield against my leg I place one hand on his shoulder, grasping my zemi with the other.Closing my eyes and letting my head hang I beseech Charlathan with murmered prayer to heal...

(7-up bro!)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 06:02:45 PM
@ Gareth: Big boy is still standing, but he's crazed, burned, has your sword stuck in his back. He can't be lasting much longer.

OK As far as I see only Nimten hasn't shared his intent yet. It's alright.

Next poster rolls for initiative! (1d6)

Monsters roll for initiative: 3 again (dammit). (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 01, 2010, 06:07:33 PM
6 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 06:38:02 PM
You guys suck. I hate you. You're rolling way too well on init. :D
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 01, 2010, 06:48:33 PM
Nimten is holding his action until the end of the round. As he lowers to the ground he looks over the situation and decides that they should be able to handle it on their own.

For now, I'm not doing anything but keeping cover behind my companions. If anything comes within arms reach, through the crowd of adventurers, I'll attack with my staff. Otherwise, I'm not casting Sleep until a couple of us go down.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 01, 2010, 06:52:10 PM
Standing on the dais facing the north, Rissthil says to his companions loudly, "don't get hasty!  Let them break upon us!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 01, 2010, 08:06:15 PM
Have we had time for another basketload of personnel to come down?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 08:24:03 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;422016Have we had time for another basketload of personnel to come down?
The basket never left after Ulas and Othos arrived.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 01, 2010, 08:35:04 PM
Quote from: Benoist;422019The basket never left after Ulas and Othos arrived.

Poop.  The adjective, not the verb.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 09:10:26 PM
OK. You are acting on Segment 3. The bad guys act on Segment 6.

Nimten is holding his action.
Rissthil moves into position northward, on the top step of the dais, as do Othos and Ylarum.
Ulas shoots at at one of the orcs (the eastermost). Roll d20 for Attack. Then shifts towards Othos.
Tudd and Runch are side by side, on the same basic line as the others. Runch casts Cure Light Wounds on Tudd for 7 hit points. It will be effective on Segment 8.
Gareth twists his blade in the oaf's wound. He then stabs him it in the neck, but it seems the creature just died a split second before blood sprays everywhere. The oaf collapses. Gareth comes back to his feet, and unstuck his blade from the creature's back.

Bottom line:
Ulas. Roll for your range attack.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 01, 2010, 09:25:53 PM
To hit: 11 (

Damage, if that hits:2 (

Edit : Note that I just link the straight roll, not applying my dex to hit.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 09:34:57 PM
Quote from: Cole;422036To hit: 11 (

Damage, if that hits:2 (

Edit : Note that I just link the straight roll, not applying my dex to hit.
OK. It's +3 to hit... you just miss him.

Bigger post pending.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 09:58:04 PM
The large oaf finally collapses, dead.

You each are moving into a defensive positions, preparing for an assault... that ends up not coming. Ulas Xegg launches his arrow at the goblins by the red lantern, and misses one of them by about an inch or two. They just saw you take down quite an impressive force, and they are not stupid. They take cover in a room nearby, east of their own position, and you hear a door shut close behind them.

Nimten reaches the floor. Smeads is currently being lowered down from the room's ceiling.

Meanwhile, Gareth gets his weapon back from the oaf's body. He stands up, and looks upon a pretty bare room: there are three pillars, and some new shelves, obviously brought there by the monks or the staff of the Gold Ladder, which seemed to have been loaded with all sorts of weapons, armor, some shields, swords, halberds, guisarms... as a matter of fact, there is an amazing variety of polearms here. Somehow, you don't really know why, but it makes you smile...

In this room, there is still one of the diseased creatures alive, but it seems to want to stay away from the flames still licking the oaf's flesh as its corpse lay down right by Gareth's side. It is terrified, cowering in the shadows along to the north of the room.

End of Combat. (so far... you can catch up with each other, RP, search, whatnot)

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 01, 2010, 10:05:20 PM
"Gareth!" Ylarum calls out.  "Close back up with us, fellow!"

Ylarum then steps back to the basket and gives the rope a couple of yanks, then quickly back to the position he's at on the map there.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 01, 2010, 10:08:33 PM
"If any of you think it wise, we could hold the creature. Tomorrow, I could make friends with it... so to speak."

Nimten walks a few steps towards he creature, kneeling before it, he says, "I'm sorry you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. I think I can convince these people that killing you won't get them anything, but if you could tell us your name and a little about who lives here, it would go a long way to making us friends."

If the creature doesn't seem to understand, I may not finish, instead switching to another language such as goblin or orc and trying again.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 01, 2010, 10:24:14 PM
"looks like I've missed all the fun..."

Smeads will close up behind the group, meanwhile getting his sling ready just in case.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 01, 2010, 10:29:39 PM
Ulas looks at the various polearms.

"Quite a variety. They are arranged almost religiously, as if the attributes of some great man no longer with us."

Is there a mace among the weaponry, or any arrows?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 01, 2010, 10:31:48 PM
Keeping his attention to the northern hallway, Rissthil calls out to his companions, "someone keep an eye to the west and south in case the orcs try to flank us."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 01, 2010, 10:45:58 PM
Othos snorts and mutters something about befriending goblins incredulously.  He walks just a few paces to the east, keeping a close eye on Gareth and now Ulas to the east.

"Good chances the one that got away will be bringing more back this way..."

But he says so somewhat vacantly.  His mind wanders back to something he saw when he first came down in the basket...

Quote from: Dungeon MasterThere are at least five of them: three still behind the giant monster, two now stepping on the sickening goo by the urn. You see that the goo reacts to the creatures' steps. Tendrils of flesh, half-digested arms, skulls and guts of vomit caress their legs and provide them with support, even comfort as they walk towards you.

"What sort of unholy mess is this?  Great Builder, open my eyes."

[OOC - imma try to Turn that shit.  Because I don't like it one bit]

Turn Undead on the mad scary goo (1d20=1) ( whoops
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 10:52:45 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;422047"Gareth!" Ylarum calls out.  "Close back up with us, fellow!"

Ylarum then steps back to the basket and gives the rope a couple of yanks, then quickly back to the position he's at on the map there.
The message seems to have been received, because the basket is soon lifted off the ground and disappears through the ceiling.

Quote from: Cranewings;422050"If any of you think it wise, we could hold the creature. Tomorrow, I could make friends with it... so to speak."

Nimten walks a few steps towards he creature, kneeling before it, he says, "I'm sorry you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. I think I can convince these people that killing you won't get them anything, but if you could tell us your name and a little about who lives here, it would go a long way to making us friends."

If the creature doesn't seem to understand, I may not finish, instead switching to another language such as goblin or orc and trying again.
The creature seems deseased, as if brain-dead, but for the intense fear it expresses towards any open flame. It is covered with the same strange stuff as has been spilled on the floor of the round room ( It has some scars, like bite marks. Bits of flesh seems to have been ripped off its body, sometimes the size of your fist. They are not bleeding, but instead covered with some clear pus.

As you switch through different languages, it tentatively tries to bite you, though you did stay at a safe distance away from it, and it does not have the courage to come closer to the light.

For all you know, it might have been an undead, if it weren't for the obvious signs of life, like breathing, or sweat, or nervousness you can see from the creature's appearance and basic demeanor.

Quote from: Cole;422058Ulas looks at the various polearms.

"Quite a variety. They are arranged almost religiously, as if the attributes of some great man no longer with us."

Is there a mace among the weaponry, or any arrows?
There are maces, yes. They are a couple full quivers, as well as a couple longbows made of strong yew, which seem to fit nicely with the collection of polearms, now that you think of it.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 10:56:29 PM
Quote from: winkingbishop;422066"What sort of unholy mess is this?  Great Builder, open my eyes."

[OOC - imma try to Turn that shit.  Because I don't like it one bit]

Turn Undead on the mad scary goo (1d20=1) ( whoops
Gareth, Ulas, Nimten as well as yourself have walked through the stuff to get to the eastern room (or the oaf in the first place, for Gareth) by the way. It's the whole pink stuff on the map.

You point your holy symbol at the awful ... mess, or thing, but it does not react. It does not seem undead.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 10:58:03 PM
Who's got a light source by the way at this point, besides Rissthil, and the oaf still kind of smoldering in the corner?

Who's got the lantern Gareth was holding?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 01, 2010, 10:58:20 PM
Nimten looks concerned; walking back to the party he turns to the friar and says, "It might be worthy to see if you can heal that poor creature. Perhaps we should try washing off that gel. I'll think on it for a few minutes and consult my materials, to see if I can identify it. It could be important to find out if being corrupted here is a death sentence."

Nimten pauses a moment, then adds, "if we can't relieve its suffering, we should put it out of its misery."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 01, 2010, 11:01:30 PM
Ulas claims a heavy mace.

"I wouldn't risk my own skin trying to save that thing. What if it bites you?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 01, 2010, 11:03:40 PM
"My fellow, I would put my weapon to that creature's skull even if it weren't cursed and mindless and rotten.  We'll learn nothing from it in that state and it is, in fact, trying to eat you.  If you'll step aside I'll do it one for ya."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 01, 2010, 11:05:31 PM
Quote from: winkingbishop;422079"My fellow, I would put my weapon to that creature's skull even if it weren't cursed and mindless and rotten.  We'll learn nothing from it in that state and it is, in fact, trying to eat you.  If you'll step aside I'll do it one for ya."

"Perhaps best done from afar, Othos."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 01, 2010, 11:06:25 PM
Quote from: Cole;422081"Perhaps best done from afar, Othos."

"Thanks for reminding me.  I lost a tossing hammer over there..."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 01, 2010, 11:12:48 PM
[OOC: I need to call it a night.  Ulas can do the honors of taking it out if he is so inclined.  But Othos would like to retrieve his hammer.]
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 01, 2010, 11:22:26 PM
Othos retrieves his hammer without trouble. :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 01, 2010, 11:27:18 PM
"Could one of you bring some light over here toward the south? I'd like to look at this surface at the wall."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 01, 2010, 11:49:52 PM
"I still think we missed an opportunity to study."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 01, 2010, 11:52:48 PM
(I think it's still alive - Ulas didn't attack it, at least.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 02, 2010, 12:03:50 AM
After the conduit to Charlathan subsides I sigh deeply as the power leaves me sated with hope and courage. Smiling at Tudd as I say "Lets go into the passage there." as I point to the N corridor. "Some goblins muk'n about so grab steel!" indicating his sling with a wink as I clap him on the back and turn to stride across the dias.

Gruffly to the others "There were foes to the N. Anyone care to secure our position before look'n about and congratulat'ns?"

(ooc;nicely done everyone!)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 12:11:59 AM
DM: Nicely done indeed. You guys got lucky on the init too, and I had some pretty bad rolls for the baddies! But such is life! I will claim new souls for Arioch later on! :D

Quote from: Cole;422090"Could one of you bring some light over here toward the south? I'd like to look at this surface at the wall."
Which area do you want to inspect?

Also, don't forget that my original description of the room mentions a lot of stuff, but very few with any extensive detail. If you'd like to have a closer look at anything in particular, let me know.

Quote from: Cole;422105(I think it's still alive - Ulas didn't attack it, at least.)
The "thing" is still alive. I have read people talking about killing "it," but no one's actually done so at this point.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 02, 2010, 12:12:32 AM
"We should wait for the rest of our group to come down the shaft first," Rissthil says in response, "staying here until they arrive is securing our position."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 12:15:18 AM
"You gentlemen seemed to be doing a fine job of securing the our position already."

Ulas takes a look northward.

"But if you want me to cover your line from range, I can do that."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 12:17:28 AM
Quote from: Benoist;422122Which area do you want to inspect?

I was referring to the fluid "mirror."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 12:23:41 AM
Quote from: Cole;422124Ulas takes a look northward.
There is a door right in the middle of the wall oriented SW/NE in front of you (in the room with the polearms). It is made of very old, dark oak-like wood, with large reinforcements made of some sort of green metal.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 12:24:27 AM
Quote from: Cole;422125I was referring to the fluid "mirror."
Oh alright (I didn't get that you got back to the large circular room already). :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 02, 2010, 12:27:48 AM
Quote from: Drohem;422123"We should wait for the rest of our group to come down the shaft first," Rissthil says in response, "staying here until they arrive is securing our position."

Nodding to Rissthil "Well lets get it right then." as I indicate the spread out positions of our comrades. Pointing towards the red lantern "Maybe get some missle cover into that hall and send a scout or two to reconoit'r while we form up proper and await the others." as I roll the bodies off the landing area "Works not done here."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 02, 2010, 12:40:20 AM
Quote from: Cole;422124"You gentlemen seemed to be doing a fine job of securing the our position already."

Ulas takes a look northward.

"But if you want me to cover your line from range, I can do that."

wiping my hands on the body before kicking it down the stairs...I look to Ulas before continuing

"Some goblins duk'd into a room there" indicating the N.hall."I don't rek'n this area secure." as my eyes dart about.
"I am willing to take a peak with your bow at my back but others here may be better equiped for scout'n.And I think it best t' have all us folk on this platform cept those scount'n to insure the others don't get held up like the last bunch"as I point to the remaining body at our feet.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 02, 2010, 01:05:53 AM
Quote from: Drohem;422123"We should wait for the rest of our group to come down the shaft first," Rissthil says in response, "staying here until they arrive is securing our position."

While attempting to scrape the goo off his boots, Nimten says, "I'm with you. We need to wait here.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 02, 2010, 02:34:31 AM
Quote from: Benoist;422028Gareth twists his blade in the oaf's wound. He then stabs him it in the neck, but it seems the creature just died a split second before blood sprays everywhere. The oaf collapses. Gareth comes back to his feet, and unstuck his blade from the creature's back.
[OOC: Did I kill it just by myself? ROCK!]

Quote from: thedungeondelver;422047"Gareth!" Ylarum calls out.  "Close back up with us, fellow!"

Ylarum then steps back to the basket and gives the rope a couple of yanks, then quickly back to the position he's at on the map there.
Before declaring my intent I need some clarification: is the creature that Nimten was trying to communicate with the same that is cowering in the room I am at? I've re-read the posts but I'm a bit confused.

(Sorry on the delay, I live in GMT+1, guys).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 02, 2010, 08:00:56 AM
Quote from: skofflox;421965Ben., Not sure how long it takes to do but here is my intent...

After wiping my blade on the fallen...I stride to meet him,a smile playing upon my lips amongst the carnage. "I see you made it down...interesting approach." As I look him over for wounds continuing "Close your eyes and Kneel for a moment brother,let the will of Charlathan be a balm to you, afore you enter the fray." Leaning my shield against my leg I place one hand on his shoulder, grasping my zemi with the other.Closing my eyes and letting my head hang I beseech Charlathan with murmered prayer to heal...

(7-up bro!)

Tudd solemnly tries to hold still and think of Charlathan, then as Runch finishes up squirms a little as he chuckles, "That always tickles brudder, thanks Chalathan for the tinglies" Then he remembers the fight and turns to glare sternly around.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 02, 2010, 08:11:10 AM
Can we have an updated map, Ben? I'm a bit confused.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 02, 2010, 08:11:34 AM
Tudd stows his sling and frees his morningstar as he moves in front of Runch facing north, watching that way intently.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 02, 2010, 08:30:59 AM
Quote from: Sigmund;422201Tudd stows his sling and frees his morningstar as he moves in front of Runch facing north, watching that way intently.
OK, my statement of intent will be:

1) If there is (as the map shows) a creature cowering on the north side of the room I'm in (where the carcass of the big monster is), then I'll stay my ground, watching the creature and shout "There's yet anoter one of these here! Do not fear, as the great monster has been felled!" Sword and dagger out, keeping my distance.

2) If the critter is not there (because it was the one Nimten tried to question, or because it fled), then I'll get back with my comrades (second line), while keeping watch on the eastern side of the room, in case more of these fuckers come from there.

Also, Gareth is pretty pissed at not getting any acknowledgement of his victory over the ogre. :D
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 11:35:10 AM
Quote from: Imperator;422170[OOC: Did I kill it just by myself? ROCK!]
Yes you did. Awesome job indeed. :)

Quote from: Imperator;422170Before declaring my intent I need some clarification: is the creature that Nimten was trying to communicate with the same that is cowering in the room I am at? I've re-read the posts but I'm a bit confused.

(Sorry on the delay, I live in GMT+1, guys).
Yes. The creature Nimten was trying to communicate with is the same you see to the north of the polearms room on the map, and that Gareth is talking about.

Quote from: Imperator;422200Can we have an updated map, Ben? I'm a bit confused.
I'm a bit confused too. Wait. Updated map pending. Still working my way through the thread.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 11:59:45 AM
OK. I'm assuming here that the two people with light sources are Rissthil with a Torch, and Ulas Xegg who picked up the lantern that was left by Gareth at the side of the dais when he attacked the big oaf. There is a third major light source in the huge corpse that is still smoldering to the east. And of course, there are the three lanterns.

Runch pushed the remains of the creatures by the dais side, with Tudd by his side. Smeads is on the ground by now. Othos joins back with the group to wait for reinforcements, while Gareth is still by the east (polearms) room, wondering what to do with the creature still cowering in the darkness (nothing's been done to it so far that I can tell, besides Nimten's failed efforts at communicating with it).

Ulas Xegg takes a look at the ceiling, trying to find some traces of the original access mechanism. He finds none, though the way the sandstone blocks are arranged in the room's architecture clearly indicates there already was an opening of some kind there in the past. He then takes a look at the "mirror."

It is made of a very reflective liquid metal comparable to mercury, but defying gravity by sticking to a 20-foot bronze frame built in the wall. The liquid's surface is basically vertical. Ripples form and move on its surface periodically. By looking at it more closely, Ulas realizes it reacts to air displacements, like when Runch pushes a body off the dais with his boot, he sees a ripple forming on the liquid's surface. Very strange device indeed.

There are two wall paintings on each side of the reflective surface. They are enormous, using up all the space along the walls up to the corridors to the west (on your right as you look at the mirror, Ulas), and east (on your left). The one on your right (west) depicts some type of torture scene, while the other seems to represent a more joyous event, like some sort of feast, or celebration scene.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 02, 2010, 12:06:04 PM
Then I stand by my statement of intent number 1, in my previous post.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 12:34:14 PM
What do the figures look like in the paintings?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 02, 2010, 12:50:39 PM
My reworked statement of intent, after Ben¡s last map:

I'll stay my ground, watching the creature and shout "There's yet anoter one of these here! Do not fear, as the great monster has been felled! I should be called Gareth the Giant Slayer" Sword and dagger out, keeping my distance in case the critter makes a move.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 12:50:46 PM
Quote from: Cole;422293What do the figures look like in the paintings?
(notice there is a small chest directly to Ulas' right [west] - forgot to mention it earlier)

Comparing the two paintings, you notice there is one character that is absolutely the same: he seems to be some kind of lord wearing multicolored robes. A strong, angular face with short, black hair. The eyes are interesting: they seem to be painted in a very bright, unnatural fashion, as if the white and gold pigments used to color them were slightly phosphorescent.

Further comparing the paintings, you can notice that this main character's attention is in both cases focused on a woman. The women are different in each painting, however: on the painting to your right (west), this is a nude, white-skinned woman with silver hair that is boiled to death by orc alchemists surrounding the main character sitting on a chair, watching the torture; on the other painting, to your left (east), it is some sort of marriage or vows scene, with the main character standing next to a dark-haird, bronze skinned woman with proud green eyes, a sharp nose and a dress made of gold threads, the couple being praised by some court or retinue, with flower petals flying in the air. Most of this court seems to feature humans, though you can notice a few other, humanoids, characters like gnoll guards, and a few orcs and goblins in the crowd.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 12:52:19 PM
Quote from: Imperator;422307"There's yet anoter one of these here! Do not fear, as the great monster has been felled! I should be called Gareth the Giant Slayer" Sword and dagger out, keeping my distance in case the critter makes a move.

*grins* :D
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 12:54:54 PM
Quote from: Imperator;422307My reworked statement of intent, after Ben¡s last map:

I'll stay my ground, watching the creature and shout "There's yet anoter one of these here! Do not fear, as the great monster has been felled! I should be called Gareth the Giant Slayer" Sword and dagger out, keeping my distance in case the critter makes a move.


"Good work. Gareth the Giant Slayer it is. How's 'Gareth' for short?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 12:56:13 PM
How odd. Ulas will examine the chest near him, meanwhile.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 02, 2010, 12:56:51 PM
Quote from: Cole;422312"Good work. Gareth the Giant Slayer it is. How's 'Gareth' for short?"

"Too short! Also, shall I remind you that I have the highest tally when it comes to giant slaying?

What shall we do with these here sad critter? Seems afraid and cowering, but I think I see a door behind it?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 02, 2010, 12:58:57 PM
Rissthil calls out to Gareth from his position, "well done, Gareth!  Destroy the abomination and get back here with the rest of us!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 01:01:40 PM
Quote from: Imperator;422314"Too short! Also, shall I remind you that I have the highest tally when it comes to giant slaying?

What shall we do with these here sad critter? Seems afraid and cowering, but I think I see a door behind it?"

"Fine with me - Giants always aim for the giant slayer first, anyway."

Ulas glances back toward that room.

"Nimten wants to study him, and I won't pretend I'm not curious about what's wrong with the creature, but I worry that if it bites someone, we'll find out what's wrong with him first hand."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 02, 2010, 01:02:01 PM
Quote from: Drohem;422319Rissthil calls out to Gareth from his position, "well done, Gareth!  Destroy the abomination and get back here with the rest of us!"
Gareth looks sadly to the creature, and advances to do the grim work as swift and painlessly as he cans. Of course, he's on guard to any noise or the door opening.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 01:02:45 PM
Ben, how is the liquid flesh reacting to the flames from the giant/oil?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 01:08:32 PM
Quote from: Cole;422324Ben, how is the liquid flesh reacting to the flames from the giant/oil?
It actually seems mildly flammable. Not exactly like gas or ether, but still, flammable.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 01:11:54 PM
Quote from: Benoist;422327It actually seems mildly flammable. Not exactly like gas or ether, but still, flammable.

Does it react in an "alive" way to the flaming oil, as it did to the orcs walking over it?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 01:21:28 PM
DM: Try to focus your posts on in-character actions, maybe with OOC questions/remarks as notes at the end/beginning of posts, but try to not make OOC-only posts here. I'm thinking of this as we seem to be getting a bit too freeform on this.

Ulas tries it out, and indeed, the substance does react to an open flame much like water does to oil...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 01:59:23 PM
Quote from: Cole;422313How odd. Ulas will examine the chest near him, meanwhile.
DM: didn't realize I had not answered that part.

Ulas also examines the chest. It is a simple wooden chest with an iron lock which seems to have been tempered with (like with a dagger or cutlass, judging by the scratches on it). It is also partially splattered with blood. Not the sickening goo, mind you, but actual blood which appears black under the light of the lantern (as blood usually does with this type of light source).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 02:02:08 PM
Quote from: Benoist;422348DM: didn't realize I had not answered that part.

Ulas also examines the chest. It is a simple wooden chest with an iron lock which seems to have been tempered with (like with a dagger or cutlass, judging by the scratches on it). It is also partially splattered with blood. Not the sickening goo, mind you, but actual blood which appears black under the light of the lantern (as blood usually does with this type of light source).

Is the lock part of the chest, or is it more like a padlock?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 02:03:50 PM
DM: It actually is a padlock.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 02:22:44 PM
"Does anyone see a hammer and chisel among all this stuff?"

Ulas examines the chest and lock for signs of a trap.

"I could try picking the lock, but you never know where there's a poisoned needle."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 02, 2010, 02:49:31 PM
Quote from: Imperator;422323Gareth looks sadly to the creature, and advances to do the grim work as swift and painlessly as he cans. Of course, he's on guard to any noise or the door opening.

"Gareth, good work with the giant. I've never seen one killed before.

As for the creature, kill it cleanly if you must kill it, but it is possible we will have to, or want to, restore someone in this state later. All I ask is that the friar clean it and pray over it. If he can do nothing, then we know to be extra cautious in avoiding it's disease.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 03:35:37 PM
Gareth (as per OOC) slaughters the mindless creature. It is both quick, and clean.

The lock Ulas is examining seems at first too simple to be hosting any needle, but as he is looking closer, he does see one, which has been sprung whenever the lock was tempered with (there was a needle trap, but it has been sprung already. If you break the lock cleanly, you feel there is no danger in opening the chest).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 02, 2010, 03:40:38 PM
Quote from: Cranewings;422375"Gareth, good work with the giant. I've never seen one killed before.

As for the creature, kill it cleanly if you must kill it, but it is possible we will have to, or want to, restore someone in this state later. All I ask is that the friar clean it and pray over it. If he can do nothing, then we know to be extra cautious in avoiding it's disease.

Quote from: Benoist;422405Gareth (as per OOC) slaughters the mindless creature. It is both quick, and clean.

Othos will examine the anatomy of the creature, now that it is quite dead to see if it merits the prayer that was requested.  Is it possible to discern what it was before becoming deformed? Human? Goblin? other?

[OOC - for some reason I was sure it was an orc or a goblin, but going back and reading I haven't a clue anymore :P]
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 02, 2010, 03:48:42 PM
"I can try to pick that lock if you don't want to smash it...of course, you might need to smash it anyways..but I could try to pick it and save the lock..."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 03:53:21 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;422412"I can try to pick that lock if you don't want to smash it...of course, you might need to smash it anyways..but I could try to pick it and save the lock..."

"As could I, but I don't see much need to save a dented padlock with a broken poison needle. I'd rather put a hammer and chisel to the shackle and not risk getting stuck, even a little bit."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 04:01:36 PM
Othos: the creature most definitely was a goblin, once. It was infected by a sort of ... parasite. Like growths grafted onto its skin very similar in appearance to the repulsing muck spread over parts of the room. They usually are lodged close to, or on top of, open, purulent wounds.

Ulas: You do not have the tools readily available to you. Are you trying to break the lock, or pick it yourself, or let Smeads handle it?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 04:08:54 PM
Quote from: Benoist;422424Othos: the creature most definitely was a goblin, once. It was infected by a sort of ... parasite. Like growths grafted onto its skin very similar in appearance to the repulsing muck spread over parts of the room. They usually are lodged close to, or on top of, open, purulent wounds.

Ulas: You do not have the tools readily available to you. Are you trying to break the lock, or pick it yourself, or let Smeads handle it?

"Smeads, it doesn't look like there's a chisel anywhere around here - if you want to try to pick the lock, you're probably better at it than I am."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 02, 2010, 04:15:03 PM
Quote from: Cole;422430"Smeads, it doesn't look like there's a chisel anywhere around here - if you want to try to pick the lock, you're probably better at it than I am."
Gareth returns, cleaning his sword.

"There's no need to break the padlock and use such a crude method. You always risk breaking some of the chest contents. As there is no trap and we're i no hurry, we can be more subtle." Smile. "Of course, I can try my hand, after my fellow Smeads."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 04:25:08 PM
DM: Alright then. Smeads, you are welcome to roll for Picking the Lock. :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 02, 2010, 06:55:59 PM
As Gareth emerges from the far room and the lowering continues I keep watch on the N. hall as I do some concious breathing exercises to mitigate the residual effects of adrenalin...images and techniques from the "Charlathan Armigers Opuscule:Forms and techniques Vol.1".(remembering well the lessons of Curate Malrubius...)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 02, 2010, 07:58:07 PM
Othos lets out a long sigh and mutters quietly to himself: "Just what are we getting ourselves into?"

Othos is going to investigate the infection a little closer, but never make contact with it.  He's trying to figure if the "goo" emerges from a wound (that is, from inside a creature) or if it does in fact look like it latched on.

Now that Gareth is out of the room it may be sufficiently dark now to employ infravision.  I'd like to give the corpse a thermal once-over while it's freshly dead.  Othos is already quite certain these things aren't properly "undead" but it would be an interesting trick if this goo or parasite was keeping a corpse alive nonetheless, so he'll try to see if the goblin body was truly dead, mostly dead, still warm and if the goo had any kind of"heat".. of its own.

Given a few moments of that, his mind then wanders to the monster's reaction to the fire.  He tosses his shield back to it's strap and fires up his lantern.  He'll pick up the lantern by the loop with the end of his morningstar and wave it very close to a patch of infection.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 08:09:06 PM
Ulas tries pulling the eastward chest to dry ground.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 08:14:24 PM
Quote from: winkingbishop;422527Othos is going to investigate the infection a little closer, but never make contact with it.  He's trying to figure if the "goo" emerges from a wound (that is, from inside a creature) or if it does in fact look like it latched on.
It definitely looks like it is latched on and in some cases dug its way through the flesh.

Quote from: winkingbishop;422527Now that Gareth is out of the room it may be sufficiently dark now to employ infravision.  I'd like to give the corpse a thermal once-over while it's freshly dead.  Othos is already quite certain these things aren't properly "undead" but it would be an interesting trick if this goo or parasite was keeping a corpse alive nonetheless, so he'll try to see if the goblin body was truly dead, mostly dead, still warm and if the goo had any kind of"heat".. of its own.
The soup or goo itself doesn't seem to radiate heat at all, but the creature you just slaughtered does radiate heat. A lot of heat. Like a victim of a high fever. The creature certainly wasn't dead, but it was sick. Very sick.

Quote from: winkingbishop;422527Given a few moments of that, his mind then wanders to the monster's reaction to the fire.  He tosses his shield back to it's strap and fires up his lantern.  He'll pick up the lantern by the loop with the end of his morningstar and wave it very close to a patch of infection.
The patches of infection don't seem to have the same reaction to your lantern as the goo itself (on the floor, not on a body) did when it was confronted to an open flame. There is no visible effect you notice.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 08:15:29 PM
Quote from: Cole;422529Ulas tries pulling the eastward chest to dry ground.
Ulas does so without problem. The chest isn't very heavy.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 02, 2010, 08:31:03 PM
Othos blows out the lantern and reequips his shield.  He waddles back to the main room, up the dais, shaking his head and muttering to himself quietly.  He passes by Nimtem and stops near him, struggling with his words at first:

[OOC - I had to edit my post here to specify I was speaking to Nimtem.  For some reason I typed Rissthil.  I guess all the pointy ears are confusing me. :( ]

" see, there isn't much good in a goblin...  E-even when it ain't all rotten and cursed.  Truly.  But your head and your heart is in the right place, fellow.  I mean that.  You were right, it was worth taking a closer look.  I don't know a prayer that can cure it, but the more we learn about it the better.  Let's hope we find Bertold in better shape, or discover a cure by the time we find him."

Turning a bit, he calls out louder, trying to fill his voice with foreboding:

"Ylarum, do you have any wounds left open after that scuffle?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 02, 2010, 09:39:26 PM
After staring intently north for a minute or two, Tudd becomes distracted looking around his shield for the beetle, then notices the goo on the floor and points at it, "Think that's it there... someone spilled the ogre's soup.... that make him mad for sure.... yeah, that must be the ogre's soup... hey, any of you fellas see a bug? I lost my bug when I fell down."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 09:42:57 PM
At this moment, Tudd's eyes are drifting one more time, looking at the ogre's soup.
And there it is: Tudd's bug, alive and well, swimming in the stuff...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 02, 2010, 09:47:42 PM
"Ooo... ooo.... I'll get ya buddy...!", Tudd shouts as he reaches out with the tip of his morningstar to give the beetle a place to grab onto.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 02, 2010, 09:49:28 PM
Ulas marvels at its survival.

"Amazing. That bug must be our good luck charm."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 09:51:34 PM
The bug happily hops on the morningstar.
It is a beautiful beetle. Deep, dark grey, with blue and green iridescent lines running along its exoskeleton. All nice and pretty... and tough, at that! Just like Tudd!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 02, 2010, 09:55:52 PM
Tudd works on cleaning the bug off with scraps of cloth and then places the beetle on his shoulder with a smile, "You stay there Bug... you be ok there." Then, Tudd glances around before returning to staring sternly to the north.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 10:16:24 PM
No movement to the North. Since the goblins slammed the door east of the red lantern behind them, nothing apparently moved back there. But you know the threat's still there. You feel it.

Meanwhile, Snave and Tarm are being lowered in the basket from the room's ceiling.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 02, 2010, 10:43:37 PM
Coming out of my thoughts I shake my head in amazement at Tudds taking to the bug and it's continued survival.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 02, 2010, 11:16:34 PM
"Snave, get your lantern lit and on the end of that pole; stand behind us.  Stay out of that goop on the floor!  Tarm, you're in the vanguard with Snave."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 02, 2010, 11:19:52 PM
Tarm's looking around at the room, visibly impressed. Snave snaps at him: "Come on, now. Heard the boss, did ya? Move it, man!"

They move into position. The basket is lifted back up almost instantly.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 03, 2010, 01:54:58 AM
Rissthil hears Othos speak to Nimten and pales slightly as he asks, "Othos, do you mean those creatures were diseased?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 03, 2010, 02:09:46 AM
Snave pales as well at the mention of a "disease."

He looks at Ylarum and asks: "Sir... are we in danger of catching somethin'... unnatural or somethin'?"

Tarm just looks back and forth between Snave and Ylarum, wondering if he did something wrong.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 03, 2010, 08:44:00 AM
Quote from: Benoist;422443DM: Alright then. Smeads, you are welcome to roll for Picking the Lock. :)

1d100 → [43] = (43)

"this lock is too damaged by the triggered trap to picked open cleanly, it's going to have to be smashed off"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 03, 2010, 10:55:44 AM
Quote from: Benoist;422664Snave pales as well at the mention of a "disease."

He looks at Ylarum and asks: "Sir... are we in danger of catching somethin'... unnatural or somethin'?"

Tarm just looks back and forth between Snave and Ylarum, wondering if he did something wrong.

Ylarum to Snave: "No, lad, if it were everyone in the tavern above would have it too - the foul spirits would've wafted up the open pit, yeah?  So just stay away from the pink goo, and don't meddle with any creatures we bring down, alive or dead.  Besides," he smiles as he says this, "we'll all soon have enough coin that a touch of the croup or nosedrip won't be a worry - we'll find a cleric to tithe to drive it off!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 03, 2010, 11:12:44 AM
Snave nods silently as Ylarum speaks. It clearly looks like he has a doubt at first, but the mention of hard coin instantly overrides any instinct of self-preservation the man had a moment earlier. He shifts to Tarm, and yells at his face: "Com'on now! Take your spot now! Chop-chop!"

He looks at Ylarum with an "underlings' got to be kept in line and I got your back" knowing look, and nods to him.

Meanwhile, the basket comes down for its penultimate run.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 03, 2010, 11:34:46 AM
Quote from: Lilaxe;422681"this lock is too damaged by the triggered trap to picked open cleanly, it's going to have to be smashed off"

"Now, let's not be too hasty, Smeads," Rissthil says, "smashing it could damage the contents and render them worthless.  Let Gareth or myself have a crack at it before we resort to brute force."

Turning to Gareth, Rissthil smiles and says, "why don't you have a go at it first, Gareth?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 03, 2010, 11:37:48 AM
DM: Rolling for Gareth since Ramon is away.

Gareth accepts the request and tries to work his way through the lock using a set of pins to help him in his task... and succeeds. (

Who wants to open the chest and check out the contents?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 03, 2010, 11:46:53 AM
"Perhaps it wasnt broken then and maybe my skills are not as good as they once were from spending the last few years studying books..."

"Someone in armor should open it...just in case"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 03, 2010, 11:48:21 AM
Quote from: Benoist;422719Snave nods silently as Ylarum speaks. It clearly looks like he has a doubt at first, but the mention of hard coin instantly overrides any instinct of self-preservation the man had a moment earlier. He shifts to Tarm, and yells at his face: "Com'on now! Take your spot now! Chop-chop!"

He looks at Ylarum with an "underlings' got to be kept in line and I got your back" knowing look, and nods to him.

Meanwhile, the basket comes down for its penultimate run.

Who's in it this time?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 03, 2010, 11:55:23 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;422730Who's in it this time?
Json and Liir.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 03, 2010, 11:56:34 AM
Quote from: Benoist;422735Json and Liir.


"Tarm, let's have your spear for a heartbeat..."

If no-one objects Ylarum will push open the top of the chest with the spear (or if he's not close enough, he'll hand it to whomever).  Put a yard or two between them and the chest first.

(DM: that broken-ended ... I'm not sure what it is, cistern, fountain, whatever that follows the NE wall quadrant, from 1 to 3 o'clock - what is that?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 03, 2010, 12:11:48 PM
Quote from: Drohem;422662Rissthil hears Othos speak to Nimten and pales slightly as he asks, "Othos, do you mean those creatures were diseased?"

Quote from: thedungeondelver;422713Ylarum to Snave: "No, lad, if it were everyone in the tavern above would have it too - the foul spirits would've wafted up the open pit, yeah?  So just stay away from the pink goo, and don't meddle with any creatures we bring down, alive or dead.  Besides," he smiles as he says this, "we'll all soon have enough coin that a touch of the croup or nosedrip won't be a worry - we'll find a cleric to tithe to drive it off!"

Othos nods to Rissthil.  "Well, yes.  I believe that is the case.  But I agree with Ylarum... I doubt it's something being carried around on the air or something like that.  In fact, judging by the way the last infected goblin tried so hard to get a nibble on Nimtem, and the fact that all of our foes had bite and claw wounds, I would venture the disease is spread through bodily injury somehow...

Yes.  The more I think about it, it makes sense.  We would all be served well to avoid bites and scratches from these things.  And to bind and clean all of our other wounds, in case I am wrong or only half right.  The goblin was suffering a terrible fever from the disease as well, so I reckon there will be plenty of warning signs if one of us does get sick.  We can be cautious without being silly and paranoid."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 03, 2010, 12:13:34 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;422736If no-one objects Ylarum will push open the top of the chest with the spear (or if he's not close enough, he'll hand it to whomever).  Put a yard or two between them and the chest first.
Ylarum pushes open the chest. Nothing happens.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;422736(DM: that broken-ended ... I'm not sure what it is, cistern, fountain, whatever that follows the NE wall quadrant, from 1 to 3 o'clock - what is that?)
It's long trough, or stone pond if you will (like the other undamaged three in the room). It was shattered on its eastern corner by some great force. There are also numerous pieces of lumber, probably remains of furniture and such, that are scattered in the direct vicinity of this corner that broke.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 03, 2010, 12:15:31 PM
Quote from: Benoist;422740Ylarum pushes open the chest. Nothing happens.

It's long trough, or stone pond if you will (like the other undamaged three in the room). It was shattered on its eastern corner by some great force. There are also numerous pieces of lumber, probably remains of furniture and such, that are scattered in the direct vicinity of this corner that broke.

Ylarum steps forward.  What's in the chest?

(Could you step into the trough and walk it's perimeter to the armory, then across rubble and so forth without once touching the pink goo?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 03, 2010, 12:21:29 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;422743(Could you step into the trough and walk it's perimeter to the armory, then across rubble and so forth without once touching the pink goo?)
As a matter of fact, you perfectly could, yes.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;422743Ylarum steps forward. What's in the chest?
There is a book, some type of sheet of parchment aside of it, a rosary and ankh of Lothian's cult, and a little leather pouch a little smaller than a clenched fist.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 03, 2010, 12:23:08 PM
Quote from: Benoist;422746As a matter of fact, you perfectly could, yes.

There is a book, some type of sheet of parchment aside of it, a rosary and ankh of Lothian's cult, and a little leather pouch a little smaller than a clenched fist.

I'll hook the pouch with the spear tip and bring it out and open it.  Contents?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 03, 2010, 12:24:11 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;422748I'll hook the pouch with the spear tip and bring it out and open it.  Contents?
Imperial coins, for a total value of 20 GP.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 03, 2010, 12:30:43 PM
Quote from: Benoist;422750Imperial coins, for a total value of 20 GP.

Ylarum says: "Careful, friends!  Evil spirits in this bag - " he holds aloft a fist full of coins - " least, that's what I intend to purchase with my share, by the jug!"  

Ylarum hands the spear back to Liir and gingerly picks up the book and parchment, looking at neither.  "I think these want a trained thaumaturgical or ecclesiastical eye.  Holy symbol in here, too, on a rosary."  He offers the items to Othos and Smeads, then steps back to the party.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 03, 2010, 12:30:59 PM
Othos' mind and gaze wanders around from the goo to the strange pool of suspended liquid.  He hmmms and starts muttering quietly, to no one in particular...

"The burned elf Delbaeth warned of a blue door, and the lights.  The door was closed when their party first arrived, but some sort of dabbling caused it to open.  Something was dormant down here, something unnatural, and they let it loose.  And now we're down here with it.  Blast it all."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 03, 2010, 12:32:43 PM
Othos will examine the holy symbol in time, but he's pouting dramatically at the moment.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 03, 2010, 12:36:35 PM
"Well done, Gareth," Rissthil congratulates his friend on opening the chest with a genuine grin.

Rissthil laughs at Ylarum's quip about evil spirits, and says, "indeed, and I'll be there with you too!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 03, 2010, 03:02:22 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;422753Ylarum says: "Careful, friends!  Evil spirits in this bag - " he holds aloft a fist full of coins - " least, that's what I intend to purchase with my share, by the jug!"  

Ylarum hands the spear back to Liir and gingerly picks up the book and parchment, looking at neither.  "I think these want a trained thaumaturgical or ecclesiastical eye.  Holy symbol in here, too, on a rosary."  He offers the items to Othos and Smeads, then steps back to the party.

my eyebrows raise at the last bit...after clapping Tudd on the back with "Watch the hall m'boy,this is a very importent task so stay sharp now"
seeing Othos lost in thought I walk over to Ylarum and the chest to take a look.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 03, 2010, 03:14:28 PM
Quote from: skofflox;422819"Watch the hall m'boy,this is a very importent task so stay sharp now"

"Ok brudder. I'll do a good job, me and Bug." Tudd responds as he stares with a burning intensity at the hallway to the north, brow furrowed in concentration.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 03, 2010, 03:23:02 PM
coming up to Ylarum as he proffers the items... "If I may?" looking to the others gathered.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 03, 2010, 03:27:39 PM
Ylarum: "Book or Parchment?  Matters neither way to me.  Oh, the Rosary is still in yon chest."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 03, 2010, 03:30:05 PM
The rosary and ankh are a classic possession of devout Lothianites. This one is made of a string with various wooden beads indicating the types of prayers you are supposed to recite their following order. The ankh itself is made of gold, indicating that it is not a layman's symbol of faith. Probably one of the monks'.

The book itself is a pretty hefty tome simply entitled the Ninth Book of Lothian. Judging by some bits and pieces of text here and there as well as their related illuminations, it seems to be some sort of history of the Saints of the Church, or something like that.

Finally, the parchment reads as some sort of declaration from the Emperor of the Church. It bears a religious seal of red wax with a piece of string attached to it. The text is as follows:

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 03, 2010, 04:00:21 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;422838Ylarum: "Book or Parchment?  Matters neither way to me.  Oh, the Rosary is still in yon chest."

Plucking the rosary from the chest I shuffle all into my hands with a gruff "Obliged!.",hugging them close to my body as I stride to the dias steps and sit down to read the parchment first...after a moment of calming introspection..."Charlathen grant me the wisdom to understand."
I peruse the doc.

(:cool: grafix Ben.!)

I nod my head knowingly at the second read...then look through the book quickly to see if there are any loose pages etc...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 03, 2010, 04:19:48 PM
Quote from: skofflox;422850(:cool: grafix Ben.!)

I nod my head knowingly at the second read...then look through the book quickly to see if there are any loose pages etc...
DM: ;)

You do not notice any loose page or special markings in the book. It seems to be a fairly serviceable (and expensive) work of art, probably created by the monks themselves.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 06, 2010, 11:21:38 AM
Dallow, one of Ylarum's porters, is now lowered down the well into the room. He is wearing some basic equipment to carry stuff along with his friend Liir. Snave looks at the basket as it makes its way to the floor with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety, like he is anticipating the action that is sure to follow.

Your group is all gathered  in the room.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 06, 2010, 11:23:38 AM
"Who are the Knights of Rattle and Spear?"

With the rest of the party here, Ulas takes a position up the dais and watches the north and west with bow ready.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 06, 2010, 11:38:28 AM
Snave shrugs at the question, unsure what to say. "Never hea'd of them."

To the north, behind the red lantern, you can notice a whole lot of clutter: pieces of lumber, stones of various sizes, dust, etc. On each side of the lantern, you have a door: one to the west, and one the the east (where the two goblins fled).

Just between you and the red lantern, in the corridor leading to it, you see two enormous pieces of crystal embedded in the wall, each round and flat on the surface, a bit like the top part of a diamond used as a vertical decoration on a wall, but these are between 15 and 20 feet wide! One piece (on the NE wall, from your position) has a kind of orange hue to it, while the other (on the NW wall) is violet.

There is nothing but silence to the west of your position. The features beyond the indigo lantern seem fairly similar to the ones you've seen beyond the yellow lantern (to the east, aka polearms room). An interesting detail is that there is no clutter around the indigo lantern like there is around the yellow one.

Reposting our latest map for reference here (I'll update it later on):

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 06, 2010, 11:42:57 AM
Blue door...Othos, do you think that's the direction that Delbaeth warned us about?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 06, 2010, 12:31:49 PM
Seeing that all of their company has assembled now, Rissthil says, "it's time to earn our pay.  The way I see it, our only option is to press forward and attack their position beyond the east door.  Prepare yourselves for battle, lads."

"Perhaps Gareth or I should check the doorway for any deadfalls or pit traps first though," Rissthil adds as an afterthought.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 06, 2010, 12:55:20 PM
"These lurking goblins need to be dealt with, cant have them at our backs."

"It makes we wonder as well - whatever evil it is that has possessed these creatures, has not removed their fear - so they are not mindless at least not enough to fight to the end like undead"

DM: can we deduce that these two doors might link up, or is that too metagamy?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 06, 2010, 01:08:22 PM
(DM: is my whole retinue down now)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 06, 2010, 01:43:59 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;423672DM: can we deduce that these two doors might link up, or is that too metagamy?
DM: doesn't seem like a stretch to me, concidering the curve/angle of the walls. It's a reasonable in-game assumption that these two doors might connect somehow.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;423679(DM: is my whole retinue down now)
DM: Yes, they are. Everybody's down now.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 06, 2010, 01:49:56 PM
Ylarum, to his retinue: "Hold here, lads."

Ylarum will carefully walk over to the trough and walk around it, carefully, and then onto the rubble and into the far room.  Among the polearms are there ransuers and hook-fauchards?

If so, I'm taking two of each and moving out the way I came, back to the group.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 06, 2010, 02:01:15 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;423696Ylarum, to his retinue: "Hold here, lads."

Ylarum will carefully walk over to the trough and walk around it, carefully, and then onto the rubble and into the far room.  Among the polearms are there ransuers and hook-fauchards?
You do so, and proceed without any major issue. You do find ranseurs and fauchards there.



Quote from: thedungeondelver;423696If so, I'm taking two of each and moving out the way I came, back to the group.
You proceed, once again without having much trouble.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 06, 2010, 02:16:44 PM
Ylarum asks Tarm and Json: "You fellows know how to use these to disarm a man?  I've seen footmen do it when I was in the levies, but ne'er had the occasion to learn how."

(I'm hoping that as they're heavy footmen with polearm that they do in fact know how.  Also what's the reach on the ranseurs?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 06, 2010, 02:18:12 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;423714Ylarum asks Tarm and Json: "You fellows know how to use these to disarm a man?"
Tarm and Json look at each other, then back at you: "Guess we'll know soon enough, Sir!"

They grab the weapons.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 06, 2010, 02:45:17 PM
Rissthil says to the Ylarum as he sheaths his longsword, "cover my back.  I'm going to examine the area before the east and west door of the northern hallway."

He leaves the dais and heads up the northern hallway with his torch in hand.  He stops short of the two large crystals in the wall and starts checking the area for any discernible traps like pressure plates or trip wires.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 06, 2010, 02:51:25 PM
Quote from: Drohem;423736Rissthil says to the Ylarum as he sheaths his longsword, "cover my back.  I'm going to examine the area before the east and west door of the northern hallway."

He leaves the dais and heads up the northern hallway with his torch in hand.  He stops short of the two large crystals in the wall and starts checking the area for any discernible traps like pressure plates or trip wires.

"Take care before trying to cross those crystals, Rissthil. Some kind of discharge might set off between them if the wrong person tries to cross."

Ulas readies an arrow from his position on the dais.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 06, 2010, 02:56:51 PM
Quote from: Benoist;423715Tarm and Json look at each other, then back at you: "Guess we'll know soon enough, Sir!"

They grab the weapons.

"Good, both of you.  If you can't grab a man's - or monster's - weapons, then stab the shit out of them.  Here's what we're going to do.  Liir and Dallow are going to carry the hook fauchards and your spears.  Sling your shields on your backs.  Our marching order through the halls here...Smeads and Gareth are light of foot and not wearing heavy armor, they should scout ahead, perhaps fifteen or twenty good paces*.  At any rate far enough out so those keen elven eyes of Smeads and Gareth aren't spoiled by the light from the lantern.  Our vanguard should be Runch, me in the middle, and Tudd on the right.  Now, Tarm and Json, you two are close up behind us, behind yes but march so you see between Runch and me and Tudd.  That way you can stab with those polearms  and you needn't worry too much about yourselves.  Ulas, you should take up position with them, unless you feel you can scout foreward with the elves without too much trouble in the dim light.  Snave, you stand behind them with the lantern open and at the end of that pole - give us all enough light to see by.  Friar Othos, you and Nimten should stand akimbo Snave.  The good Friar can lay on with healing as needs be, Nimten can employ spells as well from where he stands.  Rissthil, Liir and Dallow in the rear, but close up!  Don't want anything coming up and nabbing any of you.  Now is that all of us?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 06, 2010, 02:59:32 PM
"Take position with Tarm and Json, you mean?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 06, 2010, 03:02:28 PM
"Right, and Bug, you stay on my shoulder and you be safe." Tudd says and promptly moves to Ylarum's left, whispering loudly, "I can keep Bug, right brudder?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 06, 2010, 03:57:42 PM
Quote from: Cole;423638Blue door...Othos, do you think that's the direction that Delbaeth warned us about?

Othos nods slightly with a grumble: "I was wondering the same the thing.  Or perhaps this "blue door" was somehow triggered already and left us with that rippling portal.  In either case, we should tread carefully when we explore past the blue lantern."

Othos then looks up at Ylarum and grunts: "Fine, yes.  Akimbo and that.  Just leave some goblins standing for me when this formation goes a'wreck.  Also, and this goes for all of you's.. Keep your distance from these things.  Avoid bites and scratches.  Use long distance arms and keep your armor in good working order.  If you suffer an injury, let me wash and bind it."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 06, 2010, 05:21:14 PM
DM: Updated map with current situation as I understand it (just for reference).

I'm working out the Ylarum's proposed order of march, which I'm going to post for review in the OOC thread. Patience, my internet connection is being dial-up slow right now.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 06, 2010, 05:56:41 PM
Whoops, looks like I muddled things a bit...let's try this again.

Scouting: Smeads Gareth

rank 1: Runch Ylarum Tudd
rank 2: Tarm Ulas Json
rank 3: Othos Snave Nimten
rank 4: Rissthil Liir Dallow
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 06, 2010, 06:04:45 PM
DM: Yep, depending on where Ulas wants to go. See here in the OOC ( for diagram representation for review.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 06, 2010, 06:09:42 PM
"I am fine with scouting...maybe Gareth and I can take opposite walls?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 06, 2010, 08:14:30 PM
Ulas lines up with Tarm and Json.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 06, 2010, 09:19:14 PM
Quote from: Drohem;423736Rissthil says to the Ylarum as he sheaths his longsword, "cover my back.  I'm going to examine the area before the east and west door of the northern hallway."

He leaves the dais and heads up the northern hallway with his torch in hand.  He stops short of the two large crystals in the wall and starts checking the area for any discernible traps like pressure plates or trip wires.
DM: I will roll for these kinds of checks where knowing the result (especially in a case of failure) would be in direct opposition to the character's position in the game world.

Rissthil checks out the area. He actually does notice ( a pressure plate that takes the whole width of the corridor between the two crystals. It is about ten feet wide!

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 06, 2010, 09:31:27 PM
Seeing Rissthil stop and examine the pressure plate, Ulas whispers to Ylarum,

"Should we try to advance through the door in the armory instead?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 06, 2010, 09:54:43 PM
"Should we try to advance through the door in the armory instead?"[/QUOTE]

"Post some archers and whatnot here, so if you enter the other door and the goblins attempt to make a run this way we might be able to take them down before they flee. I have a sling so will stay here"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 06, 2010, 10:33:01 PM
Rissthil calls back to the group, "we got a pressure plate trap here between the crystals.  I could just trigger the trap with a polearm, or we could heave a corpse onto the plate.  What do you think?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 06, 2010, 11:42:58 PM
Ylarum: "I say we trip the plate.  Rissthil?"

Ylarum passes one of the hook-fauchards to Rissthil.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 07, 2010, 12:09:19 AM
After reading the document and looking quickly through the book I take it back and set it inside the chest. Folding the parchment I stride to Othos and after getting his attention I pass him the parchment and gold Ankh..."This was in the chest there" as I point to the S. "Allong with a book of Lothian scripture."
"Worth a bit that book." as I walk to where Tudd is standing.

Laughing as I see the bug still there on his shoulder"You go and keep bugger if it pleases ya."

Listening to Ylarums instructions I nod "Seems fine for the time being. Now let's deal with those Gobo's." as I bring my shield back to the fore and grasp the hilt of my longsword.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 07, 2010, 02:24:37 AM
Rissthil nods to Ylarum as he takes the polearm and says, "aye, my thoughts exactly."

He moves back up the trapped area, and stands back as far as he can and holds the weapon at the very end of the haft.  With a big heave, he brings the polearm overhead and swings it down with all of might on the southern most edge of the pressure plate.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 07, 2010, 03:30:03 AM
Quote from: Drohem;423865Rissthil nods to Ylarum as he takes the polearm and says, "aye, my thoughts exactly."

He moves back up the trapped area, and stands back as far as he can and holds the weapon at the very end of the haft.  With a big heave, he brings the polearm overhead and swings it down with all of might on the southern most edge of the pressure plate.

I stand by Rissthil's side, eyes peeled to catch any detail of the working mechanics of the trap (assuming it's not a magic one). I'm specially looking for any hints on how it can re-arm itself.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 07, 2010, 08:34:05 AM
Othos thanks Runch, absently pockets the gold ankh, and looks over the scroll: "If these Knights of Rattle and Spear have been hiding out down here since their exile, it's been awhile...," Othos counts on his stubby fingers. "What, six years?  More than enough time to stir up some of this trouble.  It would be worth askin' Cadfan or the others about if we make it back up alive.  Or checking the next string of victims for uniforms."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 07, 2010, 08:35:52 AM
Othos watches Rissthil attempt to trigger the trap anxiously.

"Careful there fellow.  We don't want to bring you back up in a pouch."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 07, 2010, 08:46:26 AM
Heaving a sigh as he watches the others fussing over giant crystals stuck in a wall, and the dirty floor, Tudd wanders over to the chest nearest to him and starts looking at it, poking at the lock with his morningstar and examining the outside of it.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 07, 2010, 11:01:25 AM
Quote from: Drohem;423865Rissthil nods to Ylarum as he takes the polearm and says, "aye, my thoughts exactly."

He moves back up the trapped area, and stands back as far as he can and holds the weapon at the very end of the haft.  With a big heave, he brings the polearm overhead and swings it down with all of might on the southern most edge of the pressure plate.
You slam the polearm on the edge of the pressure plate, and instantly, as you do so, you see orange waves of light rippling from the crystal of the same color to the violet crystal. Then, in the same fraction of second, you feel a great force pushing back at your fauchard, which rips out of your hands and is thrown back swirling in the air all the way to the steps of the steps of the dais, at Json's feet to be precise.

Quote from: Imperator;423868I stand by Rissthil's side, eyes peeled to catch any detail of the working mechanics of the trap (assuming it's not a magic one). I'm specially looking for any hints on how it can re-arm itself.
As Rissthil slammed the fauchard on the pressure plate, you saw a little cloud of dust puffing around it as it went through the floor. You couldn't quite see what was happening then. But as the orange blobs of light went from one crystal to the next and the fauchard flew over your head towards Json, you were able to see the pressure plate re-arm itself. There seems to be a series of ropes of some kind under the plate connected to some kind of timer (usually those use weights in one fashion or another) which progressively places back the plate in its initial position.

Quote from: Sigmund;423887Heaving a sigh as he watches the others fussing over giant crystals stuck in a wall, and the dirty floor, Tudd wanders over to the chest nearest to him and starts looking at it, poking at the lock with his morningstar and examining the outside of it.
Tudd examines the chest (or "eastern chest" to be precise, as opposed to the southern chest, which has been opened, and the northern chest, which has not). Its dimension are similar to the one the group already inspected (about 3' x 2' x 2'). It has a padlock as well.

Tudd pokes the padlock with his morningstar. "Tung. tung-tung." Nothing particular happens.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 07, 2010, 11:08:29 AM
Tudd looks up alarmed as the weapon flies across the room, then, seeing nothing he can identify as immediately threatening, he starts poking around the clothing of the bodies in the room.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 07, 2010, 11:12:50 AM
Quote from: Sigmund;423920Tudd (...) starts poking around the clothing of the bodies in the room.
DM: Roll 1d100.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 07, 2010, 11:28:32 AM
Quote from: Benoist;423922DM: Roll 1d100.

Die roll for Tudd

Rolled on: 2010-12-07 08:27:50.892035
1d100 → [8] = (8)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 07, 2010, 11:35:20 AM
Quote from: Benoist;423916As Rissthil slammed the fauchard on the pressure plate, you saw a little cloud of dust puffing around it as it went through the floor. You couldn't quite see what was happening then. But as the orange blobs of light went from one crystal to the next and the fauchard flew over your head towards Json, you were able to see the pressure plate re-arm itself. There seems to be a series of ropes of some kind under the plate connected to some kind of timer (usually those use weights in one fashion or another) which progressively places back the plate in its initial position.
I lie flat on the floor and carefully crawl to get a close look to the pressure plate without activating it. I need to know if I have space to insert a dagger blade or something similar to act as a wedge. Maybe we can activate it again and prevent it from re-arming.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 07, 2010, 11:45:35 AM
Quote from: Sigmund;423925Die roll for Tudd

Rolled on: 2010-12-07 08:27:50.892035
1d100 → [8] = (8)
DM: Wow. That's a good roll! :D

You poke around randomly and suddenly hear the definite sound of something metallic rattling in the dead diseased monk's pocket.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 07, 2010, 11:48:46 AM
Quote from: Imperator;423927I lie flat on the floor and carefully crawl to get a close look to the pressure plate without activating it. I need to know if I have space to insert a dagger blade or something similar to act as a wedge. Maybe we can activate it again and prevent it from re-arming.
Inserting a dagger between the plate and the edge of the firm ground might be a possibility, though the space is narrower than the base of a dagger's blade. It could still rip off somehow. Activating the plate and preventing it from re-arming itself might be possible, depending on the manner you wish to proceed...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 07, 2010, 11:50:48 AM
Looking back toward the group on the dais and then the fauchard at Json's feet, Rissthil shrugs his shoulders with a sheepish look.

Turning back to Gareth, he says in a jovial tone, "looks like we have a live one, eh?  Let's work together on disarming this one.  You take the lead and I'll assist you."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 07, 2010, 11:53:47 AM
Quote from: Benoist;423935Inserting a dagger between the plate and the edge of the firm ground might be a possibility, though the space is narrower than the base of a dagger's blade. It could still rip off somehow. Activating the plate and preventing it from re-arming itself might be possible, depending on the manner you wish to proceed...

Seeing Gareth fiddle with his dagger and the plate, Rissthil looks up and turns his head as he calls back to the others, "does anyone have a knife or eating utensil?  A spoon or fork, perhaps?  We need something thin and strong to wedge under the pressure plate."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 07, 2010, 12:21:30 PM
Quote from: Benoist;423935Inserting a dagger between the plate and the edge of the firm ground might be a possibility, though the space is narrower than the base of a dagger's blade. It could still rip off somehow. Activating the plate and preventing it from re-arming itself might be possible, depending on the manner you wish to proceed...
I guess the best thing would be to insert some big nail to ensure it doesn't move again, but I guess the hammering may trigger it.

Quote from: Drohem;423936Looking back toward the group on the dais and then the fauchard at Json's feet, Rissthil shrugs his shoulders with a sheepish look.

Turning back to Gareth, he says in a jovial tone, "looks like we have a live one, eh?  Let's work together on disarming this one.  You take the lead and I'll assist you."
"Get me something a bit narrower than the base of a dagger blade, and I think we can work this out, my friend."

I guess I could use some of my lockpicking tools, but I'm not willing to lose some here. Hey, Gareth has got an idea.

"Why don't we test it with one of the corpses? Maybe if we pile enough of them, we can prevent it from rearming, or even damage the mechanism."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 07, 2010, 12:23:21 PM
Quote from: Benoist;423932DM: Wow. That's a good roll! :D

You poke around randomly and suddenly hear the definite sound of something metallic rattling in the dead diseased monk's pocket.

I reach into the pocket and remove whatever's in there and look at it.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 07, 2010, 12:32:34 PM
Quote from: Imperator;423944"Why don't we test it with one of the corpses? Maybe if we pile enough of them, we can prevent it from rearming, or even damage the mechanism."

"There is also a lot of rubble over there."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 07, 2010, 01:00:20 PM
Quote from: Cole;423950"There is also a lot of rubble over there."
"I was thinking about using the ogre's corpse. I want to see if this trap is capabble of knocking it like it did to the weapon."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 07, 2010, 01:49:51 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;423945I reach into the pocket and remove whatever's in there and look at it.
As your companions are trying to figure out how to deal with the pressure plate, you reach into the monk's pockets and find a few things: You find a small iron key, about two inches long. You also find a leather pouch, containing coins (20) of outdated design, showing a skull on one side and a winged creature, a dragon or griffon, most like, on the other. They seem to be made of an alloy of gold and something else. The last thing you find is this piece of parchment:

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 07, 2010, 01:58:28 PM
Quote from: Benoist;423961As your companions are trying to figure out how to deal with the pressure plate, you reach into the monk's pockets and find a few things: You find a small iron key, about two inches long. You also find a leather pouch, containing coins (20) of outdated design, showing a skull on one side and a winged creature, a dragon or griffon, most like, on the other. They seem to be made of an alloy of gold and something else. The last thing you find is this piece of parchment:


Smiling and muttering to himself, Tudd takes the treasures over to Runch and tugs on his sleeve, "Hey brudder... look what I found... hey brudder... look what I found.... hey brudder.... hey brudder..... hey brudder.............. look what I found.... can I keep the nice coins.... are they alot? Hey brudder.... this picture is nice, what does it say?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 07, 2010, 07:50:53 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;423963Smiling and muttering to himself, Tudd takes the treasures over to Runch and tugs on his sleeve, "Hey brudder... look what I found... hey brudder... look what I found.... hey brudder.... hey brudder..... hey brudder.............. look what I found.... can I keep the nice coins.... are they alot? Hey brudder.... this picture is nice, what does it say?"

Pulled out of my ponderings by Tudd..."Wha-...o, found a bit o loot huh. Well,take a few now but we had best divide this up later, after we get back to the surface OK?" looking closer at the piece of parchment "Now heres somth'n.!" looking to Tudd I smile and..."Where did you find this now? Very im-por-tant myboy,good work!" leaving them in Tudds possession...then a bit loudly...
"Othos,Ylarum,everyone,Tudds found somth'n interest'n!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 07, 2010, 10:17:38 PM
"oh ya, that is interesting...looks like a map of this place, missing some doors but that's the general layout from what I've seen. I think we need to sort out those goblins quick now so we can look around more before we press onwards..."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 08, 2010, 01:32:33 AM
"I don't know, Gareth," Rissthil says thoughtfully, "this is no ordinary trap.  It's some kind of magical force triggered by the mechanical aspect of the trap.  Quite ingenious, really, in combining a magical and mechanical trap together like this.  I think that it will probably hurl the giant's body as well."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 08, 2010, 07:43:50 AM
Quote from: Drohem;424056"I don't know, Gareth," Rissthil says thoughtfully, "this is no ordinary trap.  It's some kind of magical force triggered by the mechanical aspect of the trap.  Quite ingenious, really, in combining a magical and mechanical trap together like this.  I think that it will probably hurl the giant's body as well."

Wicked grin on Gareth's face.

"Well, we can try it. It would be great to test the might of those who built this trap. I've never seen the like of it before."

Looks around:

"Hey, looks like Tudd found something."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 08, 2010, 08:15:13 AM
Quote from: skofflox;424016Pulled out of my ponderings by Tudd..."Wha-...o, found a bit o loot huh. Well,take a few now but we had best divide this up later, after we get back to the surface OK?" looking closer at the piece of parchment "Now heres somth'n.!" looking to Tudd I smile and..."Where did you find this now? Very im-por-tant myboy,good work!" leaving them in Tudds possession...then a bit loudly...
"Othos,Ylarum,everyone,Tudds found somth'n interest'n!"

Smiling broadly, Tudd says, "You can have the picture brudder.", and he holds the parchment out to Runch. "Do ya think this key opens that box over there? Can I try it? Here you can have some coins too..... can I keep the key?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 08, 2010, 08:25:17 AM
Quote from: skofflox;424016"Othos,Ylarum,everyone,Tudds found somth'n interest'n!"

Othos snorts and shifts his helmet a little: "What's that then?  Let's have a look, if it please you."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 08, 2010, 10:36:28 AM
"Given a little time, we could bypass this trap with my magic. I have a spell which creates a disk of force we could float on, one by one.

Unfortunately, it can only carry someone my size or smaller. I'd need someone else to learn the spell as well, then the two of us could cast it together.

If we do it this way, we won't be able to cross the plate today."

Nimten walks up to the edge of the plate and looks curiously at the crystals.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 08, 2010, 11:14:28 AM
"So, brute force it is. And we can learn something about the people that bult this trap."

Gareth stands and shouts aloud:

"Good people, some help would be appreciated. We need to make the giant's corpse stand here, right by the pressure plate! We'll need all arms"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 08, 2010, 11:25:16 AM
Quote from: Cranewings;424131Nimten walks up to the edge of the plate and looks curiously at the crystals.
DM: Roll 1d6.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 08, 2010, 11:52:11 AM
"if the trap throws the giant back as it did the polearm, perhaps it isnt such a good might be fun...but it might damage our platform or other items in this room"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 08, 2010, 12:32:17 PM
Quote from: Benoist;424152DM: Roll 1d6.

1d6=5 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 08, 2010, 01:09:45 PM
Quote from: Cranewings;4241791d6=5 (
During a moment, looking at the violet crystal, it seems to you as if you saw some sort of reflection or fleeting movement on its surface. As if someone had walked in front of it for the blink of an eye. It puzzles you for a few seconds.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 08, 2010, 03:23:30 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;424163"if the trap throws the giant back as it did the polearm, perhaps it isnt such a good might be fun...but it might damage our platform or other items in this room"

"Well, we can ask the people up there to take it up so it won't be hit. I think is important to test how strong is the magic behind this.

Also, seeing an ogre corpse fly can be absolutely amazing."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 08, 2010, 03:30:18 PM
Quote from: Imperator;424236"Well, we can ask the people up there to take it up so it won't be hit. I think is important to test how strong is the magic behind this.

Also, seeing an ogre corpse fly can be absolutely amazing."

"I have no problem with flying ogres, I just want to make sure we can get back up. If we are going to send the platform up, lets at least check the other chests and maybe send any monks up that we can for a proper burial above."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 08, 2010, 03:34:48 PM
(Ylarum, sotto voce "Sure, sending a platform load of corpses up won't rattle 'em in the least...heh.")

(I watched the execrable Aliens:Resurrection today and got Ron Pearlman on the mind.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 08, 2010, 03:35:43 PM
"In this case, I think the proper burial is cremation."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 08, 2010, 03:38:42 PM
Quote from: Benoist;424201During a moment, looking at the violet crystal, it seems to you as if you saw some sort of reflection or fleeting movement on its surface. As if someone had walked in front of it for the blink of an eye. It puzzles you for a few seconds.

Nimten turns to look at the group of you, "I don't think we are alone here. We need to stay on guard. There could be creatures yet unseen."

Nimten then reaches out to touch the crystal with his hand. If it seems solid, he is going to push it, and then kick it, looking for a reaction.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 08, 2010, 03:46:10 PM
Quote from: Cranewings;424242Nimten turns to look at the group of you, "I don't think we are alone here. We need to stay on guard. There could be creatures yet unseen."

Nimten then reaches out to touch the crystal with his hand. If it seems solid, he is going to push it, and then kick it, looking for a reaction.

"Of course we're not alone.  There's still deformed creatures aplenty sounding the alarm on us as we stand here and contemplate the most entertaining ways to defile a corpse.  Mean's-while, we're down here in a pit sharing space with some disease or god-thing from another dimension set loose by the hapless explorers that come before us.  By the way, is anyone goin to show me that bit of paper?"

Then, as though seeing Nimten's gesture towards the crystal for the first time, he ducks quickly.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 08, 2010, 03:52:15 PM
Quote from: Cranewings;424242Nimten then reaches out to touch the crystal with his hand. If it seems solid, he is going to push it, and then kick it, looking for a reaction.
The surface of the crystal is hard. Nimten pushes it, kicks it, but doesn't see any reaction.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 08, 2010, 03:54:12 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;424084Smiling broadly, Tudd says, "You can have the picture brudder.", and he holds the parchment out to Runch. "Do ya think this key opens that box over there? Can I try it? Here you can have some coins too..... can I keep the key?"

Quote from: winkingbishop;424086Othos snorts and shifts his helmet a little: "What's that then?  Let's have a look, if it please you."

Quote from: winkingbishop;424245"Of course we're not alone.  There's still deformed creatures aplenty sounding the alarm on us as we stand here and contemplate the most entertaining ways to defile a corpse.  Mean's-while, we're down here in a pit sharing space with some disease or god-thing from another dimension set loose by the hapless explorers that come before us.  By the way, is anyone goin to show me that bit of paper?"

Then, as though seeing Nimten's gesture towards the crystal for the first time, he ducks quickly.

"Mayhaps you will get'ta try the key but lets not be to quick with that Brother." as I pass the key and parchment over for Orthos to gander. "An' whooz got'ta duty?" as I jiggle the coin pouch in the air then look puzzled as Ortho ducks seemingly for no reason....
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 08, 2010, 04:15:14 PM
Rissthil just shakes his head as he chuckles at Gareth's enthusiasm as he kneels and removes his backpack.  He rummages inside for a moment or two and then produces and plain black leather case.  He kneels before the pressure plate, move the case close, and lays his torch on the ground next to him for some light.  He opens the case to reveal a serviceable set of thieves' tools, and then get to work at trying to disarm the trap.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 08, 2010, 04:33:44 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;424238"I have no problem with flying ogres, I just want to make sure we can get back up. If we are going to send the platform up, lets at least check the other chests and maybe send any monks up that we can for a proper burial above."

Quote from: Drohem;424260Rissthil just shakes his head as he chuckles at Gareth's enthusiasm as he kneels and removes his backpack.  He rummages inside for a moment or two and then produces and plain black leather case.  He kneels before the pressure plate, move the case close, and lays his torch on the ground next to him for some light.  He opens the case to reveal a serviceable set of thieves' tools, and then get to work at trying to disarm the trap.

"Careful, Riss. I don't see how you can try to access the mechanism to disarm and disarm that. We probably will have an easier time just trying to jam it."

Turning around, he says "I can agree with checking everything here before going on, but this trap is far too dangerous to leave it unattended."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 08, 2010, 04:47:05 PM
Quote from: skofflox;424251"Mayhaps you will get'ta try the key but lets not be to quick with that Brother." as I pass the key and parchment over for Orthos to gander. "An' whooz got'ta duty?" as I jiggle the coin pouch in the air then look puzzled as Ortho ducks seemingly for no reason....

Looking crestfallen, Tudd frowns as Runch takes the treasures and turns, but seeing Othos duck, he smiles instantly. "Dwarf dancin'? I love dancin'! Wee..." , Tudd exclaims as he starts ducking and bobbing his head, morningstar and shield flailing dangerously.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 08, 2010, 06:13:35 PM
Ulas gives the plate, and the thieves tinkering with it, a wide berth.

"In the meantime, perhaps one of you sharp-eared elves would like to listen at what's going on past the door in the armory."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 08, 2010, 06:38:38 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;424266Looking crestfallen, Tudd frowns as Runch takes the treasures and turns, but seeing Othos duck, he smiles instantly. "Dwarf dancin'? I love dancin'! Wee..." , Tudd exclaims as he starts ducking and bobbing his head, morningstar and shield flailing dangerously.

"WHOA" as I dance out of the danger zone..."Not'ta worry boyo,youl get your finds back when master Dwarf is done a'look'n!"

I meander down the stairs with the intent to check into the weapon room to the east...avoiding the goo!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 08, 2010, 06:50:15 PM
"Ill go listen at the armory door if a few of you want to come with me"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 08, 2010, 06:55:39 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;424307"Ill go listen at the armory door if a few of you want to come with me"

"I'm up!,Tudd!"  looking over my shoulder to gesture at brother as I continue towards the weapons hall...tightening the straps of my shield and drawing weapon...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 08, 2010, 07:48:53 PM
Nimten looks to the thief and says, "if you can't disarm this pressure plate in the next few minutes, I'm giving it a jump."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 08, 2010, 07:55:11 PM
Quote from: Cranewings;424324Nimten looks to the thief and says, "if you can't disarm this pressure plate in the next few minutes, I'm giving it a jump."

"If you must, but I don't recommend a series of reckless jumps directly into where our enemies are entrenched. So you may end up surrounded with no ready help."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 08, 2010, 07:57:08 PM
Quote from: Drohem;424260Rissthil just shakes his head as he chuckles at Gareth's enthusiasm as he kneels and removes his backpack.  He rummages inside for a moment or two and then produces and plain black leather case.  He kneels before the pressure plate, move the case close, and lays his torch on the ground next to him for some light.  He opens the case to reveal a serviceable set of thieves' tools, and then get to work at trying to disarm the trap.
What are you trying to do to disarm the trap?

DM: Try to give me an idea of the way you are trying to proceed, whether you are trying to block the trap, or disable it in some way, and if so, how, based on the description of the trap (here ( and there ( Also include a d100 roll.

Quote from: Lilaxe;424307"Ill go listen at the armory door if a few of you want to come with me"

Quote from: skofflox;424308"I'm up!,Tudd!"  looking over my shoulder to gesture at brother as I continue towards the weapons hall...tightening the straps of my shield and drawing weapon...
You guys make your way to the armory. You find the room as you left it: racks of polearms on the eastern wall; three stone pillars along the western wall, some spears, swords, axes and shields littered on its floor; the body of the creature you killed last and studied near the door.

DM: Assuming Smeads goes ahead and listens at the door, roll 1d100.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 08, 2010, 09:37:38 PM
1d100 → [28] = (28)
[link to roll]* [link to character]
Formatted Versions

Clicking almost any text on this page will copy it to your clipboard.

OOC: rolling then cutting and pasting with iPhone is the suxxor
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 08, 2010, 10:26:31 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;424346OOC: rolling then cutting and pasting with iPhone is the suxxor
DM: Aaah... that's what that is! :D

Smeads listens intently at the door. He can discern a few muffled sounds. Maybe feet dragging on the floor, or movements of cloth, it's hard to tell. It's unclear what that might be, but the room is currently occupied.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 08, 2010, 11:11:02 PM
Quote from: skofflox;424308"I'm up!,Tudd!"  looking over my shoulder to gesture at brother as I continue towards the weapons hall...tightening the straps of my shield and drawing weapon...

Tudd gives Othos one last duck and head-bob, and then trots after Runch, "Comin' brudder."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 08, 2010, 11:54:53 PM
Quote from: Benoist;424328What are you trying to do to disarm the trap?

DM: Try to give me an idea of the way you are trying to proceed, whether you are trying to block the trap, or disable it in some way, and if so, how, based on the description of the trap (here ( and there ( Also include a d100 roll.

Using his tools, Rissthil attempts to disconnect the ropes that reset the trap.  He also attempts to disengage and dislodge the timer mechanism.


OOC: Rissthil's Disarm Traps (30%) roll was 01%! (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 09, 2010, 12:05:11 AM
Quote from: Drohem;424364OOC: Rissthil's Disarm Traps (30%) roll was 01%! (
You rolled a 1d00, not 1d100! (results are ( always 1 ( You scoundrel... :D

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 09, 2010, 02:04:28 AM
Quote from: Benoist;424367You rolled a 1d00, not 1d100! (results are ( always 1 ( You scoundrel... :D


OOC: Rissthil fails at disarming the trap with a roll of 57% (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 09, 2010, 02:14:23 AM
Quote from: Lilaxe;424307"Ill go listen at the armory door if a few of you want to come with me"

Quote from: Drohem;424379OOC: Rissthil fails at disarming the trap with a roll of 57% (

I lie very very flat and roll away from the trap in case it goes boom.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 09, 2010, 09:05:43 AM
Quote from: Benoist;424350DM: Aaah... that's what that is! :D

Smeads listens intently at the door. He can discern a few muffled sounds. Maybe feet dragging on the floor, or movements of cloth, it's hard to tell. It's unclear what that might be, but the room is currently occupied.

DM: is there a keyhole to look through?

"I can hear shuffling around, most likely those goblins we saw. Im checking if there is a way to spy into the room, if not, are you guys ready for me to open the door?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 09, 2010, 10:29:04 AM
Quote from: Sigmund;424358Tudd gives Othos one last duck and head-bob, and then trots after Runch, "Comin' brudder."

Othos grins at Tudd with amusement and then gets to inspecting the parchment with the map.  He seems altogether oblivious to the goings-ons with the trap now.

"Well, look-see here." he mumbles, basically to himself. "I reckon these icons represent the color of the lanterns.  I for Indigo, Y for Yellow which can only mean we should expect to find plenty more red lamps.  I can't wait to see the size of this prism!  They're mostly playthings for young dwarves back home, but I reckon this will be a big one since we got ourselves a mirror and these colored lights.  Some kinda... light puzzle.  Or trap.  Look-see, there's the blue door that spells our certain doom.  And, hey, given an option, let's have Angels at Dawn instead of Demons Feasting on Flesh, whaddya say?"

He looks up and sniffs noisily.

"Where are them goblins you talking about?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 09, 2010, 11:14:22 AM
Quote from: Drohem;424379OOC: Rissthil fails at disarming the trap with a roll of 57% (
You try to temper with the ropes pulling that are connected to whatever weights or timing mechanism helps the trap re-arm itself. At some point, a huge cockroack actually climbs up your boot and tries to bite you as you are about to cut one of the ropes. You back off and your tools rip against the ropes, triggering the trap again. It seemed to you that you were much closer to succeed in your endeavor that you originally thought. You just have the time to roll over as the pressure plate slams shut again. Blobs of orange light fire from the orange crystal to the violet, and there is a distinct air displacement that makes you think whatever was on the plate at that moment would have been projected away from it as well.

Quote from: Lilaxe;424428DM: is there a keyhole to look through?

"I can hear shuffling around, most likely those goblins we saw. Im checking if there is a way to spy into the room, if not, are you guys ready for me to open the door?"
There is no keyhole to speak of.
There is, however, a sculpted head on the door with an iron ring in its mouth you could use to call whoever is inside to open the door for you.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 09, 2010, 02:04:56 PM
Nimten grabs Rissthil and a couple others.

"I've got an idea. There might be goblins around the corner right? Why not act like the trap has been disarmed, the goblins must know that is what we are doing. We act like it is disarmed and then use a couple planks to make a bridge over there, or just wall run across. As long as we don't jump, they should still think the trap has been disarmed. If there are a bunch of them, run back across scared so that they give chase. They will run across the pressure plate, just like they will think we did, and get blasted."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 09, 2010, 02:22:13 PM
Quote from: Cranewings;424505Nimten grabs Rissthil and a couple others.

"I've got an idea. There might be goblins around the corner right? Why not act like the trap has been disarmed, the goblins must know that is what we are doing. We act like it is disarmed and then use a couple planks to make a bridge over there, or just wall run across. As long as we don't jump, they should still think the trap has been disarmed. If there are a bunch of them, run back across scared so that they give chase. They will run across the pressure plate, just like they will think we did, and get blasted."

"Will we be able give them the idea that we have done so? I'm not sure they are even capable of understanding language. If we cannot disarm the trap, I think it would be best to try to move around through the armory door."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 09, 2010, 02:23:13 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;424428DM: is there a keyhole to look through?

"I can hear shuffling around, most likely those goblins we saw. Im checking if there is a way to spy into the room, if not, are you guys ready for me to open the door?"

Whispering in reply " 'haps we should try to take'm live fer some info?!" looking to Tudd to see if he comprehends

I step out of the direct line of the door and motion for Tudd to do the same then nod to Smeads as I raise my longsword in salute...(waitaminut)...motioning them close..."We could do a bit o Orc talk, like to fool em afore we bash on in?" as I gesture to Tudd.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 09, 2010, 02:25:51 PM
Quote from: Cole;424510"Will we be able give them the idea that we have done so? I'm not sure they are even capable of understanding language. If we cannot disarm the trap, I think it would be best to try to move around through the armory door."

"I speak their language, they are quite intelligent and certainly have an idea how it works."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 09, 2010, 02:33:42 PM
Quote from: skofflox;424512Whispering in reply " 'haps we should try to take'm live fer some info?!" looking to Tudd to see if he comprehends

I step out of the direct line of the door and motion for Tudd to do the same then nod to Smeads as I raise my longsword in salute...(waitaminut)...motioning them close..."We could do a bit o Orc talk, like to fool em afore we bash on in?" as I gesture to Tudd.

"If you want to try to talk to them you can try...I had thought though we were trying to surprise them..I dont think they will be open to negotiations as they seem possessed or diseased and out of control."

DM: the door only has a knocker, or does it have a handle or way to open it? If there is no obvious handle, Smeads will gently grab the knocker and try to turn it to see if the knocker itself acts as a handle.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 09, 2010, 02:48:26 PM
Quote from: Cranewings;424513"I speak their language, they are quite intelligent and certainly have an idea how it works."

"I am certain you know more about the creatures than I. I merely wondered if disease has damaged their intellect."

Ulas examines the map found on the Monk.

"It would seem to suggest both sides connect again to the north corridor. I wonder if West might be safer."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 09, 2010, 02:54:34 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;424516DM: the door only has a knocker, or does it have a handle or way to open it? If there is no obvious handle, Smeads will gently grab the knocker and try to turn it to see if the knocker itself acts as a handle.
There is no visible handle to open the door. You grab the knocker as carefully as you can. It seems to you this could be used to push the door inward, towards the room beyond, rather than towards you. The stone frame around the door confirms these thoughts.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 09, 2010, 03:12:05 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;424516"If you want to try to talk to them you can try...I had thought though we were trying to surprise them..I dont think they will be open to negotiations as they seem possessed or diseased and out of control."

Seeing the reason in this I nod "Maybe we should get the others in on this afore you muck about with that door?" then go back my position at the latch side of the door, a short pace from the wall. Shield set and longsword at the ready I nod to Tudd to take the opposite side and then to Smeads...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 09, 2010, 03:54:58 PM
Quote from: skofflox;424533Seeing the reason in this I nod "Maybe we should get the others in on this afore you muck about with that door?" then go back my position at the latch side of the door, a short pace from the wall. Shield set and longsword at the ready I nod to Tudd to take the opposite side and then to Smeads...

Tudd nods in return at his brother, seeing the serious set of Runch's jaw, and readies himself on the opposite side of the door.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 09, 2010, 05:43:27 PM
Nimten leaves the trap and walks over towards Tudd. Offset from the door a few paces and behind Tudd, he nods in approval.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 09, 2010, 06:05:19 PM
Othos, finally breaking his attention from the map, looks around.  Apparently the party has shuffled about.

[OOC: I'm totally for moving along and trying to eliminate any threats (as is Othos, as he alluded to a few comments back.  However, I haven't the foggiest idea where everyone is at this point.  Can we get an update from folks on the OOC thread ( and then maybe a map once Ben has our feedback?]
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 09, 2010, 06:20:57 PM
Rissthil packs up his thieves' tool in the leather case, and puts the case back into his backpack.  After he puts his backpack back on, he stands up with his torch in hand.

He sighs heavily and says, "the maker of this trap was skilled, and what exactly needs to be done to disarm is beyond me at the moment.  I agree that we should move around the trap, if we can, and take the fight to the goblinoids.  Let's not give them anymore time to prepare for our assault."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 09, 2010, 07:35:46 PM
Ylarum: "Sound advice.  Let's form up and sally forth."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 09, 2010, 08:36:45 PM
Updated map as of right now (including test of Infravision)

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 10, 2010, 12:10:09 AM
even COOLER Ben.! :hatsoff:
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 10, 2010, 06:41:26 AM
Quote from: Drohem;424568Rissthil packs up his thieves' tool in the leather case, and puts the case back into his backpack.  After he puts his backpack back on, he stands up with his torch in hand.

He sighs heavily and says, "the maker of this trap was skilled, and what exactly needs to be done to disarm is beyond me at the moment.  I agree that we should move around the trap, if we can, and take the fight to the goblinoids.  Let's not give them anymore time to prepare for our assault."

"I'm with you, my friend. I will test my skill against this trap...later. Nimten's plan doesn't look bad to me, either, but I am not sure if we would be able to deceive them"

Gareth grabs sword and dagger, unless someone needs him to carry a light source. He stands along Riss.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 10, 2010, 10:13:47 AM
"It might be best if someone a little better armored could open the door"

DM: Ill move back a bit and ready my sword.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 10, 2010, 11:07:47 AM
Rissthil draws his longsword as he strides toward the armory room with torch in hand.

"Let's do this," he says in a low, but determined tone.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 10, 2010, 12:18:26 PM
Updated map as you all gather in the armory and prepare your attack.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 10, 2010, 12:19:26 PM
Ordering up the formation, Ylarum leads the group into the room and to the door.  He puts his shield to it and heaves!

1d6=2 (

(DM: does the door eventually swing in under it's own momentum or does it grind all the way?  If I have to push it all the way in, then as quickly as I can, I'll leap back into formation, but if it swings on its own, I'll give it a good shove and stand ready.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 10, 2010, 12:25:56 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;424786Ordering up the formation, Ylarum leads the group into the room and to the door.  He puts his shield to it and heaves!

1d6=2 (

(DM: does the door eventually swing in under it's own momentum or does it grind all the way?  If I have to push it all the way in, then as quickly as I can, I'll leap back into formation, but if it swings on its own, I'll give it a good shove and stand ready.)
The door opens about the third of the way before it bumps against some obstacle on the other side.

There is no surprise on either side.

Initiative roll: 4. (

You guys hear some shrieks inside the room. Ylarum and the people near him hear a something crash against the door, like a clay pot or something. You see oil splashing against the inner wall near your face, Ylarum. It instantly turns to flame.

Roll a Save against Poison, Ylarum!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 10, 2010, 12:36:58 PM
(DM: I'm guessing this is to avoid the flames; may I add my DEX bonus to defense/AC to the roll?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 10, 2010, 12:45:43 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;424799(DM: I'm guessing this is to avoid the flames; may I add my DEX bonus to defense/AC to the roll?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 10, 2010, 12:46:52 PM
1d20+2=15 (

(DM: did I avoid the burnination?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 10, 2010, 12:52:23 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;4248041d20+2=15 (

(DM: did I avoid the burnination?)
You actually do! That was VERY close.

What are you doing now? (Your initiative order - Segment 4)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 10, 2010, 12:54:31 PM
Quote from: Benoist;424806You actually do! That was VERY close.

What are you doing now? (Your initiative order - Segment 4)
Can I see something from my position?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 10, 2010, 12:56:58 PM
(DM: What do I see in the room - linkboy's got his light up, hopefully, plus a WELL ILLUMINATED BURNING DOOR OFF TO MY LEFT THERE.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 10, 2010, 01:06:15 PM
Quote from: Imperator;424807Can I see something from my position?
You see the door aflame at the moment.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;424809(DM: What do I see in the room - linkboy's got his light up, hopefully, plus a WELL ILLUMINATED BURNING DOOR OFF TO MY LEFT THERE.)
You see movement beyond the door. A lot of crates aligned against the wall to your left.
A goblin with a torch ahead of you.
He's not alone.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 10, 2010, 01:13:18 PM
"Gareth, maybe the goblins need a little more fire in there."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 10, 2010, 01:16:07 PM
Well, for this round Gareth will try to move towards the left side of the door, trying to use the wall as cover.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 10, 2010, 01:17:40 PM
Ylarum: "Gobbos!  Four of 'em!  Two on the right-hand wall - They've blocked the door from opening further."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 10, 2010, 01:21:35 PM
Ulas will try to shift right, behind Nimten, and see if this gives him a line of fire to the second goblin from the left. If so, he'll try to shoot at it before melee.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 10, 2010, 01:24:30 PM
Ylarum, keeping his shield high to cover from his mid-torso to just below his eyes, will take a knee so missile fire can pass over his head.  He'll say to his two footmen: "Give over, lads, we'll form up once we're back in the room!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 10, 2010, 01:26:40 PM
Tudd holds until he has a clear path to move and attack.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 10, 2010, 01:30:50 PM
(Ylarum is waiting for the missiles to fly.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 10, 2010, 01:42:45 PM
Othos gives way to Ulas and keeps his eye on Rissthil, expecting more bowmen to try to close in.  Once they have navigated around, he will close just a few feet towards the door and re-equip his arms (shield, morningstar).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 10, 2010, 01:52:03 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;424833(Ylarum is waiting for the missiles to fly.)
Ulas might have a shot at the humanoid in the middle of the room (he can attempt).
Rissthil may have a shot at one of the two goblins farthest away from the door.

(Not sure who else has ranged weapons or spells ready here)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 10, 2010, 01:56:59 PM
Quote from: Benoist;424842Ulas might have a shot at the humanoid in the middle of the room (he can attempt).

Hit 8 8 (

If this hits (which i doubt) Dmg 5  (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 10, 2010, 02:19:07 PM
"Looks like some goblins are near the other door - Im going back to the trap to make sure they dont try to either sneak up on us, or flee - at least not without a slingshot between their eyes!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 10, 2010, 02:23:05 PM
Quote from: Cole;424847Hit 8 8 (

If this hits (which i doubt) Dmg 5  (
You do not hit.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 10, 2010, 02:48:23 PM
Chuckling to myself as the gang all strides into the room...('getting crowded here') Then quietly to Tudd and Smeads"Ah, now here's the press,glad everyone made the event!" staying in position as the action unfolds...jerking back reflexivley as the heat and FWOOSH of the flames wash over the area...glancing to see the effects of the missle fire...flexing as the first adrenalin squirts into my system...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 10, 2010, 06:35:29 PM
After Ulas Xegg fired his arrow, you all quickly move forward as Ylarum springs into action and bashes the door in. He steps into the room and sees a rusty sword slash forward, right into his face.

Orc delayed sword attack: FUMBLE! (
Goblin delayed sling attack: 2. (

The Orc slashes through the air as Ylarum ducks past him. The Orc yells as he slips backwards and hits his head hard on a crate there. (he thus cannot engage Ylarum or any other person at the moment, which leaves you guys free to move inside the room and engage whoever you want).

One of the goblins in the back of the room is already trying to light another pot full of flamable oil. The other is the one who just shot an arrow at Ylarum. The last Orc, in the middle of the room, is terrified and doesn't know what to do!

What are you guys doing at this point?

Smeads and Gareth: Roll 1d100 each.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 10, 2010, 06:51:37 PM
1d100 → [26] = (26)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 10, 2010, 07:02:49 PM
Ylarum will invoke stab using his wand of stabbing, which will hopefully teleport all of the goblin's blood onto the blade and floor.

1d20+2=20 (

(assuming a 20 hits...)

1d8+4=11 (

...the sword has the added effect of transmuting a goblin into two half-goblins.

(edit: not that I can do anything about it but are those two bearers over there SHOPPING?? X( )
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 10, 2010, 07:17:28 PM
@ Smeads: I'm going to come back to you.

@ Ylarum:
Assuming that's the Goblin with the flamable oil, it's obviously dead.

@ The others: Aside of Ulas who attacked already, this means Ylarum has moved forward to the back (north) of the room. You can move forward. Tell me if you do so, and if you engage some opponents, and attacks.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 10, 2010, 07:24:05 PM
OOC: Rissthil will surge forward into the room, and engage the orc that fell on his back if no one else does before he gets through the doorway.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 10, 2010, 07:36:54 PM
nodding and winking to Tudd before we surge into the room I deftly move to engage the hesitant orc in the center of the room.

As I approach loudly in Orcish "Yield or die,your choice!"

(Ben. Need to roll init?....)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 10, 2010, 09:55:44 PM
Tudd moves in with Runch and takes swing at the first figure he comes to.

Die roll for Tudd

Rolled on: 2010-12-10 18:54:44.303864
1d20+4; 2d4+4 → [14,4] = (18)
1d20+4; 2d4+4 → [1,3,4] = (8)

to hit and damage on first enemy (

Edit: I put the wrong plus for the to hit, it's only +3, so my hit total is 17 not a8, the damage is correct if it's a hit.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 10, 2010, 10:10:45 PM
Quote from: skofflox;424965(Ben. Need to roll init?....)
(Already done. Still the first round of combat)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 10, 2010, 10:49:45 PM
Runch engages the hesitant orc: "Yield or die, your choice!"
The orc drops his sword and falls on his knees.

Just as Tudd leaps forward and slays the second goblin, Rissthil makes his way in the room and attacks the orc attempting to get back on his feet (roll for attack).

Smeads, Gareth, Othos and Nimten have still not technically done anything this round.
Gareth, still waiting on your 1d100 roll.

You hear Dallow's (the southermost of Ylarum's porters) hesitant voice not too far away: "Boss... Boss? I think... something's going on, here..."

The orc who just surrendered to Runch laughs hysterically: "Doesn't matter anymore. Doesn't matter anyway...
"We're all going to die, now..."

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 10, 2010, 10:59:24 PM

(I'm assuming something heavy is going down if they're yelling for assistance.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 10, 2010, 11:08:42 PM
Liir doesn't seem to notice what's going on.
He is pulled by Dallow who moves immediately, followed by Snave, perplexed.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 10, 2010, 11:10:17 PM
As Rissthil moves into the room with the initial surge, he savagely slashes at the fallen orc.


OOC: Rissthil's attack hits AC 7 for 11 damage (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 10, 2010, 11:11:51 PM
Ylarum will move SE to the door to just behind Ulas so he can watch his retinue close in and see if he can espy what startled them so.  Once Liir is close enough, Ylarum asks him what he saw.

(DM: if that's a whole bunch of actions, obviously I'm OK with you saying that occupies me for a couple of rounds or whatever; I'll stop and ready for combat at any point foes show themselves.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 10, 2010, 11:17:09 PM
Quote from: Drohem;425011As Rissthil moves into the room with the initial surge, he savagely slashes at the fallen orc.
The Orc lifts a hand for mercy and dies immediately as Rissthil thrusts his sword through him. There is a moment of surprise on his face, then a strange sense of relief, and the body collapses.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;425012Ylarum will move SE to the door to just behind Ulas so he can watch his retinue close in and see if he can espy what startled them so.  Once Liir is close enough, Ylarum asks him what he saw.

(DM: if that's a whole bunch of actions, obviously I'm OK with you saying that occupies me for a couple of rounds or whatever; I'll stop and ready for combat at any point foes show themselves.)
Yes. It's akin to intentions. Ylarum already did his thing for the round. Smeads, Gareth, Othos and Nimten can still act for this round, so I'll get back to you on that when they took their turn.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 11, 2010, 12:04:07 AM
Nimten takes a quick little step into the room behind the last person and gets to the left side of the door, as far from combat as possible.

Taking in the situation, he decides that the party has it under control.

He raises his staff, holding action to bash anything that comes within arms reach, but not looking for the hit.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 11, 2010, 12:22:11 AM
Quote from: Benoist;425014The Orc lifts a hand for mercy and dies immediately as Rissthil thrusts his sword through him. There is a moment of surprise on his face, then a strange sense of relief, and the body collapses.

Yes. It's akin to intentions. Ylarum already did his thing for the round. Smeads, Gareth, Othos and Nimten can still act for this round, so I'll get back to you on that when they took their turn.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 11, 2010, 01:05:22 AM
Quote from: Benoist;425006Runch engages the hesitant orc: "Yield or die, your choice!"
The orc drops his sword and falls on his knees.

You hear Dallow's (the southermost of Ylarum's porters) hesitant voice not too far away: "Boss... Boss? I think... something's going on, here..."

The orc who just surrendered to Runch laughs hysterically: "Doesn't matter anymore. Doesn't matter anyway...
"We're all going to die, now..."

kicking the sword away and placing my blade edge against his throat...I look wildly around the swirling melee seeing Tudd cut down another gobo, until the Orc speaks
I bend close to make sure he understands, as my blade draws a red bead from his throat, I hiss "What's that?!,truth or death finds you NOW!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 11, 2010, 01:06:00 AM
(As per PM)

Smeads turns around...

In the circular room, all the puddles of goo are growing and shaping themselves. Here, Smeads sees the bones of an arm suddenly take a V shape as the matter that covered the floor a moment ago rises up and covers it like a glove... or flesh. There, a skull lies on top of another growing mound of thick organic vomit-like matter; it disappears within the flesh and gives structure to a faceless head which eerily seems to be looking directly towards him and Gareth...

Smeads throws a long look at the mirror. Its surface appears as it ever was, a few ripples occasionally breaking its surface as if a wind that wasn't there was gently blowing over it.

Smeads looks back at the forms taking shape in the room. There are more than a dozen of them. He also sees two of the enemies they've just slaughtered rise back up: the monk, and one of the orcs Ulas's arrows killed. The arrow is still there, lodged in its head. The creature grins, as if taking a loud breath in, but there is no sound coming out of its throat. It pushes a silent, ominous growl, embraced by the same thick stuff shaping the faceless mounds of flesh scattered throughout the room, and slowly walks onward...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 11, 2010, 05:51:52 AM
Quote from: Benoist;424946Smeads and Gareth: Roll 1d100 each.[/COLOR]
Gareth's roll: 01 (!

Quote from: Benoist;425040(As per PM)

Smeads turns around...

In the circular room, all the puddles of goo are growing and shaping themselves. Here, Smeads see the bones of arm suddenly take a V shape as the matter that covered the floor a moment ago rises up and covers it like a glove... or flesh. There, a skull lies on top of another growing mound of thick organic vomit-like matter; it disappears within the flesh and gives structure to a faceless head which eerily seems to be looking directly towards him and Gareth...

Smeads throws a long look at the mirror. Its surface appears as it ever was, a few ripples occasionally breaking its surface as if a wind that wasn't there was gently blowing over it.

Smeads looks back at the forms taking shape in the room. There are more than a dozen of them. He also sees two of the enemies they've just slaughtered rise back up: the monk, and one of the orcs Ulas's arrows killed. The arrow is still there, lodged in its head. The creature grins, as if taking a loud breath in, but there is no sound coming out of its throat. It pushes a silent, ominous growl, embraced by the same thick stuff shaping the faceless mounds of flesh scattered throughout the room, and slowly walks onward...

Gareth quickly eyeballs his chances of jumping to the other side of the trap without triggering it.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 11, 2010, 12:13:12 PM
Quote from: Imperator;425062Gareth's roll: 01 (!
Sending a PM.

Quote from: Imperator;425062Gareth quickly eyeballs his chances of jumping to the other side of the trap without triggering it.
You'd have to roll. It's not impossible, but it isn't a cakewalk either, especially with armor and equipment on.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 11, 2010, 12:30:01 PM

Gareth grabs his comrade by the arm (cannot remember his name right now) and tells him:

"My friend, I hear a chant coming from the room on the west side, right by the red lantern. I think it is the source of these horrors! Quick, we need to take swift action! Let's move over there!"

Gareth points to the door on the west side. As soon as my comrade is ready, Gareth will slide over the pressure plate, so he will cross it fast enough to be unaffected by the trap. After that, he will move on to the west door.

IMPORTANT: He will not spring the trap if his comrade is not aware of what he is going to do!!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 11, 2010, 12:44:10 PM
Quote from: Imperator;425136Gareth points to the door on the west side. As soon as my comrade is ready, Gareth will slide over the pressure plate, so he will cross it fast enough to be unaffected by the trap. After that, he will move on to the west door.

IMPORTANT: He will not spring the trap if his comrade is not aware of what he is going to do!!
Precise that last part for me. As I understand it, you're going to basically slide over the pressure plate so that your momentum carries over to the other side, instead of your weight springing the trap.

How's your comrade (Smeads) not being aware of what you're going to do important, here?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 11, 2010, 12:51:24 PM
Quote from: Benoist;425145Precise that last part for me. As I understand it, you're going to basically slide over the pressure plate so that your momentum carries over to the other side, instead of your weight springing the trap.

How's your comrade (Smeads) not being aware of what you're going to do important, here?
Yes, my idea is to move over the pressure plate to fast to spring the trap, or failing that, to be beyond the area of effect when the energy shock fires.

Add to my last sentence on my discourse: "If we slide fast enough over the pressure plate, I think we can avoid the trap faster and safer than trying to jump over it or disarm it! Time is essential!"

[OOC: I don't want to fit more discourse here, it seems unrealistic to me to give a more lenghty explanation]
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 11, 2010, 12:54:07 PM
DM: OK. I think I'm getting it. You want to take a few steps back and try it? Roll 1d100 my friend! It'll be based on your Dexterity, which is always good thing for a giant killer such as yourself. :D
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 11, 2010, 01:01:44 PM
Quote from: Benoist;425150DM: OK. I think I'm getting it. You want to take a few steps back and try it? Roll 1d100 my friend! It'll be based on your Dexterity, which is always good thing for a giant killer such as yourself. :D

1d100 roll = 43 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 11, 2010, 01:45:24 PM
Quote from: Imperator;4251511d100 roll = 43 (
You take a few steps back, and sprint like hell towards the trap. You duck suddenly, and use your momentum to slide over the pressure plate's surface to land on the other side of the trap. Success!

DM: Gareth did his action. Nimten basically moved and is done as well. Othos and Smeads still have an action this round.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 11, 2010, 01:56:56 PM
Quote from: Benoist;425155You take a few steps back, and sprint like hell towards the trap. You duck suddenly, and use your momentum to slide over the pressure plate's surface to land on the other side of the trap. Success!

DM: Gareth did his action. Nimten basically moved and is done as well. Othos and Smeads still have an action this round.
Then I'm moving to the west door ASAP, hoping that Nimten is right behind me. Things are going to get ugly for the Hidden Chorus of Hell in no time.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 11, 2010, 02:04:24 PM
Othos pushes back to the "armory" room to see what is distressing Dallow.  He will not block the doorway.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 11, 2010, 02:13:43 PM
Quote from: Imperator;425160Then I'm moving to the west door ASAP, hoping that Nimten is right behind me. Things are going to get ugly for the Hidden Chorus of Hell in no time.

DM: Smeads (Lilaxe) you mean, who's with you. Not Nimten (Cranewings), who is with the others in the room with the orcs/goblins at the moment.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 11, 2010, 02:15:56 PM
Quote from: winkingbishop;425165Othos pushes back to the "armory" room to see what is distressing Dallow.  He will not block the doorway.
OK. Just waiting on Smeads now to see if he's going to do the same thing as Gareth (with 1d100 roll as well).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 11, 2010, 02:18:44 PM
Quote from: Benoist;425169:D

DM: Smeads (Lilaxe) you mean, who's with you. Not Nimten (Cranewings), who is with the others in the room with the orcs/goblins at the moment.
My bad, I'm still getting the hang of who's nickname goes with what PC's name. Harder than it seems.

Anyway, The Singing Boys of the Underground are going to start eating shit with a shovel for a spoon very soon.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 11, 2010, 02:29:36 PM
Quote from: Benoist;425169:D

DM: Smeads (Lilaxe) you mean, who's with you. Not Nimten (Cranewings), who is with the others in the room with the orcs/goblins at the moment.

Quote from: Imperator;425171My bad, I'm still getting the hang of who's nickname goes with what PC's name. Harder than it seems.

ooc: (putting this post here so folks see it) If everyone could please put their characters name in their signature it would be appreciated!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 11, 2010, 03:35:30 PM
Quote from: Benoist;425170OK. Just waiting on Smeads now to see if he's going to do the same thing as Gareth (with 1d100 roll as well).

1d100 → [72] = (72)

DM: I will jump with Gareth to the other side of the trap.

"I think putting this trap between us and them is a good idea, Gareth"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 11, 2010, 03:49:16 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;4251921d100 → [72] = (72)
Smeads makes it to the other side as well (You can thank your high Dexterity for that, mister :D ).

Alright! New round. People by Ylarum and Dallow, consider that the porter basically describes what's going on in the circular room (

First poster next to this post rolls for Initiative.
Declaration of Intents.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 11, 2010, 03:51:12 PM
1d6 → [4] = (4)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 11, 2010, 03:55:02 PM
Oh forgot to roll myself: 4. It's a tie (opponents act more or less simultaneously, with a caveat for spells and the like). (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 11, 2010, 03:59:32 PM
DM: I'll move with Gareth towards the door he indicated. After a quick check to see if there is anyway to look through it (keyhole, cracked wood panel). If there is not, I will open it once Gareth is next to the door. If there is a hole, I will take a quick peak through before opening.

If I can do this (while moving into position) I will drop my sling to the floor (which I had ready in the last room) and draw my sword. If I can tuck the sling into a pouch I will, but the goal is to have my sword out when I reach the door.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 11, 2010, 05:52:28 PM
If Nimten can, he is going to move up over to Smeeds, where the action is, that is if I can hear something is going on in the next room. Remember I'm near the door and have elven ears (:
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 11, 2010, 06:01:49 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;425201DM: I'll move with Gareth towards the door he indicated. After a quick check to see if there is anyway to look through it (keyhole, cracked wood panel). If there is not, I will open it once Gareth is next to the door. If there is a hole, I will take a quick peak through before opening.

If I can do this (while moving into position) I will drop my sling to the floor (which I had ready in the last room) and draw my sword. If I can tuck the sling into a pouch I will, but the goal is to have my sword out when I reach the door.
I will position myself besides the door and wait for Smeads to take a look. If I see him about to try and open the door, I will indicate him to do it slowly and quietly with a gesture. My sword and my dagger are ready.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 11, 2010, 06:09:58 PM
Quote from: skofflox;425039kicking the sword away and placing my blade edge against his throat...I look wildly around the swirling melee seeing Tudd cut down another gobo, until the Orc speaks
I bend close to make sure he understands, as my blade draws a red bead from his throat, I hiss "What's that?!,truth or death finds you NOW!"
The Orc looks at you. He laughs under his breath, and then answers with a threatening, desperate voice: "This, brother, is our Doom. You walked right where the Children of Orchremeshk themselves fear to tread! This place has awaken, and life came out of its very walls. Look around you, fool! You are going to die like the rest of us!."

Then suddenly shouting, begging Runch: "NOW KILL ME. KILL ME BEFORE THEY COME!"

Updated Map showing current situation at the start of Round 2:

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 11, 2010, 06:14:06 PM
Ulas withdraws into the crate room to get out of the way of a melee line.

"We need to present a narrow defensive face. Othos! Do you think they can be turned as undead?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 11, 2010, 06:16:01 PM
Rissthil will quickly sheath his sword and move toward the west door of the armory, and then through it if not blocked.  He will then move to the door opposite the door he just came of out of (to the left of the red lantern), and try to open that door as well.


OOC: Rissthil's Round 2 intentions.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 11, 2010, 06:17:28 PM

Nimten Jumps up on some of the crates, away from the door.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 11, 2010, 09:29:38 PM
Quote from: Benoist;425247The Orc looks at you. He laughs under his breath, and then answers with a threatening, desperate voice: "This, brother, is our Doom. You walked right where the Children of Orchremeshk themselves fear to tread! This place has awaken, and life came out of its very walls. Look around you, fool! You are going to die like the rest of us!."

Then suddenly shouting, begging Runch: "NOW KILL ME. KILL ME BEFORE THEY COME!"

laughing in my turn,shaking my head"Not so easy,coward!" removing my blade from his throat I push him to the floor with my knee planted in his back...gesturing to brother "Tudd,watch this bit o filth!" as I start to look around for something to tie his hands with...quickly!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 11, 2010, 11:47:39 PM
Ylarum: "If it's a leash you want, I've got 50 good feet of rope!  I say, if it's meat and bone it'll burn!  There's enough trash in this room we could throw a bonfire for that slime it'd never forget!"

(ooc: seriously I warned you guys about that pink mess :) )
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 11, 2010, 11:51:43 PM
Tudd puts his foot on the orc's neck and raises his morningstar threateningly.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 12, 2010, 12:50:36 AM
Muttering "Damn bit o rope when ya need...?" then loudly " What's hapn'n out there?" as I reach for that rope of Ylarums "Leash!?,think'n more a noose." as I nod to the man.

For the next few I will be engaged in tying that Orc up,leaving legs free but wrapping arms to body and wrists together...cutting down the rope when finished to leave approx. 10' lead...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 12, 2010, 03:09:48 PM
Liir, Dallow and Snave have now made their way to the crate room where most of the party is gathered. Ylarum moves down to them and asks what happened. Dallow describes what he saw: the movement in the circular room, the sick stuff on its floor growing and taking shape (see this post (

Ulas withdraws into the room as well and speaks to Othos ( "We need to present a narrow defensive face. Othos! Do you think they can be turned as undead?"

Nimten jumps on the crates, away from the door.

Runch lets Tudd take care of the orc for a moment while he searches for something to tie him up. Ylarum provides some rope, and the half-orc starts to work on his knot.

Rissthil moves to the northern door and tries to open it. He forces a bit, but the clutter that was piled up there to block it is pretty weak, at best. Rissthil has no problem forcing the door open.

Meanwhile, Smeads moves on to the door west of the red lantern, Gareth at his side. There is actually a keyhole on that particular door, and he takes a peek. He has to cover his eye with his hands to block the light from the lantern, since there is no light source on the other side of the door. His eye gets used to the dark. There are no heat sources either in there, but there are shapes, like piles of rather large chunks of stuff that occupy the center of the room. Then Smeads realizes what it is: these are piles of corpses that have been stored here for some reason.

Gareth keeps watching what is going on in the main circular room south of their position. The mounds take a more humanoid shape, and they begin to move. Some of them come towards them, by the red lantern, while others are walking east, towards the armoury room. As they walk forward, the creatures' forms seem to periodically break down, as if they were made mostly of liquid collapsing under its own weight, then suddenly holding on to their shape, bits and pieces of themselves dripping onto the floor as they advance.

One of the creatures reaches the trap. It activates, sending blobs of light from the orange crystal to the violet. It seems to harm the 'thing' which is then propelled backwards to the other side of the room and splashes against the circular room's southern wall, as if it has just been a flesh balloon filled with some vomit-like substance.

The monk that just rose up to 'life' stops by the trap and stays there, immobile, for a moment. The horde of flesh creatures stops behind him. For a second, Gareth has the unmistakable sensation that the monk is looking straight at him with a predator's eyes, like some lion would through the bars of its cage.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 12, 2010, 04:55:19 PM
Gareth grabs Smeads and whispers to him "Can you see something?" Also, I need to know if the door opens towards the room or towards us.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 12, 2010, 05:47:04 PM
DM: I relay what I see to Gareth.

"If the chanting is coming from here, we need to move quickly to stop it!"

Once Gareth is ready, I will open the door as quietly as I can
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 12, 2010, 05:52:51 PM
Rissthil moves through the door into the hallway with the red lantern, and surveys the situation.  

Quickly making a decision, he goes to hand his torch to Smeads as he says, "here, take this while I ready my bow."

If Smeads takes the offered torch, Rissthil will ready his bow to fire on the monk and others in the main circular room.


OOC: Round 3 intentions.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 12, 2010, 06:22:37 PM
Quote from: Drohem;425472"here, take this while I ready my bow."

"Place it on the floor as I'm about to open this door - there is chanting come from behind it - could be whatever is creating those creatures!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 13, 2010, 02:48:17 AM
As soon as Smeads opens the door, I'll position myself to be able to see over his shoulders (and also block light coming from outside). I want to identify who the fuck is chanting. I am ready.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 13, 2010, 08:57:15 AM
I will open the door as quietly as possible, and take a peak in. If the door starts to squek then I'll push it faster to allow easy access for a charge.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 13, 2010, 09:11:07 AM
Quote from: Cole;425250Ulas withdraws into the crate room to get out of the way of a melee line.

"We need to present a narrow defensive face. Othos! Do you think they can be turned as undead?"

"I attempted to do so earlier when I was afraid of something like this happening.  The goo isn't properly undead, or at least it wasn't when it was lying about about on the floor and just stroking and assisting the first batch.  I think the things are more like puppets of the parasite instead of good, proper undead," Othos grunts.

"However, that was my experience.  We could always see if Runch could shine the sight o' Charlathan on them and see if we have different results."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 13, 2010, 10:36:03 AM
Ylarum says: "We need oil, and heaps of trash!  These polearms will suffice to push...yes!  A burning barrier, pushed at the pools of goo!  I've seen engineers do something like this!  If we set these crates alight and push them before us with the polearms, we can herd the enemy back!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 13, 2010, 10:44:00 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;425645Ylarum says: "We need oil, and heaps of trash!  These polearms will suffice to push...yes!  A burning barrier, pushed at the pools of goo!  I've seen engineers do something like this!  If we set these crates alight and push them before us with the polearms, we can herd the enemy back!"

"Right now the enemy are a lot closer than the pools - I think they're going to be on us before we can get enough flammables out in front"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 13, 2010, 12:30:58 PM
Smeads opens the door slowly, as it is not locked. Gareth places himself behind him. Both look into a room very similar to the one the Orcs had barricaded themselves in. There are no crates here, but a few bags of what looks like supplies for the monks, as well as various pieces of equipment for them down here: shovels, poles, ropes, flasks of oil, and so on. Right in the middle of the room, there are two piles of bodies: Orcs and Goblins for the most part, some of which seem to have been severely burned, others with gashing wounds, limbs missing and the like. There does not appear to be anyone else in this room...

As the others talk to each other to try and come up with a plan, Rissthil moves through the door by the red lantern. The elf stands by a strange urn raised on a pedestal. Just above the urn, the red lantern is hanging in such a way as to almost touch the urn's little bronze roof sculpted in the shape of a vigorous flame.

The Lantern

The Urn under the Lantern

Rissthil watches the dead monk stand there for a moment with his vomited buddies behind him. Then, they start moving away from the trap. The monk stays there for a moment, but finally steps backwards, pivoting to move away into the circular room as well.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 13, 2010, 12:56:13 PM
An uncontrollable shiver runs through Rissthil's body as he and the diseased monk looks eyes for a moment.  As the monk turns to move away, Rissthil notices the red lantern and urn next to him.  He takes a deep breath to steady himself and shake off the feeling that someone has just walked over his grave, and then he draws his longsword.  He kicks over the urn and slashes at the chain holding the red lantern suspended over the urn.


OOC: Rissthil's Round 4 intentions.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 13, 2010, 01:26:17 PM
Quote from: Drohem;425695An uncontrollable shiver runs through Rissthil's body as he and the diseased monk looks eyes for a moment.  As the monk turns to move away, Rissthil notices the red lantern and urn next to him.  He takes a deep breath to steady himself and shake off the feeling that someone has just walked over his grave, and then he draws his longsword.  He kicks over the urn and slashes at the chain holding the red lantern suspended over the urn.[/I]
Whisper: "What are you doing? We do not understand what is happening here!" With a gesture, Gareth tries to stop Riss. At the same time, he tries to locate the source of the canting. Have they ceased?

OOC: A piece of music for the scene (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 13, 2010, 01:27:48 PM
"Gareth, go left I'll go right of the pile of bodies towards the other door. Sweep with your sword to check for anyone invisible"

DM: do we hear the chanting coming from the other door, or did it stop when we opened the door?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 13, 2010, 04:23:48 PM
Rissthil kicks the urn. It actually does not budge at all! (Rissthil takes 1 point of damage for that) He suddenly remembers how the oaf tried to smash the urn under the yellow lantern earlier and hurt itself so bad.

The elf then slashes the chains keeping the lantern hanged to the ceiling. The chains break, and the lantern crashes to the floor. It is still shining with its red hue, and does not appear otherwise damaged.

Gareth and Smeads wonder what in the world is going on. They enter the room together and then stop on each side of the pile of bodies. They listen. They can pick up the same chant they heard before. It seems to be close, yet still muffled. Coming from... the South?!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 13, 2010, 05:30:41 PM
Dm: does it seem to emanate from this room or beyond it?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 13, 2010, 05:59:08 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;425750Dm: does it seem to emanate from this room or beyond it?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 13, 2010, 09:48:40 PM
"Gareth, close up with me on that southern door."

DM: I'll move up to the door and check again for keyholes/cracks to see if I can have a sneaky peak at what's beyond. If no way to see through, I'll take a quick listen to see if I can tell what direction the chanting is coming from.

(let me know if I need to make a roll)

Once that's done and Gareth is up with me, I'll test the door handle, then open slowly, again ready to act fast if the door squeaks or make a loud noise of some sort.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 13, 2010, 11:32:13 PM
Rissthil sheaths his sword and picks up the chain connected to the severed red lantern.  He swings it a few times to get some momentum and then throws the red lantern onto the pressure plate on the floor between the two crystals.


OOC: Next round intentions.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 13, 2010, 11:39:48 PM
(DM: Are we still in combat rounds?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 13, 2010, 11:47:58 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;425819(DM: Are we still in combat rounds?)
In terms of time, yes. In terms of me waiting for absolutely everyone to post, no, because we're not in combat per se.
See there for explanation. (

You guys can interact with each other, tell me what you intend to do like in a combat round.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 14, 2010, 12:23:47 AM
Quote from: winkingbishop;425628 *snip*"However, that was my experience.  We could always see if Runch could shine the sight o' Charlathan on them and see if we have different results."

After finishing with the orc I approach Orthos..."Whats this now...? sight o' Charlathan ya say,'prahps it will have an effect,willing to try!" as I raise my hand to the zemi of Charlathan around my kneck.

Loudly "What brave souls will stand with us (as I indicate Tudd!) against this creeping evil!?" I start to stride to the armory door...murmmering a prayer as I sheath my longsword and sling my shield upon my back, the power of Charlathan swelling my breast with hope...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 14, 2010, 03:04:32 AM
Gareth will follow exactly Smead's instructions, eyes and ears peeled.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 14, 2010, 08:33:09 AM
Tudd strides after Runch, with as much dignity as he can muster, grinning broadly, "Gonna get to hit somethin.... come on Bug!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 14, 2010, 09:21:57 AM
Motivated by the momentum of some of the others, Othos decides to see what is keeping the others.  He struts west towards Rissthil, trying to see what all the commotion is about.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 14, 2010, 12:55:46 PM
Runch walks toward the door south of his position, Tudd following him closely. He stops there, and watches as the horde of dripping melted flesh things walk behind the dead orc with one of Ulas's arrows firmly lodged in its skull.

Othos walks past the western door to the red lantern's area just as Rissthil is throwing it on the pressure plate by the enormous crystals embedded in the walls. They see the same orange blobs of light fire from the orange crystal to the violet, and then feel a subtle shockwave as the lantern is ejected from the plate back at you! It misses the dwarfs head on its way down by a few inches and slams into the clutter of wood beams and rocks behind him. Once again, it does not seem particularly damaged, and still shines with its characteristic red hue.

Meanwhile, Gareth and Smeads progress towards the south-western door from their position (the smell in the room is actually quite awful, indicating without a doubt that these bodies have been stored here for a few days at least). Smeads takes a peek: shelves on the western side of the room beyond, with jars, glass bottles, all sorts of containers of various sizes, a few of them on the floor as well. Three pillars aligned along the curve of the eastern wall. This area seems just as dead and silent as the others.

Both he and Gareth listen intently. The chant has not ceased. But it now comes... from the east? Through the wall?

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 14, 2010, 01:26:01 PM
Rissthil hustles to catch up to Gareth and Smeads through the west door.  


OOC: Next round intentions.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 14, 2010, 02:11:59 PM
Quote from: Benoist;425967Meanwhile, Gareth and Smeads progress towards the south-western door from their position (the smell in the room is actually quite awful, indicating without a doubt that these bodies have been stored here for a few days at least). Smeads takes a peek: shelves on the western side of the room beyond, with jars, glass bottles, all sorts of containers of various sizes, a few of them on the floor as well. Three pillars aligned along the curve of the eastern wall. This area seems just as dead and silent as the others.

Both he and Gareth listen intently. The chant has not ceased. But it now comes... from the east? Through the wall?

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Gareth starts looking for secret doors in that wall, listening and looking for air blows, and the like. They must be inside the wall, maybe in some secret vault with peepholes to spy on us. Gareth will avoid knocking on the wall looking for empty spaces, as these could alert them of his intent.

He gestures Smeads to do the same.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 14, 2010, 03:46:58 PM
Smeads will also start examining the southern/eastern curved wall of the room.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 14, 2010, 04:08:45 PM
Quote from: Benoist;425967Runch walks toward the door south of his position, Tudd following him closely. He stops there, and watches as the horde of dripping melted flesh things walk behind the dead orc with one of Ulas's arrows firmly lodged in its skull.

Muttering to the hirelings by the door..."Keep this door clear case we need to hurry back!"

Looking to Tudd and striking his chest lightly with my fist before I close my eyes for a moment to calm myself further, letting images of Charlathans glory play in my mindseye.

I walk confidently out the door a  stride as I intone my God for aide,left hand closed on the charm around my kneck, my right an open palm with index and pinky fingers bent towards palm with thumb tucked,leaving 2 middle fingers fully verticle...focusing on the lead figure...

With a steady voice "Charlathan move through me and protect us from these abomonations and lost souls. By your grace and power via your humble servant let this be done."

roll = 14...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 14, 2010, 04:24:30 PM
Tudd moves beside his brother, shield at the ready, morningstar back and ready to be brought to bear on any foe that moves within range of either Tudd or Runch, "Hold on Bug, we gotta protect brudder."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 14, 2010, 05:07:52 PM
Rissthil (and I'm assuming Othos as well, since he was checking on Rissthil in the first place) catch up with Smeads and Gareth as they are investigating the south-western wall of the room they are in right now.

(DM rolls a bunch of dice) There doesn't seem to be any secret door or concealed passage at this particular location.

Runch gets out of the room north of the Armoury. He pauses there, Tudd at his side, looks inward, reaches for his liege's presence there, and extands his hand towards the group of creatures slowly progressing towards their position. "Charlathan move through me and protect us from these abominations and lost souls. By your grace and power via your humble servant let this be done."

Something... interesting, occurs. The humanoid fleshlike creatures seem unaffected, but the orc stops dead in its tracks. Dead eyes set on Runch as he prays to Charlathan, the orc opens its mouth and visibly tries to walk forward, but cannot, as if its own stiff muscles were betraying its intent. Its demi-shapeless troops stop by its side, unsure what to do, as if they were following the orc itself, rather than their own collective impulse.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 14, 2010, 05:16:17 PM
Quote from: Benoist;426133Runch gets out of the room north of the Armoury. He pauses there, Tudd at his side, looks inward, reaches for his liege's presence there, and extands his hand towards the group of creatures slowly progressing towards their position. "Charlathan move through me and protect us from these abominations and lost souls. By your grace and power via your humble servant let this be done."

Something... interesting, occurs. The humanoid fleshlike creatures seem unaffected, but the dead orc stops dead in its tracks. Dead eyes set on Runch as he prays to Charlathan, the orc opens its mouth and visibly tries to walk forward, but cannot, as if its own stiff muscles were betraying its intent. Its demi-shapeless troops stop by its side, unsure what to do, as if they were following the orc itself, rather than their own collective impulse.

stepping forward with confidence in my Gods power... "Get ye back from here spawn!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 14, 2010, 05:48:01 PM
Rissthil moves quickly through the room with Gareth and Smeads and through the open door to the southwest.  If nothing is in that room, he will move through it and into the large chamber.  He will stop just behind the black lantern and urn, and try to use it to block him from sight from the creatures across the circular chamber.


OOC: Next round intentions.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 14, 2010, 06:40:32 PM
Ill move through the door to the south, and check the wall just to the left of it (as you enter the door) for any secret panels.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 14, 2010, 09:24:57 PM
Ylarum is waiting to see what if any effect the turning might have had.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 14, 2010, 09:27:37 PM
"Get ye back from here spawn!"

Runch steps forward. The orc frowns, a painful grimace distorting its face. It steps backwards. Runch gets closer, with Tudd by his side.

Runch, Tudd: either one of you roll 1d6.

Rissthil moves quickly through with Gareth and Smeads, then through the south-western door into the 'apothecary' room (judging by all the pots and jars on the shelves and floor). He does not notice anything particular beyond the shelves, the various containers on them or scattered on the floor, the three pillars by the eastern side of the room.

The elf walks through the room and stops just behind the lantern shining with a dark blue-violet, indigo hue. There is quite an amount of goo around that area.

At the same time, Smeads moves on to the apothecary as well and checks the wall immediately next to the door, on the left there. He does not notice anything particular on the wall itself.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 14, 2010, 09:29:41 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;426192Ylarum is waiting to see what if any effect the turning might have had.
See post #433 just above. (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 14, 2010, 10:29:42 PM
Quote from: Benoist;426193"Get ye back from here spawn!"

Runch steps forward. The orc frowns, a painful grimace distorting its face. It steps backwards. Runch gets closer, with Tudd by his side.

Runch, Tudd: either one of you roll 1d6.

roll= 6
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 14, 2010, 10:49:18 PM
"if we dont find a door here, let's look for spy holes in the wall in the main room !"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 14, 2010, 10:54:08 PM
Quote from: Benoist;426194See post #433 just above. (

(sorry, today's been busy)

How are my hirelings reacting?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 14, 2010, 11:04:50 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;426220(sorry, today's been busy)

How are my hirelings reacting?
Tarm and Json are guarding the door. They're focused on what's going on with Runch and Tudd. In their minds, it's all about keeping the horde from getting beyond this point.

Dallow seems pretty worried. Liir is oblivious, which is kind of usual for him (he's the youngest of the group, and tries to follow everyone's lead).

Snave is left undisturbed, as always. He's waiting for you to make up your mind, knowing when not to step on your toes.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 14, 2010, 11:14:44 PM
Oops iPhone double post
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 14, 2010, 11:18:54 PM
Quote from: skofflox;426213roll= 6
Good. You guys are not surprised. Roll another 1d6 for initiative.
Bad Guys: 5. (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 14, 2010, 11:31:31 PM
Quote from: Benoist;426228Good. You guys are not surprised. Roll another 1d6 for initiative.
Bad Guys: 5. (

Roll= 6 !
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 15, 2010, 12:10:04 AM
Quote from: skofflox;426235Roll= 6 !
Runch and Tudd act first. You two can feel tension in the air. Something's about to happen.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 15, 2010, 12:28:29 AM
Hissing to Tudd as my right hand sweeps back, left reaching for shield..."Quick,back to the others!"
As I step cautiously away from the horde (towards the door) I reach for my longsword.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 15, 2010, 02:02:04 AM
Gareth moves with Lilaxe to the main room:

"I'm sure there's something there we've missed" he mutters to himself, drawing sword and dagger.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 15, 2010, 02:40:42 AM
Standing behind the lantern and urn, Rissthil quickly draws his longsword and slashes at the chain holding the dark blue-violet lantern.  He then moves out of the goo on the floor and onto the top step of the dais closest to the west.


OOC: Next round intentions.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 15, 2010, 07:56:34 AM
Tudd retreats backwards towards the "safe" room, keep his eyes on the horde and shield poised to block attacks.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 15, 2010, 08:51:40 AM
Othos begins waddling his way to join up with Rissthil, Gareth and Smeads.  Hearing the noise of the hack on the lantern, he makes haste!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 15, 2010, 12:53:02 PM
Runch and Tudd back off just as the vomit-like forms close to the orc open their mouths wide. Their shape shifts suddenly, as if some of their own flesh was sucked into a throat that did not exist and launched itself from their mouths towards the two brothers.

First ranged attack vs. Runch: Miss. (
Second ranged attack vs. Tudd: Miss. (

The vomit-like substance splashes around the two brothers as they make their way between Json's and Tarm's guisarmes.

Rissthil, meanwhile, draws his sword and cuts the chains of the Indigo lantern, which crashes in the goo next to the large urn. The stuff splashes all around (make a Saving Throw vs. Paralysis, Rissthil), but the movement of it all makes Rissthil catch something ( he had not noticed before: the goo actually follows a particular pattern, like something was dragged over it not so long ago. The tracks stop by the wall right to his left, where the Indigo lantern just crashed. It's as if the goo had been pushed between the blocks of sandstone, as if... there is a door here ("S" on the map).

Just as Gareth and Smeads are walking through, Othos is making his way to the area to catch up with them.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 15, 2010, 01:12:21 PM
Ylarum will move to the southern door and slam it.  "Quickly, lads, heave those crates and the rest of this trash against the door!  Lets buy ourselves a breath or two, at least!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 15, 2010, 01:20:30 PM
Ulas draws back further toward the west door. He also takes a look at the orc in this room to see what it's doing.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 15, 2010, 02:54:18 PM
Gareth goes for the secret door and tries to locate the opening mechanism, FAST.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 15, 2010, 03:01:39 PM
Othos continues to plod south in order to reach the rest of his companions.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 15, 2010, 03:16:43 PM
OOC: Rissthil fails his saving throw (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 15, 2010, 03:54:09 PM
Avoiding as much of the goo as possible, I will flank Gareth and help look for any opening to the door. Is there anything that stands out on this wall, carvings, statues, moldings, carved knobs, etc?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 15, 2010, 04:26:57 PM
looking wildly around for Othos..."where'd that dwarf get?" as I gather the leash to my Orc captive.
Out loud to all "The globby creatures are not effected by divine might tho the gobos we slew are!"
looking at the blockade being built "Stack it hi lads...stack it hi and deep! How much combustibles we got?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 15, 2010, 04:33:22 PM
Ylarum slams the door shut. He and his people start piling up stuff against the door. You can see it shake as it receives hits from the other side.

Ulas draws back towards the western door. He throws a look at the orc. The monster remains silent, looking around him, waiting for... an opportunity? The end of it all? He keeps checking people around him, nervous.

Runch looks around for combustible. There is flaming oil here, about three flasks worth, as well as the crates, barrels, and various other flamable items.

Meanwhile, Othos catches up with the rest of the group by the secret door as they search for an opening, a mechanism, anything.

Gareth, Smeads, roll me each 1d6.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 15, 2010, 04:50:46 PM
1d6 → [6] = (6)

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 15, 2010, 04:52:04 PM
Quote from: Benoist;426472Meanwhile, Othos catches up with the rest of the group by the secret door as they search for an opening, a mechanism, anything.

"Just what are you getting up to now?" Surveying the group's search, Othos takes a step back and examines the construction for a shifting wall or similar mechanism.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 15, 2010, 05:17:23 PM
"Othos - thanks for the back up! Gareth heard a chanting somewhere in this seems to be coming from inside the wall so we are trying to find an access point...maybe we can stop the chanting and that will stop the creatures attack on our friends..."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 15, 2010, 05:31:43 PM
Quote from: winkingbishop;426476Othos takes a step back and examines the construction for a shifting wall or similar mechanism.
Roll 1d6 as well.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 15, 2010, 05:34:03 PM
Quote from: Benoist;426487Roll 1d6 as well.

detect shifting wall/passage (1d6=3) (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 15, 2010, 05:38:43 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;426485"Othos - thanks for the back up! Gareth heard a chanting somewhere in this seems to be coming from inside the wall so we are trying to find an access point...maybe we can stop the chanting and that will stop the creatures attack on our friends..."

Othos nods as he inspects the wall: "All well and good, Mister Smeads.  But we had better find your talking wall quick!  There were enemies gathering around the armory when I last saw our other companions.  We need to find your talking wall, or else look for our chanter within the horde itself.  I find the latter more likely m'self."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 15, 2010, 05:55:09 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;4264751d6 → [6] = (6)


[QUOTE="winkingbishop;426488]detect shifting wall/passage (1d6=3) ([/QUOTE]
There doesn't seem to be any apparent knobs or locks or carvings on the wall. Looking closer at it, you can see the definite frame of the door, which is about 5 feet wide, and 10 feet high.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 15, 2010, 06:18:37 PM
Gareth rolls 1d6 = 1 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 15, 2010, 06:19:13 PM
looking to the others gathered (a bit wildly) ..." 'haps we can put this here oil to good use?!" as I raise an eyebrow and hold a flask of the stuff up..."An lets clear that door!" as I indicate the NWish.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 15, 2010, 06:19:40 PM
Quote from: Imperator;426506Gareth rolls 1d6 = 1 (
Gareth spots something interesting, but not on the wall at all... on the pillar next to it. Some sort of switch, looks like. :D
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 15, 2010, 06:21:50 PM
Gareth warns his comrades: "I've found a switch. Be ready!"

Once they're ready, I action the switch. The gods help me.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 15, 2010, 07:17:28 PM
Rissthil drops his torch on the floor before him and sheathes his sword in one fluid motion, and then he quickly readies his short bow.  He deftly draws and fires two arrows across the circular room at the two closest enemies, one arrow for each of them.


OOC: Next round intentions.  Rissthil readies his short bow and fires an arrow each at the two closest enemies.  The first arrow hits AC 4 for 1 damage, and the second arrow is a natural 20 (1 damage rolled). (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 15, 2010, 10:25:43 PM
I'm ready with my sword to move forward as soon as the door is open. Intent is to charge whomever I see chanting. If I see a group of people/creatures I will hold off charging
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 16, 2010, 01:07:13 AM
Both of Rissthil's arrows hit and pierce through the creatures as if they were flying through butter. Both of them seem undisturbed.

Gareth activates the switch, and the stone door slowly swings open.

Smeads steps within, and looks upon a narrow, curved corridor ending about 30-35 feet away with an iron door. Along the western wall, there are seven candles, three of them lit, each of a different color: one, a little more than 10 feet away from the door, burns orange. The other two, the closest to the iron door, burn one with a green, the other with a blue flame. The others are unlit.

Along the eastern wall, you see some evidence of various kinds of damage: blood splattered on the wall right next to you, black burns scarring the sandstone a little farther away, then a piece of the wall that seems polished, glassed, somehow. Under each of these areas, one after the other, in front of each western wall candle, you see a little stone receptacle resting in a little niche built into the eastern wall roughly at chest height. There are seven of those niches, with seven little receptacles, each in front of a candle resting on the other side (lit or unlit, see above).

In front of the iron door, just before the blue candle, you see a rather small figure. A monk, by the looks of it, but it cannot be human, judging by its size. He or she is not moving at all, and stands there, immobile, as if looking at the iron door.

What are you doing?

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 16, 2010, 05:38:53 AM
Gareth readies the dagger for throwing and takes a cautious peek inside. Upon seeing the robed figure (and given that the figure necessarily has seen how the door opened), he shouts:

"You, surrender! Stop those creatures and we will spare you life!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 16, 2010, 08:39:14 AM
Smeads looks down to the ground to look for a stone of some sort. He picks it up and throws it at the nearest lit candle.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 16, 2010, 09:08:40 AM
Tudd helps pile boxes and debris against the door he and Runch just came through, then backs away when Runch takes out his flask, "Hold on Bug, we gonna start a pretty fire."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 16, 2010, 10:39:34 AM
"Weapons don't seem to harm them!" Rissthil says to those around him in dismayed tone.

Turning to see what they are doing at the secret door, he asks, "what's in there Smeads?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 16, 2010, 11:28:24 AM
Quote from: Drohem;426671"Weapons don't seem to harm them!" Rissthil says to those around him in dismayed tone.

Turning to see what they are doing at the secret door, he asks, "what's in there Smeads?"
Gareth mutters "A dead necromancer" and let's go a flying dagger, hoping to backstab the fucker.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 16, 2010, 11:33:08 AM
Quote from: Imperator;426686Gareth mutters "A dead necromancer" and let's go a flying dagger, hoping to backstab the fucker.
Roll to hit (d20).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 16, 2010, 11:37:44 AM
Quote from: Benoist;426687Roll to hit (d20).

[OOC: My shitty attack roll = 7 (]
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 16, 2010, 11:52:49 AM
Gareth launches his dagger which misses Smeads head by a bout an inch or two, hits the frame of the door, spins in the air and lands not to far away, inside the corridor.

Smeads has no problem finding a reasonably-sized pebble and throws it into the corridor, by the orange candle. It blasts some orange blobs of light which then crash on the opposite wall, just above the niche hosting the small stone receptable described earlier. It becomes clear, from the way the blobs collapse as they hit the wall and then slowly drip down its surface that they are in fact made of some sort of super-heated substance, metal or otherwise.

The monk does not move at all.

Meanwhile, north of the armoury, Runch and the others have piled up a significant amount of stuff against the southern door. As Tudd talks to the bug, all there suddenly hear a loud crashing sound against the door, as if many bodies had been thrown against it all at the same time with great force. You see some of the flesh-like substance oozing its way through the door's frame.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 16, 2010, 12:23:37 PM
(Does anyone still have a lit torch, or is it all just my linkboy's lamp at this point?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 16, 2010, 12:30:58 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;426704(Does anyone still have a lit torch, or is it all just my linkboy's lamp at this point?)
As far as I'm aware, it's just Snave's lantern at this point, though there are a lot of flamables around you could light up using the lantern and then throw at the stuff by the door.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 16, 2010, 12:42:37 PM
(If there's a tattered bit of rag or burlap or something I can make a brand out of I will light it on the lantern and thrust it into the pink goo that's oozing...)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 16, 2010, 12:44:01 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;426717(If there's a tattered bit of rag or burlap or something I can make a brand out of I will light it on the lantern and thrust it into the pink goo that's oozing...)
There totally is stuff like that lying around. It's sort of a storage area, so you've got rags, bits of rope, bags and so on.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 16, 2010, 12:59:43 PM
Quote from: Benoist;426718There totally is stuff like that lying around. It's sort of a storage area, so you've got rags, bits of rope, bags and so on.

Excellent then.  Time to burn some Hollendaise.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 16, 2010, 02:27:25 PM
Smeads will find another rock, this time rolling it along the ground as far as he can throw it. Intention is to see if the goo is sprayed when the rock passes below its "line of sight"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 16, 2010, 02:31:51 PM
Ulas, making use of the door frame as cover, will watch out of the west door toward the north, past the fallen red lamp, arrow ready.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 16, 2010, 03:12:17 PM
"Quikly,gather the other flasks of oil. Lets get ready to burn the spaunen."

Stepping up to the leashed orc,leaning close and tapping his chest as I speakOrcish ..."No trouble from you.These folk here..." as I indicate the others "Don't fancy being fodder for this scum, if'n you want t'continue breath'n you play nice. I even get the idea that you are muk'n about I leaves ya to your luck which don't seem ta be tha best!"

"START CLEAR'N THIS ROOM!" as I wave a hand towards the N...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 16, 2010, 03:23:40 PM
As Gareth's dagger has failed, he will unseathe his sword and cautiously advance towards the monk, specially looking for traps or any weird sign from the candles or stuff in the room.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 16, 2010, 04:34:01 PM
"Gareth - watch out!" I hold Gareth back.

"The candles shoot melting liquid out - it would kill you!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 16, 2010, 10:05:28 PM
Tudd begins moving in the direction Runch indicated, peering around the door frame to look for enemies before moving out into the hall next to the trap.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 16, 2010, 10:15:41 PM
"Let me try to extinguish the candles with my bow," Rissthil says as he looks over and around Smeads and Gareth, "watch out backs while I try."


OOC: If no one is this area objects, Rissthil will step forward and try to shoot the orange and green candles off their perch in an attempt to extinguish them.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 17, 2010, 03:41:13 AM
Quote from: Drohem;426925"Let me try to extinguish the candles with my bow," Rissthil says as he looks over and around Smeads and Gareth, "watch out backs while I try."


OOC: If no one is this area objects, Rissthil will step forward and try to shoot the orange and green candles off their perch in an attempt to extinguish them.

I stand guard in case anyone tries to arrack us.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 17, 2010, 11:50:43 AM
The group starts to clear the room north of the armoury on Runch's initiative. Ylarum uses a rag to light the fire by the southern door of the room, which suddenly roars to life. You can hear for the first time the creatures on the other side of the door shriek with pain as the flames lick the shaking door and reach the ceiling of the room. Smoke starts to fill the room pretty fast.

As Ulas Xegg leaves the area, he turns to the north and checks out the pile of rubble north of the red lantern. It almost completely obstructs both passage and line of sight to the area beyond. One thing that Ulas notices is that the ceiling above the pile is completely intact. There is a small crack there between the huge block of sandstones that runs east to west, in effect cutting the architecture of the corridor in two different parts, but it is a few inches wide, at most: no way this kind of rubble, with pieces of lumber, huge chunks of rocks and so on could have made it into the corridor from there. Besides, the pile seems well, a bit too neat. Like the rubble was brought up there and piled up, rather than then result of an accident.

Meanwhile, Smeads finds another rock and rolls it along the ground as far as he can. It passes the lit orange candle with no trouble. No super-heated stuff is projected from it as the rock rolls past it. It stops short of reaching the green candle.

Gareth starts to step forward but is stopped by Smeads as he looks for the effect of his little experiment. Rissthil the proposes to blow the candles by shooting at them with his bow. Does he attempt it?

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 17, 2010, 12:17:08 PM
Rissthil quickly draws, notches, and lets fly two arrows in quick succession, the first arrow for the orange candle and the second for the green candle.


OOC: The first arrow hits AC 2, and the second arrow hits AC 3 ( (didn't roll damage).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 17, 2010, 12:31:14 PM
Ylarum cackles madly and yells "THEY DIDN'T LIKE A LITTLE CLEANSING FIRE, DID THEY?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 17, 2010, 12:35:26 PM
Rissthil: Roll me two saving throws: one vs. Aimed Magic Items, one vs. Poison.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 17, 2010, 01:01:03 PM
OOC: Rissthil succeeds vs. RSW, and fails vs. Poison (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 17, 2010, 01:07:58 PM
"maybe we can crawl under the candles?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 17, 2010, 01:40:43 PM
Smeads, assuming you are still standing in the frame of the door, make me a saving throw vs Aimed Magic Items as well.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 17, 2010, 02:47:33 PM
Othos tries to look between his companions and find out just what the hell is going on in there (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 17, 2010, 03:03:28 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;427041Ylarum cackles madly and yells "THEY DIDN'T LIKE A LITTLE CLEANSING FIRE, DID THEY?"

as I stride to Ylarum (orc in tow) wide eyed,sequestering the other oil flask(s?) into my large pouch..."BY CHARLATHAN DO YOU RAVE?!,DRAW'M IN FIRST!" gesturing wildly to the smoking mass...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 17, 2010, 03:06:54 PM
"Look Bug, pretty fire! Huh, I'm hungry. Hey brudder, is it time for lunch? I'm hungry." Tudd says, as he leans his shield against the wall by the door and starts to pull his pack off and dig around for a tidbit to eat.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 17, 2010, 03:13:38 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;427074"Look Bug, pretty fire! Huh, I'm hungry. Hey brudder, is it time for lunch? I'm hungry." Tudd says, as he leans his shield against the wall by the door and starts to pull his pack off and dig around for a tidbit to eat.

spinning towards Tudd,stunned to silence seeing him conversing with bug while taking off his shield while the conflagration grows...all I can do is shake my head for a moment...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 17, 2010, 04:42:48 PM
"What's going on in there fellows?" Othos asks.  Then, after hearing the creatures to the east shriek, "Sounds like the others were finally forced to face the creatures!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 17, 2010, 04:54:51 PM going on in here
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 17, 2010, 06:29:10 PM
Quote from: Benoist;427054Smeads, assuming you are still standing in the frame of the door, make me a saving throw vs Aimed Magic Items as well.

Die roll for Lilaxe

Campaign: Ptolus
Rolled on: 2010-12-17 15:27:49.735959
1d20 → [11] = (11)

1d20=11 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 17, 2010, 09:16:30 PM
In the room north of the armoury, the fire quickly grows to become a roaring, blazing monster of its own. The single shriek coming from beyond the door soon becomes multiple voices as the creatures react to the pain each on their own, as if they had lost a bond that united them a moment before.

Quote from: Drohem;427049OOC: Rissthil succeeds vs. RSW, and fails vs. Poison (

Quote from: Lilaxe;427051"maybe we can crawl under the candles?"

"Maybe we can crawl under the candles?"

Just as Smeads asks the question, Rissthil fires two arrows in quick succession past his head: one hits the orange candle, and the other, a second later, hits the green candle.

Then suddenly, a blob of orange light is launched from the orange candle at Rissthil.

Smeads is just getting up after throwing his rock down the narrow corridor when the projectile passes by. He manages to see the projectile flying at his face and dodges it. (Smeads does not take any damage)

Rissthil also barely dodges the blob, but the instant heat generated by the projectile melts parts of his armor, and flesh, down to the bone (Rissthil takes 5 points of damage)! At the same time, a wisp of green smokes puffs out of the green candle and traces its  way back to the origin of the arrow, right at Rissthil, just after he is wounded by the incredible heat.

Rissthil loses consciousness and is now lying on the floor, shaking, foam at the mouth.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 17, 2010, 09:34:13 PM
Ulas looks for any light through the door to the west where the others have gone.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 17, 2010, 09:38:47 PM
Quote from: Cole;427153Ulas looks for any light through the door to the west where the others have gone.
The door to the west (to the room where all the goblin and orc bodies are piled up) is still wide open. There is no visible light source there, but you can see there is some light beyond. It flickers briefly (Rissthil's torch hitting the floor).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 18, 2010, 07:17:18 AM
I try to drag Rissthil's body away and see if i can do something for him, some basic first aid, whatever.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 18, 2010, 09:50:36 AM
Quote from: Imperator;427204I try to drag Rissthil's body away and see if i can do something for him, some basic first aid, whatever.
If you had some cloth, or similar supply, available to you, you could possibly stop Rissthil's bleeding, or at least hinder it. At this point this is the most important thing. Otherwise, he is going to die.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 18, 2010, 10:34:29 AM
Reminder: I shall be leaving to catch my ferry in the next few hours. I will be travelling for the next two days, and will be back online probably by Monday, or so.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 18, 2010, 10:55:00 AM
Quote from: ImperatorI try to drag Rissthil's body away and see if i can do something for him, some basic first aid, whatever.

Quote from: Benoist;427235Reminder: I shall be leaving to catch my ferry in the next few hours. I will be travelling for the next two days, and will be back online probably by Monday, or so.

"Gareth, bring him to me with haste!  The Builder and I will keep this one from dying."  Then, glancing over his shoulder in the direction of all the shrieking, he grumbles, "Now, over there, I can make no guarantees!"

[ooc-feels like an excellent cliffhanger to me:)]
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 18, 2010, 11:22:51 AM
Quote from: winkingbishop;427242"Gareth, bring him to me with haste!  The Builder and I will keep this one from dying."  Then, glancing over his shoulder in the direction of all the shrieking, he grumbles, "Now, over there, I can make no guarantees!"

[ooc-feels like an excellent cliffhanger to me:)]
Gareth follows Othos' instructions.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cranewings on December 19, 2010, 10:59:46 PM
Nimten is going to continue to cautiously stick with the main group, careful not to be isolated.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 20, 2010, 08:54:38 AM
DM: did I notice a nozzle or something similar change direction to shoot in our direction?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 20, 2010, 08:49:58 PM
Ylarum and his footmen will fall back to the north with the rest of the group.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 22, 2010, 12:06:50 AM
"Gareth, bring him to me with haste! The Builder and I will keep this one from dying."

Gareth follows Othos's instructions and moves Rissthil a bit further away, so the dwarf can have a look at him.

"Now, over there, I can make no guarantees!"

Othos looks over his shoulder, and can see some of the creatures erupt from the armoury, some of them literally falling apart after being put in direct contact with open flames.

Smeads tried to catch whether there was a nozzle or some mechanical device that initiated the blast that flew his and Rissthil's way. He saw no evidence of such a trap. It seems the blob of magma and the wisp of green smoke both were generated by their respective candles' flames, if anything.

Meanwhile, as Nimten withdraws from the room, Ylarum and his men are catching up with the rest of the group (I assume Tudd and Runch proceed as well, with the orc on leash).

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 22, 2010, 12:20:08 AM
Yes,backing out with Orc in tow,shield hand holding leash and longsword at the ready...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 22, 2010, 12:21:46 AM
Ulas moves a little south and west so that he'll have a line of fire to the Monk as soon as he appears past the east passage (if he does so at all, that is.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 22, 2010, 02:03:12 AM
Gareth readies bow and arrow and takes aim to shoot any enemy that comes near the dais.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 22, 2010, 08:27:07 AM
Othos mutters a quiet prayer as he sets to work on Rissthil (at the moment, just keeping him alive).  He removes any bits that still look corrosive but not fused to his flesh, brings him about 10 more feet to the west lest the fight be brought here and then sets about making him as comfortable as possible.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 23, 2010, 12:31:48 AM
Ulas moves a little south and west.

Gareth readies his bow.

Othos attends to Rissthil's needs.

The fleshlings are first to rush away from the flames into the circular room. Most of them move erratically, like falling apart, unable to hold their own shapes together. A few are holding on, though, and these are just in front of both the Monk and the Dead Orc as they come into both Gareth's and Ulas's lines of sight.

DM: If you are shooting, identify your target and roll d20 for your attack.

At the same moment, the basket enters the room through the hole in the chamber's ceiling and is slowly lowered down to the ground (Belak and Klob are both in there - they now have a full view of what's going on).

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 23, 2010, 12:41:05 AM
Shooting an arrow at the monk. Roll =11 (; +3 from dex. Total 14
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 23, 2010, 12:52:23 AM
Quote from: Cole;428020Shooting an arrow at the monk. Roll =11 (; +3 from dex. Total 14
You hit. Roll for damage.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 23, 2010, 01:01:51 AM
2 ( points of damage. If he has any time left this round, he'll take cover behind the corridor frame.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 23, 2010, 01:03:32 AM
Quote from: Cole;4280242 ( points of damage. If he has any time left this round, he'll take cover behind the corridor frame.
The arrow hits the monk in the shoulder. He does not even seem to realize it.
Ulas does have the time to take cover.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 23, 2010, 03:22:00 AM
I roll a shitty 4 (, adjusted to 5 by my DEX, so I guess I don't hit the monk.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 23, 2010, 03:31:35 AM
Quote from: Imperator;428039I roll a shitty 4 (, adjusted to 5 by my DEX, so I guess I don't hit the monk.
Indeed, you do not. You almost hit Smeads, though. :D ;)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 23, 2010, 05:09:42 AM
Quote from: Benoist;428041Indeed, you do not. You almost hit Smeads, though. :D ;)
Go me.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 23, 2010, 11:15:46 AM
Ylarum orders Snave to go where Liir and Dallow are, and has the footmen pivot to face the south; he'll stand between them.

"Now to find out if this trap stops them, as well, or if we've more knifework to do."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 23, 2010, 11:34:10 AM
Quote from: Benoist;428019At the same moment, the basket enters the room through the hole in the chamber's ceiling and is slowly lowered down to the ground (Belak and Klob are both in there - they now have a full view of what's going on).

As the lift descended closer to the circular chamber at the bottom of the pit, Belak and Klob exchanged worried glances as the distinct smell of smoke and something burning escaped upward through the pit around them.  Once the lift enter the ceiling of the circular chamber, both dwarves were ready for action.  Klob had his light crossbow loaded and ready to fire, and Belak had his battle axe in hand.  Both dwarves were dressed for battle in studded leather armor, and carrying an array of weapons.  

They quickly surveyed the situation and noted the position of the three groups.  The main group of rescuers was looked hidden from the group of strange creatures to the east, and the it appeared that the small group of rescuers to the west was under imminent attack from the creatures to the east.  Belak and Klob both step off the lift as it touches the ground, and spring into action.  

"Baruk Khazâd!  Khazâd aimênu!" Belak yells an ancient dwarven battle cry at the strange creatures to the east in the great circular chamber as he brandishes his battle axe.

"Klob," he says to his companion, "make for the small group to the west!"

Klob instantly turns and runs off the dais to the west, and toward the small group located there.  

Before Belak turns to follow Klob, he yells loudly in Common, "I am Belak, grandson of Cadfan!  This is my man Klob!  Don't shoot!  We're here to help!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 23, 2010, 01:55:35 PM
Smeads will take up his sling, and shoot a shot at the monk down the curving hallway.

Slingshot attack on Monk (1d20=12) (

12 + 1 Dex = 13 Roll
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 23, 2010, 02:33:24 PM
Another arrow shot to the monk: my roll is a 11 ( = 12. Do I hit? Seems unlikely.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 23, 2010, 02:41:16 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;428187Smeads will take up his sling, and shoot a shot at the monk down the curving hallway.

Slingshot attack on Monk (1d20=12) (

12 + 1 Dex = 13 Roll
Hit. Roll for damage.

Quote from: Imperator;428195Another arrow shot to the monk: my roll is a 11 ( = 12. Do I hit? Seems unlikely.

DM: Going on Xmas errands right now. Somebody roll initiative at this point. Those who haven't yet, post your intentions for the round. I'm going to post once I come back later in the day.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 23, 2010, 02:47:48 PM
Quote from: Benoist;428201 Somebody roll initiative at this point.

5 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 23, 2010, 04:41:41 PM
Just to the north of the Trap zone, Ylarum and his two footmen will keep watch for the hordes to see if they cross the trap (and if so what becomes of them); he'll wave his bearers through the door to the west, instructing the linkboy to go too, but hold the light out through the door to give us something to fight by...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 23, 2010, 10:05:00 PM
Roll for the bad guys: 1. You have the initiative (grumble grumble). (

Alright. At this point, Gareth just missed his second shot. Smeads hits and rolls for damage. These two are done for this round (though they both can move/reposition themselves before next round if they want to).

Belak and Klob are on the ground, and Klob moved by Gareth, Smeads, Othos and Rissthil. They can now act this round.

Got Ylarum and Co. intent for the round.

If anyone else wants to do something this round, post now.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 23, 2010, 10:10:55 PM
Ulas will try to snipe at that monk again.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 23, 2010, 10:23:06 PM
striding throught the W door (seeing it standing open) away from the press to look for our companions...orc in tow...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 24, 2010, 02:13:39 AM
Quote from: Cole;428269Ulas will try to snipe at that monk again.

Same for Gareth. Cursing under his breath, he prepares another arrow.

[OOC: I just realized that I have no proficiency slots or whatever they're called to my bow, so I guess I've failed to apply some penalties. Anyway, my rolls sucked, so there.]
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 24, 2010, 08:41:35 AM
1d4+1 → [3,1] = (4)

1d4+1=4 (

"We've got a trapped hallway here! We think whoever, or whatever, is animating those creatures is behind this door!" Smeads says to those just arriving.

Next round: Smeads will look for another rock to roll along the ground in front of the candles. Now they are active I want to see if they respond to the stone. Smeads will stand next to the door opening to get as much cover as possible from the wall.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 24, 2010, 01:43:54 PM
Klob up a position next to the fallen elf and dwarf priest and then aims his loaded crossbow across the circular hall towards the creatures gathering on the east side of the chamber.

Looking to the dwarven priest, he says in Dwarven, "what the hell are those things?"

Belak moves over next to Smeads at the secret door entrance and looks inside.  As he peers inside, he glimpses the candles and the strange looking monk at the other end of the room.

"The room is trapped?" he asks Smeads in the common tongue, "entering it will trigger the trap?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 24, 2010, 03:00:45 PM
Smeads's bullet hits the monk right in the face. It does not collapse, but takes a step back with the violence of the impact. Smeads then rolls a rock on the ground in the corridor to see what happens. No reaction from the candles (which are at the same chest-height, on little pedestals, as the little receptacles in the niches in front of them, as a reminder/reference).

Gareth reloads. Takes time (he already shot an arrow this round).

Ulas shoots his second arrow. Roll for attack and damage.

Runch proceeds, orc in tow, and goes to catch up with others down south via the West door.

Belak is now by Smeads (don't forget you decide what Klob the crossbowman is doing too - he can still shoot this round).

As for the enemies, most of the fleshlings fall apart at this point, probably because of the damage they suffered because of the heat and/or flames generated by the fire. A few of them remain, however. Three are following the Dead Orc around the dais, to the north. They stop by the trap and vomit in the direction of Ylarum's men.

Attack 1 ( @ Json: Hit. 4 damage. ( Json is at 2 HP total. He's badly hurt. The fleshy vomit that hit him is digging its way through his skin.
Attack 2 ( @ Json: Miss.
Attack 3 ( @ Tarm: Hit. 2 damage. ( Tarm is at 2 HP total. He's also badly hurt.

Both footmen can still fight, but they can't take much more.

The Dead Monk proceeds differently. His fleshling vanguard hops around the dais and on its steps, while it climbs the dais itself and goes straight for the group assembled by the secret door.

Othos, Nimten and Tudd's actions have been delayed. They may still act this round. In case any of you guys post, tell me what you are doing for this first round here, and also for the second round which is about to begin. If you don't post, I'll roll for a Caller to tell me what they do.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 24, 2010, 03:46:06 PM
Rolled 1.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 24, 2010, 06:31:46 PM
Quote from: Benoist;428352(don't forget you decide what Klob the crossbowman is doing too - he can still shoot this round).

Seeing that some of those creatures followed him and Belak across the dais, Klob aims for the chest of the lead creature and squeezes the featherlight trigger.  Even as the bolt streaks across the circular room at the creature's chest, Klob is quickly reloading a bolt into his crossbow to fire again.


OOC: Klob's round 1 crossbow attack hits AC 6 for 2 damage (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on December 24, 2010, 06:34:54 PM
OOC: Round 2 intentions...

Belak will turn at the doorway to the secret door and wait for the thing to advance, and will attack if they get close enough.

Seeing that his bolt was ineffective, Klob holds his crossbow in his off hand and gets his hand axe from his belt ready.  He stands to Belak's right blocking access to the others behind them.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 24, 2010, 06:48:33 PM
Quote from: Drohem;428366Seeing that some of those creatures followed him and Belak across the dais, Klob aims for the chest of the lead creature and squeezes the featherlight trigger.  Even as the bolt streaks across the circular room at the creature's chest, Klob is quickly reloading a bolt into his crossbow to fire again.


OOC: Klob's round 1 crossbow attack hits AC 6 for 2 damage (
The lead fleshling takes the bolt in what looks like its chest. It goes right through it, as a warm needle through butter.

Ulas misses.

Cole, you are the Caller ( for Othos, Tudd and Nimten. What are they doing for the end of Round 1? (their players may still decide for themselves and in effect replace your decision until I post for the end of round 1/beginning of round 2)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on December 24, 2010, 07:13:23 PM
"We can't hurt those blobs from here without fire, but they can spit.", says Ulas.

Barring input from their players, I'll have Nimten move into the west room toward Runch, and Tudd move inside the room, taking cover from the monster's spit attack and guarding that chokepoint.

If Rissthil looks safe to move, I'll have Othos try to get him up NE out of sight of the enemies.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 24, 2010, 11:43:01 PM
after entering the W. room I push the orc captive to his knees and put the tip of my longsword on his chest...
in Orcish "If you have any knowledge that may help best spill yer guts or I will!" as I push the sword point a bit...

will spend 1 round trying to get info then move on to the others S. of me (I will not slay the Orc but I will knock him out till the situation is under controll)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 25, 2010, 10:34:39 AM
Seeing how bad Json and Tarm are injured, Ylarum will order them to fall back single file and interpose himself between them and the spitting horrors, moving with them as a rearguard, towards the western door.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 25, 2010, 11:46:32 AM
Instead of readying another arrow, I will spend my intent readying my own fask of oil.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 25, 2010, 07:41:23 PM
Tudd follows Runch closely, shield back at the ready and morningstar held tightly. He growls at the orc prisoner threateningly.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 26, 2010, 11:10:51 AM
"Those candles fired directly at the door when attacked, although they dont respond to stones rolled along the floor. Im not sure if they respond to living flesh, direct attack or what... Im going to suggest I crawl along the floor till Im level with the first candle - then one of you take a shot from cover at it, and if it responds by shooting something at you, Ill use that an opportunity to move past its location. What do you all think"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 26, 2010, 08:20:16 PM
Once inside the door, Ylarum says "Gods!  Give me clean red sauced flesh to carve through, honest sword work!  This, this is madness!  Snave, let's have a pot of oil and a wick - I'll teach 'em to fear something!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 27, 2010, 03:40:56 AM
Gareth readies a stone to throw (from cover) to the lamp as Smeads has suggested.

"Smeads, if you can, try to crawl all the way to the monk. Maybe it is in some sort of trance and he won't hear you until you press your blade to its throat."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on December 27, 2010, 09:03:12 AM
"That is my intent, Gareth"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on December 27, 2010, 09:16:15 AM
Quote from: Cole;428376"We can't hurt those blobs from here without fire, but they can spit.", says Ulas.

If Rissthil looks safe to move, I'll have Othos try to get him up NE out of sight of the enemies.

Round 1, as Cole directed, was spent moving Rissthil further NE into the chamber and away from the approaching enemies.

Round 2 intent is to return south and bunch up with the two other dwarves, keep Smeads under cover, and get some lamp oil from my pack and prepare to start some weapons aflame.  I'll do mine for sure or anyone else that wants to start getting down to business!

(Dwarven) "Welcome to the party cousin!  Mind the gooey ones, they have to be burned.  Do you have a weapon I can douse?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on December 28, 2010, 04:58:27 AM
Quote from: Lilaxe;428685"That is my intent, Gareth"

"Go for it, my friend"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 05, 2011, 01:03:26 PM
Belak and Klob stand at each other’s sides and wait for the fleshlings to join them in melee, in effect blocking the creatures from reaching the others. Two of them come in contact, a third on its way. The Dead Monk stops on the top of the dais.

Nimten moves into the room where all the bodies are piled up, soon followed by Json, Tarm, and Ylarum acting as rear guard.

As far as I'm aware, Ulas stays by the red lantern so far.

The Dead Orc moves towards the dais. His fleshlings move towards Belak's position.

Tudd follows Runch closely, snarling at the orc prisoner, who now seems to become quite nervous again, judging by the way he pulls back and attempts to resist getting closer to the fight.

Runch pushes the tip of his sword on the orc’s neck. "If you have any knowledge that may help best spill yer guts or I will!"

The orc looks around as if searching for a way to escape. He mumbles to himself: "we’ll all become mindless creatures like them. Those who are not digested will rise from the dead. All dead and mindless. We’ll be trapped, all of us. And then the masters will reject us from the Pact. Forsaken, trapped in here! KILL ME! Please! Kill me now!"

Othos moves Rissthil’s unconscious body farther up north, into the apothecary (potion room). He leaves the elf there and makes his way back to his dwarven brethren to join in the fight. He’s not there yet (choose a position).

Smeads readies a stone to throw on the ground of the corridor, and does so. There is no reaction on the candles part (I’m assuming he intends to crawl his way to the other side of the corridor for the rest of the round). Meanwhile, Gareth has a flask of oil at the ready (or a stone, couldn’t quite tell from the intents, but I assumed Smeads threw the stone as intended previously, while Gareth defaulted to the oil flask – don’t hesitate to correct if the assumption is wrong).

That’s how the area looks like at this point. Roll for initiative to see how the resolution unfolds from here.
Enemies roll: 1. ( You guys are waaay too lucky. :p

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 05, 2011, 01:22:54 PM
Ylarum will light his pot of oil on Snave's lantern, then lean out the door and try to molotov the two "things" just to the south of the trapped area.  I'll aim at the one to the west (left, as you look at the picture).

I know it's a bit of a toss but if nothing else it'll put the fear of fire into 'em.

All the while yelling at Tarm and Json to form up with Snave, Liir and Dallow in the room.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 05, 2011, 02:32:55 PM
If no one yet rolled initiative, 2 (

I'm not sure if the undead monk is still in Ulas's line of fire - if so, he'll take a shot at it, then fall back into the room with the others. If not, he'll just move into the room and cross toward the other end.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 05, 2011, 02:58:10 PM
Quote from: Cole;430642I'm not sure if the undead monk is still in Ulas's line of fire - if so, he'll take a shot at it, then fall back into the room with the others. If not, he'll just move into the room and cross toward the other end.
Running a line from the edges of the two characters, it does look like you have a line of sight. There's partial cover, obviously, but Ulas can take a shot at him.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 05, 2011, 03:06:26 PM
Quote from: Benoist;430653Running a line from the edges of the two characters, it does look like you have a line of sight. There's partial cover, obviously, but Ulas can take a shot at him.

Roll 12 ( +3 Dex = 15
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 05, 2011, 04:06:52 PM
"Stand tall Klob!" Belak shouts encouragement to his friend as the strange fleshling creatures advance toward them, "we hold here!"

"Miz burk vel leibz vazr an merag!" Klob roars in Dwarven at the incoming creatures.

Belak and Klob get down to axe work on the two fleshlings that approach them, and the dwarves' axe blades bite deep.


OOC: Belak's attack hits AC 0 for 8 damage (, and Klob's attack hits AC 6 for 2 damage (

Klob roars at the creatures, "My axe and your face will be friends!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 05, 2011, 07:06:47 PM
(DM: Have I had time to ready my shot or is that coming at the beginning of the next round during missile fire?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 05, 2011, 07:11:47 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;430731(DM: Have I had time to ready my shot or is that coming at the beginning of the next round during missile fire?)
Nah, sure. Assuming Ylarum is readying the projectile as he moves west, catches up with Snave and then molotovs the guys south, I think you can take your shot now. Roll for it.

BTW movements have basically been done for the round and you've got the initiative at this point, so anyone willing to take shots or make melee attacks do it at this point. I know Drohem, Cole and Ylarum have done so already, which is a good thing. Just pointing it out if anybody else is in doubt. Once everyone who wants to has attacked, I'll go for the monsters, and then new intents, new init, new (third) round.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 05, 2011, 07:22:26 PM
Tudd moves through the south door and wanders towards the sound of fighting.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 05, 2011, 07:30:15 PM
Ylarum takes aim at the pink horror and lets fly with a pot of flaming oil!

1d20=17 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 06, 2011, 05:13:21 AM
Quote from: Benoist;430622*snip*
The orc looks around as if searching for a way to escape. He mumbles to himself: "we'll all become mindless creatures like them. Those who are not digested will rise from the dead. All dead and mindless. We'll be trapped, all of us. And then the masters will reject us from the Pact. Forsaken, trapped in here! KILL ME! Please! Kill me now!"

ears perking up...
"Who are these masters you speak of, what pact?" as I put a bit more pressure with my sword..."The truth might earn you a clean death!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on January 06, 2011, 08:39:58 AM
Quote from: Benoist;430622Othos moves Rissthil's unconscious body farther up north, into the apothecary (potion room). He leaves the elf there and makes his way back to his dwarven brethren to join in the fight. He's not there yet (choose a position).

"Stay there Rissthil, we'll be back!"  Rushing towards the battle in a swift waddle, Othos tries to discern if the axe attacks did any lasting damage on the blob creatures.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 06, 2011, 12:46:36 PM
Quote from: Cole;430657Roll 12 ( +3 Dex = 15

Ulas misses. He's pretty sure that, had the monk not had partial cover due to the enormous crystal between them, he would have hit him.

Quote from: Drohem;430678Belak's attack hits AC 0 for 8 damage (, and Klob's attack hits AC 6 for 2 damage (
Both Belak and Klob's attacks hit fairly easily. They do not, however, do as much damage as was intended. It looks like the axes' blades go through some sort of gel that partially reforms itself once they slashed through it!

Both fleshlings seem to try to bite Belak and Klob with half-shaped, non existent mouths.

One fleshling attacks Klob: Fumble. (
One fleshling attacks Belak: Miss. (

Quote from: thedungeondelver;430741Ylarum takes aim at the pink horror and lets fly with a pot of flaming oil!

1d20=17 (
This is a hit. Two of the fleshlings are fairly close together, and they both melt in contact with the flames!

Quote from: skofflox;430813ears perking up...
"Who are these masters you speak of, what pact?" as I put a bit more pressure with my sword..."The truth might earn you a clean death!"
"The Quaan! The Lords of the Pact do not suffer weakness or any other allegiances. There is no hope for me to return. If I become one of them... no! The Pact must not be broken!" The Orc looks straight back at Runch, now pleading again: "This is the Truth! KILL ME NOW!"

DM: Alright! New round. What are your intents at this point?

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 06, 2011, 12:57:42 PM
OOC: Tudd's intention is to continue towards the fighting until he find something to hit. Unless he gets distracted by something shiny of course.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on January 06, 2011, 01:05:43 PM
Othos will finish trying to set his morningstar aflame and then maneuver south of Klob and get down to business with his goo monster.  If he can accomplish that during movement he will attempt to clobber it as well.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 06, 2011, 01:33:26 PM
Shoot at the monk, then fall back into the chamber, if there's time.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 06, 2011, 01:50:55 PM
"Fire!" Belak yells as he realizes that their weapons are ineffective against these strange creatures, "we need fire over here!"

"By the Forge!" Klob exclaims when his axe passes through the creature without much resistance, or effect.

"Klob, step back and put some bolts into that one the dais!" Belak barks once he sees Othos stepping up to their line of defense.

Klob steps back cautiously while holding the creature at bay and allowing Othos to step into his position on the front line.  Klob immediately jams his hand axe into his weapon's belt, and starts cocking his crossbow to fire.


OOC: Round 3 intentions...

Belak will fight defensively, trying to hold the creature from advancing forward, and not to inflict any damage on it.

Klob performs a Fighting Retreat so that he and Othos can switch places.  He puts his hand axe away and prepares his crossbow to fire.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 06, 2011, 02:18:11 PM
(DM: is this an actual doorway with an open door I'm standing in or is it just an opening without a door?)

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 06, 2011, 02:22:27 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;430961(DM: is this an actual doorway with an open door I'm standing in or is it just an opening without a door?)
It is an actual doorway with an open door, opened towards the inside of the room.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on January 07, 2011, 11:01:04 AM
Smeads will hug the wall to his left (as facing into the room)

Then slink along it to the corner. Then will crouch down and crawl along the floor nearest to the wall. One near a candle I will call back for someone to shoot a candle to distract it's attention, then crawl past that candle real quick.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 07, 2011, 05:00:42 PM
Quote from: Benoist;430927*snip*
"The Quaan! The Lords of the Pact do not suffer weakness or any other allegiances. There is no hope for me to return. If I become one of them... no! The Pact must not be broken!" The Orc looks straight back at Runch, now pleading again: "This is the Truth! KILL ME NOW!"

musing on this bit for a moment. (In common) "Quaan?" searching memory for this word as... (in Orcish) "'Preciate that.Alright then maggot out we go!" as I push him towards the S. room..."Ya live a bit longer,tough that!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on January 08, 2011, 07:53:07 AM
Quote from: Lilaxe;431201Smeads will hug the wall to his left (as facing into the room)

Then slink along it to the corner. Then will crouch down and crawl along the floor nearest to the wall. One near a candle I will call back for someone to shoot a candle to distract it's attention, then crawl past that candle real quick.
Gareth hurls his oil flask to the chanting monk, and hastily takes cover to ready arrow and bow.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 08, 2011, 10:04:56 AM
(DM: Is Snave getting around to bringing me another flask?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 08, 2011, 01:26:14 PM
Somebody roll for initiative.
The bad guys: 2. (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 08, 2011, 02:09:43 PM
Quote from: Benoist;431427Somebody roll for initiative.
The bad guys: 2. (

2 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 08, 2011, 02:11:24 PM
OK Actions are simultaneous.
Intents as I understand them:

Tudd rushes south towards the sound of fighting.
Runch follows, pushing the orc along with him as he tries to understand the meaning of its words.
Othos sets his morningstar aflame (which is so cool when I think about it it makes me grin), and trades places with Klob (i.e. Fighting Retreat maneuver), who takes a few steps back, switches back to his crossbow and reloads. Othos rolls for attack.
Ulas Xegg takes another shot at the monk standing on the dais. Ulas rolls for attack.
Belak fights defensively and tries to hold the line (I'm assuming he's Parrying basically).
Ylarum asks Snave for another flask. He's searching for one in the room's clutter (TDD rolls for Snave 1d100).
Gareth throws a flask of oil at the monk standing by the iron door at the end of the corridor with colored candles. He then takes cover and switches for bow and arrow.
Smeads at the same moment crawls his way down the corridor, hugging its left side, past the first lit (orange) candle.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 08, 2011, 02:14:19 PM
Quote from: Benoist;431431Ulas Xegg takes another shot at the monk standing on the dais. Ulas rolls for attack.

Roll8 ( +3 = 11
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on January 08, 2011, 03:02:35 PM
Quote from: Benoist;431431OK Actions are simultaneous.

Othos sets his morningstar aflame (which is so cool when I think about it it makes me grin), and trades places with Klob (i.e. Fighting Retreat maneuver), who takes a few steps back, switches back to his crossbow and...

flaming morningstar on glob monster (1d20=12) ( (hits AC 8)

if that hits...

morningstar damage before fire damage (2d4=3) (

Othos makes a spirited advance on the glob monster, swinging his flaming morningstar around his head once before attempting a telling blow.

(Common tongue) "These unearthly things fall to flame!  Hold strong!  We have an fallen comrade and a mission to preserve.  The Builder will see this day won!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 08, 2011, 03:17:41 PM
1d100=90 (

(I either did really well or really poorly!)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 08, 2011, 03:19:37 PM
Also, THIS. (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 08, 2011, 03:52:10 PM
Here's how the round goes down.

Tudd rushes down south and is now almost in melee. He can see his comrades fighting the wave of fleshlings coming their way, with Belak fighting defensively, Othos waving his flaming morningstar around. He is close to Klob who is presently reloading his crossbow.

Runch is not far behind, orc in tow.

Othos hits with his morningstar and the fleshling falls apart like the pile of agglomerated bone and goo it is. It is almost instantly replace by a fleshling coming in contact with him and attacking. It hits AC 4. ( 3 points of damage. ( Roll a Save vs. Poison.

Belak fights defensively. Two fleshlings are on him at this point. They both attack at -5 due to his parrying maneuvers. Both fail spectacularly. (

Ulas shoots his bow at the monk and misses. He retreats in the western room.

Ylarum waits for Snave to give him a new oil flask. He is searching and searching, and doesn't find anything so far.

Gareth throws a flask of oil at the small monk by the iron door. It instantly bursts into flames, and remains completely immobile. The candles all shoot one after the other towards the opposite wall as the flask flies by. A blob of orange magma, a wisp of green smoke and a ray of deep blue light succeed each other very quickly.

Smeads at the same time crawls his way past the Orange candle. No problem on his side of things.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on January 08, 2011, 04:35:23 PM
Quote from: Benoist;431450Here's how the round goes down.

Othos hits with his morningstar and the fleshling falls apart like the pile of agglomerated bone and goo it is. It is almost instantly replace by a fleshling coming in contact with him and attacking. It hits AC 4. ( 3 points of damage. ( Roll a Save vs. Poison.

save vs. poison. +4 vs. poison (dwarf racial ability) will be added later. (1d20=10) ( Total is 14 for a pass!

Othos smashes through the first goo monster with his flaming morningstar.  He didn't see the next one coming!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 08, 2011, 07:44:15 PM
DM: Alright! New round. Intents?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 08, 2011, 08:12:37 PM
Ulas will continue heading counterclockwise, moving toward Othos & co., stopping before he would become visible to the enemies in the center.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 08, 2011, 08:22:32 PM
Ylarum, having no oil to throw, will instead grab a piece of wooden rubble and proceed to make a brand this round, wrapping one end with cloth and tipping a small amount of oil from Snave's lantern.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 09, 2011, 12:42:20 AM
Tudd will charge the nearest enemy and hit it really hard with his big spiky stick. Then maybe he'll hit it again.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on January 09, 2011, 10:12:47 AM
Othos will continue to swing his flaming morningstar at the new, eager goo monster.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 09, 2011, 01:15:21 PM
OOC: Round 3 intentions...

Belak will continue to fight defensively holding the creatures at bay.
Klob will fire his crossbow at the monk on the dais.
Rissthil will have sweet dreams of beautiful elven maidens.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 11, 2011, 12:17:20 AM
Pulling the snivelling orc towards the pillar...."Here we go then,back to the pillar ma boyo. Stay put till we secure tha area. Now theres a good gobo..." as I wrap the lead around the pillar and secure it none to loosely...

Hanging back trying to deduce any info on the enemy magicks at not opposed to hurling a dagger if need be...

(Ben. will take me a few days to catch up on Nimtens past posts. Can I roll an "Arcana" check of some sort to gain insight?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 11, 2011, 12:29:16 AM
Quote from: skofflox;431855(Ben. will take me a few days to catch up on Nimtens past posts. Can I roll an "Arcana" check of some sort to gain insight?)
Nope, you cannot, since this deviltry is unknown to Nimten. It is the first time he's ever been confronted to something like this, just like the rest of the group, nor did he ever study something that might provide some insight as to what, exactly, might be at work within these walls...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 11, 2011, 01:08:38 AM
Ylarum, seeing that there's nothing else to set on fire, will gather his troops and move through the southwest door to see what assistance can be lent to the rest of the party in that direction.

"Come Nimten and Ulas!  We're safe from attacks from the east, for the nonce."

(Marching order is Ylarum, followed on rear flanks by Json and Tarm, with Snave between them, Liir and Dallow very close behind. - Nimten and Ulas are of course free to form up however they prefer.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 11, 2011, 01:14:07 AM
Nimten wracks his brain for some sort of reference or pertinent knowledge and draws a blank...falling in behind Ylarum & co. whilst keeping his senses focused on his surroundings.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on January 11, 2011, 01:52:56 AM
Seeing that he is no good (for the moment) with an arrow and that Smeads is doing fine, Gareth will leave his bow and start crawling after Smeads, so he can help him when he arrives to the monk.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on January 11, 2011, 04:16:46 AM
With short sword ready, Smeads will slowly stand and with his back to the wall will interject himself between the monk and the door, watching for any response from it. If it reacts, I will try to fight with my back to the door/wall.

If there is no response, Smeads will feel behind him for a latch or handle, testing to see if the door is locked.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 11, 2011, 12:01:08 PM
Alright! Somebody roll initiative.
The monsters: 1. (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 11, 2011, 01:17:25 PM
Quote from: Benoist;431946Alright! Somebody roll initiative.
The monsters: 1. (

4 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 11, 2011, 02:02:47 PM
Runch ties the orc to the pillar. The creature does not protest, knowing that at this point, there is nothing for it to do but comply.

Ulas keeps on walking and stops just before he becomes visible to the enemies by Othos, Belak et al. He is just by Rissthil's body at this point.

Ylarum fabricates his own brand. He then proceeds with his men down south, closely followed by Nimten, who keeps thinking intently as he walks. They all could come in contact with the enemies by Othos etc in the next round, if they so choose.

Meanwhile, Gareth crawls his way past the orange candle. No trouble so far.

Smeads is interjecting himself between the monk and the door. The blue candle is burning just above his head. He throws a look back, and notices why the monk was not reacting: it is a statue made of stone, but for its robes, which are slowly falling apart as they still burn. Smeads then has a look at the door and finds a handle there. He tries to open the door. It is not locked, but something seems to resist from the other side, he can see strings, tendrils of goo, or saliva, or something, stretching from the frame of the door to the side of the door itself as he tries to open it further...

Tudd charges the nearest fleshling, which happens to stand by Belak the dwarf. Roll for attack and damage.

Klob fires his crossbow at the monk on the dais. Roll for attack and damage.

Belak fights defensively, still benefiting from his parry bonus.

Othos swings his flaming morningstar at his second fleshling. Roll for attack and damage.

Monster attacks pending results of these actions.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 11, 2011, 02:15:43 PM
Klob takes aim and fires when he think he has a clear shot on the monk on the dais.  Unfortunately, his footing slides slightly just as he squeezes the trigger and he's unsure about his shot.


OOC: Klob's crossbow attack hits AC 10 for 2 damage (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 11, 2011, 02:16:48 PM
Die roll for Tudd
Campaign: Ptolus

Rolled on: 2011-01-11 11:10:19.618043
1d20+5; 1d20+3 → [10,5] = (15)
1d20+5; 1d20+3 → [16,3] = (19)

first attack gets additional +2 for charge (

Die roll for Tudd
Campaign: Ptolus

Rolled on: 2011-01-11 11:15:45.888043
2d4+3; 2d4+3 → [4,3,3] = (10)
2d4+3; 2d4+3 → [1,4,3] = (8)

damage rolls (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on January 11, 2011, 03:33:47 PM
Smeads is going to gently slide his knife along the crack in the door that shows the goo - to see if it cuts the goo or if the knife sticks to it.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on January 11, 2011, 04:31:44 PM
Attacks goo monster with flaming morningstar (1d20=3) (

[ooc: piss!]

Still spirited by felling his last foe, Othos rounds about and wildly swings his flaming morningstar over his head a few times: "I've just about had my fill with this goo and the mess and the rest of this unearthly lot!"  With flame licking the air and getting dangerously close to his beard, he strikes out blindly!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 11, 2011, 06:40:14 PM
Klob's bolt misses its target.
Tudd charges and attacks. The force of the impact is so great it actually destroys the fleshling before it can reshape itself! SPLOSH!
Othos misses his attack.

First fleshling attacks Tudd: Misses. (
Second fleshling attacks Othos: Misses. (

All of a sudden, the dead monk's and orc's faces express some sort of surprise, judging by the way their muscles all contract at the same time. They rush in melee as well.
Monk attacks Othos: Misses. (
Orc attacks Belak: Misses. (

Smeads attempts to cut through the web of saliva linking the door to its frame, and does so without much trouble. Something slams into the door and shuts it in Smeads face violently (though it doesn't cause any damage to him).

New (fourth) round. What are your intents?

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 11, 2011, 07:25:33 PM
Tudd will be hitting things until they no longer get near him.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 11, 2011, 07:37:24 PM
OOC: Round 4 intentions...

Belak will attack the orc.
Klob with fire his crossbow at the monk.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on January 12, 2011, 02:32:38 AM
Gareth crawls as fast as he can towards Smeads, in order to help him with the door.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 12, 2011, 02:46:11 AM
Runch is coming down to the engaged group to see who may need healing and lend his holy might if needed! Sword drawn and shield set...

Nimten is pondering, albeit alert, as he follows Ylarum & co.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on January 12, 2011, 09:12:55 AM
Smeads will wait for Gareth.

"If someone is on the other side wanting to stop me getting in, Im gonna need your extra muscle here Gareth"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on January 12, 2011, 01:04:46 PM
Othos will strike at his new arrival (the monk).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on January 12, 2011, 02:33:09 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;432175Smeads will wait for Gareth.

"If someone is on the other side wanting to stop me getting in, Im gonna need your extra muscle here Gareth"

Grunting: "I'm on my way. Damned magical traps. I hate their guts."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 13, 2011, 12:19:34 PM
DM: Somebody roll for initiative.
Bad Guys: 4. (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 13, 2011, 02:38:52 PM
OOC: Good Guys Round 4 Initiative roll = 5 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 13, 2011, 10:44:10 PM
Ylarum and company will continue south, marching to the sound of the guns, as it were.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 13, 2011, 10:46:40 PM
Runch will go and survey the scene of combat looking to aid any comrade that is in need or to lend his sword in the fray.

Nimten follows Ylarums co.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 14, 2011, 12:14:19 AM
Ulas holds his position.

Tudd attacks the fleshling right in front of him. Roll for attack and damage.

Belak attacks the orc. Roll for attack and damage.
Klob fires his crossbow. Idem.

Othos strikes at the monk. Roll for attack and damage.

Sword drawn and shield set, Runch tries to determine whether anybody needs some healing at this point. Post in the OOC thread to indicate as much if any of you need some.

Nimten follows Ylarum and company, but stops short of closing in on combat.

Ylarum, Json and Tarm are closing in on combat. The two pikemen may reach through the first rank of battle and try to impale some of the opponents. Which ones? What about Ylarum?

Gareth catches up with Smeads. Both try to force the iron door open while not triggering the blue candle. Roll a 1d100 each.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 14, 2011, 12:56:16 AM
Quote from: Benoist;432692Belak attacks the orc. Roll for attack and damage.
Klob fires his crossbow. Idem.

Belak's first battle axe attack on the orc hits AC 1 for 14 damage, and his second attack hits AC 10 for 11 damage. (

Klob's crossbow attack misses the monk. (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on January 14, 2011, 04:39:50 AM
Gareth rolls a 14 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 14, 2011, 08:10:21 AM
Die roll for Tudd
Campaign: Ptolus

Rolled on: 2011-01-14 05:09:45.251349
1d20+3;2d4+3 → [12,3] = (15)
1d20+3;2d4+3 → [3,4,3] = (10)

attack and damage if hit (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on January 14, 2011, 10:52:45 AM
Flaming mace attack on monk (1d20=20) (

base morningstar damage (2d4=7) (

ooc: hell yeah!  I have no idea if or what you'd want as extra damage for the flame, but I'll leave that in your hands Ben.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on January 14, 2011, 10:57:37 AM
Smeads rolls d100 at the door 1d100=92 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 14, 2011, 02:59:46 PM
This is an absolute butchery.

Tudd rips apart the fleshling he is currently fighting.
Belak cuts the orc in half, partially decapitating it, cutting through its rib cage, and a whole arm with it. The creature stands there for a moment before its lower half slowly collapses.
Othos's morning star hits the monk's solar plexus. Its whole chest collapses upon impact, its whole body sent a few feet away, its limbs connected together by a shattered, twisted corpse. It is dead. Again.

The last fleshling collapses instantly as it suddenly turned back into the mess of goo and bones it emerged from earlier.

There are no longer any enemies around you, but...

Meanwhile, Gareth and Smeads are combining their efforts. The iron door opens violently as all the mess on its other side finally gives way.

You see a large room with very impressive carpets and furniture. It looks like some type of shrine, or prayer chamber, judging by all the unlit candles aligned along its north-western wall. Everything in the room is covered with a thick layer of slime which probably originated from its sole occupant: the most horrifying, sickening, giant, sluggish being you have ever seen in your life.

The thing lays on the floor of the room, its obese mass covered with some sort of chitinous, dark exoskeleton and too many pink, raw sores to count. Its flesh pulses with repulsing, unnatural life. A single, large eye is set in the middle of a mass of tentacles which are twisting and snapping all around it. Its massive pupil turns to look at the both of you. A mouth opens right under; it roars very loudly, and yet, musically so, to then suddenly start to vomit the same thick stuff you've seen all around the dais earlier...

What do you do?

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 14, 2011, 04:03:39 PM
Belak turns to the newly arrived people and says, "it looks like Klob and I got here just in time.  What are those things?  The Undead?"

Klob moves to Belak's side and silently reloads his crossbow.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 14, 2011, 04:05:03 PM
On hearing the thing's bellows, Ylarum says "Come men, follow me!" to Tarm and Json and hastens north through the door at maximum speed.

Sword is out, shield is up.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 14, 2011, 04:14:30 PM
Tudd turns at the sound of the "thing" and rushes through the door towards the noise if he can.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 14, 2011, 04:32:52 PM
Seeing this new people making a rush for the room where the elves entered, Belak yells at them and steps forward to block their entry, "Stop!  The elves said room is trapped!"  
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on January 14, 2011, 05:15:45 PM
Smeads will step to the side of the door if he can, to avoid the spewing goo....
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 14, 2011, 05:19:45 PM
Surveying the carnage quickly before bellowing..."Do any need aid?!"
my head jerks in the direction of the aberrant clamor,eyes narrowing slightly as a chill runs down my spine...

Nimten is awed by the melliflous, daemonic cry...ghasping "What beast dwells herein!?" as he takes a step back his mind instinctualy starts forming the arcane patterns that are his craft...

(Ben.,he is not casting a spell just getting his mojo up!)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on January 14, 2011, 06:24:27 PM
After enjoying a moment of satisfaction with his victory in combat, Othos comes to attention as Belak bellows his warning and Othos nods in agreement.  As he nods, a frown of concern sinks over him:

"Traps indeed! Rissthil fell victim to them.  I should see to his condition."

With that, he rushes back to the fallen elf.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 15, 2011, 12:00:13 AM
Tudd stops short, almost bowling Belak over, then peers into the room suspiciously, "Where the trap? Don't see nuttin 'cept pretty candles. Hold on Bug."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 15, 2011, 12:42:15 AM
At the timely warning, Ylarum will halt his headlong rush.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on January 15, 2011, 10:12:06 AM
Gareth steps to the other side of the door, to avoid the vomit. He looks for any candle, or other source of light in the room. Preferably flammable ones.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 19, 2011, 02:16:54 PM
Tudd and Ylarum mean to rush north, but Belak steps forward and warns them of what awaits beyond: "Stop! The elves said room is trapped!"

Both stop in their tracks. Tudd asks: "Where the trap? Don't see nuttin 'cept pretty candles. Hold on Bug."

Othos rushes back to Rissthil's side. It seems the elf is agitated in his coma. His limbs move as if by reflex. He is sweating, and shakes his head subconsciously...

Meanwhile, Gareth and Smeads both avoid a stream of vomit-like matter that wasn't intended for them. Indeed, the creature spits the liquid just a few feet away from its mouth, and it pools on the floor in a manner very similar to the puddles you found when you first entered the central, circular chamber of this complex.

Gareth looks at the candles, all disposed on some large piece of furniture made out of bronze. All the candles are unlit, and are within arm's reach. Under the candles, within hollow compartments in the huge piece of furniture, there are three baskets, and in these baskets, some sort of fist-sized balls of clay. The little balls are of different colors: some are red in hue, others are blue, and yet others are yellow, each color stored in a different basket.

New Round. Intents?

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 19, 2011, 02:26:06 PM
Calmly and quietly, Klob reloads his crossbow and stands ready near Belak.

Standing ready with his battle axe in hand, Belak yells to the elves in the room, "draw it out to us!"


OOC: Both their intentions is to wait and see what develops.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on January 19, 2011, 03:38:53 PM
Smeads shouts back "This thing ain't gonna move anywhere anytime soon of its own accord! We gotta kill this thing where it is!"

Smeads will move forward and strike the blobby creature with his short sword..

(here goes nothing!)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 19, 2011, 03:48:30 PM
"How much fire do we have?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 19, 2011, 03:52:51 PM
seeing no one responding to my query Runch will move to see if I can help Otho's with Riss. "Can I be of help here?" as I take in Rissthils condition

Nimten is awaiting events to unfold as he mentally reviews his spells.He will move to get a look into the secret room w/candles.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on January 20, 2011, 10:40:11 AM
Quote from: Lilaxe;433694Smeads shouts back "This thing ain't gonna move anywhere anytime soon of its own accord! We gotta kill this thing where it is!"

Smeads will move forward and strike the blobby creature with his short sword..

(here goes nothing!)

While Smeads tries his luck, Gareth will try to light up those candles, as he's out of oil flasks.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 20, 2011, 11:17:47 AM
"How you get in there?" Tudd calls, "This fella says there's a trap, but I's not seein' one. Is it a pit in the floor? Seen one of those before... ooo... does it shoot arrows out of it? Always wanted ta see that. Can we just put arrows in it and watch 'em shoot out? I wanna hit somethin'.... can I hit the trap? Where's the trap, I'll hit it." The half-orc peers suspiciously around the little room. "Pretty candles... can I have one? Look Bug, pretty candles... don't touch though, they burn ya. I know this."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on January 20, 2011, 01:34:10 PM
Quote from: skofflox;433698seeing no one responding to my query Runch will move to see if I can help Otho's with Riss. "Can I be of help here?" as I take in Rissthils condition

Nimten is awaiting events to unfold as he mentally reviews his spells.He will move to get a look into the secret room w/candles.

"He appears no worse for wear than when we left him, but I was concerned when I saw the rest of the men marching through this way.  I don't think he'll recover from this coma without some magical aid.  I could utter a benediction to help him mend, but that will exhaust my magic until we've time to pray."  Othos glances around and tries to asses the other humanoid nearby (the hostage).  "Have you any idea what that thing is doing here?  Can it harm Rissthil?"    
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 20, 2011, 03:29:52 PM
(DM: Is there a handy piece of rubble - preferably stone - maybe about the size of a loaf of bread?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 20, 2011, 04:13:37 PM
Quote from: winkingbishop;433912"He appears no worse for wear than when we left him, but I was concerned when I saw the rest of the men marching through this way.  I don't think he'll recover from this coma without some magical aid.  I could utter a benediction to help him mend, but that will exhaust my magic until we've time to pray."

"Hmmm. Charlathan will grant me a few more boons this day if needs be. Perhaps it would be best to await the outcome before aiding Riss. Others may be in more need soon and if there is no chance of him sliding deeper into trouble?"...but he would be of great help in this situation if able. Charlathan guide this decision... as I make the Elf as comfortable as possible.

QuoteOthos glances around and tries to asses the other humanoid nearby (the hostage).  "Have you any idea what that thing is doing here?  Can it harm Rissthil?"    

Nodding towards the orc..."The gobo's my fetch. He's secured.May be able to provide information."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 20, 2011, 06:40:29 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;433938(DM: Is there a handy piece of rubble - preferably stone - maybe about the size of a loaf of bread?)
DM: There are, yes, by Ulas and Runch, west of Ylarum's current position, in particular, but also pretty much all over the place, otherwise: bits and pieces of stonework, lumber here and there, dust, and all the vomit crap all over the place, too.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Imperator on January 21, 2011, 02:49:59 AM
Quote from: Sigmund;433842"How you get in there?" Tudd calls, "This fella says there's a trap, but I's not seein' one. Is it a pit in the floor? Seen one of those before... ooo... does it shoot arrows out of it? Always wanted ta see that. Can we just put arrows in it and watch 'em shoot out? I wanna hit somethin'.... can I hit the trap? Where's the trap, I'll hit it." The half-orc peers suspiciously around the little room. "Pretty candles... can I have one? Look Bug, pretty candles... don't touch though, they burn ya. I know this."

"Just crawl through the room, Tudd! CRAWL BECAUSE YOU CAN HIT THINGS HERE!" Gareth shouts while using the flaming monk to lit the candles.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 21, 2011, 08:26:45 AM
Quote from: Imperator;434050"Just crawl through the room, Tudd! CRAWL BECAUSE YOU CAN HIT THINGS HERE!" Gareth shouts while using the flaming monk to lit the candles.

"Ooo, ok!" Tudd exclaims and drops to all fours, bonks his head on his shield as it slides forward, pushes it back, gets a firm grip on his morningstar, and begins crawling forward towards Gareth saying, "Maybe I'll find another bug to keep ya company Bug. Maybe even a girl bug. I'll call her Bug.... ah, Buggy.... ah, Buggila..... ah.... dunno, maybe I ask her."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 21, 2011, 11:53:18 AM
Somebody roll for initiative, now. :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 21, 2011, 12:17:24 PM
OOC: Initiative check = 1 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 21, 2011, 02:26:47 PM
Ylarum grabs the nearest large chunk of rock and will spend this round lining himself up so he hopefully has a clear shot at the beastie beyond the door to the north.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 21, 2011, 02:27:22 PM
Quote from: Drohem;434161OOC: Initiative check = 1 (
4 on my side. (

The enormous mass of flesh, chitin and tentacles seems to fill itself with air. Several gaps, or mouth, open along its length. A long, sad note escapes from them as it slowly deflates, making it sound and look like some gigantic living bagpipe escaped from the imagination of a mad man.

In front of the thing, the large puddle of goo it just regurgitated starts to bubble and grow upwards.

One tentacle attempts to seize Gareth as he lights his candles and yells at Tudd to crawl. Success. ( 5 damage. ( Gareth is knocked unconscious, and lifted up by the tentacle.

Another tentacle tries to grab Smeads. Success. ( 6 damage. ( Same thing: Smeads loses consciousness, and is lifted up by the tentacle as well.


Meanwhile, Klob reloads.

Belak yells at the two thieves inside, and readies his axe.

Runch moves by Othos and Rissthil.

Nimten can see the creature past Json, Tarm, Ylarum and Belak, down the corridor NNE of his current position.

Tudd crawls down the corridor. He makes is way to the (wide open) iron door, past the flaming monk. He is free to act in the room next round.\

Othos glances around and tries to asses the other humanoid nearby (the hostage). "Have you any idea what that thing is doing here? Can it harm Rissthil?"

The orc laughs. "Did the elf touch the filth? His mind will be devoured by the creature, then! It is the end, and the beginning, for him too! He'll rise from the dead like the others!"

Nimten, Ulas and Ylarum have taken no action this round. I assume they have been delayed. There is still time before next round, if you want to do something right now.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 21, 2011, 03:30:31 PM
As he gets to the statue, Tudd rises, grabs the flaming statue, and throws it onto the creature.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 21, 2011, 06:04:37 PM
Ulas will try to get down low to the ground and as soon as Tudd is out of the way, shoot at the creature low to the ground, as much as possible under the level of the candle traps.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 21, 2011, 09:44:11 PM
Quote from: Cole;434263Ulas will try to get down low to the ground and as soon as Tudd is out of the way, shoot at the creature low to the ground, as much as possible under the level of the candle traps.
DM: You can shoot now, in fact, during Round 5. Roll to hit and damage. Are you aiming for a particular spot on the creature? You can see it move around in the frame of the iron door. Assume you have each different moment a shot at a different part, so you can choose when you shoot, basically. What to you shoot at? Body, tentacles, eye, big mouth under the eye, etc?

Ylarum is aiming at the moment (as per PM). Still waiting to see if Nimten does something before moving on with Round 6.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 21, 2011, 10:09:23 PM
Quote from: Benoist;434298DM: You can shoot now, in fact, during Round 5. Roll to hit and damage. Are you aiming for a particular spot on the creature? You can see it move around in the frame of the iron door. Assume you have each different moment a shot at a different part, so you can choose when you shoot, basically. What to you shoot at? Body, tentacles, eye, big mouth under the eye, etc?

Ylarum is aiming at the moment (as per PM). Still waiting to see if Nimten does something before moving on with Round 6.

Ulas will try to shoot at the eye; it's roughly in the middle anyway from the looks of it.

Roll 14 (

If that hits, damage 2 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 21, 2011, 11:26:50 PM
Ylarum will let fly with the stone he lifted, hoping his brawny thewed arms and the size of the stone will at least give the creature pause before it dashes anyone to bits.

1d20=15 (

(I hope Ylarum smashed it in it's eyeball with a meaty "GUNCH" sound.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 22, 2011, 02:24:20 PM
Quote from: Cole;434299Ulas will try to shoot at the eye; it's roughly in the middle anyway from the looks of it.

Roll 14 (

If that hits, damage 2 (
Ulas's arrow is released, zooms low within the corridor, nearly hits the corridor's eastern wall, then past Tudd's legs, to finally hit the creature's flesh just by its eye, which is missed by a few inches. Still a hit, however!

Quote from: thedungeondelver;434311Ylarum will let fly with the stone he lifted, hoping his brawny thewed arms and the size of the stone will at least give the creature pause before it dashes anyone to bits.

1d20=15 (

(I hope Ylarum smashed it in it's eyeball with a meaty "GUNCH" sound.)
That's a looong throw. Ylarum is not proficient (-2 penalty), but he is strong enough to throw the boulder and drive it kinetically all the way to its target (world record for a 13 kg weight is just under 85 feet thrown, and Ylarum is built like an ox).

Considering all this, the boulder would have hit, if it weren't for the candles! The boulder flies past the orange candle. A pulse of magma flies off its flame and strikes the boulder, which hits the eastern wall of the corridor, hits the western wall, and finally lands by the eastern side of the iron door, at the small statue's feet.

Next (6th) round! What are your characters' intents, everyone?

I know already of Tudd's:
Quote from: Sigmund;434228As he gets to the statue, Tudd rises, grabs the flaming statue, and throws it onto the creature.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 22, 2011, 05:28:58 PM
Ulas will try another shot at the eye.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 23, 2011, 04:08:53 AM
"Others may need aide Othos,Riss will have to wait untill the situation is clear,unless you are willing to intercede." I go and check the tied Orc then stride towards the sound of battle...By Charlathan I hope I am making the best choice... sword and shield at the ready

Nimten stays clear of the crowd.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on January 23, 2011, 09:00:36 AM
Quote from: skofflox;434581"Others may need aide Othos,Riss will have to wait untill the situation is clear,unless you are willing to intercede." I go and check the tied Orc then stride towards the sound of battle...By Charlathan I hope I am making the best choice... sword and shield at the ready

Nimten stays clear of the crowd.

"Agreed.  It sounds as though they are at it again.  And just when I thought the battlefield had cleared!"  Othos trails Runch and heads towards the combat.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 24, 2011, 09:20:00 AM
Ylarum thinks this through for a moment, then grabs two stones.  One the size of a grapefruit, the other the size of the one he tried to bean the critter with.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 24, 2011, 12:44:03 PM
Belak hastily takes off his quiver of bolts and light crossbow and hands them to Klob as he says in dwarvish, "get someone to aid you in providing supporting fire."

Belak slips off his backpack and drops on the floor.  He then gets down on the ground and crab crawls through the trapped room with his battle axe cradled on his elbows.

Klob steps forward to take Belak's crossbow, and says loudly to the others gathered there, "everyone not firing something, get away from the doorway!"

Klob hands Tarm Belak's crossbow and quiver of bolts and says, "try to keep up with me, and don't shot Belak in the back!"

Klob then steps into the doorway and takes aim with his crossbow, looking for a clear shot on the abomination.


OOC: Round 6 Intentions:
-- Belak will crawl through the room toward the abomination.
-- Klob will fire his crossbow at the abomination.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 24, 2011, 02:11:45 PM
DM: Alright. Next poster rolls for initiative!
Tentacle thing init: 5. (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 24, 2011, 02:18:58 PM
Quote from: Benoist;434890DM: Alright. Next poster rolls for initiative!
Tentacle thing init: 5. (

5 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 24, 2011, 05:05:14 PM
(DM: Does throwing stones count as missile fire?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 24, 2011, 05:50:31 PM
DM: addressed question via PM.

Othos and Runch join their companions by the entrance of the corridor while (with Nimten) staying clear of missile fire.

Ulas takes another shot at the creature's eye. Roll attack and damage.

Ylarum grabs two stones. Assuming he throws one kind of aimlessly as to trigger the candles to then fire the other, just roll for one single attack and 2d4 damage.
Also roll for attack and damage from Tarm's crossbow (assuming it's already loaded, cf. Drohem's post).

Belak crawls through the corridor as this is going on.

Klob fires his crossbow. Roll for attack and damage.

Tudd picks up the statue of the hobbit monk, runs towards the creature and tries to throw the statue on it. Roll for attack, and 2d6 damage.

Meanwhile, the creature drops Smeads and Gareth, who miraculously (;)) do not take any further damage (but are still losing 1 HP this round due to the blood loss from their previous injuries), and tries to grab Tudd as the half-orc runs towards it (I will roll in my next post once you all have rolled attack and damage).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 24, 2011, 06:26:29 PM
OOC: Klob's attack hits AC 10 for 4 damage (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 24, 2011, 08:26:46 PM
Only a (3+3=)6. (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 24, 2011, 08:48:14 PM
Quote from: Drohem;434941OOC: Klob's attack hits AC 10 for 4 damage (

Quote from: Cole;434957Only a (3+3=)6. (
Hm. These will not hit.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 24, 2011, 11:42:07 PM
1d20=9 (

(Big miss - BUT - did the small stone allow the big stone to pass?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 24, 2011, 11:44:47 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;4349861d20=9 (

(Big miss - BUT - did the small stone allow the big stone to pass?)
Short answer is yes. :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 25, 2011, 12:44:49 AM
Ylarum shouts: "That's it, brothers!  Those with bows, form up line abreast!  Watch for my stone throw, I'll distract that fire-spitter, you feather yon nightmare!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 25, 2011, 09:58:54 AM
Quote from: Benoist;434936[COLOR=DarkSlateGray"
Tudd picks up the statue of the hobbit monk, runs towards the creature and tries to throw the statue on it. [COLOR="DarkRed]Roll for attack, and 2d6 damage.[/COLOR]

Die roll for Tudd
Campaign: Ptolus

Rolled on: 2011-01-25 06:58:01.943222
1d20;2d6 → [19] = (19)
1d20;2d6 → [1,3] = (4)

throwing statue and damage if hit (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 25, 2011, 12:16:27 PM
This round, Othos and Runch join their companions and stay clear of missile fire. They know are in the direct vicinity of the corridor's entrance.

Ulas takes another shot at the creature's eye and misses.

Ylarum grabs two stones, using one as a decoy for the corridor's candles. Indeed, as soon as the stone gets past the orange candle, it is blasted by the same blob of light you have seen before and deflected from its original trajectory. The second stone is aimed at the monster, and goes past the orange candle without trouble. It is hit by a wisp of green smoke and a ray of blue light as well, but these do not seem to deflect the missile. The boulder still misses its intended target, however.

Tarm's action is delayed while he tries to figure out how to shoot the crossbow.

Belak crawls under the candles' reach. By the end of the round, he reached the iron door and can stand up.

Klob fires his crossbow and misses.

Tudd picks up the statue of the hobbit monk, runs towards the creature and throws the statue at it just as a fleshling grows out of the puddle just vomitted a moment ago on the floor. The statue hits its intended target. Interestingly enough, while the statue itself does seem to damage the huge mass of protoplasm, these are the last flames which were still consuming the robes the statue was wearing which seem to trigger a reaction of total aversion on the creature's part. The chitin, gelatinous flesh, the tentacles and mouths... everything seems to want to get away from the flames in such a way that the creature seems soon to form a sort of ring around the statue as it reaches the floor with the loud, plain sound of stone hitting stone.

Just as Tudd tries to secure his position, a tentacle hits his shield very hard, while another just snaps way above his head (Both miss (

Smeads and Gareth are now at -3 and -1 HPs, respectively.

New (7th) round. What are your intents?

(Click for higher resolution (
( (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 25, 2011, 12:32:40 PM
Tudd giggles disturbingly as he attempts to leap over his fallen comrade away from the large mass while swinging with his morningstar at the fleshling with all his might.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 25, 2011, 12:51:01 PM
OOC: Round 7 Intentions... Belak will stand and move to attack the creature with his battle axe.  Klob reloads and fires again at the creature.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 25, 2011, 02:25:07 PM
(DM: Ylarum will try the two-rock trick again.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 25, 2011, 03:20:41 PM
Stay low, snipe for the eye again.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 25, 2011, 03:22:38 PM
(As per PM, at the end of round 6). Tarm shoots, and his bolt completely misses its mark.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Lilaxe on January 25, 2011, 07:03:11 PM
Smeads will hang there in the air. He will try to show his contempt for the creature.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 25, 2011, 07:46:52 PM
Quote from: Lilaxe;435204Smeads will hang there in the air. He will try to show his contempt for the creature.
Hey mate, you seem to have missed this thread for Smeads, Gareth and Rissthil. ( :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 26, 2011, 05:15:37 PM
taking in the situation "Dire is the need! I've oil, prepare some flaming bolts! Ylarum, hold yer throw till I clear th' candles. Charlathan guide and protect me!" I sling shield but keep sword in hand and move to crawl under the candles to aide the fallen.
I gird myself to confront the nightmare.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 27, 2011, 08:37:11 AM
Somebody roll for initiative, please. :)

Tudd swings his morningstar at the fleshling. Roll for attack and damage.

Belak stands and moves to attack the tentacled creature with his battle axe. He has no problem maneuvering through as the fleshling's shape shifts to face Tudd. Roll for attack and damage.
Klob reloads and shoots his crossbow again. Roll for attack and damage.

Ylarum tries the two-rocks trick once more. Roll for attack and 2d4 damage.
Tarm reloads and shoots his crossbow again. Roll for attack and damage.

Ulas stays low and shoots at the creature from this position. Roll for attack and damage.

Runch crawls past the candles.

Othos's and Nimten's actions are delayed.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 27, 2011, 08:56:05 AM
Only a 2 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 27, 2011, 08:56:49 AM
Initiative, 6 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 27, 2011, 01:06:25 PM
"Die, Slagspawn!" Belak roars as he stands and hacks savagely into the creature's flesh.

Klob quickly reloads and brings his crossbow to his chin and aims.  It's a difficult shot and he tries to avoid hitting any of his companions, but, just about as he is going to squeeze the trigger, Belak stands in the way of the shoot.  Klob jerks his hand up and the pulls the trigger, and the shot flies wide of the creature and his friend.


OOC: Belak's attack hits AC 1 for 13 damage (

Klob's attack misses the creature (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 27, 2011, 01:19:20 PM
As he sidesteps to put the fleshling between himself and the giant blob, Tudd swings his wicked morningstar across the top of his shield at the fleshling with another chuckle, "Hold on Bug, big yucky thing trying to hurt us."

Die roll for Tudd
Campaign: Ptolus

Rolled on: 2011-01-27 10:17:02.461552
1d20+3;2d4+3 → [12,3] = (15)
1d20+3;2d4+3 → [3,2,3] = (8)

Attack and possible damage (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 27, 2011, 05:03:41 PM
Praying I do not receive a bolt in the back as I crawl as quick as possible,I see the thrashing tentacles and hear the haunting cries"Charlathan guide the hands of and protect my companions from the un-holy nightmare!"
When I gain the room I will try to pull the wounded clear and drag them back to safety or pull them into the candle room and call for aide in that regard.
I will melee with any blobs if need be.
Got some oil here for the tentacled one...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 27, 2011, 08:03:54 PM
Ylarum drops a rock on his foot: 1d20=2 (

Tarm 1d20=16 (

(DM: If that's a hit...)

1d4=4 (

(...then it's a telling shot.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 27, 2011, 09:41:54 PM
Initiative: 4. (

Tudd swings his morningstar at the fleshling and hits the blob of vomit-like matter really hard. It explodes in a great splash, its substance sprayed left and right on the walls. It has been disintegrated upon impact.

Belak stands and moves to attack the tentacled creature with his battle axe. He has no problem maneuvering through as the fleshling's shape shifts to face Tudd and is almost instantly dispersed by the half-orc swinging morning star. He steps forward. "Die, Slagspawn!"

The axe's blade swooshes down and cuts deep through chitin, flesh and guts. A huge third of its body is severed from its twisting, shifting, bubbling mass. The dwarf finds himself covered with thing's gore. He is literally standing within the beast's pulsating body, just by the monk's statue Tudd threw at the creature earlier.

Klob reloads, shoots again and misses.

Ylarum tries the two-rocks trick once more. He loses his balance while throwing the first stone and misses Runch by a few inches as the half-orc crawls through the corridor to reach the iron door.

Tarm reloads and shoots again. The bolt flies past Runch's head as he stands up, and hits the creature, which starts to contract and throb rapidly.

Ulas stays low and shoots at the creature from this position. He hits the frame of the secret door leading to the corridor.

Runch crawled past the candles. He is now standing up on the other side.

Tentacles are whiping above Runch's, Belak's and Tudd's heads. They seem to try to grab them, but cannot manage to do it. The creature doesn't quite know it yet, but it is already dead. You all prepare to hit it once again, but it finally collapses. Mouths are still opening at random, tentacles pound the floor for a moment, lifting themselves up a bit before collapsing again. Movements change. They are progressively more quiet, subtle. Sparse. Soon, they are non-existent.

VICTORY! But at what price?

Smeads and Gareth are now -4 and -3 HPs respectively (not a typo).

(Click for higher resolution (
( (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 27, 2011, 09:53:32 PM
Ylarum will move forward to bind Smeads & Gareth's wounds.  Once they've stopped bleeding and seem to be breathing steadily, he'll start removing them from the room.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 27, 2011, 10:04:24 PM
"Ylarum, are those elves both alive?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 27, 2011, 10:08:46 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;435702Ylarum will move forward to bind Smeads & Gareth's wounds.  Once they've stopped bleeding and seem to be breathing steadily, he'll start removing them from the room.
You can do so, no problem (assuming you are crawling through the corridor).

You are now in the room with Tudd, Belak, Runch and the two half-elves.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 27, 2011, 10:21:26 PM
Ulas looks at the area near the orange gem for a moment, then says,

"I wonder if there's a similar door in the opposite side of the room."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 27, 2011, 11:14:41 PM
"What was that abomination?" Belak asks in astonishment at the creature while he wipes gore off his battle axe.

Once he sees that Ylarum has moved to administer first aid, Belak quickly moves to his side and offers whatever aid he can to Ylarum's ministrations.

Methodically, Klob reloads his crossbow as he scans the big circular chamber, and he yells outside of his mouth toward the small chambers, "it's clear out here, Belak!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 27, 2011, 11:27:15 PM
Ylarum examines his handiwork and says "Let's find out in fresh air and more wholesome places.  Help me get these two back to the lifting platform."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 27, 2011, 11:44:37 PM
Tudd whacks the gore once more for good measure, spraying a bit around the room, then says, "Ok, I'll help move tha little elfies... you ok Bug?" Tudd glances at his shoulder as he moves to help carry the fallen out of the room.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 28, 2011, 12:24:22 AM
To Ulas: "Yes, they appear to live!  Not for long if we don't get them out of this pit!  Send my bearers over!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on January 28, 2011, 09:17:36 AM
Othos waits for the two unconscious party members to be brought from the hallway.  "Please let me see their injuries before you load them up Ylarum.  Did any of you men standing suffer a wound to your flesh?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 28, 2011, 11:37:08 AM
DM: I'll let you work out the details of your strategy from here. What you want to do, when, how. Looks like you need to catch up with each others and make some decisions at the moment.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 28, 2011, 12:18:58 PM
Belak helps Tudd and Ylarum move the injured men out of the room and past the candle room.  He steps away to let Othos and any other healers do their work.

He moves over to Tarm and retrieves his crossbow and quiver of bolts, and says, "thank you for the supporting fire.  That creature was an affront to all that is good, no doubt."

Addressing everyone, Belak says, "are there any more of those creatures down here?  Shall we put the wounded in the lift and take them up?  what else have you discovered down here, other than this trapped room with arcane candles?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 28, 2011, 02:31:49 PM
Quote from: Drohem;435833Addressing everyone, Belak says, "are there any more of those creatures down here?

"I'd like to hear what Runch's pet orc has to say about that."

Having spoken, Ulas examines the external secret door facing, then, once the injured party members are brought to safety, looks for evidence of a similar door on the corresponding wall in the eastern section.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 28, 2011, 02:57:09 PM
Quote from: Cole;435878Having spoken, Ulas examines the external secret door facing, then, once the injured party members are brought to safety, looks for evidence of a similar door on the corresponding wall in the eastern section.
DM: Roll me a d6, please.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 28, 2011, 02:59:56 PM
Quote from: Benoist;435885DM: Roll me a d6, please.

6 (

(P.S. - do you have a link to the post where they originally found the west side door?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 28, 2011, 03:04:48 PM
Quote from: Cole;4358866 (

(P.S. - do you have a link to the post where they originally found the west side door?)
There definitely is a secret door in the wall.

DM: The information you are searching for is on and around p.46-48 of the thread. This post might be of interest. (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 28, 2011, 03:24:27 PM
Quote from: Benoist;435887There definitely is a secret door in the wall.

DM: The information you are searching for is on and around p.46-48 of the thread. This post might be of interest. (

"There's another switch over here," says Ulas.

"Runch, does the prisoner have an opinion on what might be in here?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 28, 2011, 04:46:02 PM
surveying the gore as I place a hand on Tudds back..."By Charlathans forelock what a beast! Glad ta see you up and in hi color brother!" as I note the bug perched...I shake my head...

I look to aid the fallen. I glance about the room then crawl after the others. "Ahh Othos!" then gesturing back to the NW "Someone wanna collect Riss as well!" as I kneel next to the dwarf to investigate the bindings . "We send'em up or seek ta speed their healing?" As I look to Othos with concern.

Glancing to Ulas..."Ma gobo might have sumth'n ta say bout all this...mentioned the "Quann" or some such thing. Fetch'm in a trice!" as I turn back to the injured.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 28, 2011, 04:53:36 PM
"Hiya brudder, did we make Charlathan happy?" Tudd asks with a grin.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 28, 2011, 05:05:35 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;435911"Hiya brudder, did we make Charlathan happy?" Tudd asks with a grin.
smiling at this..."I 'spect so boyo,I spect so!"

after the others have cleared the room,Nimten comes to the door of the first secret room and throws a piece of debri to see if the candle trap is still in effect.
If it is he will crawl to investigate the far room and dead beast. If not he will stride...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 28, 2011, 05:10:49 PM
Quote from: Drohem;435833He moves over to Tarm and retrieves his crossbow and quiver of bolts, and says, "thank you for the supporting fire.  That creature was an affront to all that is good, no doubt."

Tarm shoulders the arbalest and regards the creature.

"Good...bad...I'm the guy with the crossbow."

He smiles crookedly and hands the crossbow and case of bolts back.

"Strangely enough the closeness of using a good stout polearm is more comforting.  I'm not flinging the only pointy object between me and something like that, then scrounging another one while it gets closer."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 30, 2011, 02:21:22 PM
Quote from: winkingbishop;435777"Please let me see their injuries before you load them up Ylarum.  Did any of you men standing suffer a wound to your flesh?"
Json and Tarm both raise their hands. "We've been wounded Sir, but nothing we can't handle right now." (They are both at 2 HP each)

Ulas finds the switch without much trouble, though the area is thick with smoke, still. (It seems the fire is still going in the storage room north of Ulas's position, but it also seems to have died down a bit at this point. Smoke is everywhere in the complex, in one fashion or another. Some of it escaped by the hole at the top of the main room's dome that leads to the Gold Ladder).

Runch: the orc you chained at a pillar in the apothecary stays there quietly. He seems a LOT more relaxed now that your fight for survival is over. He just bides his time at this point, following each of you he can see one after the other, waiting to see what his fate is going to be from there.

Quote from: skofflox;435914after the others have cleared the room,Nimten comes to the door of the first secret room and throws a piece of debri to see if the candle trap is still in effect.
The trap is still in effect. No question about it.
Quote from: skofflox;435914If it is he will crawl to investigate the far room and dead beast. If not he will stride...
Nimten proceeds. He is now in the fallen beast's room. He notices the huge piece of furniture on the western wall with all its small, unlit candles. The baskets with the colored balls of clay in little niches under the candles. The beautiful carpet on the floor. The round, violet window at the other site of the room. And of course, the hacked mass of flesh that once was the tentacled horror you just faced.

Tell me which part of the room you want to investigate more closely.

Roll me 1d% as well.

Here's the updated map as I understand it (I have extrapolated some of your characters' positions, as well as the unconscious characters. There is a rope that links the dais to the Gold Ladder that you can pull to "call" the platform from the surface. Let me know if you do so).

(Click for higher resolution (
( (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 30, 2011, 02:34:58 PM
Ulas looks northward checking to see if there are any flammables in danger of causing the flames to spread southeast.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 30, 2011, 02:52:59 PM
Quote from: Cole;436285Ulas looks northward checking to see if there are any flammables in danger of causing the flames to spread southeast.
The armoury is bare of much flammable items, aside from the wooden frame covering the eastern part of the room where most weapons are hanging. On the floor, there are of course various polearms, swords, axes, shields and bits and pieces of armour, but nothing that seems to be an imminent danger at this point.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 30, 2011, 03:19:18 PM
Quote from: Benoist;436281(I have extrapolated some of your characters' positions, as well as the unconscious characters. There is a rope that links the dais to the Gold Ladder that you can pull to "call" the platform from the surface. Let me know if you do so)

Ulas will go ahead and call the platform.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on January 30, 2011, 03:20:06 PM
roll: 69 (it is linked to 'Runcc')
Nimten kneels to look at the beast closely...thinking"Hmmm. Maybe some interesting spell components here" as he pulls his dagger and starts to prod the carcass.

Runch,coughing in the smoke, will go gather the orc and then to the dias and help with the injured. (still awaiting Othos's reply to earlier post in regards to healing them)

"Have at the questions! Ask im bout th Quaan" as I push the orc to a sitting position on the lower step and make a sweeping gesture to the others. "Probably best to speak in Orcish though." as I move to kneel by the wounded, reaching for my waterskin and bandages.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on January 30, 2011, 07:37:36 PM
Quote from: skofflox;435910I look to aid the fallen. I glance about the room then crawl after the others. "Ahh Othos!" then gesturing back to the NW "Someone wanna collect Riss as well!" as I kneel next to the dwarf to investigate the bindings . "We send'em up or seek ta speed their healing?" As I look to Othos with concern.

Othos listens to Runch as he drags Rissthils towards the dais.  Strangely, he doesn't nod or smile or offer any other sort of encouraging expression as Runch speaks.

"Send them up?" Othos grunts quietly. "Well, see, that could be problem, and something I'm trying to get to the bottom of, once we stop moving them around and I can get a good look at the lot of them."

Othos casts his glance over the three injured party members.  He looks to see if they suffered any injuries directly to exposed flesh.  If so, he see if the wounds are beginning to fester in a manner similar to the infected humanoids.  Finally, he will examine them for fevers.

"Sending them up and into the city might in fact be the worst thing we could do.  At least everyone else infected by this unearthly plague had the courtesy of staying in this pit."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 30, 2011, 08:13:31 PM
Ylarum says: "If plague it be, then likely as not we're all bearing it now.  We've no means to wait long enough for these to turn athwart death's invitation, nor carry them elsewhere.  Send 'em up says I."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 31, 2011, 11:27:21 AM
Quote from: Cole;436297Ulas will go ahead and call the platform.
Ulas pulls the rope that links them to the surface. He waits for a bit. Somebody then pulls the rope sharply, twice. The message seems to have been received.

Quote from: skofflox;436299Nimten kneels to look at the beast closely...thinking"Hmmm. Maybe some interesting spell components here" as he pulls his dagger and starts to prod the carcass.
Nimten inspects the creature's entrails. He soon finds out there is movement somewhere. Proceeding carefully, pulling parts of the flesh aside, he finds out that a big mass of muscle about the size of his head is still pulsing regularly... this is the creature's blackened heart. It still seems connected to many blood vessels, veins and arteries. Scavenging it would take a turn, but it could be used as some alchemical component. Nimten vaguely remembers some reference about the black blood of a demon's heart somewhere in an old tome he studied long ago, but the memory is fleeting at best.

Nimten also notices, rather instinctively, that the little balls of colored clay shine very slightly in the dark. They are not completely dull, as if the clay that formed them was still wet, somehow.

Quote from: winkingbishop;436349Othos casts his glance over the three injured party members.  He looks to see if they suffered any injuries directly to exposed flesh.  If so, he see if the wounds are beginning to fester in a manner similar to the infected humanoids.  Finally, he will examine them for fevers.
Smeads and Gareth have suffered similar injuries. Though Gareth violently expelled blood following his injuries, the real damage is internal. Broken ribs, maybe damaged organs, most likely due to the tentacles' constriction.

Rissthil's flesh is exposed. When the pulse of magma flew past him, one of his shoulder pads melted. His flesh was burnt to the bone. The articulation is now apparent, and now that Othos inspects it, it seems to be festering at this point. Not a good sign.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on January 31, 2011, 12:19:47 PM
Klob scavenges a shield for himself from the mass of debris on the floor after he helps move the unconscious bodies to the dais.  

Belak nods sagely at Othos' and Ylarum's assessment, and adds, "indeed, it is a risk we take sending them to the Gold Ladder.  However, I agree with Ylarum in that these men need serious attention and rest.  Perhaps divine healing magic aid their recovery?  Do any of you priests have any healing spells available?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on January 31, 2011, 12:53:56 PM
Quote from: Benoist;436498Nimten also notices, rather instinctively, that the little balls of colored clay shine very slightly in the dark. They are not completely dull, as if the clay that formed them was still wet, somehow.

"Are those balls of clay perhaps a kind of fuel for the lanterns or candles?"

For the moment, he waits near the dais for the basket to lower, but keeps his eye on the door face of the eastern section, bow read.

"When the injured are safe, we should activate the door there. But we should arrange ourselves wisely to meet whatever might be inside."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 02, 2011, 12:30:58 PM
The platform is now slowly being lowered in the room.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on February 02, 2011, 02:16:19 PM
Quote from: Drohem;436508Klob scavenges a shield for himself from the mass of debris on the floor after he helps move the unconscious bodies to the dais.  

Belak nods sagely at Othos' and Ylarum's assessment, and adds, "indeed, it is a risk we take sending them to the Gold Ladder.  However, I agree with Ylarum in that these men need serious attention and rest.  Perhaps divine healing magic aid their recovery?  Do any of you priests have any healing spells available?"

"Yes, I still have a spell I can use to aid one of them.  Rissthil should probably be treated first.  His injuries are more likely than not mundane."  Othos glances at the other two.  "I think we'll need to treat the others as quickly as possible, though I still doubt the wisdom in sending them above."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 02, 2011, 02:41:07 PM
listening to the exchange...."Well, I'm will'n ta invoke the aide of Charlathen. May be of little use to these folk though. And we'll soon be in thik of it again no doubt!" as I indicate the wounded  "And like as not we all bear a plague if there be one. Hmmm, perhaps a vote?" as I arch an eyebrow.

"Ahh!, the beasts heart yet functions!" as Nimten looks closely at the anatomy..
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 02, 2011, 03:21:10 PM
pulling up his sleaves and flinging his cloak behind his back Nimten gets busy with his dagger...rooting into the viscera with an interested look, even humming a few bars.
Squated,shuffling around the corpse as he cuts various places. (trying to keep from getting splashed by the gore.)

Leaving ample vein around the organ I will tie off and put ends to flame.

After that is finished he will look closely at the colored balls...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on February 02, 2011, 06:25:31 PM
Belak looks around at the group and says, "if the spell casters are exhausted, then it would be best to return to the surface with the injured and come back down at full strength."

Looking to Nimten, the dwarf looks uneasy at the heart and says, "that foul thing should be burned in the white-hot belly of a forge!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 02, 2011, 06:33:40 PM
Quote from: Drohem;437036"that foul thing should be burned in the white-hot belly of a forge!"

"Best idea I heard all day."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 02, 2011, 06:41:35 PM
Quote from: skofflox;436967"Ahh!, the beasts heart yet functions!" as Nimten looks closely at the anatomy..

Quote from: skofflox;436978pulling up his sleaves and flinging his cloak behind his back Nimten gets busy with his dagger...rooting into the viscera with an interested look, even humming a few bars. Squated, shuffling around the corpse as he cuts various places. (trying to keep from getting splashed by the gore.) Leaving ample vein around the organ I will tie off and put ends to flame.
The procedure goes on rather smoothly. Nimten is a bit surprised when he manages to dislocate the heart from its cavity, as the veins and arteries close instinctively, the heart still beating as Nimten holds it with both hands...

The platform hits the ground.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 02, 2011, 06:59:08 PM
"Let's start getting the injured out of here. I don't want that heart going above ground, though. Who knows how fast it can grow a new monster."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on February 02, 2011, 07:11:27 PM
Belak nods his head and says, "aye, I agree."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 03, 2011, 04:21:44 PM
Quote from: Drohem;437036Belak looks around at the group and says, "if the spell casters are exhausted, then it would be best to return to the surface with the injured and come back down at full strength."

Looking to Belak I indicate Othos..."Im not spent yet but if I help these men I will be! If we are all ta go up I am happy to call on Charlathan to help stabalize, but if we're ta stay an secure the area we may very well have need soon!"

motioning to the others "Anybody got a mind ta check those other chests?! Might be somth'n usef'l inum."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 03, 2011, 04:34:44 PM
Quote from: Benoist;437040The procedure goes on rather smoothly. Nimten is a bit surprised when he manages to dislocate the heart from its cavity, as the veins and arteries close instinctively, the heart still beating as Nimten holds it with both hands...

The platform hits the ground.

"Hmmm, fancy that!." as Nimten handles the still living organ. He rubs his chin a moment then gets out his waterskin and cuts the top off, emptying the contents after taking a large swig. He drops the thing into the skin and ties off with a bit of scrap, wrapping around the whole package tightly. He drops it into his pouch.

He goes over to the clay orbs and prods one with the point of his dagger...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 03, 2011, 04:49:12 PM
Quote from: skofflox;437271"Hmmm, fancy that!." as Nimten handles the still living organ. He rubs his chin a moment then gets out his waterskin and cuts the top off, emptying the contents after taking a large swig. He drops the thing into the skin and ties off with a bit of scrap, wrapping around the whole package tightly. He drops it into his pouch.
Nimten proceeds without trouble (though the pouch might be a little too small, since the heart itself is the size of Nimten's head).

Quote from: skofflox;437271He goes over to the clay orbs and prods one with the point of his dagger...
The tip of the dagger penetrates the surface of the little ball like a warm needle through plain butter. It seems the matter the ball is made of is not dry at all, more akin to a sort of dough than anything else.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 03, 2011, 06:50:51 PM
Quote from: Benoist;437278Nimten proceeds without trouble (though the pouch might be a little too small, since the heart itself is the size of Nimten's head).

into the pack then!

QuoteThe tip of the dagger penetrates the surface of the little ball like a warm needle through plain butter. It seems the matter the ball is made of is not dry at all, more akin to a sort of dough than anything else.

leaving the ball he starts to look at the other items in the room...the large piece of furniture getting attention first.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 03, 2011, 08:59:23 PM
Quote from: skofflox;437331"Hmmm."
leaving the ball he starts to look at the other items in the room...the large piece of furniture getting attention first.
This is a large piece of furniture partly made of bronze and ebony which follows the curve of the north-western wall. It is 40 feet long, maybe, and about three or four feet wide. On the top of the furniture there are little steps on which unlit voltive candles are resting. Under this candle display, there are large alcoves where the balls of colored dough are stored in small baskets.

Voltive Candles
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 03, 2011, 10:59:25 PM
Ylarum says : "I and my footmen will guard whilst we hoist away.  For the sake of the wounded and Liir and Dallow, who aren't fighting men by trade and might get caught in the crush of an ambush should something lie unseen, waiting for a weak moment such as with half of us up the rope, one wounded, with Liir, then the other, with Dallow.  Objections, lads?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 03, 2011, 11:09:00 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;437405Ylarum says : "I and my footmen will guard whilst we hoist away.  For the sake of the wounded and Liir and Dallow, who aren't fighting men by trade and might get caught in the crush of an ambush should something lie unseen, waiting for a weak moment such as with half of us up the rope, one wounded, with Liir, then the other, with Dallow.  Objections, lads?"

"That makes sense."

Ulas keeps an eye out north with his bow ready.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on February 04, 2011, 08:17:49 AM
Tudd starts poking around the main room, looking at and trying to open the chests and poking around the bodies as everyone else mills about.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on February 04, 2011, 08:37:46 AM
Quote from: skofflox;436967listening to the exchange...."Well, I'm will'n ta invoke the aide of Charlathen. May be of little use to these folk though. And we'll soon be in thik of it again no doubt!" as I indicate the wounded  "And like as not we all bear a plague if there be one. Hmmm, perhaps a vote?" as I arch an eyebrow.

Othos looks up from the wounded.  "I feel it's probably transmitted by contact of flesh or the bites of the infected.  Rissthill is probably safe, provided he merely survives these injuries and we should send him above.  But the others...I don't know what that creature was or if it can spread the infection.  I don't think it's wise to risk sending this stuff up where it can reach the rest of Ptolus.  We could form a camp here and observe them overnight for symptoms."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 04, 2011, 06:41:22 PM
Quote from: winkingbishop;437503Othos looks up from the wounded.  "I feel it's probably transmitted by contact of flesh or the bites of the infected.  Rissthill is probably safe, provided he merely survives these injuries and we should send him above.  But the others...I don't know what that creature was or if it can spread the infection.  I don't think it's wise to risk sending this stuff up where it can reach the rest of Ptolus.  We could form a camp here and observe them overnight for symptoms."

"Well, afore we start bed'n down we havta secure this area and it might be best ta send Riss up now so's we can get on with it. I'll abide by your decision Othos. So, shall I ask for divine aide for these folk or are we ta let'm rest as they are and save what power we still have for others that may need it soon?" as I indicate the wounded and the eastern room with the other secret area.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 04, 2011, 06:46:27 PM
Nimten goes around the room looking at the other trappings,stopping to look through the purple hued window before returning to investigate the balls..."Hmmm." he wraps his hand in some scrap clothe and gently pokes one of the balls with his finger. If nothing happens he will pick it up and toss one through the candle trap room! (making sure it is empty of friends first!)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 04, 2011, 06:48:30 PM
Quote from: winkingbishop;437503Othos looks up from the wounded.  "I feel it's probably transmitted by contact of flesh or the bites of the infected.  Rissthill is probably safe, provided he merely survives these injuries and we should send him above.  But the others...I don't know what that creature was or if it can spread the infection.  I don't think it's wise to risk sending this stuff up where it can reach the rest of Ptolus.  We could form a camp here and observe them overnight for symptoms."

"Delbaeth is already up there," says Ulas.

"I don't think this is any place to play at hospital, either. If we're going to stay down here, we should at least make them comfortable and examine more of the area around us for imminent threats."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 04, 2011, 06:56:34 PM
Quote from: Cole;437700"Delbaeth is already up there," says Ulas.

"I don't think this is any place to play at hospital, either. If we're going to stay down here, we should at least make them comfortable and examine more of the area around us for imminent threats."
hitting my forehead with palm and nodding to Ulas "Thats the right of it man! Up they go,there's work here for the stout!" if no one objects further I will start to lift Riss. gently and place him on the platform.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on February 07, 2011, 12:00:43 PM
Belak nods sagely at Ulas' point about Delbaeth, and says, "aye, I agree.  Either we send up the wounded and stay here for a while longer, or we all go up and rest before coming back down."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 08, 2011, 12:46:45 AM
Ylarum says: "Come to think on it, I would reckon that we all could use a step back and a bit of rest after this tussle.  Further, I say we hire a couple of sappers or engineers to clear yon passage.  A couple of picks and shovels at the very least.  And maybe the goodlady would have some insight into this," - he gestures in the direction of the slimy horror just defeated - "thing we brought down."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on February 08, 2011, 08:15:45 AM
Tudd begins beating on the southernmost unopened chest with his morningstar, "Hold on Bug! I'm gonna pick tha lock...."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on February 08, 2011, 09:54:28 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;438470Ylarum says: "Come to think on it, I would reckon that we all could use a step back and a bit of rest after this tussle.  Further, I say we hire a couple of sappers or engineers to clear yon passage.  A couple of picks and shovels at the very least.  And maybe the goodlady would have some insight into this," - he gestures in the direction of the slimy horror just defeated - "thing we brought down."

Othos considers this a moment.  "If we were all above, even for a night, I could also keep a watch for anything suspicious in their health.  I am more comfortable with that."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 08, 2011, 01:12:46 PM
Quote from: skofflox;437699Nimten goes around the room looking at the other trappings,stopping to look through the purple hued window before returning to investigate the balls..."Hmmm." he wraps his hand in some scrap clothe and gently pokes one of the balls with his finger. If nothing happens he will pick it up and toss one through the candle trap room! (making sure it is empty of friends first!)
Nimten looks through the purple window and looks straight to the other side of the trap, at the orange crystal, which appears red because of the way both hues blend together.

He then pokes one of the little balls with his finger. It is blue. Nimten changes its shape as he presses against it. It reacts just like a light dough would. He picks it up, and tosses it through the candle trap corridor. It is hit by a blue ray, a green wisp, and finally a large blob of melted stuff that sets it on fire. It lands in the corridor beyond, in front of the opened secret door, and burns brightly on the ground with a long, intense blue flame.

Quote from: Sigmund;438509Tudd begins beating on the southernmost unopened chest with his morningstar, "Hold on Bug! I'm gonna pick tha lock...."
The southermost chest is the one that's already been opened. Tudd goes to the next unopened one (east, next southermost) beats the crap out of the chest. It opens at the first blow. He has a look inside (from a safe distance, I assume), and finds there are a few items stored there: a stack of blank parchment, some ink in a little vial, and a quill; two scrolls with some stuff written on it (looks like prayers of some kind); a light blue liquid in a larger, glass vial; and finally a little ball of the colored dough I described for Nimten earlier - this one red.

DM: Updated map pending.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 08, 2011, 01:24:22 PM
(Click for higher resolution (
( (

Let me know if I forgot something. :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on February 08, 2011, 01:31:32 PM
Quote from: Benoist;438593The southermost chest is the one that's already been opened. Tudd goes to the next unopened one (east, next southermost) beats the crap out of the chest. It opens at the first blow. He has a look inside (from a safe distance, I assume), and finds there are a few items stored there: a stack of blank parchment, some ink in a little vial, and a quill; two scrolls with some stuff written on it (looks like prayers of some kind); a light blue liquid in a larger, glass vial; and finally a little ball of the colored dough I described for Nimten earlier - this one red.

Tudd grins in delight and starts rooting around in the chest, looking over the vial before sticking it in his pouch and examining the scrolls with intense concentration and near complete lack of comprehension before picking up the little ball and squishing it and molding it into shapes. After finding this a rewarding endeavor, he sits down on the floor, careful to avoid any goo, and begins making a little red mouse with a big smile.

"Look Bug... a little mouse... heh, heh...."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 08, 2011, 05:15:41 PM
Ulas examines the lock and face of the nearest chest for suspicious lines or gaps that might indicate a moving trap.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 08, 2011, 05:20:34 PM
Quote from: Cole;438662Ulas examines the lock and face of the nearest chest for suspicious lines or gaps that might indicate a moving trap.
It appears there is a needle trap comparable to the first chest you opened earlier, but the chest is not actually locked, and can be opened without triggering it.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 08, 2011, 05:25:29 PM
Quote from: Benoist;438664It appears there is a needle trap comparable to the first chest you opened earlier, but the chest is not actually locked, and can be opened without triggering it.

Ulas moves around to the side of the chest, draws his sword, holds his breath, and tips back the lit with the end of the sword.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 08, 2011, 07:33:29 PM
Quote from: Cole;438666Ulas moves around to the side of the chest, draws his sword, holds his breath, and tips back the lit with the end of the sword.
Ulas proceeds. The chest opens.

Within the chest is a small leather pouch, a large silver chalice and platter, both heavily decorated, with Lothianite designs and gemstones, a white ritual robe for Lothianite offices, a heavily decorated crimson scarf that matches the robe's designs, two scrolls, and a small clay jar with a dried root for a lid.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 08, 2011, 07:37:38 PM
Quote from: Benoist;438711Ulas proceeds. The chest opens.

Within the chest is a small leather pouch, a large silver chalice and platter, both heavily decorated, with Lothianite designs and gemstones, a white ritual robe for Lothianite offices, a heavily decorated crimson scarf that matches the robe's designs, two scrolls, and a small clay jar with a dried root for a lid.

"Othos, Nimten, Runch - scrolls over here."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 09, 2011, 12:17:47 AM
Quote from: Cole;438713"Othos, Nimten, Runch - scrolls over here."

After depositing Rissthils unconcious form on the platform...."Whasthatnow? Some scrolls eh!?" as I walk over to Ulas after glancing at Tudd and sahaking my head as he sculpts...then my eyes narrow,noting the open chest nearby with some concern!

Nimten picks up a ball and throws it at the purple window...after getting as far away and near the door as possible! He will throw then squat quickly...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on February 09, 2011, 08:15:08 AM
"Mmm hmmm... yep, got scrolls in my box too. They must be about boring stuff though cuz I don't understand 'em. Look brudder, a mouse!" Tudd says with a grin, "Maybe I make a kitty next."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 09, 2011, 03:01:53 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;438958"Mmm hmmm... yep, got scrolls in my box too. They must be about boring stuff though cuz I don't understand 'em. Look brudder, a mouse!" Tudd says with a grin, "Maybe I make a kitty next."

"Ahh, well I'll be taken a look then!" as I go to Tudd and collect the scrolls and other items from the chest. "Now I'm not takenem permanent so don't give me that look!" noting the sculpture..."Nice bit o play there boyo." as I rest my hand on his shoulder and admire the mouse for a moment.
I will take the scrolls etc. over to Ulas and investigate. "Othos, might wanta take a gander at these!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 10, 2011, 01:00:33 PM
Quote from: skofflox;438887Nimten picks up a ball and throws it at the purple window...after getting as far away and near the door as possible! He will throw then squat quickly...
[please tell me which color you pick. You've got blue, red and yellow balls in the baskets]

Quote from: Sigmund;438958"Mmm hmmm... yep, got scrolls in my box too. They must be about boring stuff though cuz I don't understand 'em. Look brudder, a mouse!" Tudd says with a grin, "Maybe I make a kitty next."
Tudd notices a smell coming from the dough as he plays with it. It is very strong. Some sort of oil, something that has been mixed with whatever materials and pigments were used to create the dough itself.

Quote from: skofflox;439078"Ahh, well I'll be taken a look then!" as I go to Tudd and collect the scrolls and other items from the chest. "Now I'm not takenem permanent so don't give me that look!" noting the sculpture..."Nice bit o play there boyo." as I rest my hand on his shoulder and admire the mouse for a moment.
I will take the scrolls etc. over to Ulas and investigate. "Othos, might wanta take a gander at these!"
The two scrolls recovered from Tudd's chest appear to be complete gibberish to Runch (not prayers, as Tudd first though when looking at the pretty writing). The two scrolls recovered from Ulas' chest, however, seem to be prayers to Lothian. One seems to be some sort of poem, or lyrics for a chant, begging the Lord for His favor, while asking for enemies of the Faith to fail in their endeavors.* The other is a prayer asking for the Lord to bless whatever meal the Faithful are about to consume**.

Let me know if Runch, or anybody else, wishes to examine the other chests' contents.

* i.e. a Chant (Cleric 2) spell.
** i.e. a Purify Food and Drink (Cleric 1) spell.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on February 10, 2011, 01:21:26 PM
Quote from: Benoist;439354Tudd notices a smell coming from the dough as he plays with it. It is very strong. Some sort of oil, something that has been mixed with whatever materials and pigments were used to create the dough itself.

"Uh oh.... hey brudder, I think the mouse peed.... kinda stinky..." Tudd says as he holds the vaguely mouse-shaped blob out towards Runch.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on February 10, 2011, 01:55:51 PM
Belak and his man Klob stay by the lift and help load the injured onto it to be taken up the shaft.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 10, 2011, 02:28:38 PM
Quote from: Drohem;439388Belak and his man Klob stay by the lift and help load the injured onto it to be taken up the shaft.
DM: Belak and Klob proceed.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 10, 2011, 04:42:51 PM
Quote from: Benoist;439354[please tell me which color you pick. You've got blue, red and yellow balls in the baskets]
Nimten considers a moment then chooses a blue ball and throws it after moving as far away as possible.

QuoteThe two scrolls recovered from Tudd's chest appear to be complete gibberish to Runch (not prayers, as Tudd first though when looking at the pretty writing). The two scrolls recovered from Ulas' chest, however, seem to be prayers to Lothian. One seems to be some sort of poem, or lyrics for a chant, begging the Lord for His favor, while asking for enemies of the Faith to fail in their endeavors.* The other is a prayer asking for the Lord to bless whatever meal the Faithful are about to consume**.

Let me know if Runch, or anybody else, wishes to examine the other chests' contents.

* i.e. a Chant (Cleric 2) spell.
** i.e. a Purify Food and Drink (Cleric 1) spell.
sticking the gibberish ones into my belt I eye the others..."Hmm, certes one is a blessing the other a bit o chanty for purity or sumsuch thing! Othos will wana' look at these."  as I raise an eyebrow in Ulas's direction tapping the scrolls a bit in emphasis. I leave them in Ulas's care...I then head back to Tudds position "Best leave off muk'n about wi'that boyo!"  as I see him continue to play around with the clay. I go to peak into the open chest and investigate the other objects.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on February 10, 2011, 05:30:35 PM
"Ok brudder." Tudd says and tosses the red glob over his shoulder, stands up, and starts rooting through the clothes of the bodies remaining strewn about the large room, starting with the closest to the chest he was looking through.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: winkingbishop on February 11, 2011, 08:36:37 AM
Quote from: Cole;438713"Othos, Nimten, Runch - scrolls over here."

Othos looks up from the fallen, hearing his name mentioned a few times.  "Yes.  Sure, I'd like to see those.  Half a moment, if you please.  Runch, I'm not confident these men will recover on their own.  We must decide if we are going up with them or not."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 11, 2011, 11:41:00 AM
Quote from: skofflox;439453Nimten considers a moment then chooses a blue ball and throws it after moving as far away as possible.
Nimten steps away from the violet window and throws the blue ball at it. It flattens itself against the crystal, slides against its surface for a second, and then falls flat on the floor. No visible effect.

Quote from: Sigmund;439476"Ok brudder." Tudd says and tosses the red glob over his shoulder, stands up, and starts rooting through the clothes of the bodies remaining strewn about the large room, starting with the closest to the chest he was looking through.
The monk has already been searched. Creatures around: one goblin to the NE of the dais, and two orcs (one full W by the large urn by the indigo lanthorn, the other next to the goblin).

Roll 3d6 once, and 2d6 twice, please.

Quote from: skofflox;439453[Runch goes] to peak into the open chest and investigate the other objects.
The other items contained within Tudd's chest, besides the two unreadable scrolls: Parchment, ink and quill, a red ball of dough Tudd started to play with, and a light blue liquid in a glass vial.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on February 11, 2011, 11:49:42 AM
Once the wounded have been put into the lift and it starts moving upward, Belak and Klob will then start searching any nearby bodies and piling up any weapons and armor they find near the dais to be transported up the shaft.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on February 11, 2011, 11:51:56 AM
Quote from: Benoist;439635The monk has already been searched. Creatures around: one goblin to the NE of the dais, and two orcs (one full W by the large urn by the indigo lanthorn, the other next to the goblin).

Roll 3d6 once, and 2d6 twice, please.

Die roll for Tudd
Campaign: Ptolus

Rolled on: 2011-02-11 08:51:15.971952
3d6;2d6;2d6 → [6,2,6] = (14)
3d6;2d6;2d6 → [2,2] = (4)
3d6;2d6;2d6 → [2,2] = (4) (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 11, 2011, 08:27:47 PM
Quote from: Benoist;439635Nimten steps away from the violet window and throws the blue ball at it. It flattens itself against the crystal, slides against its surface for a second, and then falls flat on the floor. No visible effect.
Feeling a bit sheepish Nimten rises, grabs a yellow ball and lets fly at the purple window,quickly squating afterward! (duck and cover!)

QuoteThe other items contained within Tudd's chest, besides the two unreadable scrolls: Parchment, ink and quill, a red ball of dough Tudd started to play with, and a light blue liquid in a glass vial.

lifting each item out to examin closer and to look for any irregularity in the chest bottom...think'n 'seems ta be a set o writn'n tools...nice craftsm'nship!'[/COLOR]

I am pulled out of my thought by Othos call...I walk over to the dwarf..."Well, we need ta decide if we intend ta keep at it or we goin ta go topside ta assay situation afore our return." looking to the others as they go about their work "Seems we need ta vote before I go help'n these unfortunates. If we take it to the next room we will need all our resources and a bit more of a plan!" as I indicate the wounded and the secret door...lifting arms and raising my voice " Excuse me gentlefolk! Lets have a gather here ta decide our intentions!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 12, 2011, 12:30:43 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;439641Die roll for Tudd
Campaign: Ptolus

Rolled on: 2011-02-11 08:51:15.971952
3d6;2d6;2d6 → [6,2,6] = (14)
3d6;2d6;2d6 → [2,2] = (4)
3d6;2d6;2d6 → [2,2] = (4) (
You find 14 silver pieces on the goblin's corpse, as well as 4 electrum pieces on each of the orcs'.

Quote from: skofflox;439779Feeling a bit sheepish Nimten rises, grabs a yellow ball and lets fly at the purple window,quickly squating afterward! (duck and cover!)
You grab a yellow ball, throw it at the purple window. No noticeable effect.

DM: Roll 1d12.

Quote from: Drohem;439639Belak and Klob will then start searching any nearby bodies and piling up any weapons and armor they find near the dais to be transported up the shaft.
In the immediate vicinity, you have the goblin, the monk, and the two orcs you defeated earlier. All have now been searched. The monk was wearing no armor, and was fighting with his bare hands. The goblin fought with a short sword (1-6 damage v. S/M; 1-8 v. L) and wore studded leather (AC 7). The orcs fought with glaives (1-6 damage v. S/M; 1-10 v. L) and wore scale mail (AC 6).

Let me know if Belak and Klob proceed further, and where (giant oaf and a goblin to the east, one orc and two goblins in the room on fire -which is seriously quieting down by now-, huge pile of corpses in the NW room, alive orc chained to his pillar in the apothecary room).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 12, 2011, 12:46:04 PM
"Runch, what are we going to do with your prisoner?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 13, 2011, 04:32:15 PM
Quote from: Benoist;439882You grab a yellow ball, throw it at the purple window. No noticeable effect.

DM: Roll 1d12.
roll: 10 (linked to Runcc)

chuckling to himself,red ball next...Nimten (depending on the outcome will then proceed to search the room carefully for a candle damper (?) with a long handle...if he finds one he will put out any lit candles in the room (if not he will just blow them out) then see what he can do about the candle trap!)

Quote from: Cole;439887"Runch, what are we going to do with your prisoner?"

waiting for the others to gather...
"Well, first order is'ta question'm bout th' 'Quann' or somesuchthing and the goins'on of this place so's we can make a more informed decision,I'll go fetch'm! We'll need to take stock of any loot as well,might be someth'n usefull to the injured. !" as I indicate the wounded and trot off to retrieve my prisoner.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 14, 2011, 01:40:31 PM
Quote from: skofflox;440081roll: 10 (linked to Runcc)

chuckling to himself,red ball next...Nimten (depending on the outcome will then proceed to search the room carefully for a candle damper (?) with a long handle...if he finds one he will put out any lit candles in the room (if not he will just blow them out) then see what he can do about the candle trap!)
Nimten throws a red ball next, with no effect whatsoever. He then proceeds and looks around the room for a candle damper. There is none to be found, and no lit candles within the room itself. Is Nimten inspecting some area of the room more closely, or does he decide to do something else entirely?

Quote from: skofflox;440081"Well, first order is'ta question'm bout th' 'Quann' or somesuchthing and the goins'on of this place so's we can make a more informed decision,I'll go fetch'm! We'll need to take stock of any loot as well,might be someth'n usefull to the injured. !" as I indicate the wounded and trot off to retrieve my prisoner.
Runch makes his way back to the apothecary. He sees the shelves there, with all sorts of pots and bottles stored on them, some of them lying flat, or backwards, (many) others yet shattered on the room's floor. He turns northward and catches the orc trying to break free from his pillar. He stops right away and tries to look like he was waiting patiently for anyone to come back, wondering if Runch noticed anything...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on February 15, 2011, 12:36:52 PM
After piling the goblin's and orcs' weapons and armor by the lift, Belak and Klob will go and search the giant and goblin on the eastern side of the circular chamber.


OOC: It's the only thing that they can see that hasn't been searched, right?  They don't know yet about the corpses or burning bodies in other rooms.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 16, 2011, 12:48:16 AM
Ylarum will assist in piling up the weapons and other odds and ends that might be salable by the lift.

(DM: sorry I've been out of the loop, did the wounded already go up?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 16, 2011, 01:07:02 AM
Quote from: Benoist;440231Nimten throws a red ball next, with no effect whatsoever. He then proceeds and looks around the room for a candle damper. There is none to be found, and no lit candles within the room itself. Is Nimten inspecting some area of the room more closely, or does he decide to do something else entirely?

Nimten will start taking a close look at the large piece holding the balls etc. Looking behind and feeling under shelves etc.

QuoteRunch makes his way back to the apothecary. He sees the shelves there, with all sorts of pots and bottles stored on them, some of them lying flat, or backwards, (many) others yet shattered on the room's floor. He turns northward and catches the orc trying to break free from his pillar. He stops right away and tries to look like he was waiting patiently for anyone to come back, wondering if Runch noticed anything...

Approaching the captive laughing and shaking head "You'll have ta do better than that gobo!" Leaning close in"Next time I sees ya muk'n about try'n ta escape it'll be the long dark for ya. Now me n' the others wanna hear aallll about this cosey hole ya call home." as I start to unwind his binding, pulling out my dagger and putting to the side of his neck as I loosen ropes...

Will then lead him back to the dias area, stopping for a moment to check in on Nimten, just yelling into the room to see if he needs aide!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on February 16, 2011, 09:06:26 AM
Tudd ambles up and shakes his morningstar at the captive menacingly, "Yeah, what my brudder said!", and in a loud whisper adds, "he's nice, my brudder, but don't make him mad cuz he'll bonk ya real hard, like the time I snuck outa the church and went down to the market. He was real mad, but I just wanted some candy... people were just mean to me though, and he bonked me good on the head and said not to sneak away again.... so I didn't. What'd you do? I think it's better to behave, but I really like candy, hey you got any candy? Look what I found..." , and Tudd holds up a silver coin with a grin. "I'm gonna buy me some candy... you want some? I share with ya.... and Bug. I bet Bug likes candy... hey Bug, you like candy..... oh yeah, you can't talk. Hey, are you an orc? You kinda look like me, only not as pretty. Maybe we can be brudders too. You see all this yucky stuff? I killed it.... the big yucky thing... well, I helped anyway." Tudd grins, "You know where I can find more shiny coins? I'll share my candy with you..."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 16, 2011, 12:38:25 PM
Quote from: Drohem;440418After piling the goblin's and orcs' weapons and armor by the lift, Belak and Klob will go and search the giant and goblin on the eastern side of the circular chamber.


OOC: It's the only thing that they can see that hasn't been searched, right?  They don't know yet about the corpses or burning bodies in other rooms.
The dead oaf does not carry any weapons or armor to speak of, its deceased skin providing it all the protection it needed until its demise. It is wearing some sort of loincloth, however. Looking at it more closely, it seems to have been the cloak of some medium sized creature. This cloak is deep green, with a tartan-like pattern. Amazingly, it is still held in place by a large gold fibula covered with various gemstones!


The goblin is wearing studded leather armor (AC 7) and was using a short sword in combat.

DM: As far as the corpses (as opposed to other features of the rooms they'd like to investigate) are concerned, that is true, yes. Belak and Klob are not aware of the existence of the bodies in the storage rooms to the NE and NW of the round chamber.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;440587Ylarum will assist in piling up the weapons and other odds and ends that might be salable by the lift.

(DM: sorry I've been out of the loop, did the wounded already go up?)
Would Ylarum like to gather the gear of the orcs and goblins they killed before setting the room they were in on fire (NE), or investigate the pile of corpses in the room they went through counterclockwise (NW)?

DM: The wounded are on the platform, and the platform is still on the ground at this moment. You can send it back to the surface anytime by pulling the rope that connects you to the Gold Ladder sharply.

Quote from: skofflox;440595Nimten will start taking a close look at the large piece holding the balls etc. Looking behind and feeling under shelves etc.
It doesn't take long for Nimten to notice there is a secret compartment behind the basket holding the yellow balls of dough, in the middle of the large piece of furniture on which the voltive candles are resting. The metal door is about two feet wide and one foot tall, has a lock, seems to be made of bronze. Its contents may be contained within the piece of furniture itself. The dark coloration of the bronze made it invisible until Nimten gave this particular area a closer look. It would take a tremendous amount of effort to move the entire piece of furniture (think two or three pianos' worth, at the same time).

Quote from: skofflox;440595Approaching the captive laughing and shaking head "You'll have ta do better than that gobo!" Leaning close in"Next time I sees ya muk'n about try'n ta escape it'll be the long dark for ya. Now me n' the others wanna hear aallll about this cosey hole ya call home." as I start to unwind his binding, pulling out my dagger and putting to the side of his neck as I loosen ropes...

Will then lead him back to the dias area, stopping for a moment to check in on Nimten, just yelling into the room to see if he needs aide!
Runch proceeds, the orc visibly cooperating. He stops by the entrance of the candled corridor for a moment and calls on Nimten to see how he's doing (however Nimten reacts is up to you), Tudd at his side (see below).

Quote from: Sigmund;440643Tudd ambles up and shakes his morningstar at the captive menacingly, "Yeah, what my brudder said!", and in a loud whisper adds, "he's nice, my brudder, but don't make him mad cuz he'll bonk ya real hard, like the time I snuck outa the church and went down to the market. He was real mad, but I just wanted some candy... people were just mean to me though, and he bonked me good on the head and said not to sneak away again.... so I didn't. What'd you do? I think it's better to behave, but I really like candy, hey you got any candy? Look what I found..." , and Tudd holds up a silver coin with a grin. "I'm gonna buy me some candy... you want some? I share with ya.... and Bug. I bet Bug likes candy... hey Bug, you like candy..... oh yeah, you can't talk. Hey, are you an orc? You kinda look like me, only not as pretty. Maybe we can be brudders too. You see all this yucky stuff? I killed it.... the big yucky thing... well, I helped anyway." Tudd grins, "You know where I can find more shiny coins? I'll share my candy with you..."
The orc snorts, but does not answer. He seems to be especially weary about you two, for some reason, like he is trying to figure out what side you are on, or whether you might be of use in some fashion or another. The orc seems desperate, however, and quite afraid for his life. He is not underestimating you.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on February 16, 2011, 01:01:04 PM
Belak and Klob takes the items off the ogre's and goblin's corpses and place them in the pile of gear on the dais.  Seeing that the group has segmented and is spread out into unknown areas to him, Belak pulls the rope to have the wounded pulled up the shaft and to safety.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 16, 2011, 01:33:31 PM
Quote from: Drohem;440685Belak and Klob takes the items off the ogre's and goblin's corpses and place them in the pile of gear on the dais.  Seeing that the group has segmented and is spread out into unknown areas to him, Belak pulls the rope to have the wounded pulled up the shaft and to safety.
DM: Forgot to ask you to roll 3d6 as well. That's the number of silver pieces the goblin had stashed in a purse before it was diseased.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on February 17, 2011, 02:54:48 PM
Quote from: Benoist;440693DM: Forgot to ask you to roll 3d6 as well. That's the number of silver pieces the goblin had stashed in a purse before it was diseased.

OOC:  Not bad, 13 silver coins (!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 17, 2011, 04:10:07 PM
Ulas continues to keep his eye to the north for trouble as the scavenging takes place.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 18, 2011, 10:03:54 PM
In response to the question...

Ylarum will start going through the orcs' and goblins' equipment first, then work around to the ones we killed later.

Also, he'll pause and pull the rope so the wounded can ascend.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 19, 2011, 08:49:49 PM
"Hallo Nimten!, howzit going there?" as Runch pauses at the entrance, placing his lft. hand on Tudds shoulder and winking.

..."Well enough man, There's a secret compartment here! Will need some help to clear the way though!"

Turning to address Tudd quietly first "Maybe we could help with that eh?...Ya may wanta come out here for a bit ta hear what this Orc has ta say afore we getta muk'n about wi'that!"

Nimten pokes his head around the corner..."Ah, yes indeed!" ater a quick side-look at the demon thing corpse he starts to crawl under the candles...

Runch continues on to the dias area pushing the captive in front of him with the point of his dagger "Nice n easy now."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 20, 2011, 08:11:12 PM
Quote from: Cole;440925Ulas continues to keep his eye to the north for trouble as the scavenging takes place.
DM: Roll a d%.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;441120In response to the question...

Ylarum will start going through the orcs' and goblins' equipment first, then work around to the ones we killed later.

Also, he'll pause and pull the rope so the wounded can ascend.
The basket ascends, carrying the wounded and part of the treasure to the surface (mostly the weapons and armor of the enemies you defeated around here earlier).

Ylarum makes his way to the storage room where the orcs and goblins are piled up. There are three bodies lying on top of each other near the SW door Ylarum walks through. Then, further away from the door towards the north east, there is a huge pile of corpses. Maybe ten or twelve individuals in all.

How does Ylarum wish to proceed?

Quote from: skofflox;441238Nimten pokes his head around the corner..."Ah, yes indeed!" ater a quick side-look at the demon thing corpse he starts to crawl under the candles...
Nimten can smell the strong odor of oil that emanates from the balls of dough stored in the compartment under the candles. He can see the outline of the concealed door in front of him. What does he do?

Quote from: skofflox;441238Runch continues on to the dias area pushing the captive in front of him with the point of his dagger "Nice n easy now."
Runch proceeds, and the orc complies, silent.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 20, 2011, 09:12:51 PM
Quote from: Benoist;441459DM: Roll a d%.

92 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 20, 2011, 09:31:34 PM
Quote from: Cole;44146992 (
There's no doubt the clutter to the north is a weak point in the defences of the whole area, as you remember from looking at it earlier. There is nothing noticeable occurring at the moment, but if something were to happen, you have a feeling this would be the place.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 20, 2011, 10:10:23 PM
Quote from: Benoist;441480There's no doubt the clutter to the north is a weak point in the defences of the whole area, as you remember from looking at it earlier. There is nothing noticeable occurring at the moment, but if something were to happen, you have a feeling this would be the place.

"This pile of junk worries me. Can't really see past it, but I don't see it stopping an attack - especially one as big as that dead giant."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 20, 2011, 11:28:42 PM
Quote from: Benoist;441459Nimten can smell the strong odor of oil that emanates from the balls of dough stored in the compartment under the candles. He can see the outline of the concealed door in front of him. What does he do?

Nimten will take a quick look at the condition of the lock and door. Placing one of each ball into a pouch, will then go back out to the dias area....avoiding the candle trap accordingly!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 21, 2011, 12:17:16 AM
Quote from: skofflox;441500Nimten will take a quick look at the condition of the lock and door. Placing one of each ball into a pouch, will then go back out to the dias area....avoiding the candle trap accordingly!
The lock seems intact, to the point it must not have been tempered with for quite a long time. It would require some type of thin skeleton key with a rather long, blade-like bit to open. The door's condition is similar. It is a very tight fit indeed. No wonder it was hard to notice.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 21, 2011, 10:26:53 AM
Ylarum will call Tarm and Json over, and order them to carefully separate the bodies, dragging them off one another using their polearms.  Once they're un-stacked, he'll use the point of his sword to cut away any belt pouches, probe any obvious bulges in pockets, tap at clothing seams for hidden loot, etc.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on February 22, 2011, 01:16:15 AM
Pushing the captive down to a seated position on the lower step of the dias I draw my lonsword and rest on my right shoulder as I lean in close to the orc and jerk my thumb towards Tudd"See,my brother here will twist yer neck a bit if he thinks yer lyin' so lets not have any muk'n about. (raising voice) Now lets hear all about those 'Qauun' ya mentioned and anything else these folk ask." as I sweep my left hand to indicate my companions.
Then louder still... "If they can leave off marshal'n the area fer a moment that is!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on February 22, 2011, 09:04:19 AM
Tudd grins and taps his morningstar on the floor.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 22, 2011, 02:19:08 PM
Quote from: skofflox;441772Pushing the captive down to a seated position on the lower step of the dias I draw my lonsword and rest on my right shoulder as I lean in close to the orc and jerk my thumb towards Tudd"See,my brother here will twist yer neck a bit if he thinks yer lyin' so lets not have any muk'n about. (raising voice) Now lets hear all about those 'Qauun' ya mentioned and anything else these folk ask." as I sweep my left hand to indicate my companions.
Then louder still... "If they can leave off marshal'n the area fer a moment that is!"

Ulas looks over his shoulder for a moment and shouts at the captive orc,

"What're you rat-bastards doing down here in the first place? And what in hell was that monstrosity we just killed?!?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 22, 2011, 09:39:14 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;441569Ylarum will call Tarm and Json over, and order them to carefully separate the bodies, dragging them off one another using their polearms.  Once they're un-stacked, he'll use the point of his sword to cut away any belt pouches, probe any obvious bulges in pockets, tap at clothing seams for hidden loot, etc.
Json and Tarm join Ylarum in the north-western storage room. They do not seem very excited at the idea of manipulating the orcish and goblin filth, half-expecting the corpses to animate on the spot, spirits to attack them or whatever other deviltry this place might be capable of unleashing next upon them, but they proceed nonetheless, slowly and conscientiously.

It seems the bodies have been searched already. You see straps of leather on belts that have been cut by knife blades and pockets turned over, but just as you are losing faith, you notice some sort of wad in one of the goblin's mouth. You test it with the tip of your blade and quickly determine this is something solid, and quite large, by the looks of it.

Quote from: skofflox;441772"(raising voice) Now lets hear all about those 'Qauun' ya mentioned and anything else these folk ask." as I sweep my left hand to indicate my companions.
Then louder still... "If they can leave off marshal'n the area fer a moment that is!"
Nimten joins back with the group by the dais as Runch speaks.

Quote from: Cole;441867Ulas looks over his shoulder for a moment and shouts at the captive orc,

"What're you rat-bastards doing down here in the first place? And what in hell was that monstrosity we just killed?!?"
The orc snorts loudly. "Some demon awakened by the spirits of this place, maybe? I know nothing of that creature you slayed. Only that it must have been much weaker that we first thought, since one of the elves is still standing." He throws a mean, defiant look at Nimten.

"I am but a lesser son of the Toruk-Rul." He looks carefully at Runch and Tudd. "Just like you."

"As for my allegiances. I serve the Quaan, and followed Gohruel and Moghool, our Chieftains, to retrieve the secret hidden within these walls, though I do not know what that is."

He looks at the lot of you suspiciously. He seems (and sounds) a lot brighter that you first assumed. "My life is forfeit. I cannot go to the surface. They will kill me. You know it. I cannot go back to the Quaan. I have been left behind. What are you going to do with me?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 22, 2011, 09:43:13 PM
Quote from: Benoist;441964He looks at the lot of you suspiciously. He seems (and sounds) a lot brighter that you first assumed. "What are you going to do with me?"

"Not yet decided, I think. What's north of here?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 22, 2011, 09:46:40 PM
Quote from: Cole;441965"Not yet decided, I think. What's north of here?"
He seems hesitant. "I am not sure..."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 22, 2011, 10:08:21 PM
Quote from: Benoist;441966He seems hesitant. "I am not sure..."

"But you have an educated guess?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 22, 2011, 10:56:33 PM
Quote from: Cole;441970"But you have an educated guess?"
The orc looks straight at Ulas Xegg for a moment, as if trying to decide whether to answer or not. Then, he finally answers: "I think this place is alive."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 22, 2011, 11:11:01 PM
Quote from: Benoist;441974The orc looks straight at Ulas Xegg for a moment, as if trying to decide whether to answer or not. Then, he finally answers: "I think this place is alive."

Ulas turns to give the orc a cold stare through the eyeholes of his mask.

"Holding something back? Scarce a minute ago you were crying 'kill me now.' Now would be a very, very good time to explain why you were so very, very afraid."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 22, 2011, 11:55:48 PM
Quote from: Cole;441978Ulas turns to give the orc a cold stare through the eyeholes of his mask.

"Holding something back? Scarce a minute ago you were crying 'kill me now.' Now would be a very, very good time to explain why you were so very, very afraid."
The orc gulps. "Have you seen what this .. thing you just killed did to my brothers? I thought you too were going to get killed. Or worse. I didn't want to become one of them. I wanted to die before the creature got a hold of my soul!"

He sighs and spits. "Look. I don't know how you managed to get the better of it, but it did overcome us before. I was one of the few who made it out of this area, but I was... I was judged a coward, and left in here with a few others to fight until the creature devoured us. We managed to barricade ourselves in the room where you found us, and now... now I don't even know what's going to happen to me."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 23, 2011, 12:08:19 AM
"Good that you're a coward. If I took you for a braver man I'd have cut your throat already. And if you prove to be an honest coward you may get to die in bed someday."

Ulas goes back to watching north for the moment, leaving the questioning to his comrades.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 23, 2011, 01:06:36 AM
Ylarum will put his boot on the neck of the goblin, and try to pry out whatever is in said goblin's mouth.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 23, 2011, 01:40:37 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;442001Ylarum will put his boot on the neck of the goblin, and try to pry out whatever is in said goblin's mouth.
The muscles of the goblin's jaw are shut tight. They resist at first, but ultimately relax. It is dry in the goblin's mouth. Ylarums reaches inside and grasps something large. He pulls it out. Some of the goblin's rotten teeth break. Ylarum is finally able to extract the item: it is a fist-sized, perfectly spherical, black jewel of some sort.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 23, 2011, 11:41:29 AM
Ylarum is no lapidary or mineralogist but does it look like a black pearl?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 23, 2011, 12:42:36 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;442097Ylarum is no lapidary or mineralogist but does it look like a black pearl?
It might be, but then, that leaves Ylarum wondering what kind of enormous oyster-like creature would produce a pearl of this size...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 23, 2011, 01:38:04 PM
Ylarum mutters to himself : "With all my luck this is some sort of weird goblin glandular cyst or something...oh well, might as well grab it and have it appraised..." and drops it in his pocket, continuing to search.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on February 23, 2011, 06:42:53 PM
Belak and Klob stay by the dais after pulling the rope to have the lift ascend.  Belak watches with mild curiosity as the half-orcs brought the orc to the dais to question him.  

Belak steps up and asks the orc in a gruff voice, "why can't you ascend to the surface?  What do you mean that you cannot return above?  Are you under a magical curse of some sort?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 25, 2011, 12:32:58 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;442113Ylarum mutters to himself : "With all my luck this is some sort of weird goblin glandular cyst or something...oh well, might as well grab it and have it appraised..." and drops it in his pocket, continuing to search.
Ylarum and his men continue their search, and it soon becomes apparent that their first impressions were right: all of these bodies have been stripped of all valuables some time before. It's a wonder the black jewel remained in the goblin's mouth and nobody noticed it before.

Just as you're about to wrap up, you notice something else. As Json and Tarm turn over the last of the bodies, you realize the pile of corpses covered some type of plaque on the floor. It is a little more than 2 feet wide, circular, made of some sort of dark golden metal, and fits a cavity of its size so that its flat top transitions neatly with the stone blocks that make up the floor around it.

Quote from: Drohem;442181Belak steps up and asks the orc in a gruff voice, "why can't you ascend to the surface?  What do you mean that you cannot return above?  Are you under a magical curse of some sort?"
The orc looks at Belak like the dwarf might be mildly retarded. "I have been cast out for cowardice. If I return to the Toruk Rul, I am scum to them. Not even worth the contempt they might still have for me."

He looks at the opening in the ceiling as the platform comes back down. "As for getting up there with you as your prisoner, do you know what the humans of the surface world will do to me? Do you really think they'll bother twice about a wretch like me? They will just kill me, just like my people would kill them. You might as well get rid of me now."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 25, 2011, 03:10:53 PM
Quote from: Benoist;442512He looks at the opening in the ceiling as the platform comes back down. "As for getting up there with you as your prisoner, do you know what the humans of the surface world will do to me? Do you really think they'll bother twice about a wretch like me? They will just kill me, just like my people would kill them. You might as well get rid of me now."

"No wonder they cast you out, with your craven yapping! Now, do you know how those bodies got piled there? Or what's under that plate?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 25, 2011, 03:54:51 PM
Quote from: Cole;442550"No wonder they cast you out, with your craven yapping! Now, do you know how those bodies got piled there? Or what's under that plate?"
"I have no idea about this plate you're talking about. My brethren piled up the dead in that storage room before they built the wall there," he shows the clutter by the red lantern to the north, "to contain the creature, and us exiles with it."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on February 25, 2011, 07:50:51 PM
Ignoring the orc's insolent tone and manner, Belak questions the orc further, "others of your tribe are beyond that barrier to the north?  How many went forward and left you behind?"

Klob cuffs the orc on the back of the head, and says in a dangerous tone, "mind your lip when you answer.  I am not as magnanimous as my friend."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 26, 2011, 12:44:05 PM
Ylarum will tell Tarm to rap the tile firmly with his weapon, and will lean in close himself to see if it sounds hollow.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 27, 2011, 03:06:25 PM
Quote from: Drohem;442605Ignoring the orc's insolent tone and manner, Belak questions the orc further, "others of your tribe are beyond that barrier to the north?  How many went forward and left you behind?"

Klob cuffs the orc on the back of the head, and says in a dangerous tone, "mind your lip when you answer.  I am not as magnanimous as my friend."
The orc lets off a low growl as Klob hits him, but almost immediately thinks the better of it. He pants, and answers Belak's question: "Several scores came to this place following Gohruel and Moghool, but not all of them made it far past the great door before the whole corridor was on fire and the walls started to move. A dozen of us were left standing when the creature you slaughtered decided to retreat against us. These orcs turned against those amongst us who decided to get away while the fight was in full swing, and ended up trapping us with the creature while they tried to make their way back to the Chieftains."

Quote from: thedungeondelver;442662Ylarum will tell Tarm to rap the tile firmly with his weapon, and will lean in close himself to see if it sounds hollow.
It does sound hollow.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 27, 2011, 08:34:30 PM
Quote from: Benoist;442789It does sound hollow.

Ylarum says "Right..." and sets about to find an improvised wedge and hammer.  To his henchmen: "Either of you lads have an iron spike?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 28, 2011, 12:26:43 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;442839Ylarum says "Right..." and sets about to find an improvised wedge and hammer.  To his henchmen: "Either of you lads have an iron spike?"
Json and Tarm look at each other and both shake their heads at the same time: "No, Sir. No, we don't have anything like that."

There is a whole assortment of tools readily available in the room, including digging implements like shovels and pickaxes, poles, rope, unlit torches and so on.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 28, 2011, 09:00:43 AM
Quote from: Benoist;442854Json and Tarm look at each other and both shake their heads at the same time: "No, Sir. No, we don't have anything like that."

There is a whole assortment of tools readily available in the room, including digging implements like shovels and pickaxes, poles, rope, unlit torches and so on.

Ah, excellent.

Ylarum, to his henchmen: "Grab some of that extra gear - torches and rope, mostly, for Liir and Dallow and Snave.  Hand me a pickaxe."

Ylarum will use the pickaxe point to try and pry the stone up, first.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 28, 2011, 09:12:28 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;442877Ah, excellent.

Ylarum, to his henchmen: "Grab some of that extra gear - torches and rope, mostly, for Liir and Dallow and Snave.  Hand me a pickaxe."

Ylarum will use the pickaxe point to try and pry the stone up, first.

Ulas will make a discreet withdrawal into the main chamber.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 28, 2011, 12:32:53 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;442877Ylarum will use the pickaxe point to try and pry the stone up, first.
Ylarum tries to pry the plate up with a pickaxe. Roll 1d6.

Quote from: Cole;442878Ulas will make a discreet withdrawal into the main chamber.
DM: I assume Ulas was avoiding the pressure-plate trap this whole time and was around Ylarum and company to check on the north clutter from time to time. Here is the updated map:

Click for higher resolution (
( (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on February 28, 2011, 12:42:32 PM
Quote from: Benoist;442903Ylarum tries to pry the plate up with a pickaxe. Roll 1d6.

DM: I assume Ulas was avoiding the pressure-plate trap this whole time and was around Ylarum and company to check on the north clutter from time to time.

Originally I thought Ulas was south of the plate to begin with. But I suppose I needed to move into the other chamber to really address the orc, so that positioning is fine.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 28, 2011, 03:34:44 PM
For what it's worth I'm prying UP!


1d6=4 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 28, 2011, 05:35:10 PM
Ylarum pulls the pickaxe's handle. At first, the round plate resists. Ylarum pulls harder, and finally the plate gives way, lifting itself up. Dust around the plate seems to be sucked in whatever lies under, as if to fill an air vacuum. The golden metal plate is now free, and Ylarum can do with it as he pleases, as he still exercises his strength on the handle.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 28, 2011, 10:45:28 PM
(DM: How heavy is the plate and does it appear to be gold or gold plated?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 01, 2011, 11:01:28 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;443002(DM: How heavy is the plate and does it appear to be gold or gold plated?)
The plate is too dark and dull to be gold, and is quite heavy - more than a hundred pounds, easily.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on March 01, 2011, 01:31:44 PM
Quote from: Benoist;443086The plate is too dark and dull to be gold, and is quite heavy - more than a hundred pounds, easily.

(DM: Noted.)

Grabbing a torch, Ylarum will hold it so it illuminates the hole.  What are the dimensions of the breach?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 01, 2011, 08:35:10 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;443122(DM: Noted.)

Grabbing a torch, Ylarum will hold it so it illuminates the hole.  What are the dimensions of the breach?
The plate covered a perfectly round hole that plunges vertically into the dark. It is about thirty inches wide.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 01, 2011, 08:48:36 PM
Quote from: Benoist;443212The plate covered a perfectly round hole that plunges vertically into the dark. It is about thirty inches wide.

Once the plate has been removed without any overt calamity, Ulas will slink into the room.

"Should we send down a light on a rope?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on March 01, 2011, 09:27:15 PM
Quote from: Cole;443215Once the plate has been removed without any overt calamity, Ulas will slink into the room.

"Should we send down a light on a rope?"

"'tis best; though I'd rather we have a mirror to peek into it with than sticking our heads over it.  Ah, just the thing, here." (Ylarum takes a mirror from his belt pouch.)  "Although, thinking on it, mahap a lantern.  If there's scrolls, yellow mold, oil, or anything else that'd easily catch alight down there, that is."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 02, 2011, 12:07:27 AM
Nimten watches the exchange closely,listening to the Orcs tale for any clues to the nature of the slain tentacle beast.

Looking to those gathered during a pause..."There is a trap door in the secret room,locked and seemingly undisturbed for some time! Has anybody found any keys amongst the chests?"

Runch is content to listen to the others and the orc. He stands menacingly close fingering his dagger hilt.
During a break in the questioning "What'r ye called?" in Orcish dialect.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on March 02, 2011, 09:35:33 AM
Tudd sits down with a heavy sigh and starts examining his morningstar, almost poking himself in the eye.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 02, 2011, 11:46:23 AM
Quote from: skofflox;443243Runch is content to listen to the others and the orc. He stands menacingly close fingering his dagger hilt.
During a break in the questioning "What'r ye called?" in Orcish dialect.
The Orc throws a suspicious look at Runch: "Why would you want to know that?" He strongly inhales before further answering, with a mildly resolute tone: "I will not reveal my name. I do not want the elf to steal my soul."

Quote from: Sigmund;443278Tudd sits down with a heavy sigh and starts examining his morningstar, almost poking himself in the eye.
Snave walks to Tudd. "Looks like ye need something to kill, friend. What do you say we leave the others at their talk and check on my Master Ylarum to see if he is in need of our help?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on March 02, 2011, 12:38:20 PM
Quote from: Benoist;443304The Orc throws a suspicious look at Runch: "Why would you want to know that?" He strongly inhales before further answering, with a mildly resolute tone: "I will not reveal my name. I do not want the elf to steal my soul."

Snave walks to Tudd. "Looks like ye need something to kill, friend. What do you say we leave the others at their talk and check on my Master Ylarum to see if he is in need of our help?"

Tudd bursts out laughing at the orc's fear of the elf's soul-stealing prowess and says in orcish, "Ha ha ha.... I don't think the elf needs your name to steal your soul.... , " at which point the half-orc looks mildly confused, then concerned as he starts patting down his belt pouch as if checking on something, looks relieved, then says, "My name is Tudd"

Looking up at Snave as the man approaches and asks his question, Tudd grins and says, "Sure... hey, ya might wanna make sure ya still have your soul..." as he climbs to his feet with a side-long glance in the direction of "the elf".
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 05, 2011, 12:06:24 AM
Quote from: Benoist;443304The Orc throws a suspicious look at Runch: "Why would you want to know that?" He strongly inhales before further answering, with a mildly resolute tone: "I will not reveal my name. I do not want the elf to steal my soul."

smirking a bit and jerking a thumb at Tudds back as he and bug amble off to find action ..."I'm Runch,his brother. Just like ta know who I'm talk'n at. You may be my guest for some time sos maybe we culd be cordial like ol campainers huh? And I doubt the elf has any use for such a miserable soul as yours." as I indicate Nimten. "What else might we run inta down here?" as I sweep the area with my dagger point...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 05, 2011, 12:12:32 PM
The orc reacts to Tudd's mocking remarks with a mild, silent resignation.

Tudd and Snave start walking away from the dais area towards the north-western storage room (though they are still in the room at that point. Let me know if Tudd's doing something on his way to the area Ylarum and Cie are investigating).

Quote from: skofflox;443915"I'm Runch,his brother. Just like ta know who I'm talk'n at. You may be my guest for some time sos maybe we culd be cordial like ol campainers huh? And I doubt the elf has any use for such a miserable soul as yours." as I indicate Nimten. "What else might we run inta down here?" as I sweep the area with my dagger point...
The orc stares at Runch for a moment, as if something suddenly dawned on him. He answers dismissively: "I know not. Anything is possible in this wretched place. It is alive itself, I tell you. When we ran from the entrance to this area, and the explosion occurred, the whole place started to shift."

"But wait. You said I am your 'guest.'" The orc draws breath as if to let that word sink in. As if trying to understand its meaning. Runch then remembers that the orcish word for 'guest' is archaic indeed, and seldom used by these creatures whose whole lives are dedicated to slaughter their enemies, as well as each other. The orcs do not hold such feelings as compassion or deference as strengths, but weaknesses to be supressed or taken advantage of. The notion that a clan of orcs would increase its prestige by showing restraint and welcoming outsiders into its midst is a thought almost foreign to them.

This orc here seems to be struggling with these particular emotions, however.

"Does that mean I could serve you and your companions?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 06, 2011, 05:06:46 PM
Quote from: Benoist;443979The orc reacts to Tudd's mocking remarks with a mild, silent resignation.

The orc stares at Runch for a moment, as if something suddenly dawned on him. He answers dismissively: "I know not. Anything is possible in this wretched place. It is alive itself, I tell you. When we ran from the entrance to this area, and the explosion occurred, the whole place started to shift."

"But wait. You said I am your 'guest.'" The orc draws breath as if to let that word sink in. As if trying to understand its meaning. Runch then remembers that the orcish word for 'guest' is archaic indeed, and seldom used by these creatures whose whole lives are dedicated to slaughter their enemies, as well as each other. The orcs do not hold such feelings as compassion or deference as strengths, but weaknesses to be supressed or taken advantage of. The notion that a clan of orcs would increase its prestige by showing restraint and welcoming outsiders into its midst is a thought almost foreign to them.

This orc here seems to be struggling with these particular emotions, however.

"Does that mean I could serve you and your companions?"
Ignoring his query for the moment I slide my dagger back into its scabbard, untie his hands and quaff from  my waterskin,offering it to him as I slide the back of my hand across my mouth. "No tricks now,some of these folk would love ta gut ya no doubt ( indicating my comrades) ! I'm a bit slow on the uptake see (as I tap my skull),whaddya mean 'shift'?,like the ground moved or sumth'n?"

Nimten is still waiting to see if anyone produces a key or shows interest in the secret door as he watches the exchange with the orc...starts a bit when he sees Runch untie the captive but holds his comments!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 07, 2011, 02:07:58 PM
Quote from: skofflox;444284Ignoring his query for the moment I slide my dagger back into its scabbard, untie his hands and quaff from  my waterskin,offering it to him as I slide the back of my hand across my mouth. "No tricks now,some of these folk would love ta gut ya no doubt ( indicating my comrades) ! I'm a bit slow on the uptake see (as I tap my skull),whaddya mean 'shift'?,like the ground moved or sumth'n?"
The orc is bewildered. You clearly some conflicting thoughts going through his mind, but in the end, he does not attempt anything and instead, tries to answer Runch's question to the best of his abilities: "Immediately after the large area beyond the great door changed into a living hell of fire and smoke, at the same moment everyone was rushing inside and try to overwhelm the humans as quickly as possible, the whole place started to shift, yes. The walls moved left and right. Dust flying everywhere. Confusion. In the end, we found ourselves here. The mage escaped through here," he shows the hole in the ceiling, "and then we were attacked by the creature."

Quote from: skofflox;444284Nimten is still waiting to see if anyone produces a key or shows interest in the secret door as he watches the exchange with the orc...starts a bit when he sees Runch untie the captive but holds his comments!
Duly noted. So far no one is reacting (Othos got the iron key, as for the interest, anyone could manifest it, or not - don't forget some characters are away from this area, investigating the hole in the ground of the NW storage room).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on March 08, 2011, 05:32:35 PM
Quote from: Benoist;444430Duly noted. So far no one is reacting (Othos got the iron key, as for the interest, anyone could manifest it, or not - don't forget some characters are away from this area, investigating the hole in the ground of the NW storage room).

Yeah what's the deal with that hole.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 08, 2011, 05:37:37 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;444707Yeah what's the deal with that hole.

(If he has had time, Ulas has slipped back into the room with the hole after it was opened.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 08, 2011, 06:45:16 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;444707Yeah what's the deal with that hole.

Quote from: Cole;444708(If he has had time, Ulas has slipped back into the room with the hole after it was opened.)
DM: Sorry, gents. I was under the impression you were making up your mind about torch v. lantern earlier. Apparently I was mistaken.

Ylarum grabs a lantern from the supplies stored in the room. Ulas Xegg joins him. Together, they tied the lantern to a rope, also stored in the area, and lower it down the hole. It is about 30 inches wide, and its wall is made of the same sandstone surrounding them on all sides in the room. After about 10 feet or more, the lantern reaches what looks like the ground, though it is extremely dark. It is hard to tell what lies below. It looks like some type of liquid, judging by the faint refraction of light coming off the ground.

Meanwhile, Snave and Tudd join the action in the storage room.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 08, 2011, 07:14:37 PM
Quote from: Benoist;444717DM: Sorry, gents. I was under the impression you were making up your mind about torch v. lantern earlier. Apparently I was mistaken.

Ylarum grabs a lantern from the supplies stored in the room. Ulas Xegg joins him. Together, they tied the lantern to a rope, also stored in the area, and lower it down the hole. It is about 30 inches wide, and its wall is made of the same sandstone surrounding them on all sides in the room. After about 10 feet or more, the lantern reaches what looks like the ground, though it is extremely dark. It is hard to tell what lies below. It looks like some type of liquid, judging by the faint refraction of light coming off the ground.

Meanwhile, Snave and Tudd join the action in the storage room.

Does the color of the flame change as it is lowered?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 08, 2011, 07:37:46 PM
Quote from: Cole;444722Does the color of the flame change as it is lowered?
The color of the flame does not seem to have been altered, though its glow is rather weak.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on March 08, 2011, 07:45:24 PM
"Right," mutters Ylarum.  He grabs a nearby object - something heavy, a stone or something like that, and heaves it into the hole, listening for a splash.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 08, 2011, 07:50:24 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;444732"Right," mutters Ylarum.  He grabs a nearby object - something heavy, a stone or something like that, and heaves it into the hole, listening for a splash.

Ulas takes a step back as Ylarum prepares to drop the stone.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 08, 2011, 09:08:00 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;444732"Right," mutters Ylarum.  He grabs a nearby object - something heavy, a stone or something like that, and heaves it into the hole, listening for a splash.

Quote from: Cole;444735Ulas takes a step back as Ylarum prepares to drop the stone.
Ylarum knows there are some sacks on the sides of the room that contain some grains and potatoes. There are also various kinds of digging tools, hooks, and bags of pitons stored along with the rope. Alternately, he notices some cracks just off the ground along the walls of the room. He could work at it with a pickaxe or weapon and get pieces of sandstone that way. How does he proceed?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 08, 2011, 09:23:39 PM
Quote from: Benoist;444747Ylarum knows there are some sacks on the sides of the room that contain some grains and potatoes. There are also various kinds of digging tools, hooks, and bags of pitons stored along with the rope. Alternately, he notices some cracks just off the ground along the walls of the room. He could work at it with a pickaxe or weapon and get pieces of sandstone that way. How does he proceed?

Is there a small loose piece of debris sitting at the foot of the blockade in the next room over?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 08, 2011, 09:35:03 PM
Quote from: Cole;444749Is there a small loose piece of debris sitting at the foot of the blockade in the next room over?
Lots of them. :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 08, 2011, 09:39:50 PM
Quote from: Benoist;444751Lots of them. :)

Ulas will go retrieve a rock about the size of a brick or football and hand it off to Ylaruam, then step back again and get an arrow ready.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 08, 2011, 10:11:39 PM
DM: Assuming Ylarum goes ahead as per previous post.

The stone falls down, and lands at the bottom of the hole. It does not produce a clear "knock" of rock against rock, but instead a sort of thumping sound, like it landed on a pile of fresh mud.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 08, 2011, 10:33:25 PM
It doesn't look like the passage widens out at all before the surface of the mud, though? It's basically a 30" by 10' cylinder?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 08, 2011, 10:45:07 PM
Quote from: Cole;444765It doesn't look like the passage widens out at all before the surface of the mud, though? It's basically a 30" by 10' cylinder?
As far as you can tell it is.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 08, 2011, 10:51:06 PM
Quote from: Benoist;444767As far as you can tell it is.

Is the rock sinking?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 08, 2011, 10:56:13 PM
Quote from: Cole;444768Is the rock sinking?
There's a dark patch right where it fell. It could be the rock itself, or a shadow cast from the lantern.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on March 08, 2011, 11:07:02 PM
(DM: That's a fine explanation of what Ylarum's doing.)

"I'm loathe to write that mess off as mud.  Especially after our dealings with the goo a few moments ago.  Let's keep an eye on that mess until all our comrades are aware of goings-on."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 08, 2011, 11:23:46 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;444774(DM: That's a fine explanation of what Ylarum's doing.)

"I'm loathe to write that mess off as mud.  Especially after our dealings with the goo a few moments ago.  Let's keep an eye on that mess until all our comrades are aware of goings-on."

"Should we put the lid back on?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 09, 2011, 02:42:48 PM
Quote from: Benoist;444430The orc is bewildered. You clearly some conflicting thoughts going through his mind, but in the end, he does not attempt anything and instead, tries to answer Runch's question to the best of his abilities: "Immediately after the large area beyond the great door changed into a living hell of fire and smoke, at the same moment everyone was rushing inside and try to overwhelm the humans as quickly as possible, the whole place started to shift, yes. The walls moved left and right. Dust flying everywhere. Confusion. In the end, we found ourselves here. The mage escaped through here," he shows the hole in the ceiling, "and then we were attacked by the creature."
watching his reactions closely and with some amusement I continue
"Hmmm. And by creature ya mean the tentacled thing we dispatched in the secreted room?" as I thumb in the that general direction
waiting for his reply before asking
"Any idea what lurks in the hidden room over there?" as I indicate the E. area near the armory entrance.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 09, 2011, 04:16:33 PM
Quote from: skofflox;444875"Hmmm. And by creature ya mean the tentacled thing we dispatched in the secreted room?" as I thumb in the that general direction
"Yes, that is what I mean." He nods.

Quote from: skofflox;444875"Any idea what lurks in the hidden room over there?" as I indicate the E. area near the armory entrance.
"I have no idea. We didn't know there was anything there. The clutter around the giant urn and lantern puzzled me, however. We didn't move any of that stuff. It looks cleanly lined up. Maybe the work of the monks?"

The Orc looks at Runch hesitantly. He then suddenly adds: "Name's Erarht, by the way."

He turns away and walks to the yellow lantern he was just talking about.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 11, 2011, 04:16:26 PM
Quote from: Benoist;444894"I have no idea. We didn't know there was anything there. The clutter around the giant urn and lantern puzzled me, however. We didn't move any of that stuff. It looks cleanly lined up. Maybe the work of the monks?"

The Orc looks at Runch hesitantly. He then suddenly adds: "Name's Erarht, by the way."

He turns away and walks to the yellow lantern he was just talking about.
listening closely to his answer and smiling a bit when he gives his name I follow him as he nears the lantern...coming to stand next to him before speaking "Can ya tell me anyth'n bout these lanterns Erarht?"

Nimten will approach Othos to retrieve the key found earlier and if it looks (to his untrained eye!) a possible fit he will make his way back to the secret room, throwing a clay ball to see if the trap is still in effect and, if so, waiting for the flames to die down before crawling under to the back room.
If the key is obviously of the wrong sort he will sit down on the dias and think a moment.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 14, 2011, 06:23:10 PM
Quote from: skofflox;445377listening closely to his answer and smiling a bit when he gives his name I follow him as he nears the lantern...coming to stand next to him before speaking "Can ya tell me anyth'n bout these lanterns Erarht?"
"I do not know what purpose they serve." He approaches the huge roofed urn under the yellow lantern and starts to inspect it: "Do you think these are just decorative?"

Quote from: skofflox;445377Nimten will approach Othos to retrieve the key found earlier and if it looks (to his untrained eye!) a possible fit he will make his way back to the secret room, throwing a clay ball to see if the trap is still in effect and, if so, waiting for the flames to die down before crawling under to the back room.
If the key is obviously of the wrong sort he will sit down on the dias and think a moment.
It looks quite obvious to Nimten that this key will not fit the lock back in the area where they slew the tentacled monster. He sits down on the dais for a moment. Then he hears the faint sound of a bell, which gets louder for a moment, then stops. It came from the opening in the ceiling. The bell then starts ringing again. Then stops.

Quote from: Cole;444778"Should we put the lid back on?"
DM: I am going to assume you guys put the lid back on. Are you returning to the dais area?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on March 14, 2011, 07:53:12 PM
Quote from: Benoist;446096"I do not know what purpose they serve." He approaches the huge roofed urn under the yellow lantern and starts to inspect it: "Do you think these are just decorative?"

It looks quite obvious to Nimten that this key will not fit the lock back in the area where they slew the tentacled monster. He sits down on the dais for a moment. Then he hears the faint sound of a bell, which gets louder for a moment, then stops. It came from the opening in the ceiling. The bell then starts ringing again. Then stops.

DM: I am going to assume you guys put the lid back on. Are you returning to the dais area?

Ylarum says: "Hm, I'm still curious about that 'mud' down there.  Curious as to whether it really is mud.  Didn't we grab one of those bloody orcs alive?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 14, 2011, 08:08:16 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;446111Ylarum says: "Hm, I'm still curious about that 'mud' down there.  Curious as to whether it really is mud.  Didn't we grab one of those bloody orcs alive?"
Snave answers the question by automatism: "Yes, Sir. The wretch is still by the dais, with Runch questioning him last I saw him."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on March 14, 2011, 10:17:19 PM
Says Ylarum: "Well, let's go fetch our little green-skinned foundling and see if he wants to go fishing."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 14, 2011, 10:39:11 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;446148Says Ylarum: "Well, let's go fetch our little green-skinned foundling and see if he wants to go fishing."
DM: You proceed without problem. Json, Tarm and Snave follow you back in the circular room. Ulas Xegg and Tudd may stay in the storage room or follow their companions, however they want.

Ylarum finds Nimten sitting on the steps of the dais, Liir and Dallow nearby. The two dwarves have wandered a bit farther away to the north, by the trap. Finally, Ylarum spots the orc, unbound, examining the huge roofed urn under the yellow lantern, Runch at his side.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on March 14, 2011, 11:13:10 PM
Tudd peers curiously into the hole, snorts and chuckles, "That looks like a privy...", and he sniffs cautiously, glances around thoughtfully, then shakes his head and begins poking around the storage room saying, "Naw Bug, don't hafta go yet"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on March 14, 2011, 11:24:15 PM
Ylarum, to Runch: "Runch, bring that...thing in here."(indicating the orc)  "Does it speak?  Can it understand common?  And for Gods' sake, bind its hands or cut its arm tendons!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 14, 2011, 11:39:45 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;446167Tudd peers curiously into the hole, snorts and chuckles, "That looks like a privy...", and he sniffs cautiously, glances around thoughtfully, then shakes his head and begins poking around the storage room saying, "Naw Bug, don't hafta go yet"
The smell coming off the hole is awful. Smells like rot, or sewers, or both. It feels wet, damp, like the saturated air trapped within is slowly being released in the storage room around Tudd.

There are many pieces of equipment here. Poles, pikes, pickaxes, shovels, rope, bags filled with potatoes and grain, hooks, pitons and so on.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;446171Ylarum, to Runch: "Runch, bring that...thing in here."(indicating the orc)  "Does it speak?  Can it understand common?  And for Gods' sake, bind its hands or cut its arm tendons!"
The orc turns, stunned, and gets behind Runch by reflex. He does not speak, and looks back and forth, from Ylarum to Runch, unsure what is going to happen next.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 15, 2011, 12:41:48 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;446171Ylarum, to Runch: "Runch, bring that...thing in here."(indicating the orc)  "Does it speak?  Can it understand common?  And for Gods' sake, bind its hands or cut its arm tendons!"

Quote from: Benoist;446176The orc turns, stunned, and gets behind Runch by reflex. He does not speak, and looks back and forth, from Ylarum to Runch, unsure what is going to happen next.

contemplating my answer to Erarhts question as Ylarum comes up I turn my head slightly towards the Orc and speak in Orcish.
"Stay calm now Erarht. Theres no danger from these folk as long as you play nice see!"

Placing my right hand on the haft of my blade and the left on my hip as I widen my stance a bit..."I believe he knows a'touch common tongue, but I am happy to translate. His hands stay free for now Ylarum and don't forget he is my captive, a spoil of war so's ta speak and under no ones sway but mine! Now what do ya have in mind with my property?"  as I fold my hands across my chest.

 Nimten hands the key back with a "Thank you Othos." and pauses in thought as the bell tolls...he then gets up and strides towards the room with the slain tentacled creature. He will throw a bit of debris to check the trap and then proceed into the room accordingly.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 15, 2011, 12:36:10 PM
Quote from: skofflox;446191contemplating my answer to Erarhts question as Ylarum comes up I turn my head slightly towards the Orc and speak in Orcish.
"Stay calm now Erarht. Theres no danger from these folk as long as you play nice see!"

Placing my right hand on the haft of my blade and the left on my hip as I widen my stance a bit..."I believe he knows a'touch common tongue, but I am happy to translate. His hands stay free for now Ylarum and don't forget he is my captive, a spoil of war so's ta speak and under no ones sway but mine! Now what do ya have in mind with my property?"  as I fold my hands across my chest.
Erarht keeps his mouth shut and waits for Ylarum to answer Runch's query. He tries to follow with great anxiety, partly because he does not seem to completely understand the exchanges not using the Orcish dialect, and partly because he still seems very concerned about his own safety.

Quote from: skofflox;446191Nimten hands the key back with a "Thank you Othos." and pauses in thought as the bell tolls...he then gets up and strides towards the room with the slain tentacled creature. He will throw a bit of debris to check the trap and then proceed into the room accordingly.
Testing the trap shows it to be still very much active. Nimten then crawls under the candle and reaches the room without problem.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on March 15, 2011, 01:11:04 PM
Quote from: Benoist;446176The smell coming off the hole is awful. Smells like rot, or sewers, or both. It feels wet, damp, like the saturated air trapped within is slowly being released in the storage room around Tudd.

There are many pieces of equipment here. Poles, pikes, pickaxes, shovels, rope, bags filled with potatoes and grain, hooks, pitons and so on.

Wrinkling his nose and snorting, Tudd hurriedly grabs 5 pitons, a length of rope, a shovel, a pickaxe, and a pike, and then heads back out to Runch.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 15, 2011, 02:01:17 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;446311Wrinkling his nose and snorting, Tudd hurriedly grabs 5 pitons, a length of rope, a shovel, a pickaxe, and a pike, and then heads back out to Runch.
Tudd proceeds without trouble. He leaves the room and catches up with the situation by the dais.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 15, 2011, 02:26:21 PM
Ulas once again takes up a position in the dais room south of the floor trap and watches out for trouble at the debris barricade.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on March 15, 2011, 02:37:35 PM
Ylarum, to Runch: "Stay your blade, fellow adventurer.  We found a hatch or a trapdoor or something in the room yonder.  Let's say we tie a leash to it, throw it down the hole.  If nothing eats it, then no harm no foul.  If it dies or escapes, I'll pay weregild."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 16, 2011, 12:45:16 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;446343Ylarum, to Runch: "Stay your blade, fellow adventurer.  We found a hatch or a trapdoor or something in the room yonder.  Let's say we tie a leash to it, throw it down the hole.  If nothing eats it, then no harm no foul.  If it dies or escapes, I'll pay weregild."

Raising an eyebrow and snorting at Ylarums query, I jerk my thumb towrads the Orc..."Things name is Erarht."

Turning my head a bit and continuing in Orcish..."Howzya feel bout doin a bit o' explor'n for the lads here?" as I sweep my hand towards the others. "My companion thinks we should dangle ya inta some pit yonder. Watcha say?, feel'n brave?"

Nimten counts the yellow oily balls and then picks up a piece of detritus and throws it into the candle trap room...will then recount the yellow balls.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 16, 2011, 12:44:08 PM
Quote from: Cole;446341Ulas once again takes up a position in the dais room south of the floor trap and watches out for trouble at the debris barricade.
Ulas stands by the southern edge of the plate trap. Everything is quiet to the north. Too quiet, maybe.

DM: Roll 1d100.

Quote from: skofflox;446488[in Orcish] "My companion thinks we should dangle ya inta some pit yonder. Watcha say?, feel'n brave?"
Erarht looks back and forth between Ylarum and Runch once more. You can see the conflicting urges fighting within. The deep-seated cowardice that expelled him from the Toruk Rul surely is one of them. It is hard to tell what the others might be. [in Orcish] "Do I really have a choice?"

Quote from: skofflox;446488Nimten counts the yellow oily balls and then picks up a piece of detritus and throws it into the candle trap room...will then recount the yellow balls.
You count the balls. There are 43 of them.

You throw a piece of rubble through the corridor and once more, the trap is activated, the candles each blasting their ray and wisp and blob of magma at their target, which is ultimately disintegrated by the process.

You then count the yellow balls again. 43 of them, just like before.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 16, 2011, 12:47:14 PM
Just as these events unfold, you notice that the platform resting on top of the dais is being raised once more, though you have not given any signal to the people above to do so.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 16, 2011, 01:29:35 PM
Quote from: Benoist;446626Ulas stands by the southern edge of the plate trap. Everything is quiet to the north. Too quiet, maybe.

DM: Roll 1d100.

14 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 16, 2011, 02:08:59 PM
Quote from: Cole;44664414 (
Ulas Xegg notices some lights on the other side of the huge pile of clutter, through the mess of beams and dust and boulders beyond the red lantern. These might be refracting off a mirror, so faint and brief their flickering seems to the Assassin.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 16, 2011, 02:13:29 PM
Ulas silently waves over the nearest PC in the room, makes a "quiet," gesture with his finger, then points to the flickering light.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 16, 2011, 02:38:27 PM
Quote from: Cole;446656Ulas silently waves over the nearest PC in the room, makes a "quiet," gesture with his finger, then points to the flickering light.
DM: According to my map, the dwarves and Tudd are closer to Ulas, but anyone in the room might very well notice his gestures.

Here's an updated map for clarity's sake:

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on March 16, 2011, 10:35:09 PM
Ignoring matters of orc-bait for the moment, Ylarum will cry "Oi!  The platform!" and jump forward to grab ahold.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 16, 2011, 10:41:43 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;446820Ignoring matters of orc-bait for the moment, Ylarum will cry "Oi!  The platform!" and jump forward to grab ahold.
Ylarum would have to jump to cease the edge of the platform before it is completely out of reach.

DM: Roll 1d100.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 16, 2011, 10:42:55 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;446820Ignoring matters of orc-bait for the moment, Ylarum will cry "Oi!  The platform!" and jump forward to grab ahold.
Ylarum would have to jump to seize the edge of the platform before it is completely out of reach.

DM: Roll 1d100.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 16, 2011, 10:43:12 PM
Hearing the shout, Ulas takes a step back and takes partial cover behind the corner to his left, but still keeping an eye north.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 16, 2011, 10:47:13 PM
seeing the platform start to move..."Wha'the!?" lunging up the dias to help Ylarum grab the platform quick like!

Nimten rubs his chin in thought and turns to look at the tentacled corpse then the rest of the room...if nothing else jumps out at him he will shrug and find another bit of debris to throw into the candle room. He will be looking at the large piece of furniture as he gives the un aimed toss...for anything that may stand out to his elven senses...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 16, 2011, 11:21:38 PM
Quote from: skofflox;446827seeing the platform start to move..."Wha'the!?" lunging up the dias to help Ylarum grab the platform quick like!
DM: Roll 1d100 as well.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on March 16, 2011, 11:35:18 PM
Here's hoping you wanted low, because you cannot get any lower than...

1d100=1 (

assuming no mods! :P
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 17, 2011, 11:27:42 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;446842Here's hoping you wanted low, because you cannot get any lower than...

1d100=1 (

assuming no mods! :P
DM: Lower indeed... :)

Ylarum catches the platform and manages to keep it from swinging widely on its elevation axis. He stabilizes and can pull himself up onto the platform while it is still being raised up towards the ceiling. What does he do?

Quote from: Cole;446825Hearing the shout, Ulas takes a step back and takes partial cover behind the corner to his left, but still keeping an eye north.
The lights flicker widely and disappear in a fraction of second following Ylarum's warning.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 17, 2011, 11:32:16 AM
Quote from: skofflox;446827Nimten rubs his chin in thought and turns to look at the tentacled corpse then the rest of the room...if nothing else jumps out at him he will shrug and find another bit of debris to throw into the candle room. He will be looking at the large piece of furniture as he gives the un aimed toss...for anything that may stand out to his elven senses...
Nimten tests his unformulated theory, throwing his piece of rubble into the corridor while trying to catch a hint of something, anything moving or changing within the room. The trap is activated, and Nimten does not notice anything, despite his keen elven senses.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on March 17, 2011, 08:23:52 PM
Being pretty sure most of the living creatures below us are dead, and we're now dealing with cleanup and exploration, Ylarum will look up and shout "OI!  WHY ARE YOU RAISING THE PLATFORM!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 17, 2011, 08:32:47 PM
Quote from: Benoist;446839DM: Roll 1d100 as well.

yikes!...roll: 87
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on March 18, 2011, 08:58:08 AM
"Ooo, ooo... I wanna dangle in the pit.... where's a pit? I wanna dangle, can I dangle, please, please?" Tudd exclaims excitedly, dropping the tools and gear he was carrying all over the floor with a clatter as he jumps up and down.. Seeing Ylarum grab the platform and climb up, Tudd stops jumping with a frown, then starts pouting, "Awww... I wanted to dangle...."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 18, 2011, 12:39:12 PM
Quote from: skofflox;447019yikes!...roll: 87
Runch had expected the platform to swing after Ylarum's trajectory, but it didn't, and the half-orc misses it by a few feet, landing on the dais unscathed, and panting.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;447016Being pretty sure most of the living creatures below us are dead, and we're now dealing with cleanup and exploration, Ylarum will look up and shout "OI!  WHY ARE YOU RAISING THE PLATFORM!"
Ylarum's voice carries through the vertical tunnel, reverberating off its vaguely circular wall. At first there is no response, but then, the platform stops going up suddenly. The ropes' tension causes the platform to slightly wobble, but Ylarum makes the best of it and stays in place.

An unknown male voice echoes back down the tunnel from the surface, five hundred feet above. It is intelligible nonetheless, perhaps due to the mineral qualities of the earth surrounding the shaft. The voice is deep, and firm: "ARE THE REST OF YOU SAFE DOWN THERE? WHY ARE YOU NOT ANSWERING THE BELL'S CALL?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 18, 2011, 04:15:30 PM
Looking up at the platform..."We fair well! What is the meaning of the bell?"

Nimten studies the tentacled corpse closely for a short time...looking at the beasts eye structure and musing on more component harvesting.
Taking the wrapped heart out of his pack to check the binding as well...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 19, 2011, 01:34:50 AM
Quote from: skofflox;447149Looking up at the platform..."We fair well! What is the meaning of the bell?"
Runch's question (which I presume is shouted) carries through the shaft, albeit rather faintly.

Unbelievably, it seems whoever is at the other end could actually understand his words from the echoes that reached the surface. ( The answer soon follows:



Quote from: skofflox;447149Nimten studies the tentacled corpse closely for a short time...looking at the beasts eye structure and musing on more component harvesting.
Taking the wrapped heart out of his pack to check the binding as well...
The eye of the creature is unusual, surely. Whether it could be sold or somehow used for some alchemical process would require further study, but this certainly is a possibility.

Nimten then grabs the wrapped heart out of his pack and inspects it. It is still beating regularly, as if the creature were still alive, though the drying, dull eye the elf just inspected told him otherwise.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on March 21, 2011, 02:42:57 PM
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 21, 2011, 08:40:56 PM
"Someone to the north has been watching us. I think all the bellowing has made them wary. We too should be wary. Let us organize ourselves for defense."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 21, 2011, 11:41:48 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;447486Ylarum bellows out : "DROP ANOTHER LINE, JUST A THIN ONE AND WE'LL PASS UP A NOTE!"
There is a pause as Ylarum's shout echoes up the shaft. The answer ultimately reaches him back in a similar manner: "NO MORE ROPE. LOWERING THE PLATFORM NOW. WAIT FOR ME. I'M COMING DOWN."

With that, the platform on which Ylarum is standing is lowered back within the circular room, towards the dais.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on March 22, 2011, 04:54:21 PM
When the shouts about the platform echoed through the great circular chamber, both Belak and Klob immediately rush over to the dais.  Although they were too late to make a grab for it, they stood ready to assist Ylarum if need to try and pull it back down.  Belak was relieved to hear the conversation with those above, he and Klob remained silent so that those communicating could do so with the best possible clarity.

As soon as Ulas says that someone has been watching them from the north, Klob immediately raises his crossbow to his chin and cocks it in one fluid motion.  Belak grabs his battle axe off his belt and turns to face the north part of the circular chamber as well.

"What is it?" Belak asks in a harsh whisper as he looks to the north.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 22, 2011, 04:58:25 PM
Quote from: Drohem;447715"What is it?" Belak asks in a harsh whisper as he looks to the north.

"Only the subtlest flicker. But suspicious for its very subtlety."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 23, 2011, 02:47:28 AM
Runch murmers..."Whos com'n down now?" as I look to the Dwarves as they bring weapons to bear at Ulas's obsevation. I check to make sure my sword is loose in its scabard then stride back to Erarht, glancing to the north as I do so.

Nimten shrugs and throws his cloak behind him afore going to work on the ocular orbit with his dagger... alternating between fascination and grim determination as he goes about the work...swallowing thickly as he cuts deep.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 23, 2011, 12:17:36 PM
A few seconds after the platform touches the dais, you all start seeing some dust and pieces of rock fall from the hole in the ceiling. Someone is presently climbing down the ropes, judging by their present wiggling motion.

Quote from: Drohem;447715As soon as Ulas says that someone has been watching them from the north, Klob immediately raises his crossbow to his chin and cocks it in one fluid motion.  Belak grabs his battle axe off his belt and turns to face the north part of the circular chamber as well.

"What is it?" Belak asks in a harsh whisper as he looks to the north.

Quote from: Cole;447717"Only the subtlest flicker. But suspicious for its very subtlety."
For some time, there are no noticeable movements occurring north of your position, but then, suddenly, just as Ulas Xegg addresses Belak, they both can see, with Klob, tiny plumes of smoke puff through the clutter beyond the red lantern.

Despite the eerie red light emanating from the lantern casting sharp shadows all around it, you can clearly notice that the multiple wisps making it through the cracks have some sort of bright green, almost luminescent, color to them. They dissipate almost immediately, as if they were constituted of particules heavier than the air around them.

Had you not been watching over that location, you probably wouldn't have seen them.

Quote from: skofflox;447757Runch murmers..."Whos com'n down now?" as I look to the Dwarves as they bring weapons to bear at Ulas's obsevation. I check to make sure my sword is loose in its scabard then stride back to Erarht, glancing to the north as I do so.
Snave is not standing far from Runch as he asks his question. He shrugs silently, visibly wondering the exact same thing.

Quote from: skofflox;447757Nimten shrugs and throws his cloak behind him afore going to work on the ocular orbit with his dagger... alternating between facination and grim determination as he goes about the work...swallowing thickly as he cuts deep.
It's a messy business, but Nimten proceeds intently. It is going to take some time.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 26, 2011, 12:42:32 PM
"There is green smoke coming out of those cracks to the north. I would not want to breathe it - maybe it is poison."

Ulas scowls and draws further behind cover. He whispers harshly,

"Or worse, a burning fuse preparing to blow a hole in that debris. And if it lands on the trap, it will fly straight in here!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 28, 2011, 01:08:24 AM
Striding up to Erarht, jerking my thumb to the north as my right hand rests on the hilt of my sword ..." Ya knoz anyth'n bout what's b'yond that rubble or that green wisp com'n thru, poison maybe?" watching his reaction closely, looking for any sign of nervuosness or hesitation (I know he has already answered once about what is beyond the rubble).

Nimten keeps cutting...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on March 28, 2011, 08:16:46 AM
Tudd excitedly switches back and forth between watching the rope and watching the rubble to the north, then says "Owww!" as he gets a spasm in his neck.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 28, 2011, 02:16:14 PM
Quote from: Cole;448228"There is green smoke coming out of those cracks to the north. I would not want to breathe it - maybe it is poison."

Ulas scowls and draws further behind cover. He whispers harshly,

"Or worse, a burning fuse preparing to blow a hole in that debris. And if it lands on the trap, it will fly straight in here!"
A few precious seconds fly by. There is no explosion. The clutter by the red lantern does not violently fall apart. Maybe there is the hint of another faint whisp of smoke, red -pink?- this time, but nothing that breaks the tension building as Ulas, Tudd and the dwarves stare at the wall of debris.

Quote from: skofflox;448454Striding up to Erarht, jerking my thumb to the north as my right hand rests on the hilt of my sword ..." Ya knoz anyth'n bout what's b'yond that rubble or that green wisp com'n thru, poison maybe?" watching his reaction closely, looking for any sign of nervuosness or hesitation (I know he has already answered once about what is beyond the rubble).

Nimten keeps cutting...
DM: Actually, he didn't exactly answer that question (see this post ( and the ones following to see how the conversation went astray from there).

"A large corridor. Lanterns and urns, just like these ones," he gestures towards the yellow lantern and the large roofed urned standing under, "large doors on both sides. The large crystal and entrance hall beyond. The one with the blue door. I just hid by the urn waiting for the fight to be over. The walls were moving. I was too afraid..."

Quote from: Sigmund;448467Tudd excitedly switches back and forth between watching the rope and watching the rubble to the north, then says "Owww!" as he gets a spasm in his neck.
The shape of a large man wearing black robes and suit of mail over them appears by the opening in the ceiling, climbing down the set of ropes leading to the basket resting on the dais. He is a large fellow, and wears a long heater shield, a broad sword and a staff or pole crossed on his back. He also carries a large leather pouch and dagger both secured to his waistband, and uses a set of chains to secure himself to the ropes while he is climbing down carefully.

DM: I'll stop there, since you guys might want to say or do something before the man reaches the dais. Let me know if you just wait, all the same. Here's an updated map showing everyone's positions as I extrapolated them (let me know if I got something wrong in OOC and I'll correct it):

Click for higher resolution (
( (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on March 29, 2011, 02:14:03 AM
Belak waits and watches the rubble area behind the red lantern on the northern wall, and waits and watches some more.  He hears that someone or something is coming down the lift and should emerge shortly, but from his position he has sight to it now so he turns his attention back to the rubble area and waits.

Klob has a bead on the rubble area behind the red lantern and waits, and waits.  Finally, he returns to normal breathing and relaxes his trigger finger slightly.  He looks over to Belak and sees him looking toward the shaft, and then return his gaze to the north.  Klob follows his lead and focuses his attention back on that spot on the northern wall.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 29, 2011, 07:40:14 PM
Quote from: Benoist;448504
DM: I'll stop there, since you guys might want to say or do something before the man reaches the dais.

Ulas tries to hide behind the trough.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 30, 2011, 12:26:50 AM
I stand near Erarht as he relates his answer, nodding and rubbing my chin... " Hmmm. We've a map showing the area there. Easy enough to confirm what ya say, for all the good it does. An don't fret. We wont be send'n ya down no hole ya don't wanna go inta so be easy. Wonder who's com'n down?"  as I raise an eyebrow and point to the ropes leading from the Golden ladder...then looking back north to the rubble...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on March 30, 2011, 12:53:26 PM
Quote from: skofflox;448454Nimten keeps cutting...
Nimten is now done cutting. The eye of the beast is even larger than its heart. It will not fit in a backpack, that's for sure.

Quote from: Cole;448723Ulas tries to hide behind the trough.
Ulas tries to squeeze between the trough and the wall behind it. He can flatten himself enough to make it, but it is a tight fit. Not enough room to do much of anything. What direction is he looking towards (he will not be able to turn himself over, if something were to happen)?


The large man keeps on climbing down from the ceiling and finally reaches the dais. He carefully stores the chains he used to secure himself to the ropes in the large basket right next to him, and has a look around. He eyes are intense, inquisitive. After a few brief looks left, right, above and down later, he takes notice of your current positions and takes a few steps away (westward) from the basket. He unfastens some straps tightened over his chest and seizes his sword and shield before saying: "Mundel of Kantz. Brother of the Sword."

He draws a few short breaths, and then asks, nodding towards the dwarves and half-orcs all looking at the pile of rubble to the north: "You are the other mercenaries Angharad hired, aren't you? What is going on?"

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on March 30, 2011, 10:20:17 PM
Quote from: Benoist;448812Ulas tries to squeeze between the trough and the wall behind it. He can flatten himself enough to make it, but it is a tight fit. Not enough room to do much of anything. What direction is he looking towards (he will not be able to turn himself over, if something were to happen)?

Toward the well. But when the guy seems nonthreatening, Ulas will slip back out.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on March 31, 2011, 08:35:29 AM
Tudd looks the newcomer up and down, then grins and waves and says "Hi. This is Bug.", while pointing to his left shoulder.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on March 31, 2011, 02:18:41 PM
eyeing the mans bearing while sketching a bow to the newcomer..." Well met Mundel of Kantz. I am Runch, Charlathan Revivalist and Arms-m'n, recently hired by Angharad. The good look'n one (nodding head towards Tudd & bug with a sly grin.) is my brother Tudd."

Nimten casts about for something to wrap the eye in...will cut a section of rug or other clothe if available, if not, then his pillow or blanket (will not cut blanket).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 01, 2011, 12:38:52 PM
Quote from: Cole;448941Toward the well. But when the guy seems nonthreatening, Ulas will slip back out.
OK. No problem.

Quote from: Sigmund;448971Tudd looks the newcomer up and down, then grins and waves and says "Hi. This is Bug.", while pointing to his left shoulder.
Tudd can see the brother hesitates for a moment, unsure how to react. He finally smiles, an expression that seems out of place, given his initial austere behavior and appearance: "Glad to meet you... bug."

He looks around and spots Erarht the orc standing behind Runch. He frowns slightly before paying attention to Runch's greeting:

Quote from: skofflox;449023eyeing the mans bearing while sketching a bow to the newcomer..." Well met Mundel of Kantz. I am Runch, Charlathan Revivalist and Arms-m'n, recently hired by Angharad. The good look'n one (nodding head towards Tudd & bug with a sly grin.) is my brother Tudd."
"Ah. Tudd it is, then." He nods towards him, and then turns back to Runch, sword and shield still in hand, facing north. "There is a bit of a "situation" upstairs. I am just here to make sure you are in no immediate danger, and let you know before you make your way back up." He pauses. "What is it we are looking at?" He nods towards the pile of rubble, having not seen any of the smoke puffing through the cracks.

Quote from: skofflox;449023Nimten casts about for something to wrap the eye in...will cut a section of rug or other clothe if available, if not, then his pillow or blanket (will not cut blanket).
Nimten has no choice but to use the large rub to wrap the eyeball. He starts moving it, trying to determine what exact length of fabric he would need to do the job, when he notices the rug was actually concealing some sort of metal plaque embedded in the floor under it. It is round, and about 5 feet in diameter. Its surface is etched with various symbols that are hard to make out at the moment.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 01, 2011, 12:59:01 PM
Quote from: Benoist;449213He pauses. "What is it we are looking at?" He nods towards the pile of rubble, having not seen any of the smoke puffing through the cracks.

"A barricade built by orcs, leaking vile smoke."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 03, 2011, 01:53:32 AM
Quote from: Cole;449224"A barricade built by orcs, leaking vile smoke."
The brother nods towards Erarht the orc: "He's one of them? Why aren't his hands tied up?"

You can see the orc instinctively search for cover behind Runch's back.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on April 03, 2011, 03:40:35 PM
Quote from: Benoist;449213"Ah. Tudd it is, then." He nods towards him, and then turns back to Runch, sword and shield still in hand, facing north. "There is a bit of a "situation" upstairs. I am just here to make sure you are in no immediate danger, and let you know before you make your way back up." He pauses. "What is it we are looking at?" He nods towards the pile of rubble, having not seen any of the smoke puffing through the cracks.

Quote from: Benoist;449527The brother nods towards Erarht the orc: "He's one of them? Why aren't his hands tied up?"

You can see the orc instinctively search for cover behind Runch's back.

Ignoring his question regarding Erarht for the moment...
"Safe enough for the moment though the smoke coming from beyond the rubble is worry'sm. I trust the wounded are being ministered in a timely fashion. What sort of "situation" is happening topside?" as I indicate the shaft with a nodd in it's direction.

upon noticing the silver plate Nimten raises an eyebrow "Ahh, now what's this?!" and struggles to move the rug away...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on April 04, 2011, 12:53:52 AM
Quote from: Benoist;449527The brother nods towards Erarht the orc: "He's one of them? Why aren't his hands tied up?"

You can see the orc instinctively search for cover behind Runch's back.

Ylarum speaks: "I wanted it tied up or disposed of, too."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on April 04, 2011, 04:04:36 AM
Belak nods toward Mundel when he speaks to them, and listens while the others speak with him.  Belak wanted to observe the man and his reactions before making an assessment about him, and his purpose here.

Finally, the young dwarf warrior speaks and says, "strange things are a foot down here, Mundel of Kantz.  I have seen strange creatures and foul magics in my short time down here.  I am Belak Agadal and grandson of Cadfan.  This is my man Klob."

He looks toward the rubble along the northern passage and says, "unnatural mists have been emanating from that rubble there, and, given the supernatural creatures faced down here already, I believe there is merit in being cautious here."

Jerking his head back toward the orc, he grunts and says plainly, "he is more scared of what is down here than of us.  He is no threat to us, and has been cooperative."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on April 04, 2011, 12:03:10 PM
Tudd eyes the brother with a frown and moves to stand beside Runch, morningstar held before him, the tip resting on the floor, "Erarht nice, and he's me and my brudder's new friend. How do we know you're not a bad man? Maybe you're friends with the ogre's lunch. What you think Bug, should we tie him up?" at which Tudd cocks his head as if listening to his shoulder while staring at the brother suspiciously. Suddenly, Tudd's face lights up and he exclaims, "Ooo, hey brudder, I forgot, I found a drink.... is it beer ya think? Can I have the beer? I won't get woozly, I promise, I be good!" Tudd drops his morningstar and turns in a couple circles chasing his backpack and finally reaches it and pulls out the potion he found earlier and holds it out to Runch after picking his morningstar back up with his shield hand, grinning. He then glances back at the brother with a glare, then back at Runch with a grin, then off into space with a confused expression, eyes working back and forth without actually looking at anyone.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 04, 2011, 01:13:07 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;449796Ylarum speaks: "I wanted it tied up or disposed of, too."
The brother nods in agreement. "That's what I would have thought appropriate. Why isn't he, then?"

Quote from: skofflox;449643Ignoring his question regarding Erarht for the moment...
"Safe enough for the moment though the smoke coming from beyond the rubble is worry'sm. I trust the wounded are being ministered in a timely fashion. What sort of "situation" is happening topside?" as I indicate the shaft with a nodd in it's direction.
Mundel struggles with his thoughts for a split second, as if trying to put in direct terms a complex situation: "Let's just say that I am not here by choice. When Angharad came to the Bladechapel asking for our help, she interrupted... negotiations with the authorities of the Church. I thought best to send her on her way, refusing to agree to her demands in front of the Abbot's envoys, but fully intending to correct this falsehood later on."

He sighs, throws another look at Erarht the Orc, and continues: "What I did not expect was that we would be assigned a chaperon who would follow us on our city round. I decided to make for the Gold Ladder anyway - time was of the essence, as I understood it -, pretending to shut down whatever operations you would be engaged in if necessary."

"The truth of the matter is that I want to help - I am friend, not foe, and know Bertold well - but the Brotherhood cannot get involved. I have to make the Black monk upstairs believe I am being tough on you, so he will leave both the Brotherhood and the Ladder alone. Which is why I am here. Well, besides my own curiosity's satisfaction, of course, and the desire to see you make it back up if you need it."

Quote from: Drohem;449835Belak nods toward Mundel when he speaks to them, and listens while the others speak with him.  Belak wanted to observe the man and his reactions before making an assessment about him, and his purpose here.

Finally, the young dwarf warrior speaks and says, "strange things are a foot down here, Mundel of Kantz.  I have seen strange creatures and foul magics in my short time down here.  I am Belak Agadal and grandson of Cadfan.  This is my man Klob."
Mundel nods towards Klob, then adds for Belak: "I know your grandfather to some extent. If you grow up to become half the dwarf he is, I reckon you shall be mighty indeed." He smiles.

Quote from: Drohem;449835He looks toward the rubble along the northern passage and says, "unnatural mists have been emanating from that rubble there, and, given the supernatural creatures faced down here already, I believe there is merit in being cautious here."

Jerking his head back toward the orc, he grunts and says plainly, "he is more scared of what is down here than of us.  He is no threat to us, and has been cooperative."
It is now Mundel's turn to ignore the remarks concerning the orc. "Is this immediate area secure, then? What is your plan from here?"

Quote from: Sigmund;449888"Erarht nice, and he's me and my brudder's new friend. How do we know you're not a bad man? Maybe you're friends with the ogre's lunch. What you think Bug, should we tie him up?" at which Tudd cocks his head as if listening to his shoulder while staring at the brother suspiciously. Suddenly, Tudd's face lights up and he exclaims, "Ooo, hey brudder, I forgot, I found a drink.... is it beer ya think? Can I have the beer? I won't get woozly, I promise, I be good!" Tudd drops his morningstar and turns in a couple circles chasing his backpack and finally reaches it and pulls out the potion he found earlier and holds it out to Runch after picking his morningstar back up with his shield hand, grinning. He then glances back at the brother with a glare, then back at Runch with a grin, then off into space with a confused expression, eyes working back and forth without actually looking at anyone.
The brother looks confused. He then asks tentatively: "Does he actually know what this vial contains?"

Quote from: skofflox;449643upon noticing the silver plate Nimten raises an eyebrow "Ahh, now what's this?!" and struggles to move the rug away...
The rug is partially stuck under the mass of the creature you slaughtered earlier. It would require many more individuals to be able to move it entirely out of the way, but Nimten can inspect the plaque (not made of silver, but some slightly darker metal or alloy) at this point all the same.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 04, 2011, 05:56:51 PM
Quote from: Benoist;449901The truth of the matter is that I want to help - I am friend, not foe, and know Bertold well - but the Brotherhood cannot get involved. I have to make the Black monk upstairs believe I am being tough on you, so he will leave both the Brotherhood and the Ladder alone. Which is why I am here. Well, besides my own curiosity's satisfaction, of course, and the desire to see you make it back up if you need it.

"What does the Black Monk think you're saying to us down here, anyway?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 04, 2011, 08:10:40 PM
Quote from: Cole;450006"What does the Black Monk think you're saying to us down here, anyway?"
"As far as he is concerned, there was an accident underground, the innkeeper is missing, some wounded people were recovered from the hole, and you guys didn't make it back up, so I went down to check out what's going on. The main thing is that for the moment, he must be persuaded we - and by we, I really mean the Brothers of the Sword - have everything under control. I... haven't exactly worked out the details yet. I'm open to ideas - but the man can't be bribed or harmed or anything of the sort."

"If the Abbey gets wind of this, and assumes we just let innkeepers dig however they want within the city walls, we might get in trouble with Dalenguard. If the Brothers lose favor in the eyes of the Commissar, who knows what's next? The 'purest' elements of the Church might see it as a green light to step in and clean up the camps beyond the walls. I suppose you see where this is going."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 04, 2011, 08:19:16 PM
Quote from: Benoist;450041I suppose you see where this is going.[/COLOR]"

Ulas responds with a beat of still silence, then "Nor do I much like it."

He then addresses the rest of the party "What are we going to do about this smoking barrier? I want to find out what is behind the secret door in the northeast section of this chamber, but I would not like to be attacked from the north while dealing with whatever lies behind it."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on April 05, 2011, 11:40:07 PM
Ylarum jerks his thumb towards the orc.

"This...seems so eager to please.  Why not set it on prying a few of the rocks away, let it see if it can worry a spyhole."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 06, 2011, 10:50:18 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;450308"This...seems so eager to please.  Why not set it on prying a few of the rocks away, let it see if it can worry a spyhole."
Erarht throws a pleading look at Runch, then back and forth between the pile of rubble and the people around him. "Wait ... wait. What? Who? Me? Alone?"

Mundel scoffs: "Well. Looks like we have a volunteer."

In the distance, to the north, you all hear the sound of a piece of lumber hitting a rock. It is not some great crashing sound but instead a soft, almost discreet thump, maybe from somewhere within or on the other side of the wall of rubble. There is no visible movement, and no other sound following this lone, brief incident.

The orc looks terrified.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 06, 2011, 11:01:51 AM
Quote from: Benoist;450356In the distance, to the north, you all hear the sound of a piece of lumber hitting a rock. It is not some great crashing sound but instead a soft, almost discreet thump, maybe from somewhere within or on the other side of the wall of rubble. There is no visible movement, and no other sound following this lone, brief incident.

The orc looks terrified.

"Is that the sound of your brethren?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 06, 2011, 11:07:09 AM
Quote from: Cole;450358"Is that the sound of your brethren?"
The orc looks at Ulas Xegg. There is panic in his eyes, and anger, and self-loathing. He blurts out: "HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW!?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on April 06, 2011, 11:33:25 AM
Tudd grunts and gathers all the tools he had dropped, including the pike, and says, "Come on Erarht, me and Bug'll help ya. Runch can handle the bad man and the mean Alarm guy with the big mouth. I like movin rocks... never know what kinda good stuff ya might find under 'em.... hey, maybe Bug's friends live there...."

Tudd moves with his burden towards the rubble.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 06, 2011, 12:09:02 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;450366"Come on Erarht, me and Bug'll help ya. Runch can handle the bad man and the mean Alarm guy with the big mouth. I like movin rocks... never know what kinda good stuff ya might find under 'em.... hey, maybe Bug's friends live there...."

Tudd moves with his burden towards the rubble.
Erarht watches Tudd as he moves towards the rubble. He looks one last time at the others assembled by the dais and spits: "Fine!"

The orc then catches up with Tudd.

DM: How do you proceed with the pile of rubble?

Mundel of Kantz wears a slightly amused expression on his face. He points out: "I was hoping we could proceed back up and deal with our little... situation, but it looks like you have your hands full for now. The monk will be growing impatient. Shall I leave you here and and try to make up some convincing story about what is going on down here? I could send some help or supplies back down if you need any."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on April 06, 2011, 12:23:44 PM
Belak looks to the north at the faint banging sound, and then back to the conversation at hand.

"I'm going to cut the slag with you, Mundel, since you seem like an honest fellow," Belak says to Mundel, "you're not in charge here, nor is this black monk above.  Unless he wants to roll up his sleeves and get dirty with us down here, I don't care what this man thinks.  Something strange and supernatural is happening down here, right now, and we're dealing with it as best we can."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on April 06, 2011, 12:30:09 PM
Quote from: Benoist;450374Erarht watches Tudd as he moves towards the rubble. He looks one last time at the others assembled by the dais and spits: "Fine!"

The orc then catches up with Tudd.

DM: How do you proceed with the pile of rubble?

Mundel of Kantz wears a slightly amused expression on his face. He points out: "I was hoping we could proceed back up and deal with our little... situation, but it looks like you have your hands full for now. The monk will be growing impatient. Shall I leave you here and and try to make up some convincing story about what is going on down here? I could send some help or supplies back down if you need any."

OOC: One rock at a time. ;D

We attempt to start from the top and work our way down if we an... at least until something happens to distract us.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 06, 2011, 12:39:16 PM
Quote from: Drohem;450378Belak looks to the north at the faint banging sound, and then back to the conversation at hand.

"I'm going to cut the slag with you, Mundel, since you seem like an honest fellow," Belak says to Mundel, "you're not in charge here, nor is this black monk above.  Unless he wants to roll up his sleeves and get dirty with us down here, I don't care what this man thinks.  Something strange and supernatural is happening down here, right now, and we're dealing with it as best we can."
A broad smile appears on Mundel's face: "I should have expected as much from Cadfan's grandson."

"Rest assured I have no intention to take control of your operations. As a matter of fact, I cannot. What I need is for Brother Malekh -the Black Monk- to stay as far away from this hole as possible. I just needed to know if you were into any kind of trouble and needed help, first."

Quote from: Sigmund;450380OOC: One rock at a time. ;D

We attempt to start from the top and work our way down if we an... at least until something happens to distract us.
( ;) )

You work your way down from the top. As soon as you start pulling some of the heavy boulders away from the pile, you notice some of them are covered with some kind of luminescent green moss or mushroom on their sides facing north.

DM: Roll 1d6.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on April 06, 2011, 12:50:34 PM
Quote from: Benoist;450382( ;) )

You work your way down from the top. As soon as you start pulling some of the heavy boulders away from the pile, you notice some of them are covered with some kind of luminescent green moss or mushroom on their sides facing north.

DM: Roll 1d6.

Die roll for Tudd

Campaign: Ptolus
Rolled on: 2011-04-06 09:48:16.905505

1d6 → [3] = (3) (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 06, 2011, 01:24:10 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;4503831d6 → [3] = (3) (
DM: Erarht rolls a 4. (

Both Tudd and Erarht managed to avoid touching the green luminescent stuff as they moved their first boulders. On closer inspection, you can see the patches look like some sort of cousin or hybrid between moss and lichen. In some areas, you see that there are webs of translucent liquid stretching between the organism's protrusions, a bit like flat spider webs with a thicker, luminescent quality to them. Who knows what would have happened if you had pierced one of those?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on April 06, 2011, 04:10:22 PM
After motioning Tudd to put the vial back into his pouch for now...

Nodding as Belak and Ulas address the man, then looking to Mundel and extending a hand...
"Thanks for your concern, I trust the politics above wont be interfere'n wi'this exploration. Some aids in tend'n ta battle wounds would be 'preciated as our resources are limited...hmmm...asides from that a strong sword arm or quick bow would be welcome for the work ahead. We seem to be short a few delvers as of late!" I look to the north with some concern as Tudd and Erarht proceed to loosen rubble...

Nimten will study the plate closely...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 06, 2011, 05:47:15 PM
Quote from: Benoist;450393DM: Erarht rolls a 4. (

Both Tudd and Erarht managed to avoid touching the green luminescent stuff as they moved their first boulders. On closer inspection, you can see the patches look like some sort of cousin or hybrid between moss and lichen. In some areas, you see that there are webs of translucent liquid stretching between the organism's protrusions, a bit like flat spider webs with a thicker, luminescent quality to them. Who knows what would have happened if you had pierced one of those?

"That 'smoke' must be some kind of spores! Take caution!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on April 07, 2011, 01:27:46 AM
coming to stand next to Mundel..."What did you make of that vial Tudd has, you seemed surprised?"

Whipping my head in Ulas's direction..then loudly to Tudd and Erarht "Ware that smoke brother! Best get away from there for the time bee'n"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 07, 2011, 12:08:09 PM
Erarht stops working as soon as they are warned. He waits a few steps away from Tudd, unsure what to do.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on April 07, 2011, 12:44:30 PM
"Awww!", Tudd moans, "I was hopin' ta find Bug's family" He sets the stone down he had moved and starts gathering the tools back up again. "Heh Erarht, get some 'a these tools, you can carry some too."

OOC: There should be a spare pick and shovel for Erarht to carry.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 07, 2011, 01:24:21 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;450632OOC: There should be a spare pick and shovel for Erarht to carry.
DM: To get to the pile of rubble Erarht and Tudd had to move around the trap, through the apothecary and western storage room. In that last room there is a whole collection of tools, including picks and shovels and rope and hooks and the like. This is where you could get these tools from.

The orc wonders out loud: "Does that mean we're done digging?"

Mundel cuts in: "I shall go back to the surface. Make up some story about some sewer, you're still trying to get to Bertold after some collapse of the ceiling or something."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on April 07, 2011, 01:35:59 PM
Quote from: Benoist;450651DM: To get to the pile of rubble Erarht and Tudd had to move around the trap, through the apothecary and western storage room. In that last room there is a whole collection of tools, including picks and shovels and rope and hooks and the like. This is where you could get these tools from.

The orc wonders out loud: "Does that mean we're done digging?"

Tudd shrugs and says, "Guess so" Maybe they want the dwarfs to do it, they supposed to be good at the diggin' stuff I think."

OOC: Tudd's been carrying a whole mess of tools ( around for a few pages now. I was referring to the pickaxe and shovel from what he had grabbed. Tudd has the pike, rope, and pitons.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 07, 2011, 01:54:59 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;450657OOC: Tudd's been carrying a whole mess of tools ( around for a few pages now. I was referring to the pickaxe and shovel from what he had grabbed. Tudd has the pike, rope, and pitons.
DM: Ah yes! Thanks for the reminder, Chris. I had forgotten about that.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on April 08, 2011, 12:51:57 AM
Quote from: Sigmund;450632"Awww!", Tudd moans, "I was hopin' ta find Bug's family" He sets the stone down he had moved and starts gathering the tools back up again. "Heh Erarht, get some 'a these tools, you can carry some too."

OOC: There should be a spare pick and shovel for Erarht to carry.

Turning my attention to Tudd...taking a few strides towards the north.
"Ther'll be plenty o time fer find'n bugs aquaintance's! You carry anyth'n need'n ta be carried brother, leave the rest. Don't handle any tools Erarht!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on April 08, 2011, 02:27:14 AM
Quote from: Benoist;450651Mundel cuts in: "I shall go back to the surface. Make up some story about some sewer, you're still trying to get to Bertold after some collapse of the ceiling or something."

Belak nods to Mundel, and says, "good idea."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on April 08, 2011, 11:43:02 AM
"Awww!" Tudd moans again, "I was tryin ta help Erarht have somthing ta do. Ok, brudder. Hey what's the green stuff? Can we eat it? How come it's all over the rocks? What if I poke it with this big pointy stick? Does Alarm still want someone ta climb down the privy? That's yucky, How come he wants someone to climb down the privy, did he drop something pretty down there? Are we gonna fight the Mumble fella? Are we done yet?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 08, 2011, 02:12:03 PM
Quote from: skofflox;450789Turning my attention to Tudd...taking a few strides towards the north.
"Ther'll be plenty o time fer find'n bugs aquaintance's! You carry anyth'n need'n ta be carried brother, leave the rest. Don't handle any tools Erarht!"
Erarht complies.

Quote from: Drohem;450801Belak nods to Mundel, and says, "good idea."
Mundel of Kantz walks back to the basket. "The bell you heard earlier is now connected to the ropes pulling this up to the surface. Whenever you pull the rope and call, it will ring. Likewise, if someone rings the bell on the surface, you'll now something is afoot at the Gold Ladder. I shall leave some of my brothers behind to tend to the wounded. They will be able to assist you, or contact me if you need some discreet help from the Brotherhood. Their names are Udo and Ludolf. They are both good men. I trust them with my life."

Quote from: Sigmund;450856"Awww!" Tudd moans again, "I was tryin ta help Erarht have somthing ta do. Ok, brudder. Hey what's the green stuff? Can we eat it? How come it's all over the rocks? What if I poke it with this big pointy stick? Does Alarm still want someone ta climb down the privy? That's yucky, How come he wants someone to climb down the privy, did he drop something pretty down there? Are we gonna fight the Mumble fella? Are we done yet?"
Snave nods. Then, to Ylarum: "Many things remain to be done, and apparently we are here to stay. We need to choose a course of action and stick to it, if you don't mind me sayin', Sir."

Quote from: skofflox;450423looking to Mundel and extending a hand...
"Thanks for your concern, I trust the politics above wont be interfere'n wi'this exploration. Some aids in tend'n ta battle wounds would be 'preciated as our resources are limited...hmmm...asides from that a strong sword arm or quick bow would be welcome for the work ahead. We seem to be short a few delvers as of late!" I look to the north with some concern as Tudd and Erarht proceed to loosen rubble...
Mundel nods thoughtfully. "I shall send Ludolf down immediately, then. Udo will stay up and take care of the fallen, while I will keep Malekh busy away from the Ladder. I shall send word that you are seeking more people in the city and camps beyond the walls, as well."

Quote from: skofflox;450423Nimten will study the plate closely...
The 5 feet wide plaque is made of some sort of alloy that is both dark and yet slightly reflective. The runes look like some form of antique, bastardized orcish to Nimten. In the center of the plate, there is a tiny black symbol carved into its surface. It looks like this:


All around the rune, there are some dots of violet pigmentations that form some sort of optical illusion so that looking at the dead center of the plaque (the rune) seems to provide some type of swirling movement to them. The more Nimten stares at the center of the plaque, the more the dots of pigmentation seem to fade and disappear. Kind of like this:


Does Nimten stare until the dots disappear completely?

DM: Updated map.

Click for higher resolution (
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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on April 10, 2011, 01:07:30 PM
Belak turns to Ulas and asks, "have you search all the areas around this great circular chamber yet?  Is the only option to remove the rubble and follow the north hallway?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 10, 2011, 02:37:35 PM
Quote from: Drohem;451096Belak turns to Ulas and asks, "have you search all the areas around this great circular chamber yet?  Is the only option to remove the rubble and follow the north hallway?"

"There is also a secret door hidden in the north wall of the corridor going east of this chamber. It seems to be opened by a switch in the east chamber."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on April 10, 2011, 06:03:19 PM
Quote from: Drohem;451096Belak turns to Ulas and asks, "have you search all the areas around this great circular chamber yet?  Is the only option to remove the rubble and follow the north hallway?"

Quote from: Cole;451105"There is also a secret door hidden in the north wall of the corridor going east of this chamber. It seems to be opened by a switch in the east chamber."

Nodding to the un-opened secret room.."Perhaps we should turn our attentions to that area before we go muck'n 'bout with the rubble? Don't fancy foes on two fronts in a pinch!".

Blinking and shaking head. "Now what the....?!" Will not stare overly long at the dots. I produce my dagger and try to slide it around the edge of the plate...gingerly...first.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 11, 2011, 11:10:34 AM
Mundel nods thoughtfully as he climbs into the basket. "Well. I will leave you to your investigation. Ludolf will be here shortly." He pulls the ropes. There is the distant sound of a bell reverberating along the shaft's wall. Then the basket lifts itself up to the opening in the ceiling. You can distinctly hear his last words, due to the configuration of the room around you, though they were intended as a personal remark: "Here's hoping Lothian helps you find Bertold alive."

Quote from: skofflox;451125Blinking and shaking head. "Now what the....?!" Will not stare overly long at the dots. I produce my dagger and try to slide it around the edge of the plate...gingerly...first.
The plate is a tight fit. You can basically slide the tip of the blade between the plate and the floor in which it is embedded, but not much more. Twisting the dagger to use it for leverage might break its blade.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on April 13, 2011, 04:13:43 PM
Belak waits until Mundel leaves before speaking, and then says to Ulas, Klob, and anyone else nearby, "let's examine that secret door on the east side.  If the architecture mirrors that of the west side, then there is another room or two unexplored yet that may harbor something malign.  We must deal with it before we deal with the blocked north passage."
Belak moves across the grand circular chamber over to the secret door on the east side of the east passageway.  Klob uncocks his crossbow, replaces the bolt into his quiver at his hip, and falls in line behind his friend and employer.  Both the dwarves stop and wait for anyone else interested to come over and get involved.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on April 13, 2011, 05:23:30 PM
Quote from: Drohem;451592Belak waits until Mundel leaves before speaking, and then says to Ulas, Klob, and anyone else nearby, "let's examine that secret door on the east side.  If the architecture mirrors that of the west side, then there is another room or two unexplored yet that may harbor something malign.  We must deal with it before we deal with the blocked north passage."
Belak moves across the grand circular chamber over to the secret door on the east side of the east passageway.  Klob uncocks his crossbow, replaces the bolt into his quiver at his hip, and falls in line behind his friend and employer.  Both the dwarves stop and wait for anyone else interested to come over and get involved.

coming to stand near the Dwarves..."Tudd will be here in a moment. Lets take stock of our oil supply and maybe get some ready for use. I recon we could use those men of Ylarums to good effect if some pole arms are still about!" as I tighten my shield and loosen my sword...May Charlathan bless us for this task...

"Bah!" as Nimten sees the dagger wont do the trick without the risk of breaking. I am drawn to stare at the coruscating lights as I squat there thinking...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 13, 2011, 05:48:43 PM
Quote from: skofflox;451608"Bah!" as Nimten sees the dagger wont do the trick without the risk of breaking. I am drawn to stare at the coruscating lights as I squat there thinking...
Your eye is drawn to the luminous pattern. Progressively, its violet components fade into their background. All of a sudden, Nimten hears a low, monotone voice speak in his head. It asks: "Durbagul krimpatuluk?"

These orcish words Nimten can understand. They roughly translate to "Whose word are we all bound to?" or "Whom do we all serve?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on April 14, 2011, 01:30:43 PM
Tudd comes trotting up to Runch with a clanking and stops just short of stabbing his brother with the pike, adjusts his load to be able to point the pike towards the ceiling, then finishes his journey and comes to a stop with a grin.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on April 15, 2011, 02:29:35 AM
stepping quik to avoid Tudds pike "Ahh here ya are! Might be time for some real work brother!"

assuming Erarht comes as well I will produce the rope and re-tie him, leaving his legs free as I instruct him..."Now we got some business ta tend to. Lets have ya sitt'n nice like on the dias as we go ta work eh?" I will push him towards the dias steps.

shaking head and scuttling away from the plate..."Whatha?"  whom do we all serve !?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 15, 2011, 12:08:54 PM
Quote from: skofflox;451798Assuming Erarht comes as well I will produce the rope and re-tie him, leaving his legs free as I instruct him..."Now we got some business ta tend to. Lets have ya sitt'n nice like on the dias as we go ta work eh?" I will push him towards the dias steps.
The orc seems mildly disappointed when Runch decides to tie him up again, but he complies, as if resigned to his fate.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on April 16, 2011, 04:50:07 PM
crossing the dias and hollering through the candle trap room "Nimten, care ta join us for some mop'n up?"  

dazed, looking to Runch  "AH,indeed,but a moment!" as I gather up the wrapped eye and crawl under the traps...whom we all serve...echoing through my mind

returning to the others "Prap's we should wait for Mundels man to join us?" as I eye the area...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on April 17, 2011, 01:08:53 AM
Standing by the secret door on the east side of the great circular chamber, Belak asks those nearby, "is anyone a skilled Trapsmith?  If the western room was trapped, then surely this one might be too."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on April 17, 2011, 03:43:02 PM
Quote from: Drohem;452046Standing by the secret door on the east side of the great circular chamber, Belak asks those nearby, "is anyone a skilled Trapsmith?  If the western room was trapped, then surely this one might be too."

Scratching chin "Trapsmith!?,not my bailiwick master dwarf."

after exiting the candle trap room Nimten  looks about for a bit more rope to tie off the eye package and hang it from his pack before venturing towards the others...whom we all serve...still vexing his thoughts.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 18, 2011, 11:26:35 AM
You see another discreet puff of smoke erupt through the clutter to the north.

Turning around, you see the ropes leading to the surface wiggle back and forth as Mundle is still ascending on the platform above.

The room grows silent.

Quote from: Drohem;452046Standing by the secret door on the east side of the great circular chamber, Belak asks those nearby, "is anyone a skilled Trapsmith?  If the western room was trapped, then surely this one might be too."
DM: Belak is quite a skilled trapsmith himself.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 18, 2011, 11:31:21 AM
Quote from: Drohem;452046Standing by the secret door on the east side of the great circular chamber, Belak asks those nearby, "is anyone a skilled Trapsmith?  If the western room was trapped, then surely this one might be too."

"I have some skill in the matter but I think it will avail us little if it is another spell-trap."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on April 20, 2011, 04:03:46 PM
Tudd fidgets with a clanking and clattering sound.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 20, 2011, 04:14:19 PM
"If several of you fighting men will make a fighting front before this door, I will trigger the switch in the next room."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on April 20, 2011, 07:34:51 PM
Quote from: Cole;452673"If several of you fighting men will make a fighting front before this door, I will trigger the switch in the next room."

Gesturing "Hmmm. Would rather we stand to the flanks till we see what may come issuing from the room beyond! Hate to get cought in a jet of arcane fire or some such. What say ya Tudd?" as I finger the zemi around my neck...Charlathan protect your humble I gird myself for action. "Lets get Ylarum and his bunch in on this!" as I look about the area.

As Nimten comes to stand with the others "Whats that!? Ahhh yes. I may be able to aid in this."  As I start digging for the material component, bit of sand, to cast my Sleep spell!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 20, 2011, 07:36:15 PM
Quote from: skofflox;452736Gesturing "Hmmm. Would rather we stand to the flanks till we see what may come issuing from the room beyond!

"A good point, Runch! Just as long as we are ready and not scattered unawares."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on April 21, 2011, 04:15:12 PM
Tudd nods to Runch and puts the shovel, pike and pick on the floor along the wall nearby and then grasps his morningstar and shield and readies himself, facing where the others are looking, "I'm ready ta beat stuff brudder."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on April 21, 2011, 07:13:16 PM
Belak kneels near the door and removes his backpack.  He rummages around for a moment and produces a rolled up leather case.  

As he rolls it out on the ground in front of the door, he looks up to his companions and says, "although not very skilled, I know a thing or two about locks and traps.  Let me take a look at it first."

Belak goes to work on the lock and door checking for traps.


OOC:  Belak fails his Find Traps roll (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on April 22, 2011, 01:03:16 AM
Quote from: Cole;452739"A good point, Runch! Just as long as we are ready and not scattered unawares."

Quote from: Sigmund;452912Tudd nods to Runch and puts the shovel, pike and pick on the floor along the wall nearby and then grasps his morningstar and shield and readies himself, facing where the others are looking, "I'm ready ta beat stuff brudder."

"All right then!" as I nod to the others. I draw my sword, heft my shield and step to the right side a bit, watching as Belak goes to work on the door.
Charlathan gird my companions in benefice and work through your humble servant...

Nimten, shaking his head a bit as he notes bug still perched on Tudds shoulder "Ware your little friend Tudd!"  as he draws forth a small black leather pouch embroidered with a white hourglass shape (sand for the sleep spell) and steps to the left and back a bit. Looking with interest as Belak unrolls his tools.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 22, 2011, 02:42:34 PM
Belak gets to work and inspects both pillar and secret door. After a little while switching back and forth, he is not sure there is anything to be worried about. No traces of traps or hidden mechanism besides what is obviously operating the opening of the door itself. But then again, he gets an uneasy feeling he might have missed something.

In the distance, by the dais, you all can hear the ropes wiggling again. Someone, probably Mundel's man, is climbing down at the moment.

DM: Drohem, roll 1d6 twice, once for Belak, and once for Klob.

Here is an updated map showing everyone's rough positions as I extrapolated them from your posts. As usual, let me know if I missed something.

Click for higher resolution (
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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on April 22, 2011, 03:27:40 PM
"I'm wearin Bug on my shoulder already. Thanks though." Tudd replies.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on April 22, 2011, 10:14:40 PM
Ylarum (in the past-tense) grumbles about the group not being at full fighting strength and has Tarm and J'son form up on him...when the action starts he shouts:

"To battle!  Liir, Dallow, Snave, to the rear.  Tarm, J'son, arms at ready.  We'll send them to hell!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on April 23, 2011, 01:15:26 AM
Quote from: Benoist;453091DM: Drohem, roll 1d6 twice, once for Belak, and once for Klob.

OOC: Belak rolls a 1 (, and Klob rolls a 5 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 23, 2011, 02:32:38 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;453114"I'm wearin Bug on my shoulder already. Thanks though." Tudd replies.
Bug seems particularly nervous. It (He? She?) hops up and down Tudd's arm, with an excitement the half-orc didn't notice earlier.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;453165Ylarum (in the past-tense) grumbles about the group not being at full fighting strength and has Tarm and J'son form up on him...when the action starts he shouts:

"To battle!  Liir, Dallow, Snave, to the rear.  Tarm, J'son, arms at ready.  We'll send them to hell!"
Ylarum's men are assuming their positions, behind the dwarf (adjusted positions on the map accordingly - see below).

Quote from: Drohem;453176OOC: Belak rolls a 1 (, and Klob rolls a 5 (
Klob seems busy checking out his crossbow to make sure it is working properly.

Something catches Belak's attention while he examines the floor right under the secret opening. Despite the mess of goo and guts and bodies lying around him, there is something about some earlier pattern very lightly imprinted in the dust and rock under it that makes the dwarf stop a moment and consider. This pattern forms parallel lines indicating some sort of regular movement in a forward motion running east to west from the armory wall up to the yellow lantern and the mess of boulders and beams lying under.

Like so:

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 23, 2011, 02:41:44 PM
Quote from: Benoist;453244Something catches Belak's attention while he examines the floor right under the secret opening. Despite the mess of goo and guts and bodies lying around him, there is something about some earlier pattern very lightly imprinted in the dust and rock under it that makes the dwarf stop a moment and consider. This pattern forms parallel lines indicating some sort of regular movement in a forward motion running east to west from the armory wall up to the yellow lantern and the mess of boulders and beams lying under.

Watching Belak examine the floor, Ulas refrains from activating the switch.

 "What do you see on the ground, there? Or is there something amiss on the eastern wall?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on April 25, 2011, 01:35:22 AM
Belak walks along the grooved areas and points to it as he says, "some mechanism causes something to slide clear to hear from the east wall there.  It is probably the one you found.  Although, what moves out here must be large and very heavy, but I don't have an idea as to what it may be."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 25, 2011, 01:42:03 AM
Quote from: Drohem;453499Belak walks along the grooved areas and points to it as he says, "some mechanism causes something to slide clear to hear from the east wall there.  It is probably the one you found.  Although, what moves out here must be large and very heavy, but I don't have an idea as to what it may be."

From examination of that area, does it look like the wall opens like a door, slides away, separates out like a plunger, anything like that?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 25, 2011, 02:58:35 AM
Quote from: Cole;453504From examination of that area, does it look like the wall opens like a door, slides away, separates out like a plunger, anything like that?
Close examination of the eastern wall shows very fine straight cracks into the sandstone. These cracks are almost invisible from a few steps away. Looking at the shape these lines form, it looks like a large rectangular portion of the wall, maybe some twenty feet wide and fifteen feet tall, is isolated from the rest of the structure.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 25, 2011, 11:28:24 AM
Quote from: Benoist;453519Close examination of the eastern wall shows very fine straight cracks into the sandstone. These cracks are almost invisible from a few steps away. Looking at the shape these lines form, it looks like a large rectangular portion of the wall, maybe some twenty feet wide and fifteen feet tall, is isolated from the rest of the structure.

"What if the wall slides out to block off this doorway," Ulas thinks aloud.

Ulas moves north, examining the wall for signs that there is a similar separated wall piece that would block off the exit to the burned room NW.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 25, 2011, 11:56:49 AM
Quote from: Cole;453567Ulas moves north, examining the wall for signs that there is a similar separated wall piece that would block off the exit to the burned room NW.
Ulas examines the wall further north and doesn't find any evidence of a second separated wall section there.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 25, 2011, 12:17:05 PM
Quote from: Benoist;453586Ulas examines the wall further north and doesn't find any evidence of a second separated wall section there.

"We should array our ranks to be prepared to defend ourselves after the mechanism activates."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on April 26, 2011, 04:46:37 PM
Quote from: Cole;453595"We should array our ranks to be prepared to defend ourselves after the mechanism activates."

"Indeed, what do you suggest?" as I look to Tudd and the others gathered. "We can ill afford a multifront fight with our ranks thinned so. Prahp's we should confer with Mundels man first?" as I cast an eye in the direction of the chasm. I take a moment to glance at Erarht as well...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on April 27, 2011, 03:16:53 PM
Belak returns his tools into his backpack and puts it on again.  He readies his battle axe and shield, and nods in agreement with Ulas as he says, "let's trigger it now, and not give our enemy any more time to prepare if they're waiting behind the wall.  Do it, Ulas."

Klob cocks his crossbow and loads a bolt into the channel, and then raises the crossbow to his face pointing in the direction of the east wall.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 28, 2011, 05:11:38 PM
The basket shows up above the dais, by the opening in the ceiling. It carries a man clad in the same black clothes and mail as Mundel of Kantz earlier. His hooded face is thinner, and bearded. A long bow and sword are visible in his back. A loaded quiver hangs from his belt(*). He is crouching on the side of the basket in such a way as to be able to jump before it touches the ground.

DM: Is Ulas actioning the mechanism of the pillar at this point?

(*) About quivers hanging from belts, assuming some of you are interested, since it's aesthetically appropriate, see this art piece from Le Livre de Chasse of Gaston Phébus (France, Paris, 15th century). Character in the lower left.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 28, 2011, 06:53:17 PM
Quote from: Benoist;454257DM: Is Ulas actioning the mechanism of the pillar at this point?

He is waiting for the rest of the party to get clear of the tracks and form us as they choose to deal with the potential aftermath.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 28, 2011, 08:40:21 PM
Quote from: Cole;454285He is waiting for the rest of the party to get clear of the tracks and form us as they choose to deal with the potential aftermath.
DM: Alright. I let you work this out. It's good to know in advance to prepare the next map.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on April 29, 2011, 11:08:02 AM
After he and Klob move into position, Belak nods to Ulas signaling him to pull the switch.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on April 29, 2011, 01:31:54 PM
(DM: which one of my looking-to-get-his-ass-fired hirelings is that up there when I told them both to come to the rear flank of me?  Tarm or J'son?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on April 29, 2011, 02:41:09 PM
Quote from: Drohem;454438After he and Klob move into position, Belak nods to Ulas signaling him to pull the switch.
Let me know where you are moving: in the armory, by the pillar where Ulas pulls the switch, or by the Yellow lantern out of the zone with the marks on the ground, or elsewhere entirely?

Quote from: thedungeondelver;454477(DM: which one of my looking-to-get-his-ass-fired hirelings is that up there when I told them both to come to the rear flank of me?  Tarm or J'son?)
That'd be J'son. Tarm (with his spear raised up) is on your left flank. Are you and your men moving out of the way as well? If so, where?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on April 29, 2011, 02:52:31 PM
Quote from: Benoist;454498That'd be J'son. Tarm (with is spear raised up) is on your left flank. Are you and your men moving out of the way as well? If so, where?

(I'm holding where I am until I get my troops together; I want J'son to fall back to my right flank, with Snave, Liir and Dallow to form up behind us.  If I need to call out to J'son to get his attention, I will.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on April 29, 2011, 03:32:06 PM
Quote from: Benoist;454498Let me know where you are moving: in the armory, by the pillar where Ulas pulls the switch, or by the Yellow lantern out of the zone with the marks on the ground, or elsewhere entirely?


OOC: Both are moving into the Armory as shown on the map.  Klob is going to use the pillar as cover.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on April 29, 2011, 10:27:16 PM
"Don't know if this means anyth'n ta you folk but that map Tudd found sayz somth'n bout 'slaughter', point'n ta this room!" as I thumb towards the secret room...

Nimten steps back and gets behind the rubble he is standing by! "Let's not be hasty now."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on April 29, 2011, 10:35:00 PM
Quote from: skofflox;454618"Don't know if this means anyth'n ta you folk but that map Tudd found sayz somth'n bout 'slaughter', point'n ta this room!" as I thumb towards the secret room...

"Indeed, Runch - which is why I want us to be in fighting form when the chamber is breached."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on May 01, 2011, 06:18:54 PM
Tudd moves to stand near Runch, a confused expression on his face.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 02, 2011, 01:54:04 PM
When everyone's on their mark, Ulas moves over to the pillar with the lever in it, faces south, and using the side of the pillar to help cover himself, activates the switch.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 02, 2011, 02:28:01 PM
After everyone has taken a few steps away, Ulas activates the switch.

The large side pannel embedded in the eastern wall of the armory does not move at all. Instead, a secret door in the northern side of the tiny pseudo-corridor leading from the dais to the armory swings open, as the group originally expected.

Within, those of you by the yellow lantern can see a curved corridor similar to the one you discovered to the west of the dais. Faint, flickering, multicolored shades of candle light are visible from where you stand. Many more than you saw in the western corridor, as a matter of fact.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on May 03, 2011, 11:18:21 AM
Belak chuckles as he walks over to the small, opened chamber, looks inside, and says to everyone around, "now, seeing how the three who investigated the opposite secret room are all now upstairs fighting for their lives, let's do this room slow, easy, and by the numbers, eh?  Now, has anyone determined any kind of connection between the color-coded candles?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 03, 2011, 01:32:29 PM
Quote from: Drohem;455389Belak chuckles as he walks over to the small, opened chamber, looks inside, and says to everyone around, "now, seeing how the three who investigated the opposite secret room are all now upstairs fighting for their lives, let's do this room slow, easy, and by the numbers, eh?  Now, has anyone determined any kind of connection between the color-coded candles?"

"They may well make the same kinds of attacks as the first set, but this time there are several new colors. We probably want to stay below the height of the candles again. But let's not get complacent - never know if the floor holds a suprise, too."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on May 04, 2011, 02:27:02 AM
Quote from: Drohem;455389Belak chuckles as he walks over to the small, opened chamber, looks inside, and says to everyone around, "now, seeing how the three who investigated the opposite secret room are all now upstairs fighting for their lives, let's do this room slow, easy, and by the numbers, eh?  Now, has anyone determined any kind of connection between the color-coded candles?"

Nimten comes from behind the rubble flicking his feet to get some of the goo off, looking into the revealed room! "I have not been able to discern any connections with my perfunctory experimentation. I'm afraid all I have found is more questions and no answers in the other room!"

Runch comes to stand near the entrance with drawn sword and ponders the colored candles...mumbling "More of these tricks izit."
Turning to size up Mundels man...and to see what Erarht is up to!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 04, 2011, 02:18:18 PM
Erarht is sitting a few steps down the dais. At the moment, he is trying to get out of sight from the man clad in black who just jumped from the basket and is walking towards Runch.

He looks on each side of Runch's head at the company assembled behind him and presents himself: "I am Ludolf. Mundel told me I might be of use around here. I am here to serve." There is a sort of cynical smile coming to his lips as he says that last part.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on May 04, 2011, 03:38:34 PM
Belak looks over at Ludolf, nods, and says, "I am Belak Agadal, grandson of Cadfan, and my man here is Klob Urgadar.  Do you have any expertise with traps, either magical or mundane?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 04, 2011, 04:09:13 PM
Ludolf snorts with obvious disdain: "I don't need to care about any of those things. See this?" He shows his black long bow. "That is all the expertise I need. Flies over traps, and hits magicians in the eye before they have any chance to say a word. What else is there to it, really?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 04, 2011, 06:41:55 PM
Quote from: Benoist;455725Ludolf snorts with obvious disdain: "I don't need to care about any of those things. See this?" He shows his black long bow. "That is all the expertise I need. Flies over traps, and hits magicians in the eye before they have any chance to say a word. What else is there to it, really?"

"With the candles, shoot under. Otherwise, they shoot back."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 04, 2011, 07:00:43 PM
Ludolf nods in agreement, and yet, his face makes it plain he's wondering if he understood the words right.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 04, 2011, 07:18:03 PM
Quote from: Benoist;455763Ludolf nods in agreement, and yet, his face makes it plain he's wondering if he understood the words right.

"The candles are magic. They throw fire, poison, who knows what else. Seems to depend on the color of the flame."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 04, 2011, 08:50:17 PM
"Oh, really... are they now..." Ludolf nods slowly as he walks past Ulas, like he's suspecting the assassin to be mildly demented.

"So? What do we do now? Do we kick ass or somethin'?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 04, 2011, 09:23:44 PM
Quote from: Benoist;455797"Oh, really... are they now..." Ludolf nods slowly as he walks past Ulas, like he's suspecting the assassin to be mildly demented.

"So? What do we do now? Do we kick ass or somethin'?"

"There is probably a chamber past the wall on the far side of those candles. We ought to find out what's in there. But be wary - in the chamber on the other side of the room, there was a huge monster."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 04, 2011, 09:26:14 PM
Meanwhile, Ulas moves down to the entrance of the hallway with the candles and takes a look at the opposite wall from there. What does it look like?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 04, 2011, 10:00:04 PM
Quote from: Cole;455812Meanwhile, Ulas moves down to the entrance of the hallway with the candles and takes a look at the opposite wall from there. What does it look like?
The corridor itself is very similar to the one you saw on the other side of the dais; an iron door, also similar to the one that stood between you and the tentacled creature earlier, stands at the end of its curve. The general difference, however, is that the corridor you are presently facing appears unspoiled. The walls on the opposite side of the candles bear no scorching marks, no evidence of blasts or thermic shocks whatsoever. Even the sand on the ground doesn't seem to have been moved at all.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 04, 2011, 10:03:15 PM
Quote from: Benoist;455818The corridor itself is very similar to the one you saw on the other side of the dais; an iron door, also similar to the one that stood between you and the tentacled creature earlier, stands at the end of its curve. The general difference, however, is that the corridor you are presently facing appears unspoiled. The walls on the opposite side of the candles bear no scorching marks, no evidence of blasts or thermic shocks whatsoever. Even the sand on the ground doesn't seem to have been moved at all.

How thick was the sand layer in the other corridor?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 04, 2011, 10:24:33 PM
Quote from: Cole;455820How thick was the sand layer in the other corridor?
A few milimeters, maybe. The gradual accumulation of thin dust eroding from the stones above, if you had to venture a guess, though it was moved all around the place, probably when the creature went through.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 04, 2011, 10:28:35 PM
Quote from: Benoist;455822A few milimeters, maybe. The gradual accumulation of thin dust eroding from the stones above, if you had to venture a guess, though it was moved all around the place, probably when the creature went through.

"Keep an eye on the corridor," Ulas says to no one in particular and looks at the far west wall to see if there is a comparable separate wall portion to the one in the east wall - or slide marks in the floor.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 04, 2011, 11:14:15 PM
Quote from: Cole;455824"Keep an eye on the corridor," Ulas says to no one in particular and looks at the far west wall to see if there is a comparable separate wall portion to the one in the east wall - or slide marks in the floor.
The dust and rubble and goo in the area has been disturbed there as well. Ulas does not discern slide marks on the ground, but as soon as he steps closer to the wall, he notices the contours of a large wall section in all points similar to the one he and the others just discovered on the other side of the dais.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 04, 2011, 11:23:45 PM
"Belak, you have stonecutting skills?" Asks Ulas. "Do these sections match up to the sections of the smaller circular room, so that it would close off smoothly if they moved in?"

He then returns to the eastern doorway.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on May 05, 2011, 12:40:44 PM
Belak walks over to the west wall and examines it once Ulas points out that he discovered another anomaly in the wall.

After examining it for a moment or two, the dwarf nods in agreement as he says, "yes, it appears that these sections of wall move forward to close off the outside chambers and passageways."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 05, 2011, 02:44:01 PM
Ylarum comments, "There has to be more to this than that.  There has to.  I'd pay a weeks' fighting wage - not yours, lads - for a dwarven or gnome sapuer to come have a look at that wall, see how we can crack it.  Mayhap if we all heaved at it with prybars or the like...I'm no engineer, though."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 05, 2011, 02:58:18 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;455972Ylarum comments, "There has to be more to this than that.  There has to.  I'd pay a weeks' fighting wage - not yours, lads - for a dwarven or gnome sapuer to come have a look at that wall, see how we can crack it.  Mayhap if we all heaved at it with prybars or the like...I'm no engineer, though."

"The trigger may be around here somewhere. Where's that map?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 05, 2011, 04:21:46 PM
Quote from: Cole;455977"Where's that map?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 05, 2011, 05:44:03 PM
(Thanks, Ben)

Ulas examines the map for a moment, then shrugs.

"Hm. May well be that those sections are concealing something, maybe even passages out. But if they do, this group didn't seem to have found them. I'm going to try to open that iron door unless someone has a better idea."

Is there space to stand up on the other side of that last chartreuse colored candle between it and the door, if Ulas manages to crawl past the candle hallway?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 05, 2011, 09:26:18 PM
Quote from: Cole;456015(Thanks, Ben)

Ulas examines the map for a moment, then shrugs.

"Hm. May well be that those sections are concealing something, maybe even passages out. But if they do, this group didn't seem to have found them. I'm going to try to open that iron door unless someone has a better idea."

Is there space to stand up on the other side of that last chartreuse colored candle between it and the door, if Ulas manages to crawl past the candle hallway?

Ylarum ponders this for a moment.  "Wait, Ulas.  Someone hand me a length of rope.  Tie it off to your belt; if something untowards happens we can haul you back."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 05, 2011, 09:29:53 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;456046Ylarum ponders this for a moment.  "Wait, Ulas.  Someone hand me a length of rope.  Tie it off to your belt; if something untowards happens we can haul you back."

"Good idea, Ylarum. Use mine - It's a silk rope, so it will weigh me down less if there is trouble."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 05, 2011, 10:43:36 PM
Quote from: Cole;456015Is there space to stand up on the other side of that last chartreuse colored candle between it and the door, if Ulas manages to crawl past the candle hallway?
Yes. It'd be possible for Ulas to flatten himself against the iron door and do so, assuming he's not wearing backpacks, heavy equipment and the like.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 05, 2011, 10:49:09 PM
Quote from: Benoist;456064Yes. It'd be possible for Ulas to flatten himself against the iron door and do so, assuming he's not wearing backpacks, heavy equipment and the like.

Ulas divests himself of his backpack and cloak and hands them over to one of Ylarum's porters. He crawls low under the candles and takes a closer look at the iron door.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 06, 2011, 01:23:55 AM
"Liir, Dallow, get ready to haul Ulas back if need be, on my command."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on May 06, 2011, 11:51:12 AM
Klob takes up a position behind Liir and Dallow, and has his crossbow ready to fire.  Likewise, Belak readies his crossbow, cocks, and loads it.  He stands next to Klob behind Ylarum's men-at-arms.

"We have your back, Ulas," Belak says to him when everyone is in place and ready for him to start crawling through the chamber.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 06, 2011, 12:52:21 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;456078"Liir, Dallow, get ready to haul Ulas back if need be, on my command."
The two fellows do not say a word, but take up position and hold the rope as asked. They seem a little nervous, but not to the point they would have to directly put their lives on the line.

Quote from: Drohem;456156Klob takes up a position behind Liir and Dallow, and has his crossbow ready to fire.  Likewise, Belak readies his crossbow, cocks, and loads it.  He stands next to Klob behind Ylarum's men-at-arms.
Ludolf joins the two dwarfs, and remembering Ulas's words, despite his earlier doubts, will kneel and flatten his longbow in an horizontal position to be able to shoot under the invisible, imaginary lines going from the candles to the tiny, hollowed, half-spherical receptacles positioned in the wall in front of them.

Quote from: Cole;456065Ulas divests himself of his backpack and cloak and hands them over to one of Ylarum's porters. He crawls low under the candles and takes a closer look at the iron door.
Ulas proceeds, and soon reaches the door without trouble. It is a large iron door with a handle on its right side. It seems to open away from him, towards the inside of the room beyond, in an swing motion to the left. Before the assassin does anything else, he notices something puzzling, however...

DM: Roll 1d6.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 06, 2011, 12:58:08 PM
Quote from: Benoist;456170Ulas proceeds, and soon reaches the door without trouble. It is a large iron door with a handle on its right side. It seems to open away from him, towards the inside of the room beyond, in an swing motion to the left. Before the assassin does anything else, he notices something puzzling, however...

DM: Roll 1d6.

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Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 06, 2011, 01:04:23 PM
Ulas hears a sound coming from the other side of the door.

It is continuous, and feels like many little fingers scratching lightly at it.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on May 07, 2011, 01:58:14 PM
chuckling a bit at Ludolfs rejoinder Runch sets himself w/sword drawn to the left side of the now open secret door, observing Ulas's progress.

Nimten stays where he is...whom we all serve...somewhat distracted.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 07, 2011, 04:29:24 PM
Ulas lowers down and crawls back in reverse.

"Something is scratching at the other side of the door. Do any of you you think we could make a pulley, or failing that, just a low-mounted ring, so that we could tie a rope to the handle and pull it open from afar with the rope routed low, under the level of the candles?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 08, 2011, 12:14:42 PM
Quote from: Cole;456359Ulas lowers down and crawls back in reverse.

"Something is scratching at the other side of the door. Do any of you you think we could make a pulley, or failing that, just a low-mounted ring, so that we could tie a rope to the handle and pull it open from afar with the rope routed low, under the level of the candles?"

Ylarum: "Put a loop in the end of the rope we were going to haul you back with and try to lasso the switch - that's my suggestion."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 08, 2011, 12:36:34 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;456462Ylarum: "Put a loop in the end of the rope we were going to haul you back with and try to lasso the switch - that's my suggestion."

"I think if we just do that, the candles will attack whoever is holding the rope. But if we can figure out how to keep the level of the rope, we have a winner. Then the candles might even work in our favor, attacking whatever is behind the door, if it comes out after us."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 08, 2011, 12:48:04 PM
What does the ceiling of the candle hallway look like?

For example, are there any exposed rafters?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 08, 2011, 01:07:33 PM
Quote from: Cole;456470What does the ceiling of the candle hallway look like?

For example, are there any exposed rafters?
The ceiling is about 10 feet away from the ground. It is flat, smooth, and square. It is made of huge blocks of sandstone which have been positioned to rest on the blocks that form the walls of the corridor themselves. You can see spaces between the blocks, but these are one or two milimeters wide, maximum. The craftsmanship that went into the construction of the place is quite impressive, even for a dwarf.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on May 09, 2011, 11:08:07 AM
Tudd pets Bug in an attempt to calm the critter, "What's ya needin' Bug? Ya hungry?" The half-orc digs in his belt pouch and breaks off a chunk of trail bread that he places carefully on his shoulder within reach of the beetle. "There ya go Bug, your friend Tudd will watch out for ya."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 09, 2011, 11:41:01 AM
Ulas looks in the main room for a relatively heavy looking piece or rubble, but enough so that he could roll it along the ground by himself, that is broken in such a way that it has a notch in it a rope might be able to slip under.

Like so, maybe:

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 09, 2011, 02:34:22 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;456779Tudd pets Bug in an attempt to calm the critter, "What's ya needin' Bug? Ya hungry?" The half-orc digs in his belt pouch and breaks off a chunk of trail bread that he places carefully on his shoulder within reach of the beetle. "There ya go Bug, your friend Tudd will watch out for ya."
Bug actually ignores the trail of bread. This seems particularly strange for Tudd. As if Bug were too caught up with the going-ons by the iron door they just found. This is very odd.

Quote from: Cole;456788Ulas looks in the main room for a relatively heavy looking piece or rubble, but enough so that he could roll it along the ground by himself, that is broken in such a way that it has a notch in it a rope might be able to slip under.

Like so, maybe:

DM: A boulder might fit Ulas's requirements, but if so, its location would have to be determined. Roll 1d6. 1-2: Boulder is by the yellow lantern, amongst the rubbish lined up along the edge of the dais area; 2-4: Boulder is by the huge pile of rubble partially covered in moss to the north. 5: Boulder found elsewhere. 6: No boulder fitting these requirements was found at all (either they were too small, too brittle, too much of this or not enough of that).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 09, 2011, 02:43:18 PM
Quote from: Benoist;456855Bug actually ignores the trail of bread. This seems particularly strange for Tudd. As if Bug were too caught up with the going-ons by the iron door they just found. This is very odd.

DM: A boulder might fit Ulas's requirements, but if so, its location would have to be determined. Roll 1d6. 1-2: Boulder is by the yellow lantern, amongst the rubbish lined up along the edge of the dais area; 2-4: Boulder is by the huge pile of rubble partially covered in moss to the north. 5: Boulder found elsewhere. 6: No boulder fitting these requirements was found at all (either they were too small, too brittle, too much of this or not enough of that).

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"Hm. There may be a likely stone to the north. Tudd, you're strong. Want to lend me a hand moving that rock over there?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 10, 2011, 01:07:45 PM
"I could help as well, if you want me to." Erarht just spoke, and Ludolf notices the orc for the first time. He is taken aback, and means to unsheathe his sword...

"What the...?!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on May 10, 2011, 01:09:53 PM
"I don't know, Ulas," Belak says thoughtfully, "it appears that this is a magical trap, and that the colors of those candles are somehow the key to it.  Also, they might be tied somehow to the color of the lanterns, and possibly the trapped floor leading to the rubble pile on the north wall.  I was never much for puzzles myself, but does anyone see a pattern here with the colors?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 10, 2011, 01:27:47 PM
Quote from: Drohem;457085"I don't know, Ulas," Belak says thoughtfully, "it appears that this is a magical trap, and that the colors of those candles are somehow the key to it.  Also, they might be tied somehow to the color of the lanterns, and possibly the trapped floor leading to the rubble pile on the north wall.  I was never much for puzzles myself, but does anyone see a pattern here with the colors?"

"Belak, I have little doubt you are right. I don't know what the pattern is, though, as much as I have thought about it. But maybe we can avoid this one even if we can't solve it."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 10, 2011, 02:22:04 PM
DM: [smiles to himself behind his DM screen] :D

Ludolf draws his sword and points it at the orc: "Would anyone care to explain what this ... this beast is doing here?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 10, 2011, 02:57:42 PM
Quote from: Benoist;457097DM: [smiles to himself behind his DM screen] :D

Ludolf draws his sword and points it at the orc: "Would anyone care to explain what this ... this beast is doing here?"

"That's Erarht. He was abandoned by the other orcs to serve as monster-bait. He's Runch's man, now."

Ulas nods over toward Runch.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 10, 2011, 04:15:21 PM
Quote from: Benoist;457097DM: [smiles to himself behind his DM screen] :D

Ludolf draws his sword and points it at the orc: "Would anyone care to explain what this ... this beast is doing here?"

Ylarum, to Ludolf: "Yes, I want it disposed of, too.  Too great a liability."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 10, 2011, 04:26:29 PM
Ludolf looks at Runch and, encouraged by Ylarum's words, spits with disgust: "What is the meaning of this? Are you missing your orcish daddy or something? How do I know I can trust you not to run with open arms to your buddies next time we meet some? I did not sign up for this nonsense!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on May 10, 2011, 06:52:07 PM
Quote from: Benoist;457123Ludolf looks at Runch and, encouraged by Ylarum's words, spits with disgust: "What is the meaning of this? Are you missing your orcish daddy or something? How do I know I can trust you not to run with open arms to your buddies next time we meet some? I did not sign up for this nonsense!"

Belak looks over to the man, and says coolly, "then leave, and take you acidic tongue and personality with you."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 10, 2011, 07:38:02 PM
Quote from: Drohem;457153Belak looks over to the man, and says coolly, "then leave, and take you acidic tongue and personality with you."
DM: Roll 1d100.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on May 11, 2011, 02:16:35 AM
Quote from: Benoist;457097DM: [smiles to himself behind his DM screen] :D

Ludolf draws his sword and points it at the orc: "Would anyone care to explain what this ... this beast is doing here?"

Quote from: Cole;457107"That's Erarht. He was abandoned by the other orcs to serve as monster-bait. He's Runch's man, now."

Ulas nods over toward Runch.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;457120Ylarum, to Ludolf: "Yes, I want it disposed of, too.  Too great a liability."

Quote from: Benoist;457123Ludolf looks at Runch and, encouraged by Ylarum's words, spits with disgust: "What is the meaning of this? Are you missing your orcish daddy or something? How do I know I can trust you not to run with open arms to your buddies next time we meet some? I did not sign up for this nonsense!"

Quote from: Drohem;457153Belak looks over to the man, and says coolly, "then leave, and take you acidic tongue and personality with you."
Nodding towards Belak as I step up between Ludolf and Erarht..." Well said Belak."
Motioning towards Erarht "Spoils o' war man. If any try to injure my captive we will have a serious problem." as I cast a sidelong glance at Ylarum.
Taking a step towards Ludolf..."As far as trusting me, well, ya can't with any cert'nty. If that's not to yur liken, be off with ya! I  was hopping we could have some aid to further our aims. I'll forgive your comments this once as yer newcome t'this situation. I have fought along side these good folk, are you ready ta do so?, if not we'v little use for yer wagg'n tongue."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on May 11, 2011, 12:08:44 PM
Quote from: Benoist;457165DM: Roll 1d100.

OOC:  Belak rolls 87 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 11, 2011, 12:55:57 PM
Ylarum, to Runch: "Oh it definitely isn't my property.  I wouldn't have it.  I just think it's a liability to have with us.  It has the layout of this place, knows where it's kin are, and may well betray us.  If it has to be kept alive, why not bind and gag it and leave it tied up in one of these chambers until we return - again, if it has to be kept alive."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on May 11, 2011, 01:02:58 PM
Tudd, sensing his brother's tension, gingerly grabs Bug and places him back on his shoulder as he rises and moves to stand next to his brother, morningstar in hand. "Erarht is my brudder's and is my new friend too. We know more 'bout him than you mean human. How da we know you not here to harm us? Maybe we tie you up and gag you instead. Alarm too, he talk to much. Don't know why the nice fellers listen to all the talkin'and shoutin' he does. What you think Bug?" Tudd cicks his head as if listening to the beetle.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 11, 2011, 02:10:06 PM
Quote from: Drohem;457294OOC:  Belak rolls 87 (
DM: Thank you. You basically just made a Loyalty roll not towards you, but towards Mundel of Kantz, whom Ludolf is sworn to obey. Belak's words prompted him to answer in kind, but it also reminded him of the reasons NOT to do so.

Quote from: skofflox;457232Nodding towards Belak as I step up between Ludolf and Erarht..." Well said Belak."
Motioning towards Erarht "Spoils o' war man. If any try to injure my captive we will have a serious problem." as I cast a sidelong glance at Ylarum.
Taking a step towards Ludolf..."As far as trusting me, well, ya can't with any cert'nty. If that's not to yur liken, be off with ya! I  was hopping we could have some aid to further our aims. I'll forgive your comments this once as yer newcome t'this situation. I have fought along side these good folk, are you ready ta do so?, if not we'v little use for yer wagg'n tongue."

Quote from: Sigmund;457314Tudd, sensing his brother's tension, gingerly grabs Bug and places him back on his shoulder as he rises and moves to stand next to his brother, morningstar in hand. "Erarht is my brudder's and is my new friend too. We know more 'bout him than you mean human. How da we know you not here to harm us? Maybe we tie you up and gag you instead. Alarm too, he talk to much. Don't know why the nice fellers listen to all the talkin'and shoutin' he does. What you think Bug?" Tudd cicks his head as if listening to the beetle.
Ludolf looks at the lot of you and subtly shifts his position towards Ylarum after his own comments. He seems at the same time slightly afraid of Tudd, totally disgusted by Runch's response, and ashamed by Belak's first strike, which made him think about the oath he has sworn towards the Brotherhood of the Sword and Mundel of Kantz.

He answers slowly: "I... I agree with Ylarum. That ... thing is a liability, and it needs to die. But if it is your wish to keep it in our backs, by all means, I will let you do what you want. Mundel made me swear to help. But beware! If that ape so much as looks at me the wrong way, there'll be consequences."

Ludolf tries to look tough and determined, but it's quite obvious he hopes to have struck the right balance between his ego and the oath he's sworn to serve.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 11, 2011, 02:39:14 PM
"Now that we seem to have that out of our system, I'm going to retrieve that rock. Anyone who wants to help me, I welcome it."

Ulas begins a clockwise trip around the outer rooms to the rubble pile, and once he gets there, begins rolling the rock back clockwise to where the party is, or, if he has help lifting it, carries it if that proves easier. All this barring interference of course.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on May 11, 2011, 03:17:08 PM
Tudd grins at Ludolf, then says, "I'll help ya Ulas." Tudd then starts following Ulas as he says, "Hey brudder, Bug don't like that door we found looks like. Makin' him all excited for some reason... dunno why. Then again, maybe he wants ta go in there, dunno." Tudd shrugs as he walks, then checks Bug to make sure his shrug didn't hurt the critter.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on May 11, 2011, 03:32:12 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;457312Ylarum, to Runch: "Oh it definitely isn't my property.  I wouldn't have it.  I just think it's a liability to have with us.  It has the layout of this place, knows where it's kin are, and may well betray us.  If it has to be kept alive, why not bind and gag it and leave it tied up in one of these chambers until we return - again, if it has to be kept alive."

Placing a hand on Tudds shoulder (carefully avoiding bug) as I
nod towards Ylarum "Sounds like a sensable idea.".
I dig a clean bandage from my pouch and approach the bound and seated Erarht. Quietly to Erarht in Orcish "No muk'n 'bout. I'm gag'n ya fer now and will keep you bound. I will not hesitate ta run ya through if I get tha feel'n yer put'n us in danger!"  before binding the gag I profer another swig from my waterskin.

sketching a slight bow towards Ludolf..."Let's get back ta work then."

Musing on the lessons of Charlathan regarding flexibility...

Peering into the new room to make sure it's clear Nimten will pick up a bit of rubble..."Mayhaps we should see if this trap is the same as the other?" as I heft the rock and arch my eyebrows questioningly...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 11, 2011, 03:35:45 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;457343Tudd grins at Ludolf, then says, "I'll help ya Ulas." Tudd then starts following Ulas as he says, "Hey brudder, Bug don't like that door we found looks like. Makin' him all excited for some reason... dunno why. Then again, maybe he wants ta go in there, dunno." Tudd shrugs as he walks, then checks Bug to make sure his shrug didn't hurt the critter.

"I don't blame him. If nothing else, if we open the door, I don't want to be near it when it opens. There's something trying to get out. Hence the rock."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on May 12, 2011, 02:12:51 AM
Belak nods to Ludolf, and says, "fair enough."

After Runch gags Erarht and speaks, the dwarf just shrugs his shoulders and goes to help Ulas and Tudd with the stone.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 12, 2011, 12:03:17 PM
Ulas, Tudd and Belak manage to roll the boulder from the pile of rubble to the entrance of secret passage they are currently investigating (all the way through the NW storage room, the apothecary and the dais area).

All notice that the smoke coming from the NE storage room the group set on fire earlier has started to clear up. Just as the trio is catching its collective breath, everyone hears some sort of crash in the distance. Like some wall collapsed well beyond this area, into some unknown part of the complex.

Then, still in the distance, well beyond this area, you hear a roar. Not a lion, not a bear, but a long, deep, unnatural roar that seems to go on for a few seconds... and dies as it echoes through the walls around you.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 12, 2011, 12:42:06 PM
Quote from: Benoist;457546Ulas, Tudd and Belak manage to roll the boulder from the pile of rubble to the entrance of secret passage they are currently investigating (all the way through the NW storage room, the apothecary and the dais area).

(DM: Can we see a map now indicating where the secret passage is?  I'm a little confused.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 12, 2011, 01:10:29 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;457555(DM: Can we see a map now indicating where the secret passage is?  I'm a little confused.)
DM: Sure, no problem. I was talking about the secret passage with all the candles lit that leads to the iron door, east of the dais, that you just opened.

Click for higher resolution (
( (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 12, 2011, 01:20:50 PM
(DM: AH!  Okay, I thought a different secret door had been opened.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on May 16, 2011, 02:08:07 AM
Quote from: Benoist;457546Ulas, Tudd and Belak manage to roll the boulder from the pile of rubble to the entrance of secret passage they are currently investigating (all the way through the NW storage room, the apothecary and the dais area).

All notice that the smoke coming from the NE storage room the group set on fire earlier has started to clear up. Just as the trio is catching its collective breath, everyone hears some sort of crash in the distance. Like some wall collapsed well beyond this area, into some unknown part of the complex.

Then, still in the distance, well beyond this area, you hear a roar. Not a lion, not a bear, but a long, deep, unnatural roar that seems to go on for a few seconds... and dies as it echoes through the walls around you.

Nimten approaches the doorway hefting a small bit of rubble as he motions the others to move away from the entrance...standing to the side of the door, shielded by the wall, he will  throw the rubble into the room.

Both Runch and Nimten look to the others with eyes wide as they hear the crash and roar!
...Charlathan grant me the strength...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 16, 2011, 12:23:52 PM
Quote from: skofflox;458246Nimten approaches the doorway hefting a small bit of rubble as he motions the others to move away from the entrance...standing to the side of the door, shielded by the wall, he will  throw the rubble into the room.

Both Runch and Nimten look to the others with eyes wide as they hear the crash and roar!
...Charlathan grant me the strength...
The sound of the roar is quite distant, and you can determine that it does not come from whatever lies beyond the corridor in front of you and the iron door at the end of it. It seems to come from ... much farther away. Beyond the walls of this entire area.

Nimten throws his piece of rubble in the corridor. As soon as it flies past the orange candle by the door, it is disintegrated by a huge blob of magma that flies straight for it from the candle and crashes on the opposite wall of the corridor.

The candles seem to be very much active...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 16, 2011, 12:27:50 PM
Ylarum, aloud: "Can our holy men not employ some sort of magical abjurement to quell those candles?"

(OOC: I mean, do we have a dispel magic to hopefully, for at least a round or two, shut those frigging things up?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 16, 2011, 12:32:54 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;458305Ylarum, aloud: "Can our holy men not employ some sort of magical abjurement to quell those candles?"

(OOC: I mean, do we have a dispel magic to hopefully, for at least a round or two, shut those frigging things up?)
Othos shakes his head indicating a negative.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on May 16, 2011, 03:13:28 PM
Quote from: Benoist;457546Ulas, Tudd and Belak manage to roll the boulder from the pile of rubble to the entrance of secret passage they are currently investigating (all the way through the NW storage room, the apothecary and the dais area).

All notice that the smoke coming from the NE storage room the group set on fire earlier has started to clear up. Just as the trio is catching its collective breath, everyone hears some sort of crash in the distance. Like some wall collapsed well beyond this area, into some unknown part of the complex.

Then, still in the distance, well beyond this area, you hear a roar. Not a lion, not a bear, but a long, deep, unnatural roar that seems to go on for a few seconds... and dies as it echoes through the walls around you.

"That sounded like it hurt.", Tudd says with  wince.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 16, 2011, 03:15:00 PM
Ulas stops to listen more closely, trying to figure out which direction the roar came from.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on May 16, 2011, 04:35:00 PM
Belak stops and readies his crossbow, and loads a bolt into it.  Klob already has he crossbow loaded and ready to fire too.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 16, 2011, 10:25:02 PM
Quote from: Cole;458350Ulas stops to listen more closely, trying to figure out which direction the roar came from.
DM: Assuming you're standing there trying to listen intently, roll me 1d100. If you're taking additional precautions or a particular position or whatnot, just let me know.

Quote from: Drohem;458371Belak stops and readies his crossbow, and loads a bolt into it.  Klob already has he crossbow loaded and ready to fire too.
It's pretty quiet now, as far as you can tell. You can now distinctly hear the faint scratching coming from the other side of the iron door. It seems to have become more noticeable immediately after the roar.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 16, 2011, 10:33:42 PM
Quote from: Benoist;458475It's pretty quiet now, as far as you can tell. You can now distinctly hear the faint scratching coming from the other side of the iron door. It seems to have become more noticeable immediately after the roar.

55 (

Ulas will also retrieve his bow and fall into rank behind Ylarum.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 16, 2011, 10:46:02 PM
Quote from: Cole;45848555 (
You aren't able to tell for sure. A mixture of distance, various obstacles in the way (including the walls of sandstone surrounding you) and echoes scramble your senses. It might have come from somewhere to the south of your current position, south of the dais area itself, but you know it's a wild guess on your part.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 16, 2011, 10:48:54 PM
"We'd better get ready to defend ourselves."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 17, 2011, 09:30:56 AM
Just as Ulas finishes his sentence, you hear another roar, this time closer. It's coming from the west. There is another loud crashing sound, as if some wall or piece of ceiling caved in, somewhere. Dust in the apothecary. You can distinctively hear a muffled, low growl reaching your ears through the wall there, followed by sharp, animal breathing sounds.

Erarht the orc tries to get up as quickly as he possibly can, fumbles down the dais and rushes to Runch's side.

Ludolf takes a hold his bow.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on May 17, 2011, 09:48:00 AM
Tudd grins and starts walking that direction, firming his grip on his morningstar and raising his shield, "Hold on Bug, maybe we get to play a bit."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 17, 2011, 10:38:51 AM
"That west wall's going to open up. Get ready for it."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on May 17, 2011, 11:27:08 AM
"Hold the volley until it has completely breeched the wall!" Belak yells as he raises his crossbow to his chin.

Klob cracks his neck and brings his crossbow to his chin as well.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 17, 2011, 11:36:29 AM
Ylarum will order his bearers and linkboy to the rear, and have Tarm and J'son stand ready at the rear flanks.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 17, 2011, 02:10:20 PM
Another roar. Thumping sounds. More commotion. The sounds seem to move northward, beyond the apothecary's wall.

At the same time, the scratching beyond the iron door becomes louder and louder.

You start rearranging your positions relative to each other.

DM: I realigned your characters, taking into account both the general marching order and your weapons/tactics at this point (ranged, contact weapons, clerics, whatnot). Let me know if you want your character to shift position, move as a group, etc.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 17, 2011, 02:29:37 PM
"I say we fall back into the armory corridor and defend this archway."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on May 18, 2011, 12:41:18 PM
"Good idea, Ulas," Belak says as he starts backing up to an imaginary line running north-south from the first pillar in the armory to the southern wall, "don't let them hit us from two positions."

Klob shadows Belak's movement and backs up into the entrance to the armory room too.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on May 18, 2011, 03:23:32 PM
nodding at Ulas's suggestion I stride towards Erarht and start herding him towards the armory room while yelling..."TUDD, might be best ta form up wi the rest of us!"

Nimten makes sure he has the componenet for his sleep spell handy as he falls back to the indicated postion.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on May 18, 2011, 03:34:11 PM
Tudd stops in the dais where the lift lands and glances back and forth between north and west with look of concentration.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 18, 2011, 07:47:05 PM
You all retreat and reassemble just after the archway leading to the armory, but for Tudd who stays by the dais, right by the area where the baskets goes up and down from the hole in the ceiling, looking both north and west with a look of worry on his face.

There is another very loud crash, similar to the two previous ones, as if some wall had just been breached violently. The commotion keeps moving northward, and is now oriented north west from your position. You hear some long shrieking sounds, followed by some brief, distant popping noises, like corks released under sudden pressure.

DM: I've realigned everyone as per instructions, minding the roles of everyone in the marching order. Keep me posted if you want to alter anything.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 18, 2011, 09:06:59 PM
Ylarum, to Liir and Dallow:

"Lads, be quick, bring more spears off the racks.  Tarm, J'son, when something you don't recognize rears it's head, let fly with the spears you have.  If you've time for a second volley, throw whatever Liir and Dallow have brought and keep on until it's 'pon us.  If it charges, just set your spears and let it run up on 'em.  Once it - or they - are on us, stab away!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 19, 2011, 01:42:30 PM
All of Ylarum's men nod to each other and bring more spears from the armory. They prepare themselves, setting up the spears in such a was as to be able to grab them quickly. They all look quite nervous, but for Snave who for some reason seems completely focused on the task at hand.

The high-pitched shrieks keep resonating around you. The commotion gets closer. Another roar. Tudd watches left and right, and notices that the wall of rubble to the north suddenly moves inward, towards the dais, as if some very heavy weight threw itself against it. It did not give way yet, however.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on May 20, 2011, 01:56:40 AM
running out to where Tudd stands upon the dias..."Care ta join the rest of us or do ya plan on fight'n by yerself out here?" as I lay a hand upon his shoulder (the one without bug!).
"Kinda vulnerable out here don't ya think brother?" as I look to the N. with some concern.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on May 20, 2011, 08:53:38 AM
Quote from: skofflox;459415running out to where Tudd stands upon the dias..."Care ta join the rest of us or do ya plan on fight'n by yerself out here?" as I lay a hand upon his shoulder (the one without bug!).
"Kinda vulnerable out here don't ya think brother?" as I look to the N. with some concern.

Tudd replies, "This where the basket come down, right? How we gonna get out if the bad thing is too tough and it here where the basket comes down? And those thingies..." and Tudd points to the crystals in the walls of the passage north, "... are some kinda magicy... uh, magicily... oh, wizardy trap thingie, right?"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on May 21, 2011, 02:03:11 AM
Quote from: Sigmund;459445Tudd replies, "This where the basket come down, right? How we gonna get out if the bad thing is too tough and it here where the basket comes down? And those thingies..." and Tudd points to the crystals in the walls of the passage north, "... are some kinda magicy... uh, magicily... oh, wizardy trap thingie, right?"

"What yer say'n makes some sense. I'm for mak'n a stand here with ya if needs be but perhaps there is more of a fight'n chance with the others where fewer o the enemy can get to us? Hard ta say whats best not know'n the enemy troops and intentions."  (thinking the room we burned to the N. of the armory is a vulnerability to our flank now that the fire has likely died down)

I indicate the N passage after drawing sword and kneeling as I put the blade point down and rest hand on pommel  "And yes that is some sort o fancy trap there, best ta steer clear o it...perhaps the enemy will fall a'foulf o it if they come from that direction!"

Looking into Tudds eyes..."So whaddya say brother, shall we stand wi the others or put our trust in Charlathan and stand here? I'm with ya either way."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on May 21, 2011, 11:32:54 AM
Tudd grin at Runch and shoves him slightly with his shield and says, "Heh, we scan stay here for now brudder.... can always move later. I don't think Bug likes that other door in there. Charlathan likes us, we be ok. Maybe the other fellers can come over here." Tudd looks to the rest of the group and shouts, "You guys come here. You too Erarht."

Edit OOC: I wasn't too sure if taking this stance would fit IC, since Tudd is not too bright, but he does have a 14 wis, so I interpret that as meaning he has occasional moments of cleverness and insight :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on May 22, 2011, 12:55:20 AM
Quote from: Sigmund;459763Tudd grin at Runch and shoves him slightly with his shield and says, "Heh, we scan stay here for now brudder.... can always move later. I don't think Bug likes that other door in there. Charlathan likes us, we be ok. Maybe the other fellers can come over here." Tudd looks to the rest of the group and shouts, "You guys come here. You too Erarht."

Edit OOC: I wasn't too sure if taking this stance would fit IC, since Tudd is not too bright, but he does have a 14 wis, so I interpret that as meaning he has occasional moments of cleverness and insight :)

recovering my balance with a wink,nodding to Tudds answer, still kneeling..."Allright then, here we stand fer now!" I incline my head and breath deep whispering "Charlathan, a humble servent and his companions seek yer ben'fice in the coming moments. Guide our swords and strike true!, those that serve dark forces and evil schemes beware yer might and justice."

I stand and shove Tudd lightly while I gird my shield and go through a few rotations and cuts with my longsword...setting my stance deep.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 23, 2011, 11:37:01 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;459763Edit OOC: I wasn't too sure if taking this stance would fit IC, since Tudd is not too bright, but he does have a 14 wis, so I interpret that as meaning he has occasional moments of cleverness and insight :)
DM: That's your decision. I'm not going to push you around about role playing your character, unless you do something blatantly against your alignment or something of the sort, in which case I'd actually warn you and still let you do what you want to do. Bottom line is that your character is your character. You control his actions and RP 100%.

Quote from: skofflox;459849I stand and shove Tudd lightly while I gird my shield and go through a few rotations and cuts with my longsword...setting my stance deep.
Tudd and Runch are standing side by side on the dais. As of this moment, none of their companions shifted their own positions. There is another hard shock coming from the north, beyond the trap and the red lantern, and you see part of the wall of rubble give way. Many pouches of luminescent moss pop at the same time, creating a multicolored cloud that impedes your vision. You can see movement on the other side. Something big. Something very, very big...

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on May 24, 2011, 03:15:46 AM
yelling to the others..."Somth'n big com'n through the North rubble!"

looking to Tudd..."Are you ready brother?" smiling as I see bugs antena wav'n 'bout...a bit apprehansive at seeing the spore cloud bloom.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on May 24, 2011, 08:56:55 AM
"Ooo... pretty clouds..." Tudd says with a smile.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on May 25, 2011, 12:16:20 AM
Quote from: Sigmund;460200"Ooo... pretty clouds..." Tudd says with a smile.

"Probl'y best ta avoid breath'n those spores brother. If that cloud wafts our way we may havta rethink our position!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 26, 2011, 12:19:58 PM
The huge, hulking creature suddenly tumbles through the clouds and comes into full view as it tries to seize what looks like a human-sized mushroom shrieking a single high pitched note to the high heavens, the very same note you heard through the walls earlier.

The large creature must be some kind of reptile, or dragon, but it is unlike anything you have seen before or would have expected from the tales you heard as young lads. It is lean, and muscular. Four powerful legs, a spine made of dark, blade-like bone protruding from its body mass which, along with the patches of orange, light grey and black coloration of its scales gives it the appearance of a fearsome, aggressive creature. Two strong wing arms are visible on its back, but the wings themselves seem ridiculously small, atrophied, compared to the rest of its anatomy. But these arms also support two ten-foot long ivory tusks which act as balancing weights as the creature tries to get back on its feet.

From the other side of the clouds quickly dissipating in the distance, more creatures jump into view to harass the large reptile. These look like twisted semi-animal, semi-vegetal creatures, as if some crazed mind decided to mix the most beautiful of flowers with the ugliest amphibious being it could find to create these bloated, yet colourful things which are now jumping on the dragon’s spine as it attempts to get back on its feet, sending clouds of multicoloured spores into the air as they lash out on the reptile with the long, prehensile tongues or stems protruding from the center of their large petals.

You do not have much time to think as they all tumble once more in their struggle against each other and are projected into the air directly in your direction as they all step on the trap between the two large crystals!

At the very same moment, you can see through the clouds that you have yet more company coming your way. Judging by the very slow and hesitant motion of these humanoid creatures, these might be undead, though you cannot be sure.

DM: Roll for initiative. Declare your intents.

Click for higher resolution (
( (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Drohem on May 26, 2011, 01:33:05 PM
"Bring them to us!" Belak yells to Tudd and Runch as he prepares his crossbow to fire when an enemy comes into view.

Klob is alert and ready to fire his crossbow as well.  


OOC:  Belak's Round 1 initiative check is a 5 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 26, 2011, 02:05:01 PM
DM: That initiative roll applies to the whole group.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on May 26, 2011, 05:48:57 PM
Ulas holds his position until he gets a better idea of whom he ought to be shooting.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 27, 2011, 03:22:05 PM
I prepare to cast death by sharp steel overdose.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on May 30, 2011, 12:47:13 PM
DM: Bad guys roll a 4. ( You guys are going first. I'm just waiting on Nimten/Runch's and Tudd's intents at this point. Othos will stay with the main group at this point, and Ludolf will shoot with his bow at one of the creatures in the air.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on May 30, 2011, 03:55:28 PM
(DM: my henchmen will loose a volley of spears as soon as they spy the airborne creature as well.)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on June 01, 2011, 12:56:27 AM
Runch is waiting with Tudd for the reptile to make it's move on the dias.Will engage as it climbs the steps and move to the W. side to draw it that way so the others can have a flanking volley or charge.

..."Whataya say brother, beyond our measure?"   as the adrenalin hits my system I can't help but grin as I indicate the reptile creature.

what sort of beings are those!? as I watch in morbid facination as the fungus being is destroyed!

If a gang of undead approaches I will most likely call on Charlathan and attempt a turning if I am free of the dragon creature!

Nimten stays as he is...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on June 01, 2011, 08:45:13 AM
Tudd, dodging flying creatures, runs at the dragon with a roar and attempts to bring his morningstar down on it's head.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 01, 2011, 12:08:44 PM
The large reptile and the strange amphibian orchids which were lashing at it a moment ago are all projected towards the dais and land very hard in Tudd and Runch's general vicinity.

Tudd rushes towards the large reptile. Roll d20 for attack.
Runch does the same from the West. Roll d20 for attack.

As far as the main group is concerned, the creatures just came into view by the dais area.

Belak and Klob are firing their crossbows. Roll for both.
Ulas Xegg was holding his action. Is he still doing so?
Ylarum, Json and Tarm run up a few paces to throw their spears at the reptile. Roll for them all.
Ludolf fires his bow. He misfires, and loses his action for next turn. (

Erarht, Nimten and Othos are staying put. Nimten can hear some fists beating on the door to north. Given the damage it sustained some time ago as the fire within the room beyond was raging, it will give way, sooner or later.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on June 01, 2011, 12:30:24 PM
Quote from: Benoist;461665Ulas Xegg was holding his action. Is he still doing so?

Well, since the brothers are charging that dragon it's probably hostile now if it wasn't already. Given its size can Ulas shoot it without a risk of hitting Tudd or Runch?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 01, 2011, 12:32:15 PM
Quote from: Cole;461672Well, since the brothers are charging that dragon it's probably hostile now if it wasn't already. Given its size can Ulas shoot it without a risk of hitting Tudd or Runch?
Yes, especially since Tudd was already to the western side of the beast and Runch specified he would get away from your line of sight (Oh yes, the DM does pay attention to these sorts of things ;) ).
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on June 01, 2011, 12:42:29 PM
Quote from: Benoist;461677Yes, especially since Tudd was already to the western side of the beast and Runch specified he would get away from your line of sight (Oh yes, the DM does pay attention to these sorts of things ;) ).

Ulas will shoot it. Rolls 18 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on June 01, 2011, 03:18:37 PM
Runch, attacking in unison with Tudd...."Charlathans will b'done!"  
ROLL: 6 (:( damage would have been great though!)

Nimten has sleep spell in mind and component handy...looking to the N. door and speaking loudly "WARE, something seeks to sunder the northern door!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on June 01, 2011, 08:45:58 PM
Tarm rolls 1d20=14 (

J'son rolls 1d20=16 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on June 05, 2011, 02:18:38 PM
OOC: I can't seem to connect to invisible castle, and I've tried a couple times now. DM, please roll for Tudd this time, I will keep trying to get the dice roller up.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 05, 2011, 02:42:05 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;462397OOC: I can't seem to connect to invisible castle, and I've tried a couple times now. DM, please roll for Tudd this time, I will keep trying to get the dice roller up.
DM: No problem. Will do. Just let me know if anyone else experiences the same issues, and I will roll accordingly.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 07, 2011, 12:08:38 PM
Tudd attacks the reptile and misses. (
Runch misses as well.

Nimten warns his companions that something is trying to get through the door to the north (door to the storage room which was set on fire earlier).

Belak and Klob both fire at the large dragon-like creature. Belak hits. ( 3 points of damage. ( A few scales broke with the bolt's impact, but not much more.
Ulas Xegg fires and hits. Roll for damage.
Ylarum holds his action preparing a charge, as far as I know (let me know if you charge at the end of this round, I'm fine with it).
J'son and Tarm throw their spears. The former hits, the latter misses. Roll damage for Json.

Othos goes to the northern door after Nimten's warning and tries to use some polearms to block the entrance as best he can.

The banging at the door goes on. The heavy scratching at the other, iron, door by the multicolored candles is as loud as ever.

The reptile after falling flat on the dais tries to get back on its feet and snaps awkwardly at Tudd. It hits ( and bites into the half-orc's flesh. 11 points of damage. (
The tail tries to slap Runch. Miss. (

Both Tudd and Runch can notice that the creature already sustained quite an amount of damage going through walls and fighting other creatures prior to its arrival on the dais.

The frog-like flowers and the shrieker are trying to get back on their feet this round.

DM: Alright. Just need the damage from Ulas Xegg and J'son at this point, and to know if Ylarum charges this round.
Somebody can roll for next round's initiative as well. You may declare your intents.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on June 07, 2011, 01:08:28 PM
J'son's spear strikes a telling blow : 1d6=6 (

(DM: Actually I can't charge - the yellow sphere thing is right in front of me!  I reckon I will grab a spare spear and get ready to throw it in the missile fire phase of the next round.  Also, thinking this might be a trick, I choose to Disbelieve for the rest of this round.  Finally, regardless of those things what color is the Dragon?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on June 08, 2011, 12:32:56 AM
Initiative roll: 6

seeing the beast bite into my brother, "NO!" 'Charlathan guide my sword true!' Runch goes all wild eyed, lunging forward to impale the thing!

Nimten goes to help the dwarf with securing the N. door...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on June 08, 2011, 09:40:59 AM
DM: In the new round, Ylarum yells: "FORWAAAAARD!" and moves (not charges), indicating Tarm and J'son to follow in formation.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on June 08, 2011, 09:53:11 AM
Quote from: Benoist;462672Ulas Xegg fires and hits. Roll for damage.

3 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 08, 2011, 10:03:43 AM
DM: OK Got the damage for J'son and Ulas, and we got a 6 for your initiative. No point for me to roll, you guys go first. So make it count! :D

Quote from: thedungeondelver;462832DM: In the new round, Ylarum yells: "FORWAAAAARD!" and moves (not charges), indicating Tarm and J'son to follow in formation.
DM: No problem. You'll come in contact and will be able to attack this round.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on June 08, 2011, 03:11:48 PM
can't penetrate defenses!... "yaaarghh!"
roll: 9
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on June 08, 2011, 08:24:45 PM
Quote from: Benoist;462837DM: OK Got the damage for J'son and Ulas, and we got a 6 for your initiative. No point for me to roll, you guys go first. So make it count! :D

DM: No problem. You'll come in contact and will be able to attack this round.

Tarm! 1d20=9 ( - swing and miss.

J'son!1d20=9 ( - swing and a miss!

Ylarum!1d20+4=17 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 13, 2011, 06:51:02 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;462687Also, thinking this might be a trick, I choose to Disbelieve for the rest of this round.  Finally, regardless of those things what color is the Dragon?)
It seems to Ylarum the reptile creature is very real at this point. This is how it actually looks:


It's already quite bloodied and really, really pissed, obviously.

As for the strange flower-like amphibians, they look vaguely like what should have been their heads exploded to form thick vegetal ribbons or petals of an orchid-like quality with a sort of bag of nectar hanging over their bloated mass, a bit like this (nevermind my bad 'shop job, try to look through it):


Imagine the body changing shape and volume as they breathe and twist around, kind of like bags of air-filled jelly, spewing clouds of spores through from their "mouths". Strange to say the least.

DM: Alright, I got all your actions next turn but for Ulas (I registered the damage). What is he doing this turn, keeping in mind that:

Tudd attacks as well with his morning star. He hits once for 6 points of damage. ( The powerful reptile has already taken much abuse. It can't last forever!

Ylarum's attack is a hit (roll for damage).

Belak and Klob charge as well (but are not quite in contact yet, unlike Ylarum and his men).

Ludolf joins them with his long blade.

Othos and Nimten gather clutter against the door north of your position.

Ulas firing from his position could hit his teammates (random target in an ongoing melee). What's your action at this point?

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on June 13, 2011, 08:00:34 PM
Can Ulas shoot at the southeasternmost orchid without hitting any of the PCs?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on June 13, 2011, 09:05:00 PM
Ylarum slashes with his longsword!

EDIT: I rolled for Two-handed sword v. large; I meant to roll for longsword versus large.  The correct roll is:

1d12+4=9 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 13, 2011, 09:05:29 PM
Quote from: Cole;463864Can Ulas shoot at the southeasternmost orchid without hitting any of the PCs?
Yes. It's not engaged in melee: you could move in position and time your shot to avoid the others rushing towards the reptile. Go for it. :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on June 13, 2011, 09:10:17 PM
Quote from: Benoist;463875Yes. It's not engaged in melee: you could move in position and time your shot to avoid the others rushing towards the reptile. Go for it. :)

Unfortunately, only a 4+3=7. (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 14, 2011, 02:39:30 PM
The reptile creature has taken much abuse. Patches of scales missing from crashing through walls. Slashing marks from the weird amphibians' tongues that were lashing at it. Arrows. Blows from Tudd and now, Ylarum, who just pierced the creatures natural armor as it was jerking around, trying to regain a sure footing, its feet searching for the ground at the edge of the dais.

You can see death in its eye.

It turns around and attacks fiercely its assailants. (

Claw (J'son): Critical Hit. 8 points of damage.
Claw (Tarm): Critical Hit. 8 points of damage.
Bite (Ylarum): Miss.

Both J'son and Tarm are hit by powerful blows from the creature's limbs, their dislocated bodies sent flying against the walls of the spherical room. There is no doubt in Ylarum's mind: they both have been killed outright.

Amphibian #1 (just missed by Ulas's arrow) spews a cloud of yellowish spores in the dwarves and Ludolf's way. Both dwarves stop dead in their tracks ( and start vomitting all over the floor, while Ludolf manages to ignore the nausea and will reach the reptile next round.

Amphibian #2 attacks Runch: Miss. (

The Shrieker starts to howl once again.

The door Nimten and Othos are trying to keep closed is dangerously shaking on its hinges as it receives numerous hits, one after the other.

DM: New Round! Declare your intents, and roll for initiative!

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on June 14, 2011, 03:51:19 PM
Ylarum roars: REVENGE! and will make another attack with his longsword.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on June 14, 2011, 03:54:01 PM
Could Ulas dash around into the north part of the main central room without having to cross the spore cloud?

Quote from: Benoist;464074DM: New Round! Declare your intents, and roll for initiative!

4 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 14, 2011, 04:04:40 PM
Quote from: Cole;464094Could Ulas dash around into the north part of the main central room without having to cross the spore cloud?
Being aware of it now, a round being one minute (roughly, it's abstract), and looking at the shape of the cloud which is very light on the north side of the yellow lantern, I'd say it is possible for Ulas to hold his breath and jump/dash through it.

Go for it. No roll required.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on June 14, 2011, 04:08:02 PM
Ulas dashes northwest along the trough, stopping before(just east of) the edge of the N corridor/trap. If he has time when he gets there, he'll fire at the SE orchid.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on June 15, 2011, 02:40:44 PM
closing in on the wounded creature, looking for an opening to thrust my longsword...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 21, 2011, 05:59:23 PM
DM: LOL Monsters roll a 1 ( for initiative. You guys go first.

Ylarum makes another attack with his sword : roll attack and damage.
Ulas dashes through the cloud of spores, holding his breath.
He stops just before/east of the trap north of the dais, and shoots at the SE orchid creature : roll attack and damage.

Runch closes in on the reptile : roll attack and damage.

Nimten and Othos try to keep whatever is on the other side of the northern armory door to make it through : roll 1d100 for Nimten.
Tudd, still standing, attacks as well : Skofflox, attack for Tudd with 1d20+3, damage 1d6+5 with the morningstar.

Belak and Klob reiterate their saving throws ( : Klob keeps on vomitting, dazed and confused. Belak however comes to his senses and runs to his friends' help. He attacks : somebody roll 1d20+6 twice for Belak !

Ludolf is in contact as well : one of you roll for 1d20 for Ludolf as well.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on June 21, 2011, 06:44:05 PM
1d20+2=22 (


1d12+4=16 (


(honestly, if I was the DM I wouldn't believe these rolls...!)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on June 21, 2011, 06:45:57 PM
Quote from: Benoist;465170Ulas dashes through the cloud of spores, holding his breath.
He stops just before/east of the trap north of the dais, and shoots at the SE orchid creature : roll attack and damage.

Only a 2 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 21, 2011, 06:55:56 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;4651771d20+2=22 (


1d12+4=16 (


(honestly, if I was the DM I wouldn't believe these rolls...!)
DM: LOL I roll to disbelieve! :D :D :D  

Quote from: Cole;465179Only a 2 (
Redeem yourself and roll 1d20+6 twice for Belak, Cole.

Bill: Roll 1d20 for Ludolf too!

Rich (Skofflox) will roll for Tudd as well.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on June 21, 2011, 07:33:47 PM
Quote from: Benoist;465181DM: LOL I roll to disbelieve! :D :D :D  

Redeem yourself and roll 1d20+6 twice for Belak, Cole.

Bill: Roll 1d20 for Ludolf too!

Rich (Skofflox) will roll for Tudd as well.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on June 21, 2011, 08:05:31 PM
Ludolf rolls:

1d20=11 (

Flat average unless any modifiers come in to play.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 21, 2011, 08:38:00 PM
Quote from: Cole;465186

One of them hits. That's 1d8+6 damage.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;465191Ludolf rolls:

1d20=11 (

Flat average unless any modifiers come in to play.
Yeah, I'm going to check but I doubt that's a hit.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on June 21, 2011, 08:41:28 PM
(DM: How about this dragon?  hating life?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on June 21, 2011, 09:01:16 PM
Quote from: Benoist;465192One of them hits. That's 1d8+6 damage.

5 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 21, 2011, 09:03:39 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;465193(DM: How about this dragon?  hating life?)
Poor beast took 34 points of damage so far (but took out your henchmen and almost killed Tudd!). Not counting the 1d8+6 of Cole and the Runch/Tudd this round. I'm doubting the creature has the means to hate anything at this point, if you catch my drift. LOL ;)

Quote from: Cole;4651955 (
EDIT - well make that 45 points of damage. Yeah... I think this one's going to finish as a sack or a pair of boots... :D
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on June 22, 2011, 01:29:36 AM
Shaking off the worst of the bite and grinning,Tudd wades into the beast...
To Hit: 22
Dam: 11

Runch takes heart in Tudds recovery and strikes true...
To Hit: 22
Dam: 12
a satisfying splash of gore...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 22, 2011, 02:22:09 AM
DM: What the hell is going on with these rolls? LOL :D

Oh and Skoff, you got to roll 1d100 for Nimten too, mate.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on June 22, 2011, 02:26:20 AM
Quote from: Benoist;465215DM: What the hell is going on with these rolls? LOL :D

Oh and Skoff, you got to roll 1d100 for Nimten too, mate.
the stars are right! tis..
roll: 57
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on June 28, 2011, 05:58:49 PM
It is a scene of gore and triumph that follows, blood splattering all over the place as you each strike a telling blow : Belak severs the creature's jugular while Ylarum stabs and reaches deep within its entrails with his sword; Tudd jumps over the creature and hits hard with his morningstar, square on the side of the dragon's skull; Runch, reinvigorated by the sight of Tudd's fury, hacks with his own sword and hits the perfect spot at the base of its neck which achieves to completely ruin the beast's spine from head to limbs.

Suffering from such enormous injuries all at the same time, or nearly, the creature expires instantly, without any chance to retaliate.

Meanwhile, Nimten and Othos can hold the door shut for the moment. You can see it fall apart progressively. Rotten corpses are pushing through the cracks with their arms stretched out, reaching for you hungrily...

The amphibian orchid tries to grab Tudd with its tongue ... and fails. (

The other orchid hops towards Belak and tries to do the same... and fumbles. ( No action on its part next turn as it seems to choke on little puffs of spores!

West of your position, you can see a little group of humanoids rushing towards you while the shrieker keeps on howling as it slowly moves around the mirror surface (on the wall) south of the dais...

DM: Next round. Intents, roll for initiative!

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on June 28, 2011, 07:10:55 PM
Quote from: Benoist;465961DM: Next round. Intents, roll for initiative!

Initiative 5 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Cole on June 28, 2011, 07:12:29 PM
Ulas shoots an arrow at the leading humanoid of the wet group, then strafes clockwise along the barrier to behind Ludolf's position.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on June 29, 2011, 12:56:30 AM
seeing the extant of Tudds wound I pull him aside and say a prayer of healing as I hold the amulet at my neck and place the other on Tudds gore slicked head. "Mighty charlathan staunch the wounds of this humble mortal."

OOC:Go ahead and roll for the healing Sigmund...or should I?

Nimten shouts "We need aid, the undead are upon us!" he will continue to hold the door untill it looks likely to sunder...then he will run!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on June 29, 2011, 03:03:35 PM
I'm going to wait until the monsters initiative is in to roll but to declare actions, I'm gonna take a backhanded slash at the orchid-thing that's floating near me when it's my turn.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on July 20, 2011, 01:44:05 PM
Quote from: skofflox;465980seeing the extant of Tudds wound I pull him aside and say a prayer of healing as I hold the amulet at my neck and place the other on Tudds gore slicked head. "Mighty charlathan staunch the wounds of this humble mortal."

OOC:Go ahead and roll for the healing Sigmund...or should I?

OOC: Holding off until the game gets going again, but I'd be happy to roll if when the time comes you'll remind me what to roll :D
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on September 23, 2011, 03:52:15 PM
Little summary of what's going on right now: (don't hesitate to reread some of the prior posts to refresh your memory) just as you were investigating a corridor lined up with candles and leading to an iron door, like its western counterpart, in the eastern part of the complex you are just exploring, you heard a series of crashes, commotion, roars and so on. The sounds gradually moved from the areas beyond the rooms you know of to the west, then north, of your position. Then the makeshift barricade to the north blew up, and a dragon, followed by creatures ressembling weird toads with orchid heads, and a pack of what looks like undead, all came through the passage, some of them projected by the trap near the barricade right on top of the dais.

Combat follows. You hear scratching at the iron door the corridor with the candles leads to (corridor east of the dais, the one you were just investigating). Additionally, there are creatures trying to come through the northern door of the arsenal: right now, Nimten and Othos are trying to keep the wretched creatures on the other side from going through, and potentially flanking you from that position.

You slaughter the reptile creatures after a bloody fight that left some Ylarum's men dead, and some of you injured.

Right now, just in the aftermath of the dragon's death, you have a pack of creatures rushing towards you from the west (the apothecary). You have some creatures still trying to make their way through the door Nimten and Othos are trying to keep shut, you have the two orchid-toad "things" to deal with, and a shrieker that just does not stop howling in the vicinity.

You rolled a 5 on this new round's initiative.

The bad guys roll a 3. ( You are going first.

Revise what you have declared these last few posts, and confirm whether you are sticking to that or whatnot. Those who haven't declared anything yet waiting for initiative results have it. Let me know what you intend to do.

Tudd/Sigmund: you can roll 1d8 to determine how many hit points you gain from the healing Charlathan bestows upon you through his servant, your brother Runch.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on September 23, 2011, 08:04:20 PM
Having just slain a dragon, and filled with bloodlust over the loss of his comrades, Ylarum the Doomed will cackle like a maniac, pause for a split second to lick a drop of the beast's ichor off his sword, and attack the orchid-thing directly to front.

1d20+4=21 (

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on September 24, 2011, 03:26:44 PM
OOC: not sure if the healing is finished or taking place in this recently rolled initiative sequence...also, are these orchid things "L" or "M" sized in regards to damage d.

If Runch is free this round (done tending to Tudd) he intends to strike the nearest orchid thing with his longsword!
heres the roll, venting a battle cry! "Yaarrgh!"
15 (+3)= 18

Nimten continues to hold the door...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on September 24, 2011, 05:44:58 PM
Quote from: skofflox;465980seeing the extant of Tudds wound I pull him aside and say a prayer of healing as I hold the amulet at my neck and place the other on Tudds gore slicked head. "Mighty charlathan staunch the wounds of this humble mortal."

OOC:Go ahead and roll for the healing Sigmund...or should I?

Nimten shouts "We need aid, the undead are upon us!" he will continue to hold the door untill it looks likely to sunder...then he will run!

Healing (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on September 30, 2011, 12:08:17 PM
Die roll for Ulas

Rolled on: Sept. 30, 2011, 9:06 a.m.

1d20+3 → [6,3] = (9) (

Ulas then switches targets as per Cole's last post (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on October 03, 2011, 12:43:55 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;481413Having just slain a dragon, and filled with bloodlust over the loss of his comrades, Ylarum the Doomed will cackle like a maniac, pause for a split second to lick a drop of the beast's ichor off his sword, and attack the orchid-thing directly to front.

1d20+4=21 (


(DM : that should have been a 19, not a 21, I applied the bonus wrong - if that still hits, the total damage is: 1d8+4=9 ( which hopefully clove the bastard in twain)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on October 03, 2011, 02:58:44 PM
Belak attacks the orchid creature with Ylarum... and that's not a hit. (

Ylarum, however, blinded by his bloodlust, slashing at the same creature, hits it violently with his sword... Roll for damage.

Runch now fights the second Orchid creature after he healed his brother Tudd. He strikes... and hits as well ! Roll for damage.

Tudd is reinvigorated by the blessings of Charlathan. He may attack (attack and damage rolls, unless I didn't see them somehow) this turn if he wishes.

Nimten and Othos continue to hold the door. They are not making a roll this turn. They hold.

Ludolf moves north from the felled dragon to join Ulas and join his efforts in archery. He fumbles and won't be acting next turn. (

Waiting on Ylarum and Runch's damage rolls now. I'll update the map when the bad guys make their move. :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on October 03, 2011, 03:48:57 PM
Tudd spins around and swings his morningstar at the flower creature next to him with a growl...

Die roll for Tudd

Campaign: Ptolus
Rolled on: Oct. 3, 2011, 12:46 p.m.

1d20+3;2d4+3 → [20,3] = (23)
1d20+3;2d4+3 → [2,1,3] = (6)
Attack and damage on flower. (

OOC: Can't remember how the nat 20 shakes out, is it max damage?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on October 03, 2011, 04:17:43 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;483269OOC: Can't remember how the nat 20 shakes out, is it max damage?
Yes, it's an auto-max damage, so 11. :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on October 03, 2011, 05:25:00 PM

1d8+4=5 (

Just nicked it!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on October 03, 2011, 07:47:43 PM
Quote from: Benoist;483261Runch now fights the second Orchid creature after he healed his brother Tudd. He strikes... and hits as well ! Roll for damage.

slicing into the beast for 8 dam.!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on October 05, 2011, 03:06:39 PM
Ylarum hits the orchid-like creature. It is hurt, and jumps side to side as if to shake off the wound. It puffs a cloud of red spores that seem inoffensive. It attemps to strike back by unleashing its tongue at Ylarum, and it hits. ( Ylarum does not take any damage. He can attempt to hit the tongue immediately as it rushes forward (similar to a giant frog attack). Make an attack and damage roll.

Runch and Tudd have more luck : with the strength of their combined blows they just killed the creature which deflates instantly as zombies try to rush through and get past them. Two of them are inflicting devastating blows to the brothers ( Tudd and Runch both take 8 points of damage! Runch loses consciousness (-1 HP by my reckoning)!

The shrieker keeps howling, and the zombies to the north of the armory keep trying to get through! What are you going to do?

Ylarum, roll attack and damage for the tongue of the beast before new round begins.

New round! Somebody roll for initiative!

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on October 06, 2011, 04:18:10 PM
With a roar Tudd swings his morningstar at the two creatures in front of him.

Die roll for Tudd

Campaign: Ptolus
Rolled on: Oct. 6, 2011, 1:43 p.m.

1d20+3 → [15,3] = (18)
1d20+3 → [6,3] = (9)
Tudd's attacks. (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on October 06, 2011, 04:34:57 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;483932With a roar Tudd swings his morningstar at the two creatures in front of him.
That is strange. Results don't show separately, like it added everything or something. That's not right. Roll 1d20+3 twice instead. We'll worry about damage afterwards.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on October 07, 2011, 02:29:58 PM
Ylarum roars again, striking true!

To-hit: 1d20+2=22 (

Damage: 1d8+4=5 (

("Hmm," Ylarum thinks, "perhaps less roaring, more stabbing.")


1d6=5 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on October 07, 2011, 07:04:42 PM
DM: You lucky SOB. :D It's auto-max damage on a natural 20, so 12 damage.

Ylarum strikes the tongue just as it reaches him. It sticks to the blade, Ylarum rams his blade through the creature, and pulls it again violently to release it from the creature's grasp. Meanwhile, Ylarum inflicted massive amounts of damage to the creature. It is bleeding some sort of sap profusely, and is almost dead. It makes no doubt it intends to flee next turn (at 1 hp actually).

Alright. Intentions for next turn now (I got Tudd's already, but that's it). You guys got a 5 inititiative, keep that in mind. :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on October 07, 2011, 10:27:48 PM
If it's turning to flee, I get an attack at +4 (if you're using that rule) so I will make potpourri of the florid son of a bitch at the first chance.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on October 11, 2011, 06:20:42 PM
I got a 6. ( The bad guys act first.

Two zombies are rushing towards Belak, and two others stay by Tudd and try to finish him.

The two zombies by Tudd do not hit. (

The two zombies trying to overwhelm Belak fail as well. (

At this point, we know that Tudd will hit one of his opponents. Roll for damage for Tudd once.

Ylarum attacks the fleeing Orchid creature jumping past him. Roll your attack +4, Ylarum.

Ludolf cannot shoot this turn due to his fumble last turn.

Klob is trying to overcome his nausea to join the fight. Ylarum : roll his saving throw.

Belak is going to hit each of his opponents once. Ylarum : roll d20+5 twice, please (due to the double spec).

Runch is out of the fight at the moment.

Othos and Nimten seem to be holding the door still (let me know Rich if that's not the case).

The surviving henchmen of Ylarum are standing by, clear from the fight.

Ulas Xegg is going to shoot I suppose. Tudd, roll for his attack.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on October 12, 2011, 01:16:22 PM
Ok, one damage roll for Tudd coming up. Adding an extra +1 because I've been forgetting to add his +1 for str. Combined with his +3 for 2x spec he gets +4 to damage with a morningstar...

Die roll for Tudd

Campaign: Ptolus
Rolled on: Oct. 12, 2011, 10:14 a.m.

2d4+4 → [4,1,4] = (9)
single damage roll for Tudd (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on October 12, 2011, 01:22:32 PM
Ulas bow shot...

Die roll for Ulas

Campaign: Ptolus
Rolled on: Oct. 12, 2011, 10:19 a.m.

1d20+3 → [11,3] = (14)
Ulas to hit plus dex bonus (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on October 13, 2011, 12:14:54 AM
1d20+4+2=18 (

I'm guessing that hits?

Belak - d20+5 roll #1 -

1d20+5=16 (

#2 -

1d20+5=22 (

And finally, poor Klob's saving throw...

1d20=14 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on October 13, 2011, 07:03:03 PM
Tudd slices one of his opponents in two.

Ylarum hits and kills the fleeing orchid-like toad outright.

Klob still doesn't make his saving throw. Poor guy is still sickened.

Belak's two attacks hit, however. He does 7 damage minimum with each blow. No need to roll damage. He hacks both zombies to pieces.

Ulas Xegg, finally, hits his intended target. Rolling for damage ... and he rolls max damage (, hitting a zombie in the head and splitting parts of its skull off its face. It is dead.

All the opponents around the dais are now dead BUT for the Shrieker.

Othos and Nimten are still holding the door north of the armory.

Combat ends (for now). What are you doing ?

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on October 13, 2011, 08:03:42 PM
Tudd rushes to Runch's side and tries to see what he can do to help his brother.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on October 14, 2011, 03:25:19 AM
Nimten keeps his shoulder to the door as he yells back towards Ylarums men..."Quickly, we need aid!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on October 14, 2011, 04:11:02 PM
Tudd rushes to Runch's side : his brother is in a pretty bad shape (-1 HP), but stable. If he's not waiting too long to administer some type of aid or healing, he will make it without much trouble.

Just as he's looking at his face, he and the others can hear the call coming from the armory : "Quickly, we need aid!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on October 16, 2011, 12:05:40 AM
Ylarum immediately moves to the armory at a run.  As he does so he orders Liir, Dallow and Snave to stay put:

"You might wind up as fighting men before this is over but not just yet, boys!"

If I have enough time once I've moved across into the armory, I'll head north to where Nimten and Othos are holding at.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on October 17, 2011, 05:25:12 PM
Ylarum finds them holding on to the door, quite desperate at this point, really. But they are holding firm. For now. There are cracks in the door. Ylarum can clearly see zombie arms trying to reach through. How long the door is going to hold, and how it did hold so far, actually, are a matter of guesses at this point.

What do you do?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on October 17, 2011, 09:47:30 PM
As I see him approach at a run...
"Ahhh! Ylarum, good of you to make it!"
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on October 17, 2011, 11:37:13 PM
Ylarum will, if he sees a significant amount of zombie sticking through the door, trim it flush.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on October 18, 2011, 04:06:54 PM
From what Nimten, Othos and Ylarum can tell, there are two creatures trying to get through, but they are pugnacious to say the least.

Does Ylarum go ahead and strike to trim, as you put it? If so, make me an attack roll.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on October 18, 2011, 09:36:20 PM
1d20+2=5 (

"And that, lads, is how you attack a door.  Now, as to zombies..."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on October 19, 2011, 12:19:20 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;4856181d20+2=5 (

"And that, lads, is how you attack a door.  Now, as to zombies..."

squinting and turning head as the chips fly...casting an incredulous glance at Ylarum...,"Perhaps we should step away Othos?"(ooc:;))
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on October 19, 2011, 05:13:25 PM
Ylarum's sword blow doesn't harm anyone. Not even the door. He hacks a few more times. It soon becomes apparent this tactic isn't going to bear any fruit. You are going to have to come up with something else to get them to move out of there.

Othos just mumbles to himself something that might have sounded like "Damn humans trying to play tin soldiers." :D
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 07, 2011, 03:02:57 PM
Ylarum, to his comrades: "Then we'll deal with with this with cold steel.  Othos, move back away from the door.  Once he's a few paces back, Nimten, you move to his side."

Ylarum will then put his shoulder and his mighty 18/% strength against the door and wait to see if they do so.

Somewhere, this begins to play...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 09, 2011, 01:17:05 PM
Othos, unsure what to do in those kinds of circumstances, complies with Ylarum's injunction. I assume Nimten does the same. Ylarum's might now competes against the combined push of the undead on its sole merits. He holds fast as the creatures fists hammer at the door, try to grasp his shoulder and forearm as the wood slowly falls apart... for now...

What does he intend to do from there ?

DM : That tune is indeed very appropriate, and very cool to boot. :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on November 10, 2011, 10:10:48 PM
Tudd cradles Runch's head, morningstar and shield beside him on the floor, and mutters prayers to Charlathan and whispers to Bug.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on November 10, 2011, 11:17:27 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;488499Ylarum, to his comrades: "Then we'll deal with with this with cold steel.  Othos, move back away from the door.  Once he's a few paces back, Nimten, you move to his side."

Ylarum will then put his shoulder and his mighty 18/% strength against the door and wait to see if they do so.

Somewhere, this begins to play...

Quote from: Benoist;488796Othos, unsure what to do in those kinds of circumstances, complies with Ylarum's injunction. I assume Nimten does the same. Ylarum's might now competes against the combined push of the undead on its sole merits. He holds fast as the creatures fists hammer at the door, try to grasp his shoulder and forearm as the wood slowly falls apart... for now...

What does he intend to do from there ?

DM : That tune is indeed very appropriate, and very cool to boot. :)

Indeed, Nimten steps away, relieved, he scampers away...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 10, 2011, 11:42:35 PM
With his shoulders straining at the door and his boots scrunching on the gritty tiles, Ylarum chuckles slightly as he grunts with exertion and says:


Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 12, 2011, 03:09:05 PM
One of the arms reaches and comes really close to do some damage to Ylarum's shoulder, but the creature's precision is lacking (

Liir, Dallow and Snave do everything in their power to comply with his command, knowing it is not over yet, and that their lives might depend on their combined efforts. They clear the area quickly, and orderly, without saying a word.

By the dais, Tudd is holding his brother Runch. His prayers to Charlathan remain unanswered as Bug faces his teary eyes, as if trying to share his emotions and predicament.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 21, 2011, 09:01:16 PM
(It's time to get this show on the mother-humping road.)

Once Ylarum is sure that everyone is clear, he's going to roll his shoulders so he's facing the door rather than has his back to it.

With a mighty wrench, he'll tear it open (open doors, bend bars/lift gates roll, DM?) and grinning like an arch-devil will attack the first zombie that presents itself.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on November 23, 2011, 01:58:43 PM
Actually, no such roll is warranted, since the door was completely falling apart.

Ylarum tears it apart. Two zombies immediately try to reach for his arms and throat, groaning like devils as their dried throats try to form some type of words or curse, the powerful smell of decay erupting from every single inch of their bodies as their skin cracks open to reach farther ...

Since he prepared himself for the assault, he gets the initiative, slashing at them as hard as he possibly can...

Make your roll, Ylarum. Good luck. :D
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on November 23, 2011, 03:12:35 PM
1d20+2=10 ( probably not going to do it.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on November 25, 2011, 07:55:52 AM
At the noise of the door giving way, Tudd looks up with a scowl, gently places Runch's head on the floor, grabs his shield and morningstar, and starts trotting towards the sounds of combat, growling.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 05, 2011, 11:21:23 AM
Ylarum try to work with what he's got. He slashes through the mass of claws and teeth reaching for him and manages to not falter, though he doesn't get any significant hit out of his maneuver.

They are luckily not very successful themselves (, and don't manage to inflict significant damage to Ylarum beyond a few nasty scratches he can easily ignore for the time being.

Tudd, meanwhile, manages to pull himself together again, picks up his weapon and shield, walks past the henchmen and companions waiting here, trying to figure out what to do, and may lend a hand to Ylarum right away if he so desires.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 05, 2011, 11:36:17 AM
Tudd swings ( at the closest enemy target.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: skofflox on December 06, 2011, 03:00:27 AM
Nimten watches, aghast as the undead attack Ylarum.
He pulls his dagger free and continues to back away.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 07, 2011, 11:32:56 AM
Ylarum swings again!

(DM: how many are there, by the way?)

1d20+2=17 (

Hopefully putting the hurt in "I hope this hurts him."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 07, 2011, 01:46:29 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;493813Tudd swings ( at the closest enemy target.

Tudd misses, but he manages to give Ylarum an opening by dividing the forces aligned against him. One zombie clearly intends to make a meal out of him, while the other keeps on fumbling and trashing towards the Doomed.

Quote from: skofflox;493896Nimten watches, aghast as the undead attack Ylarum.
He pulls his dagger free and continues to back away.

Nimten finds himself next to Snave, who watches as his employer fights the zombies, clearly struggling to decide whether he should ignore his orders to just go help him, while the others, the carriers, clearly are wondering whether they should flee at this point, or not.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;494080Ylarum swings again!

(DM: how many are there, by the way?)

1d20+2=17 (

Hopefully putting the hurt in "I hope this hurts him."
DM: There are two zombies. One focusing on Ylarum at the moment, and the other now going for Tudd.

Ylarum manages to use the opening provided to him by Tudd's arrival and swings hard at one of the zombies. Roll for damage.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 09, 2011, 12:32:25 AM
When I enstabulate something, it stays enstabulated:

1d8+4=7 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 09, 2011, 07:55:30 AM
ooc: Kick their booties tdd! :D
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 09, 2011, 11:09:53 AM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;494392When I enstabulate something, it stays enstabulated:

1d8+4=7 (

Ylarum's blow splits the zombie's body nearly in half, from the neck down to what remains of his kidneys. It stares at the Doomed with a blank, bovine, dead eye before slowly collapsing like split wrapping paper made of flesh onto the floor in front of him.

Just one zombie remaining. Somebody roll for initiative!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 11, 2011, 01:29:08 PM
1d6=4 (

A High average.  Here's hoping.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on December 20, 2011, 08:11:12 PM
Here's rolling for the lone walking corpse... and it acts first (6 on Init roll) (, with great speed indeed. The last zombie just spits and flails his disjointed arms forward to reach Tudd... and misses. (

Your turn to react!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on December 21, 2011, 07:59:01 PM
1d20+2=6 (

Swing and a miss.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on December 31, 2011, 12:36:08 AM
ooc: Invisible castle doesn't sem to be working at the moment, but Tudd will be taking a swing as soon as it's back up.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 01, 2012, 06:03:56 PM
ooc: ben are we doing this any more?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 01, 2012, 10:53:35 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;499770ooc: ben are we doing this any more?

Yes, very much so. I just want to get back home before going on with the game.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 02, 2012, 05:31:58 AM
ooc: I'm still getting a "503 - Service Not Available" whenever I try to use the Invisible Castle site.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 02, 2012, 04:10:09 PM
Quote from: Benoist;499840Yes, very much so. I just want to get back home before going on with the game.

sorry dogg, didn't know you were on the road.  Be safe!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 04, 2012, 01:43:56 PM
Ylarum swings at the zombie, but some of the wooden splinters lying all around after the door basically disintegrated are in the way, rendering his combination of blows pretty useless in the end.

DM: We just got Tudd to go and it'll be new round. Chris, I'm getting Invisible Castle fine one here. Try rolling again. If you still have problems, I'll just roll for Tudd.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 04, 2012, 02:04:19 PM
Tudd swings at the zombie from behind his shield...

15 to hit (

ooc: IC seems to be working again.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 04, 2012, 02:25:56 PM
That's a hit! Roll for damage. :)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 04, 2012, 02:31:21 PM
Quote from: Benoist;500621That's a hit! Roll for damage. :)

8 damage (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 04, 2012, 02:39:28 PM
The head of Tudd's morningstar makes the zombie's head explode like a rotting pumpkin. The weapon doesn't stop its course at the undead's shoulders, however, but messily makes its way through its rib cage, sending unnaturally wet pulp flying all around. The thing collapses on the ground, dead, once and for all.

The combat is over, and you actually made it through. You can hear a very loud sigh of relief coming from Ylarum's bearers behind.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 04, 2012, 02:50:11 PM
Tudd roars at the remains, snarling, teeth bared, then spins and runs back to Runch, stowing his shield over his back on the way.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 04, 2012, 05:00:09 PM
Dragging his sword carelessly behind him, heedless of any embers or coals from the fire, Ylarum walks back out of the room, barely acknowledging Liir and Dallow and Snave except to say "Follow me back to the main chamber." and continues walking theretowards.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 04, 2012, 06:45:18 PM
As Tudd reaches his brother Runch lying there unconscious on the dais, Snave, Liir and Dallow follow their leader towards the area of the dais, soon followed by the others in the armory, including Othos, Nimten, and your Orc prisoner.

DM: I will have an updated map up on the thread tomorrow morning.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 05, 2012, 02:31:35 PM
Snave goes off to examine the bodies of the men at arms who fell in combat.

There is still a loud scratching sound coming from the iron door at the end of the western corridor lit with candles, but it doesn't look like whatever is on the other side is going to make it through any time soon.

DM: Here's the updated map, folks. :)

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 10, 2012, 11:45:52 AM
ooc: is the basket up or down?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 11, 2012, 06:29:22 PM
DM: The basket is up at the moment (went back up after Ludolf joined you here) but there is a rope hanging from the hole in the ceiling to call it if you need it.

With Runch unconscious, Tudd can notice that Erarht the Orc is more nervous than ever. He stays a few paces back, and asks: "So... what will happen to me now? Will you deliver me to those men with the pink faces like yourselves up there, in the land of the surface?"

Ludolf's face twitches as he listens. Ylarum's men do not care. The bearers would like to be back to the surface ASAP, that much is clear. Snave is more concerned about the spearmen who have been killed at the moment. The dwarves' faces don't show any expression, as if they'd like to go on, and on, but know that they wouldn't make it very far if they did...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 11, 2012, 07:57:14 PM
Quote from: Benoist;503731DM: The basket is up at the moment (went back up after Ludolf joined you here) but there is a rope hanging from the hole in the ceiling to call it if you need it.

With Runch unconscious, Tudd can notice that Erarht the Orc is more nervous than ever. He stays a few paces back, and asks: "So... what will happen to me now? Will you deliver me to those men with the pink faces like yourselves up there, in the land of the surface?"

"Erarht! Come help me with ma brudder." Tudd says, then turns his face upwards and roars, "Lower tha baskit!"

Tudd then works with Erarht to try to staunch wounds until Tudd sees whether the basket gets lowered.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 11, 2012, 09:52:25 PM
Ylarum, To his bearers: " me bring Tarm and J'son to the dais.  I won't leave them down here for whatever necromantic mischief."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 12, 2012, 08:14:42 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;503788"Erarht! Come help me with ma brudder." Tudd says, then turns his face upwards and roars, "Lower tha baskit!"

Tudd then works with Erarht to try to staunch wounds until Tudd sees whether the basket gets lowered.

Erarht approaches to help. He helps by holding Runch's body while Tudd examines his brother's wounds. Everyone around the dais comes a little closer while a gritty sound erupts from the ceiling's opening. It sound as though the platform is being lowered down the shaft at this moment.

Quote from: thedungeondelver;503844Ylarum, To his bearers: " me bring Tarm and J'son to the dais.  I won't leave them down here for whatever necromantic mischief."

Liir and Dallow comply without a word. Snave joins in the effort, and asks to Ylarum: "Shall we find someone to bury them in town, Sir? Sounds to me like these two deserve a decent burial at least. That's what they would have wanted."

Ylarum can see Snave turn his eyes away to look at J'son's face, a grave expression of respect on his staunch face.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 17, 2012, 11:06:25 PM
Quote from: Benoist;504264Ylarum can see Snave turn his eyes away to look at J'son's face, a grave expression of respect on his staunch face.

"Yes.  They deserve that much."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 18, 2012, 08:22:50 AM
Tudd gently pours water on Runch's wounds, dabbing with a rag ripped from his cloak, then covering the worst wound with the rag and applying gentle pressure as he waits for the basket. He grabs his weapon with his free hand and watches the basket's progress.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 18, 2012, 02:04:23 PM
The basket reaches the ground now.

Piling up the wounded (Runch) and the dead (J'son and Tarm) and sending them up will take a trip back and forth at least. Who is going up with them to secure their ascension and ensure they are not slipping off the platform during their trip to the surface?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 18, 2012, 02:08:20 PM
Tudd is going up with Runch, whether that means leaving the dead guys or what.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 18, 2012, 02:31:44 PM
Theoretically, the dead bodies could be considered dead weight. You could conceivably have Runch lying on top of the bodies, with Tudd securing the whole over them as they ascend. Whether you think that is respectful of dead fallen in battle is up to you at this point...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 18, 2012, 02:51:33 PM
Quote from: Benoist;506632Theoretically, the dead bodies could be considered dead weight. You could conceivably have Runch lying on top of the bodies, with Tudd securing the whole over them as they ascend. Whether you think that is respectful of dead fallen in battle is up to you at this point...

ooc: Tudd doesn't care about the dead, especially in comparison to the still living.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 18, 2012, 08:05:43 PM
I'm going to wait for Ylarum to pitch in on this issue. :D
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 22, 2012, 03:34:55 PM
(Sorry for the delay; I've been so caught up in the excitement of the 1e reprints and the promise D&D Next shows...anyway, back to the game...)

DM: Have the bodies of Tarm and J'son been loaded on the platform?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 22, 2012, 04:18:21 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;507798DM: Have the bodies of Tarm and J'son been loaded on the platform?

DM: Not yet. You can see above that Tudd is not opposed to the idea of loading Tarm and J'son and then add the unconscious Runch on top of them, with Tudd securing the whole as the platform would ascend. Not being sure whether Ylarum would get along with that idea, I let him react first. Is he okay with this?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 22, 2012, 08:46:55 PM
(Ylarum, to everyone): "They'll be in good company on the way back up.  Get them aboard."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 23, 2012, 09:28:53 AM
Tudd nods curtly and helps load the men onto the lift, then move Runch aboard gingerly. He then retrieves his arms and lays them next to Runch as he positions himself to secure his comrades for the trip up.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 24, 2012, 06:25:56 PM
The work proceeds according to plan. The party is not interrupted as Ulas Xegg keeps watching up north towards the wide open barricade that leads further down the complex.

The scratching sound emanating from the iron door up the curved-shaped, candle-lit corridor east of your position is still very loud, but the door itself looks solid, and is therefore very unlikely to give way to whatever stands on the other side. For the next while, at least.

Tudd finally gives the signal and the platform starts to ascend. He disappears along with Runch and the dead through the opening of the ceiling. The ascension is rather slow, and precarious. Roll 1d100 for Tudd.

Ylarum can see his men are exhausted, and afraid.

Erarht the Orc walks hesitantly towards Ylarum and asks : "What is going to happen to me now? I have served you. I have kept silent, and did not try to run. Please let me live. Don't let me fend for myself down here."

He falls on his knees. "Please."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Sigmund on January 25, 2012, 08:05:04 AM
Quote from: Benoist;508726Tudd finally gives the signal and the platform starts to ascend. He disappears along with Runch and the dead through the opening of the ceiling. The ascension is rather slow, and precarious. Roll 1d100 for Tudd.

64 (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 25, 2012, 12:34:34 PM
Quote from: Sigmund;50895064 (

The ascension proceeds without much trouble. Tudd moves the platform back and forth so it keeps its balance and avoids various hazards on the way such as protruding blocks of stonework, an opening to the sewers and the like.

After working hard at it, holding on to his brother, and using his legs to secure the bodies of the spearmen under him, he finally reaches the surface... (
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on January 26, 2012, 12:38:37 AM
(Ylarum regards Erarht for a moment after watching the platform ascend into the darkness...)

"You serve me now.  Get up.  Get on your feet."
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on January 27, 2012, 07:43:13 PM
The orc gets up without a word. Ylarum can hear some noise up the shaft. The platform seems to ascend without much trouble. The others are all wary of battle he can see it. They don't say a word while they wait.

If he wants to do something in the meantime, while the platform is up there, he will have to do something to motivate the troops and coordinate their efforts, that seems sure enough.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 01, 2012, 09:27:46 PM
Ylarum orders the survivors to form a wedge again, he at the point, the hirelings in the notch formed by the inverted "vee".  Once everyone has formed up, let me know.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 02, 2012, 05:57:18 PM
DM: Which direction would the point of the wedge be facing? Explain to me the positions and tactics a little further so I can reproduce that on the map, please. Are you calling back Ulas Xegg from his scouting position near the plate trap and big coloured crystals as well?
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 02, 2012, 06:01:40 PM
Quote from: Benoist;511612DM: Which direction would the point of the wedge be facing? Explain to me the positions and tactics a little further so I can reproduce that on the map, please. Are you calling back Ulas Xegg from his scouting position near the plate trap and big coloured crystals as well?

Basically, pointing north with myself at the tip, the party spread out along the eastern and western flanks, casters and hirelings to the rear between the flanks.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 02, 2012, 06:18:46 PM
Something like this, then.

Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 04, 2012, 08:29:11 PM
Exactly so!
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 06, 2012, 04:49:52 PM
You can see that the multicolored clouds of spore to the North are dissipating very progressively. Beyond, you can see a long corridor with several lanterns similar to the one just after the plate trap, with a sort of little shrine and urn under each of them. You can clearly see there are two more red lanterns beyond. Maybe more. They are spaced maybe thirty feet apart, or so. They are all aligned one behind the other, on a north-south axis stretching right in front of your eyes. It's hard to tell what lies beyond the multicolored mist besides those lights...
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 13, 2012, 05:26:32 PM
Just as Ylarum and his companions are watching what might be going on up north beyond the coloured clouds of spores before them, he feels something hitting him on the shoulder. He looks around, and sees some sand or dust falling off the opening in the domed ceiling of the room right above them. Another small stone hits his helmet.

There is some kind of movement up there, in the tunnel leading up to the surface.
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: thedungeondelver on February 22, 2012, 01:21:20 AM
(DM: Is there enough illumination from above to tell what might be going on up there? )

(To the rest of the group) : "Move south, lads.  Keep those lines straight...let's see what might be coming down the 'chute."

(DM: regarding any NPCs I want to keep the same formation, just move backwards to the south so we're facing the dais, does that make sense?)
Title: [Ptolus/AD&D] IC Thread #2 - Underground (part 1)
Post by: Benoist on February 22, 2012, 06:20:40 PM
Quote from: thedungeondelver;515946(DM: Is there enough illumination from above to tell what might be going on up there? )

(To the rest of the group) : "Move south, lads.  Keep those lines straight...let's see what might be coming down the 'chute."

(DM: regarding any NPCs I want to keep the same formation, just move backwards to the south so we're facing the dais, does that make sense?)
It does completely, yes. No problem.

You take your positions facing the dais from the south. There isn't enough illuminations from above to have a clear idea what is going on up there. There seems to be ... something, in any case. There are interminents showers of dust falling from the ceiling. Not enough to believe the shaft itself might be in jeopardy, but enough to clearly indicate that something's moving in there. Something that isn't the platform you are waiting for.

You wait a moment, but nothing emerges from the opening. It doesn't seem that whatever is causing this turbulence is coming any closer from the room you are in, actually, but it's there nonetheless. That's for sure.