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[Interest] Justifiers RPG

Started by Drohem, July 22, 2009, 08:54:37 PM

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There seems to be a good amount of Justifiers RPG love here, so I thought I would offer it here first.  I was in a Justifiers PbP game recently but the GM dropped off the face of the planet without a word.  All the talk lately has got me hyped up for some more Justifiers action.

So, this thread is to gauge interest in a game.  I'm looking for a solid 3-5 players.

Now, I've got some options that we can discuss.

Delivery Method
  • Play-by-Post:  this would the easiest method, and we could do right here on this site.  If we did it here then we would use Invisible Castle for the dice rolls.  If we did it off-site then I would choose Roleplaying Online.
  • MapTool and Skype:  this option is a little more involved since we have to agree on a schedule.  I would say that we could do it bi-weekly or monthly, and then we would have to work out a time block which would accommodate everyone's time zone.
Game System
  • Rules as Written:  this would be the original Justifiers RPG rules with some House Rules.
  • 3e GURPS:  many years ago I started working on a conversion, and I outlined the skill packages for all the Justifiers classes, and fleshed out several Beta-Humanoid templates.  The character point level would be between 200-300 points.  I would create a Beta-Humanoid template on a case-by-case basis.
  • D20 Modern:  several years ago I worked on a conversion for a game where the Justifiers classes were each an Advanced class.  I created a Beta-Humanoid template for each of the characters in that game, and I would do the same again for this game.
  • D100 Basic-Roleplaying:  I would gladly work on a conversion for the new BRP by Chaosium.
  • D6 Open:  I would also consider working on a D6 System conversion using the recently made available open D6 System books.
So, I just need some feedback on the Delivery and System choices.  Of the System choices, 3e GURPS would be my least favorable choice right now(a lot of work on my part) and D20 Modern would be my most favorable choice (it's mostly already worked out) at the moment.  Although, if there was enough demand, I would work on a D100 BRP or D6 Open conversion.  Finally, I am always down to run a game using the RAW with some House Rules in the cases of an obvious disconnect.  Of the Delivery choice, Play-by-Post would be the easiest and quickest to get up off the ground and running.


I loved Justifiers back in the day, and 3e GURPS is my group's main system, so I know it like the back of my hand. If it pans out, count me in. I can do PbP or Skype, either way.
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver


I'd not mind a Skype game of it--but not sure when I'd have the time. PBP just too slow for me.

I'd prefer classic system, or D6 Open.
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