
Other Games, Development, & Campaigns => Play by Post Games => Topic started by: edster on January 25, 2018, 12:41:29 AM

Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on January 25, 2018, 12:41:29 AM
Blame it on roommate Chad. Or blame it on the boys of Delta Gamma Delta. Or the girls of Beta Epsilon Eta. Whatever the reason, Eric found himself drunkenly stumbling out of a frat house and onto Union Street. The ground and sky pulsed to the beat of music coming out of the doorway behind him. Oddly the door and building were perfectly still while the rest of the world followed the rhythm.

With the spring semester classes finished that afternoon and a few days before exams were to begin the students of Rutgers University spontaneously decided to let off steam with parties in all the houses of Frat Row. Chad was excited to go eventhough he probably need to use the night and the next day to study. His marks weren't that great but the lure of booze, music and the girls of B-E-E were too much to resist.

"Come back inside, Eric," Tandy called out leaning from an open window. "We still have another quart of Ouzo for you!" she added before barfing all over the side of the building.

Ouzo, even quarts of the stuff never affected Eric this strongly before and he suspected someone was spiking the drinks at the party. Maybe only his drink as the rest of his friends seemed to be acting in their usual drunken way. Tandy was always going to throw up after a few White Russians and then Sandy and Candy would have to nurse her for the rest of the night. Chad would somehow always find a case of Michelob and end up sitting ina corner muttering to himself and humming old songs while finishing off the bottles.

The song ended with a scratch and the sounds of someone falling onto the turntable. Swears and jeers came from the crowd. In the silence the world stopped pulsing and a etherial glow started to emminate from the road. Leaning against a lamppost he realized that he wouldn't be making it to the train station in the morning. No trip back home to Brooklyn this weekend.

Someone had found another source of music and with the beat the world began its pulsing once again only this time everything swayed except the glowing road.

Stumbling over a discarded and scorched chair someone had tossed onto the street he was helped up by two guys. Once dressed in a Scarlet Knight outfit the other in a toga with a foam Spartan helmet askew.

"Dude, it's still too early to be this loaded." the knight said.

"Yeah, man, it ain't even midnight yet." said the Spartan.

"There is a way to do these things; timing and accuracy are everything when it comes to having a booze-up. I mean look at the moon."

Staring up with his bleary eyes, Eric sees the full moon high in the sky and at twice its usual size.

"C'mon and stand up. We'll get you back to res. You're that Olsen kid, right?"

"Sure he is, Ox." the knight says. "Let's go, Eric."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on January 26, 2018, 03:20:59 PM
Tempting as it was to let the two Samaritans drag/carry his drunk ass back to the dorms, Eric thought (despite not feeling 100%) that it might be best to follow the glowing road instead. He had being seeing...signs? visions? ever since being Awakened to his...Divine? (maybe) heritage, and he felt it best to follow every lead he could, no matter how infrequently they presented themselves, to try to get a handle on the truth about himself.

"Thanks for the assist, guys," he slurred drunkenly, "but I'm going this way." He shook them off and half-walked, half-swayed down the glowing road to...well, wherever it led.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on January 29, 2018, 01:52:01 AM
"I don't think that would be a good idea." the Knight says catching up to Eric and walking on his left.

"Yeah, not with you being in this state," says the Spartan from the right.

"The roads can be dangerous this time of night."

"Really dangerous when you can't even keep yourself on the sidewalk.

"And why are you in such bad shape tonight anyway?"

"You usually stay more in control than this." the Knight tells Eric.

The two grab hold of Eric and try to lead him towards the dorm away from the glowing road.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on January 29, 2018, 10:07:58 AM
While Eric is feeling pretty woozy and is tempted to accept the nice fratboys' offer and allow himself to be helped back to his nice, cozy bed; he nonetheless is even more interested in figuring out what the Hel is going on with himself, the world, and reality as he's known it since he "changed". He pushes the Knight and the Spartan off of either side of him; they stumble more than one would expect from getting one-arm shoved by a drunken freshman. [OOC: I'm assuming that the fratboys are human and aren't supernatural beings. If they are more than human, please feel free to edit my post and change what happened]. Apparently the kid's stronger than he looks! Without looking back, Eric continues stumbling down the glowing road.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on February 01, 2018, 02:18:35 AM
The two soldiers fall, the knight dents his tin armoured rear end, the Spartan loses his foam helmet to a sudden breeze.

"This is the thanks we get just for trying to help out," the knight says trying to repair his armour and dignity.

"They can't say we didn't try," the Spartan said.

"We go to all this trouble and look where it gets us," the knight says giving up on bending the metals but now walking with a limp due to the misshapen metal.

"WHat's he want with that plain old road anyway? He got a date or something?"

"Don't ask me to try an explain freshmen; I'm just a knight, not one of them philosopher-kings."

"And I'm just a simple soldier, not King Menelaus."

"You got that right."

"And I'm freezing in this toga. What kind of place is this?"

"Dunno, I just work here."

The glowing road unfolds below Eric's stumbling feet. As he walks on the surroundings change from the quiet New Jersy town to fields and farms asleep under the moonlight. The glowing road loses it's modern paved appearance and becomes a path of cobblestones with wagon wheel ruts to either side. The world is silent except for an occasional caw from a crow or barking from coyotes. Eric feels tiredness in his legs and for some reason the effects of the alcohol do not diminish. The road makes a long gentle bend to the right and passes next to a small cottage with a lit lamp placed on the windowsil. The front door is open a crack and shafft of warm light crosses the path.

"Eric Olsen, you have walked for enough this night, don't you think? Come in and rest," a woman's voice calls from the house.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on February 01, 2018, 08:31:09 AM
"Might as well see where this goes" Eric mutters softly, opening the door and entering the cottage.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on February 04, 2018, 01:38:11 AM
The door opens into a small living room decorated in an ancient style to Eric's modern sensibilities. A fire burns in the hearth providing warmth and light to the little room. A woman appering to be about Eric's age stands near to the kitchen. She is dressed in a historical style matching the house.

"Welcome to my home, Eric," she says, "The night is cold and you are ill-equipped to survive what is out there. Rest here tonight until your drunkenness passes and the new sun arises."

She is preparing some food and placing it on a serving tray as she speaks.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on February 04, 2018, 07:38:53 AM
Eric decides to play along and open himself up to wherever this strange journey into a (seemingly) ancient world takes him.

"Thank you, miss...what do I call you?"
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on February 05, 2018, 12:49:40 AM
"Eli, they call me Eli," the woman says, "But please don't speak so loud, this isn't the brawling-room or whatever you men call it; this is my home and I just got the two boys to sleep a short time ago."

She brings over the tray and sets it on the table.

"Food to recover your strength and clear water to freshen your mind."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on February 05, 2018, 12:29:57 PM
Eric will try to determine if the food and water are, in fact, what they seem to be and not poisoned/drugged in any way. He'd like to do this surreptitiously if possible. Assuming everything is copacetic, he will eat and drink with thanks to the woman. He will also ask her, "How do you know my name?"
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on February 11, 2018, 12:37:42 AM
The meal seems just as it appears and tastes as if prepared by a master chef.

"How could I not know your name?" she says in answer to his question. "You were yelling your name in some sort of song as you staggered along the road. I needed to get you in before you woke the neighbourhood up or called unwanted attention to yourself."

She reaches out and places a hand on Eric's forehead. After a minute she frowns and says.

"You had been poisoned. You are fortunate to be made of sterner stuff than most people of your world, so the effects were mild. Even so, I don't envy the hangover you will experience in the morning."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on February 11, 2018, 10:58:17 AM
"If you have room here, may I stay the night?" asks Eric, feeling sleepy due to the effects of both the poison and all of his blood rushing to his stomach to digest the delicious meal.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on February 11, 2018, 07:36:57 PM
The woman gestures to a pallet set against the wall of the living room.

"A place has been made for you. Get what rest you can and tomorrow head back to your home for you were loudly complaining of something called 'finals' while you stumbled along the road."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on February 12, 2018, 09:29:18 AM
"Heh" Eric states as he lays down to sleep. Assuming he wakes up in the morning in this strange place, he has no intention of "heading back home" (if he could even find the way back in the first place). This is by far the farthest he has come in his quest to discover his true self and lineage, and he aims to fully take advantage of it; Finals be damned. He falls asleep instantly.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on February 14, 2018, 02:44:36 AM
Eric sleeps deeply with dreams of many roads reaching through the darkness all ending in a city of flame and death. The howling of wolves and other predators dog his steps and malign birds caw and croak at him from the trees occasionally swiping at him with their talons.

Upon waking he finds that his host and her children are gone but a breakfast of bread, honey, and cured meats are on the table. Also, a sword, shield, and breastplate are stacked by the door. Upon the table is a note written in delicate calligraphy: Again I urge you to return to your world. Dean Wormer will not be pleased with your missing the exams. But, if, as I suspect, you choose to continue on, there is equipment for you by the door. Wear it well and you may survive your travels.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on February 14, 2018, 08:06:58 AM
Eric eats the proferred meal and, if he can find some sort of traveling bag, packs what rations he can (of the non-perishable variety) as well as taking a jug or, better yet, a waterskin and filling it with water for his journey. He puts on the breastplate, takes the sword and shield, and leaves the hut to get a good look at this strange new world in the daylight before deciding on his course. What does he see?
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on February 17, 2018, 09:48:52 PM
The house is well stocked with supplies and Eric finds two days worth of food to carry.

Outside the lands are rolling hills covered in clumps of lightly wooded areas. The road is a cobblestone path that winds between the hills in both directions. No other houses or farms can be seen and the area is quiet except for birdsong. Unlike the night before the road doesn't glow or seem out of the ordinary.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on February 18, 2018, 03:44:34 PM
Eric stands in the middle of the road and looks down it one way, then the other. If he had to guess or if he has some kind of intuitive insight, can he tell which way looks like it leads to whatever passes for “civilization” here?
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on February 20, 2018, 12:03:41 AM
No definite hint of civilization in either direction but to the left he senses home on school. The other way, which leads toward the rising sun, seems to be the way towards adventure.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on February 20, 2018, 08:48:31 AM
Eric heads toward the rising sun.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on February 22, 2018, 01:54:14 AM
The path to the East continues it's gentle windings for the rest of the morning. During the times when shade from the trees falls across the stones Eric can see the faint white glow of the magic. In the afternoon the trail begins to climb up the side of a steep hill and switch-backs and hairpin turns become common. Nearing one of these turns he hears the sound of hooves stomping on the stone trail hidden behind the next turn...
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on February 22, 2018, 08:16:28 AM
Is there any cover nearby?
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on February 25, 2018, 01:36:18 AM
Climbing the side of the hill could allow you to see over the bend in the road and down on who ever is there. Where Eric is standing there is no cover.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on February 25, 2018, 09:25:32 AM
Let's do that, then (climb the hillside and look down on whoever's approaching).
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on February 26, 2018, 01:35:53 AM
Climbing the rocks is easy but avoiding the knocking loose small stones and having them tumble noisily on to the road was not possible. Gaining about 15 feet in height Eric looks over the edge and sees a large minotaur stnding on guard. He holds a glaive in one hand and taps it's butt on the stones. It looks up, but not very far up as the creature is about 10 feet tall.

"Eric Olsen," it bellows. "It has been decided that you are not to pass. The way forward is blocked. Turn around and go home."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on February 26, 2018, 08:09:19 PM
Of the four abilities, which one covers "run away like a bitch"? (In case I decide to go that route. I haven't actually decided on a course of action yet).
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on March 01, 2018, 03:52:34 AM
Might for speed and Fortitude for the duration. But you shouldn't be too worried as all your abilities are high enough that you can maybe, probably, possibly, be able to defeat the creature. Unless it has more friends in the neighbourhood...
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on March 01, 2018, 06:35:11 AM
"Who decided this?" asks Eric.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on March 04, 2018, 12:30:42 AM
"My masters - who are not to be trifled with!" the creature bellows not unfriendly. It seems that yelling is its normal way of speaking.

"You can do as you wish but you are not to pass through this..err...pass!"

The minotaur waves his glaive about in a threatening manner.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on March 04, 2018, 10:11:35 PM
"Very well," says Eric, "I shall not pass through the...pass".

With that, Eric continues in the direction he was going...down the road, past the minotaur...but he does it by walking overland on the hills, very conspicuously NOT taking the road/pass. So he obeys the letter of the minotaur's command, but definitely not the spirit. And yes, he does this in full view of the minotaur, very obviously trying to provoke a reaction, and keeping an eye on the minotaur the whole time.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on March 08, 2018, 10:09:27 PM
The minotaur had been speaking in English but upon seeing Eric's offroading he begins to speak in his native tongue in what Eric assumes is Minotaurian swearing. He runs along the road keeping Eric in sight. After a few minutes he returns to speaking in English.

"They didn't tell me you were in some sort of Law school! When I spoke of the pass I meant it as my blocking your advancement towards the end of this road! It really is for your own good, I guess that the powers-that-be are hoping so employ you as legal council once you have finished your studies! Getting yourself killed before the Bar goes against all their plans!"

Hiking over the mountain does keep Eric away from the beast but eventually, he will have to return to the road and the Minotaur will be waiting.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on March 09, 2018, 07:12:54 AM
Very well. Once it's impossible for Eric to avoid the minotaur and he has to rejoin the road, he will attempt to physically push past it and continue on down the road.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on March 11, 2018, 01:35:05 AM
Coming back to the road Eric faces the minotaur. The creature is drawing deep, panting breaths as he was lead on a merry chase through the mountain pass.

"You -" pant, pant, "- should -" pant, pant, "- turn back -" pant, pant, "-  now."

The glaive which it had been waving about in warning now is being dragged behind throwing up sparks and the blade scratches the cobblestones. As Eric pushes past it says:

"Can't you see -" pant, pant "- that the road is a trap?"
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on March 11, 2018, 07:45:17 PM
"A trap?" asks Eric. "Then why is it being guarded? Wouldn't it make more sense to let the victim wander INTO the trap, as opposed to warning them off like you did?"
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on March 13, 2018, 03:26:09 AM
"My masters didn't set the trap. They are trying to stop you from getting caught. It's this damn road - everyone wants to walk along it once it begins to glow." pant, pant.

"There is still time to turn back. They say that if you go back now you will be back home the morning after you left. To go on....well, the next turn is the point of no, err, return."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on March 13, 2018, 12:32:59 PM
"I appreciate your...and your masters'...concern. But I really don't want to go home. If I may ask...what exactly is down this road?"
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on March 15, 2018, 12:02:07 AM
"War, death, and destruction. The usual things that are found when one walks the Olympian Road. Turning back, grow stronger and wiser and then follow the road on your own terms." the Minotaur bellows. "But to tell you the truth, they didn't tell me what the end of this road holds for you; the Masters tend not to be very forthcoming with their information."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on March 16, 2018, 08:01:15 AM
"In that case," says Eric, "regretfully, I must continue on this road. I've been following a...trail of sorts, a lifepath, seeking answers. And my path leads me further down this road. Past you."

Eric shifts his weight, drawing his sword and readying his shield. "I can go around you...or through you. Your choice."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on March 19, 2018, 11:23:02 PM
The minotaur rubs his snout and eyes with one hand while sighing.

"I'm commanded to prevent you from going to your doom," it bellows even while trying to speak calmly, "I can't really be fighting and killing you just to prevent you from dying, now can I? The plan was that I'd scare you a bit and send you running back home. Are you sure that I can't mke you see reason? I mean that the Powers That Be won't be very pleased with me if you get passed here and meet your doom and all that. How about we mke a deal? You head back and I give a report to the P.T.B. praising your judgement and fearlessness; it will really look good on your future evaluation."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on March 20, 2018, 01:20:24 PM
"I propose a different deal," says Eric. "Why don't we pretend I overcame you and fought my way past? We can make it look good...I can give you a good knock on the noggin or something."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on March 25, 2018, 01:17:39 AM
"Noooo, I don't like the sound of that," the minotaur says, "How about I beat you up a bit and we can say that after I knocked you around a bit you managed to scamper down the road past me. That way we both come out sounding good."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on March 25, 2018, 11:39:45 AM
Can Eric tell if the minotaur is telling the truth, or if he's lying to try to get some free shots in and defeat Eric before he can react? (Would it be Ego that governs this? 'Cause Eric's got a pretty high one.) ;)
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on March 26, 2018, 02:45:49 AM
The minotaur seems to be truthful, but it can be hard to tell when trying to understand the motives or read the mind of a monstrous creature. If the creature was sent to scare Eric into turning back and is employed by people friendly to him then it seems unlikely that it would damage Eric too severely.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on March 27, 2018, 01:31:14 PM
"Very well" sighs Eric, lowering his sword and shield. "Make it look good".
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on March 29, 2018, 03:13:44 AM
"You are a good man, Eric Olsen," the monster says while kicking Eric in the thigh with his cloven foot. That causes a lot of pain.

"We don't need to continue," the beast offers. It fumbles at his belt then pulls out a piece of paper and tries to read what's written. "I was told that you might be interested in returning to some people called -" it takes him a few moments to work through the unfamiliar words "- err, Tandy, Sandy, and something called a Candy. They might be Fates or Furies or something. No? You don't want to go to them? Okay."

He continues to give a good beating until Eric is a mass of bruises but the creature is kind enough to leave his face undamaged.

"There!" it says with its usual bellow, "That should convince anyone that we had a bit of a tussle."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on March 29, 2018, 08:33:13 PM
"Thanks" Eric winces, and hobbles past the creature, heading down the road toward the next adventure.

OOC: How does Lords of Olympus handle damage/injuries?
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on April 22, 2018, 01:42:15 AM
OOC: Fortitude is the measure of 'hit points' among other things. It is left to the GM to determine the amount of damage delivered and how much a character can take. I'll give hints in the posts to let you know if your character is badly damaged or close to death. Wric isn't nearly hurt that badly yet.

Eric continues on down the road through the mountain pass until he passes through to the other side of the range and sees a wide, fertile valley open up below him. many rivers flow through the valley the greatest of them flows from a spring near where he stands then meanders through the lands below. The valley ends at a sea and near the rivermouth sits a large city with mighty walls and towers. Many farms and villages fill the land and Eric sees the people working the fields in a frantic manner. The road peters out into a footpath that parallels the river as it flows down the mountainside, passing a small village before reaching the valley floor.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on April 22, 2018, 10:31:49 AM
The people working the fields frantically...can Eric tell if they're working so hard in a normal, farmer-y, farming is hard work kind of way; or if they're doing it in a forced/scared manner, or something else?
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on May 01, 2018, 01:39:50 AM
Eric is a city boy so his knowledge of farming is limited but he discovers a few things from his observations: this is a place of low technology with the people using primitive tools and dressed in ancient-looking clothes and they seem to be removing everything edible then destroying the remaining plants after with vines are being pulled up or burned, trees are being chopped down. The flow of food is heding into the city and Eric can deduce that the people are preparing for a siege.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on May 01, 2018, 12:49:53 PM
Eric heads toward the closest farmer on the way down into the valley and asks him/her: "Why are you destroying the remaining vegetation (pulling up the vines, chopping down trees, burning etc) after you harvest what's edible?"
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on May 13, 2018, 09:11:19 PM
The farmer looks Eric up and down taking in armour and sword then turns about and runs back down the road towards the city. His yelling attracts the attention of other farmers and labourers and they too begin to run down towards the valley floor.

Eric hears footsteps from behind and a voice says: "Your gear has scared the locals into thinking that you are some sort of foreign spy. Turnabout and explain yourself, stranger."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on May 14, 2018, 06:48:32 PM
Eric turns and looks at the speaker. What does he see?
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on May 21, 2018, 03:10:50 AM
The man is slightly taller than average and completely perfect looking. HIs skin is unblemished and has a healthy glow, hair in near curls, muscular without appearing to take working out very seriously. He gives the impression of being relentless in his pursuits, although Eric can't figure out how he was able to deduce that trait in the stranger. The man carrys a sword at his belt but is otherwise unarmed or armored. The man seems almost friendly.

"The peasants are often slow in the mind but quick on their feet. Unlike them, I am convinced that a Greek spy would not enter our lands in full armour. Even so, there is a mystery about you."
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on May 21, 2018, 07:03:08 PM
"Who are you?" Eric asks the man.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on May 22, 2018, 01:01:31 AM
The man smiles revealing perfect teeth.

"You are the visitor - nay, trespasser - in this land so custom asks that you give your name and home city first."

From the small shrine, an older man and young woman step out to observe the discussion.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on May 22, 2018, 06:55:41 PM
OOC: We're near a shrine? Did I miss something? I thought we were standing in a farmer's field, on the outskirts of a city preparing for siege.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on May 29, 2018, 01:56:00 AM
[[OOC: Oops, I was thinking about a shrine description in the post when Eric first enters the valley! I was thinking of it but rereading it I seem to have forgotten to type it up.

Let's try this again..... ]

The man smiles revealing perfect teeth.

"You are the visitor - nay, trespasser - in this land so custom asks that you give your name and home city first."

From a nearby farmhouse, an older man and young woman step out to observe the discussion.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on May 29, 2018, 02:15:48 PM
"Fine," Eric sighs. "I am Eric, from the city of New York."

OOC: At least, I think that's where he comes from. I lost all those e-mails between us back from when we were settling on a character concept.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on May 31, 2018, 03:08:57 AM
OOC: From Brooklyn, going to school at Rutgers.

"Well met, Eric of New York. This is the land of Troy and I am Skamander!"

The man raises his arms as if expecting light to radiate from his body and for Eric to fall in awe. When that doesn't happen he continues on with a slight hint of sullenness.

"Which way lies this New York and for what reason have you ventured to this place?" his accent while saying 'New York' is odd.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on May 31, 2018, 05:12:41 AM
"New York lies that way..." Eric points back towards the way he came. "And I've wandered this road in search of answers to questions which are none of your business."

OOC: Would Eric recognize Sarpedon and Troy from the Iliad?
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on May 31, 2018, 09:44:09 AM
OOC: I made a naming mistake. The guy with Eric is Scamander. I will get a full reply in later today but have to run to work now.
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: edster on June 04, 2018, 01:43:19 AM
Scamander is a god of the river that flows through the valley and past the walls of Troy. It is likely that Eric is standing near the source of the river now. In the traditional tales he was an ally of Troy and fought Achilles. But how could these tales have been composed thousands of yearsa gao but also be appearing before Eric's eyes now?
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: marksolino on June 04, 2018, 09:05:10 PM
Eric laughs. "Let me guess. That walled city there...Troy?"
Title: LoO - New Prometheus - Eric Olsen (Mark)- Er01
Post by: rossi on January 05, 2019, 01:48:49 PM
Quote from: edster;1023002The two soldiers fall, the knight dents his tin armoured rear end, the Spartan loses his foam helmet to a sudden breeze.

"This is the thanks we get just for trying to help out," the knight says trying to repair his armour and dignity.

"They can't say we didn't try," the Spartan said.

"We go to all this trouble and look where it gets us," the knight says giving up on bending the metals but now walking with a limp due to the misshapen metal.

"WHat's he want with that plain old road anyway? He got a date or something?"

"Don't ask me to try an explain freshmen; I'm just a knight, not one of them philosopher-kings."

"And I'm just a simple soldier, not King Menelaus."

"You got that right."

"And I'm freezing in this toga. What kind of place is this?"

"Dunno, I just work here."

The glowing road unfolds below Eric's stumbling feet. As he walks on the surroundings change from the quiet New Jersy town to fields and farms asleep under the moonlight. The glowing road loses it's modern paved appearance and becomes a path of cobblestones with wagon wheel ruts to either side. The world is silent except for an occasional caw from a crow or barking from coyotes. Eric feels tiredness in his legs and for some reason the effects of the alcohol do not diminish. The road makes a long gentle bend to the right and passes next to a small cottage with a lit lamp placed on the windowsil. The front door is open a crack and shafft of warm light crosses the path.
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"Eric Olsen, you have walked for enough this night, don't you think? Come in and rest," a woman's voice calls from the house.
Thank you for all this[/COLOR]