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Let's Get This Party Started - IC

Started by Werekoala, April 14, 2010, 09:36:44 PM

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Murni quickly turns as he feels the peck and flow of healing magic, and sees the eagle there.  

For a brief moment, it looks like Murni was going to smash the bird, but a smile crosses his face as he says, "What in the Abyss?!  Well, at least you ain't no Raven!"


OOC: Does Murni get an AoO as they turn to run?  Does he have a clear path to charge one of them?


((You can take an AoO if you like))
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver


Seeing the two goblins try to flee, Murni slams his hammer into one of the them as it turns to run.  A moment after striking that goblin, Murni starts running full-tilt after the other retreating goblin.


Free Action: AoO on one of the fleeing goblins hit AC 31 (natural 20) for 7 damage.
Full-Round Action: Murni runs after the goblin(s).


The goblin tumbles to the ground as you run past him, but his companion is outdistancing you... (your speed=20, goblin=30)
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver


Eagle Grimrock calls the last lightning bolt down on the fleeing goblin, flying after it if he has to.


Die roll for Grimrock

Rolled on: 2010-04-24 08:37:01.796720
3d6 → [2,1,5] = (8)

- Chris Sigmund

Old Loser

"I\'d rather be a killer than a victim."

Quote from: John Morrow;418271I role-play for the ride, not the destination.


The goblin staggers under the blow but, if anything, runs harder than before into the treeline.
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver


Pacing the goblin from above, Eagle Grimrock attunes his mind to the life force of the plantlife ahead of the goblin and asks the foliage to stir itself and aid him in restraining the fleeing goblin.


Grimrock casts Entangle on the area just in front of the fleeing goblin.
- Chris Sigmund

Old Loser

"I\'d rather be a killer than a victim."

Quote from: John Morrow;418271I role-play for the ride, not the destination.


The goblin dashes head-long into a grasping and weaving mass of plant life, and falls, entangled in their grasp!
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver


Murni comes running up to the entangled goblin and stops, and hunches his shoulders and puts his hands on his thighs as he tries to catch his breath.  After a moment or two, but which seems longer to Murni, he straightens up and takes off his leather belt.  

He holds up the belt in one hand and his hookhammer in the other so that the goblin can see, and says in goblin with a hard tone, "you're choice, goblin.  Become my prisoner or my next kill.  Either way is fine by me."


The goblin struggles, sputters, then lies still.

"Yeah, you no kill, that sounds better."
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver


Murni binds the goblin's hand wrists with the leather belt, and starts marching him back to Murni's camp.  As he's walking back to his camp, Murni steals looks away from his prisoner to scan the night sky looking for the mysteriously large eagle benefactor.  Once Murni makes it back to his campsite, he pushes the goblin down to the ground and digs his rope out of his backpack with half an eye on the goblin.  Murni then properly binds the goblin's hands behind his back and his legs.  Once he's satisfied with the knots and binding, he sits down on his bedroll and takes a moment or two to let go of the adrenaline rush pumping through his system.


((XP: 800 each; Loot: a total of 150 gp, three small gems (turquoise, 25gp each), a potion of Giant Strength (the other potion of (whatever) was consumed already), and assorted ragged clothing.)

One thing you do notice, as you are binding the goblin - he has a design marked on his palm, four interlocking circles, with the "diamond" in the middle where they don't quite meet filled in black. The same design is stamped on the blade of his cleaver, the markings a bright silver that stand out against the otherwise dull metal.
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver


Eagle Grimrock circles around and approaches the camp as the gnome sits on a bedroll. Landing a short distance from the camp Grimrock transforms back into his natural form for the day and walks into the camp, using his cudgel as a walking stick and slinging his shield over his shoulder. "Got the bugger I see. " Grimrock says, "Grimrock's the name, you still hurt?" After reaching the fire's edge Grimrock drops his shield and pack on the ground and glares at the gnome and goblin while scratching his long, black beard.
- Chris Sigmund

Old Loser

"I\'d rather be a killer than a victim."

Quote from: John Morrow;418271I role-play for the ride, not the destination.


Murni stands up when he sees the dwarf walking into camp, holding his hookhammer loosely in his hand.

In the Dwarven tongue, Murni says, "only with your help, I reckon.  Thank you, friend, for helping me."

Murni gestures towards the goblin with a nod of his head, and then continues in Dwarven, "I was just about ask this whelp some serious questions.  My name is Murni Nacklewick from Waynottin.  They cut me up pretty good, but I'm alright."

However, it was fairly evident to Grimlock that Murni was indeed still injured with several nasty cuts.


OOC: Murni is -14/60 hit points.  XP is on the sheet!


Narrowing his eyes, Grimrock stumps over to Murni, reaching out with his hand. Reaching out to the surrounding forest with his mind, the dwarf draws energy from the lifeforce  all around and sends back a feeling of gratitude. Laying his hand on Murni's shoulder, Grimrock channels the healing energy into the gnome's body and directs it to the spots of pain and injury.

"That'll have ta do for this day Murni, but perhaps if you're still feeling some pain in the morning we can see about further healing," Grimrock murmurs, "That is if ya don't mind some company for the night."

Die roll for Grimrock

Rolled on: 2010-04-26 11:28:07.310403
2d8+5 → [5,7,5] = (17)

Points of damage cured, Cure Moderate
- Chris Sigmund

Old Loser

"I\'d rather be a killer than a victim."

Quote from: John Morrow;418271I role-play for the ride, not the destination.