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[IC] DCC RPG - Portal Under the Stars

Started by Weru, April 06, 2013, 12:57:40 PM

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Arik, Rahab, and Thurl will nervously wait until something happens with the statute, to see if it's going to blow up or if the plug will fail or what.

If it looks safe, they may follow the others.


When the four go for the door the statue grind around, it's finger pointing at them. There is a roaring sound from within it, flames lick around Glum's impromtu plug, it blackens and then with a pop it flies out of the statues, spins through the air, somehow it misses Watt, Rappa, and Blessed, and buries itself in the back of Glum's neck. How he still lives is anyone's guess.

The four of them find themselves now standing in a large hall . . .

QuoteThis enormous chamber is filled with a large, rectangular pool of water running the entire length of the room. Diffused light shines upward from the pool, illuminating wide pillars lining the walls. Strangest of all, however, are the man-shaped crystal creatures visible in the shadows. They shuffle about slowly, their strange crystalline bodies sparkling like jewels whenever they catch the light from the pool. There is a door in the far corner of this chamber.

The crystalline creatures all stop for a moment, they seem to look in the direction of the four explorers in front of the door,  and then start to shuffle forward.


With a snarl Glum tears the smoldering plug from his neck, yelling back to the others in the statue room, "Come on men, thars fightin' ta be done!"

He readies his shovel

Blessed readies his spear

Watt draws his sword

Rappa readies his pitchfork and counts how many crystal creatures are approaching...

Glum whispers something to the other three who quickly form a line in front of him in this order:

Watt - Blessed - Rappa
                     - Glum -

Glum says, "Hey, Cheese man! Swap weepons wid me! While yuu bash, I ken stab at 'em from the back rank."

Blessed nods and swaps weapons - Spear for Shovel with Glum.

Glum hisses, "Move up to some kind o' choke point so's thay can't flank us!"

The others will look for such a spot in the room and move up accordingly if such a place does exist. Rappa nervously glances back at the others in the other room...


Terrified of the fire-throwing statute, Rahab, Thurl, and Arik huddle together in a corner of the statute room.

If they can hear Glum and the others form ranks and talk about defense, Arik will call out to them... "What do you see? What's coming?!"


Glum replies, "They's some kinda krystal lookin' critters acomin'! Looks like they's made of shiney diamonds!


" Come an' help me brotheer! THIS BE MONEY ON THE HOOF!"


With only the flickering candle light coming from the room behind them, Glum and co can't see that much other than columns, the pool, and shuffling crystal men. However, the only place to anchor themselves is likely to be in the corners, and judging by the slow shuffling speed of the crystal men, it would be easy enough for them to rush to a corner and form up their impromptu shieldwall.


Glum alerts his companions with a sharp hiss - "C'mon, let's get inta this corner har!"

He prods them to the corner to the left of the doorway, giving the others back in the statue room hopefully an opportunity to get some telling shots in on the enemy's flank after they press Glum's gang in the corner.


"HURRY, they look like crystal pigs to me!!!"


"Quick! Climb the statute!" Rahab says, then darts forward and shimmies up. Thurl and Arik follow... they try to get as high as they can then hold on for dear life.



Glum sidles to the doorway and points at Gruote, Rorak, and Goslaes - "You three, come on up har an' help!"

He nods with satisfaction as they move up to the doorway.

Tommy Brownell

Blandon stomps into the chamber, hammer in hand.

"Crystal, huh? That's a smashin'."

Mert and Seville flank him, preparing to aid their dwarven comrade against the crystal men.

Ghalidir eyes them closely, to see if his arcane studies can tell him anything useful.

Bahib skulks in the shadows, waiting for an opportune strike...or at least to ensure that he's safe.
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Satisfied that help is coming Glum falls back into formation to await the crystal men.


"Bring them in here! The statute'll blast them!" Arik hollers.


Glum roars, "I wouldn't count on that statue helpin' us in this, it might have shot it's last bolt after that plug gave it a bellyache!"

Shouts "Anyway, wouldn't we have to get roasted first if its still workin' and we want to come back in thar again??!!"


Goslaes the Wise reacts quickest to Glum's call for help dash for the north door only to be promptly ignited by the statue. He does make it into the pool room but only as a burnt out crisp of corpse that slumps onto the floor in a smoking lump.

 Gruote and Rorak stop mid run, before the door, and get in the way of Blandon and the others stopping them from rushing in.

Glum, and the others already in the room quickly move to the corner and form ranks, only to be completely ignored by the Crystal men who now shuffle towards the door.

By the light of Thurl's candle Ghalidir studies the crystal men as they shuffle towards the door. In his studies into Chaos he has researched many different chaos tainted speceis, he doesn't believe these are one of them, neither does he think they are natural creatures, in fact he be prepared to debate any fellow scholar on the issue that these crystal horrors once were men.


Glum shouts - "They is moving right past us and is coming to you! Iffin the flame flinger cuts out we will follow an' flank 'um!"