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Basketweavers vs. The Sunless Citadel

Started by Justin Alexander, November 02, 2012, 01:49:33 AM

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I haven't played as long as some here, but at least I started with AD&D. I prefer 3.5 now, but there's still a place in my heart for the olde days. ;-)

Magic items
Well, what would you want, really? Magic weapon, armor, something that makes you faster, or more stealthy, or...?

You could just get a cool weapon. (You really want daggers?) A magical weapon is 2000gp for +1, 8000gp for +2 (on top of 3xxgp for masterwork weapon). Flaming (Frost, Shock) sword is also 8000gp.

Armor? Ordinary +2 armor is 4000gp (on top of the costs for masterwork armor). +2 shield is 4000gp.
Something more fancy? A +1 blinding shield (blinds everyone in 20ft. for 1d4 rounds like a flash grenade) is also 4000gp. Or maybe a lion's shield (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicArmor.htm#lionsShield) that bites your foes. It doesn't get cooler than that.

Something completely different?
Maybe a pair of Sending Stones to keep in touch with your loved ones. (1400gp, Sending as the spell 1/day, MIC p.184)
An Immovable Rod?
A Necklace of Fireballs?
One of my favorites: Nolzur's marvelous pigments: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#marvelousPigments


Quote from: Justin Alexander;597671GROUP BUSINESS[/u]
(2) TOM and JOSH: If Foxtrot ends up dropping out, I'll need to promote someone into the party. Would you prefer to keep the cohort you've been working on, level the cohort up into a full PC, or create a completely new PC?

I am fine doing a full character in this scenario, if Tom doesn't want to.  That said, Winthrop "feels" like a cohort to me, so I'd probably tweak his character somewhat.  I would still fulfill the range/sneak roll, though.  

This is all hypothetical of course, depending on Foxtrot and Tom.



Quote from: DonEsteban;597742Maybe a pair of Sending Stones to keep in touch with your loved ones. (1400gp, Sending as the spell 1/day, MIC p.184)

Whoa! I can be nagged from afar? Sold!

"Almost eaten by an alligator today fording the river. Thankfully I listened to your warnings to leave the heavy armor off while wading in water. I love you dearest, as being here away from you tests my resolve nightly."

"Did you know what your son did today?! Well I'll tell you. And you know it's all because you won't listen to me on how to make him mind, I can tell you that..."

Edit: the daggers are for equipped City gear Set. I have other gear like regular ol' armor & weapons like Morning Star, Long Sword, Long Bow, Tower/Heavy wood/Light wood Shields, Splint Mail (dunno if it's setting appropriate), splurged on a Chain Shirt, etc.

Also got my 10' pole, ladder, oil flasks, oil lamp, chalk, sacks of flour, hemp rope, donkey, cart, 3-weeks of rations, untrained hirelings as guards & porters, etc. Y'know, the usual.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman

Justin Alexander


Oakhurst is a pleasant little village, with about 40 permanent residents and a greater population in the surrounding farmlands (mostly to the east) of 900 or so. It's way out on the edge of things and there are no other major communities within easy traveling distance.

Folks in town:

Kerowyn Hucrele is part of the bloodsworn Hucrele clan. The bloodsworns run long distance trade through most of the known world and the Hucreles have this swath of territory pretty much under their thumb. Kerowyn's store is in the village square and deals in foreign exotics and commissioned trading.

Dern Nacre is the local healer and a follower of the Old Ways. She tends the dragon circles around town and her face bears the green draconic tattoos of the Faith. She speaks the dragon tongue (Draconic) and quite a few folks back up in the hills speak the same.

The town's luck to have a dwarf, Rurik Lutgehr, as a blacksmith. Gives it the air of civilization, if you know what I mean. He seems to appreciate the quiet tasks of the local farmers, but he's had a few nicer weapons hanging on his walls for as long as anyone can remember.

The local geography:

Oakhurst itself is surrounded by a large dragon circle of standing stones. They're said to protect the town, although what they protect against no one can rightly say.

An avenue of stones cuts away from the circle due west, ending just shy of the nearest edge of the Ashen Plain. This vast, gray expanse of dead earth is a bleak and barren no man's land.

The Old Road runs off to the southwest and smack dab into a ravine. Dern Nacre warns the locals away from that crevasse, although they usually don't need encouraging because everyone knows there's a tribe of runty goblins that live down in those deeps. Beyond that ravine is the further expanse of the Ashen Plain.

Local legends says that the Ashen Plain was burned to gray dust by the red dragon Ashardalon. The demon-winged Ashardalon features in a host of local legends, though, and they can't all be true.


Okay, I think that should be enough to orient ourselves. Sounds like Opaopajr wants to run the local inn. What about the rest of ya? Locals or out of towners?

Post your thoughts and we'll see how we can get 'em to hook up.

For the local inn: I'm going to call that equivalent to a "grand house", which would require 5,000 gp.
Note: this sig cut for personal slander and harassment by a lying tool who has been engaging in stalking me all over social media with filthy lies - RPGPundit


Hmm, if I can get a reliable bridge built over the ravine, I might be able to break the Hucrele monopoly. Naturally I'll suggest it's in the name of connecting to other rich lands beyond, but soon, soon I could have competing suppliers...

Who owns this domain? I wonder if we can create the bridge, man a toll booth (to pay for bridge upkeep) and justify an increase in the local militia. Then we can slaughter -- or employ! -- the goblins! Yes, goblins make good cheap, disposable labor, (shit, I'm Lawful Good) ... and maybe the free hand of the market can uplift their condition into adopting mankind's civilizing ways. Yeah, that's the ticket!
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


Quote from: Opaopajr;597778Hmm, if I can get a reliable bridge built over the ravine, I might be able to break the Hucrele monopoly. Naturally I'll suggest it's in the name of connecting to other rich lands beyond, but soon, soon I could have competing suppliers...

Who owns this domain? I wonder if we can create the bridge, man a toll booth (to pay for bridge upkeep) and justify an increase in the local militia. Then we can slaughter -- or employ! -- the goblins! Yes, goblins make good cheap, disposable labor, (shit, I'm Lawful Good) ... and maybe the free hand of the market can uplift their condition into adopting mankind's civilizing ways. Yeah, that's the ticket!

And thus begins the oldest tradition in gaming - completely ignoring the designated plot in favor of wild and grandiose schemes.

As for Winthrop, it will depend on whether he ends up being a cohort or pc.  If a cohort, he will likely be the life-long manservant of his leader's family, perhaps recently having his service pass from his leader's parents into the hands of his leader.  

If a PC, Winthrop is a local.  He's a familiar face around the town, as he comes in from now and then to restock, replace a lost axe, and tell tall tales in Cudberct's tavern.  The rest of the time he spends in his home in the hills, hunting, drinking tea, and reading.  It's well known that he knows the area around Oakhurst as well as any, and he's willing to lead exploratory expeditions, so long as his charges don't mind the danger, and the occasional lively literary discourse.  Like many of the hill-folk, he speaks draconic, and has an off-handed interest in dragon lore.  Whenever in town, he takes the opportunity to look up Dern, and see if he can lend her a hand.  He also frequent's Rurik's weapon shoppe exclusively, and when there makes sure to brush up on his dwarven.


I'll run with whatever Sir Wulf wants to do, but I figure Gileus is Lady Jastian's advisor and pack mule.

Sir Wulf

The Wyverntongues are a distant aristocratic house, its mighty founders famed in legend and heroic chansons.  Unfortunately for Lady Jastian, these ancient tales are not her family's only traditions:  A malediction supposedly haunts their line.  

According to an old folk tale, the Wyverntongue Curse dates back to the days of the house's famed founders.  The story claims that when a Lady of the Wyverntongues stands as the line's sole heir, she is doomed to wed a living nightmare, a depraved monster as foul within as he seems fair without.

When her elder brother lay upon his deathbed, Lady Jastian foresaw the curse's dark clutches settling upon her soul.  Gathering what items she could, the veteran warrior rode into the night, hoping to find clues about the curse's origins or how it could manifest.  Keeping her purpose secret to all but her most trusted associates, she instead claimed to quest after long-forgotten treasures of her ancestors, items that might reverse the family's declining fortunes.  

Only a scant handful of gold coins remains from the wealth Jastian carried upon her departure.  She must secure more soon, lest she be forced to humiliate herself by accepting employment as a mere sellsword or caravan guard.


Bloody hell... how do you show all the possessions you have that are not equipped? I have pack animals, carts, wagons, combat sets for different situations, camping gear, spare gear for hirelings, etc. and I can't get PCGen to display a character sheet with all of it! Most distressing.

Still have over 10k GP left over, btw. It's fine, I'm going to need funds to run the Boar's Inn anyway.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


I fancy creating a commoner that runs the local basket shop. Maybe does a bit of thatching in the side....
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Quote from: Opaopajr;597867Bloody hell... how do you show all the possessions you have that are not equipped? I have pack animals, carts, wagons, combat sets for different situations, camping gear, spare gear for hirelings, etc. and I can't get PCGen to display a character sheet with all of it! Most distressing.

You can add stuff to an equip set as "not carried". It will show up on the sheet, but not add to your weight carried, for instance.

Consider getting the development version ("RC1") of  6.0.0. It's faster, bigger, better. (But the alpha may have a few glitches.)


I have updated Winthrop to be a level 7 PC.  He is stronger, skillier, and poorer.


As a PC, his personality is that which I mentioned earlier, the local guide, hunter, and storyteller.  He is fascinated with old lore, books, and exploration.  His prized possession, besides his warhorse Barnaby and his boomerang axe, is his Folding Boat, gifted to him by his father, cabin boy on the first ship to cross the .  He carries it with him wherever he goes, in hopes that he may have the opportunity to follow in his father's footsteps, and himself be the first to cross an unknown body of water.  Unfortunately, he has chosen to live in the middle of a barren plain, seemingly leagues from any sizeable pond.  He has also never sailed before, and the grand total of his skills (1 rank) come out of a somewhat fanciful book on pirates he owns.  And he's deathly afraid of swimming.

He has leadership, and his score is enough to give him a level 5 cohort, but no followers.  I'm not really sure what makes the most sense as his cohort, since I'm not sure if he'd be the type to have servants (being almost a servant himself).  I had two thoughts on this, depending on what Castellan (or whoever ends up being my cohort) would prefer:

1) My "cohort" could actually be my employer.  He would be a local of some degree of wealth or influence, who employs me, the more talented, skilled hunter, to lead him on his adventures.

2) My cohort is a relative, possibly a son or nephew.  I know Castellan was interested in playing a warmage, which would work fine, Winthrop finds magic fascinating and would fully support a relative participating in such scholarship.  Perhaps his nephew was thrown out of his home, or otherwise chose to live on the frontier with his uncle.

I'm open to any sort of suggestion, though.

Two quick questions:

How much would a small hut in the hills cost?  I only have 11g remaining, but could probably pawn some of my axes or armor.  Otherwise, I guess he lives under a tree.

Also, this is more theoretical, but is the bard actually considered to be one of the "powerful" classes?  It's not in the list of classes, which I only noticed when considering multiclassing to up my storytelling side.  I'm not concerned, just surprised, but I'm not a power builder at all (my most op build was a mediocre charging barbarian).  Just curious.


Quote from: Josh;597921Two quick questions:

How much would a small hut in the hills cost?  I only have 11g remaining, but could probably pawn some of my axes or armor.  Otherwise, I guess he lives under a tree.

Also, this is more theoretical, but is the bard actually considered to be one of the "powerful" classes?  It's not in the list of classes, which I only noticed when considering multiclassing to up my storytelling side.  I'm not concerned, just surprised, but I'm not a power builder at all (my most op build was a mediocre charging barbarian).  Just curious.

I'll tell thee what master Winthrop I will weave thee a small hut for 3 gold. It won't be fancy but will keep worst of the weather out and you can peg her down any place thee likes. For an extra 2 gold I will throw in a brace o' sheepkins and a oiled tarp and you'll be as dry as a bone an' snug.
No longer living in Singapore
Method Actor-92% :Tactician-75% :Storyteller-67%:
Specialist-67% :Power Gamer-42% :Butt-Kicker-33% :
Casual Gamer-8%

GAMERS Profile
9AA788 -- Age 45 -- Academia 1 term, civilian 4 terms -- $15,000

Cult&Hist-1 (Anthropology); Computing-1; Admin-1; Research-1;
Diplomacy-1; Speech-2; Writing-1; Deceit-1;
Brawl-1 (martial Arts); Wrestling-1; Edged-1;


Quote from: jibbajibba;597923I'll tell thee what master Winthrop I will weave thee a small hut for 3 gold. It won't be fancy but will keep worst of the weather out and you can peg her down any place thee likes. For an extra 2 gold I will throw in a brace o' sheepkins and a oiled tarp and you'll be as dry as a bone an' snug.

But will it keep my books dry? It's a very important collection. Most extensive collection of works this side of the , I believe.

As an aside, Tom, I hope that it is all right that our characters are somewhat similar, seekers of knowledge and all that. I see them as somewhat of kindred spirits. I expect that Winthrop and Gileus will be good friends.