
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: Dominus Nox on March 16, 2007, 01:23:00 AM

Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Dominus Nox on March 16, 2007, 01:23:00 AM
Ok, you've got your dream game company, now what would you produce with it?

I'd like to start with a basic system that was based on the chaosium system, especially the version used in ringworld. I'd want a percentile based one as understanding percentages is quite easy and more direct than trying to figure out your chances of rolling  a 5 on 2 or 3 d6's is.

I'd use the skill system from ringworld, including the skill check system for advancement, plus experience points as well.

I just have to have hit locations, and the RW system had them for all creatures.

Once the basic system was done, I'd try to get the rights to do the known space setting, with ringworld as a sourcebook for it. The man-kzin wars would make an excellent sub setting too. I think an official kzinti players guide would be nice as well.

I'd also want to try redoing living steel, if I could get permission, that was a great setting. Also there should be a Nonorverse setting and a hammer's slammers book.

If I got permission, I'd want to do a setting for "Traveller: The long night."

For another major release, I'd want a "Don't dream it, build it!" book for making pretty much everything, a'la "Stuff!" for EABA.

So what would you do with your dream company if you got it?
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Stumpydave on March 16, 2007, 02:03:13 AM
If I owned my dream company I'd use the biogenetics division to create a supersoldier serum and turn me into a superhero.
(If it was as pedestrian as an rpg company...who knows.)
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: TheQuestionMan on March 16, 2007, 07:30:51 AM
Defenders of Justice
Hero System
Every Adaptation and Conversion ever posted on the forums.


Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Balbinus on March 16, 2007, 07:33:41 AM
I'd use BRP as the base for a range of historical rpgs.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Consonant Dude on March 16, 2007, 07:48:55 AM
Quote from: BalbinusI'd use BRP as the base for a range of historical rpgs.

I knew the word historical would come from your fingertips :p

Don't stop there, Balbinus! I'd like to know which ones!
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Balbinus on March 16, 2007, 07:52:03 AM
Quote from: Consonant DudeI knew the word historical would come from your fingertips :p

Don't stop there, Balbinus! I'd like to know which ones!

The Italian Renaissance, above all others
19th Century adventure and exploration
The 17th Century wars of religion
Social intrigue in the grand courts of 18th Century Europe
A cold war game from the 1950s to the 1970s
Republican, not Imperial, Rome
Edit:  Elizabethan/Jacobean London

Edit:  and also probably a contemporary police procedural rpg

There are probably others, but those are the ones that leap out.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: David R on March 16, 2007, 09:05:11 AM
Well the lead designer in my dream company would design a game based around killers,spys, charlatans, prophets and thieves all connected with The East India Company. The game would be called Rogue Traders or maybe Wages of Sin... ripping of other games and movie titles is no problem for my company :D

David R
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: David Johansen on March 16, 2007, 09:25:25 AM
Well, as I said before a modular build your own action figure set by the best sculptors in the industry.  Since money's no object we can do this at a better price point than say, GW who have to service the debt incurred by major purchases.  Also, I think it has excellent mainstream market penetration potential that should help to keep the price down.

There'll be a simple game system in the core box and then there'll be setting kits.

Also, an Mmporg where anyone can kill anyone / group with anyone because there won't be any levels.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: TonyLB on March 16, 2007, 11:08:23 AM
First I'd make a comic book game that let people play the villains without being stupid ... a game that supported gloating at your rivals, putting them in a death-trap and walking away to "attend to other matters" and generally winding the heroes up to the point where they're morally vested in beating you.

Next I'd make a shoujo anime/manga game that encouraged people to play characters who are emotionally vulnerable, and made it a better strategy than simply sitting back and being diamond-hard and untouchable ... one that would help people to create the kind of twists of emotion and expectation that typify Kare Kano and Veronica Mars and the like.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: blakkie on March 16, 2007, 11:21:01 AM
QuoteThe Italian Renaissance
I'd really like to play this some time.
Quote from: Balbinus19th Century adventure and exploration
What to explore? Adventure where? By what kind of characters? Does this tie into David's idea of the BEI Company?
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: blakkie on March 16, 2007, 11:23:56 AM
Quote from: David JohansenAlso, an Mmporg where anyone can kill anyone / group with anyone because there won't be any levels.
This has been done at least once. It's called Ultima Online although now there are entire non-PvP worlds in it. Didn't start out that way though.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Balbinus on March 16, 2007, 11:49:17 AM
Quote from: David RWell the lead designer in my dream company would design a game based around killers,spys, charlatans, prophets and thieves all connected with The East India Company. The game would be called Rogue Traders or maybe Wages of Sin... ripping of other games and movie titles is no problem for my company :D

David R

And I'd buy it.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Balbinus on March 16, 2007, 11:51:15 AM
Quote from: blakkieI'd really like play this some time.

What to explore? Adventure where? Done by who? Does this tie into David's idea of the BEI Company?

Have you read the Flashman novels?

Gun running in South-East Asia, exploring Africa (though the excellent Dark Continent covers this amply), intrigue in the courts of Europe, skullduggery in the East End of London, anthropology in Latin America.

There is tons in the 19th Century.

As for the Italian Renaissance, it's a great setting, I've run it using WFRP to reasonable effect and have some Risus notes on a set of NPCs (any of which could be PCs) for a Florentine game.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: blakkie on March 16, 2007, 12:03:03 PM
Quote from: BalbinusHave you read the Flashman novels?

Gun running in South-East Asia, exploring Africa (though the excellent Dark Continent covers this amply), intrigue in the courts of Europe, skullduggery in the East End of London, anthropology in Latin America.

There is tons in the 19th Century.
Not all of them. But yeah. I was just curious what angle you were thinking of. The reason I asked is that this Sunday I'm suppose to be getting together with a couple of people to map out what direction we are going to take within a mid-19th century set game and I still haven't picked out which 3 pitches to make. I'm just trying to load up my head with ideas to give the best shot of finding a fit for everyone.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Balbinus on March 16, 2007, 12:18:29 PM
Quote from: blakkieNot all of them. But yeah. I was just curious what angle you were thinking of. The reason I asked is that this Sunday I'm suppose to be getting together with a couple of people to map out what direction we are going to take within a mid-19th century set game and I still haven't picked out which 3 pitches to make. I'm just trying to load up my head with ideas to give the best shot of finding a fit for everyone.

Cool, what system are you using?  Any ideas so far?  If so, I'd suggest a spin-off thread to which I'll try to contribute (probably tomorrow).
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Dominus Nox on March 16, 2007, 04:36:18 PM
I'm not much into the fantasy setting, but one thing I'd like to do would be to have a game set in mythical greece instead of basing it on medival europe like D&D.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Dr Rotwang! on March 17, 2007, 06:58:47 AM
I got Nox on my IL, but I gather that money's no concern in this exercise?  In such a case...

STEP 1. Acquire "Star Wars" game license from Hasbro ("Gimmie!"  "No!"  Money."  "Hokay!")

STEP 2. Acquire D6 license.

STEP 3. Save the world.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Christmas Ape on March 17, 2007, 07:36:42 AM
Balbinus, if you direct me at the man who is keeping a Republican Rome game from being published, no matter how remote his fastness, how vigilant his sworn defenders, how perilous the route and how skilled his kung fu...that man shall die.

Though I fear they are less murder-able factors than some dude. Even a dude who apparently has bodyguards, a fortress, and some kung fu.

I really don't know what I'd want to publish...I've got ORE, REIGN is coming up, there's a new Delta Green printing...maybe I'd revitalize the boxed set market with modern technology; snap-together modular minis, a CD of digital support products, etc.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Dr Rotwang! on March 17, 2007, 08:08:30 AM
Oh, yeah.  And I'd also publish the fabled, long-lost Encounter Critical 2nd Edition, out-of-print for over 20 years.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Pete on March 17, 2007, 08:08:42 AM
I'm aiming a bit low here but what I really, REALLY want these days is the Tekumel equilivant of City State of the Invincible Overlord.  I know big Tekumel (history, politics, religion).  I know small Tekumel (how to develop an interesting character).   What I'm having difficulty with is the middle-level of Tekumel -- day to day life, city politics, shopping, stuff like that.

The GoO version and the newer novels go a long way of handling that.  Some material in the previous version, Gardasiyal, helped a bit too. But what I want is an all-in-one book of a city, going district by district, building by building detailing what people are doing in Tekumel.  And have sweet, sweet maps to go along with it.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: droog on March 17, 2007, 08:34:41 AM
Quote from: Dominus NoxI'm not much into the fantasy setting, but one thing I'd like to do would be to have a game set in mythical greece instead of basing it on medival europe like D&D.
You're obviously looking for Mazes & Minotaurs (
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: fonkaygarry on March 17, 2007, 09:42:00 AM
I would hire a small army of energetic, strong-willed big-sister types to enslave the Japanese shutin fantasy/SF artist population.  This geek army would be put to work illustrating new editions of Call of Cthulhu (with two-fisted-action and creepy-little-girl-ghost sections!), Dungeons and Dragons (same as above, except with vanilla and kitchen sink sections), and World of Darkness (super-gonzo-Hellsing and porcelain-skinned brooding).  These would be marketed largely to kids at or near their early teens.  I'd be sure to stuff in great quantities of art of willowy, girlish males (especially in the "horror" titles) so as to ensure sales in the squealing fangirl demographic.

Shit, I'd even put a LARP supplement out that encouraged dressing up in costumes.  That would paint a nice bullseye on the cosplay market (which would is small and rabid.)

Buried under a tidal wave of revenue, I would sell out before retiring to a penthouse suite in Las Vegas where I would subsist on naught but Bling h2o ( and Ketel One until my life of ghastly consumption was cut tragically short in a freak Chateaubriand accident.

Alternatively the whole enterprise ends with me living in an alley, my brain so rotted from Cisco wine that I spend my days talking into a shoe.
(You know, like Chaosium now.)
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Balbinus on March 17, 2007, 09:43:07 AM
Quote from: droogYou're obviously looking for Mazes & Minotaurs (

Nox, seriously, check this out.  Old school Grecian goodness, it's written as if it were the first rpg ever released because it is in part satirical, but the actual game is good and just what you are looking for.

I personally rate it very highly, tastes vary so you may not take to it but you should definitely check it out.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Dominus Nox on March 17, 2007, 04:34:01 PM
Quote from: BalbinusNox, seriously, check this out.  Old school Grecian goodness, it's written as if it were the first rpg ever released because it is in part satirical, but the actual game is good and just what you are looking for.

I personally rate it very highly, tastes vary so you may not take to it but you should definitely check it out.

As I said, i'm not into the FRP genre, but if I were I'd think that ancient greece was better than medival europe.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Balbinus on March 17, 2007, 09:26:42 PM
Warlords of Alexandria is probably the best historical as opposed to fantasy Greek rpg out there.  I host it for the author at //
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: stu2000 on March 18, 2007, 02:44:19 AM
I would take some nice old gamery public domain movies and bundle them on dvds featuring .pdfs of all the characters statted out, vehicles, maps, counters--what have you--and artwork and music in a similar vein, all indexed and linked. Maybe even a die roller and a hyperlinked "solo dungeon" style adventure set up as some kind of sequel or alternate ending to the film.

If Rick Loomis would do me a deal, I'd use Mercenaries, Spies, and Private Eyes or Tunnels and Trolls for rules. Hey--it's my company! Or I could do some rules--call them Psychotronic or Grindhouse or Drive-in or whatnot--with a built-in studio mechanic like Hong Kong Action Theater! or Extreme Vengence.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Consonant Dude on March 18, 2007, 11:39:35 AM
Quote from: BalbinusWarlords of Alexandria is probably the best historical as opposed to fantasy Greek rpg out there.  I host it for the author at //

Wow, I found a game called Chronicles of Babel on your website which is kind of interesting! Don't want to derail the thread but was it done by Mithras as well?

I'd love to have this little sucker as a .pdf!
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Balbinus on March 19, 2007, 06:12:45 AM
Quote from: Consonant DudeWow, I found a game called Chronicles of Babel on your website which is kind of interesting! Don't want to derail the thread but was it done by Mithras as well?

I'd love to have this little sucker as a .pdf!

They're all Mithras, though I'd happily put Third Level Fighter's Saga game up there too which is a rather good Vikings game.  Must let him know that.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: lev_lafayette on March 19, 2007, 08:24:45 AM
Quote from: Dominus NoxI'm not much into the fantasy setting, but one thing I'd like to do would be to have a game set in mythical greece instead of basing it on medival europe like D&D.

ICE's Mythic Greece supplement for Rolemaster/MERP/Fantasy Hero
Mongoose's OGL Ancients
Lee Gold's Land of Adventure.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Jaeger on March 20, 2007, 10:09:43 PM
Quote from: Dominus NoxI'd use the skill system from ringworld, including the skill check system for advancement, plus experience points as well.

Exactly how does the  skill check system work in the ringworld rpg??

Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: flyingmice on March 20, 2007, 10:30:33 PM
Quote from: JaegerExactly how does the  skill check system work in the ringworld rpg??

It's the BRP advancement system. If you use a skill, you put a check against it. At the end if the adventure, if you roll over your percentage on the checked skill, you increase your percentage.

Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Dominus Nox on March 20, 2007, 11:09:35 PM
Quote from: flyingmiceIt's the BRP advancement system. If you use a skill, you put a check against it. At the end if the adventure, if you roll over your percentage on the checked skill, you increase your percentage.


Yes, I really like this idea for two reasons:

1. The skills you use should advance more than those you don't.

2. The better you are the harder it is to advance.

I'd have some XP to, for advancing stats, skills and perks/advantages.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Jaeger on March 20, 2007, 11:25:24 PM
Quote from: flyingmiceIt's the BRP advancement system. If you use a skill, you put a check against it. At the end if the adventure, if you roll over your percentage on the checked skill, you increase your percentage.


Is there any defined criteria for getting a skill check?

How do you avoid someone using a skill repeatedly (for no reason) to advance it faster?

How do you avoid people finding  stupid reasons to use skills just to get checks?

Wouldn't being able to also use XP on skills/stats undermine the check system? If not how is that avoided?

  The reason I asked so many questions is that I am looking to use a XP-less advancement system in my homebrew (who doesn't have one...)  And I am looking for something a bit more simple than the Burning Wheel system that I have played.

I have never played BRP or any of its incarnations.... I know, I know, woe unto me.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Dominus Nox on March 20, 2007, 11:48:38 PM
Quote from: JaegerIs there any defined criteria for getting a skill check?

How do you avoid someone using a skill repeatedly (for no reason) to advance it faster?

How do you avoid people finding  stupid reasons to use skills just to get checks?

Wouldn't being able to also use XP on skills/stats undermine the check system? If not how is that avoided?

  The reason I asked so many questions is that I am looking to use a XP-less advancement system in my homebrew (who doesn't have one...)  And I am looking for something a bit more simple than the Burning Wheel system that I have played.

I have never played BRP or any of its incarnations.... I know, I know, woe unto me.

GM's judgement.

The GM calls for skill rolls to succeed, if you make one or more during the adventure, at the end of the scenario you get to make a skill roll to advance.

Good GM's will watch for players trying to use skills is a fallacious manner and not give them skill checks.

Some nice GMs allowed for skill rolls if you made a catastrophic failure, on the theory you learned from your mistake.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: mythusmage on March 21, 2007, 01:17:02 AM
My company?

Dungeons & Dragons 15th Edition (Which is what we're up to in all reality.)

•Four Character Classes with vocations for differentiation.
•Social classes treated as social classes.
•A world to adventure in.
•No damn feats!

You want to play a barbarian? You can play a barbarian. A barbarian fighter, a barbarian wizard, a barbarian cleric, or a barbarian rogue. You could even play a barbarian hunter, a barbarian merchant, a barbarian scout, a barbarian mercenary, so on and so forth. But you won't play just a barbarian.

Your character will have friends and family who play an actual role in his life. He will have enemies and allies. He will suffer setback as well as triumph. He will earn his reputation instead of having it handed to him on a porcelin platter.

And combat will be confusing.

Finally, my advertising will feature illoes of knock-down drag out fights and include these lines from Runyard Kipling,

You can talk of gin and beer
When you're quartered safe out here
And you're sent to penny fights and aldershot it

But when it comes to slaughter
You'll do your work on water
And you'll lick the bloomin' boots of him who's got it.

Advertising slogan?

You want it safe, don't go adventuring.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Nazgul on March 21, 2007, 04:31:32 AM

I find your views interesting and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: flyingmice on March 21, 2007, 07:44:50 AM
Quote from: JaegerIs there any defined criteria for getting a skill check?

Succeeding on a skill check.

Quote from: JaegerIs there any defined criteria How do you avoid someone using a skill repeatedly (for no reason) to advance it faster?

Throw dice at him.

Quote from: JaegerIs there any defined criteria How do you avoid people finding  stupid reasons to use skills just to get checks?

The "Golf Bag o' Weapons" is a known problem with BRP. It relies on GM vetting of the skill check - i.e. "You have to use the skill for real, not practice" and "I'm not allowing you a skill check for that!" and the ever popular "While you are fumbling around switching from your Flashlight Laser to your rail gun, the bad guys smoke you." Munchkins will munch, no matter what the system, so the GM deals with it.

Quote from: JaegerIs there any defined criteria Wouldn't being able to also use XP on skills/stats undermine the check system? If not how is that avoided?

I would think so, but that is Nox's system, not BRP.

Quote from: JaegerIs there any defined criteria The reason I asked so many questions is that I am looking to use a XP-less advancement system in my homebrew (who doesn't have one...)  And I am looking for something a bit more simple than the Burning Wheel system that I have played.

I have never played BRP or any of its incarnations.... I know, I know, woe unto me.

You really should try it. If you are looking for an XP less system of advancement, my StarCluster System also doesn't use XPs.

Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: Volkazz on March 22, 2007, 06:21:50 AM
While it does have xp, Ars Magica uses them in a different way to most games - closer to the BRP version.

After an adventure the character is awarded n xp.  Each of these is then put into a skill used on the adventure - not necessarily one rolled, so awareness would usually be allowable, or Area Lore - when X+1 xp are accumulated in the skill (where X is the current skill level) the skill is increased and the xp reset to zero.

(more complex in 5th Ed)

May be of use.  Or not.

Or use the Amber system of advancement.

Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: blakkie on March 22, 2007, 08:58:54 AM
I haven't played it but I know Lejendary Adventures some of it's XP (forget the name he used for it) awarded for a specific action can be allocated towards the character skill involved. Generally it is a small percentage of the overall award and ment as exceptional rather than normal.

P.S. I've heard BW's skill/attribute advancement described as "BRP but fixed". Which likely refers to both the influence from Let It Ride, the differentiation between and requirement for both low and really tough attempts, and the removal of the single roll random factor. Maybe the addition of the ability to Practice?
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: flyingmice on March 22, 2007, 09:38:16 AM
Quote from: blakkieP.S. I've heard BW's skill/attribute advancement described as "BVP but fixed". Which likely refers to both the influence from Let It Ride, the differentiation between and requirement for both low and really tough attempts, and the removal of the single roll factor. Maybe the Practice mechanic too?

Hi Blakkie! What's BVP? I'm not familiar with that abbreviation.


Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: blakkie on March 22, 2007, 09:49:48 AM
Quote from: flyingmiceHi Blakkie! What's BVP? I'm not familiar with that abbreviation.
It stands for lakkie is a [V]ery [P]oor typist. :hmm: Original post has now been corrected. If you'll please excuse me while I take care of some business. :seppuku:
Title: Your dream game company products.
Post by: flyingmice on March 22, 2007, 10:01:53 AM
Quote from: blakkieIt stands for lakkie is a [V]ery [P]oor typer. :hmm: Original post has now been corrected. If you'll please excuse me while I take care of some business. :seppuku:

OK! Thanks for the clarification! I was racking my poor brain trying to figure it out. Makes sense in a way.

BTW - I love that seppuku smiley! :D
