
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: Yig on May 04, 2006, 10:17:36 AM

Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Yig on May 04, 2006, 10:17:36 AM
What are your favourite animal forms and why?

Currently my 6th level druid is fond of taking the form of a fleshraker (dino in MM3) because of the leaping pounce :)

Any good forms I should consider?
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Yig on May 06, 2006, 01:56:42 PM

Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: blakkie on May 06, 2006, 03:11:59 PM
I don't normally sully myself with playing treehugging Circus folk, aka Druids ;) , but I do appreciate when the party Druid uses wildshape the ones i appreciate the most are the ones that have alternate movements such as fish, birds, and snakes.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Cyberzombie on May 06, 2006, 03:30:15 PM
Well, my only druid character didn't get to adventure long enough to get to wildshape.  :(

My ideas, though, were to go with the standard combat options (wolf for trip, tiger for damage, etc.)  I was also going to go with small and sneaky forms -- I think the reconnaisance possiblities of wildshape are underestimated.  Familiars are only so-so at it, but an intelligent druid could kick ass.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: blakkie on May 06, 2006, 11:25:09 PM
Roger on the recon. Eagle form is great for outdoor scouting because of the vantage point, the speed, and the Small size which allows you to use it as soon as you hit 5th.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Yig on May 07, 2006, 02:00:23 PM
I should have specified combat useful forms :)

I had to suffer thru 5 levels of being useless. Since I knew that I would be shaping all the time, I put my 3 worse scores on my physical stats (11, 12 an 13).

We will hit 6 tonight(missing 32 xp) and I will take my first level of nature warrior.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Dacke on May 07, 2006, 02:54:18 PM
Useless? Produce Flame, Shillelagh, Barkskin, Chill/Heat Metal, Flame blade, Summon Nature's Ally I and II... these are "useless" to you?
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: blakkie on May 07, 2006, 04:26:44 PM
Three words: En-tan-gle

Unless you were stuck underground or inside a plantless city for the whole 5 levels your uselessness is a direct result of failing to memorize that spell. :imsorry:  Even if you were traveling desert wastelands Druids generally rock for their skills of keeping the party alive.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Yig on May 08, 2006, 12:14:45 AM
Quote from: DackeUseless? Produce Flame, Shillelagh, Barkskin, Chill/Heat Metal, Flame blade, Summon Nature's Ally I and II... these are "useless" to you?

Well, yes.

Let see...

Produce flame: only last 1 rd/level when thrown.

Shillelagh: I went with a shield & scimitar.

Chill/heat metal: we fought a lot of monsters without equipment.

Flame blade: Hmmm, totally forgot about that one. Would have been good.

Summons: don't last long enough and take a whole round to cast.

I used a lot of Snake Swiftness :) Great spell.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Yig on May 08, 2006, 12:16:25 AM
Quote from: blakkieThree words: En-tan-gle

Unless you were stuck underground or inside a plantless city for the whole 5 levels your uselessness is a direct result of failing to memorize that spell. :imsorry:  Even if you were traveling desert wastelands Druids generally rock for their skills of keeping the party alive.

For some reason, I haven't treally checked the spells in the PHB, was concentrated on the spells in the SC.

And we've been in a huge underground dungeon since level 4.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Dacke on May 09, 2006, 10:12:21 AM
Quote from: YigProduce flame: only last 1 rd/level when thrown.
Which still gives you one ranged touch attack per level doing 1d6+level damage. Very good against armored opponents.
QuoteShillelagh: I went with a shield & scimitar.
Shillelagh can be cast on a club, increasing its damage to 2d6+1 (including the enhancement bonus).
QuoteSummons: don't last long enough and take a whole round to cast.
After about level 3 they last long enough, and in most cases the one-round casting time isn't that much of a problem. Maybe if you're fighting opponents with ranged weapons... but in that case, you can probably use Heat Metal instead.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Yig on May 09, 2006, 01:20:33 PM
I'll have to review my spell selection.

I concentrate more on healing spells and snake swifness and a few self buffs (charge of the triceratops and bite of the wereX).

I play my druid like a fighter, not like a caster. I'm always shaped as a fleshraker.

Forgot to add: because of the string of fights we had, all my second level slots are filled with lesser restoration.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Dacke on May 09, 2006, 04:01:31 PM
Quote from: YigI play my druid like a fighter, not like a caster. I'm always shaped as a fleshraker.
There's your problem, then. Druids are primarily spellcasters with a bit of fighting ability. If you spend most of your time in melee, of course you're going to feel useless next to the people who can actually fight.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: blakkie on May 09, 2006, 04:13:08 PM
Quote from: YigFor some reason, I haven't treally checked the spells in the PHB, was concentrated on the spells in the SC.
If Entangle was in any book other than the PHB i suspect that many DMs would slap a "munchkin"/overpowered ban on it. ;)

Entangle + Ranged Attack = Game Over.
QuoteAnd we've been in a huge underground dungeon since level 4.
Even if you are stuck there another couple of levels it'll still be well worth memorizing when you get out because that spell continues to be useful well past most 1st level combat spells. Especially in encounters where you have numerous opponets. The ones that it really doesn't do much against are those that are very large, very strong, or stay airborne outside of tree canopies and undergrowth.  High Reflex save opponents obviously aren't affected as drastically, but they are still slowed down.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Graywolf on May 09, 2006, 04:29:27 PM
Whether the rules allow for them or not.  I like some of the Dire Creatures of varying Hit Dice. For my Druid NPC's

Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: jrients on May 09, 2006, 04:38:05 PM
The wildshaper in my game usually goes with the biggest bear he can muster and proceeds to grapple the shit out of all of my monsters.  Drives me nuts.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Dacke on May 09, 2006, 05:04:30 PM
Quote from: GraywolfWhether the rules allow for them or not.  I like some of the Dire Creatures of varying Hit Dice.
They dropped the "no Dire animals" limitation on wildshaping for druids in 3.5. As long as the animal is of the right size, and doesn't have too many HD, it's fair game.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Yig on May 09, 2006, 09:13:25 PM
Quote from: DackeThey dropped the "no Dire animals" limitation on wildshaping for druids in 3.5. As long as the animal is of the right size, and doesn't have too many HD, it's fair game.

Large at level 8 :)
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Yig on May 09, 2006, 09:14:40 PM
Quote from: DackeThere's your problem, then. Druids are primarily spellcasters with a bit of fighting ability. If you spend most of your time in melee, of course you're going to feel useless next to the people who can actually fight.

I'm taking levels in nature warrior. This will help.

If I shape and then I put on magic items, will they still work?
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Dacke on May 09, 2006, 11:39:45 PM
Assuming the item is one that the animal can wear, sure. Personally, I'd be hesitant about allowing a rhino wearing rings, for example.
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Renna on May 10, 2006, 04:22:57 PM
Quote from: DackeThere's your problem, then. Druids are primarily spellcasters with a bit of fighting ability. If you spend most of your time in melee, of course you're going to feel useless next to the people who can actually fight.
Gotta disagree with this. My Druid is pretty basic. 14 levels of Druid, and I just took my first level of War Shaper.

I'm usually wildshaped as a bear. I've always had my items meld, so I've never benefited from any magic items, other than my wild armor to help with the AC (which I needed, since I was constantly getting the hell beat out of me). My Druid/bear is far and away the best fighter of the bunch. And I really didn't have to try hard. A few buff spells is all it took. Combine that with the Power Attack and Multiattack feat, and a Druid wildshaped into a Dire Bear is a one-man wrecking machine. And that's without the spells. Throw those in with the Natural Spell feat and damn...
Title: Wildshape forms
Post by: Cyberzombie on May 10, 2006, 07:16:49 PM
I used entangle on an actual battle map -- one of the few battles we used one for, actually.  The monsters got out of it so quickly that I felt like I wasted the spell slot.  Then the entangle area got in the rest of the characters' way and I KNEW I had wasted the slot.