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What sort of stuff really pleases you in play?

Started by TonyLB, May 18, 2007, 01:18:56 PM

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So everyone's checked out this thread about things that piss us off during play, right?  Here's the non-goatee mirror universe version of it.  What things can your fellow players do that really make you happy during the game?

I'll start:  I value it when people take their time to really absorb something that just happened at the table.  Not that I'm against an emotionally-driven snap response either (some of my favorite moments are "Oh that will never happen, punk!" moments).  But there's that other thing, when a moment calls for a bit of contemplation and appreciation.  It makes me feel that we are doing, if not anything as fraught as "art", at least something that engages our full faculties.  We're surprising each other.  That's a nice feeling.
Superheroes with heart:  Capes!


I love it when my players figure out some unexpected connection between seemingly unrelated conflicts in my game world and that discovery fires them up.  The fact that it's only something *I* thought of about half the time doesn't bother me -- I just nod sagely and take notes.
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When players step outside their normal role and make up stuff.

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When the players are so into it that their voices ring with genuine emotion.

When the players take the bait, then the line, then the rod, then the fisherman.

When the players appreciate something I did for them.

When the players push back, hard.

When the players get the bit in their teeth and we're off on a wild ride.

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When you immerse yourself in play, either players or GM.

When you show you can have fun.

When players or GM are so enrapt by the story that they can sit by as it unfolds and not feel left out because they are not talking.

Players who contribute to the story as much as the GM.

Players who can take their character and express aspects of it within the context of the story.

Topmost, having fun.

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Quote from: jrientsI like big explosions.
You too?



J Arcane

I love a good sneak attack.  Nimbly maneuvering my rogue right up behind some poor sod, and then hitting the table with a massive stack of D6s as he crumples to the ground.

I also love a good "destroy" result on a turn undead check, when half the nasty skellies currently swarming the party just explode in a shower of bones through the force of sheer holy might.  

I love getting a great cleave effect and mowing through a whole swath of guys with a big fucking sword.

I also love it when my character hits it off with everyone else.  I've always prided myself on trying to come up with interesting characters, so it's a wonderful feeling when it turns out everyone else loves the guy as much as I do.  I'm something of a social chameleon personality, I'm at my most charismatic when I'm basically playing a role, which is why I gravitated to roleplaying and acting when I was a lad in school.  It's a lovely when it pays off, and the audience is entertained by what you've created.
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Herr Arnulfe

As a player, I enjoy conspiring with my fellow players. You know, the type of plan that sends the GM flipping through rulebooks while he's listening to us scheme.

When GMing, I like seeing a player really pull off his character convincingly. I don't expect players to be good actors, nor even try to perform at all, but it's extremely pleasing when they manage to.

Erik Boielle

Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet.


You forgot "MWAHAHAHAH!" If there's an actual day job where I can practice my maniacal laughter, please tell me.


I love the fact that when I sit down, I never know what the hell is going to happen, and most of the time whatever does is better than anything I would have scripted if I were inclined to scripting play.

And Tony, good to have you back, I was wondering where you'd got to.

Otherwise, I love in character repartee, when people get in the zone and come out with some genuinely cool and funny stuff in character.

That, and I love it when things go wrong, because there's nothing like a fumble or a clusterfuck to bring out both comedy and drama in game at the same time.


When the ally NPCs become "alive" to the players.

 First time this happened with my ghroup where it stuck out in my memory was almost 2 years ago.  The group's navigator for their Empress Marava freighrer is an NPC. I described the NPC as being attacked while  she was stepping out of an air/Raft taxi.

 My players's raxtons were  :"Fuck that crap!! " and "She's our crewmember!!"
 The ship's commander ordered the other player characters to go help out/rescue the Navigator Ms. BJ Scott....and a great brawl between PCs and NPCs was had.  The  NPC got in some lib\cks as well...not going ddown without a fight and all - but she was outnumbered. (damn  thoseVargr thugs!!)

 As for the thread's title referring to pleases me during play ?

 My apologies , but I flashed back to a game years ago ...where afterwards a player lingered after the rest of the players had left ...and SHE  had a different meaning in mind for pleasing the GM.  One of the first times I felt really appreciated as a GM.

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It's an elusive quality for me, but I'd say when the plot starts to become generative. I like to take my time, lay out hints and build premises that won't pay off for many games to come. If it works and if the players and I are on the same page, then several games into the campaign, the various sub-plots start to meld, and the players and I all start to be able to determine what will happen next from information already establoished. Of course their read isn't exactly the same as mine, because I know the inkeeper is really a vampire and the principle villain is living to the South, etc., but we all start to click at the same time. As GM it's a feeling that I'm no longer creating from scratch, that the next move is shaped by the previous ones. That's when it gets fun.

I also like when the game boils down to one die roll, not because yuo planned it that way, but because it just shaped up that way. And when you all know it's the one roll that'll do it, life or death, just one toss. And...