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What games are you waiting for?

Started by Silverlion, September 30, 2007, 05:38:10 PM

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Quote from: Elliot WilenReally? I would be interested in seeing that.

Andy for all he is generally a fluffy bunny of a poster, can be very sarcastic when he wants to be and is usually funny as hell (intentionally so, not unintentionally) when he goes for that.

It is worth seeing actually, Andy in flame mode is a fun poster, he doesn't in my experience just gratuitously insult people, rather he satirises them.

I haven't followed Arcane's link yet though, so that might be an exception.  

Trollbabe is interesting, though the setting is dreadful, of course when I said that I got accused of sexism by some fuckwit who thought I objected to playing a female character (which I don't and have).


Yeah, I found the link while J Arcane was posting it, and it's a big exception. I've seen Andy go dude-shooting-laser-beams-from-his-eyes on Pundit, and that is indeed a good time regardless of which side of the boxing ring I'm sitting on.

Oh, and about TB, if it does anything to facilitate the production of episodes like those pictured in the "Sex, Death, and Music" strip that can be found here, or (again) Brand's not-Howard S&S game, then a mildly complificated version of it might be up my alley.


It does look like J might have unfortunately hit a sore point there, I admit.  Andy was a tad harsh, undeservedly so, but we all fail that particular test from time to time.

His comments on Exalted are fascinating though, I think I shall have to read the whole thread.


? I thought Andy was extremely mild and helpful, actually!


Quote from: Elliot Wilen? I thought Andy was extremely mild and helpful, actually!

His first response seemed a bit overboard, as the thread goes on everyone calms down and it's a model thread, until someone killed it with a query about some obscure Japanese investigation game...


Quote from: Elliot Wilen[insert lots of Talislanta stuff]

Thanks dude.

Quote from: Drohem;290472...there\'s always going to be someone to spew a geyser of frothy sand from their engorged vagina.  
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Running: D&D 5e
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