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What are you looking forward to DOING in '07?

Started by Warthur, December 29, 2006, 12:39:45 PM

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Quote from: WarthurIt's over halfway through the year. How are we all doing with our plans?

Let's run down my list:

1) Continue to kick ass in the D&D game I play in. - Campaign down in flames.

2) Run a new 3.5 campaign called Sky Pirates of Eberron (first session is a week from Tuesday) - Killed the campaign, but started a new one that is going pretty well.

3) Participate in the C-U Run Club. I'll be running James Bond 007 for that one. - C-U Run Club is rockin'.  I ended up running Lords of Creation instead of James Bond 007, and I think that was a smart call on my part.

4) Run 3 games (Mazes & Minotaurs, '81 Basic D&D, and Encounter Critical) at the local con in February - No one signed up for M&M, but the other two games were awesome.

5) Coordinate Worldwide Adventure Writing Month - Went well, I thought.

6) Write my own WoAdWriMo module - Turned out better than I expected.

7) Run at least a one-shot of Traveller 5 (if it comes out in '07) - T5 ain't coming out, but I plan on running Star Wars Saga before the year is up instead.

A mixed bag, but mostly positive.  And other than finding a new game to play in and wanting to run a sci-fi game, I've met all my goals for the year.
Jeff Rients
My gameblog

Abyssal Maw

Quote from: Abyssal MawJanuary- I think we have a gameday in Silver Spring. So I hope to see my LG guy level up at last. Or at least get close.

Accomplished a few times over! But now I want to start a new guy.

Quote from: Abyssal MawThe D&D eXperience (formerly Winter Fantasy) will debut in February. I'll be there! Im going to try and split my schedule between GMing and playing this time.

Accomplished! Had a great time, ran a bunch of stuff and won a lottery drawing where I ended up with a big stack of free stuff.  

Quote from: Abyssal MawMy current weekly campaign will be celebrating it's one year anniversary in March. March 22nd, actually. Cake will be served!

Accomplished! Campaign ended officially just last week, July 5th. About 16 months of weekly sessions. We are in a transitory mode right now before GenCon. I think I might like to run a Mutants and Masterminds game or play in someone elses campaign...

Quote from: Abyssal MawDepending on how things go, I may be turning over the reins to one of the current players so that I can at last play a Binder. I had kinda hoped we would go all the way to level 20, but theyre just now 11th/almost 12th. That means April/May/June at the earliest, unless we reach an amazing conclusion somewhere earlier.

Accomplished! Campaign (mentioned above) went to 16th level. I am getting my wish for the binder character.. in Undermountain. Although only for the two Undermountain sessions at GenCon. I've elaborated the character concept so now it's a mongrelfolk binder. haha.  

Quote from: Abyssal MawAugust is GenCon!

My extended group (that is, my entire group is going, along with various other people, and members of their groups). There are 10 of us in 4 cars! It's going to be fun.  

Quote from: Abyssal MawI may join a gym and start boxing in 2007. I have been playing that Nintendo Wii boxing game and it totally leaves me sore but in a good way. I noticed the local place we send our kids to has a "boxing workout program" which I might try out.

Totally didn't do this. And now I can't find Wii Sports! The gym I was looking at earlier I decided I didn't like. But I was thinking about joining a gym closer to my office just today... Hrmm.
Download Secret Santicore! (10MB). I painted the cover :)


I'm still hoping to run some RQ3.  Either in my homebrew setting, Telcontar, or bust out some old school Pavis/Big Rubble/Prax stuff.

Run a few Cthulhu one shots, and perhaps get my BRP "Vampire Hunters" survival horror game going.  Maybe try my hand at some BRP SciFi stuff on which I've been working.


Quote from: kregmosier1)  finish, layout, and print the Dead.

Looking forward to that one. :D


For me:

#1- Find a new gaming group. The last couple groups I tried out crashed and burned.

#2- Mybe organize a "Minneapolis Gameday"

not sure after that.


My illusionist rocked. He ended up going through a portal and having his soul merged with a character from a previous campaign to become a 20th level mystic theurge who then fought four evil demigods with his fellow PCs. He slew an ancient red dragon with a lucky shot from a spiritual weapon spell. He died when one of the demigods performed his super-suicide attack on him. We saved the world from the evil incarnation that had created the demigods and awakened Cthulu though, so it was all good.

Nowadays, I'm a vengeful Viking archer using Iron Heroes. I'm trying to find the Well of Life to restore the Viking gods to life, and to beat back the British, who have invaded the Viking homeland. Next session, I'm on a mission to raise the gates of the British invasion base so the Viking horde can plow through.
The Pernicious Light, or The Wreckers of Sword Island;
A Goblin\'s Progress, or Of Cannons and Canons;
An Oration on the Dignity of Tash, or On the Elves and Their Lies
All for S&W Complete
Playing: Dark Heresy, WFRP 2e

"Elves don\'t want you cutting down trees but they sell wood items, they don\'t care about the forests, they\'\'re the fuckin\' wood mafia." -Anonymous

Bradford C. Walker

So far, all I've managed to do is end my Exalted game.

Ian Absentia

Quote from: Ian AbsentiaI look forward to re-activating my son's semi-shelved HeroQuest campaign and morphing it from the Gloranthan setting to that of Avatar: the Last Airbender.  I'll be adding my daughter as a regular player and perhaps another of their friends.
Negatory on reviving the HeroQuest campaign, though I did start a short-lived D&D adventure with my son.  Also, my daughter is turning six this weekend and has asked that we start up the Avatar game for which we made characters a while back.  So, I've almost met this goal by roundabout.
QuoteI promise myself, once again, that I will finish either my game Cold Mountain or my adaptation of Pendragon to an historical Japanese setting.
Cold Mountain is right out, but I have started research on GENPEI again.  More importantly, I've talked myself into the MARINER project, which I feel is going very well, indeed.
QuoteI'd like find/form a group of mature gamers for more regular play.
Well, nothing on this front. :(



Quote from: kregmosier1)  finish, layout, and print the Dead.

I'm very much looking forward to this.  I skimmed the playtest draft when it was up a few months ago, and was quite impressed.  Your rules for "Coldness" (I forget the exact term) were great, and very much in keeping with the genre.  I'd tried to do something like that for One of the Living but just couldn't quite get it to work.

I'll definitely be picking up a copy of this game when it comes out.  And I'd love to offer an extra pair of eyes, if you want to bounce ideas around.


OK, the year's just about over - how did we all do at meeting our plans?

Here's my original plans, with the stuff I achieved bolded.

Quote- Bring my ongoing A|State campaign to a satisfying conclusion.

Done and dusted months ago - and yet Contested Ground are only just getting around to finishing off the long-promised Avenues and Alleyways setting expansion. Maybe I should revisit it.

Quote- Play or run one of these bad boys:
o Burning Wheel/Burning Empires.
o Runequest (2nd or 3rd editions).
o Dogs In the Vineyard (sorry Pundit!).
o Forward... to Adventure!

Managed to play in a couple of Burning Wheel one-shots, and I enjoyed them - though I think the system would be more satisfying in a campaign. I played and ran a handful of Dogs one-shots but my circle of friends found it lost its allure quickly.

For the latter part of my year my gaming has mostly been split between Unknown Armies and REIGN, although to be fair if REIGN had come out when I was making this list it'd be on there.

Quote- Continue playing in the Pendragon game a friend of mine is running with the Great Pendragon Campaign, and try to get more proactive in it - we're coming up to the years of anarchy after Uther's reign and I reckon are characters are well-positioned to make a splash in it.

Didn't really succeed at this; the campaign died after a number of delays - and because of the party being driven apart by a really nasty feud between two PCs. I didn't get as much chance to get proactive as I wanted, because my PC was trying desperately to stop the characters in question from killing each other.

Quote- Game more with people I like playing with, game less with people I have no time for.

Succeeded at this, and I've been happier for it.
I am no longer posting here or reading this forum because Pundit has regularly claimed credit for keeping this community active. I am sick of his bullshit for reasons I explain here and I don\'t want to contribute to anything he considers to be a personal success on his part.

I recommend The RPG Pub as a friendly place where RPGs can be discussed and where the guiding principles of moderation are "be kind to each other" and "no politics". It\'s pretty chill so far.


I didn't put down what I'd planned to do, but this year, I:

Wrote, Illustrated, and Published Blood Games II

Wrote, Illustrated, and Published In Harm's Way: Aces In Spades

Wrote, Illustrated, and Published In Harm's Way: Aces And Angels

Illustrated and Published Forward... to Adventure!

In addition I ran a weekly game (IHW:AIS, IHW:AAA, Blood Games II, StarCluster, FtA!, Qin, CoC, Cold Space, and others) and two biweekly games (StarCluster and In Harm's Way:Napoleonic Naval). As an old man I need to conserve my energy.

I expect to do far more in 2008.

clash bowley * Flying Mice Games - an Imprint of Better Mousetrap Games
Flying Mice home page: http://jalan.flyingmice.com/flyingmice.html
Currently Designing: StarCluster 4 - Wavefront Empire
Last Releases: SC4 - Dark Orbital, SC4 - Out of the Ruins,  SC4 - Sabre & World

Consonant Dude

Quote from: Consonant DudeI plan to develop and run a superhero campaign in a fictional city of my creation. Semi-serious in tone but still colorful. I don't know what system I am gonna use yet. I'm down to three or four choices. I'm currently writing about the city, various supers and normal NPCs and trying to design a decent map.

I did continue to develop the city but mostly a sector/neighborhood. I elected to run it using Truth & Justice but we didn't do many sessions. It went on the backburner.

Quote from: Consonant DudeI'm going to run some Everway games. One-shots and a few short story arcs. This is going to kick ass.

It did indeed kick serious ass. Everway always does. I did fairly early in the year. Things slowed down and then a few months ago, I went at it again, this time I did a complete reboot and started fresh. I modified the sphere concept somewhat into a plane thing and mixed Planescape elements and a bigass Githyanki invasion. This is an idea that was inspired by Judd Karlman. I'll have to thank him for that soon!

Quote from: Consonant DudeI will start a D&D campaign as well but am at a loss for ideas. I'll probably throw some punk elements in there, maybe use a few Iron Kingdoms elements. This one will only run once a month, unfortunately.

I did a lot of D&D but things didn't go as expected! This is the first year in at least 15  years where I played more than I GMed. 3rd edition, 1st edition and basic were all played extensively. Didn't GM much.

Didn't do anything with the Iron Kingdoms either. Frankly, I have concluded that this is a nice setting but D&D is totally unfit to run it.

Quote from: Consonant DudeI plan to run some one-shots using The Story Engine in all kinds of genres. Usually a few thrillers, murder/mysteries, sci-fi. If Brett successfully integrates Story Engine into Active Exploits, I will be a happy man and check it out.

I did a few one-shots, perhaps a tiny bit less than usual due to playing so much.  Was supposed to playtest Story Engine 2 but I dropped the ball a bit and must confess I'm a bit confused by the direction the game is taking.

Quote from: Consonant DudeMy plans are flexible and I may scrap or delay my plans to test something I buy but there's almost nothing on my radar right now.

Yeah, I was fuicking right about that. This is another crappy year for roleplaying as far as I am concerned. Few interesting releases, especially in print. And although I am not a big fan of "indie" games (I probably play 80-90% mainstream) pretty much everything that was interesting to me that was new this year was indie.  

Quote from: Consonant DudeAs a player, my options will be limited. I may get to play in a D&D game if I am lucky because a guy I know is considering DMing again.

I was soooo wrong. My options as a player have never been better. My new group is made of 5-6 regulars + a few part time gamers and four of us are committed GMs! Plus I have two more groups of friends who game and one guy is starting a new GURPS game soon.

Quote from: Consonant DudeFinally, I'll keep on working on my homebrew. Strictly a labor of fun.

I did a few experiments but they were failure. I want to push myself. I need to push myself and I'd like to find help to design my game, or at least a few sources of inspirations. I would also like to find a forum to discuss game design that isn't aligned to any particular theory (nor that is offended by any theory).

I'm also thinking of perhaps starting a blog to record my development and hopefully get some feedback. I plan to set goals for the new year regarding this.

All in all, it was a nice year as a player. An ok year as a GM and a shit year as a consummer. I had $50 per month to spend on gaming material and at least $500 of this remains untouched because nobody wants my money.

My Roleplaying Blog.

Christmas Ape

Quote from: Christmas ApeGet a chance to play again as Shiba Kiyonori, a short bald samurai who takes himself too seriously.
Three sessions, GM dropped the game for lack of interest from some players.

QuoteWrap up a homebrew heavily instructed by Heroquest, Spirit of the Century, and other open trait based systems. Then run some high-action fantasy wu xia with it.
Fail. Group's not big on roll-your-own as it turns out.

QuoteRun some Delta Green with Nemesis set in WWII's North African theater.

QuoteRun Long Walk Home, a campaign following a crippled capital ship abandoned behind enemy lines and the few lucky survivors bringing her home. Or, you know, wreaking guerilla havoc on the enemy with it. Whatever the players like. Maybe Spelljammer, maybe our homebrew Terran Republic setting. It's more a scenario I'm interested in than anything, a combination of desperate resistance fighting and capital ship badassery. Yes I'm a new BSG fan.
Five sessions, Terran Republic second stringers stuck on alien world when the battleship hits something in orbit and goes down in flames. A dumb-as-a-post farmboy Marine with the satellite radio on his back (no operator), a 1st-year bridge ensign, a professional slacker supply clerk and a psychic fugitive masquerading as his dead MP escort managed to get themselves killed in a firefight/chase scene/high-speed crash.

QuotePrep for a series of alien invasion Mekton Zeta games, probably on a partially terraformed Mars, both during the fight and after the war. Whether it becomes about resistance fighters under an alien occupation or assault units mopping up alien holdouts is largely up to PCs in the first acts.
Fail, but having the ATM in hard copy again will help a second try.

QuoteWhatever else my group happens to dream up over the following year.
Which became a beer-and-pretzels hack through Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil in scheduling fits and starts. We're about three or four sessions from conclusion.

Wow. Sad showing from the ape.
Heroism is no more than a chapter in a tale of submission.
"There is a general risk that those who flock together, on the Internet or elsewhere, will end up both confident and wrong [..]. They may even think of their fellow citizens as opponents or adversaries in some kind of 'war'." - Cass R. Sunstein
The internet recognizes only five forms of self-expression: bragging, talking shit, ass kissing, bullshitting, and moaning about how pathetic you are. Combine one with your favorite hobby and get out there!

Ian Absentia

Quote from: Ian AbsentiaI look forward to re-activating my son's semi-shelved HeroQuest campaign and morphing it from the Gloranthan setting to that of Avatar: the Last Airbender.  I'll be adding my daughter as a regular player and perhaps another of their friends.
Failed, but only sort of.  I've started an on-again, off-again D&D game with my son and daughter. Nothing to do with Avatar, though I'd still like to do that (not with D&D, though).
QuoteI promise myself, once again, that I will finish either my game Cold Mountain or my adaptation of Pendragon to an historical Japanese setting.
Both failed, though on technicalities.  I've pretty much shelved Cold Mountain as "the game that should have been 8 years ago", but I'm working on the Genpei/Pendragon project again.  That and MARINER are vying for my free time.
QuoteI'd like find/form a group of mature gamers for more regular play.
