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What actual play gaming do you have planned for 2022?

Started by Spinachcat, December 27, 2021, 02:54:02 AM

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Darrin Kelley

Homebrew game system made by the GM. The game is over the top science fantasy. Regular group. We resume playing first saturday of January.


Quote from: Ratman_tf on December 28, 2021, 08:30:45 PM
Quote from: tenbones on December 28, 2021, 12:17:19 PM
I've dropped doing remote gaming last year, my whole crew plays face-to-face.

2022 Plans

Continue my modified Savage Pathfinder fueled Forgotten Realms Greybox campaign. It's been been chugging along for for a good clip, and still going. I'm introducing my Dwarven Forge stuff to the game, and I got back into painting minis, so I'm having a ball.

When it winds down my goals are -

Savage Rifts - Highly probable.
Savage Star Wars or FFG Star Wars. Right now our Savage Star Wars idea is running pretty hot.
Cyberpunk 2020 - with modifications from CPRed.

I'd read a thread where you go into what you're keeping from 2020 and what you're nabbing from CPRed and why.

I promise when I get around to doing Cyberpunk I will absolutely do this. I was very... unenthused... about CPRed after it dropped and I looked through it. Some things were good, some things were very "un-CP2020" which I actually liked.

There are some straightforward things I'd do, but I need to dig in to see what changes I'll need to consider. My general view is it's easier to pull elements of CPRed into CP2020 than the other way around.


An idea has been percolating in my mind of late that I'm just going to take 2022 off from RPGs. Not just playing them, which I have done in over a year anyway, but buying them, reading them, reading forums and Discords about them, or even thinking about them. I've come to despise what this hobby has become, and I think it would be healthier for me to just walk away from it for a year or 5.
Klytus, I'm bored. What plaything can you offer me today?

An obscure body in the S-K System, Your Majesty. The inhabitants refer to it as the planet... "Earth".


Quote from: kreegan on December 30, 2021, 11:03:02 PM
An idea has been percolating in my mind of late that I'm just going to take 2022 off from RPGs. Not just playing them, which I have done in over a year anyway, but buying them, reading them, reading forums and Discords about them, or even thinking about them. I've come to despise what this hobby has become, and I think it would be healthier for me to just walk away from it for a year or 5.

If you're not playing/running games, it's definitely not healthy to be spending a lot of time on game forums & social media.


I've been thinking of running Dungeon Crawl Classics with my homebrew. Slowly pieced together some world notes over the past few years, inspired by Diablo lore, Dark Albion, King Arthur, The Witcher, Cthulhu Dark Ages, Castlevania, and some other sources. Just wanted to do a medieval sword & sorcery style setting, more grounded, more horror. Been trying to figure out a ruleset to run it on and just decided to go with DCC.


I need to get my Age of Ashes campaign finished before Paizo retroactively removes all the Slavers from it.

Dragon Gods of Destruction probably are not allowed now either so better get him killed off.

And Happy New Year to all of you living in the past!
Who da Drow?  U da drow! - hedgehobbit

There will be poor always,
pathetically struggling,
look at the good things you've got! -  Jesus


5th Ed (playing and running)
Cthulhu (playing and running)
Probably some Traveller later in the year
Possibly a homebrew 40K system that I'm toying with. But that's for Summer/Autumn, not the near future.


Running: 2e in a homebrew, on the fly created world
Playing: 5e Descent into Avernus (hopefully, the libtards in the group are impossible to keep to schedules)


Quote from: jhkim on December 28, 2021, 09:33:12 PM
I'll also be running at the local conventions. I have a Doctor Who game for DunDraCon in February. Maybe a Star Wars game for one of the fall conventions.

I got excited when I saw this - I thought "Cool! DunDraCon is going to run..."

Even before the pandemic it had been a few years since I was last at a con.

But then I checked their coof policy... Ugghhh...

A shame, I would have liked to have gone.
"The envious are not satisfied with equality; they secretly yearn for superiority and revenge."


I'll be continuing some campaigns using my Ruins & Realms system.

I plan on putting my Vampire game I run on hiatus after the next session because I'm getting burned out on it.

In its place I'm gearing up a homebrew set in the Battletech universe (because none of the official rpg-side sets has ever managed to work) with the basic premise of the original Mechwarrior video game... the PCs are a noble household forced to flee when a hostile force takes their world and work to build up a force powerful enough to retake it (or just be Mercs as was also an option for the original DOS game).

I'm thinking a small force of 10,000 BV for the party (for those unfamiliar, BattleMechs range from 700-ish for a light Mech to as much as 3000 for an assault Mech, mid-rangd is 1500-2500); enough for a solid Mech lance plus some support units.


Quote from: Ratman_tf on December 27, 2021, 05:19:21 AM
No plans for TTRPGs. I have regular X-Wing Miniatures and Twilight Imperium games I'm playing.

I should try to get something RPG together this year.

Okay, I'm jealous. Having a regular Twilight Imperium game would be awesome. 😊


Gonna be D&D 4e for a while still barring any dramatic changes.


This year, actually do some role-playing. Leaning towards Fading Suns 4e but also considering homebrewing a fantasy ancient Egypt for a fantasy game but not sure of system (Gurps, Mythras, or possibly even an adaptation of Lion & Dragon). Other ideas include Stargate, Weird Frontiers (think Deadlands powered by DCC system), Bunkers & Badasses (The official Borderlands rpg), Swords of the Serpentine, Hyperborea 3e, Lancer, BESM 4e, and Fight! 2e (if you love fighting video games then this is your game).


Since VTT doesn't count, then I am doing nothing. I suppose that I could tell my brother, who lives 1700 miles from me, to fuck off out of my DCC campaign so that the me and the rest of my players can properly play at a real table.

In that vein, I have considered going back to playing face-to-face and using a webcam to loop my brother in. Anyone have any suggestions for webcams that would be capable of giving a clear picture of figures and terrain on the tabletop?


I will continue my Call of Cthulhu 7E campaign. The players are starting to understand how the various cases they tackled are connected by an overarching plot and very curious to go on.

It is a bit of an open World. They are based in Arkham and the last session closed with a debate about if to follow the "Dunwich lead" or the "Providence lead". I'm ready for both.

Down the line I would like to play a mashup of "Coriolis" and "Alien". Time will tell.
For every idiot who denounces Ayn Rand as "intellectualism" there is an excellent DM who creates a "Bioshock" adventure.