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Wanted: Tool for generating Traveller world maps

Started by zx81, September 30, 2015, 04:51:40 PM

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First time poster, but as I´m short of time I´ll just get to the point.
Does anyone know of a tool/generator or whatever, for generating world/planet-maps for Classic Traveller?
It would be great if I could just enter a worlds code (starport, size...), and get a map generated.
A friend says that he have seen a tool just like that, but he cant remeber if it was online or if you had to download it. I´ve looked around and cant find either.


You obviously want Heaven & Earth, don't you?


also for all your other Traveller needs, Traveller Downport:

Freelance Traveller

...and the Official Classic Traveller Forums, Citizens of the Imperium
Blackmoor grew from a single Castle to include, first, several adjacent Castles (with the forces of Evil lying just off the edge of the world to an entire Northern Province of the Castle and Crusade Society's Great Kingdom.

~ Dave Arneson


H&E looks good, though I couldn´t get it to install on my computer. There was a readme-file so maybe the solution is in there, and I will definetly check out the other links.


You need a fractal generator like this one.


Select Isohahedral projection for a traveller style map and super impose a grid on top of it.

There are a bunch of them out there including paid ones like Fractal Terrain.



Another interesting commercial tool is Astrosynthesis, which has a planet mapping unit:
http://www.nbos.com/products/astrosynthesis and there is at least one Traveller plug-in for it (see http://www.nbos.com/nox/index.php?action=1001&id=161 ) though it looks like it may not work quite like how you wanted, or maybe it does but you might need to enter the data in an awkward way, like having it generate a randomized star cluster, then hand-edit the properties of a system and its planets to match what you want, and then get the planet charts.


Heaven & Earth works just fine on any Windows system.if you are running on Vista, 7, 8, or10 simply right click on the Heaven & Earth EXE file and choose


Then click on the Compatibility tab and have Heaven & Earth run in the Compatibility mode for WindowsXP.

Then click Apply.

Then double click the EXE to launch Heaven & Earth.

Heaven & Earth won't just generate the maps for one planet or system, it will generate every planet and satellite map for the entire subsector, or even a complete sector in one go. This includes cities, settlements, and research stations... Mountains, Volcanoes, Forests, Jungles, Deserts, Rivers, and Ice... Cratered and barren moons, lush planets, and even maps for Gas Giants.

Astrosynthesis is awesome as well, and generates 3d Interstellar maps with ease which includes detailed geographical planetary maps, but not settlements...
Blackmoor grew from a single Castle to include, first, several adjacent Castles (with the forces of Evil lying just off the edge of the world to an entire Northern Province of the Castle and Crusade Society's Great Kingdom.

~ Dave Arneson

David Johansen

It'd be nice if someone built one that did the official map the official way.  But it's easier to draw a whole sector than it is to fill in a map.  Strings are way easier to code than graphics.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com

K Peterson

Quote from: GameDaddy;858587Heaven & Earth works just fine on any Windows system.if you are running on Vista, 7, 8, or10 simply right click on the Heaven & Earth EXE file and choose


Then click on the Compatibility tab and have Heaven & Earth run in the Compatibility mode for WindowsXP.

Then click Apply.

Then double click the EXE to launch Heaven & Earth.
I got H&E to run on Windows10 by simply right-clicking the .exe, selecting 'Run as Administrator", and accepting the UAC prompt.


Argh, I've tried the compatibility modes (XP SP 2 and SP3) and running as admin but still get an error and it won't run. I loved this program for years, but haven't installed it (or tried) until now on this Win8 machine. :(

If I try to run it just by clicking the icon, I get "twist~1.ocx not correctly registered - missing or invalid file"

If I try Admin, I get the same error but for "mscomctl.ocx"

I've installed, uninstalled, re-downloaded and tried again, with no luck. Any ideas?
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver

K Peterson

That sucks. I originally got that "twist~..." error when launching H&E normally, but it was fine run-as-admin.

You might have to do some dirty work. Make sure the .ocx file exists, and then manually registering it (http://codeyarns.com/2012/09/10/component-mscomctl-ocx-not-correctly-registered/). Otherwise, I'm out of guesses.


Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver


Back in the 1990s I stumbled across (from a BBS, I guess) a program for Spacemaster that would generate everything, even cities and buildings.

The catch, it was all ascii graphics. But it was amazing. I've never found it again though.


I did get it to work using advice from this thread (thank you all, especially gamedaddy). My computer complains about some missing file when launching H&E, but then it seems to work ok.
When entering the UWP, H&E asks  for some things I´m not familliar with from CT core (I´m using the traveller Book), but I did get it to generate a map.
I´ll have to look at the helpfile when I get the time (this is the worst time of the month for me with tons of paper work).


Quote from: David Johansen;858630It'd be nice if someone built one that did the official map the official way.

You mean like http://travellermap.com/ ?


Quote from: nDervish;858777You mean like http://travellermap.com/ ?

^^ My go-to map for Fifth Frontier Wars games!
Blackmoor grew from a single Castle to include, first, several adjacent Castles (with the forces of Evil lying just off the edge of the world to an entire Northern Province of the Castle and Crusade Society's Great Kingdom.

~ Dave Arneson