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Good games are good!

Started by Soylent Green, March 25, 2012, 04:36:23 PM

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Soylent Green

You know that feeling after running a game that has gone spectacularly well? That's me right now, grinning like an idiot and mentally replaying various highlights.

I've been running a Necessary Evil campaign converted to Icons, and after a shaky start it's just been getting better and better. And while it may seem poor form to boast this way, today's session was just charmed. It's like everyone around the table was in the zone and things just really came alive.

Our hobby can be frustrating at time but when it's good it's really special.

Other than that, I've got nothing useful to say.
New! Cyberblues City - like cyberpunk, only more mellow. Free, fully illustrated roleplaying game based on the Fudge system
Bounty Hunters of the Atomic Wastelands, a post-apocalyptic western game based on Fate. It\'s simple, it\'s free and it\'s in colour!


Not bad form at all.  But maybe we could all learn something from you: was there anything you could point to and say "this is what made the session so good"?

Soylent Green

Sorry, the truth is I don't really know. It's like you pour in the same ingredients in the mix but sometimes the cake just turns out better. And I guess that sort of kicks off a virtuous circle because the better the game is the more engaged everyone becomes which in turn helps make the game even better.

Of course past performance is no guarantee of future performance and next session will be a whole new deal. Not taking anything for granted.
New! Cyberblues City - like cyberpunk, only more mellow. Free, fully illustrated roleplaying game based on the Fudge system
Bounty Hunters of the Atomic Wastelands, a post-apocalyptic western game based on Fate. It\'s simple, it\'s free and it\'s in colour!

Jason Coplen

Awesome! It's been too long since I had a session feel that way. I hope you keep having more.
Running: HarnMaster, Barbaric 2E!, and EABA.


I'm almost always on the player side, but I assume I've had a similar feeling. There are sessions I played in -- all of them convention one-shots, strangely enough -- that I still find myself grinning like an idiot over whenever I think of them. They just went so well, and made me feel so good to be part of whatever just happened.

This is a happy thread.
"I despise weak men in positions of power, and that's 95% of game industry leadership." - Jessica Price
"Isnt that why RPGs companies are so woke in the first place?" - Godsmonkey
*insert Disaster Girl meme here* - Me


I've been fortunate to have those blessed moments as well.
It seems so magical when it happens that I really don't want to stop and examine why.


Thankfully, I get that feeling more often than not these days.

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