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SJWs Triggered by Kickstarter Update

Started by Persimmon, May 25, 2022, 12:46:26 AM

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Quote from: SHARK on May 26, 2022, 06:16:33 PM
Quote from: Persimmon on May 26, 2022, 05:19:53 PM
The quivering outrage on TBP is predictable and sad.  What's also funny is the feeble attempt to claim the term Anglo-Saxon is "outdated & racist," condemned by academics, which they support by citing Smithsonian magazine, which is not, in fact, a legitimate academic publication, but rather something intended for the general public. 

First off, Greg himself is an academic, with training in history.  I'm pretty sure he knows what the term denotes and it's pretty clear to me what historical and mythical traditions he is drawing upon, not unlike one Professor Tolkien.  Second, many academics live for claiming pretty much everything is racist or hegemonic in some way and since the academic community skews overwhelmingly to the far left, I'd hardly take finding a single article in a fringe academic journal a definitive statement on the subject.


Entirely agree, Persimmon! Yeah, I have been trained as a Historian as well. When I read that, I was thinking "WTF? Since when? Who the fuck are these clowns that believe this?" ;D

I also agree--even more so in recent times--there are always fringe academics espousing some nonsense theory or perspective. Sadly, however, the nuts have overthrown the table, and "academia" is more and more being turned into just another ideology-driven cesspool that has been largely reduced to being a laughingstock for many.

Anglo-Saxon is an absolutely legitimate field of study and expertise--with sub-branches in Anglo-Saxon History, Anglo-Saxon Literature, Anglo-Saxon Languages, and I think Anglo-Saxon Mythology. Tolkien, of course, being a world-renowned and celebrated expert in Anglo-Saxon knowledge.

Gaahhhh! These people infuriate me, Persimmon!

I read that whole thread. My brain has melted. The absolute trashing of history, the historical revisionism, the deep, academic ignorance and brainwashing of these people is simply jaw-droppingly stunning.

Semper Fidelis,


That whole thread was just a cancerous circle jerk of nonsense.


Quote from: Gegilles on May 26, 2022, 06:55:57 AM
I just wanted to stop in and say how much I appreciate the people in this thread. It's genuinely warming.

Only three people asked for refunds, which is just the unbalanced vocal minority, and more than that have flocked to the banner. So, net gain.

Dwarrowdeep is gonna be one for the ages. I mentioned on the ks site that Ed Greenwood has an advanced copy and really likes it. He's writing a foreword for the monochrome version later this year.

Dwarrowdeep is no different than Barrowmaze, Archaia, or HighFell in tone. They all focus on good, solid gaming with not a sniff of unbalanced woke ideology. So, nothing here is news.

I started writing and designing games because I was sick of the wokism in academia over a decade ago. It has gotten much, much worse since then. I made the right decision lol

Edit: I was banned on the rpg.net site after one post. They do enjoy their echo chambers lol

  This thread made me look around a bit at your work, and I watched a review on questing beast about Barrowmaze...that looked amazing.  I normally do not get in on kickstarters (the deliver dates are never accurate, at least the 3 I backed were not, they were near a year late) but the look of the work I watched on that video...congrats.  It certainly looks like Old school personified.  You might get me to waffle on my vow to not do any more kickstarters.


As a Bill Maher Democrat, these people piss off more than they do the trumpscum.

There used to be people worthy of being called 'social justice warriors'. People like MLK,  who fought for freedom, liberty,  justice. People who risked and took beatings by stormtroopers with badges, people who were arrested in parts of America that hated them and wouikd be glad to see them dead. People who put it all on the line and often died for social justice. MLK knew he was going to be murdered and fought to the end.  So did Medger Evers. So did the 3 civil rights workers murdered for trying to register blacks to vote in the deep(ly inbred)  south.

Those people were heroes, they fought for real causes, they risked their lives, many of them died for good causes.

What the fuck do we have today? Keyboard SJWs trying to boycott a fucking game. People throwing screaming fits over prefered pronouns. Intolerant fanatics vowing to destroy someone's career over a minor opinion.

Fuck the fascist right and the fascist left.


Quote from: Battlemaster on June 10, 2022, 12:29:11 AM
As a Bill Maher Democrat, these people piss off more than they do the trumpscum.

There used to be people worthy of being called 'social justice warriors'. People like MLK,  who fought for freedom, liberty,  justice. People who risked and took beatings by stormtroopers with badges, people who were arrested in parts of America that hated them and wouikd be glad to see them dead. People who put it all on the line and often died for social justice. MLK knew he was going to be murdered and fought to the end.  So did Medger Evers. So did the 3 civil rights workers murdered for trying to register blacks to vote in the deep(ly inbred)  south.

Those people were heroes, they fought for real causes, they risked their lives, many of them died for good causes.

What the fuck do we have today? Keyboard SJWs trying to boycott a fucking game. People throwing screaming fits over prefered pronouns. Intolerant fanatics vowing to destroy someone's career over a minor opinion.

Go tell it to the people who need to hear this like BLM, Antifa, WotC, and the Democrat Party.

This section of the forum is about gaming.


I have  told it to them you idiot, that's why I get banned from woke sites.
Fuck the fascist right and the fascist left.

Jam The MF

I love the way he handled that.  A good content creator.
Let the Dice, Decide the Outcome.  Accept the Results.


Hey Greg,

I don't really post here much -- in fact this is my first post --  but I too prefer that politics and D&D remain separate.

Anway, I wanted to thank you for Barrowmaze... it got my old gaming group back together for the first time in over a decade, during the pandemic.  We played Barrowmaze Complete in 5E and it was some of the best gaming in my life!  It took us over a year playing weekly on foundry to complete the campaign.



Quote from: kenmckinney on June 11, 2022, 05:25:44 PM
Hey Greg,

I don't really post here much -- in fact this is my first post --  but I too prefer that politics and D&D remain separate.

Anway, I wanted to thank you for Barrowmaze... it got my old gaming group back together for the first time in over a decade, during the pandemic.  We played Barrowmaze Complete in 5E and it was some of the best gaming in my life!  It took us over a year playing weekly on foundry to complete the campaign.

Normally i'd agree,  brah. Sadly in modern 'murka  there is no longer any such thing as a non political topic.
Fuck the fascist right and the fascist left.


Only because this cult says so.

As said many a time. The problem started when we started taking insane people seriously.

SJW: "Everything is Racist Sexist, and Political!"
RPGs: "huh I guess that could be?" (Rather than saying "Thats insane!")
SJW: "You are suffering from Systemic Racism!!!"
RPGs: "Gosh! I didnt even know!" (Rather than saying "Thats insane!")


Quote from: Omega on June 12, 2022, 06:57:54 AM
Only because this cult says so.

As said many a time. The problem started when we started taking insane people seriously.

SJW: "Everything is Racist Sexist, and Political!"
RPGs: "huh I guess that could be?" (Rather than saying "Thats insane!")
SJW: "You are suffering from Systemic Racism!!!"
RPGs: "Gosh! I didnt even know!" (Rather than saying "Thats insane!")

No, it's not just the 'woke', quit trying to blame eveything on them. Yes they're shrill irritating screaming ranting raving bitches (in a non gender sense) that are fanatically intolerant of anything they don't like land frequently create offense where none was meant but they are not the only ones politicising everything.

Human influenced climate change js established fact, the data is conclusive.  The realtity is following the models. So science is dismissed as a librul plot to kill capitalism or a Chinese plot to criple American industry.

Trickle down economics only benefits the rich. It hurts everyone else. 40+ years of it's practice in America have proven that conclusively. The right still calls it the 'path to prosperity and ignores the absolutely conclusive evidence as 'that liberal stuff'.

Vaccines save lives. No room for argument. So again you have the never vaxx mogement form the right. Fortunately in this case the consequences of their rejection of reality are mostly falling on them.

So quit saying the woke politicize everything.

Fuck the fascist right and the fascist left.


Quote from: Gegilles on May 30, 2022, 08:46:17 PMI'm going to disagree, respectfully. John Haidt suggests in his study there are 20 liberal professors in the US academy for every one conservative. I'd anecdotally suggest that number is higher in Canadian higher education. The purpose of the university has been overtaken from knowledge creation to social justice - across the humanities and social sciences particularly. So much so, that undergrads complain that all their courses are the same. Universities no longer care about the most important form of diversity — viewpoint diversity. This provides little space for conservative or moderate leaning young people with room to discuss their viewpoints openly. It has gone so far left, that professors self-censor for fear of being reported. Imagine that, in supposed institutions of higher learning. There are other facets to this discussion, such as campus climate and federal funding that are also influenced. So, as someone in the trenches, I disagree strongly.
No disagreements on the state of North American (and UK) higher ed, at least based on the second-hand info that reaches me. Not healthy either way you slice it. It is a weird thing to say, but the level of ideological fervor and sheer indoctrination would have looked out of place even in 1970s or 1980s socialist states, which were already trying to de-politicise their universities, and looked at activist types as arsonists and trouble-makers. (With good reason, too.) In the 1990s and 2000s, the liberals and the left owned most of the major universities over here, but they were mostly just content to quietly enjoy the benefits of being the top dog rather than start an ideological crusade. The state of NA campus culture looks all crazy to me, especially in a seemingly level-headed country like Canada.

I see no simple way out of it except major trust-busting action and defunding the entire identity politics industry on the federal/state level. Whether that is possible at all remains to be seen. Otherwise, you can scratch the surface* but the rot goes too deep to make a difference. It is an ugly situation, and I have no idea how I would react to the state of things as, say, a parent.

* "Build your own damn colleges" is naive, since these will be attacked and shut down via mob action as easily as anything else.
Now with a Zine!
ⓘ This post is disputed by official sources


Quote from: Battlemaster on June 13, 2022, 07:31:11 PM

No, it's not just the 'woke', quit trying to blame eveything on them. Yes they're shrill irritating screaming ranting raving bitches (in a non gender sense) that are fanatically intolerant of anything they don't like land frequently create offense where none was meant but they are not the only ones politicising everything.

Except they do politicize everything at every opportunity. And use it as an indoctrination tool. We've seen this across the board. There is not any corner of media or life now that this iteration has not tried to spread their mental disease to.

And as noted in many a thread. They would not have gained this power without marketing in so many many many venues backing and pushing these agendas. This was the case to a lesser degree in the prior iteration and probably in the one before that. Cut off marketing and they'd lose a huge foothold. And we would see alot less of these idiot decisions companies make.


Our state passed legislation to limit discussion of certain topics like Critical Race Theory & the Leftist professors freaked out, including ones with no connection to such a field in their own "alleged" research, claiming this violated their "academic freedom", meaning their right to indoctrinate with questionable pseudo-intellectual drivel.  Luckily, the state legislature ignored them.  But then the university assured all of us that "it was purely for optics" at the state level and there would be no change to the hegemonic leftism that infects the university:)

Off to a hearing because I failed a student who plagiarized twice in my class (and I have incontrovertible evidence), but we have to make sure her rights aren't violated and that the penalty is not excessive....


Quote from: Battlemaster on June 13, 2022, 07:31:11 PM
Quote from: Omega on June 12, 2022, 06:57:54 AM
Only because this cult says so.

As said many a time. The problem started when we started taking insane people seriously.

SJW: "Everything is Racist Sexist, and Political!"
RPGs: "huh I guess that could be?" (Rather than saying "Thats insane!")
SJW: "You are suffering from Systemic Racism!!!"
RPGs: "Gosh! I didnt even know!" (Rather than saying "Thats insane!")

No, it's not just the 'woke', quit trying to blame eveything on them. Yes they're shrill irritating screaming ranting raving bitches (in a non gender sense) that are fanatically intolerant of anything they don't like land frequently create offense where none was meant but they are not the only ones politicising everything.

Human influenced climate change js established fact, the data is conclusive.  The realtity is following the models. So science is dismissed as a librul plot to kill capitalism or a Chinese plot to criple American industry.

Trickle down economics only benefits the rich. It hurts everyone else. 40+ years of it's practice in America have proven that conclusively. The right still calls it the 'path to prosperity and ignores the absolutely conclusive evidence as 'that liberal stuff'.

Vaccines save lives. No room for argument. So again you have the never vaxx mogement form the right. Fortunately in this case the consequences of their rejection of reality are mostly falling on them.

So quit saying the woke politicize everything.
You don't identify as Woke, and this is you trying to bring politics into a Kickstarter thread. So we can say the Woke AND you try to politicize everything.

Jason Coplen

Quote from: Pat on June 14, 2022, 11:19:43 AM
Quote from: Battlemaster on June 13, 2022, 07:31:11 PM
Quote from: Omega on June 12, 2022, 06:57:54 AM
Only because this cult says so.

As said many a time. The problem started when we started taking insane people seriously.

SJW: "Everything is Racist Sexist, and Political!"
RPGs: "huh I guess that could be?" (Rather than saying "Thats insane!")
SJW: "You are suffering from Systemic Racism!!!"
RPGs: "Gosh! I didnt even know!" (Rather than saying "Thats insane!")

No, it's not just the 'woke', quit trying to blame eveything on them. Yes they're shrill irritating screaming ranting raving bitches (in a non gender sense) that are fanatically intolerant of anything they don't like land frequently create offense where none was meant but they are not the only ones politicising everything.

Human influenced climate change js established fact, the data is conclusive.  The realtity is following the models. So science is dismissed as a librul plot to kill capitalism or a Chinese plot to criple American industry.

Trickle down economics only benefits the rich. It hurts everyone else. 40+ years of it's practice in America have proven that conclusively. The right still calls it the 'path to prosperity and ignores the absolutely conclusive evidence as 'that liberal stuff'.

Vaccines save lives. No room for argument. So again you have the never vaxx mogement form the right. Fortunately in this case the consequences of their rejection of reality are mostly falling on them.

So quit saying the woke politicize everything.
You don't identify as Woke, and this is you trying to bring politics into a Kickstarter thread. So we can say the Woke AND you try to politicize everything.

Yes, he's so far off topic my eyes roll at his nonsense.
Running: HarnMaster and Baptism of Fire