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D&D and "Colonialism"

Started by RPGPundit, August 15, 2020, 07:45:24 PM

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The only real "Colonialists" in D&D are the SJWs, who don't actually know what "colonialist" means.


LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

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You made some interesting points.  Take back the narrative.
Who da Drow?  U da drow! - hedgehobbit

There will be poor always,
pathetically struggling,
look at the good things you've got! -  Jesus


The first part of the video where you talk about how they operate is very insightful. I'm inclined to respond to them differently though.

Option #1 - "Shut up, you're a gay retard." Short, simple, to the point.

Option #B - "Yes the game is racist, sexist, and everythingophobic, that's why I like it. I like to pretend to kill orcs because they are stand ins for black people; I hate black people solely because of the color of their skin. I want to spend my free time reliving the colonization and exploitation of diverse native cultures. I'm a very bad person, and I'm also ignorant and low status. I live in my mother's basement, I'm a virgin, and I also fuck my sister. I'll never be a high status, enlightened paragon of virtue like you. Does that cover everything? Good, now fuck off." Takes more commitment, but leaves them with nothing left to say.


Quote from: Mjollnir;1145082The first part of the video where you talk about how they operate is very insightful. I'm inclined to respond to them differently though.

Option #1 - "Shut up, you're a gay retard." Short, simple, to the point.

Option #B - "Yes the game is racist, sexist, and everythingophobic, that's why I like it. I like to pretend to kill orcs because they are stand ins for black people; I hate black people solely because of the color of their skin. I want to spend my free time reliving the colonization and exploitation of diverse native cultures. I'm a very bad person, and I'm also ignorant and low status. I live in my mother's basement, I'm a virgin, and I also fuck my sister. I'll never be a high status, enlightened paragon of virtue like you. Does that cover everything? Good, now fuck off." Takes more commitment, but leaves them with nothing left to say.

This is so correct I ejaculated upon reading it.


Quote from: RPGPundit;1145036The only real "Colonialists" in D&D are the SJWs, who don't actually know what "colonialist" means.



Wow. 16:42 or so on....

First of all, what is proven is that to fight back against SJW and leftist tyranny is actual knowledge.  We need to know history.

Secondly, don't fight on their turf.  

Lastly, their language is loaded. It presupposes certain things that are not true.  As soon as we talk about critical theory in gaming as if it is anything more than some made up construct no more weighty than Jim Bob's opinion from across the street, we have lost.

Great take here pundit.


Quote from: Warpiglet;1145173Lastly, their language is loaded. It presupposes certain things that are not true.  As soon as we talk about critical theory in gaming as if it is anything more than some made up construct no more weighty than Jim Bob's opinion from across the street, we have lost.
The proper reply to critical theory is "Critical Theory was invented by the rich white men at the Frankfurt School as a tool of oppression. They want you to be their puppets. By keeping everyone divided with their narratives they maintain their privilege over everyone else; including the middle and working class white men who would be your natural allies if you ever opposed the real oppressors."

The proper reply to SJWs in gaming is either "that doesn't match my lived experience so has no bearing on my decisions" or one of my personal favorites "this world never had systemic racism so everyone is judged as individuals by the content of their character [look at their sheet]... and your character sucks; re-roll it."


Quote from: Chris24601;1145210The proper reply to critical theory is "Critical Theory was invented by the rich white men at the Frankfurt School as a tool of oppression. They want you to be their puppets. By keeping everyone divided with their narratives they maintain their privilege over everyone else; including the middle and working class white men who would be your natural allies if you ever opposed the real oppressors."

The proper reply to SJWs in gaming is either "that doesn't match my lived experience so has no bearing on my decisions" or one of my personal favorites "this world never had systemic racism so everyone is judged as individuals by the content of their character [look at their sheet]... and your character sucks; re-roll it."

Right on.  And I was really pretty neutral in some ways---just ignored a lot until they started shitting in my yard.

When they started messing with gaming, they woke me out of a stupor.  I am fired up and mad now.  

I have a tough job, am a family man and gaming is a refuge.  When they brought the fight to me, they woke me up but don't consider me "woke!"   I am "woke" to their naked aggression.

The reason gaming sites like this are so important (I felt tons of relief finding it) is knowing that their are others who are disgusted.  They have pushed this into gaming to the point that you can hardly discuss truth on any gaming website Without fear of being banned.  And as the OP (pundit) pointed out, the mob forces people to engage online in weak ways that seems to back up the sjw cause.

I am heartened to know that gaming is not totally owned by douchebags.  We all own it and they cannot stop us from thinking and I will say resisting the insane narrative.  Consider me openly engaged and openly opposed here and on other sites.


Quote from: Warpiglet;1145242Right on.  And I was really pretty neutral in some ways---just ignored a lot until thy started shitting in my yard.

When they started messing with gaming, they work me out of a stupor.  I am fired up and mad now.  

I have a tough job, am a family man and gaming is a refuge.  When they brought the fight to me, they woke me up but don't consider me "woke!"   I am "woke" to their naked aggression.

The reason gaming sites like this are so important (I felt tons of relief finding it) is knowing that their are others who are disgusted.  They have pushed this into gaming to the point that you can hardly discuss truth on any gaming website Without fear of being banned.  And as the OP (pundit) pointed out, the mob forces people to engage online in weak ways that seems to back up the sjw cause.

I am heartened to know that gaming is not totally owned by douchebags.  We all own it and they cannot stop us from thinking and I will say resisting the insane narrative.  Consider me openly engaged and openly opposed here and on other sites.

The idpol, SJW turds in the punchbowl have some limitations. One is that left to their own devices, they invariably fuck up and churn out a product nobody buys (case in point Sunset, for example). Thus, the usual M.O. is to parasitize an existing property and try to 'adjust' it to 'rightthink'.

This barely works in video gaming and it doesn't work well at ALL in tabletop roleplaying games because, as I have noted before: once the books are out of their hands, it's Katy bar the door as players and GMs will outright 'adjust' any idiocy right out of the game with house rules.

And that's assuming people BUY the books. Annoyed customers may demonstrate their ire by refusing to buy the 'new, diverse edition'; after all, the old books work perfectly well. If I sat down to play a game of Mystara-era D&D or 2E Greyhawk, my dice will not crash and my sheets will not spontaneously combust.

Don't give the bastards an inch, but don't lose faith either.


Quote from: Ghostmaker;1145258The idpol, SJW turds in the punchbowl have some limitations. One is that left to their own devices, they invariably fuck up and churn out a product nobody buys (case in point Sunset, for example). Thus, the usual M.O. is to parasitize an existing property and try to 'adjust' it to 'rightthink'.

This barely works in video gaming and it doesn't work well at ALL in tabletop roleplaying games because, as I have noted before: once the books are out of their hands, it's Katy bar the door as players and GMs will outright 'adjust' any idiocy right out of the game with house rules.

And that's assuming people BUY the books. Annoyed customers may demonstrate their ire by refusing to buy the 'new, diverse edition'; after all, the old books work perfectly well. If I sat down to play a game of Mystara-era D&D or 2E Greyhawk, my dice will not crash and my sheets will not spontaneously combust.

Don't give the bastards an inch, but don't lose faith either.

Damn straight.  And don't apologize.


Quote from: Warpiglet;1145242I am heartened to know that gaming is not totally owned by douchebags.  We all own it and they cannot stop us from thinking and I will say resisting the insane narrative.  Consider me openly engaged and openly opposed here and on other sites.
Nope. I'm even writing my own system that it decidedly non-woke... by which I mean "embraces traditional fantasy tropes" and "doesn't include any special language about how you can express your LGBTQBBQWTF identity in it."

I mean, sure, you can identify as a golem or be a gender bending changeling or hermaphroditic dryad if you really wanted to. I just don't waste any lines of purple prose on how you should embrace those options. Anyone who wants to can certainly figure those out for themselves.

Likewise, I only discuss sex in the sense of which species can produce viable offspring with each other (ex. elves and humans can because elves are the reflections of Men from the Realm of Dreams; golems can't breed with anyone and don't even have the concept of sex, parents or children because they're built by forge golems with all the knowledge they need to perform the tasks they were built to perform). This is because anyone past the point of horny teenager realizes that "sex" in RPGs isn't something that requires mechanics and therefore is nothing I need concern myself with in writing a game system with an implied rather than specific setting (implied in this case meaning that while I discuss general history of each species, several example characters reference certain locations and there's a map that shows off a maybe 100 x 150 mile region that is used as an example for the Region Building rules... there isn't a whole world with a detailed history, plot arcs, iconic NPCs, etc. like is the case for Forgotten Realms).


The earlier editions of D&D had campaign settings which were clearly inspired by the colonization of the American West.

D&D's depiction of humanoids took cues from the portrayals of Native Americans in television westerns.

This shouldn't be controversial to say. D&D is an American game.


Quote from: BoxCrayonTales;1145754The earlier editions of D&D had campaign settings which were clearly inspired by the colonization of the American West.

D&D's depiction of humanoids took cues from the portrayals of Native Americans in television westerns.

This shouldn't be controversial to say. D&D is an American game.

The Western was definitely one influence on D&D.
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

My Blog:  http://therpgpundit.blogspot.com/
The most famous uruguayan gaming blog on the planet!

Check out my short OSR supplements series; The RPGPundit Presents!

Dark Albion: The Rose War! The OSR fantasy setting of the history that inspired Shakespeare and Martin alike.
Also available in Variant Cover form!
Also, now with the CULTS OF CHAOS cult-generation sourcebook

Arrows of Indra: The Old-School Epic Indian RPG!
NOW AVAILABLE: AoI in print form

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