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Runequest vs. Glorantha

Started by The Butcher, December 06, 2015, 10:55:46 AM

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Quote from: Baulderstone;867778It feels like the current Chaosium crew is simply out of touch with what is going in the current gaming scene. They march in, grab the license back and announce that they are picking up where RQ3 left off. The seemed to forget that during all the years between, plenty of people have continued playing RQ and are more invested in what is happening with it now than what happened 20 years ago.

Quite right. For me, personally, it was the later editions of RQ - especially RQ6 - that actually brought Glorantha to my attention. Not the other way round. I had prior BRP experience with Stormbringer and Call of Cthulhu, but it was the notion of having a generic and versatile ruleset for fantasy that was the drawcard.

The interest in Glorantha as the original setting interested insofar that I went ahead and backed the Guide to Glorantha kickstarter, but I've still yet to work out what I can actually do with it. The Adventures in Glorantha supplement would have answered that question, but it's been a couple of years in the making and now I'm being asked to buy into another new rulebook and game.

Moreover, whatever the strengths of Glorantha, I still find more appeal from real world mythic sources. Pete just outlined that we shall soon see a Mythic Greece and updated Rome book coming out. These titles are more exciting to me, but it would have been nice to have a game system that could support both.
I pretended that a picture of a toddler was representative of the Muslim Migrant population to Europe and then lied about a Private Message I sent to Pundit when I was admonished for it.  (Edited by Admin)

Baron Opal

Quote from: nDervish;867722Voted "Love Runequest, don't care about Glorantha", but I really meant "Love Runequest, Glorantha can take a flying leap".

Goofy and the Ducks don't particularly bother me.  I loathe Campbell/Monomyth/Hero's Journey and canned metaplot, regardless of what setting may be at hand and I get the distinct impression that they're the creamy filling within Glorantha's hard outer shell of Narrativium (which I'm also less-than-fond of).

I never felt governed by a metaplot. I think that impacts one adventure (River of Cradles), and the impact is "the Lunars are coming! You handle port, we've got starboard". In the materials I have, it seemed like there was more informing about what happened in Greg's campaign than detailing what had to be.

And, there's as much Narrativium as there is adventuring in Greyhawk with D&D. Heroquesting is a bear of a different color, I grant.

I'm just realizing, however, that I am talking about 30+ year old experiences. My point of view is probably variant.

Nevermind. :)

Christopher Brady

I chose want a RQ book, but not with Glorantha.

It's not that I have anything against it, in fact, I've never read one of the setting books ever, so I have no opinion on whether or not it's good, it's just that I prefer to create my own setting.  Have for the past 30 some years.
"And now, my friends, a Dragon\'s toast!  To life\'s little blessings:  wars, plagues and all forms of evil.  Their presence keeps us alert --- and their absence makes us grateful." -T.A. Barron[/SIZE]

The Butcher

Quote from: Christopher Brady;867830I've never read one of the setting books ever

The two best introductions to Glorantha out there, as far as I can tell, are the amazing Prince of Sartar webcomic and the addictive, classic text-based RPG/wargame, King of Dragon Pass.


Yes no Glorantha.

Another option in this poll would be RuneQuest with Mythic Earth setting incorporated into the main rulebook.  Endless possibilities: prehistoric mythic Ertebølle/mythic Doggerland, mythic North America, mythic Aztec, mythic Egypt, mythic Rome/Greece, mythic Celts, mythic Dark Ages, mythic Vikings, mythic Medieval.

The main rulebook could just contain snipets or choose one period/location; I do think RPGs benefit from having a tied setting - even if playable without that setting. Especially so if it is something adaptable to many other RPG settings/worlds which a Mythic Earth setting would be.
Mythras * Call of Cthulhu * OD&Dn

Spellslinging Sellsword

Quote from: Akrasia;867499Is Legend still being supported by Mongoose?  

I haven't noticed anything from them since they decided to discontinue the Elric line, but I also haven't been paying attention.

Supposedly they have a half dozen books written, but waiting on layout. However, they won't even tell us what the content of any of them are about.


Quote from: camazotz;867782Actually all pretty compelling points (especially given that I am a BGB/MW fan and have no interest in Glorantha).
Same here. They seem to have dropped the stuff I was invested in and are pushing stuff I'm not... and doing it in a somewhat kludgy manner.

So I'll turn a squeaky wheel but keep my eye on the cool stuff TDM has on the way.


To add some more to my last post, I think it undersells RQ6 to describe it as a system without a setting. It's true, it doesn't have a setting, but it is rich toolkit for making a setting. You have the various cultures that PCs come from. It provides you with rules for creating cults, guilds and brotherhoods. The game provides many options for magic.

In addition to deciding which magic systems to include, you have options on how magic points are gained. Is it just a matter of getting a good nights sleep? Do you need to draw magic points from special sites that cults war over? Or do you steal them from others through human sacrifice? Or some combination of the above.

The options it presents get my mind racing about the kind of settings I can use it with. While some toolboxes can be dry, it is a very flavorful toolbox that encourages you to play with it. Even if you don't want to make your own setting, the supplements from TDM all put the elements from the core book together in different ways. Playing in Thennla, Monster Island or Mythic Britain are all very different experiences. This is a big part of the appeal for RQ6 for a much of the fanbase.

With their decision to kill the RQ6 corebook and replace it with a Glorantha-specific one, Chaosium was scaling back what would could be done with the game. The fact that Chaosium didn't seem to understand this showed how they didn't bother to get a sense of what was going in with RQ now.

It's funny, as I am usually in favor of games having a built-in setting, if only to provide an example. RQ6 is just a special case where it's lack of a specific setting actually enhances it.


Quote from: ptingler;867854Supposedly they have a half dozen books written, but waiting on layout. However, they won't even tell us what the content of any of them are about.

Ha ha, same old Mongoose.  

Boy do I not miss them.
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!


Quote from: Baulderstone;867877To add some more to my last post, I think it undersells RQ6 to describe it as a system without a setting. It's true, it doesn't have a setting, but it is rich toolkit for making a setting. You have the various cultures that PCs come from. It provides you with rules for creating cults, guilds and brotherhoods. The game provides many options for magic.

In addition to deciding which magic systems to include, you have options on how magic points are gained. Is it just a matter of getting a good nights sleep? Do you need to draw magic points from special sites that cults war over? Or do you steal them from others through human sacrifice? Or some combination of the above.


Baulderstone, totally agree with this as well as your earlier points about the new plan. RuneQuest 6 is a very special beast, one that really gets your creative juices flowing. I challenge anyone to read the magic chapters, as you say, and NOT be overcome with the urge to design a whole magic ecology, dials turned every which way to create your vision of a fantasy world. That, along with the culture-specific character creation that begs for characters that are part of a history and a specific world, and the combat system with just the right amount of blood and guts ...

Well, as a world-builder, I don't know a better toolkit for creating worlds. It's not just that you CAN , but the options available are really inspiring, for everything from Mythic Ancient World Heroes to gritty medieval grunge, to classic Swords and Sorcery or dark Faery tale ....

I'm actually glad now that Loz and Pete will continue mining the rich vein of the Mythic Earth supplements and the other goodies they have planned without being tied to Glorantha.


+1 for Baulderstone. I too agree with your two posts. I respect Chaosium for what it has done over the decades. However Runequest 6 really is an excellent set of rules that gets my creative juices flowing. If the guys at Chaosium want to pare it down and reattach their Glorantha stuff... well, I think that's a bad decision.


Well, you're in luck because that's no longer going to happen.
I am no longer posting here or reading this forum because Pundit has regularly claimed credit for keeping this community active. I am sick of his bullshit for reasons I explain here and I don\'t want to contribute to anything he considers to be a personal success on his part.

I recommend The RPG Pub as a friendly place where RPGs can be discussed and where the guiding principles of moderation are "be kind to each other" and "no politics". It\'s pretty chill so far.

Christopher Brady

Quote from: The Butcher;867839The two best introductions to Glorantha out there, as far as I can tell, are the amazing Prince of Sartar webcomic and the addictive, classic text-based RPG/wargame, King of Dragon Pass.

I'm sure the setting is great, I'm just not interested.
"And now, my friends, a Dragon\'s toast!  To life\'s little blessings:  wars, plagues and all forms of evil.  Their presence keeps us alert --- and their absence makes us grateful." -T.A. Barron[/SIZE]

Sable Wyvern

For some reason, neither Pendragon nor Runequest ever really made it onto my radar in my first 20 years of roleplaying.

Pendragon suddenly jumped out at me a bit over a year ago, and that eventually led me to reading up a little bit on Glorantha, and from there to Runequest.

I decided a while ago that I wanted to run Glorantha using Runequest, and picked up RQ6 on pdf, with plans to get the hard copy when RQG comes out next year.

The sudden, recent announcement was initially disappointing, because I like what I saw of RQ6, am not convinced the new RQ2 based RQG will make me as happy, and I'm not interested in doing more heavy conversion than I have to.

After a while, though, I started looking at what else TDM has released for RQ6, and found Thennla/Age of Treason. Which is much more accessible than Glorantha, and a lot more appealing to me in general.

Which is a long-winded way of saying I've come to the realisation that I quite like RQ and Glorantha being kept separate.

I voted  other, btw, because I have no history whatsoever with either the rules or the setting, and am not in a position to have developed especially strong feelings about either.


I like Glorantha, but have no interest in running it with RQ.
RQ/BRP was my first love when it comes to RPGs, but that being said, I think 13th Age might in the end be a better fit for that complex setting. Same goes for Tekumel by the way. And I'm not even that huge a fan of 13th Age, but the Icon system lends itself pretty well to worlds rich in lore and makes it easy to get into immediately.
"You play Conan, I play Gandalf.  We team up to fight Dracula." - jrients