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One RPG you've never played, but you'd like to?

Started by RPGPundit, November 17, 2008, 10:54:28 AM

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Wow, there are many, but I guess if I had to choose just one I'd say the Marvel Super Hero Adventure Game (Saga). I own it, including the additional promo cards for the deck, but never got to play it. It looked really cool, what I read I liked, and the supplements were full of characters I liked also. However, DC Heroes 2nd edition served me so well over the years that I never found a need to play it.


The RPG.site's #1 GURPS fanboy


Ars Magica, Blue Planet, Gurps, Seven Seas, L5R
AKA Anubis-scales.


Quote from: whiteyfats;268784GURPS Cthulhupunk :( I so wanna play that...

So move to Cincinnati ...buy me the book and I'll run it for you.

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


Well the question is rpg so i am going to "cheat" and say a system that i always wanted to try out which is BESM/tristat.

For setting i would love to play but not sure with which system it would be Warhammer 40k and Mechwarrior/BattleTech.


Well the question is rpg so i am going to "cheat" and say a system that i always wanted to try out which is BESM/tristat.

For setting i would love to play but not sure with which system it would be Warhammer 40k and Mechwarrior/BattleTech.


GURPS - never played any iteration of it.
Call of Cthulu - straight up.  I played some wierd dudes homebrew of it that sucked ass at a con once.
Traveller - any iteration.
Too many games, not enough time.


Top Five!

1.  Dead Inside


3.  Mage: the Awakening

4.  Aletheia

5.  Nephilim

Sorry, I just haven't played in soooo long!
Author of Picking Sides: The Seven Deadly Sins of Jonathan Sykes (fiction novel); for more information, see: //www.mynubook.com

Captain Rufus

I've been wanting to comment on this one, and this is as good of a reason to join the forum as any.  Besides, it gives me more content for my blog.

I'm gonna divide it into a top 3 and do it as 3 sets.  Top 3 RPGs I want to play and likewise run that I own already and have never gotten to play, and finally 3 I would like to buy someday.

Mekton 2.  I love giant robots.  I like what I remember of Mekton's system.  Many people seem to prefer its sequel game Zeta, but it seems overly fiddly and complex compared to Mekton 2 and its 68000 series Macintosh desktop publishing format and lovely 80s artwork.  I am letting someone borrow my full set of R Talsorian published books for the line in the hopes he will choose to run it.  Being able to play a game where I can scream attacks and philosophies at my enemies in their equally big robots would rock on toast.  Or if I can't yell at them, at the very least let the pop idol singer's song of hope fill my heart with fighting spirit as my transformable space jet is one of Earth's last hopes against an invading enemy fleet of 5 million capital ships, all crewed by 50 foot tall humanoids bred only for war.

Oh god yes.

Runequest.  It was the first RPG I ever bought, back in the summer of 88 as I was not permitted to ever play D&D at that point.  My mom was kinda stupid.  But it was a complete game with everything in one massive box.  And I got the Mongoose PHB for 3.33 recently too.  I read the Avalon Hill box version of the rules a few months back and found it to be way too fiddly for my tastes.  But I would love to play in a campaign, provided its not Glorantha, which like Greyhawk does jack squat for me and I just can't understand why.  A fantasy Europe or a homebrew world would be preferred I guess.  Actually fantasy Roman Empire would kick all sorts of booty.  

Original Dungeons & Dragons.  Honestly its more to say I have played the grand daddy of RPGs as opposed to because of any feel of game system (BECMI or Castles & Crusades are the realization of D&D IMHO.) or game world.  I'm not a huge fan of the whole pulp tradition thing most of the retrogame blogs seem to harp on about.  I got into fantasy with He Man, Thundercats, the Hobbit cartoon, and the Endless Quest books which were usually full of lovely Larry Elmore artwork.  But learning one's history is important.  And even better you can actually PLAY the history.  And since I have most of the books and the Dragon Archive CDROM, a lot of options are all there too.


AT-43 Tactics.  Its more of a Braunstein mode for a fantastic miniatures wargame (AT-43), but I like running minis RPG games, and I love AT-43's universe.  Its basically 1950s Communism vs Capitalism in space.  Except it adds in post human nanotech super Internet users, and giant sentient gorillas in power armor.  So its the Korean War.  In space.  ONLY AWESOME.  It would be fun to run a gritty "deep in the spit" sort of game, or a Fallout like one mocking 50s American and Soviet propaganda.  

Paranoia.  My GMing is at its best when I am gleefully screwing over players and hosing them in fair but cruel ways.  Paranoia is based around this, except its accepted that the game's setting is not based around fairness.  Plus as far as I can tell Alpha Complex is basically a conservative's wet dream and it would allow me to make fun of douchebags in government while happily watching players try to BS their way out of whatever Catch 22 FRIEND COMPUTER has put them into this week.  Oh well, there are more clones where that one came from!

Promethean the Created.  While its sort of a cheat as I have run New World of Darkness, its really its own game using the same system as the other, more popular White Wolf games.  The way I see it, Promethean is the quest for humanity in a world where there is little humanity to be found, where one's very existence amplifies violence and hatred already present.  Its pretty much The Incredible Hulk (Bill Bixby TV show) the RPG.  People cannot stay in one place for long, merely try to help out where they can and learn what needs to be learned and leaving before the Created's existence causes harm, or reinforces man's basic selfishness and inhumanity.  Its a sad, dark game and I understand why your average White Wolf player hates it.  For exactly the same reason I adore it.


Godlike.   Its gritty superheroes in World War 2.  Do I really need to say more?

Basic Roleplaying.  Ok, its kind of a cheat again.  But its the core system of Call of Cthulhu and Runequest hopefully streamlined, made perfect, and totally universal.  Sounds like a must buy to me!

Cthulhutech.  Take giant robots, mix in a holocaust, and add in Lovecraft's mythos.  Giant Robot pilots whose machines are made of the stuff of nightmares and it eventually drives them insane as they fight off unspeakable horrors in mankind's last valiant stand against total extinction?  Cmon that's just awesome.  Too bad its a 50 dollar book because people insist on full color hardback coffee table books instead of, GAME BOOKS.

One Horse Town


Hi. I am brand new to this site so apologies if this is in the incorrect thread. I am interested in running Runequest 2e and have been reading the rules. I came across something today I cannot figure out. When you look at the chart for skills, (attributes per Runequest? I'm an AD&D 1e guy) say attacking, there are numbers from 1-20 that denote your percentage increase or decrease based on your characteristic stats. At first I was confused by the 1-20 until I read the optional rules for the point buy character creation. Seems like this chart was streamlined for that? (As in normal creation is 3D6, allowing possible scores only from 3-18, and the optional rule allowing you to roll a D20) Also, my real question...on that same chart at the end it reads "each +4" does this mean that if during the optional point buy for character creation, if you add four or more points to each of these particular characteristics, you get the percentage bonus listed? I looked all through the book for a clear explanation. Same question goes for body part h.p. table. I thought I had figured out that all these tables with "each + x" were based on the point buy, but the h.p. body part location table throws my theory away. That table has the same 1-20 chart for characteristics roll and the each +4  but having a point buy for this table does not make sense to me. So I must have totally interpreted all this wrong. Does anyone know what I am missing? Thanks for any help.


For every idiot who denounces Ayn Rand as "intellectualism" there is an excellent DM who creates a "Bioshock" adventure.


Quote from: I on March 03, 2022, 08:10:04 AM
Quote from: Reckall on March 03, 2022, 07:23:02 AM

Thanks guys. I realized either my post is futile because I erroneously posted a question about a 40 year old game on a 24 year dead forum, or, like the RQ2e rules these answers are just as esoteric and I spend countless hours scouring the internet only to arrive at dead ends.. Duly noted and I have since asked the moderators at BRP lol.


Quote from: Megalodonjuan on March 03, 2022, 08:24:01 AM
Quote from: I on March 03, 2022, 08:10:04 AM
Quote from: Reckall on March 03, 2022, 07:23:02 AM

Thanks guys. I realized either my post is futile because I erroneously posted a question about a 40 year old game on a 24 year dead forum, or, like the RQ2e rules these answers are just as esoteric and I spend countless hours scouring the internet only to arrive at dead ends.. Duly noted and I have since asked the moderators at BRP lol.

Solved! I think! And edit, 14 year dead forum...I'm obviously not a crack shot at mathematics.