
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: RPGPundit on November 02, 2016, 04:49:57 AM

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: RPGPundit on November 02, 2016, 04:49:57 AM
This is the thread for users (any users, not just publishers or people involved with a KS project) to let the community here know about current Kickstarter RPG-projects

PLEASE NOTE this thread is ONLY for:

a) announcements about Kickstarter projects (either by the people doing the KS, or by members of the site who found out about the kickstarter and want to let us know).

b) Commentary about the Kickstarter project itself, NOT about the game. So you could post about KS updates, problems with the KS, warnings about the people running it or things like that. But NOT about how cool the game is or how bad the game is or discussions about mechanics in the game, etc. Those could be done in separate (normal) threads on the main forum.

Also please note:

-Publishers can STILL post their own threads about their KS projects in the News & Advertising forum. They'll probably want to do both, and that's fine.

-Gamers can obviously still post individual threads to talk more in-depth about KS projects or express discussion of the content/rules whatever.

Please only post about CURRENT KS projects or projects that are upcoming. This thread is principally so that members of theRPGsite can find out about what's out there on kickstarter right now, without having to search elsewhere.
Title: [Kickstarter] Dungeon Grappling - Grappling rules for the OSR through 5e
Post by: DouglasCole on November 11, 2016, 01:20:34 PM
The Dungeon Grappling Kickstarter (

The Dungeon Grappling Kickstarter went live on November 7, and will run through Dec 5.
What is it?

First and foremost, this book contains rules based on Open Gaming Licence content from several editions of the industry's most popular RPG to make grappling fun, exciting, and easy to play.

It contains rules and examples from three different flavors of the most popular fantasy RPG – from S&W, PFRPG, and Fifth Edition – in order to finally give grappling its due as a method of combat.

It's a short supplement – right now it clocks in at about 40 pages, but will likely grow to about 46-48.

Don't take this short blurb as entire story, though – go read the pitch ( You'll see layout examples, artist bios, and details about what's in the book.

How Risky is This?

Given the manuscript is done, the layout is well advanced, the indexing is in the process of being entered into layout . . . the only thing that is not done is the art.

And that's what the Kickstarter is for.

I'll be spreading the 16 (or 20, if stretch goals are hit) pieces through four artists, so each one will be making 4-5 pieces each. The art direction starts when I get the next layout pass from Nathan, so delivering on or ahead of schedule should be achievable unless something truly unforeseeable happens.

Please help me out

This is Gaming Ballistic ('s first product, deliberately small to get experience with the process and show people that I've got the project management chops to handle it and deliver on time.

That being said – this is the real deal. I'm excited about this product and I think it's at least as good as any such rules that have been published to date, and better than most. I've been using them with great success in my trial campaigns since February for Dragon Heresy (based on SRD5.1), and the "control point" methodology formed the core of GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling, which Peter Dell'Orto uses to great effect in his Felltower Campaign, which you can read about over on Dungeon Fantastic.

So I'd very much appreciate your support, as a backer, spreading the word, or both.


Things moved pretty fast!

Gaming Ballistic is thrilled to report that the Dungeon Grappling Kickstarter, with rules examples for Swords and Wizardry, Pathfinder, and 5e, has met its minimum funding goal and will now start working on stretch goals.

The manuscript is now going to be made available in both full-color PDF and print, and the first stretch goal is an eBook format, laid out in one-column simplicity for tablets and small screens.

Once we get that, we'll start upgrading the art to full color, piece by piece.

Give grappling its due, finally.

Live to Grapple. Grapple to Live. Dungeon Grappling.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Chainsaw on November 19, 2016, 10:16:25 AM
The Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea ( second edition Kickstarter ends in about 24 hours - currently funded over 400% by 780 backers, all the stretch goals met. There's another thread HERE ( in the News and Adverts forum with more details. Also, check out the Kickstarter updates page for many art previews. ( Should be a really awesome refresh of the original - same rules, more content (monsters, spells, magic items) and hundreds of great new illustrations.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DouglasCole on November 28, 2016, 10:33:36 PM
A lot has happened!

I was also invited on a session of James Introcaso's The Round Table. We talked for over an hour ( about Dungeon Grappling, Dragon Heresy, RPG design, Fifth Edition, GURPS, and a bunch more.

I was also invited on a session of James Introcaso's The Round Table. We talked for over an hour ( about Dungeon Grappling, Dragon Heresy, RPG design, Fifth Edition, GURPS, and a bunch more.

Last Week of the Campaign

Dungeon Grappling ( is entering its final week of the crowdfunding campaign.

It’s been a great ride so far, and we’ve solidly funded and passed the first stretch goal. I’ve also (in a prior update) noted that I’ve placed all of the art orders in color already, so even though we’re not at the stretch goal for it yet, we’re tracking there, and I’d rather get you a great book early than any other option.

Welcome to the party, pal

How can you help me hit those last goals? Bring friends.

This is the time to share that you’ve backed the project with others, including perhaps the proprietor of your FLGS. The KS price is likely going to wind up being roughly half what the retail price will be, as it turns out. So you’re getting in at the right time.

The Art Cometh

As I showed on the prior update, I have started to get final art images. I suspect they’ll continue to come in through the end of December.

What might that look like?


Is that final? No. Nathan may come up with something brilliant (the above is me and a really low-quality image editor), and that’s what layout pros are for – to take raw material and make it brilliant.

Speaking of Layout

I got some good feedback on the book from a reviewer. He was completely fired up about grappling, especially when he realized how many monsters really should be grappling as a primary attack mode.

There were some things that he recommended in layout and structure that would make it easier to use in play, and streamline knowledge uptake. Nathan and I are working through these bits.

Some are easy, such as reorganizing the Quick Reference section by game instead of by topic. So if you’re playing the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, there’s a Pathfinder section for you. Same with Basic/S&W, and Fifth Edition. The grappling techniques reference also got some shorthand to define the mechanics to be used (Attack Roll vs. Grapple DC; if successful, stunned for 1d4 turns). A few things were deleted, and some things were substituted or added that really should have been there the whole time.

There was also a monster tweak (Constrictor Snakes are now PFRPG instead of 5e) so that there are four example monsters for 5e and PFRPG, and three for S&W.

I’m also going to add a combat example for each rules system.

Good feedback, then, and actionable, so action was taken.

What’s in a Fechtbuch?

So, if you’re in at the Fechtbuch level ($18+$5 shipping to almost everywhere), what do you get?

Probably $35-37 plus shipping if purchased piecemeal after the Kickstarter campaign ends.

Finish Strong

If you've already backed the project, thank you for your trust. I’m definitely on schedule to deliver on time, and (knock on wood) at the moment “on time” looks like a worst case situation.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Skullz on December 03, 2016, 10:57:42 AM
Warsong. A tabletop rpg where you get to literally break the world. A game where you play an agent of destiny trying to save the world from being swallowed up by the Void. A game where you get to play a powerful character engaging with even more powerful adversaries. A game where you get to come to a session and change everything. Your imagination is the only limit to what you can achieve.

With a successful Kickstarter campaign for the core book under our belt we were not only able to create a magnificent high fantasy game, but we were able to deliver a bigger, better core book much earlier than the deadline. We want to do the same thing for the Fatemaster's Guide. With your help, we can make this, too, a reality

We're hoping you'll come in and back the project. Thank you!

You can also visit us at //
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: FASA_Bogie on December 28, 2016, 12:52:04 PM
1879 Game Master's Guide. Part of the 1879 RPG (Player's Guide is already published)
This isn't your great-great-grandfather's London!

Victoria and Albert rule over a steam-powered British Empire that spans two worlds. Thanks to the portal known as the Rabbit Hole, a train ride away from London lies the Grosvenor Land, a new world of fertile plains, towering mountains, giant insects, and Babylonians with battery powered zombies. Seems they got there first, three thousand years ago, and they're not exactly the welcoming sort. The Saurid tribes, lizard-like folk who ride theropods and pteranodons, complicate matters further. Back home on Earth, clockwork engineering has brought mechanical computing to the world, and micro-steam engines drive airships through the sky. Stranger things are afoot, too, as a bit of magic seems to have come into the world with the opening of the portal. People are changing. Secret societies are finding their ancient occult practices a bit more effective. Who knows what might be lurking in the forests these days, or in that shipment from China?

Play as Aristocrats, Soldiers, Big Game Hunters, Weird Scientists, Airship Pilots, Mediums, and more! Explore the Gruv! Maneuver for favour in court! Perform deniable actions for firms that would like their rivals impeded! Confront the terrors of the spirit world, or face off against the lethal fauna of a lost world!

The game is set in an alternate history version of Victorian London with steampunk elements.

Campaign status: 24 hours left and sitting at about 120%.

1879 GM Guide Kickstarter Campaign ( and more information here at FASA Games Website (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Whippy on January 14, 2017, 12:37:09 AM
Sounds lame.
Title: Devil's Run RPG kickstarter
Post by: MrLangers on January 18, 2017, 05:39:18 AM
Red Scar will be taking the Devil's Run RPG to kickstarter imminently.


The producers of the Devil's Run board game, Word Forge Games, have already enjoyed two successful kickstarters: Route 666 ( and Hell's Highway ( Now we'll be opening up the setting and exploring the setting at full throttle!

Like a pheonix rising from the ashes of a nuclear fire, we (Red Scar) announced earlier this week that we're very much alive and looking to kick, so please head over to our facebook ( page or website ( and sign up for regular updates! Strap yourselves in and enjoy the ride!

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: MrLangers on January 24, 2017, 05:13:03 AM
Quote from: MrLangers;941157Red Scar will be taking the Devil's Run RPG to kickstarter imminently.


The producers of the Devil's Run board game, Word Forge Games, have already enjoyed two successful kickstarters: Route 666 ( and Hell's Highway ( Now we'll be opening up the setting and exploring the setting at full throttle!

Like a pheonix rising from the ashes of a nuclear fire, we (Red Scar) announced earlier this week that we're very much alive and looking to kick, so please head over to our facebook ( page or website ( and sign up for regular updates! Strap yourselves in and enjoy the ride!

And now you can join in on the action! Head to Red Scar's facebook page, like and share the linked post and help spread the word. At 500 page likes we'll pick one lucky random winner to be written into the background as a character:
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: JamesV on March 04, 2017, 07:32:47 AM
I'll cop to this recommendation coming late as there's less than 9 hours left, but check out Hex Kit. It's a hex mapping program that already has a fantasy tile set, and is looking to expand it's current fantasy tiles and add a space/scifi set too. The hook is that all of the hex art is hand painted by the creator, with a cool and distinctive style.

I think it's a safe bet since this is just funding an expansion to the current program, and I think a $20 pledge for the whole thing is a modest price.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Ghost on March 11, 2017, 03:23:14 PM
Atlantis Miniature Dwarves. This ( campaign is over at the end of March.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: crkrueger on March 11, 2017, 10:10:58 PM
Quote from: Ghost;950708Atlantis Miniature Dwarves. This ( campaign is over at the end of March.

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in (  Those are some nice sculpts.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DiscoSoup on March 13, 2017, 06:08:02 PM
Hi, guys! I'm smack dab in the middle of my 7-day challenge Kickstarter campaign for Kaigaku: The Ruined Kingdom ( It's a follow up campaign for Kaigaku, the samurai RPG that funded in September and released in January. This adventure plays like Shadow of the Colossus meets Dynasty Warriors.

We just need 400 buck more to make the basic goal. If you fund at 25 bucks you also get a copy of the Kaigaku core book following the campaign's completion. This book is more than a simple adventure, it also has many character options, especially for characters inspired by Mongol, Chinese and Persian history.

A bit about me. I used to write for L5R back in the day (plus Traveller and some other games) and I now work on Star Trek Adventures for Modiphius. This game is my way of scratching the samurai itch in the absence of supported games.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Apparition on March 16, 2017, 04:37:47 PM
I came across this ( today: "World Engine: An Online Map-Making Tool for Tabletop RPGs." (

QuoteWorld Engine lets you seamlessly combine freehand drawing and tile-based painting tools. The application runs in your browser on virtually any device – and because World Engine is designed from scratch for touch, all its capabilities are being optimized with touch and stylus in mind.

Creating great looking maps for your campaign has never been this simple or fun. Build your maps, export them for print or use inside your favorite virtual tabletop and get playing your game!

[...] World Engine supports all the mapping features you’d expect – pens, brushes, fills, layers, snap to grid, scaling, rotating – and more. It also provides the advanced tools that artists need to take their maps to the next level.

[...]  Making great maps requires solid building blocks. World Engine comes with a built-in library of hundreds of high-quality pre-made tiles, textures, and objects to build truly unique maps for your campaign.

But if that isn’t enough, World Engine’s marketplace puts an ever-expanding library of premium art from top fantasy artists at your disposal.

If you can imagine it, World Engine will let you build it.

It looks really nice, and it runs on a web browser so it supports all operating systems, (including Linux).  However, it's subscription based, running $5, $10, or $20 per month.  That's a bit of a downside, but the Kickstarter campaign has already reached over 90% of its goal in less than three days, so what do I know?
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: crkrueger on March 16, 2017, 05:30:37 PM
Quote from: Celestial;951980I came across this ( today: "World Engine: An Online Map-Making Tool for Tabletop RPGs." (

It looks really nice, and it runs on a web browser so it supports all operating systems, (including Linux).  However, it's subscription based, running $5, $10, or $20 per month.  That's a bit of a downside, but the Kickstarter campaign has already reached over 90% of its goal in less than three days, so what do I know?

Awesome program, but there's no way I'm making my campaign in a SaaS product.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Apparition on March 16, 2017, 09:21:54 PM
Quote from: CRKrueger;951990Awesome program, but there's no way I'm making my campaign in a SaaS product.

Yeah, as I said it is a downside.  It's most likely because it's browser-based, and servers cost money.  The good thing about that means that it'll support all computer operating systems, including Linux.  Plus, it says that you'll be able to export your data and maps.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: msears on March 17, 2017, 12:59:42 PM
Hey guys,

Wreck Age is a post-collapse 28mm skirmish game and narrative RPG set 500 years in the future; hundreds of years after a total societal collapse. We are now in the midst of The Resurgence, where pockets of society are just beginning to re-establish themselves. We are here to ask for your support to bring a long-term dream of ours to reality: vehicles!


We're proud to launch this Kickstarter campaign for our resin and metal scale vehicle models. Each kit will be easy to assemble, convert, and paint. We're doing some neat stretch goals and have a bunch of cool add-ons too. Before unlocking these stretch goals, we're starting with 3 post-collapse car chassis. From there we have lots of cool stuff to unlock, including a truck chassis, motorcycles, ATV, horse riders, and buggies. With your help, we'll reach all of those goals and more!

In Wreck-Age, your miniatures battle it out on the tabletop in a unique narrative hybrid of efficient skirmish battle and role playing drama. By introducing vehicles, you'll be able to expand the size and scope of your games. From the basic 3' x 3' gaming table through to huge layouts that stretch for dozens of meters, you can create death race scenarios, caravan chases, and run the gauntlet of 'toll booths' set up by highway robbers. The only limit is the amount of space you have, and your imagination. No matter how you choose to integrate vehicles into your Wreck-Age experience, you'll be able to move your models around the board much more quickly than you would on foot, using simple rules mechanics that allow for depth of play, while maintaining ease of play, and ensuring record keeping is kept to a minimum. You can take control of a crew of your choosing, selecting from the nomadic Drifters, the pragmatic Stakers, the tech zealots known as the Reclaimers, or the vampyric Stitchers; you may even choose to venture off into the Wilds in your vehicles, without the support of an organized faction.

You can find out more at

Thanks for checking us out!

Title: Devil's Run RPG Kickstarter in now Live!
Post by: MrLangers on April 01, 2017, 09:20:05 AM
Hi folks,

The Devil's Run RPG Kickstarter in now Live! (


You can download our free introductory Nitro Pack from Dritvthru RPG ( Check us out and show your support!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: trechriron on April 05, 2017, 01:40:17 PM
Alternity is Back (! Several supplements are stretch goals...


Alternity is back—and it's better than ever!

Strange new worlds and deadly aliens? Mercenaries for hire? Post-apocalyptic survival? Explore your favorite visions of sci-fi adventure in the new Alternity Science Fiction Roleplaying Game from Sasquatch Game Studio.

Many Worlds, One Game: The Alternity Core Rulebook includes a wealth of campaign-building guidance and a modular rules design so that you can model your favorite SF setting or create your own. We're also launching with one "pre-built" setting, our Protostar universe . . . but we've got plans for more worlds if you want 'em! We plan to unlock at least one more setting through our stretch goals for the project.

Richard Baker helped create the 1997 Alternity Player's Handbook, the Alternity Gamemaster's Guide, the Star*Drive Campaign Setting, and many other Alternity products.

Bill Slavicsek, lead designer of the original Alternity game, consulted and advised in the creation of this new version of the game.

Stephen Schubert and David Noonan have each worked on dozens of products spanning multiple editions of D&D and other roleplaying games.

Our stable of artists, cartographers, and designers include Robert J Schwalb, Corey Macourek, Sean Macdonald, Christopher West, and more! Lee Smith, Ayan Nag, Roberto Gatto, and Justin Mayhew provided the concept art you see on this page, our website, and in the Alternity Quickstart guide.
Title: Two Dark Horse Comics™ We Think are FANTASTIC for Savage Worlds!
Post by: Pinnacle_Ent_Group on April 10, 2017, 02:49:05 PM

Like most of you, sometimes we see a movie, read a book, or devour a comic series and think "I HAVE to play in that world!" You can't stop yourself from thinking up cool adventures, the kinds of characters your friends might play, the critters they'll fight, and all the weird places you can send them to explore.

That's how we felt when we discovered The Goon™ and Fear Agent™ comics. The Goon™ is like nothing else out there. It's equal parts zombie-smashin', Noir, shady crime drama, and Cthulhu. You can play (or fight!) talking spiders, giant squids, bog lurks, or any number of other weird and shady characters. And you can do it in STYLE. Check out the very first paragraph of the book:

"This is the Goon's story from his earliest days, just as it was told to this author by Charlie Noodles. And we all know Charlie Noodles is good people, so shaddap while we spin youse a yarn."

Combine all this with an utterly revoltin' Plot Point Campaign called "From Hell's Heart We Bite at Thee!" and we think this gem will turn into one of your all-time favorites.

The Goon™ RPG for Savage Worlds Kickstarter:

And Fear Agent™. Wow. Check out this pedigree: Created by Rick Remender (Black Science, Seven to Eternity, Captain America), Tony Moore (The Walking Dead, Deadpool, Exterminators), and Jerome Opeña (The Avengers, Moon Knight, Uncanny X-Force).

This has all the hallmarks you want from Pulp SciFi...planet hopping, weird aliens, and even time travel...but best of all are the twists. We can't tell you much without giving away the important stuff, but let's just say the comics have some fantastic twists you won't see coming, and we made sure our game pays sufficient homage to it.

Fear Agent™ RPG for Savage Worlds Kickstarter:

Un-Stretch Goal!

As if all that weren't enough reason to join us in launching these two fantastic series, we just announced our Un-Stretch Goal: PDFs for Deadlands, Rippers Resurrected, The Last Parsec, and East Texas University! Digital or higher level backers on either Goon™ RPG or Fear Agent™ RPG Kickstarter get these PDFs for FREE on DriveThruRPG after the Kickstarter!

Thanks for your support over the years, amigos y amigas! Please check out these latest Kickstarters and help us share the news. If you're looking to change up your gaming this spring, we think BOTH of these RPGs offer something fresh and new (or maybe that should be putrid and horrifying).
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Skullz on April 11, 2017, 09:15:05 AM
Dhovaine is in its last days of the Kickstarter. We're currently at 120% of this goal and climbing, but we could still use your help!

You can check out my latest Q & A here:

Or just go directly to the Kickstarter here:
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Vile Traveller on April 11, 2017, 09:27:49 AM
I'm running a Kickstarter to fund artwork for my BLUEHOLME™ Journeymanne Rules (, a level 1-20 expansion of my Holmes clone, the BLUEHOLME™ Prentice Rules. You can check out the latter for PWYW on DTRPG:

Journeymanne is written, the cover art has been done and paid for, the book is laid out just waiting for internal art. There are already a few pieces in there by Chris Holmes (son of J. Eric Holmes), plus some advance pieces I bought from Bradley K. Mcdevitt. There is quite a big line-up of artists, all of whom are chosen to complement one another. Russ Nicholson is one.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Vile Traveller on April 27, 2017, 07:39:11 AM
It's the last week for the BLUEHOLME Journeymanne Rules Art Kickstarter! We're this close to the next stretch goal - the Blueholme Brochure, a guide to the city of Blueholme. And there's still time to get one or two more stretch goals ...
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Vile Traveller on May 03, 2017, 10:06:47 AM
Less than 24 hours to jump on the bandwagon for lots of free and discounted stuff!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: hansenation on May 22, 2017, 02:22:49 PM
Hello and thank you for your time,

We are a very small group located in Monmouth, OR. Gaming is something we have been passionate about for as long as we can remember. Since the first days of dressing up for DnD campaigns, wearing tights and “crafting” our weapons out of melted coat hangers (specifically referring to a rather embarrassing story of our lead developer), to the beginning of this process, our passion for tabletop gaming has continuously grown. This project started as an idea formed two years back and has grown into an adventure. We discussed content that we wish we could see, classes that deserved more love and attention and decided it was time to create a system of our own. Now, on to the game.

Rebirth aims to shine light on the roles that are often pushed into the dark. There are professions designed specifically to craft powerful equipment and deadly poisons. The support professions have been pushed, making them almost essential for a party’s survival. Each class is created to bring something unique to the table, allowing for incredible synergies and a memorable playstyle.

Rebirth is a tabletop RPG that forces the players to think and plan ahead. Resource management is present in almost every aspect of the game. The combat system uses “events,” points that are spent to make actions. However, if a character overexerts, spending all of their events during a round, then their defensive score suffers for lack of defensive preparation. If events are unused, they function as defensive preparation, granting a bonus to the character’s defensive score and making them harder to hit.
Crafting is essential to survival in the world of Rebirth and it displays an additional aspect of resource management. The currency used is bone shards, remains of dead reborn that were once reanimated using demonic power. Because of the demonic power imbued in these bone shards, they are also the catalyst used in the creation of potions and poisons and the energy used to craft artifacts, equipment imbued with abilities such as swords bursting with flames. This means that the player must weigh the value of the crafted gear (assuming the crafting check succeeds), with the value of their currency.

For more information regarding the system as well as the lore, please visit our kickstarter. Your contributions are appreciated.  We understand that our target is low, however, we are fairly far into the process and will appreciate any contributions we receive to help with the costs.

Thank you again for your time,
The Rebirth Team

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: remial on May 30, 2017, 04:36:13 PM
maybe it is just me, but I can't help but think there is something fishy about this kickstarter for the game High Plains Samurai (

if I were a tad more paranoid I'd think it was GMS trying to get more backers for Far West
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DouglasCole on May 31, 2017, 08:12:32 AM
Quote from: remial;965360maybe it is just me, but I can't help but think there is something fishy about this kickstarter for the game High Plains Samurai (

if I were a tad more paranoid I'd think it was GMS trying to get more backers for Far West

Nope. Todd is legit and he's been sending around a playtest draft of the product, basically in a close-to-done state. Risks here are low.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: David Prizio on June 11, 2017, 05:36:29 PM
The Triten Gaming System

Hello everyone!  My name is David Prizio and I wanted to share our Kickstarter project for the Triten Gaming System with the folks here.  As of today, we're just shy of halfway through our campaign and rapidly approaching 200% funding, which we're extremely excited about.  The Triten Gaming System is an entirely new set of medieval fantasy pen and paper mechancis, built from the ground up to be a robust and intuitive game system to allow you to create your own worlds and adventures.

We've done a Q&A with the Hardboiled GMshoe, Dan Davenport, which you can find a log of here: (

We'd also love to get in touch with other bloggers and reviewers as well!

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, we'd appreciate it if you'd come check out our campaign! (

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Dr. Ink'n'stain on June 24, 2017, 06:22:09 AM
For Dark Albion/Cults of Chaos fans, Antediluvian Miniatures is running a KS for 'medieval authentic' demon miniatures (, 28mm metal figures straight out of illuminated manuscripts. Initial goal has been reached already.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Chainsaw on July 03, 2017, 06:08:08 PM
Glynn Seal of MonkeyBlood Design ( is running a Kickstarter for an England-inspired setting and bestiary called The Midderlands ( He says, "It is a green-hued, dark-fantasy, late-middle ages, early-renaissance view through grime-smeared spectacles. The setting itself is based on an area in the middle of England near where I live called The Midlands. Many of the locations are loosely based on reality, but others are pure fantasy from an addled mind." It's statted for Swords & Wizardry Complete. As of now, it's about a third funded and has until July 31 to fund completely.

Glynn does great work, so I think it's worth a look! :)
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: MonkeyBlood on July 29, 2017, 07:07:49 AM
The Midderlands - An OSR Mini-Setting & Bestiary
A green-hued, dark-fantasy, old-school mini-setting and bestiary set in a twisted middle-England.

The Midderlands Kickstarter Page (

The campaign is 48 HOURS to go, and currently over 100% funded. Work is 90%+ complete so pledge with confidence!


It has been suggested that this might be a good additional resource for Dark Albion, so thought I would take the opportunity to give it a shout-out here in case it is of interest.

"The Midderlands is an old-school game setting with bestiary for use with old-school role-playing games. It is based on Swords & Wizardry Complete, but could easily be used with other old-school systems and even non-OSR systems such as D&D or Pathfinder.

It is a green-hued, dark-fantasy, late-middle ages, early-renaissance view through grime-smeared spectacles. The setting itself is based on an area in the middle of England near where I live called The Midlands. Many of the locations are loosely based on reality, but others are pure fantasy from an addled mind.

The setting part of the book contains something I call "game-juice". Not heavy of history and monotonous detail, but enough to get the game-juices flowing and let the game master twist and tweak as they need to in order to fit their campaign.

There is also humour and occasional swear words."
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Apparition on July 29, 2017, 04:13:32 PM
The Stars Without Number Revised Edition Kickstarter campaign is prepping for liftoff on August 1st.  Here's a sneak peek (  I do not believe that that will be the final URL when it goes live in a few days.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Ruben on July 30, 2017, 02:48:53 AM
PALADIN: Warriors of Charlemagne!
Based on all existant medieval epics about the legendary king and emperor.

Powered by the award-winning and bestselling ruleset from King Arthur Pendragon by Greg Stafford, PALADIN covers the famous exploits of Charlemagne and his loyal friends and warriors, the Paladins of Charlemagne!

The project funded within hours and is now reaching its 8th stretch goal, the 8th adventure.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: AsenRG on July 31, 2017, 03:51:27 PM
The first SK supplement Spellbound Kingdoms: Arcana ( is on KS, too.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Brand55 on August 01, 2017, 01:34:15 AM
Stars Without Number: Revised Edition is now live. Looks like this could very well be Kevin Crawford's biggest Kickstarter yet, and the top tier is a pretty cool option for those who missed out on all of his 1e stuff. (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: remial on August 17, 2017, 03:33:25 PM
New edition of Superhero 2044 kickstarter is now live, looking for $100k in 60 days.  the campaign also features 3 different boxed sets of adventure maps and miniatures to go along with those maps.

(personally, I'd have made the book 1 campaign, and each boxed set a separate campaign, having everything all bundled together in 1 campaign seems like kind of a make or break set up to me)
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Biscuitician on August 18, 2017, 09:25:00 AM
Quote from: remial;984699New edition of Superhero 2044 kickstarter is now live, looking for $100k in 60 days.  the campaign also features 3 different boxed sets of adventure maps and miniatures to go along with those maps.

(personally, I'd have made the book 1 campaign, and each boxed set a separate campaign, having everything all bundled together in 1 campaign seems like kind of a make or break set up to me)


Hello, litigation?
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: remial on August 18, 2017, 10:47:57 PM
maybe it is supposed to be the Norse god rather than the comic book character?
don't ask me, I didn't write the game.
besides it isn't like there is a Marvel RPG that has him in it that is in print...
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Apparition on September 05, 2017, 08:55:21 PM
I just came across this one ( Battlefield Press plans to make a game setting of Robert Asprin's "Cold Cash War" dystopian science-fiction novel for both Savage Worlds and Cepheus Engine. Robert Asprin was (and still is) one of my favorite authors, so I had to pledge. I pledged for the Cepheus Engine version. Dang, I've been waiting for a print edition of Cepheus Engine... I hope one comes soon.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Certified on September 11, 2017, 10:15:30 AM
Metahumans Rising is a tabletop role-playing game embodying the drama, creativity and action of the superhero genre. We've worked hard to find the right balance to bring exciting game play that allows players drive the narrative based on their characters backgrounds and motivations. Please take a look.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Jendart on September 11, 2017, 06:37:21 PM
Epic digital tabletop art core set
Maps and player icons hand drawn in a consistent isometric style that you can use to create your own adventures in digital tabletop software such as Roll20. Core set includes huge maps, encounter areas, interior and exterior areas, player icons, monster icons, loot, traps, and spell effects. A Passion project by concept artist Alex Drummond (, who has worked with big names like Microsoft, Marvel and Games Workshop. Your adventures will unfold in beautiful hand drawn locales, play pre-made maps or make your own with the modular asset pack.

( (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Skullz on September 12, 2017, 06:15:20 PM
Pathfinder: Modern Adventures Kickstarter! (

Modern Adventures is a Pathfinder-compatible game set in modern-day Earth. Modern Adventures brings the full feel of a Pathfinder game into the modern era. You'll get everything you expect from a modern setting including computer hacking, firearms, vehicles and aircraft. You'll also get all of the races such as elves, dwarves and gnomes in addition to some new, never-before-seen races available for play. Modern Adventures combines everything awesome about a fantasy game with the gritty, realistic feel of modern era play.

Pathfinder: Modern Adventures includes:

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DNDWoodElf on September 13, 2017, 09:52:57 PM

Hey everyone, here is a Kickstarter that my store is doing!

Grand Rapids, Mn FLGS is seeking to expand our product line and make our free gaming area more comfortable.
Tabletop Games
Grand Rapids, MN
$177 pledged of $11,000 goal
10 days to go
Back this project

All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Sun, September 24 2017 1:31 PM CDT.
By Double Dane Games, LLC
First created
Double Dane Games - Tabletop Game Store Expansion

Grand Rapids, Mn FLGS is seeking to expand our product line and make our free gaming area more comfortable.
Campaign FAQ Updates 0 Comments 0 Community
Back this project
About this project

Double Dane Games, LLC is an established, locally-owned game store that has been in operation for over a year at the Central Square Mall in Grand Rapids, Mn. We are the only family-friendly game store within a 60 mile radius to supply people with a wide range of great games and hobby materials. We provide free gaming space (and demo games), and help to bring all the fun and excitement of tabletop gaming to both new and experienced gamers alike!

Double Dane Games offers an essential commercial outlet for gamers and hobbyists seeking a wide variety of quality tabletop games and accessories including those of and for, card games, board games, dice games, and role playing games. We offer miniature painting supplies, host classes, and hold miniature painting contests. Double Dane Games also provides a consignment storefront to local craftsman and artists, such as 3d printers and woodworkers. We are the area's only (within 60 miles) sanctioned host for weekly game tournaments, community game clubs, and over seven DND and Star Wars roleplaying campaigns. We also provide services ranging from game premieres to community board game events, and other game related activities.

Now we're seeking additional funding to help take tabletop gaming and hobby-crafts in Northern Mn to the next level! By updating our gaming area and expanding our product line, we will be able to meet the needs of an ever-growing hobbyist and tabletop gaming community.

So, without further ado, these are our goals:

Better Chairs for the Gaming Area. Right now our gaming-hobby area can support 30 people, so we'd like to purchase 30 vinyl padded, metal folding chairs for the greater comfort of our customers.

New Gondolas. The gondolas we have now are too big (and old). We would like to purchase 6 new, smaller footprint gondolas. This would not only actually increase our space for more products, but it would also give us more room for the gaming area!

More Gaming Accessories. We're currently supplying some of the basics: card sleeves, dice, play-mats, etc. but we would like expand our customer's choices by supplying meeples, game markers (many different kinds), game spinners, timers, and a larger selection of custom dice. We'll need a few more bins and shelves to display these items as well ...

Hobby-Craft and Terrain Supplies.  Static grass, foliage clusters, and all colors of ballast ... we would like to cater to the area's desire for quality crafting materials by adding a full line of Woodland Scenics hobby products! Once available, we would also then provide craft classes for people on how to use this great stuff to make their own trees, sculpted foam lands, and miniature nature scenes.

Expanded Miniatures Selection. We already sell a good selection of Reaper, Bones and WizKids DND miniatures, as well as the paints and brushes to detail them, but people in this area are looking for even more! We're wanting to add Red Box Games and Dark Sword Miniatures (both fantastic mini companies!) to our selection, and feature their high-detail miniatures in our monthly painting contests!

Snack Zone. Currently we have a good variety of beverages, and some sandwiches, candy, etc... but we would like our customers to have a few more options when it comes to filling their stomachs. By adding a self-serve coffee station and a dedicated sandwich cooler, we can provide our gamers with the food and beverages they most enjoy. Anyone for coffee and Cribbage this morning?

Expanded Games Selection. There are so many wonderful games out there for people to enjoy, and we would like to do all that we can to provide them! We need good stuff for our youngest crowd: kid's games. There's also a lot of people hoping that we can add-on more Pokemon, and an even bigger X-Wing collection ... both of which we would like to then start sponsoring tournaments for! By expanding our selection of quality games, we intend to meet the wants of ANY gamer, young or old.
Risks and challenges

Risks and challenges for this project are very minimal. We've already established relationships with many of the vendors involved and have carefully calculated costs to insure a successful campaign will make an important impact both for the store, the gaming area, and our customers.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Shawn Driscoll on September 14, 2017, 06:56:03 AM
Iron Sky RPG

10 hours left...
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: sniderman on September 14, 2017, 12:27:50 PM
The Burial Plots Kickstarter for CRYPTWORLD is now LIVE!

( (

BURIAL PLOTS ( includes five adventures for the CRYPTWORLD Horror Role-Playing game. They are also for use with the original Pacesetter edition of the horror role-playing game CHILL.*

The adventures are:

Condition Critical
Dr. Howard Eastman has called a press conference at his remote research facility to announce a medical breakthrough that will "eradicate human illness and suffering forever." But what if the cure proves to be worse than the disease?

Three days ago, a group of hunters failed to return from their annual deer hunt near Akron, Ohio. Your team of expert trackers and investigators has been brought in to assist in the search. But there seems to be an undercurrent of unease amongst the police who whisper of a disturbing discovery they've made. Is there something sinister lurking in the forest?

Death in the Dust
In 1888, the silver-mining boomtown of Weaver, Arizona, was abandoned after a series of unexplained disasters, and the town was left to crumble in the desert sands. Today, the former ghost town has been revitalized as a historical attraction. Is history about to repeat itself?

Horrific axe murders recently committed in Oregon's Tillamook State Forest are identical to those committed by the legendary "Paul Bunyon Butcher" 40 years ago. However, the original killer – now elderly and feeble – remains behind bars. Has a copycat killer surfaced, or is this the work of something even more sinister?

It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
The Christmas season is typically a time of peace on Earth and goodwill toward men. But one THING has decided to make this year's Yuletide visit to relatives a horrific holiday from Hell.

Early View of the Book Contents
Backers will receive a link to download a copy of the adventures and maps before the KS campaign is over. There will be a delay for this as I am still tidying up one last map.

All of the writing is done. The cover art is done and paid for. We're looking for community support to help fund the interior art and writing.

And those folks who have not tried CRYPTWORLD, you can also add on the core rules  - or any of the other Pacesetter game books - when you pledge for "Burial Plots."

(*CHILL is a trademark of Martin Caron and is used here without permission. No infringement on this trademark is intended or implied. Goblinoid Games and CRYPTWORLD are not affiliated with Martin Caron or CHILL.)
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: remial on September 20, 2017, 08:48:49 PM
Remember Battlelords of the 23rd century?  the totally gonzo sci-fi RPG that had the alien lizards who would have farting contests, and if they shat themselves they lost?

guess what?
there is a new edition in the works, and it is on Kickstarter

in it you and the rest of the PCs are soldiers for hire, working for what ever corporation is willing to pay you.  And unlike Shadowrun, the people who hire you tend not to screw you over.  Mostly because your starting PC has enough weaponry and armor to not only destroy a city block, but survive being at ground zero.

(Yeah, I know there was an awful lot more to the game then the farting lizards, but that stuck in my head more than anything else.)

So if you have ever had a day where you and the rest of your group wanted to just mindlessly destroy whatever lies in your path, this is the game for you.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Apparition on September 22, 2017, 02:00:07 PM
Quote from: Celestial;989378I just came across this one ( Battlefield Press plans to make a game setting of Robert Asprin's "Cold Cash War" dystopian science-fiction novel for both Savage Worlds and Cepheus Engine. Robert Asprin was (and still is) one of my favorite authors, so I had to pledge. I pledged for the Cepheus Engine version. Dang, I've been waiting for a print edition of Cepheus Engine... I hope one comes soon.

FWIW, the Kickstarter campaign has hit $1,000 in funding with two weeks remaining.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DiscoSoup on September 29, 2017, 12:53:54 PM
Samurai Dice is now on Kickstarter. It's a spinoff of our twice successfully funded game line, Kaigaku. Samurai Dice is a hybrid card-and-dice game with heavy RPG elements. Each turn you select one of your four Heroes to attack one of the Enemies on the table and roll five dice. The dice are color-coded so you can quickly determine the outcome of each turn. The blue die represents you, while the red die represents your enemy and the three white dice are the results. Any white dice that roll equal to or below the blue die cause damage to your enemy, while those that roll above the blue die damage you. If the red die is higher than the blue die your enemy activates their deadly ability.

We've got lots of accessories lined up for this game, including adventure and dungeon decks that you can use with Samurai Dice, Kaigaku or any OSR RPG. I'm very excited about this game and proud of its quality. Check it out and sign up today!

@Pundit, fantastic art and no map this time.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Brand55 on September 30, 2017, 11:56:31 AM
Mini-Dungeon Tome for D&D 5th Edition or Pathfinder


This is something my fellow GMs might find of use. It's a collection of 2-page dungeons (currently over 120 and likely to expand even more with stretch goals) for D&D or Pathfinder, though they look simple enough to use in other systems. I know that's how I'm most likely to use them. I'm in for a hardcover since I'm a sucker for anything to make my life easier and give me campaign ideas, but even the PDF-only level isn't a terrible deal given that the final product is probably going to hit 300 pages or more.
Title: Lost Hall of Tyr: Dómstóllinn: Kickstarter is now LIVE
Post by: DouglasCole on October 03, 2017, 05:54:12 PM
Lost Hall of Tyr: Dómstóllinn (

Lost Hall started as a GenCon game called "The Grappling Smackdown." It was my first GMing experience at a convention, and it was also a scenario designed to showcase monsters that grapple using the rules from my book Dungeon Grappling.

I ran it twice, and it was very successful. It also clearly had enough hooks in it to expand into a full adventure. So I did.


The module is set in a culture and realm that uses the mythology and legends of the Asgardians, and the Nordic/viking culture, as a basis. It include, of course, advice on how to drop it into*any*campaign and setting, so long as the journey and quest takes the party into the mountains and wilderness, in search of an object or goal that is valuable because of its history and contents, but not powerful by itself.

The book contains:

Preface. The preface introduces the adventure as having started life as a 2-hr demonstration scenario run at GenCon that introduced two groups to the alternate grappling rules in Dungeon Grappling. Fifteen players, two sessions, great fun. It was then expanded into the volume being kickstarted.

Introduction. The local geography and the events leading to the quest to rediscover the Dómstóllinn, the Hall of Judgment, are laid out with enough background to drive the adventure if running Lost Hall of Tyr as a stand-alone demonstration. The introduction also provides some inspiration to use the adventure in other campaigns, settings, locations, or even as part of a mega-dungeon!

Lost Hall of Tyr. The core scenario. It includes a flowchart so that the GM can see how the different encounter areas connect, and then 20 adventure segments - a journey, a riddle, a combat encounter, or a physical feat. Each encounter will include Challenges, telling the GM what must be overcome, Concealed information that the players don't know initially, Alternatives that talk about ways to short-circuit, bypass, or otherwise not just Leroy Jenkins one's way through a challenge, and Rewards, where appropriate. Ransom encounter tables, encounter map images, and evocative artwork paint the story of the challenges faced.

Wilderness Travel. Travelling overland, especially carrying an adventurer's usual load of gear, is hard work. This short chapter discusses ways to make that work dramatic and fun, including guidance for food, water, hunting, preserving meat, and rules for cold weather and climate. Not all challenges have talons and teeth.

Bestiary. Each monster that is listed in the scenario is given statistics, including a quick-reference chart for grappling, as well as statistics compatible with the Dungeon Grappling rules.

Dungeon Grappling Quick-Start. Even if you don't have the book, you can still use the rules. Two pages of grappling the way it should be: fast, fun, and well-integrated with the Fifth Edition basic rules mechanics.

All together, this is a complete adventure that can be run on its own or dropped into an existing campaign.


Let's get something straight right off the bat: You do*not*need to have, use, or even*like*Dungeon Grappling to use this adventure.

You need not entirely buy in to the Viking-ish, pseudo-Norse setting material that serves as background.

I mean, you*should*love Dungeon Grappling, as a great set of grappling rules that don't suck. And Woden will cast his unflinching eye on you with displeasure if you dis the setting. But, sigh . . . such things are not required.

I did, however, condense the Dungeon Grappling mechanics into a two-page quick-start that accurately represents how I both taught and ran the game at GenCon. You can attack to grapple, defend from grapples, and even cause injury by grappling, at the very least. Just the basics. But in Indianapolis, that was enough.

Each encounter has monsters that might use grappling against you or be grappled more effectively than they are struck. Well, except for a few where that's not true, because you have to keep everyone guessing.

It makes for a really different kind of game, in a good way.


This is my second kickstarter. It's probably a bit better organized than before, and definitely it's farther along in terms of investment: I have more faith in myself and my ability to deliver a product.

So, is there anything*not*done? Well, sure. I've commissioned some preliminary art, and you'll see that in the first two weeks of updates. And if it just passes the first goal, I'll be able to populate the existing art spaces.

But there's a bunch more art that*could*be there, and with a moderate achievement in stretch goals (roughly what Dungeon Grappling raised, actually), more art will be added.

Also: I've got a special guest star, so to speak. Roland Warzecha, of Dimicator, is perhaps one of the finest Sword-and-Buckler Western Martial Arts instructors and fighters in the world. He's also an amazing illustrator. We got to know each other through Asfolk, the Viking Martial Arts studio I joined (and where I'm now an assistant instructor) researching Dragon Heresy. He's agreed to a commission for at least one piece for the project, and I sincerely hope it does well enough to add a few more.

But really, that's it. I could ship the thing on Monday and the adventure would be playable, while the book would be very attractive (if somewhat incomplete) . . . but that's not how we do things around here.

So, I hope you help me bring Lost Hall of Tyr to life, as you helped me bring Dungeon Grappling to life.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Certified on October 13, 2017, 08:03:13 AM
Last day for the Metahumans Rising  (
Inspired by iconic superhero stories. Powered by your imagination.


Metahumans Rising is so close to the goal, but we need your help to cross that finish line. Our goal was to take the best aspects of the superhero genre and bring them to your game table. The core book has everything you need to put on the spandex and jump into action.

- Hero Creation, with easy to use, keyword driven, system for character creation and powers.
- 30+ sample powers including Animal Morphing, Grit, Invulnerability, Living Light, Power Absorption, Plant Control, Regeneration, Strange Visions, Vampirism, Weather Mastery, and dozens more.
- A Rogues Gallery including threats you expect like typical street gangs to things you might see coming like a genetically enhanced cybernetic dragon.
- Disasters: Easy to use guidelines for dangerous locations and environmental threats. Pit your heroes against everything from burning buildings to natural disasters
- The World of Metahumans Rising: A sample campaign setting.
- Burning The Midnight Oil: A starting adventure including a rival super villain team.
- The Hall of Legends, Heroes created by you. (Limited number remaining.)

Join us! Rise up!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DouglasCole on October 28, 2017, 11:07:23 AM
We're in the last weekend of the Lost Hall of Tyr Kickstarter (!

The project has funded and the stretch goals have been consolidated and pulled in (

The project was reviewed a few more times, with favorable comments: Three Good Reviews (

And Roland Warzecha completed his full-page mural ( that will lead in the two-page grappling quick-start. If you like bad-ass female vikings beheading hobgoblins (with Roland's wife and Roland used as figure models for the warrior and hobgoblins, respectively!) this is worth checking out.

I'd like to draw particular attention to the Stythja ("Patron") levels. For your $200 pledge (more for Roland's images) you and I will work out a character suitable for the adventure using a preview of the Dragon Heresy RPG rules (the setting of which informs and drives this adventure as background), and one of the artists will provide an illustration of your character. The illustrated characters will be published in a (free to backers) book of pre-gens, and I assure you . . . they'll appear again one day!

In any case, this is a great side-quest (says others, not me) that will provide 4-8 hours of play and can be easily transported into other settings or even systems (a friend of mine who was given a preview copy even converted it for GURPS (

The project gets very cool as we hit stretch goals. OSR conversions, more art, and if we somehow hit 375 print copies, a true offset print run.

Please throw in!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DouglasCole on October 29, 2017, 12:53:48 PM
Quote from: DouglasCole;1004287We're in the last weekend of the Lost Hall of Tyr Kickstarter (!

The project has funded and the stretch goals have been consolidated and pulled in (

The project was reviewed a few more times, with favorable comments: Three Good Reviews (

And Roland Warzecha completed his full-page mural ( that will lead in the two-page grappling quick-start. If you like bad-ass female vikings beheading hobgoblins (with Roland's wife and Roland used as figure models for the warrior and hobgoblins, respectively!) this is worth checking out.

I'd like to draw particular attention to the Stythja ("Patron") levels. For your $200 pledge (more for Roland's images) you and I will work out a character suitable for the adventure using a preview of the Dragon Heresy RPG rules (the setting of which informs and drives this adventure as background), and one of the artists will provide an illustration of your character. The illustrated characters will be published in a (free to backers) book of pre-gens, and I assure you . . . they'll appear again one day!

In any case, this is a great side-quest (says others, not me) that will provide 4-8 hours of play and can be easily transported into other settings or even systems (a friend of mine who was given a preview copy even converted it for GURPS (

The project gets very cool as we hit stretch goals. OSR conversions, more art, and if we somehow hit 375 print copies, a true offset print run.

Please throw in!

I added swords and wizardry conversion notes ( to Lost Hall of Tyr after a brainstorm last night. So that stretch goal has been pulled in and is incorporated into the book. So if the OSR is your thing, it should be fairly seamless to play through it. This isn't a separate copy of the book; the notes are minimal (most of the book is not system specific) but should be sufficient, and are incorporated into monster stat blocks and notes on task resolution, which plays a bigger role in 5e than S&W from a mechanics perspective.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Altheus on November 24, 2017, 12:51:05 PM

Flash Gordon kickstarter out now.

"Gordon's Alive!"
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: GameDaddy on November 26, 2017, 11:02:12 AM
RPG Update
Irregular Webcomic Kickstarter

First up for the Holiday Season, some fun and games with Montana Jones and his wacky adventures in the Cliffhanger Comic. David Morgan-Mar graciously asked me to provide some 1930's style archaeological adventure maps for the print edition of his web comic anthology which is currently being offered at Kickstarter. I was more than happy to oblige.

Just to let you know, this Kickstarter has already funded, ...we should cross the 5k mark a bit later on today, and you are cordially invited to participate to receive the printed copy of the second edition. This comic is suitable for all ages, and is really punny! Hahaha... Looking forward to sharing some holiday goodness, in providing a most excellent holiday stocking stuffer for all of you this Christmas Season!

Irregular Webcomic: Prepare for the Wurst Kickstarter Page

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: matnoo on January 17, 2018, 04:52:32 PM

I made these for some friends a while ago and they liked them so much I turned it into a kickstarter. It's worth a look if you play RPGs






Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: AsenRG on January 17, 2018, 06:06:55 PM
Is that for real? Nobody mentioning The John Carter RPG Kickstarter ( can really happen on TRS?
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: MonkeyBlood on January 26, 2018, 04:55:37 PM
The Midderlands Expanded Kickstarter is now LIVE!!!
Following the successful Kickstarter last year for The Midderlands - An OSR Setting & Bestiary, we are here expanding the setting. Also a GM Screen, Die-drop card and also get items from the original Kickstarter!

"[The Midderlands] as a small area campaign supplement is the best I've ever seen, displacing Dave Arneson's Blackmoor First Fantasy Campaign area, which up until now - and that's decades - has been my favorite one."
- Matt Finch (Creator of Swords & Wizardry).

Check it out here!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Mike the Mage on February 23, 2018, 12:49:14 PM
Backed this cos it looks so bloody good! For some reason I get a early White Dwarf (in the 70s, 80s numbers IIRC) feeling from this.

Fingers crossed. Just a few hours and a few hundred quid more!:D
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Spinachcat on February 26, 2018, 12:34:32 PM
This looks fun!

It's Lovecraft meets Harry Potter. It's Hogwarts & Scooby Do Mystery if HPL wrote it!
I am not much for "playing kids" in a RPG, but this setting might be a hoot.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Dr. Ink'n'stain on March 02, 2018, 10:17:10 AM
Oh my... a blast from the past and then some!

Grenadier Dragon Lords ( -miniatures, re-cast from original masters by Mirliton!

These were the first miniatures that our group ever had, badly painted with Humbrol enamels because no-one imported acrylics yet.

As if I did not have enough naked pewter/lead already...
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Infranaut on March 22, 2018, 12:10:53 PM


Hello wonderful people! I recently launched a Kickstarter for my first game, Dead in the West, and it's going pretty great! In just a little over 24 hours, we've been able to raise 17% of our overall goal!

Dead in the West is a storytelling-heavy game set in the Mythic Old West - think old cowboy movies or pulp novels. There's a heavy emphasis on individuality and player empowerment, along with a number of quirky on-theme mechanics (like being to force suspicious NPCs into Quickdraw shoot-outs, and completing daring feats to earn points that could save your characters life later on). Skills, abilities and character progression are special - your character evolves and changes based on what you do in the game rather than simply progressing down a tree. If your character is a pacifist who uses a whip, they might learn how to snatch guns right out from people's hands with it. If they insist on cooking despite being bad at it, they may gain the ability to make a stew that never grants the same bonus twice. If they're perceptive and ask a lot of questions about people, they may learn how to give folks the stink-eye, estimating their HP and abilities through through harmless small-talk.

I'm really excited about the game, and hope you'll all consider giving it a look. If you're interested in the game, it was Dan from RPGnet that pointed me in this direction. I'll be doing a Live Q&A over on the RPGnet IRC on the 11th of April, 7:30 Central, and will be happy to answer any questions people have then (and here, too)!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Shawn Merrow on March 26, 2018, 09:50:27 PM
Freedom Squadron - A Savage Worlds Setting (

QuoteIt is the year 2051. After the startling discovery of VENOM--a paramilitary organization and global conspiracy that's been interfering in world events since the end of the 19th century--the United Nations and leaders of the free world have been shaken to their core. In the aftermath of World War III, which they started, VENOM's clear goal is world domination, and they will stop at nothing to achieve it.

The world's response? Choose the greatest hero of the war, General Abraham Steel, and charge him to recruit an elite fighting force to oppose VENOM and protect liberty for all. That force, comprised of the best-of-the-best from all over the globe, is Freedom Squadron!  

Players take on the role of those who've heeded the call to action. They are new Recruits who must first earn their stripes to become Commandos. Eventually, if they live up to the expectations of trainers like Sandbar, Corporal Carnage, Preedatore, and Blindsight, they may earn their Code Names and carry the fight to VENOM anywhere in the world... and beyond!

For fans of 80's cartoons this is project you may be interested in. It's starting out as a homage to Gi Joe but will grow from there, including transforming robots. If you check the updates there have been a lot of sneak peeks on what will be in the books from Ninjas to vehicle stats.
Title: The Dragon Heresy Introductory Set is now LIVE on Kickstarter
Post by: DouglasCole on April 02, 2018, 02:00:03 PM
The Dragon Heresy Introductory Set Kickstarter ( launched this morning at 10am!

We've had a great start, with more than 1/3 of the way to funding in*two hours.*I'm especially pleased at the interest in the color printing, and very grateful for it.

Of course, we're not there yet, and the best thing folks can do right now, in this critical first 48 hours of the campaign, is get the word out.

I'll be posting links to a few podcasts that I recorded over the last week talking more about both the setting and the mechanics, and will be appearing on a few more during the campaign.

If you want to chat with me real time, ask questions, or just hang out, drop on by the Gaming Ballistic Discord Channel (

Once I get back home from work, I'll be making a few updates, as per requests in the Comments section.

With that . . . please join me on the Dragon Heresy Kickstarter (!



We funded about 27 hours in.

Here are the updates so far:

Welcome to Dragon Heresy (

A Great Beginning: the first 24 hours (

Hail to the Shield-Guard! The Skjald-hirð carries the day! (FUNDED!) (

Dragon Heresy: Page Count, Cosmology, and first review (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Chainsaw on April 13, 2018, 01:36:39 PM
Worth checking out -

First, Beasts and Cannibals,  ( two new modules for Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea that would be easily portable to any old school system. As of the last update, it was well 186% funded and the project completions were: writing 100%, maps 100%, cover art 100%, interior art 82%, editing 60% and layout 40%. This is Jeff's fifth Kickstarter, so he knows what he's doing. With only 67 hours left, might want hurry over there and pledge if it interests you.

* The Anthropophagi of Xambaala, by Corey R. Walden, is an adventure in HYPERBOREA designed for from four to six characters of 1st through 3rd level.

* The Beasts of Kraggoth Manor, by Tim Callahan, is an adventure in HYPERBOREA designed for from four to six characters of 4th through 6th level.

Second, a board game redeux called Fireball Island ( that looks pretty fun, especially if you have kids and especially especially if they just watched and liked the new Jumanji movie (like mine). Seems like a great gateway drug to roleplaying games. Don't know much about the makers, but it's their second KS and fourth game overall.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Sandworm on April 18, 2018, 05:23:21 AM

The Battlecruiser Alamo Kickstarter is live here! (

Hi everyone! It's been a while since I posted here about a project, and I thought it was about time that I did so again!

Battlecruiser Alamo ( is a series of Sci_Fi novels by critically-acclaimed author Richard Tongue, set in a universe where exploration of space is a goal, but betrayal is around every corner!
You can discover alien artifacts and experience the mysteries of new worlds, but the fledgling Triplanetary Confederation is under threat from many sides. The UN of Earth don't want them to succeed any more than the spies of the Lunar Republic do, and both will stop at nothing to turn the fragile alliance on itself.

This game carries an interesting quirk - the characters are not one individual but two. This provides some great new opportunities for storytelling within the universe, as the Officer may be operating the starship in battle while the Espatier is fighting off hostile natives on a planet, or boarding the other ship! The GM can flick between these two alternatives ever session, or even within sessions in order to give the players an feeling of being set upon from all sides.

The Battlecruiser Alamo Character Sheet (Greyscale Version)

Character Creation Video (
Combat Video (featuring Combat Hacking!) (

Powered by the Era d10 Rule Set, this game is cross-compatible with Era: The Consortium, Era: Lyres, Era: The Empowered and Era: Survival, meaning that if you want to add other rules into this setting, such as limited ammo or resting penalties, that's easily accomplished.

Once again, it's on Kickstarter right now (, and I'll obviously be more than happy to answer any questions you guys have!

- Ed
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DouglasCole on April 26, 2018, 11:01:34 PM
The Dragon Heresy Introductory Set Kickstarter ( is in its final 48 hours.

I've written a summary post ( talking about the game, some reviews, podcasts, playtests, and actual play streaming it's been featured on, and included a few images of what you'll be getting at various levels.

We're steaming to nearly 400% funding and have a good shot - if we hit our stride in the next two days - of closing in on a spectacular offset print run.

Please check it out. Pledge if you can, share it out if you can't!

You never go wrong with more Viking!

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Qutera on May 04, 2018, 05:54:06 PM
Endless Realms RPG ( Is currently on kickstarter and 50% funded with 3 weeks to go!

The game has a complete corerule book, and monster manual with over 250 full color creatures. Uses a D10 system, 8 unique races, 10 unique classes, and a brand new world.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DiscoSoup on May 26, 2018, 12:57:31 AM
I don't have the images because it's not my stuff, but JEShields is running a Kickstarter right now. It's called Choose your Own Sci-Fi  Stock Art and it features a metric ton of his pieces up for backers. He's going to release them in a format that lets you configure elements in the picture for customization. You can use the art for GM handouts or for publishing.

James is awesome, here is the link. (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DocJones on May 30, 2018, 08:18:58 PM
Quote from: DiscoSoup;1040672I don't have the images because it's not my stuff, but JEShields is running a Kickstarter right now. It's called Choose your Own Sci-Fi  Stock Art and it features a metric ton of his pieces up for backers. He's going to release them in a format that lets you configure elements in the picture for customization. You can use the art for GM handouts or for publishing.

James is awesome, here is the link. (

That's a cool idea for a kickstarter.
"May NOT be used in works deemed racist, sexist, or sexually explicit."

Unfortunately all my works would be deemed sexist. *sigh*
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: pruttm on June 03, 2018, 10:55:35 PM

Blessed Machine is happy to announce the Kickstarter for our new setting, Secret Agents of CROSS is now live (!  We are also excited to announce that Blessed Machine is now an official licensee of the Savage Worlds game system. We were looking for a system that could model the setting's concept that CROSS agents are the best of the best. We discovered Savage Worlds and its Wild Card concept, exploding dice, and bennie rules and after a few playtests, we knew we had to produce Secret Agents of CROSS for Savage Worlds.  Thanks to the Pinnacle team for helping us work through the process and become an official licensee.

The world of Secret Agents of CROSS is similar to our own with slightly more advanced technology.  Religious persecution came into existence nearly as soon as religions appeared. The supernatural has existed in the world since the beginning of time and continues to exploit the world from their extra-dimensional realms and secret lairs.  Cardinal James McDonell created CROSS, a clandestine spy agency also known as the Catholic Response Organization to Strategize and Strike. McDonnell tasked CROSS to take the Pope's prayers and convert them into actions.  He and his command staff create missions to protect the flock from evil using cutting-edge technology coupled with saintly magic honed over 2000 years of history.

Secret Agents of CROSS is a full-color 170-page setting book.  It is your guide on how the world of CROSS operates, how to make player characters, and how to run CROSS missions steeped in secret spy stuff, religious history, modern terrorism, and the supernatural.
Title: Secret Agents of CROSS Kickstarter is live!
Post by: pruttm on June 03, 2018, 10:56:53 PM

Blessed Machine is happy to announce the Kickstarter for our new setting, Secret Agents of CROSS is now live (!  We are also excited to announce that Blessed Machine is now an official licensee of the Savage Worlds game system. We were looking for a system that could model the setting's concept that CROSS agents are the best of the best. We discovered Savage Worlds and its Wild Card concept, exploding dice, and bennie rules and after a few playtests, we knew we had to produce Secret Agents of CROSS for Savage Worlds.  Thanks to the Pinnacle team for helping us work through the process and become an official licensee.

The world of Secret Agents of CROSS is similar to our own with slightly more advanced technology.  Religious persecution came into existence nearly as soon as religions appeared. The supernatural has existed in the world since the beginning of time and continues to exploit the world from their extra-dimensional realms and secret lairs.  Cardinal James McDonell created CROSS, a clandestine spy agency also known as the Catholic Response Organization to Strategize and Strike. McDonnell tasked CROSS to take the Pope's prayers and convert them into actions.  He and his command staff create missions to protect the flock from evil using cutting-edge technology coupled with saintly magic honed over 2000 years of history.

Secret Agents of CROSS is a full-color 170-page setting book.  It is your guide on how the world of CROSS operates, how to make player characters, and how to run CROSS missions steeped in secret spy stuff, religious history, modern terrorism, and the supernatural.
Title: Hall of Judgment for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG (by Gaming Ballistic): KS is now LIVE
Post by: DouglasCole on June 19, 2018, 12:47:49 PM
( (

Gaming Ballistic is THRILLED to be the first third-party vendor to be granted a license to produce material for the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (Powered by GURPS) from Steve Jackson Games.

Hall of Judgment ( directly supports the excellent DFRPG Boxed Set. It provides a mini-setting and adventure, in full color, bookmarked and layered for the PDF, and with a print copy available for backers who wish a high-quality tangible reward.

Hall of Judgment is an adventure micro-setting for four to six 250-point characters, made under license to Gaming Ballistic, LLC for use with the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (which is required and referenced in the book).

Hall of Judgment ( is the first third-party expansion for Steve Jackson Games' Dungeon Fantasy RPG. It's an experiment for both SJG and  Gaming Ballistic, and both companies hope that it will be successful. I'd love to have your support in making it so!


Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Mike the Mage on July 02, 2018, 07:01:37 PM
Quote from: MonkeyBlood;1022141The Midderlands Expanded Kickstarter is now LIVE!!!
Following the successful Kickstarter last year for The Midderlands - An OSR Setting & Bestiary, we are here expanding the setting. Also a GM Screen, Die-drop card and also get items from the original Kickstarter!

"[The Midderlands] as a small area campaign supplement is the best I've ever seen, displacing Dave Arneson's Blackmoor First Fantasy Campaign area, which up until now - and that's decades - has been my favorite one."
- Matt Finch (Creator of Swords & Wizardry).

Check it out here!

Just received the pdf of Midderland Expanded, and VERY excited to read it. Really looking forward to the hard copies!!!!:cool:
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: MonkeyBlood on July 03, 2018, 05:32:18 AM
That's great to hear, Mike. Packaging starts tomorrow with first packages out of the doors starting Thursday :)
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Silent Pat on July 04, 2018, 08:07:08 AM
Hello fellow Aethernauts

We just started our new Kickstarter-project for the new Mars sourcebook for Space: 1889 (the new Ubiquity version, of course  )

Besides beeing able to pledge for this fine book and helping us making it real in english (the german version is out already  ), you also can get almost all our "older" material we already did for Space: 1889 for a good price, including the rules, th venus sourcebook, the mercury sourcebook and various adventure modules
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Skullz on July 06, 2018, 11:20:03 AM
The final 60 hours are upon us for the Warsong Second Edition Supplement, The Host! Make sure you grab yours now.

Click Here to check out the Kickstarter, now! (

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Wade on July 06, 2018, 08:40:14 PM
A bit late, but my Dieselpunk Mecha Kickstarter is in its final hours. (


Title: Hall of Judgment - final week!
Post by: DouglasCole on July 09, 2018, 04:07:49 PM
( (

Hall of Judgment Final Week

We're in the final week for Hall of Judgment (, and there's been a lot of movement on the Kickstarter! We passed $12,000 and that puts us on track to more-or-less equal Dragon Heresy unless we see something, as Mr. Furious would say, "either very good or very bad."

Layout: Block and Tackle
I've been working really hard to pull things together, and the efforts are paying off. In quick-point format:

I've got 22 days left until the deadline set by "we plan to release the product in August" promise I made in the April 1 announcement, and the PDF will be ready by then.

That leaves us with the print question. At this point, we've got 275 (ish) print backers. That's more than enough to get us out of POD, but not enough to drive to a full offset print run.

Wild and crazy things can happen, and I hope they do. What does this mean? It means unless we see a wild uptick, I'll be using a short-run printer in the UK to deliver 140gsm interior pages (that's about 93# paper; typical DriveThru is 70#/105gsm).

Because the printing is in the UK and the fulfillment partner I'll be using is also in the UK, I expect to be working hard on the shipping side of things. I'll probably know more in two weeks on that score.

Ask Me Anything
I'm working on a "final week Ask Me Anything" session, probably a few hours long, sometime this week. Not sure what that will look like, but I want to do it and take questions about the process, the adventure, and anything gaming-related. Or viking related.

Campaign Close Process
That brings us to the finishing touches.

The campaign closes July 14, which is this coming Saturday. I would deeply appreciate re-shares on social media, and talking about the project in general. The better we do, the more likely SJG is to want to do this again.

When the campaign closes, I'll ready and fire up the Backerkit phase, which will have a short survey to get your pledges allocated to product. For those not getting add-ons, is all you'll do with the "survey" is:

It is pretty important to be prompt on this one, and the survey period will be short: Probably 7-10 working days.

Note that Backerkit does not set the pace for*digital*reward delivery. As long as the funds settle and there's no weirdness with payment (this happens every campaign; it's depressingly normal) you'll get your PDF on August 1.

So that's it! This is the home stretch, and while there's still work to be done, that work is pretty well defined at this point.

Grab your axe and shield, board your longship and let's finish strong ( Glory awaits.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: lazylitch on July 11, 2018, 03:33:39 PM
I just launched : (

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DouglasCole on July 12, 2018, 09:42:01 PM
( (

48 Hours to go!

The Hall of Judgment Kickstarter ( is the first 3rd-party license for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, and one of the rare 3rd-party licenses that Steve Jackson Games has issued. It's over 400 backers and 400% funding and climbing.

What's in it for you?

This book is VERY different, and quite frankly, better in almost every way than Lost Hall of Tyr, from which it sprung. 128 pages (rather than 64), full color, awesome art, and layered and hyperlinked for ease of use. The print copies will be 93#/140gsm interior paper; fulfillment is from the UK so international shipping should be pretty affordable.

Finally: let's not beat around the bush: let me quote from the aforementioned foreword: " bodes well for Dungeon FantasyRoleplaying Game fans and fans of SJ Games products in general. We now have evidence that licensing third-party publishers to crowdfund content for our games pays off. That isn't a guarantee we'll agree to every proposal--our standards remain exacting, and we still prefer
people we know and trust--but it means we'll listen. Intently." -Sean Punch

Please support the Hall of Judgment Kickstarter ( 48 hours to go.


Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Zzarchov on July 14, 2018, 03:00:13 PM

So I have a kickstarter for the next edition of Neoclassical Geek Revival, along with an Omnibus of all my OSR/NGR dual statted adventures (such as A Thousand Dead Babies, The Gnomes of Levnec, Under the Waterless Sea, The Price of Evil and many others),  and a new desert themed dungeon adventure "The City of Tears".


Its 64 pages of desert adventure set in an abandoned city on the shores of the salted sea. A small town's worth of looters, bandits, and merchants camp outside it's gates to pick it clean of valuables.  But there is still one place no looter has dared rob.

This adventure features the talented layout work of Jensen Toperzer , the maps of Dyson Logos, and the art of Jez Gordon.

Please consider backing this kickstarter ( , its over 2000% funded and we are always looking to hit the next stretch goal.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: TGIDragonfly on July 19, 2018, 08:53:02 PM
Hey folks!

There are 11 days left to pledge on The Superverse Kickstarter ( In addition to the original support for SUPERS! Revised, the KS now supports ICONS, BASH!, HERO System, and Supergame.

You can learn more about The Superverse (and SUPERS! Revised) here (

All the best,

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: GGJenM on July 19, 2018, 09:39:00 PM
Dragonfly!  You should set up a top donation tier with a chance to play through one of the modules with you as GM - Skype or other format!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: A.K.A. Dragonfly on July 20, 2018, 07:53:43 AM
Quote from: GGJenM;1049689Dragonfly!  You should set up a top donation tier with a chance to play through one of the modules with you as GM - Skype or other format!

Howdy, GGJen!

That would be fun!  Tell you what, I'll go ahead and add that as a feature to the already existing top tier.

Thanks for your interest!

All the best,

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: TGIDragonfly on July 20, 2018, 12:20:05 PM
Howdy folks!

Although it's now available for the HERO System, ICONS, BASH!, Supergame, and SUPERS! Revised, the Superverse has its origins The Freedom Ring and The Iron Gauntlet - two character books I published for SUPERS! first edition. Artist and game designer Russ Boyd did the art and character designs on those two books, so he's really the co-creator of the original characters. Heck, he helped write "Will of Iron, Heart of Gold" - the first of the four adventures appearing in the current Superverse project.

In order to honor Russ and the origins of the Superverse, I'm offering Superverse Classic as part of The Superverse Kickstarter. This is a compilation that reprints The Freedom Ring and The Iron Gauntlet (with all of Russ' original art).

If you're interested, check out the recently added Tiers 5+ and 6+ on the Kickstarter.

All the best,

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: TGIDragonfly on July 20, 2018, 09:33:06 PM
The Superverse features the city of Del Rey, in which all four of its adventures are set.  The streets, however, have no names!  Backers, however, can help!  Going forward, one of Del Rey's streets will be named after you if you pledge at the $50 tier or higher.  That means that  your name will appear on the snazzy city map that artist Ade Smith is developing for the project!  Check us out at:
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: A.K.A. Dragonfly on July 22, 2018, 09:53:27 AM
Howdy folks!

For anybody who's interested - I added tiers 5+ and 6+ to The Superverse Kickstarter.  These tiers give access to a reprint of the classic (1st edition SUPERS!) version of the Superverse + 1st edition stats and 1st edition style art (from Russ Boyd) for the new characters (heroes and villains) appearing in the current edition of the rules.

Also, tier 7 includes everything plus an opportunity for you and your group to game online with your's truly.

Visit us here if you're interested:

All the best,

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: A.K.A. Dragonfly on July 22, 2018, 10:51:30 PM
Hey folks! Art prints are now available as add-ons for The Superverse Kickstarter.  They are listed just below the stretch goals, if you're interested.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: A.K.A. Dragonfly on July 23, 2018, 03:28:55 PM
Hey folks!  Tier 7 of The Superverse Kickstarter just got a couple more additions: 1) Joe Singleton will provide a full-color illustration of one of your characters, and 2) I'll GM a session of Supers! for you (and up to 3 of your friends) online.  This is in addition to receiving PDFs for the SUPERS! Revised, ICONS, BASH!, HERO System and Supergame versions of the supplement; POD options of the same; PDF and POD versions of Superverse Classic; a street in Del Rey with your name on it, and a fictionalized version of yourself as a citizen of Del Rey.  Only 7 days left to pledge!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: philreed on July 24, 2018, 04:56:57 AM
We've launched The Fantasy Trip, Steve Jackson's first RPG (published 1977-1980), on Kickstarter:
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Tait Ransom on July 24, 2018, 10:40:51 PM
Hey, folks!  Monte Cook Games is Kickstarting Your Best Game Ever, a system neutral resource for GMs and players to get the most out of their games.  They're also doing an updated Cypher System Rulebook.  The project funded this morning, and the stretch goal (a 160 pg book on sci fi settings and elements) is less than 25k from funding.

Check it out here:
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: A.K.A. Dragonfly on July 25, 2018, 10:37:39 AM
Hey folks!  I was tied up for a few days wrapping up the university course that I'm teaching at a local university, but I'm back to reminding you about The Superverse.  Here's a blurb on the second of four adventures appearing in its pages.  Only 5 days to pledge![ATTACH=CONFIG]2673[/ATTACH]
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: A.K.A. Dragonfly on July 28, 2018, 01:00:22 PM
Well, here we are - nearly at the end of The Superverse Kickstarter campaign.  We are far from funding and coming up on only two days left to pledge.  I'm holding out for a flurry of activity here at the end, but understand that we might not make it, and that's okay.  This is my first attempt at a Kickstarter campaign, and running it has taught me A LOT.  I want to thank everybody who's even considered contributing to the project, but my biggest thanks, of course, go to my wonderful backers.  Your support, your private messages, and your enthusiasm have sustained me throughout.  If this campaign goes the distance, it's quite literally because of you.  If it fails?  I'm reminded of the answer to Thomas Wayne's question: "Why do we fall, Bruce?" The answer: "So we can learn to pick ourselves up."  If this fails, I will trim the edges of my (perhaps too) ambitious project and try again.  But we're not there yet!  Let's see what happens - ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT TO PLEDGE!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Isair on August 03, 2018, 03:21:02 AM
Hello everyone!

I would like to invite you to take a look at Vanguard d100, a new RPG fit for fantasy or historical campaigns! As the name indicates, it is based on the d100 dice but the game focuses on giving the players freedom to improve their characters any way they want to. No levels, no classes and no gigantic list of fixed spells! The game allows you to create your own spells! It also gives game masters the freedom to choose which rules they want to use. For example, it is possible to remove the entire magic chapter without breaking game balance. Or remove the luck mechanics. This 'modular' feature ensures it can be used in most fantasy or historical games, from high-fantasy to low-fantasy or even historical games. As for its core system, it is simple: roll 1d100, add modifiers and if the result if above 100 you succeed in your task.
The combat system is also simple and fast.

You can find more information about the game in its IndieGoGo campaign page: Vanguard d100 IndieGoGo (
And in its facebook page: Vanguard d100 Facebook (

Regarding myself, I'm already an experienced gamer (tabletop and computer RPGs as well as board games) and have been designing games for the past decade. My previous big project was the adaptation of the Mass Effect saga into a tabletop RPG. Mass Effect d20 was born 7 years ago, shared with thousands around the world and is still being played by many. It has been kept alive and up to date, shared for free in its website: Mass Effect d20 (

Feel free to visit either and ask me any questions you might have.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DouglasCole on August 11, 2018, 11:23:48 AM
Quote from: DouglasCole;1048712( (

Yesterday, the final PDF for Hall of Judgment ( was approved by Steve Jackson Games for release to Kickstarter backers, and was distributed via Backerkit. The KS closed July 14, and the product was sent out Aug 10. The physical copies are still pending, but will be ready at the printer Aug 22 (a Wednesday) and will likely be on their way to international backers by Friday (UK Royal Mail), and arrive in MN for packaging and US distribution early that following week. I do expect folks to have their physical copies by mid-September.

If folks are interested in the game and are in the "not the USA" bucket for shipping, you'll want to pre-order now on Backerkit ( to take advantage of favorable shipping rates: $6 in the UK (and the USA, but that's neither here nor there); $9 for the EU, and $12 to "everywhere else."
Title: Free Spacer // a sandbox starship tabletop RPG
Post by: XophRA on August 21, 2018, 10:57:33 PM
Free Spacer //a sandbox starship tabletop RPG (
Adventure. Investigation. Science! Your crew hustles to complete jobs in a sector-wide cold war.

Want to know more?

You can listen to a podcast interview with Ray Cox of [Insert Quest Here]: (

You can read a blog interview with Brie on Thoughtly: (

On Thursday at 6:30 PDT Eric Vulgaris premieres a Free Spacer actual play on: (

On Friday, Ken & Robin talk to me about Free Spacer stuff:
Please ask me questions and check out the Kickstarter.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DiscoSoup on August 31, 2018, 05:48:20 PM
Triskelion Space is now life on Kickstarter! Following the success of the Exodus System this summer, we've created a refined edition of the rules geared towards sci-fi games. It's fast and easy to learn how to play, and you can get a session going on the first night with maybe half an hour or an hour of prep time.

Character creation is very flexible without the involvement of a system like Pathfinder. You create your own class at the beginning of the game by combining Roles and Flavors. Every character has abilities that allow them to shine both in and out of combat, so no PC is out of the spotlight for very long.

I'd post pictures if I could. The art is being taken care of mainly by Dean Spencer, David Okum and Matt Bulahao. Check it out here and let's make Triskelion Space a success!

Triskelion Space is an epic sci-fantasy space opera where you play epic heroes in a rag-tag band that takes on impossible odds to restore peace to the galaxy. Play as an Ace Pilot, Bounty Hunter, Star Mystic, Cosmic Wanderer and more. If you've ever enjoy a sci-fi property with "Star", "Babylon", "Doctor" or "Hitchhiker" in the title, there's something for you here!

I've teamed up with new artists, including Matt Bulahao, David Okum (of Okumarts) and Dean Spencer. Come check it out here: (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: b-KnuckleBones on September 13, 2018, 01:45:45 PM
Age of Myth - Ancient World / Mythological setting for 5th Edition goes live tonight on Kickstarter! The hardcover supplement
is full-color, fully-illustrated, and got a really good response in playtesting at GenCon this year.

There's a class preview - Gorgon Patron for the Warlock - and a free ancient-world adventure you can drop straight into any campaign at the KS preview link: ( - while you're there, be sure to click the heart button at the top so you get notified when the project goes live!
The book provides new rules for magic items generated by a character;s heroic deeds, advice/strategies for running a high magic (without turning it steampunk), 13 new race options, 16 new class options, dozens of magic items, and a series of four one-shot mini adventures you can drop into your campaigns.
The core book is already written at ~80 pages or so, though we'll launch with 90-100 at a minimum when the book comes out. Each stretch goal adds ~30 pages to the book.

Check out the link, provide feedback if you like, and then spread the word so that you can have more content! (

Brett Peterson
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Newt on October 01, 2018, 05:44:14 AM
The Road To Hell is an adventure for Lamentations of the Flame Princess and other Old School RPGs. It is now live on Kickstarter until Tuesday 30th October, the day before Halloween, when if it funds all backers can download the draft adventure, complete with rough (but functional) maps and six premade characters.

The Road to Hell on Kickstarter.


Set in Jacobean England, this adventure sees a band of veteran (5th Level) but down at heel adventurers take a desperate journey between Chester and Manchester in the North West of England, that takes them into Hell itself. It is a weird fantasy adventure that sees the adventurers thrown into magical situations outside of their normal lives, and challenge fiends that would eat their flesh and steal their souls.

The book will feature the work of:

Dan Barker (Monkey, Tournaments of Madness and Death) on internal art.
Jon Hodgson (numerous credits, including WHFRP 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th editions, D&D 4th and 5th edition) on the front cover,
Paul Mitchener (Age of Arthur, Liminal) on the editorial duties.
Glynn Seal (2018 Golden ENnie Award winner for Cartography for his work on the Midderlands).
Peter Town (Hearts in Glorantha, Gloranthan Adventures) who will be doing character portraits for the six pre-made characters.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Newt on October 21, 2018, 09:12:11 AM
Slight update about The Road to Hell Kickstarter.

We now have a full colour cover by Jon Hodgson


And ENnie Award winning cartographer Glynn Seal (of Midderlands fame) has done a preview of one of the maps that he will be doing for the adventure.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Alderaan Crumbs on October 23, 2018, 04:43:27 PM
For those interested...

I own Dusk City Outlaws and it's really good. This looks very promising as well.

And this, which is in my opinion, worth every penny!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Aglondir on October 23, 2018, 06:37:42 PM
Only 68 hours left (in case you wanted to get in. It is already funded)

Tales of the Old Margreve: 5th Edition Forest Adventures

5th Edition roleplaying adventures in the deep and menacing forest, for PCs level 1 to 10. Explore the ancient woods & their mysteries!


Forests in fantasy roleplaying games are dark places, full of secrets. With this project, we bring the Old Margreve to the 5th Edition of the world's most popular RPG. The Margreve is an ancient, enchanted forest that defends itself from those who come to cut its timber, poach its creatures, or steal its magic. Within its borders the Old Ways are strong, the word of the druids carries great weight, and griffons, dragons, and stranger creatures nest and hunt, undisturbed by humans, dwarves, or other lordlings.  

The Margreve Kickstarter offers three main elements:

1) the Tales of the Old Margreve adventure campaign hardcover for the GM, with adventures from levels 1 to 10

2) a Margreve Player's Guide softcover book of new player options, including new races, druid and ranger subclasses and tools, backgrounds, and forest-themed spells.

3) (if unlocked) a set of thick cardboard standups, the Margreve Pawns, which are similar to those created for Tome of Beasts and the Creature Codex.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Chainsaw on November 03, 2018, 04:35:28 PM
Quote from: Jeff TalanianHYPERBOREA: Players' Manual, Referee's Screen, and More!

Kickstarter campaign for Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea (

From North Wind Adventures (, an exciting new Kickstarter campaign for Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea, a role-playing game of swords, sorcery, and weird fantasy. This bundle features four new products intended to improve the fun and excitement of your AS&SH game day.

Four new products for AS&SH:

  • HYPERBOREA Players' Manual
  • HYPERBOREA Referee's Screen
  • HYPERBOREA Player Character Folder
  • Rats in the Walls and Other Perils (adventure module)
This campaign is live! ( If you have enjoyed our past products, please take a moment to see all the new stuff that we are offering in this campaign.
99% funded with 27 days left, so it's a done deal! As a reminder, Jeff has five successful KS campaigns under his belt, so you can pledge with confidence in quality and delivery. Last, in the spirit of full disclosure, I have a contribution to module, so I'm of course a little biased (and pretty pumped!). :D
Title: Chicago By Night - for Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition
Post by: Aglondir on November 05, 2018, 09:36:08 PM
Chicago By Night - for Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Aglondir on November 16, 2018, 08:44:45 PM
Shadow of the Demon Lord: Occult Philosophy

A new expansion that adds 800 new spells to Shadow of the Demon Lord!

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: HappyDaze on November 17, 2018, 02:21:22 AM
Quote from: Aglondir;1064934Shadow of the Demon Lord: Occult Philosophy

A new expansion that adds 800 new spells to Shadow of the Demon Lord!

That looks exciting. Now to go get the credit card...
EDIT: Fuck that. I went and looked at the KS, and the majority of it is just discounts on products I already own. I'll just wait for this one to come out and then get it.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: tomodentheauthor on November 27, 2018, 09:29:07 AM
New Tabletop RPG 'Vindeon' by Games/Fantasy Writer Tom Ahlqvist (Sweden) is now Live on Kickstarter
Stockholm 2018-11-25

Vindeon is a brand-new fantasy role-playing game focusing heavily on immersive acting and fast action rules, enabling players to get the most out of their game sessions. It is now live on the crowd funding site kickstarter.

The complete project includes the ~275 pages core rulebook 'Vindeon', a 64 pages introductory adventure 'The Maid of Flowerdale' and five stretch goals, each adding new rules or illustrations to either of the books as funding progresses. Play one of three races and their respective nine cultures, choose one of over sixty unique, culture-bound professions or go rogue and create a profession of your own, as you are about to embark on a journey of unknown adventure, of love or anguish, action or mystery. The world of Vindeon holds many untold stories, and they are created as you and your companions progress, solving riddles, exploring the forgotten reaches of the world or forging your path through those that would dare oppose you.
"After two years of hard work in creating, testing and prepping for release, I can safely say that our game is ready to be devoured by fans of the old school tabletop rpg genre" says project lead Tom Ahlqvist, creative mind behind the Vindeon world and its accompanying rpg rules. "I think our special take on fast action rules and dice-throwing will excite a lot of players, and if we've managed to create just as interesting lore, stories and adventures, I believe Vindeon has all the power it needs to become a fondly thought-of addition to any rpg-enthusiast's book-shelf."

You can access the kickstarter project page here:

The Vindeon Complete RPG is an independently developed project by lead writer Tom Oden Ahlqvist and his team of two freelancer graphic designers and concept artists based in Stockholm. The hardcopies of the books are limited to ship only within Sweden, but international backers will be able to receive the complete PDF-versions of both core rulebook and adventure book.

Official author site:
Title: Lost Hall of Tyr (2nd Edition) Now on Kickstarter!
Post by: DouglasCole on December 12, 2018, 12:56:19 PM
Lost Hall of Tyr (2nd Edition) Now on Kickstarter! (


Lost Hall of Tyr (2nd Edition) ( is a mini-setting and adventure for the Dragon Heresy Roleplaying Game. Dragon Heresy is based on the Fifth Edition SRD engine with some setting and feel adjustments, under the OGL. The adventure can be run and played using 5e with little to no modification.

Lost Hall of Tyr (2nd Edition) contains

Lost Hall of Tyr ( has been expanded to 112 pages (from 64), in full color. The Kickstarter is to enhance the quality of the original combat/location maps, and fund a high-quality print run. Experience shows the adventure locations and challenges are very portable to other campaigns.

The campaign funded on the second day, and the campaign ends on December 23. The full hardcover stretch goal is definitely within reach.

Lost Hall of Tyr (2nd Edition) on Kickstarter (




Why 2nd Edition?

When I first published Lost Hall of Tyr, it wasn't what I wanted it to be. Not enough art, the maps weren't anything special, and the convention-style romp (2-4 hour one-shot) didn't explore the awesome viking-inspired setting that I had set the adventure within.

Thanks to the publication of the Dragon Heresy Introductory Set and the expansion of the 1st edition supplement into the much larger Hall of Judgment version for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, I had the art, the contacts, and the content to make Lost Hall of Tyr what it should have been all along.
Title: (Kickstarter) ADOM - the Roleplaying game
Post by: Vex on January 16, 2019, 10:50:39 AM
ADOM the Roleplaying game! (

Based on the genre defining roguelike ADOM, the roleplaying game features everything needed to venture with friends into the depths of Ancardia to fight the Chaos intrusion... or switch sides and enjoy the unequalled powers the taint of Chaos bestows.

12 races, 22 classes, fully OSR compatible. Two books at 600 pages total, full of amazing artwork and fun rules.

We've been funded in under 24 hours with plenty of time to pledge in.

( (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Brad on January 16, 2019, 11:11:19 AM
Quote from: Vex;1071533ADOM the Roleplaying game! (

Based on the genre defining roguelike ADOM, the roleplaying game features everything needed to venture with friends into the depths of Ancardia to fight the Chaos intrusion... or switch sides and enjoy the unequalled powers the taint of Chaos bestows.

12 races, 22 classes, fully OSR compatible. Two books at 600 pages total, full of amazing artwork and fun rules.

We've been funded in under 24 hours with plenty of time to pledge in.

( (

Been waiting for this for 15+ years...seriously.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Vex on January 16, 2019, 02:43:17 PM
Quote from: Brad;1071534Been waiting for this for 15+ years...seriously.

How do I heart a post? <3

To be honest, so did we for creating it. Not sure what took us this long.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Brad on January 17, 2019, 10:03:05 AM
Quote from: Vex;1071577How do I heart a post? <3

To be honest, so did we for creating it. Not sure what took us this long.

If I can ask for a clarification, the "beta access" is getting the books during the development process, correct? Can you tell me what percentage of the books are written and when this access will be granted? I'm in for 50 Euros, but'll bump up to 60 if it's worth early access.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Vex on January 18, 2019, 04:23:01 AM
Quote from: Brad;1071698If I can ask for a clarification, the "beta access" is getting the books during the development process, correct? Can you tell me what percentage of the books are written and when this access will be granted? I'm in for 50 Euros, but'll bump up to 60 if it's worth early access.

The Player's Handbook is 70% done for texting, and 30% done for layout. The Gamemaster's Guide is in progress right now, I'd guesstimate we're 30% done there. Most core mechanics are pretty much locked down at this point - based on the final feedback of our beta testers, of course.

Please don't tar and feather me if we don't make it, but we should be able to send out the first beta PDFs early summer.

Unless we smash through a lot more content-based stretch goals, which may slow the whole thing down.
Title: Carbon 2185
Post by: Aglondir on January 30, 2019, 10:20:22 PM
Carbon 2185

Carbon 2185 ( is a brand new tabletop roleplaying game built using the D&D 5e open game license, with all the magic, magical items, and fantasy elements removed, and replaced with cybernetic augmentations, upgradable and customisable weapons, and computer hacking skills.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: kythri on January 31, 2019, 12:17:53 AM
In case people don't look at the News & Adverts sub-forum, Venger Satanis' Cha'alt Kickstarter only has a few days left:!

It'd be cool to see this fund!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DiscoSoup on February 04, 2019, 03:41:24 PM
As part of the RPG Zine Challenge, I'm kickstarting The Compleat Beastman. All sorts of beastman, tauric and chimeric awesomeness in every issue. Including full OSR playable classes, NPCs, and more.

Plus you can get minis of the creatures and all backers get a commercial license for the artwork that we commission!

The first issue is almost completely ready to go, but it needs artwork. Come on in and see what we can make together!

You can find it here (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Brad on February 06, 2019, 10:04:06 AM
Quote from: Vex;1071533ADOM the Roleplaying game! (

Based on the genre defining roguelike ADOM, the roleplaying game features everything needed to venture with friends into the depths of Ancardia to fight the Chaos intrusion... or switch sides and enjoy the unequalled powers the taint of Chaos bestows.

12 races, 22 classes, fully OSR compatible. Two books at 600 pages total, full of amazing artwork and fun rules.

We've been funded in under 24 hours with plenty of time to pledge in.

( (

Quoting this to bring attention to the fact that the Kickstarter is coming to a close. Sure, it might be a "fantasy heartbreaker", but it's fucking ADOM which is the best roguelike around with a pretty cool background. Lots of evil eldritch chaos encroaching on civilization, threatening to destroy reality. A new video was posted of the test prints and the books are *nice*. Even if you never play it, totally worth reading for inspiration. Like, seriously, back this.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: carpocratian on February 10, 2019, 09:01:35 PM
I have launched a new rpg supplement project as part of Kickstarter's Zine Quest campaign.

"Other Magic" takes the spells, rituals, and practices of real world traditional magic system and translates them into rpg-compatible formats. The first issue includes information on American hoodoo, Pennsylvania Dutch braucheri/powowwing, and more.

The spells are written in general OSR format, but can easily be converted to other systems.

If you have an interest in bringing real world practices into your game or in taking a more subtle approach to magic in rpgs, please check it out!
Title: InterStellar Mercenary : New RPG launched
Post by: Castonism on February 19, 2019, 04:49:54 PM
Just launched my first kickstarter for a sci-fi rpg I've been creating and playing for almost 30 years. Check it out if you are after something a little different. It's a gritty, low fantasy, tactical, team-based table-top RPG set on an alien world where you get to be the monster!

[video]  b=rb-1.1.0&w=680&fit=max&v=1550353246&auto=format&gif-q=50&q=92&[/youtube]

This game was made with little to no RPG experience so has taken some very unique directions. Happy to share early draft chapters for review and feedback too!

The I.S.M. Core Rule Book, a completely stand alone rules and world book with everything you need to play I.S.M. Almost 500 art filled pages containing:

-Unique alien world- creatures, cities, towns, empires, flora, history, religions
-Custom armor system - each piece has a realistic impact on combat
-Unlimited skill system
-Unrestricted character generation
-12 pre-made mercenaries ready to play
-20 original alien species (no elves or goblins here) each with unique character sheets
-Realistic and intuitive combat system - one dice roll per act or effect
-100s of weapons that have multiple attacks
-Unarmed brawling, grappling and alien martial arts combat with 60+ moves
-I.S.M. Hit Endurance provides realistic damage and wound effects
-I.S.M. Cerebral Efflux - unlimited telepathy and telekinesis magic substitute
-Unlimited advancement, realistic training and experience generation
-Carefully balanced world with both medieval and advanced alien technology
-Almost 500 beautifully laid out, and tabbed for easy referencing, pages detailing a complete world and rules

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Aglondir on March 04, 2019, 09:46:55 PM
GURPS: Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 & Game Reprint

SJ Games will bring back the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game with a second printing and, more importantly, expand the line with a new book: Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2! This companion to Dungeon Fantasy Monsters introduces even more foes to the dungeon, giving the GM new tools to use when designing adventures and the players more beasties to slay and loot.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DouglasCole on March 05, 2019, 08:20:22 AM
Quote from: Aglondir;1077635GURPS: Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 & Game Reprint

SJ Games will bring back the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game with a second printing and, more importantly, expand the line with a new book: Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2! This companion to Dungeon Fantasy Monsters introduces even more foes to the dungeon, giving the GM new tools to use when designing adventures and the players more beasties to slay and loot.


In addition to the Boxed Set AND the awesome book of Monsters, there's also third-party support being prepared by Gaming Ballistic.

The Citadel at Nordvorn ( is on Kickstarter simultaneous with the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. It is currently 78% funded, and saw a surge of support over the last two days. With the Boxed Set, which includes "I Smell a Rat," Hall of Judgment, and now Citadel at Nordvorn, there's enough material to play for a long time, all ready to go. When you get through with those, the included-in-the-box Dungeon Fantasy: Monsters and Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 now on Kickstarter give self-directed play.


In The Citadel at Nordvorn (, you will find many adventures, plus more trouble the players will doubtless create on their own. The area is so teeming with strife and peril that their characters will have the opportunity to stand at the center of many crises.

The Citadel at Nordvorn ( is a setting for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. It consists of three major settlements, many small villages, at least one ruin, and two primary sources of conflict: The Hunted Lands to the northwest of The Palisade, and the Endalaus Forest, to the north and east of Audreyn's Wall.

Return to Norðlond, a Viking-flavored world with its own history, culture, and expectations. Visit as an outsider, or fresh from a victory rediscovering the Hall of Judgment.


It is intended for starting Dungeon Fantasy RPG characters of 250 points. They will be major players, and the fulcrum around which the future of Norðlond turns. While it is set in the same world as Hall of Judgment, it is not sequel. It is a setting, filled with adventuring possibilities, and easily tuned up or down in power level as the GM desired to suit any fantasy campaign!

Good luck, and may the Fates have a bold destiny in store for you!

Hall of Judgment: Pics and Reviews

Still on the fence? Read these two reviews: one by Octopus Carnival (, the other by the Blind Mapmaker (, with my commentary on the review (which I thought positive and fair) on my blog here.

if you missed the Kickstarter for Hall of Judgment, and want to string the two books together into a campaign, a new reward level has been added! Viking Raider ($65), which gets you PDFs and Print copies of both books. These are printed on heavy paper stock (Hall was 93# paper, and Citadel will be from 90-100# as well), and goes through two print runs in order to help with European shipping.



Yes. The Citadel at Nordvorn ( will be printed as well as delivered in PDF. Short-run digital printing takes us threough the first stage. Two printers, one in the UK or EU, and one in the USA, will take on the printing of the book.

Why two printers? Because shipping from the USA is utterly ridiculous, and the best way I can find to get books to customers who are outside the USA - and for Hall of Judgment, that was a full third of the physical books! - is to print the books in the UK/Europe and then ship them via Royal Mail.

The US is easy: I'll print 'em here and ship them via USPS Media Mail.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: remial on March 06, 2019, 09:56:39 AM
2 that I think people here might be interested in
First off is Basic and Expert RPG Sets Remastered!
a remake of B/X in 2 volumes
the other is Mercenaries Spies & Private Eyes RPG by Michael Stackpole
a new printing of the classic RPG.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: OmSwaOperations on March 09, 2019, 02:39:19 PM

BEINGS from BEYOND: Demons, Devils and Angels for 5th Edition

Beyond the veil that lies between worlds, are beings of unimaginable power. Some are creatures of blazing beauty and transcendent revelation. Others are stains upon the fabric of reality itself, unspeakable entities before whom eons are instants, and whose dark designs span the universe.


BEINGS from BEYOND is your guide to these entities, known to mortals as Angels, Demons and Devils. Part bestiary, part setting supplement and part adventure generator; the full book will be at least 120 pages long, in a starkly beautiful black-and-white style. Within its pages are scores of random tables for generating everything from Demonic cults to extra-dimensional paradises, re-imagined mechanics ranging from summoning to madness, and plenty of evocative lore to help you involve these awe-inspiring creatures in your tabletop role-playing adventures. Statistics are included for 5th edition, but the book is compatible with any fantasy role-playing system.


If the prospect of dreams and nightmares from other dimensions interests you, make sure to check out the Kickstarter campaign ( If you wish to glimpse into the BEYOND, and see what horrors and wonders lie in store for you there, sample pages from the book itself can be found here for Demons (, Devils (, Angels of Chaos ( and Angels of Order (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Blood Axe on March 12, 2019, 12:14:56 AM
New B/X D&D box set Kickstarter. "remastered"   I started with the Moldvay box set, so this looked interesting to me.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: MonkeyBlood on March 19, 2019, 09:13:09 AM
The City of Great Lunden Kickstarter is now LIVE!

And it is already over 75% funded in less than 4 days. (

Check out the promo video...


Sample images...



Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: drkrash on April 11, 2019, 11:25:09 AM
Divine Madness Press is proud to announce the Kickstarter campaign for the 2nd Edition of Fight! The Fighting Game RPG!
Originally released in 2010, Fight! allows you to bring the characters and stories from traditional fighting video games to the tabletop.  Create characters with their own Special Move lists – using a comprehensive effects-based design system – and send them on combat-filled adventures across distinctive campaign settings at any scale.  Engage in battles utilizing the core concepts of fighting games such as positioning, Combos, Hit Stun, Super Moves, and counter attacks.  Have adventures fighting crime on the mean streets of your city, taking on worldwide criminal syndicates, or defending the universe from extradimensional incursions!

Fight! 2nd Edition was written by Christopher Peter and Alejo Marello and incorporates nine years of reflection and development to produce a rule set that is fully compatible with 1st edition material with only minor tweaking, yet also adds greater clarity, consistency, and flexibility across the rules.  Special attention was paid to make the game especially easier to use with multiple fighters in the same battle.  The core rule book contains everything you need to create an endless variety of Fighters battling across endless possibilities of campaign settings, complete with guidelines for getting the right feel for the genre and tips for GMs on how to set up, structure, and run campaigns that feel like fighting game stories.

Check it out at!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: trechriron on April 11, 2019, 03:31:11 PM
In 1990, Game Designers Workshop first brought Dark Conspiracy to life. It was a robust and acclaimed roleplaying game series, far ahead of its time with canny predictions about the shape of things to come.

In 2019, Clockwork Publishing brings it back. For the first time in more than 20 years, Dark Conspiracy will be available in print in a deluxe new version of the acclaimed roleplaying game, with an updated system and setting, featuring all-new art and content.

The relaunch will begin with the release of the Dark Conspiracy quickstart adventure, the Dark Conspiracy core rulebook, accompanied by the Dark Conspiracy Gamemaster Screen and Resource, and more. Future supplements will include sourcebooks detailing gear, psychic powers, minions, and will further explore the world of Dark Conspiracy.

Check it out -->
Title: [KICKSTARTER] Korea-Inspired 5E Campaign Setting — The Koryo Hall of Adventures
Post by: hallofadventures on April 21, 2019, 11:54:19 AM

The Koryo Hall of Adventures is a complete fantasy campaign setting compatible with Dungeons and Dragons 5E. It is inspired by the rich history and culture of the Korean peninsula, with a bit of Chinese and Japanese influences added in for extra flavor. Written by Aurelién Lainé, a longtime Korea resident and award-winning film director and writer, this book has everything you need to immerse yourself in a fully realized setting that comes alive more than any Asia-flavored sourcebook that came before.

° 4 Detailed Kingdoms ° New Shaman Class ° New Class Variants ° New Backgrounds ° New Monsters

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Brad on April 23, 2019, 02:11:22 PM
Didn't see this posted yet:
Title: [KICKSTARTER] American Armageddon! Rifts® for Savage Worlds is Back!
Post by: Pinnacle_Ent_Group on April 23, 2019, 03:36:37 PM

Welcome Back to the Megaverse!®
The Tomorrow Legion faces off against new apocalyptic threats from the darkest corners of North America and Earth's ancient past!

Building on the incredible success of Rifts® for Savage Worlds ( comes three new 192-page Worldbooks further detailing the factions, locations, and threats of Rifts® North America. Inside you'll find new allies, armaments, and abilities to aid Tomorrow Legionnaires in their fight against the evils of the Megaverse®.

All three books are 192 pages, hardback, and full-color throughout!

For our friends who supported the first Rifts® for Savage Worlds Kickstarter, we have an important announcement:

All the core Savage Rifts® material (The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, Game Master's Handbook, Savage Foes of North America, GM Screen + Garnet Town Gambit) will be revised and updated for the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rules. These files will automatically replace your current files *after* the Kickstarter. (If you want to keep the older files, save them off and rename them, or contact us at site.admin at

We are reprinting these revised and updated core books and offering them at a special discount in the current Kickstarter, including a new "Adventure Boxed Set."

The BEST DEAL is our Maximum Rifts® reward level--get everything for $150!


We hope you will check out the Kickstarter today. It's never been a better time to try the setting everyone's talking about!

Kickstarter link: (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: WampusInc on April 23, 2019, 07:00:41 PM

Legends of Amariah is a fantasy tabletop rpg released as a magazine/periodical. We interact with our fans and let them vote on how the world takes shape. Every aspect of the world and mechanics will be community built, a rpg for the fans and by the fans.

We launch on Kickstarter in less than two weeks and want to get the word out the best we can. Please check out the website and hopefully hop on the mailing list that will remind you of our launch.

Our Discord:

If you have any questions that aren't answered on the website please feel free to leave them here or on the Discord server. Thank you!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: 3rik on May 03, 2019, 04:44:31 PM
A Kickstarter for a western game:

Mud, Blood, & Glory by Black Hat Games -- Kickstarter (

Title: The Fantasy Trip: Decks of Destiny
Post by: Aglondir on May 04, 2019, 02:57:45 PM
The Fantasy Trip: Decks of Destiny

Many, many new cards and accessories for use with Steve Jackson's The Fantasy Trip roleplaying game!

(Already funded! Lauches 3 Jun 2019) (


Missed out on the first Kickstarter?

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: 3rik on May 04, 2019, 05:25:46 PM
OSR version of the Far Away Land RPG compatible with older versions of the world's most famous game and its clones.

Far Away Land Old School Role-Playing Game by Simian Circle Games -- Kickstarter (

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: 3rik on May 07, 2019, 06:28:28 AM
Trilemma Adventures Compendium by Michael Prescott -- Kickstarter (

A compendium of 48 adventure locations, settlements, and regions for fantasy role-playing games.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Marchand on May 07, 2019, 09:57:56 AM
New format, tweaked Traveller Fifth Edition:

This is T5 repackaged into 3 big black books in slipcased hard cover. Also errata'd and supposedly incorporating feedback on the systems in the earlier printing.

Already funded (massively over), due to ship in August.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DouglasCole on May 08, 2019, 11:33:13 AM
Can you handle the peril?

Gaming Ballistic, LLC is pleased to bring four new adventures for The Fantasy Trip to Kickstarter (

Four Perilous Journeys consists of four 16-page adventures; two each by David Pulver and the writing team of Christopher R. Rice and J. Edward Tremlett.

The Kickstarter is now LIVE! (


Check it out, and then see what exciting surprises Steve Jackson Games and Gaming Ballistic have in store as the campaign progresses.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DiscoSoup on May 13, 2019, 04:56:17 PM

Vintage Space brings Disco-Era optimistic sci-fi back to the tabletop. This game combines the sensibilities of both the narrative and OSR RPG scenes into a game that's easy to learn, simple to run and fun to play.

This game craws inspiration from classic shows and movies from the late 60's to the early 80's. When you play Vintage Space you and your friends escape to a future where mankind's potential is unbound. There's danger along the way, but if you're heroic enough to face it, you can use your courage, intellect, and capability as a Star Corps officer to save the day.

Join the Space Corps here at our Kickstarter page (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: drkrash on May 14, 2019, 11:22:34 AM
Fight! 2nd Edition is in its last 48 hours! (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Godfather Punk on May 14, 2019, 06:37:17 PM
Frog God Games just launched a dual stat adventure for 5e and S&W:

Sea King's Malice (

QuoteIn the murky depths sits a brooding menace, ancient, indescribably evil, and ravenously hungry. Perched on his massive throne, the Sea King dreams of his massive jaws bathing in runnels of fresh land-dweller blood. He dreams of the ecstasy of rending air-breather flesh. His hate-filled dreams suffuse him with visions of presiding over a glorious and bloody feast where his despised enemies, those both above and below the waves, drown in a tide of their own blood, torn apart by his fierce warriors. In this sprawling adventure the characters will come face to face with this terrible menace.

Sea King's Malice is a full color and lavishly illustrated 5e adventure for the world's most popular role-playing game that takes characters on a sweeping adventure across the ocean, to previously uncharted lands, and finally down under the waves to the very depths of the sea. It is also available for the 0E Swords & Wizardry system for those preferring old-school rulesets.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: antiochcow on May 19, 2019, 10:52:10 PM
Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book is a profusely illustrated, massive overhaul and upgrade to Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book (, a D&D hack/clone that does all the stuff I wished D&D did, and probably at the least has some tweaks, new mechanics, concepts/ideas, and/or tables that you'd enjoy, too.

More information plus some art over at the KS page (but happy to answer questions via DM or on another thread): (

Title: KICKSTARTER Adventures in Austerion
Post by: De Architecturart on June 05, 2019, 02:56:50 PM
Adventures in Austerion (AiA) is a fantasy role-playing game (RPG). Mainly designed to explore unfriendly locations in the continent of Austerion, it may be played in fast-paced sessions of 2 or 3 hours. To do so, it relies on a mix of classical RPG rules and board game mechanisms (such as tiles, cards and tokens…). If this approach will help new players to discover RPGs in a comforting and amusing way, it will fulfill the grognards as well, with additional possibilities offered by a set of optional rules that convey an old-school dungeon-crawling feeling.
come and discover the game on KICKSTARTER*! (


Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Ken Spencer on June 09, 2019, 08:48:46 PM
New from Why Not Games:

Rocket Age (5e) Kickstarter! (

We adapt the Rocket Age setting to the 5e engine, bringing you all the radium fueled action and adventure of the 1938 that should have been and the Solar System that never was to the world's most popular fantasy RPG.

Play as one of 17 species, such as the enigmatic Europans, the mutated Ioiites, one of seven Martian castes, or even an Earthling!
Which of our 5 new classes (each with their own subclasses) will you follow. An Agent working for a nation or movement? An Explorer seeking new worlds and new discoveries? A Scoundrel looking out for number one? A Scientist pushing the bounds of knowledge and engineering? A Soldier defending their loved ones from the dangers of the Solar System?
Backgrounds such as Rocket Ranger, a reporter from the Rocket Wire New Service, or one of the wealthy Rocket Set.
Loads of equipment from RAY guns to disintegrators, Martian Silthankas and dueling armor, tech, tools, and other gear.
Feats for those who use them, such as Ace Pilot or Dance it Out.
A unique Psychic Power system that lets anyone have the weird powers of the mind, but at a cost.
A vehicle combat system that includes ground action between tanks and war walkers on up to battles between mighty rocket ships
Plus rules for all your sci-fi environments, analyzing ancient artifacts, loads of monsters and the entire Solar System of Rocket Age covering all nine planets form Mercury to Pluto.

Strap on your Mark III rocket pack, make sure your Ray pistol is charged, toggle down that bubble helmet, and join us in the most exciting adventure the Solar System has ever seen!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Blood Axe on June 18, 2019, 11:53:34 AM
VIGILANTE CITY Quickstarter (2 weeks)

I backed the last Kickstarter- good stuff.

Low level super heroes.  Kick Ass! , Mystery Men, Batman the animated series that kind of thing.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: remial on July 02, 2019, 02:30:14 AM
new edition of Chivalry and Sorcery is up on kickstarter for the old schoolers
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Ken Spencer on July 02, 2019, 05:34:28 PM
The Rocket Age (5e) ( Kickstarter campaign is in the last 48 hours! We have hit funding, rocketed past that to the Ed Greenwood adventure stretch goal, and are kicking in the second stage boosters to heads towards the next stretch goal, Rocket Ranger's Handbook by Rocket Age creator Ken Spencer. Can we go further? Tune your RADIO dial to find out!

Come join us in bringing a 1938 that never was and a Solar System that should have been to a brand new world of fans!

Rocket Rangers, Away!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Wade on July 04, 2019, 01:19:54 AM
G'day all. I just wanted to let people know that my my latest Kickstarter for Fragged is now live:

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: deleted user on July 14, 2019, 03:51:25 PM
I just backed a game of fantasy shenanigans, guild, charters and dungeoneering - The King of Dungeons. It features a stripped back 13th Age ruleset remixed as a framework for use with yr fave fantasy setting -well worth a look, it has 48 hours left, has already funded along with 4 adventures (so far) - get in on the action !
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Blood Axe on July 19, 2019, 04:10:02 PM
A Car Wars, Gaslands type game.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Mankcam on July 21, 2019, 10:24:18 PM
It looks like it's got a nice, simple character sheet
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Chainsaw on July 22, 2019, 08:00:44 AM
Two new AS&SH modules, The Lost Treasure of Atlantis and The Sea-Wolf's Daughter, in this KS, the seventh one from Jeff Talanian. Always smooth sailing here, pledge with confidence. Edit - Funded in three hours!

Quote from: GhulWant to join a Viking quest for liberation, vengeance, and the annihilation of otherworldly horrors?

Quote from: GhulAnyone interested in exploring an ancient outpost filled with utter weirdness?
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Malrex on August 16, 2019, 01:14:34 PM
The legendary City of Vermilion: birthplace of a thousand legends, hiding place of a thousand secrets--this den of iniquity will form the centerpiece for a Sword & Sorcery campaign in the manner of Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser! Your adventures will take you from its steep, plastered rooftops to its decrepit, ancient sewers, to the silken parlors of merchant princes to the cramped and labyrinthine alleyways of the thieves quarter or even to the depths of the Maelstrom! The adventure also boasts a massive wilderness area of the island, caves, underwater ruins and places to explore!

The adventure uses OSRIC rules, is 165+ pages and for levels 4-8. Kickstarter is now LIVE! Come check it out, watch the video, and throw in a comment!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Anthony Pacheco on August 30, 2019, 12:28:10 AM
Flying Sparks ( from anti-SJW Steam Punk author Jon Del Arroz.

Recommended for great 80's comic storylines.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: deadDMwalking on September 08, 2019, 02:08:56 PM
Quote from: ReaperMiniReaper Bones 5 is Coming Soon!
September 5th, 2019
Bones 5 is coming to Kickstarter on October 1!
Be looking for previews and more info right here on, as well as on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. And don't forget to watch Reaper Live every Thursday for more up to date gossip and info!

I've enjoyed the Bones Kickstarters.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DouglasCole on September 10, 2019, 01:10:37 PM
At 10:30 central time on Sept 10, the latest Kickstarter for Gaming Ballistic launched: Nordlond Sagas for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. (

It hopes to fund three products, all set in the Norðlond setting and supporting the Dungeon Fantasy RPG with more full-color, 8x10 books.

The Dragons of Rosgarth
48 or 64 pages
This setting expansion and adventure scenario details the towns of Midgard and Jarngarðr, and provides a looming threat worthy of a party of seasoned delvers. Targeted at four to six delvers of 300 points or more. Written by Kyle Norton (Dungeons on Automatic).

Forest's End
64 or 80 pages
The King proclaimed that lands and titles were newly available for those bold enough to hold them. One thegn, more than bold enough to take up the King's challenge, built a fortified settlement near where the forest meets the sea: Skógarenda . . . Forest's End. The thegn is ready to claim his rightful status as lord and jarl. A great feast is planned. What could go wrong?

Forest's End features several threats and three actual dungeons to delve for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG! Written by Merlin Avery.


Norðlondr Fólk
16 pages
Sixteen playable racial templates to supplement those from Dungeon Fantasy Adventurers, including Norðlond-specific versions of elves and dwarves. Also dragon-blooded, children of humans and demons, and other hybrids, such as raven-folk and those who are brothers and sisters to bear and boar. Written by Kevin Smyth.

As with all small-publisher efforts, the best thing you can do to help is (a) first back the campaign, and then (b) talk about it somewhere else. Share the link, say why you're excited to be a part of the campaign, a comment on facebook, anything. It's amazing how that sort of network effect can drive a campaign.

Let's see if we can break the old DFRPG record for Gaming Ballistic of 600 backers, and the all-time record for me of 610 from The Fantasy Trip.

Nordlond Sagas for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG (

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: WFG on September 14, 2019, 06:52:29 AM
Two great projects on KS right now:
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: deadDMwalking on October 01, 2019, 01:18:33 PM
Quote from: deadDMwalking;1103042I've enjoyed the Bones Kickstarters.

And It is Live Now (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: MonsterSlayer on October 28, 2019, 10:49:05 PM
Quote from: deadDMwalking;1107055And It is Live Now (

I'm in on this, came to see if it had been mentioned here.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: deadDMwalking on November 01, 2019, 05:21:28 PM
There are 24 hours left in the Bones Kickstarter.  

One thing that's kinda cool about this is that if you see something you like but you're cash shy at the moment, is you can pledge a smaller amount (it was $1, now I think the minimum is $40) and you can add anything that was offered in the Kickstarter at the Kickstarter cost.  

So if you want a $22 add-on, you can pay for it anytime in the next 12 months or so.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: tenbones on November 08, 2019, 02:49:15 PM
Kinda interested in this...

Deadlands: Lost Colony
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: HappyDaze on November 10, 2019, 12:03:11 PM
Quote from: tenbones;1113350Kinda interested in this...

Deadlands: Lost Colony

In the old Deadlands, that was always the least developed part. It, ironically, never felt like it went anywhere. If they add a lot of material, it might be worthwhile. If they just "Savage" what came before, I'm way less interested.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Shawn Driscoll on November 15, 2019, 12:13:21 AM
Mummy stuff.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Shasarak on November 17, 2019, 05:36:53 PM
There are 4 days to go on Matt Colvilles Kingdoms, Warfare & More Minis campaign ( for 5e.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Loz on January 12, 2020, 03:43:17 PM
Casting the Runes

Occult investigative roleplaying in the world of M. R. James, using the Gumshoe game engine. Immerse yourself in the Edwardian era to recreate the tales of the supernatural from the master of the English ghost story:


Help us in our journey to publish the Standard and Deluxe editions of this innovative roleplaying game!

Self contained and almost ready for publication, your help will bring us more artwork, prestige printing options, and a volume worthy of any roleplaying collection.

View our introductory video, narrated by the incomparable Robert Lloyd Parry, on YouTube and at the Kickstarter page.

Join us in casting the most favourable runes!

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Loz on January 16, 2020, 12:43:08 PM
So close to meeting our funding goal!

Legendary horror writer Ramsey Campbell, who is contributing the foreword to Casting the Runes, has this to say about the game:

"Paul St John Mackintosh has developed this witty and erudite game whose dark playfulness is itself reminiscent of James. May it evoke nothing but pleasure!"

Join us now and help Cast Favourable Runes!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Brad on January 20, 2020, 12:11:53 PM

The Hero's Journey 1st edition was a nice little S&W-based OSR game with some neat ideas. The 2nd edition is supposed to expand it and deviate from S&W whenever necessary. I'm in for $65, pretty close to $20k which means a PDF version of the extended rules companion.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Skullz on January 21, 2020, 01:55:48 PM
Diviniti X Deluxe Edition Kickstarter has launched! (

The Book Includes (Straight from the Kickstarter)
* Full rules featuring the Diviniti X Powered by the Apocalypse, Enhanced by Diviniti system, setting info describing the world of Diviniti X and the presence of super-powered individuals and how they affect the world around them as well as MC guidelines and advice.
* 40+ super-powers, each with a variety of sub-abilities, extras and more.
* Optional rules for players' characters, including rules for playing non-powered, exceptional characters and creating and playing mutants and villains.
* Expanded setting information on three major hotbeds of Diviniti activity - San Jose, Dallas and Detroit as well as additional information on several other cities in the game world.
* An MC Toolbox chapter filled with ways to introduce comic book tropes such as alternate dimensions, super-prisons, and more into your Diviniti X game and a wide variety of NPCs, both super-powered and not.

Click Here To Visit The Kickstarter! (

Link not working? Copy pasta this one:

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Shasarak on January 21, 2020, 08:31:54 PM
Tome of Beasts 2 for 5th Edition: 400 New Monsters (

A massive tome of original 5th Edition monsters for dungeons & keeps: dragons, demons, undead, and far beyond. Expand your game!


From the creators of the original Tome of Beasts! Kobold Press is wrangling a new horde of wildly original, often lethal, and highly entertaining 5E-compatible monsters to challenge new players and veterans alike.  

The Tome of Beasts II will bring 400 new monsters to 5th edition, from angelic enforcers, sasquatch and shriekbats, to psychic vampires, zombie dragons, and so much more. All Tome of Beasts II  Kickstarter backers at the $25 level and up can submit an original monster design for possible publication.  

In addition to the Tome of Beasts II hardcover volume and PDFs, this Kickstarter will fund the creation of monster pawns, VTT versions, monster lairs with beautiful maps, and more!

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DanDare on January 26, 2020, 08:05:00 AM
Kickstarter to expand the Base rules of All Us Gamers RPG (

The base rules allow players to declare aptitudes for their characters to feed into the dice engine. The Kickstart project, On Aptitude ( expands on the rules to give characters attributes and skill spheres and to improve their aptitude over time. The Book of Struggles will be the following project and provides rules for conflicts between characters. There are three settings proposed for after that, described at the kickstarter. Backers get to vote for which setting is produced first.

Target $800 Au by Tue, February 11 2020 7:47 AM AEST

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Loz on January 31, 2020, 11:40:06 AM

Casting the Runes is the Gumshoe game of occult investigation in the Edwardian era, and based on the stories of Montague Rhodes James, an eminent medievalist scholar and connoisseur of the strange and macabre. He was a major influence on H. P. Lovecraft and many others, and helped form the modern ghost story.

the Kickstarter for Casting the Runes is into its final 3 days. We've exceeded our funding, secured a brilliant foreword by British Horror Legend Ramsey Campbell, and been able to create an unexpected add-on in the shape of an original scenario, set in M. R. James home village by Christian Jenner Romer.

Now's your chance to join with over 380 others to help push this Kickstarter as far as we can. The Runes have been Cast. The parchments prepared. Spells are afoot. Can you feel it?

It's in the trees.

It's coming.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Shasarak on February 08, 2020, 04:15:39 AM
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous (

A new isometric single-player RPG set in the Pathfinder universe – an indirect sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker.

As you may know, we at Owlcat Games have spent countless hours playing the Pathfinder tabletop RPG. We enjoyed it so much that we decided to bring this experience to the videogame format by creating a classic isometric party-based computer RPG called Pathfinder: Kingmaker. The phenomenal love and support shown for Kingmaker have inspired us to tell another story from the Age of Lost Omens. Today we are thrilled to introduce the adventure we are so passionate and excited about – Wrath of the Righteous!

Embark on a journey to a realm overrun by demons and rise to power by choosing one of six available Mythic Paths. Master their abilities and change the world around you as an Angel, a Lich, a Trickster, an Aeon, a Demon, or an Azata. Each Mythic Path leads to unique skills and appearance, and greatly impacts the game's story.

Challenge the mighty Demon Lords and close the portal to the demonic plane of existence known as the Abyss.

Enjoy the flexibility, richness, and depth of the Pathfinder first edition ruleset. Create any character imaginable by choosing one of ten races, picking a particular class out of the 21 available, each with five archetypes for even greater customization. Gain access to more than a thousand spells, feats, and abilities, and select those that suit your playstyle. Take control of your party formation, help set up a camp, and find a way to victory by combining the strengths of your companions.

Lead the armies of the Fifth Crusade to victory in a new strategic layer of gameplay. In addition to the classic CRPG experience, step into the role of the Commander, gather troops, reinforce your stronghold, and send your armies to battle the demonic invasion across the map of the region. Send your crusaders to explore ancient ruins and recover powerful artifacts.

Experience a non-linear story about the cost of tremendous power that adventurers often seek, with tales of corruption caused by the demonic influence and redemption for those who have stepped on the wrong path.

Meet a new diverse cast of characters, including ten companions to recruit to your party and featuring multiple romance options to choose from.

Take control of five new classes (Arcanist, Bloodrager, Shaman, Oracle, and Witch) and meet a new race–the half-undead dhampir–in addition to the previous roster from Pathfinder: Kingmaker. The number of archetypes per class has increased to five as well.

Dive into the game even if you're not familiar with the intricacies of the Pathfinder ruleset. Use an enhanced tutorial for newcomers to help you with character creation and get up to speed with the rules of the system.

Explore the world with updated visuals and a 360-degree rotating camera added for better playability and immersion.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Vile Traveller on February 10, 2020, 04:53:57 AM
An interesting 16th Century take on Fantasy Brazil:
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Skullz on February 11, 2020, 11:22:18 AM
Modern Necromancy Kickstarter! (

Death. Religion tries to explain it. Science attempts to quantify it. Yet, Death remains as inescapable as it is mysterious. Whether you are a short-lived human or one of the nearly immortal Elves, at the end of all life.. awaits death.

But not always.


Modern Necromancy - The Book of the Dead is a guidebook for necromancy and death in the Modern RPG universe. It can be used as a standalone guide to playing a Necromancer or one of the various undead that shamble, haunt and stalk the Modern World - or in conjunction with a game presented through the Modern RPG Core Book. It offers new and expanded rules for death and dying, explores the Underworld and dimensions of death, presents new playable character types, options and new antagonists for use in your campaigns.

The book includes:
*5 new playable species and All-new classes including:  Banshee, Ghosts, Mummies, Necromancers, Necrografts, Vampires & Zombies.  
*Detailed setting information for the Underworld and various Lands of the Dead.
*Descriptions and workings of death gods before and after Godfall.
*Terrifying and potent antagonists of the dead including the Valkyrie & Death-Eaters.
New plot hooks including: Even gods die. The Book of the Dead includes lore and plot hooks regarding the power that was drained from the dying breath of the gods and what their deaths meant for the lands of the living as well as the lands of the dead.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: woodcutgames on February 24, 2020, 09:47:41 PM

Other Magic #2: Monsters of the Americas

From the description:

The first edition of Other Magic - -  (ZineQuest 2019) focused on real world folk magic traditions, with an emphasis on those of the United States and Mexico.  Other Magic #2: Monsters of the Americas - -  is designed to complement the first issue by highlighting the monsters of the broader Americas where those folk magic traditions exist.  These monsters come from the myths and legends of various regions within the United States, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.  They are bizarre, obscure, and distinctly different from the ones found in most roleplaying games.

Since the goal is to present the monsters as they appear within folktales and myths, Other Magic #2: Monsters of the Americas focuses on their traditional behaviors, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses, without modification. As with the first issue of Other Magic, the emphasis is on magic and the supernatural as they are understood by regular people in the real world. Some of the monsters can be defeated or killed, while others can only be driven away or avoided. Most of them are not "I slay it with my sword" or "I shoot it with my gun" types of adversaries, because that is not how they are conceptualized in the real world stories.
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Vile Traveller on February 29, 2020, 12:07:30 AM
Quote from: Vile;1121625An interesting 16th Century take on Fantasy Brazil:
Only 24 hours to go, and it's really close to funding - nobody else fancy some 16th century fantasy Brazil gaming?

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: VectorSigma on March 01, 2020, 06:05:31 AM
I'm doing a ZineQuest this year which just opened on Kickstarter: Lumberlands! (

It's a 32-page book full of hooks, NPCs, and tables representing a micro-setting all about lumberjacks and sasquatches.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: NeonAce on March 01, 2020, 11:08:10 AM
I have some friends wrapping up a Kickstarter that is also part of this "ZineQuest 2" event: A Visitor's Guide to the Rainy City

From the intro description:
"It's the end of the world. It always rains. Rain beats against the walls. It seeps through the shutters. It pours off the mossy backs of the gargoyles. It turns streets into streams and rivers.
Teetering, damp towers lean against rotting townhouses thrown together in the ruins of a once gleaming city. Servants dash through storms on petty errands. Fireplaces sputter weakly, and spellbooks filled with moldy spells rot in spite of the protections lavished on them for their precious contents."

It's a setting complete with maps, details of the gangs, guilds, neighborhoods and select personalities of the city. The setting has been shaped through play in a variety of systems, including BECMI D&D, The Fantasy Trip, Warhammer, D&D 5E, and Castle Falkenstein. It can be backed at either the PDF level, or the physical level, which now includes an 11x17 map in addition to the zine. The author of the setting has also written a number of blog posts regarding how the setting might be used in a variety of different games (which can be found in the updates on the Kickstarter as well). They even managed to get a mention on Steve Jackson's "Daily Illuminator" based on the Fantasy Trip inspirations that shaped the setting.

Anyways, the Kickstarter has about 30 hours remaining as I type this. Check it out if it sounds like it might be your jam.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: amacris on March 02, 2020, 01:17:01 PM
I'm excited to announce Autarch's ninth Kickstarter project: Ascendant, a new superpowered role-playing game of infinite possibilities. It's crowdfunding right now so please visit the Kickstarter page to PLEDGE! (

Ascendant is a new superpowered role-playing game of infinite possibilities. You get:

Elegant game mechanics that swiftly simulate the physics of a comic-book world using easy-to-reference real-life benchmarks
A color-coded challenge action resolution table (CHART) that resolves complex actions with superspeed
An infinitely scalable system lets you play heroes of any power level, from streetfighters to living gods – and replicate virtually any character from your favorite anime, comic, manga, or movie settings
Countless powers all customizable with an easy-to-use system of modifier tags that lets you match your power's specifics to your character concept
Comprehensive detective mechanics for investigating crimes, interviewing witnesses, and finding clues
Detailed options for super-geniuses to create inventions, cure diseases, and even bring their outlandish devices into mass production
Extensive rules for responding to emergencies such as asteroid strikes, avalanches, disease outbreaks, earthquakes, fires, nuclear disasters, tornadoes, tsunamis, and volcanoes
Huge catalog of pre-built characters and objects including major military vehicles such as aircraft carriers, attack submarines, and ballistic missiles
A dynamic mission generation system to help you create challenges for your heroes
An optional campaign setting with ready-to-use heroes, villains, and organizations
Spectacular artwork by industry-leading pencilers, inkers, and colorists

It's live now at
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Aglondir on March 15, 2020, 01:27:13 AM
Izirion's Enchiridion of the West Marches


Contains everything you need to run your own West Marches game in Fifth Edition, or to create a grimy, player-driven wilderness sandbox suitable for any Fifth Edition or OSR campaign.

There are four sections in the book:
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: jgb8152 on April 04, 2020, 12:22:05 AM
Current Kickstarter trying to hit stretch goals! It's only a buck to back and we could use your help! It is a system neutral campaign setting for those looking to  run their own one-shots and campaigns.  HERE IS THE KICKSTARTER LINK: (
 Please check it out - I hope you find it worth your time![ATTACH=CONFIG]4243[/ATTACH]
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: remial on May 15, 2020, 03:37:41 AM
not my kickstarter, but the current campaign from Goodman Games (you know the mad geniuses who brought us Dungeon Crawl Classics) is Saberhagen's Empire of the East.

I don't know about the rest of you but I would kill for a Swords source book.

campaign link:
Title: More Perilous Journeys: Five New Adventures for The Fantasy Trip
Post by: DouglasCole on May 19, 2020, 12:22:27 PM
The More Perilous Journeys campaign, producing five new old-school adventures for TFT, is now live!


What books?

The campaign features five new adventures. Three expect you to run with a GM at the helm; the other two are solo adventures.

Roc of Sages (Christopher R. Rice and J. Edward Tremlett). Beset by Collectors - assassins from the Indhyna League - the party must journey to the Isle of Greater Zosi to collect items for the semi-corporeal Jok Sevantes. Of course, there are several dangerous stops along the way. Roc of Sages is designed for 4-6 characters of 34-36 points.

Catacombs of Living Death (Christopher R. Rice and J. Edward Tremlett). Following the events of Roc of Sages, Jok Sevantes again calls the party to aid him. They must venture forth through a plague-stricken land, and enter the Catacombs of Eulogia to recover the Helm of Baat. Simple enough . . . but things are not always as they appear. Catacombs of Living Death is designed for 4-6 characters of 36-38 points.

The Sunken Library (Christopher R. Rice and J. Edward Tremlett). Set immediately following Catacombs, the players flee the plague-ridden landscape beset by numerous foes. Sevantes' plans reach their climax as his partners must bring all of the previously found artifacts beneath the depths of a lake in Meloria. There, a lost tome sits in the sunken Great Library of Meloria, and matters become treacherously clear. The Sunken Library is designed for 4-6 characters of 36-38 points.

Dragon Hunt! (David Pulver). Baron Gwalathar's armies marched off to war. Without its defenders, the dragons of the wild sensed weakness, ravaging the realm. The young Baroness Tanith Gwalathar calls for heroes: It's time for a dragon hunt! This is a solo/programmed adventure for one 37-39 point character or two 35-36 point characters. It can optionally also be run with a GM.

Dark Lord's Doom (David Pulver). Another Dark Lord is on the march, threatening to bring death and destruction to all who oppose, and maybe a few who don't. This solo/programmed adventure features a squad of soldiers fighting in an all-out war to defeat the evil Lord Saethor and his allies before it's too late. Will the Dark Lord's doom fall upon the party, or on the villain himself? Dark Lord's Doom is designed for 4 characters of 33-36 points each.

Read More, and Join the Campaign!

More Perilous Journeys (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Azraele on May 19, 2020, 08:05:03 PM

Hello True Believers!

Joel Clark of the Five Emperors here. After many, many long years of design I'm proud to announce that the kickstarter campaign for our post-apocalyptic, super-powered martial-arts TTRRPG Lone Wolf Fists has begun!

What it is

Lone Wolf Fists is inspired thematically by pulpy 90's anime; it's "appendix N" includes such gory gems as Fist of the North Star, Demon City Shinjuku, Ninja Scroll, Akira, and Vampire Hunter D (both the original movie and sequel). Characters take on the role of wandering martial arts heroes, united by a shared destiny to shape their post-apocalyptic world into something new.

It's star attraction is it's high-octane combat! Players roll a pool of d10s and create matches; each match can be used as an attack, a defense, or a skill. Every character has an array of kung-fu super moves that they can unleash, from rock-shattering punches to atomic firebreath to metal-crushing psychic force. Characters are powerful, survivable, competent, and of course incredibly cool.

Mechanically it's designed to be light but deep, easy to learn, teach and run. It's combat system is meant to be robust, challenging, and reward creative strategy, while being forgiving enough to allow for both rookies and surviving when your players inevitably bite off more than they can chew (in true heroic fashion!).

There was a TON of thought put into structuring and pacing the game, so it's easy to run, easy to prep for, and easy to play, without sacrificing it's satisfying mechanical depth!

It's a spiritual successor to the Legends of the Wulin RPG, based on the design work of Erik Ten Broeke, Jerry Skold and David Ramirez. It's inspired both by those mechanics and by several other games, notably Marvel FASERIP, Marvel Heroic, and older versions of D&D.

What you can get

Because this is our very first kickstarter, we're keeping our project focused on creating the game itself. Backers can get a PDF of the game, or order a Hardback from our planned print run. Both domestic (US) and international orders are accommodated!

In addition, we're offering a limited number of tiers for those super-fans who want to leave their mark on the game! These rewards include character portraits to appear in game art, the ability to co-design a martial arts style, or even an entire minor clan of post-apocalyptic warriors!

Who we are

The Five Emperors are myself (Joel Clark), David Ramirez, Victor Andrade and Joerg Boers. We're not affiliated with the creators of Legends of the Wulin, aside from of course David being on the team. We have sought both the approval and advice of game designers Arik Ten Broeke and Jerry Skold, who have both made contributions to the game.
We're deeply committed to bringing our vision for the world's premier post-apocalyptic, kung-fu RPG to life!

Thanks very much for reading! If you'd like to get involved, go ahead and click the link on that rad chunk of art up there, OR right here in these very words!  (

Or, if you want a sample of the Tian Shang engine that powers this game, head on over to and get a FREE pdf of All Above Heaven: Act 1!  ( Wolf Fists is the complete version, but this sample should give you an idea of what you're in for!
Title: FATUM Character background gnerator for DnD5 and Fantasy RPGs
Post by: Jhonasquinn on May 27, 2020, 02:17:39 AM
WE ARE LIVE!! Currently 63% and more than 540 Backers!!
So, what is FATUM?
( (
( (

FATUM is a powerful yet easy tool designed to create full-flegded stories for your fantasy RPG characters. Although built with fantastic/ epic roleplaying game systems in mind, it's been developed to fuel other artistic creations, whether you are a writer, a screenwriter or an illustrator.

FATUM is beautifully illustrated with exclusive artwork and carefully designed to delight game masters and players alike!

Enjoy creating new characters and their own unique stories. In no time you'll have a full-developed chronicle for your PC (or NPC!)

FATUM deck allows you to:

-Generate characters and their linked stories in a short time.
-Produce a quick yet full story for an NPC (Non Player Character) when suddendly required on the table.
-Build a character story on the fly for a game in course.
-In case of a story partially created, finish it later quickly and randomly.

( (

Creating the story for your character is fast and easy following playmat positions and instructions. First you divide the deck into five different piles according to categories. Then, except for Class category pile, shuffle every pile and select randomly a stack of them. Tap the whole stack 180º and put them back in the pile. Then shuffle again. Place the piles face down outside the playmat and follow the instructions in the box. Please notice all categories except Class have illustrations at the top and at the bottom: every illustration and its position in the playmat will result in a specific interpretation. This two-side card mechanics allow for countless random generation of stories!

Some cards have mechanics of their own, for example, if you reveal the card "Ally", that card will ask "Who?", and then you must draw a card from a special pile created mixing Class, Backgrounds and Bounds piles. Another example is "Death" card who asks three different questions: "Who?", "Murder?" and "Where?".

Here you can see an example of character creation, drawing cards from the piles and placing them in the playmat:

( ( (

Where to find out more?

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Tranquility Games on May 30, 2020, 10:00:08 AM
MoldyCave Virtual Game Table: FREE Online Tabletop

MoldyCave is THE easy-to-learn, free-to-use virtual game table. This Virtual Table Top (VTT) is browser-based and requires no installation. MoldyCave has tools for maps, dice, character sheets, grids, drawing, fog of war, spells/abilities, notes, and more. MoldyCave is an unparalleled system that allows you to play tabletop RPGs with a group remotely on PC, Apple, and mobile devices, with applications for in-person gaming as well!


THE Virtual Tabletop. Moldycave.

MoldyCave absolutely will be free once it is released. And it won't have any "premium" version for pay. All the tools for gaming will be free.

It's on Kickstarter right now, but I'm not pushing for backers. I just want you to check it out, and maybe keep an eye out for when we release it. I think we're already superior in many ways to roll20 and Fantasy Grounds, among others. MoldyCave started because of a move across the country away from my friends and our efforts to find ways to game at a distance.

My hope is that this will be really useful to people who are bored during quarantining and self-isolation, those who have difficulty getting to games in person, and anyone else who finds it useful. My parents worked in jobs that served those who have disabilities, and I worked for a decade in the education system to do similar. I know MoldyCave can become a resource for people with disabilities. I'd love to get feedback and am not asking for support financially (you can if you like), but please try to find people who might benefit and share with them.

I can't post video yet, but we've got our intro video on YouTube (our channel is Tranquility Games) and a kickstarter page under the title MoldyCave (no space).

Please check MoldyCave out. Thanks!

Ben Schwartz, Tranquility Games
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: GentlemanGames on May 30, 2020, 10:26:00 AM
Hello RPGsite, long time DM here, first time poster.
I am lauching my first RPG kickstarter You can check out my kickstarter preview/launch page here (

What it is
The Elegant Fount is a third party source book for dnd 5e that adds in new classes, backgrounds, items, weapons, spells, mechanics, and GM tools. It is a passion project that started a year ago as a way to organize my notes for a DND podcast I run called Room and Bard.

What you can get
From a hand mailed postcard, to a limited edition hard cover copy of the book, I have included a variety of rewards that you can get your hands on.

Who am I

My name is GentlemanJames of GentlemanGames, I have a history of social media building, content creation, and now with any luck, a new book under my belt. This is my second book publishing, but my first crowd funded one and first with a full custom art set.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Tranquility Games on May 30, 2020, 11:00:53 AM
MoldyCave absolutely will be free once it is released. And it won't have any "premium" version for pay. All the tools for gaming will be free.

It's on Kickstarter right now, but I'm not pushing for backers. I just want you to check it out, and maybe keep an eye out for when we release it. I think we're already superior in many ways to roll20 and Fantasy Grounds, among others. MoldyCave started because of a move across the country away from my friends, and our efforts to find ways to game at a distance.

My hope is that this will be really useful to people who are bored during quarantining and self-isolation, those who have difficulty getting to games in person, and anyone else who finds it useful. My parents worked in jobs that served those who have disabilities, and I worked to do that in the education field for a decade myself. I know MoldyCave can be a resource for people with disabilities. I'd love to get feedback and am not asking for support financially (you can if you like), but please try to find people who might benefit and share with them.

I can't post video yet, but we've got our intro video on YouTube (our channel is Tranquility Games) and a kickstarter page under the title MoldyCave (no space).

Please check MoldyCave out. Thanks!

Ben Schwartz, Tranquility Games
Title: [Kickstarter] RPG Adventure Candles - Experience Your Games in Another Sense
Post by: Happy Piranha on June 03, 2020, 12:34:29 PM
RPG Adventure Candles


Hi, we're Happy Piranha, a small family run business in Cornwall, UK and we're Kickstarting a new range of scented candles, designed for Dungeon Masters and RPG enthusiasts. We want to create a range of candles, inspired by game locations, with scents to stimulate your imagination, deepen your immersion and enhance the narrative.

We're also designing three downloadable maps, based on locations featured on each of the three candle's artwork - perfect for using alongside your candle as inspiration for starting a new adventure, or as an encounter in an existing storyline.

You can find our project here (



Memories are linked to your sense of smell, as is your imagination. We want to bring that sense into play, adding another level of experience and enjoyment to your game.

Your morning coffee or visit to the bakery would not be half as enjoyable without the smell connected with them. The warmth of spring and the aroma of freshly cut grass – the excitement of opening that new DM guidebook and the whiff of pristine print.

The sign of a good game, aside from delving into dungeons and fighting dragons, is the  shared experiences created by the atmosphere you evoke. So why miss out on the full experience – our candles will make a great addition to your storytelling arsenal

The Designs

1. The Tavern: Warm, cosy aroma of apple cider, honey-laced mead and log fires.
Many a great adventure is born at some auspicious inn. Tucked away under the rafters, a band of rag-tag heroes huddle together in the warmth of the log fire, discussing their aspirations for the road ahead whilst enjoying a tankard or two of mead.

2. Emerald Shores: A fresh sea breeze with a trace of coconut from coastal gorse and base notes of salty driftwood.
 Who knows where the wind may take you? Into valuable encounters with those sharing the trade winds or smugglers and privateers with a more sinister intent. There's a profit to be made on the high seas but the risks are equally as high.

3. Dark Forest: Freshly trodden undergrowth, sandalwood and bluebells with a hint of foreboding.
Those who venture deep into the dark woods rarely return to tell the tale. Among the maze of trees, some say you can see the faces of lost souls in the twisted bark. If you are to get through, you will need to enlist all of your senses.

Who are we?
We're Sam and Josh, a twin project (literally) tucked away on the blustery Cornish coast. Josh gets on with it and I do the talking - it's always been this way and it's worked out just fine so far. We look similar on the outside, but aren't that similar on the inside, though we do share a fondness for the same things: fantasy, sci-fi, adventure, books and gaming are all part of what makes us Happy Piranhas.

Our projects are part of a passion. They wind their way from conversations about the things we enjoy, to the ideas they inspire, to Josh's pen and paper and then onto his computer. If we're lucky, some make it into the homes of those who share our sentiments.

You can find out more about us here (

Thank you for taking the time to check us out!

Title: More Perilous Journeys for The Fantasy Trip: Ends 10pm Central TONIGHT (June 13)
Post by: DouglasCole on June 13, 2020, 08:38:30 PM
Two and a half hours to go until the end of the More Perilous Journeys campaign.

Four raises for the authors so far. Hopefully more to go.

More Perilous Journeys ( Ending at 10pm Central tonight.

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DiscoSoup on June 14, 2020, 12:22:53 PM
Wanderer Gamebook+ is currently KILLING IT ON KICKSTARTER! ( We hit our funding goal in 2-1/2 hours, and doubled it within the first day. This title is both a gamebook in the style of Lone Wolf and Fighting Fantasy, as well as a solo RPG. It features random generators and design essays to help you turn your solo adventures into gamebooks to trade, share and remix with friends. Come check it out!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Chainsaw on June 15, 2020, 03:16:48 PM
Some neat dice and dice bag, Hyperborea themed. Check it out, ends at 9PM Eastern tonight.

Hyperborea Dice Kickstarter (
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: chongjasmine on July 07, 2020, 04:15:48 AM
Finally, a role playing tabletop rpg game created by a Christian for Christians!

Land of the Christians (LOTC) role-playing game is a storytelling game set in a christian world. The game can take place in any period of history in our world, in any world, if set in fantasy or science fiction world, so long as the character involved is a christian. The character can also be a non christian if the game is set before the new testament period.

This is a game that relies mainly on your imagination to play, although in some cases, the use of a die is needed. It is a game of fighting demons and monsters, converting non-Christians to become Christians, healing an injured team mate in a journey and/or discovering treasure chests. In other words, there is no limit to what the game can be except the limit of your imagination.

Kindly support at the link below!
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DiscoSoup on July 10, 2020, 04:36:16 PM
We're in the final 48 hours for the Wanderer Gamebook+ System. The campaign has been chugging along, and we're now at nearly 6x our original funding goal! The campaign ends on Sunday, the 12th of July.

Come see what all the fuss is about and join the hundreds of other backers who are ready to take down giants, avenge the blood of friends and bring hope back into the world. This project is both a traditional gamebook, in the style of Lone Wolf and Fighting Fantasy, and a solo RPG. Once you finish the included adventure you can make your own on the fly. Record your session, turn it into a gamebook and collab with friends for even more fun.

This game is already going to have supplements to makeit compatible with both Troika and Mothership. If we manage to hit 6K by the end of the campaign we're going to produce a compatibility supplement for OSR games, such as Black Hack.

Come check us out here: (

Title: Griffon Lore Games now live on Indiegogo
Post by: Anthony Pacheco on August 04, 2020, 11:23:45 AM
This is the first release of our new line of 5E/Pathfinder 1E modules that a DM can plug into their own campaign. Head to the campaign and let us know of any questions. And back! (

And here is our cover that we super love:

Title: Kickstarter: The Palace of Unquiet Repose
Post by: Malrex on August 10, 2020, 02:52:20 PM
The Palace of Unquiet Repose Kickstarter is now LIVE! (

For Labyrinth Lord, levels 3-5.
Seamlessly integrating a uniquely horrific atmosphere with brutal location-based adventuring, Palace of Unquiet Repose is a 50-page thrill-ride taking place in the Age of Dusk setting; a brutal Sword & Sorcery epoch, where the Gods have been slain, nameless horrors prowl the wastes baying for blood, and mankind has been reduced to a dim shadow of its former glory. Your players will face horrors never seen before as they explore the subterranean underworld realm of the Palace of Unquiet Repose.

Palace of Unquiet Repose is likely to be the most challenging, intense, harrowing and insane adventure your players have ever experienced. They will descend into the mythical underworld of the Glass Waste and come face to face with an evil that time has forgotten.

Nearly every monster, magic item, trap or effect in Palace is entirely new, never before seen. Are you ready to face such blood-freezing terrors as:

* The beautiful but deadly Nzembarian Concubines
* The enigmatic Azarog, whose limbs are the bodies of Dead Men
* The reality-devouring horror of the Wolf of Final Night
* The all-seeing, angle-annihilating gaze of the Sartoom

These are but a few of the countless sanity-blasting terrors that await those who dare to venture within the Palace of Unquiet Repose! (
Title: Light Strikers is here!!!
Post by: Light_Strikers on August 22, 2020, 07:12:40 PM

This is a BRAND NEW game system & campaign setting for you to feast your imagination on!

The system is story & roleplaying driven. However, combat is equally as important. There are 3 levels to the "Clash system" of rules. Level 1 has basic dice rolls with two 6 sided dice, simplified combat, and pregenerated class loadouts. Level 2 expands the combat, and allows for class customization. Level 3 has fully tactical, skirmish combat with other polyhedral dice like the 20 sided dice. Regardless of the level you play with, everything is compatible, and the game is designed to be as long as a story driven campaign as you want.

The Light Strikers game is complete in draft form. There still will be editing, revisions, and additions made until everything is signed off for final delivery. And this will also depend on which stretch goals are unlocked. But at its foundation, the game is ready to go!

After the campaign ends, it won't be too long before everyone starts receiving final products and unlocked stretch goals. Exciting!
And yes- there are plenty of preview/quickstart materials. There is a solo adventure tutorial book, short story, and novelette preview available at launch. Furthermore, there is a "mini-player's handbook" and Adventure Scenario for the Sage Commander (GM) that is available immediately to those who pledge. It provides the complete level 2 "rules-lite system." Bonus- when the campaign hits its initial goal of $3,000, everyone unlocks an additional book that builds a micro-campaign from the adventure scenario. This will be available immediately.

And there is also an $8,000 stretch goal that unlocks portions of the full Light Strikers game & Clash ruleset that will be available immediately after the campaign ends. These will be compiled into special PDF books that allow everyone to start playing as full Light Strikers, with access to more rules, locations, powers, and extra adventure scenarios! Again, this will be available as soon as the campaign ends!

Please check out our website and kickstarter:

Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Legends of Avallen on August 23, 2020, 11:55:09 AM
On a mythical island where gods bicker and empires clash, a band of humble townsfolk will rise up to become legends and change the fate of Avallen forever. (

Hi everyone, our Celtic-Roman RPG is on Kickstarter, check it out!

Legends of Avallen is an indie tabletop roleplaying game about humble townsfolk questing through an Iron Age world inspired by Celtic mythology and Roman-occupied Britain. Players will seek out lost relics, outwit terrific beasts, and venture into the entrancing Otherworld of the Fae.

As your story builds, your humble character will grow both in person and in power, developing a character arc and following a legendary path, such as the Bard, the Gladiator, the Magister, or one of many more.

Legends of Avallen is quick to pick up, needing just a deck of playing cards. The mechanics push gameplay into your imagination by rewarding teamwork and creativity with extra cards to flip or share with others.

Exclusively for the Kickstarter, we have a deck of awesomely illustrated custom playing cards made for the game as well as an artbook showing off all the concept work. Join the Kickstarter this weekend get a 10% discount that we are running for the UK Games Expo!

Avallen needs legends.
How will you forge yours?
Title: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Anthony Pacheco on August 27, 2020, 12:03:29 AM
Quote from: Anthony Pacheco;1143215This is the first release of our new line of 5E/Pathfinder 1E modules that a DM can plug into their own campaign. Head to the campaign and let us know of any questions. And back! (

And here is our cover that we super love:

Hi gang! Our printed proofs are here and man do they look great. (

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Llew ap Hywel on September 23, 2020, 09:41:17 AM (

As I recall there used to be a couple of Cypher fans on this site.

I was a huge fan of this setting back in the day.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: lmix on November 05, 2020, 12:15:13 PM
New Tabletop RPG.

Three-Step Plan is a tabletop role-playing game where you start by picking your character's motivation and objective and build onto them from there. Watch as the characters and their schemes interact. The book includes different settings, such as: high fantasy, superheroes, sci fi and wild west. Rules-lite and story-focused this game is meant to be played in one evening with little to no prep, so it's perfect to break out when your wizard bails on the party at the last minute.

Check it out at:

Facebook page:
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Azraele on December 09, 2020, 10:39:31 AM
Hey you mutants! Just dropping in to tell everybody that my second Kickstarter for Lone Wolf Fists, ROUND 2, is underway! If you're a fan of old-school style games, but ALSO a fan of robust kung-fu action, then this game is for you! I've got LOTS of goodies that you can download FOR FREE to see if the game is to your taste, as well as a Discord, the Fistoverse, where my small legion of fans will welcome you with open Fists and A any Q's you may have about our little project of pain!

It's funding through the merry month of FISTMAS, so ring in the new year the traditional way: By BEATING THE PREVIOUS YEAR TO DEATH! (


Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Shasarak on December 09, 2020, 10:20:33 PM
Southlands 5th Edition: A Realm of High Adventure


The project will create more than a dozen main rewards covering 4 major formats with two partner companies:

    A hardcover Southlands Worldbook in both regular and limited editions, described in this Table of Contents preview
    A hand-tooled, rich leather edition of the Worldbook,
    A hardcover City of Cats, a home base containing many adventures,
    A softcover Southlands Player's Guide of heroic options, subclasses, and races, described in this preview and developer's diary
    The fully-optimized PDFs for all of the above,
     Digital Roll20 editions of the Southlands Worldbook, City of Cats, and Player's Guide for that virtual tabletop (VTT), published by our partners at Roll20, and
    The Fantasy Grounds editions of the Southlands Worldbook, City of Cats, and the Player's Guide for that VTT platform, published by our partners at Smiteworks.
    Kobold Press will also produce the Kickstarter-exclusive hardcover edition of Tales Beneath the Sands, a collection of adventures by Jerry LeNeave
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: dmariz_BlackUnicorn on December 10, 2020, 07:55:34 AM
Monster Description Cards kickstarter (
There are only like 15 Early bird specials left so I wanted to give my new fav RPGsite a heads up.

The look very useful, But is the design a little over the top? I don't I like it i guess.
Title: New expansion for Raiders of R’lyeh
Post by: Quentin Bauer on December 15, 2020, 05:04:53 PM
Tramp steamer rules and an entire seafaring expansion for Raiders of R'lyeh! (Think Firefly or the Traveller RPG in the Edwardian era against a backdrop of cosmic horror.)

Writing and layout is DONE. Current stage: art and last hour tinkering.



The year is 1900. It is an age of IMPERIAL INTRIGUES, PERILOUS ADVENTURES, and SHADOWY CONSPIRACIES. Steamships ply the farthest feral seas, and explorers stir the darkest sorceries from sunken eons.

FROM THE TIDELESS SEA is an exciting expansion for the tabletop roleplaying game, RAIDERS OF R'LYEH. With it, mercenary raiders CAPTAIN STEAMSHIPS, EXPLORE FORBIDDEN WATERS, SALVAGE SUNKEN SECRETS, and OUTWIT SEAFARING SCUM.

The supplement includes new rules and toolkits for operating merchant steamships and leading crews, navigating to far-flung ports and lost worlds, running trade and missions in hostile foreign territories, handling adventures in mysterious ports of call, battling seafaring cults and other menaces — both human and inhuman — hidden across the globe, and investigating an existential and conspiratorial threat overshadowing the world.

(Note that FROM THE TIDELESS SEA is not a stand-alone roleplaying game, but rather an innovative expansion to be used with RAIDERS OF R'LYEH and other d100 systems.)

CHAPTER ONE includes rules for the creation of merchant steamships ("tramp steamers") and their crews, and customization options based on in-game experience and rewards; also included are thorough rules for creating any vessel type of the era from a rough schematic, or even from a vessel's gross tonnage — plus options for artillery and other customizations applicable to the players' ship and to a wide variety of other ship types found in the setting.

CHAPTER TWO provides new seafaring backgrounds, skills, and other options for players including an upgraded mariner background plus resources for creating over EIGHTY NEW PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUNDS including ship personnel, passengers, and other ship-based adventurers.

CHAPTER THREE lists the various new game mechanics relevant to a seafaring campaign, in alphabetical order for easy reference, covering things such as: Communication and Sight at Sea; Damage & Repair (of ships experiencing things such as collisions, fouling, grounding, storms, etc.); Diving (and the creation and customization of diving equipment); Naval Combat (including artillery, torpedoes, mines, and even harpoons); Scaled Forces (including titanic monsters capable of threatening ships); and Survival (including new rules for survival horror at sea); to name only a few categories.

CHAPTER FOUR covers all the options for merchant campaigns, including voyaging, charters, and seafaring missions — plus an entire structure for running a tramp trade — moving cargo and passengers throughout the world — and leading a merchant vessel crew (or even a shipping company).

CHAPTER FIVE includes nearly 100 PAGES OF TOOLKITS FOR THE GAMEMASTER, including exhaustive setting information, character and faction generation tools and rules (including ship and character tables for creating on-the-fly stats and names of ships, crew members, and passengers from a multitude of countries), an encyclopedia of ship types — including warships, gunboats, submarines, merchant vessels, and a host of auxiliaries, among others — and other elements (e.g., custom houses, diplomatic missions, pirates, navies), plus an entire campaign creation section, to name only a few of the resources.

CHAPTER SIX adds an entire chapter devoted to ports of call, including a system for statting up various types of ports and other seafaring regions — plus a QUICK REFERENCE FOR OVER 140 PORTS, HIDEAWAYS, AND LOST WORLDS OF THE ERA.

CHAPTER SEVEN connects directly to the campaign creation resources in chapters five and six, providing step-by-step instructions for creating a wide variety of (mythos- or adventure-based) seafaring missions, mission nodes (for investigations, explorations, voyages, etc.), and plot hooks — and includes an example scenario outline ("Secrets of the Sargasso Sea") illustrating the scenario creation process.

CHAPTER EIGHT focuses on a specific Ancient One and other enemies (the identities of which are to be kept secret from the players); it provides a complete resource for developing an epic, world-spanning campaign involving ancient evils, powerful conspirators, seafaring cults, mythos minions, and an assortment of interrelating factions — with a lonely, isolated cargo liner caught in the middle of the chaos. Also included are new spells, occult paths, and monster rules for hordes and titanic-sized, ship-threatening horrors, among other resources.

OTHER RESOURCES include a bibliography, characters sheets, a campaign map, and other gamemaster tools — including complete stats for the merchant vessel, SHANTUNG, plus character sheets for her key crew members.

More here:
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Azraele on December 17, 2020, 10:22:53 PM
Quote from: Azraele on December 09, 2020, 10:39:31 AM

Additionally, our playtest adventure, Blood from God's Eye, has been newly updated with more art and newer rules for your still-completely-cost-free consumption. Enjoy you beautiful mutants! (
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: robh on January 14, 2021, 02:35:46 PM
Nord Games have the latest in their massive, system agnostic, random generator books on KS at the moment. (

The partner for the "Settlements" based book for random generation of city adventure locations and hooks. This one is for generating a much wider range of locations and ideas:  burial grounds, camps, fortresses, headquarters, hideouts, outposts, religious sites etc.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DiscoSoup on January 17, 2021, 02:30:02 AM
Space Aces by P0rthos47 ( is currently funding on Kickstarter. I'm not him, but I am a supporter.

This game has fast and easy chargen, simple rules and support for group or solo play. There are tons of tables that make GM prep effortless. They've already funded at over 4x their original goal.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Snark Knight on January 26, 2021, 01:29:55 PM
To whom it may interest, the 5e Iron Kingdoms Kickstarter is now live. There's a 48hr early bird offer wherein you get the GM screen free basically.


Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: VengerSatanis on January 30, 2021, 03:37:04 PM

Eldritch, gonzo, science-fantasy, post-apocalypse!

Between books 2 and 3, I'm crowdfunding a series of Cha'alt adventures - Cha'alt and Cha'alt: Fuchsia Malaise available as rewards!  19th Kickstarter, so I know what I'm doing (except when it comes to marketing and promotion, I'm sure).

Here's the link:

Thanks for checking it out, and tell everyone!


p.s. Wish I knew how to add pictures.  :(
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Brad on March 03, 2021, 11:52:37 AM
If anyone cares, Kevin Crawford released a free version of Worlds Without Number:
Title: Post-Apoc Fantasy setting book: Shadows For An Empty World
Post by: robh on March 12, 2021, 08:20:46 AM
Intriguing little Kickstarter running for a source/setting book of a Post Apocalyptic Fantasy world.
Not much to go on currently but the author seems willing to answer questions in the comments and does have an active blog.

( (

Probably a niche interest (especially if it does stay at the 1000 print limit), but anything that lists Patrick Stuart's books as inspiration is worth taking a look at.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Renegade_Productions on April 12, 2021, 11:09:49 AM
Inferno - Dante's Guide to Hell for 5e


The KS ended a few days ago, but this one takes a literature accurate look at Dante's Divine Comedy. The artwork, theme, everything.

Kinda surprised no one has done this before, but probably for the best it's happening now and that an Italian team is working on it. I wouldn't trust this to the West Coast crowds; God knows what they'd do to this story.


The Campaign Setting is divided into two parts

Inferno - Dante's Guide to Hell (the "Red One") is our "Player's Handbook" and completely focuses on character creation and options, setting rules, and a deep description of the Inferno itself. It could be read by players, and it explains why the PCs are there, who they are, what they could do in hell, and how to leave this supernatural realm.

Inferno - Virgilio's Untold Tales (the "Blue One") is our "Game Master's Guide" + "Monster Manual", with adventures, perils, game hooks, special equipment, a whole campaign, and the bestiary, together with a deeper description of the Inferno as a sandbox, to be used after the end of the campaign.


In Inferno, players are all Lost Ones, living beings forced to enter Hell for some reason and to complete their voyage to the Last Gate, the only exit, before losing their Hope.

They could be from any world or plane, and of course from our Earth, but when entering Hell they will appear as a unique feature, primarily forged by their virtues and sins in an otherworldly look.

They are alive and they could stay alive during the whole voyage, like Dante was in his, but the Inferno itself, with its demons, damned souls, and perils will try to catch them and enslave forever them in it.

So, the main challenge of the Lost Ones is not to face and defeat the damned and monsters, but to keep their path and their Hope during the voyage.

They cannot die there. They cannot be defeated. They cannot lose the way to the last Gate.

But they could despair, fail, and be damned forever.

Are you ready to face this Inferno?
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Panzerkraken on May 05, 2021, 08:27:08 PM
This guy runs a blog I follow about Battletech. He has some cool retro-inspired (Buck Rogers serial numbers filed off) minis he's doing a KS for. Looks neat. (
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: tenbones on June 23, 2021, 09:49:20 AM
Savage Worlds: Rifts Atlantis KS

QuoteAtlantis Rising
Shrouded by the Demon Seas, birthplace of a wondrous human civilization, and now host to a bizarre cosmic evil: Atlantis is a threat like no other. The massive isle is ruled by the Splugorth, and from it their tendrils of influence snake out across Rifts® Earth. Yet the Splugorth are not the only threat inhabiting the treacherous waters—the Horune Pirates, Naut'Yll invaders, and the Lord of the Deep also haunt the world's oceans. On their own, each of these menaces is a curse to humanity at sea and onshore. Together, they endanger intelligent life across the planet!

Resisting such malign force may seem impossible, but the Tomorrow Legion is gathering equally powerful allies to battle the oncoming storm. The True Atlanteans and their ancient cousins the Lemurians are eager to join the battle against their ancient enemies. The New Navy, a remnant of the naval might of the long-gone USA, is also ready to join the fight. Working together the forces of good can turn the dark tide, but it won't be easy.

To succeed, our heroes must harness the power of exotic new gear including the legendary rune weapons, discover the power of tattoo magic, unearth the might of Bio-Wizardry, and learn to control the enigmatic magic stone pyramids which first opened Earth to the Megaverse®.

Welcome to Atlantis!
Fight back against the chthonic horrors bent on terror and subjugation! Survive the wrath of monsters from the depths in new Savage Tales, and discover Atlantis in a heroic Plot Point Campaign fighting against the Minions of Splugorth.

Rifts®: Atlantis and the Demon Seas is a 192-page full-color hardcover sourcebook with new Iconic Frameworks, MARS packages, Edges, Races, and Gear. This Kickstarter also offers an amazing new first for Rifts®—an army of pawns for your table! AND an alluring poster map, two double-sided combat maps, archetype dossiers, and more!


Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Valesian on June 29, 2021, 07:24:42 AM
I'm not one of the creators but I really want to share an RPG that I really love, now on Kickstarter in its english version in collaboration with mana project studios (the ones of Journey to Ragnarok). Its name is Not the End and in 2020 it won the the italian "gioco di ruolo dell'anno" (rpg of the year) prize, which is i think the most important italian award for Rpgs.

Last year I partecipated to the kickstarter for the italian version and since that moment it became my favourite RPG. It's simple to learn (rules can be explained in 10 minutes even to people who never played an RPG) but it has a lot of depth while playing, since its mechanics somehow leave the players the choice to succeed in what they are doing at the prices of higher consequences, and encourage them to actively support the narrator into adding elements to the story.

It can be played in every setting (I played it in Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror and Anime settings without any problem) and it let the players create exactly the character they want, without limitations, yet keeping them balanced.

Most important thing is that if you want to try the game you don't have to spend money, since the game quickstart, freely downloadable by clicking the top image in the kickstarter page, contains every single rule you need to play and enjoy the game.

Here's the link for the quickstart:
And here's the link to some sample-characters:

Last thing: it's an highly-narrative game, which lacks the tabletop-like part that games like D&D have (builds, combos, on square grid combat, etc), so if you like that kind of games it may not be the game for you... but I suggest you to try it anyway, with the quickstart eventually, without spending money. I like D&D too but I found this game highly refreshing and now I prefer this way of playing over the others.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Falconian Productions on July 09, 2021, 07:31:25 PM
( (

Paved in Blood is in its last 48 hours of its kickstarter!​

Paved in Blood is a city-making game of magical mysteries and strange conspiracies. It's about creating a city with a group of friends, a city that's full of hidden supernatural organizations, factions, that are following unknowable agendas with questionable goals, just outside the periphery of the mundane populace. Wherever they act, strange Resonances crop up, coloring the supernatural landscape.

While many setting creation games use a top-down approach, Paved in Blood works from the bottom up, exploring the city through the eyes of the (potentially preternatural) characters within it. You start off creating characters that tie to locations, and then start weaving those together to create factions, neighborhoods, and eventually districts within the city.

It's not as simple as brainstorming, though. At just about any step along the way, other players can insert a twist into your scenes, events, or conspiracies, preventing anything from being too straightforward. By the end of the game, your table will be an interconnected mess of people, places, plots, and more!
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: rocksfalleverybodydies on July 10, 2021, 01:05:34 AM
BRW Games: Book of Lost Lore & Book of Lost Beasts

I like the work BRW has put out for a reimagining of 1e and the direction it might have taken.
This most recent effort by them doesn't even seem to be listed on their own website for some reason (oops).

Just helping to get the word out of a company's work I enjoy.
If you like what BRW did in the past like I have, then it is worth a look.  I like what I'm seeing so far.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Wickerpunk on July 29, 2021, 07:33:30 AM
Hi all, we've launched our first book, Wickerpunk on Kickstarter a week ago. A supplement book for D&D, with application for all fantasy and horror games, such as Pathfinder, Call Of Cthulhu and even superhero games, like Champions. It will be 275 pages.


We are in week 2 of our Kickstarter campaign and were fully funded in 8 hours. The book is all finished & we're fulfilling all orders through ONE BOOKSHELF. Any questions, please drop a line here or through the KS page.
We've got a lot more info and preview images on the KS page, so come and have a look for yourself! (
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: steelmax73 on August 17, 2021, 05:39:25 AM

XDM: X-treme Dungeon Mastery, by Tracy and Curtis Hickman, hailed as "the cure for the common game¹," is a  tabletop role-playing supplement designed to improve every RPG you play.  First published in 2009, it's high time for a second edition. We've brought back the original creative team for a fresh round of edits, expansions, illustrations, and much more.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Vampire Rabbit on September 10, 2021, 09:40:11 PM
But my project, but some of the best OSR adventures campaigns have come out of Art of the Genre and they have a new a Kickstarter at . Like all of The Folio Series orange spine hardcovers, this one is written for both 1e and 5e and definitely has that old school fantasy feel.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: VengerSatanis on October 16, 2021, 10:52:17 AM
Eldritch, gonzo, science-fantasy, post-apocalypse!  I'm kickstarting book 3 of the Cha'alt trilogy... Cha'alt: Chartreuse Shadows
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: rgalex on November 02, 2021, 09:59:52 AM
The Mothership KS has gone live.

It's a $60 basic box set with the player's book (previously available in beta versions), GM book and monster book (both new) + dice.

There are higher tiers if you want their printed adventure/setting books or the pamphlet adventures.  There is also a cheaper pdf only tier.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: rgalex on November 19, 2021, 10:28:43 AM (

Space Gits RPG
You are members of a Military Penal legion sent out to do those jobs no one else wants to deal with.

Fusing parts of the Cepheus Engine, OSR and OGL along with a lifepath system inspired by Traveller.

Softcover, B&W art, all by 1 guy.  Fulfilled via DriveThruRPG.  Already funded.

$9 PDF
$14 PDF + Code for @cost print
$21 PDF + Code for @cost print + GM kit

Due in April 2022
Title: Gunslinger - Strange Science in the Wild West
Post by: Thor's Nads on November 21, 2021, 11:35:51 PM
Imagine if Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote a script for a Wild Wild West movie and Sergio Leone directed it.

My first Kickstarter, this is the game I've been working on for the past year. It is a prelude to the Princess of the Red Planet campaign adventure for the Warriors of the Red Planet RPG.

Coming Soon (

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: criticalkit on November 24, 2021, 03:06:38 PM
Hi all, I create rpg content for a living and I just wanted to let you know about my solo RPG, Be Like a Crow. All the stretch goals have been hit so there's lots of little extras (including a crow mini!) for all backers. It's also been awarded Project We Love by Kickstarter.

All you need is a pen and paper, a deck of playing cards, and your unbridled imagination to take flight. This Kickstarter is for a solo-RPG that will allow you to become a crow and do crowy things whilst journalling your experiences. The softcover A5 rulebook contains everything you need to get started in a few minutes, as well as beautiful corvid-themed artwork.

If it sounds right up your street, you can check the project out here:
Thank you for looking.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Quentin Bauer on February 05, 2022, 11:00:25 AM
It's Firefly in the imperial pre-Great War era, with tramp steamers.

Read about our newest, biggest sandbox expansion for Raiders of R'lyeh, From the Tideless Sea.

Love Raiders of R'lyeh and looking forward to its first, massive expansion? Then Raiders of R'lyeh: From the Tideless Sea will be a 'must own.'

But the book will also be a must-own for:

-Call of Cthulhu fanatics wanting a tramp steamer sourcebook and massive sandbox full of seafaring cults, strange ports of call, scheming factions, and epic conspiratorial plots

And will most likely appeal to:

-Traveller players wanting to try the Traveller experience but with seafaring cargo liners in the pre-Great War era

-Pulp action or historical gamers wanting toolkits, toolkits, and more toolkits, plus an exhaustively researched sourcebook covering the 1900-1914 era of seafaring travel and derring-do

And don't forget to sign up for news about the upcoming release.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Jeremy Hart Illos on February 12, 2022, 02:28:03 AM
My most recent monster zine for Old School Essentials has funded (to the tune of $260 as of now). That's 10 now in the series. I have some fans that requested a collected POD omnibus. But they're suggesting I run a new campaign for it. I dunno, seems pretty ambitious. LoL. I've seen fairly anemic support for the current one. It's hard to believe more pledges would come in... dunno dunno dunno.

I've never tried it before though. With a mockup, I guess it might generate more interest.

As a Stretch Goal, I was thinking $5K. That would give me enough time/money to devote to the project. However, that seems pretty impossible based on this campaign's performance. Maybe a lower amount like $2K would be possible. I don't know.

Format-wise, I'm thinking A4 landscape. 1 page for art, with the statblock and fluff on the facing page. Total of 160 monsters and around 326 pages including OGL, Index, etc.

Here's the link to my current campaign: (

Back issues in the series are 30% off on ( while the new campaign runs.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: IOgames on February 15, 2022, 03:21:32 PM
Hello everyone!

We just launched our kickstarter for our project Other Earths! you can find it here: 

It is a cooperative tabletop role-playing game designed for two or more players. Set in a science fantasy multiverse in which a puritanical Empire of Elves has invaded multiple timelines and has been waging a holy war on everyone they come across. Players take on the role of mercenaries who have had their souls transplanted into genetically modified clone bodies, called Carbons, fighting a desperate day-to-day battle for survival in the refugee city of Muye. This unique setting allows the seamless incorporation of nearly any genre.

This Handbook utilizes Infinite Odyssey's d6 System which is both classless and levelless. In this system character growth occurs through the learning of new spells and abilities which can change the way players interact with the world and help to resolve conflicts. Players can choose from a list of over 150 spells and abilities and equip their characters from a list of over 250 items, offering limitless variations in gameplay styles.

All of our funded digital stretch goals will come included with any pledge at the $25 dollar level or higher, and this includes PDFs of our planned campaign books, should those stretch goals be reached.
We have a lot more material and information about the game on our kickstarter page! please go give it a look, AND anyone who contributes just $1 gets immediate access to the Playtester's Guide and a full length example mission, titled "Mom's Murder". So please go check us out!

Thank you,

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: rgalex on March 01, 2022, 11:07:34 AM
Fragged Empire 2nd Edition

A sci-fi game with:
I played in a campaign using the 1e rules and we had a great time.  Been following the development of the 2e via his youtube posts and really like the changes being made.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Panjumanju on March 03, 2022, 08:05:30 PM
Coming to Kickstarter: "FIGHT TO SURVIVE" is a table-top role-playing game of martial arts meets heart, a game of punch ups and struggles, staying golden and staying alive, and will be launching on Kickstarter March 24th. You can sign up at the Kickstarter to be notified when the game launches here:

Frail heroes in a desperate world,
Throwing punches,
Throwing kicks,
Throwing away their lives.

For more information please see the "Radio James Games" facebook page, or the brand-new Discord channel here:

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: rgalex on March 17, 2022, 11:05:20 AM
The Dungeon Gits

Sequel of sorts to Space Gits.  Takes the system and moves it into a fantasy setting.  Characters are part of a mercenary band made up of "criminals, rogue mages, Sellswords and misfits, hunted, hated, and needed because moral neutrality is often needed to win and hold onto power."

Uses a life path character creation system and an OSR style combat system.

The book is 150+ pages.  Black and White art.  Softcover via DrivethruRPG or a KS exclusive hardcover.  Stretch goals include extra character creation options and more setting locations.

The starting adventure is a 3-level dungeon designed by Monkey Blood Designs.

Already funded with 13 days to go.  Estimated delivery date of July 2022.
Title: Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion Kickstarter
Post by: tenbones on April 05, 2022, 07:54:56 PM
They KS just dropped

I watched the livestream and it's going to be entirely different than the Savage Worlds Pathfinder and Core rules. Basically it's going to be a huge supplement to both. It's setting neutral, and completely Toolkit in design. It will cover magic from 11 different subgenres, including a ton of material that boosts standard D&D/Pathfinder style play, including more utilitarian powers (effectively mining the stuff not covered in Pathfinder), as well as other magical systems and setting conventions. They specifically used Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Warhammer and a few a others as examples.

There will be expanded rules for Strongholds, PC race creation, rules for deep setting intrigue, magic items, and more.

They also said while it's not made specifically for Savage Pathfinder (or any other setting) it will certainly act as an Advanced Players Guide for Savage Pathfinder as well as greatly fleshing out the Fantasy genre mechanics for the Core rules.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Accaris on April 10, 2022, 08:40:59 AM
We're down to the last 2 days for our sword & sorcery campaign for 5th Edition! Check it and watch the trailer. This is going to be a nearly 200-page supplement with a complete pulp fantasy inspired setting in the first half, with new races, monsters, pre-generated characters and NPCs, and a ton of lore. The second half of the book is a huge adventure with multiple regions, tons of wilderness encounters, dungeons, and other scenarios.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Panjumanju on April 11, 2022, 04:10:20 PM
Almost 24 hours left to go until the Kickstarter closes for "Fight to Survive: Role-playing Martial Arts Meets Heart", the heartbreaking, struggling, mundane, down-and-dirty table-top role-playing game about martial artists in the 20th century.

We're working towards our fourth stretch goal now and it's a great time to take part.

//James Kerr
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Marc Tassin on June 06, 2022, 03:58:59 PM
GUARDIANS OF AGTHOR, our fourth Kickstarter, is alive and kicking! It's a 5E adventure setting book where we reimagine the way "region" books are put together. Usually, these are designed with the traditional atlas/gazetteer format, which is cool, but we decided to take a risk and try something different (fingers crossed!) The approach we're taking is to present the content so each piece stands alone, whether it's an adventure site, a primary antagonist, a new monster, or a key location. It's like à la carte game content! The idea is that you can flip open the book, find something cool, and easily pull it into your game without needing the rest of the info in the book to make it work. Plus, we are putting it together so player's get as much use out of the content as the gamemaster, offering ways to weave the content into character backstories, inspire cool character goals, and generally create a better game for everyone. AND we still have a background framework in place that weaves all the bits together into a coherent whole.

Please check it out and let us know what you think!
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Yeti Spaghetti on July 02, 2022, 06:57:41 PM
FRIGHT NIGHT CLASSICS in now in pre-launch at Kickstarter:

Throwback, monster hunting adventure modules for percentile gothic horror RPGs of yesterday and today, our line will feature artists such as painter Frank Ordaz (formerly of Industrial Light & Magic) and illustrator Eric Smith, creator of the Moreduke fantasy parody comic. Our first module, "Horror in Hopkinsville," is based on a famous incident from paranormal history. Hope you will follow along and consider helping our cause to make horror gaming fun again!
Title: [Kickstarter] Epic Sandbox Campaign for d100 Cthulhu
Post by: Quentin Bauer on August 10, 2022, 05:06:28 PM
Cthulhu Fhtagn, Raiders
We are approximately one month away from the RAIDERS OF R'LYEH: FROM THE TIDELESS SEA Kickstarter launch.

Take a look at some previews, and get the word out!

The year is 1900.

YOU are a crew of rogues and scoundrels, eking out a living on the S.S. SHANTUNG, hauling contraband and passengers, adventuring port to backwater port, day after weather-beaten day...

And then, on a storm-wracked sea, in a smoke-wreathed tavern, at the blood-stained altar of a savage land, you hear the whisper on the wind, the chant of the beast, the chorus of the mad: rises...

We designed RAIDERS OF R'LYEH: FROM THE TIDELESS SEA, our newest expansion for RAIDERS OF R'LYEH and other d100 GAMES based on H.P. Lovecraft's 'Call of Cthulhu' and other mythos or pulp stories as:

With these toolkits, gamemasters may facilitate a Traveller-esque or Firefly-like type of open world game, where players assume command of a merchant vessel plying its trade in dangerous seas and eventually caught in a web of intrigue, adventure, and/or cosmic horror!

Or, gamemasters may use the toolkits to randomly generate factions, ships of all sizes and designs, adventuring NPCs (both seafarers and passengers), enemy timelines, scenarios, mysteries, set pieces, and dozens of other campaign elements — to be integrated into their own settings.

Our new upcoming expansion is now more than just a seafaring campaign. In fact, it comprises THREE BOOKS (totaling 560 pages).

Don't worry, the upcoming Kickstarter campaign will include a deluxe version of the campaign, combining all three books into one tome.

The PLAYER'S GUIDE includes:



Backers of the original RAIDERS of R'LYEH Kickstarter will receive a PDF copy when it's completed.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: sparuh on September 19, 2022, 03:40:54 PM
Crwodfund Itchfunding Link:
Witasy Express: Here's a Solo Journal RPG that I'm trying to Itchfund.

I couldn't use Kickstarter from where I'm from and since I already have a complete product, I thought about using Itchio to share the game directly.

A short intro to the game: Witasy Express is a tabletop roleplaying game about exploring and experiencing wondrous sights while boarding a cruise-like train. Uses a standard 52 card deck. For 1+ players.

You are a normal office worker who had enough of work and decided to go on a long vacation until things got better. You went home after working the late night shift at the factory and were about to sleep but you couldn't.

So instead of going straight to bed, you decide to check the news. As soon as you turn on your television set you hear two newscasters talking excitedly about something called the "Witasy Express". This is a train boarding game with a budget, where you draw cards and travel to different settlements.

How I started this crowd fund:
The story goes like this... I completed the game and had quite a lot of playtests with it. From there I gathered that I could add more 'modules' or features into the game so that you can experience a more complete RPG experience. So instead, now I put the complete game in its current form.

And those that want to support the game can download it and I will continue developing the game. I won't say the game would be completed in 3 months but that's the amount of time I think I could develop and at the same time maybe market the Itchfund to collect the fund for designing, copywriting, playtest, etc.

I've also included a demo version for free so people can try out the game first.

So, although the game is 'complete' in its current form, the final vision for the game is what I'm reaching for. Not sure if I should open a thread for this, but I saw this thread and think it's appropriate.

Here's a link to the thread I made for this game:
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Quentin Bauer on September 21, 2022, 07:13:08 PM
[Kickstarter] [Cthulhu variant rules supplement] Epic Sandbox Campaign for d100 Cthulhu

Behind the Scenes: I Don't Do Controversy

Confession. I'm not great at putting myself out there and sharing who I am as a person.

I believe there are a lot of people in this hobby who can relate.

And, these updates are typically meant to be 'safe' and not too personal because, at the end of the day, I am trying to sell something I make.

Anyway, getting to my point.

This update is the rare and more personal look into the behind-the-scenes of this project. And it feels important to say.

I don't know if people have noticed but the hobby (and by hobby, I mean roleplaying games across the board but also mean all the peripheral 'RPG lifestyle' accretion from the last few years) is in our day and age weighted with unnecessary controversy.

And, I hate it.

For me, this hobby is the best hobby in the world. I can't think of anything that comes close to all the things it offers.

It's about — at 8 years old — getting Moldvay's Basic Edition of Dungeons & Dragons for Christmas, then running my friends (mostly thieves, for some ignorant reason) through my poorly drawn dungeon.

And then — at 48 years old — running a new generation of teenage and tween-age adventurers through my more awesome dungeons (using the same Basic/Expert rule books from my childhood, mind you) and seeing the magic happen like it did for me as a kid.

It's about — in my teens — making hundreds of superheroes with Champions or TSR's Marvel Super Heroes RPG (then throwing them into a battle royale against every character in Chris Claremont's X-Men). Or making mini-horror-fests with the 3rd edition of Call of Cthulhu (the Chaosium/Games Workshop one).

Or playing MERPS, or Car Wars (bolting on a squad-based dungeon game using DnD), or Star Wars (the good one, with the amazing book design). Or, any of the cool, chit-loaded war games (the one with fighter planes from World War I comes to mind, among others, with its title lost to me at the moment) available at the hobby shops at the time.

And, it's also about getting an opportunity to work with other people who love this hobby with a similar obsession.

What this hobby is NOT about for me is getting drawn into an assumed controversy about who may or may not be involved with the creation of this project.

And it is definitely not about answering for accusations about who gets approved as a creator worthy of respect and who gets exiled as persona non grata (for reasons I am largely ignorant about, because I do not choose to spend my time making lists of people or harboring grievances).

However, for some people in the hobby (I believe it may be a small percentage), all discussion about my book must be centered around answering the accusation that the 'wrong people' are involved in its creation.

My non-compliance with answering the accusation — ignoring it initially, somehow translated into me affirming the accusation.

For the record (and if it wasn't clear from the title page on the PDF preview offered for perusal), I am the sole creator of Raiders of R'lyeh: From the Tideless Sea.

In addition, there were a few consultants who I paid to read through the 560-page document for feedback, essentially acting as content editors. The RPGPundit was one of them (and the only one of the editors who is actually professionally known; the others were close friends who took time out of their day to offer outside opinions).

And frankly, one reason the RPGPundit was not more involved with this project is because the man is BUSY. I mean, he's written like a dozen books between the first Raiders of R'lyeh and this expansion — all of them (including the excellent War of the Roses/Game of Thrones-like RPG Lion & Dragon, and the epic occult cold war RPG Invisible College) well-received.

And two, most of his feedback was that this book rocked (my words, not his, but the sentiment is the same) and he didn't feel right taking money when he had not much more to offer.

So, although I would have liked to have more involvement from him, his involvement on this consisted of a perusal of the document, and a short email of suggestions which I put into a re-edit, followed by a very reasonable payment.

Anyway, this project is mine — a solo effort — outside of some feedback from playtesters and other sources offering critical commentary (a normal practice in game design).

However, the RPGPundit did contribute quite a bit of editorial feedback to the initial core rules developed in 2013. The consultation was extensive — and I may not be remembering exactly the time frame, but it felt like a good 3 to 6 months of dense back-and-forth emailing. He did not write any of the core rules or originate the setting, per se, but he helped tighten up mechanical ideas and expand the setting into more of a sandbox, and he contributed his expertise about the occult to the development of the occult magic rules. There may be more, but I'd have to find the emails.

In other words, his role in the influence of Raiders (core rules) was similar to (and I'm guessing less extensive than) his role in the influence of 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons.   

So, for those concerned, his fingerprints are all over the core design of 5th edition.

Which, I guess, for some people, makes 5e DnD another game associated with the RPGPundit and also meriting disapproval.

So, here is my statement — last and final — about who is involved in this project.

And it is also a final statement about how proud I am of the final product.

For people who want to open up the discussion even further about who I thank for patronizing my Kickstarters or who may or may not be associated with this book which is ultimately a one-man operation — made by someone who just wants to make stuff and sell it to other people who love the hobby as much as I do — I am here to have fun and I want to engage with people who want the same.

So, I'm getting back to wrapping up the final touches on this book and getting it ready for the Raiders.

And then when that's all done, taking a break and getting back to my Dungeons & Dragons campaign I'm running for teenagers. (And yes, I may be working on a commercial OSR/BX DnD project for the future.)


You can back the project here: (
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DocJones on September 21, 2022, 10:23:24 PM
deleted - wrong thread

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Quentin Bauer on September 23, 2022, 04:12:38 PM
We funded! AND there are still 4 days left to get in on the action!

147+ backers is a fantastic start — and as always I'm grateful to all the Raiders (new and old) for your generous support.

The early draft PDF is already prepared for delivery to everyone at the close of the campaign.

I've been working this week — and will continue into next — on preparing the 560+ page file for a print-ready edition.

You can back the project here:

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: RPGPundit on September 24, 2022, 12:22:04 AM
For the record, over on a stupid RPGnet thread about me, some guy posted "To clarify for anyone else reading this: RPGPundit is not a designer on 5e. He was credited as a "consultant." When 5e was released, RPGPundit stated none of his input was utilized. RPGPundit had his consultant credit removed from 5e after making false statements regarding, and leading an organized harassment campaign against the author of Zweihander."

Almost everything said there is a lie. I was a designer on 5e. I was credited as a consultant (the only truth). I never said none of my input was utilized, on the contrary I've repeatedly said that a good amount of my input was utilized (of course, some of my input was not, that's to be expected), and have specified which specific areas had input from me, as well as overall design philosophy that I advocated for which was used. Wizards has never contradicted any of my statements, nor has project lead Mike Mearls, because they know it's true and I have the emails to prove it.
I did not have my specific consultant credit removed for "making false statements" or leading a harassment campaign against anyone; ALL the consultant credits were removed after the Zak S controversy because they couldn't just remove Zak's name without getting sued (but by removing all the consultant credits, including not just me but S. John Ross, Jeff Grubb, Kenneth Hite and others, they could say they just chose not to print them, rather than that they were specifically targeting/removing Zak's name because of the allegations Mandy Morbid made against him).

I would appreciate if anyone who can post on RPGnet would clarify this on the thread where I am being libeled ( . Post #10
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Quentin Bauer on September 24, 2022, 05:18:14 PM
Edited. Sent a PM.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Quentin Bauer on September 26, 2022, 03:23:17 PM
Less than 48 hours left to get in on this d100 Cthulhu sandbox-based RPG! It's like 'Firefly' in the imperial Great War era of adventure — with tramp steamers.

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Quentin Bauer on September 27, 2022, 06:57:35 PM
ONLY 12 HOURS LEFT to get in on this d100 Cthulhu sandbox-based RPG! It's like 'Firefly' in the imperial Great War era of adventure — with tramp steamers.

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Osman Gazi on October 04, 2022, 01:21:05 PM
Heroes & Hardships Kickstarter is now live. (

I have no relation to this publisher, but I do like "Universal" systems, so I'm putting it here.  Looks interesting.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Thondor on October 18, 2022, 10:09:53 AM
Simple Superheroes #1: The Experiment RPG adventure​
New Carthage part 1—a supervillain seeking revenge, an experiment sabotaged, your heroes caught in the middle.

Is up for pre-order ( and has a 6 day kickstarter ( (chiefly for those who may want a nice bundle of the 2nd printing of the core rules and the adventure.)

Simple Superheroes #1: The Experiment is a adventure module including setting information for the city of New Carthage and 9 detailed adventure Events that Game Masters can leverage to run the scenario in many different ways.

Print versions are expected to ship in early November, a 5th Draft PDF will be made available immediately.

It's a densely packed ~32 page saddle-stitched, and the engine has a traditional Game Master role, where the Judge is meant to make rulings and control the world and NPCs.
What happened? You'll have to follow some links to see the front cover by Storn Cook.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Secrets of Blackmoor on October 18, 2022, 03:50:41 PM
Hand't been on the site in a while.

To be honest I have so many sites to track in my head that I forget where I hang out and absent mindedly wander around from one to another.

Ok, here goes the Sales Pitch....

If you are truly OSR and hate anything made later than about 1985 this is the game book for you.

It was reviewed by some guy named Pundit or something like that. He was very favorable.

You can get it here: (
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Thondor on October 18, 2022, 04:28:01 PM
Quote from: Secrets of Blackmoor on October 18, 2022, 03:50:41 PM
Hand't been on the site in a while.

To be honest I have so many sites to track in my head that I forget where I hang out and absent mindedly wander around from one to another.

Ok, here goes the Sales Pitch....

If you are truly OSR and hate anything made later than about 1985 this is the game book for you.

It was reviewed by some guy named Pundit or something like that. He was very favorable.

You can get it here: (

Glad for the reminder, I am super tempted to pick this up. Quite intrigued by the "system" elements it may contain as well as it's historic significance.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: isolationGames on October 19, 2022, 03:38:31 PM
When the Moon Hangs Low is in its final 48 hours on Kickstarter!

When the Moon Hangs Low is a gothic action RPG inspired by Bloodborne, Darkest Dungeon, and a range of other sources to create a grim, monster-hunting game in which you must manage your character's mental resolve as much as their other resources if you hope to survive.

It's now entering the final 48 hours and we're currently at 90% funded and so close to our goal, so if you could take a look and consider sharing or backing it'd be greatly appreciated.

Link to the Kickstarter here (

In WTMHL players take on the role of hunters: people marked by a chance encounter with the forces of darkness and left with supernatural powers and an inescapable curse. Drawn to Harrowmire, a decaying pseudo-Victorian city in the grip of a terrible plague, the hunters are all that stands between the people of the Cursed City and complete chaos.

This campaign is to fund a fully-artworked printed edition of the already gold best-selling PDF ( on DrivethruRPG. If successful the new book will be filled with bespoke artwork by talented creators, and also come with a custom soundtrack to accompany your games.

In addition, the book will contain a range of backer-created content including two new Marks, two new monsters, and five new NPCs. I'll also be adding the GM-less supplement I created earlier in the campaign as it was so well received by backers.

Thanks for reading.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Secrets of Blackmoor on October 20, 2022, 10:56:34 AM
Just a reminder booster that, The Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg is available again.

My previous notice was a bit small and there is a lot more to know about Tonisborg.

It is the 2nd oldest dungeon to come out of the twin cities from 1973. We're told that it could be the same dungeon that Greg Svenson DM'ed Dave Arneson in for the first time. As the only Dm in the world at the time Arneson must have been really pleased to play with someone else as DM and get to see what it is like to play an RPG.

The Book exceeds normal standards of quality with the hard bound editions. They are not mass produced garbage. The fabric covers are hand assembled here in the USA by skilled artisans

The print runs are fairly small and from what we have seen each printing immediately goes up in value.

1st printing: 25 Black cover, 30 teal cover, 170 purple cover - A purple sold on ebay for 530 dollars

2nd printing: thus far 200 with cardinal red cover and 80 pound paper. The rest will be the same only with 70 pound paper. - Someone is trying to sell an 80 pound paper edition on ebay for 500 dollars.

Due to sourcing problems the batches are all unique and have ended up becoming highly collectible.

The catch is, these aren't just a collectible gimmick as the content is good and people seem to be very positive about owning their books.

If you are already planning on getting one, please do so. It helps us maintain momentum in the Kickstarter if those who watch it see that sales aren't dipping. Helping the project appear active is another way you can help it do well.

We are also auctioning off original art and selling print sets for those interested in fantasy artwork. Please go check out all the goods we have on offer and leave a comment there if you have any questions.

Thank you, Griff

I will leave another Fan Made Video which asks: Is Tonisborg for you?
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Tubesock Army on October 21, 2022, 09:02:26 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit on September 24, 2022, 12:22:04 AM
For the record, over on a stupid RPGnet thread about me, some guy posted "To clarify for anyone else reading this: RPGPundit is not a designer on 5e. He was credited as a "consultant." When 5e was released, RPGPundit stated none of his input was utilized. RPGPundit had his consultant credit removed from 5e after making false statements regarding, and leading an organized harassment campaign against the author of Zweihander."

Almost everything said there is a lie. I was a designer on 5e. I was credited as a consultant (the only truth). I never said none of my input was utilized, on the contrary I've repeatedly said that a good amount of my input was utilized (of course, some of my input was not, that's to be expected), and have specified which specific areas had input from me, as well as overall design philosophy that I advocated for which was used. Wizards has never contradicted any of my statements, nor has project lead Mike Mearls, because they know it's true and I have the emails to prove it.
I did not have my specific consultant credit removed for "making false statements" or leading a harassment campaign against anyone; ALL the consultant credits were removed after the Zak S controversy because they couldn't just remove Zak's name without getting sued (but by removing all the consultant credits, including not just me but S. John Ross, Jeff Grubb, Kenneth Hite and others, they could say they just chose not to print them, rather than that they were specifically targeting/removing Zak's name because of the allegations Mandy Morbid made against him).

I would appreciate if anyone who can post on RPGnet would clarify this on the thread where I am being libeled ( . Post #10

Good job getting him banned.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: RPGPundit on October 23, 2022, 09:13:54 AM
Quote from: Tubesock Army on October 21, 2022, 09:02:26 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit on September 24, 2022, 12:22:04 AM
For the record, over on a stupid RPGnet thread about me, some guy posted "To clarify for anyone else reading this: RPGPundit is not a designer on 5e. He was credited as a "consultant." When 5e was released, RPGPundit stated none of his input was utilized. RPGPundit had his consultant credit removed from 5e after making false statements regarding, and leading an organized harassment campaign against the author of Zweihander."

Almost everything said there is a lie. I was a designer on 5e. I was credited as a consultant (the only truth). I never said none of my input was utilized, on the contrary I've repeatedly said that a good amount of my input was utilized (of course, some of my input was not, that's to be expected), and have specified which specific areas had input from me, as well as overall design philosophy that I advocated for which was used. Wizards has never contradicted any of my statements, nor has project lead Mike Mearls, because they know it's true and I have the emails to prove it.
I did not have my specific consultant credit removed for "making false statements" or leading a harassment campaign against anyone; ALL the consultant credits were removed after the Zak S controversy because they couldn't just remove Zak's name without getting sued (but by removing all the consultant credits, including not just me but S. John Ross, Jeff Grubb, Kenneth Hite and others, they could say they just chose not to print them, rather than that they were specifically targeting/removing Zak's name because of the allegations Mandy Morbid made against him).

I would appreciate if anyone who can post on RPGnet would clarify this on the thread where I am being libeled ( . Post #10

Good job getting him banned. got him banned. Their insane totalitarian policies, where they let a poster attack and libel me, while they ban someone (not just someone, but the thread OP and a publisher) for posting a response.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Secrets of Blackmoor on November 02, 2022, 12:33:43 AM
A quick update to the Tonisborg KickStarter - $30 Mass Market Paperback Version

More here:
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: rgalex on November 06, 2022, 03:50:05 PM
The Carrion Lands ( is being crowd funded directly on Backerkit by Gallant Knight Games. 

I've had the ashcan version for awhile now and it's a pretty fun sword and sorcery game.  If you are familiar with the Conan Exiles video game, this is a pretty good table top version of that.  You find yourself exiled in the Carrion Lands with no memory of your previous life.  You have to take what you need to survive.  Fight creatures, monsters and demons.  Become a Carrion Lord yourself.  The game has some survival mechanics as well as settlement rules.  It uses a d20 mechanic with scaling dice for supplies.

120 page, B&W art with pdf, softcover, hardcover and slipcase options.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Secrets of Blackmoor on November 07, 2022, 03:16:00 PM
Less than 12 hours to go for the Tonisborg Kickstarter.

Get it while you can.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: tenbones on November 22, 2022, 04:56:51 PM
Palladium Rifts: Titan Robotics

Palladium is chugging out new content! Check out their new Kickstarter. And to be clear this is for classic Palladium Rifts. But if you enjoy Savage Worlds Rifts, they're including PDF conversions with all forthcoming content from Palladium!
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Secrets of Blackmoor on December 05, 2022, 03:53:44 PM
FiNAL WARNING - TLDOT Hard Bound Books

A Pundit Approved Product:


Get a hard bound Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg in red fabric before it is too late.

We will cease production on the red covers in roughly 2 weeks.

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Go0fius on January 10, 2023, 01:38:14 PM
I'm new here, and this is my first attempt at publishing something, but I would really like to get the word out and share it with the community.

It is a Zorro inspired swashbuckling world along the new Spanish Main of California; it is a gritty, steampunk, gold, weird west, in an unexplored and beautiful frontier. This Alt' California is a Flintlock RPG campaign setting in an alt-history after 1812. It includes dozens of tables, hooks, and ideas for endless settlements, travel, and dungeons adventure.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: ArtemisAlpha on January 19, 2023, 09:31:11 PM
I have no affiliation with Pinnacle, but I am quite the fan of SWADE. The timing of their latest kickstarter is amusing to me, over the last year or so I ran a Deadlands: Japan game that might have made good use of the new rules that will surely come with this. Anyway, Legend of Ghost Mountain, a mythic martial arts setting/plot point campaign for SWADE opened this week. Check it out if you're so inclined
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: ArtemisAlpha on January 19, 2023, 09:37:57 PM
Quote from: Go0fius on January 10, 2023, 01:38:14 PM
I'm new here, and this is my first attempt at publishing something, but I would really like to get the word out and share it with the community.

It is a Zorro inspired swashbuckling world along the new Spanish Main of California; it is a gritty, steampunk, gold, weird west, in an unexplored and beautiful frontier. This Alt' California is a Flintlock RPG campaign setting in an alt-history after 1812. It includes dozens of tables, hooks, and ideas for endless settlements, travel, and dungeons adventure.

I also have no association with Go0fius, but I wanted to comment that I really liked the download that he linked here. Your one page rules summary answered a list of questions I was going to ask. Nicely done, sir.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Go0fius on January 23, 2023, 04:03:14 PM
Quote from: ArtemisAlpha on January 19, 2023, 09:37:57 PM
Quote from: Go0fius on January 10, 2023, 01:38:14 PM
I'm new here, and this is my first attempt at publishing something, but I would really like to get the word out and share it with the community.

It is a Zorro inspired swashbuckling world along the new Spanish Main of California; it is a gritty, steampunk, gold, weird west, in an unexplored and beautiful frontier. This Alt' California is a Flintlock RPG campaign setting in an alt-history after 1812. It includes dozens of tables, hooks, and ideas for endless settlements, travel, and dungeons adventure.

I also have no association with Go0fius, but I wanted to comment that I really liked the download that he linked here. Your one page rules summary answered a list of questions I was going to ask. Nicely done, sir.


Hello all again,
Well, I did it, I launched my first Kickstarter. I have been putting this book together and its pretty much finished. It contains my own research, art & photography. It is an RPG setting based in an alt' history of 1812 California and it is intentionally very OSR friendly.
It's on Kickstarter now, published as pdf and print-on-demand on DriveThruRPG.
I really want to share it with this community, and hope to generate some momentum to get the word out. Please feel free share the link with friends, download the sample and post a review on DriveThruRPG.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Summon666 on January 31, 2023, 03:15:27 PM
The TRUE OSR - Obsolete Shitty Rules ( @Kickstarter
(Beta Quickstart Rules ( @GoogleDocs)

Interesting looking "OSR" parody game, designed for one shots run. In an age of rpgs coming out what seems like daily, it is refreshing to see one that is trying something different vibe wise. Everything takes itself so serious nowadsy that seeing something that is just unapologetically silly just stands out.

The art is exceptional, Roberto Toderico ( reminds me of old 80s 2000AD stuff. I also love the heavy metal vibe it the art has as well. That mix of Horror, Scifi and Fantasy. I think it really fits the project ideals with it being so crazy.

The game has some strange ideas in it.. like you can "win". Players and the Dm both gain XP via the tables and generated content and this XP is used in the final showdown were the players and the DM go head to head vs each other. (?!) In addition to this sort of players vs DM thing going on and the book, from my understanding, is mainly a massive list of tables and other generators. The idea is that there is no prep-time. You just rock on and start playing in a very free form way creating content on the fly. Every player question (I assume within reason) forces a die roll that pushes the game into new directions. So the DM has to adjust to these new plot direction which are out of his control.

I have no idea if this is going to be good or not. All I do know is that to me, it feels different, that that ain't a bad thing.


(I'm not connected to this project in any way, just saw it on my feed this morning while eating my wet-box before work)
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: THE_Leopold on February 22, 2023, 10:13:19 AM
I'm a huge fan of Scott Taylor's work:
Legend of Keepers 5E Reverse Dungeon and STL Miniatures
350+ Campaign book, 300+ STL Miniatures & Terrain and three ways to play 5E (traditional, evil and PvP).

Legend of Keepers is a 5E compatible series of four unique reverse dungeon adventures inspired by the Legend of Keepers video game by Goblinz Studio.  Building on the video game's ingenious theme of a monster-driven company defending its net worth of dungeons from marauding heroes, this campaign fully creates a 5E experience in which players can decide if they would rather play each dungeon as heroes or monsters, or both, even going so far as competing against each other in role-playing teams! 

The campaign features an incredible array of heroes and monsters, all fully rendered as epic printable minis that can be placed in 3D printable dungeons.  Each dungeon is a unique setting within the Legend of Keepers world but can be easily relocated to any fantasy setting a DM desires. Legend of Keepers is designed for customization with replayability at its heart.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Angry Goblin on March 14, 2023, 02:44:32 PM
The latest version of Talislanta the "Epic Edition" is now in crowdfunding at Gamefound.

Video about it:


Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Summon666 on March 17, 2023, 12:06:27 AM
Shadowdark RPG: Old-School Gamin (Modernized) @Kicker (

Another OSR Style Game.... once again the look is awesome. Love the art and the entire vibe.... I know nothing about it other than I saw the page for the kicker.. so if anyone has any thoughts, I would love to hear them.

OSR is a strange thing. As us old fogies get older and older, the entire reason for it existing becomes lesser and lesser. Still, many new gamers who were never alive in the early days have played and enjoyed some of the many the OSR "style" games that have come in recent years.

This has lead to games like I think Shadowdark is... as in a OSR "style" of game. I mean it has the minimal rules and classes and spelsl and the book is all black and white line art and stuff. It has the vibe down.. but unlike a true OSR it has a lot of modern gaming ideas thrown in as well.

I am not sure what to call games like this. I mean, it isn't really OSR imo... as it is not so much emulating the past as in just making a new game. I think this is one of what is basically a new subgenre.

Anyway, here are some features of the game. As you can see, this ain't a OSR!

Be curious to know what others think of this one.

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: AGameofNerds on March 28, 2023, 08:29:24 AM

Have you ever made your characters live in the frontier land of the Wild West, where man is master of his own life and is free from the chains of an overly pressing society? What if the free lands stretched across the galaxy? Come explore the New Frontier in Deep Sky Ballad, now live on Kickstarter!

Deep Sky Ballad is a Space Western ttrpg with a game system based on Blackjack and very focused on the interpretation of the relationships between player characters, in order to create drama typical of TV series such as Firefly. The Kickstarter campaign is already funded and is about halfway through, it will end on April 13th, but it's not long before we reach the first stretch goal and be able to unlock the possibility of creating your own personalized spaceship! We are waiting for you!

🎲 Join the Kickstarter: (
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Summon666 on April 05, 2023, 04:20:26 PM
Knave 2ndEd is about to launch of KickStarter....
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Cathal on April 11, 2023, 01:55:14 PM
Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised Rulebook

A tabletop RPG (TTRPG) using the rules of Original Dungeons & Dragons circa 1978. Light, easy-to-learn rules for a lifetime of play!

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Summon666 on May 01, 2023, 08:19:53 PM
Wildsea RPG (@RPGgeek ( / @Kicker (

Wildsea's first expansion is on kickstarter. There is a tier for the base core books as well if you want them.

Basically the world, a post Apocalypse world where the entire planet has been engulfed by forests. Think Arboria from Flash Gorden. The idea here is that the planet was near future 21st Century tech before the cataclysm.. now long after the forests are so thick that people sail on the canopies like ships. The undergroth is vast and unexplored but the forest canopy has all these strata layers like the underdark has in DnD. There is no real magic in the traditional sense, but spirits and ghosts and gods and all that is real and intractable. Also, there is a kind of mutation theme. So there are different "races" which are all mutated from the root humanity.

It is D6 pool system. So you roll multiple D6 die and take top result or in some cases the multiple results. Interestingly, the die pool is modified after rolling. I've played a few games like this, and it does make a different kind of feel to modifiers or reducing the pool before rolling, as you remove die after they are successful. So the "cuts" as they call it can be very dramatic. There is also this idea of "twists" where doubles allow narrative inputs from the DM and even other players. Not sure how I feel about this as in my experience this slows things down a lot as every double ends in a conversation, often with players being to generous to themselves and the DM then needing to overrule them.

Anyway... this is a very cool RPG and worth a look. I think its biggest downside is that the world building is so elite in this that many people will not be able to get into it, as even something as simple as cooking is not the same as reality, for fire is pretty devastating in a forest world. The problem with very original settings is that there is no assumed knowledge from the players that make getting into it easier

Dave Thaumavore RPG Reviews did a video on the core set recently.

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Insane Nerd Ramblings on May 18, 2023, 11:15:28 AM
I've just launched my first Kickstarter project to try and build up the income to get the art commissioned for my first Light Novel, which will is a tie-in for an RPG I hope to publish next year. This is 3-interlinked short stories ~6k words each (so not strictly an RPG, but RPG-related fiction). There is only Public Domain Art in these at the moment (the cover is from Arthur Rackham's Ring Cycle, first published in 1911). Sorry for the very minimalist approach, but this is my first time and I'm on a shoestring budget!
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Black Lantern on June 05, 2023, 10:32:57 AM
Soulmist: Unspoken Tales is a book containing two adventure modules for the world of Soulmist using the D&D 5e rules system.

We were funded in just 4 hours and have been steadily gathering more support since then, having hit our 40k Stretch Goal (additional content will be added to the book) and heading towards our next stretch goals!

Head on over to the KS page and join hundreds of backers in this new adventure!

Link to our KS!
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: AlvaroWhatsabi on June 06, 2023, 06:47:47 AM
Godspeeders TRPG 5E - Episode 1: Farewell and Godspeed

A new TRPG based on the 5e of DnD, with an anime-inspired aesthetic and set in a world of space fantasy.

Support us on kickstarter -> (


Godspeeders: Farewell and godspeed is an exciting new tabletop role playing adventure that emerged from my passion for shows like Final Space, Star Wars, and Rick and Morty, as well as games like Dungeons and Dragons and Cyberpunk.

After the cancellation of Final Space, I couldn't let the story end there. I spent years refining and developing my own universe, crafting a rich narrative that combines elements of space opera, epic quests, and mind-bending science fiction.

In Godspeeders, I've adapted the beloved mechanics of the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons to create a seamless and immersive experience for both new and seasoned players. Dive into a world where advanced technology meets ancient magic, where you can pilot your own starship, engage in intense ship-to-ship battles, and explore vast planets teeming with adventure.

Our unique ship combat system brings fast-paced action to the tabletop. With positions of engagement, strategic maneuvers, and thrilling dice rolls, every battle feels intense and dynamic.

But Godspeeders isn't just about combat - it's about forging deep connections with memorable characters, unraveling the secrets of the cosmos, and shaping the destiny of the galaxy. The lore-rich campaign takes you from level 1 to 4, with the potential for even greater expansion based on the kickstarter goals we achieve.

To add an extra layer of excitement, I've introduced the concept of Godspeed Points. These points, earned whenever an NPC wish you "Godspeed", empower players with narrative control, flashbacks, and temporary power-ups. It's an innovative mechanic that keeps the storytelling fresh and engaging.

With over 120 pages of meticulously crafted content, the "Episode 1: Farewell and godspeed" campaign contains everything you need to embark on an unforgettable adventure. Delve into the unique multicultural and diverse lore, encounter thrilling adversaries in the bestiary, and uncover the mysteries of a captivating universe.

Your support on Kickstarter will help us bring Godspeeders to life in all its glory. As we reach stretch goals, we'll expand the campaign and introduce new adventures. Our true goal is to get enough financing to create an the "Godspeeders Core Rulebook" and an Atlas of the Known Space, adding even more depth to your gaming experience.

I've poured my heart and soul into Godspeeders, and I can't wait for you to join me on this epic journey. Together, let's explore new worlds, face unimaginable challenges, and shape the fate of the galaxy. May your travels be swift and your adventures filled with Godspeed.

Join us and back the Godspeeders Kickstarter campaign today!

Title: SLASH! The Horror Movie RPG
Post by: ThePunslinger on June 22, 2023, 05:11:52 PM
Hello all! My new project, SLASH! - The Horror Movie RPG, is launching on Kickstarter on JULY 11th, 2023.


Inspired by 80s and 90s horror movies, this game puts you in the shoes of a classic horror Archetype (the Nerd, the Athlete, the Virgin, etc.) as you struggle to escape from a brutal Killer. You're weaker than your enemy, so you'll have to run, hide, scavenge, and strategize to survive. It also features a unique dice pool mechanic that feels like a cross between the Genesys dice system and TIME Stories: White Cycle, which gives every action unintended side-effects that cause ripples down the road!

Back/Follow our Kickstarter: (

Or check out our website for more information: (
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Elder Evil on July 11, 2023, 11:20:35 AM


Sourcebook & Adventure for 5e

The Straight Way Lost is a 400-page book that is one part sourcebook and setting guide for fantasy gaming in a Renaissance that never quite was, and the other part a massive adventure of intrigue, terror and triumph.

The adventure is set in a fantastical version of Italy in 1492 and features a voyage between Heaven and Hell inspired by Dante's Divine Comedy.
Background chapters detail everyday life in the Italian Renaissance, the worldview of its protagonists and the supernatural aspects, as well as extended character creation guidelines tailored to the setting.

The book is illustrated with 140 full-color artworks by Jana Heidersdorf, Gwenevere Singley and Mark Smylie. The Kickstarter will also offer lots of great add-ons like stl-files for miniatures, maps, Roll20 module, sound files and custom made characters to enrich your roleplaying experience.

We are live on Kickstarter now. Please come and look; we hope you like what you see and pledge early to snag the Early Bird discount!
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Elder Evil on August 09, 2023, 04:06:59 PM
The final 24 hours for The Straight Way Lost have begun!

"In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself within
a dark wood where the straight way was lost."
-- Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia, Inferno, Canto I; John Aitken Carlyle translation

The Kickstarter for The Straight Way Lost is now in its final hours. We have so far unlocked 2 stretch goals and are hoping to reach the third.

Please help us make the final push now; there will be no late pledges!
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Gegilles on August 28, 2023, 12:10:51 PM

Dragonslayer: The Classic Fantasy Role-Playing Game by Dr. Greg Gillespie

Live NOW! Please help spread the word. (
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Klytus on October 14, 2023, 11:55:32 AM
Our own Rob Conley has a new Kickstarter out that compiles his wisdom and experience creating a fantasy sandbox into a single source, plus it includes a sample setting and his Blackmarsh setting.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: estar on October 18, 2023, 02:30:51 PM
Quote from: Klytus on October 14, 2023, 11:55:32 AM
Our own Rob Conley has a new Kickstarter out that compiles his wisdom and experience creating a fantasy sandbox into a single source, plus it includes a sample setting and his Blackmarsh setting.
Appreciate the shout out!
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Llew ap Hywel on October 19, 2023, 07:15:12 AM
Follow on to Beowulf Age of Heroes. I'm no 5e fan but the setting material and digital resources in the last one were great.

This one looks at domain play.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Bobloblah on October 24, 2023, 12:23:02 PM
Wow! The Adventurer Conqueror King System II: Imperial Imprint edition is now live on Kickstarter, and funded in less than 15 minutes! Spread the word now that it's live...

Adventurer Conqueror King System Imperial Imprint (ACKS II), via @Kickstarter
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: palaeomerus on October 30, 2023, 07:20:15 PM (

DDRPG's goal is to take the best parts of our favorite fantasy RPG editions and blend them together to offer something unique in today's tabletop landscape. DDRPG keeps things fast and fun.

Four Core Classes: Fighter, Cleric, Rogue, Wizard
Four Core Folk: Human, Proudfoot Halfling, Wood Elf, Hill Dwarf
Six Ability Scores: Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
d20-based Resolution System: The core of DDRPG uses a twenty-sided die. Whenever a character attempts something with interesting success or failure, the d20 is rolled and modifiers added.
Open Skill System is based on Ability Checks - a character's Background, Folk, and Class define what sorts of Skills a PC is proficient in.
Renovated Spell System - some spells have been revamped, improving utility and effectiveness; Spell Points allow casters to alter spell effects, increasing damage, number of targets, and degree of effect.
Dangerous - When Hit Points are exhausted, a creature is likely to die. When Hit Points are reduced below 0, the combatant has till the end of the round to be stabilized or they die. There are no Death Saves in DDRPG.
Easy to Use - DDRPG is compatible with almost any other RPG product. If you want to add something from a different system, it's easy to fold it into DDRPG's ruleset.

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: palaeomerus on October 31, 2023, 09:22:52 PM (

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Panjumanju on February 01, 2024, 01:07:39 PM
Solo Martial Blues: A One-player Martial Arts TTRPG

As part of Crowdfundr's Table Top Non Stop event, Radio James Games has launched a crowdfunding campaign for Solo Martial Blues, a solo-play TTRPG based on the Indie Groundbreaker Award nominated TTRPG Fight to Survive: Role-playing Martial Arts Meets Heart.

The Solo Martial Blues ​campaign runs from February 1st through March 1st, 2024. Click here to join the fight:

Solo Martial Blues is designed by Canadian indie developer James Kerr, with art by artist Steven Wu, artist of indie darling and Ennie-award winning Jiangshi Blood at the Banquet Hall. Set in fictional New Hope City, Solo Martial Blues is an urban, gritty, down-to-earth martial arts game inspired by films like Bloodsport (1988), Hard Times (1975), and Streets of Fire (1984). It should be especially appealing to fans of the recent shows Cobra Kai and The Warrior. The mechanics of Solo Martial Blues are unique. Unlike most solo TTRPGs it does not use dice, and does not use story prompts. It uses a structure of trumping moves, like rock-paper-scissors, but couples this with a heartbreaking melodramatic mechanic of Comforts—tracking what the fighter cares about, what they're fighting for!

To learn more about Radio James Games, please visit

James Kerr
Radio James Games
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: mikelaff on February 23, 2024, 01:20:29 PM
Cocaine Owlbear for Savage Worlds - Now on Kickstarter (

Cocaine Owlbear is a short adventure (and adventure generator!) of magical drug-fueled whimsy for Savage Worlds.

The heroes are native critters of a fantastical forest tasked with scoring more of the enchanted nose-candy that gave them sentience before the effect wears off and they return to their less fun, less paranoid woodland ways forever!

You're a woodland creature who has recently gained sentience when you ingested magical cocaine from
the satchel of an unlucky traveler in your forest.
With your newfound intelligence, you plunder the belongings of the courier you killed. You find that he or
she had a complicated heist plan written on parchment and hidden in their satchel bag. But it's not just
any heist. It is a complicated heist that involves stealing more of the enchanted cocaine that has granted
you sentience and made you really jittery.
Can you take a chance that when the cocaine wears off you'll revert to being a mere woodland animal?
No, you cannot.
You have to get more of that enchanted cocaine! Luckily, you have this written plan from the deceased
courier that requires discipline and exact execution.
Unfortunately, you're a goddamned coked-out enchanted woodland creature prone to rage.
Title: Gods of the Forbidden North Vol. 2
Post by: Persimmon on February 27, 2024, 10:06:16 AM
This is for volume 2 of a combined adventure path/sandbox and campaign setting.  But the good news is that you can also get volume 1, which was published last year, either in standard or premium binding, which is great for books that are this massive.  We are just starting this now and IMO it's probably the best adventure/setting I've seen for OSE Advanced:

Note: I'm just a backer & fan.  Not affiliated with the author, though we've communicated via email.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: AGameofNerds on March 14, 2024, 10:28:19 AM
To celebrate reaching the goal of the Arcana Familia Fresh Meat campaign we have decided to add a special limited number bundle!
The Bundle includes, at a discounted price compared to the separate purchase, the "Murderer" Reward (the Fresh Meat adventure printed and in PDF, plus the Stretch Goals and digital prints) and the Arcana Familia Core Book (both printed and in PDF), and in addition the short adventure Dance with the Sharks and the Additional Contracts expansion are free, both in PDF and printed format! This offer is only available to the first 15 interested parties, and only for English copies. Take advantage of it! Don't miss this opportunity! Click here to go to the Fresh Meat campaign page! (

Arcana Familia is an esoteric cyberpunk ttrpg with an original rules system based on the Blackjack card game, set in a future where occult worlds interwine with dark technology. In a future Earth where the appearance of the god of reality He Who Has Many Names has allowed an unprecedented technological increase in exchange for human's freedom to decide his destiny, The players will play creatures from another dimension, the Aos, who infiltrate our universe for their own mysterious purposes, offering diabolical deals to desperate people in exchange for the power to manipulate the world by ignoring its physical laws, and their human servants and contractors known as the Lost Children. Together they have been co-opted by the mysterious Arcana Familia for the purpose of conveying, conveying and supervising the movements of these entities so that they do not bring chaos to the Earth Union and to the plans of its enigmatic ruler Basileo, as well as those of other unnatural subjects who in the have infested the world in recent years.

Fresh Meat is an adventure lasting about three sessions of hypothetical investigative games, the events of which however will start an extended plot that could influence the future of the Arcana Familia, the Earth Union and even the entire world. It can easily be used as an incipit for a group of newly recruited Aos and Lost Children to begin a wide-ranging extended chronicle, and constitutes the first element of a saga that will be further expanded in other modules, although it can easily constitute a case in itself . The book will also describe in detail the building that serves as the headquarters of the local department of the Arcana Familia of Nuova Este and at the same time as a dormitory for its agents, the latter each presented in their own roles. Finally, additional optional rules will be described to allow agents to use vehicles of various types, both during breathtaking chases and in combat. Despite being convenient and practical, it is not always possible to use the subway!
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: Fleur WT on March 20, 2024, 01:38:13 PM
​Mystified! A Flabbergasted Expansion
Launching in 1 Week on Backerkit - March 26th (


Mystified! is an expansion to the ENNIE-nominated game Flabbergasted! Learn how to craft a mystery-driven campaign to introduce into your Flabbergasted games. Befuddle, bewitch, and bewilder your players as they unravel a myriad of mysteries, with 3 NEW ARCHETYPES, 3 NEW LOCATIONS, and 3 PRE-WRITTEN campaigns, along with additional story hooks and pre-made club sheets. All of this will be made easy to incorporate into your Flabbergasted games through our new Mystery Sheet.

Here's a taste of what Mystified! will introduce:

Go on new adventures: You can take a more classic whodunnit approach where your players must solve a murder in a mansion, where every resident is a potential suspect. You can also have an action-adventure mystery where intrepid adventurers must follow a trail of clues across the globe. Or explore a darker mystery where investigators become embroiled in a case of cults and supernatural dealings...

Craft your own mysteries: Creating your own mystery can be a daunting task. Using a brand new mystery sheet and simple rules, creating your own mystery has never been easier!

Play new archetypes: The Snoop, the Explorer, and the Occultist are added to the selection of archetypes! Each features new scene cues.

Explore new locations:
Be it the unsuspecting sleepy town of Pembrook, the eerie city of Kravenspire or the lush, distant island of Porto Verde, you'll have the perfect setting for your club's next mystery.

Join new secret societies:
With new archetypes, you'll be invited to join one of 6 new secret societies when reaching max dignity or scandal!

​Follow now on Backerkit (

Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: DarkDave on April 04, 2024, 06:00:17 AM
MidGuard: The Roleplaying Game is coming to Kickstarter!

In MidGuard: The Roleplaying Game, you will be introduced to the world that combines science-fiction with Nordic mythology and play a character who is no stranger to cybernetic implants, but can also be an adept of the mystical art of hexeri.

Now you can create your own, futuristic saga, where the residents of the Nine Systems constantly fight against one another. Will you have enough courage to face trolls, dragons and space krakens?

You can also connect yourself to the forbidden Yggdrasil Network to give the finger to Odin himself and prepare for the approaching final battle of Ragnarok.

It is your story. Make it epic.

MidGuard: The Roleplaying Game was first released in Poland in 2022, following a very successful crowdfunding campaign. The game is based on a custom d20 mechanic with heavy emphasis on the player's resources, allowing to modify the outcome of the check result.

Follow our pre-launch page on Kickstarter and stay tuned for the upcoming news!

Check out here:
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: LordBP on April 25, 2024, 08:30:37 AM
Adventures Dark and Deep Core Rules 2nd Printing (
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: RI2 on May 14, 2024, 12:15:23 PM
Colonil Gothic 4th Edition

From the Fire Comes Freedom!

In print since 2007, Colonial Gothic has grown into something unique. His uniqueness is in the setting. The world is one that history many do not know because it is a hidden history.

Colonial Gothic uncovers the hidden truths and malevolent enemies lurking in the shadows, influencing events and conspiring against the world as we know it. 

Revised, rewritten, and redesigned Colonial Gothic 4th Edition is compatible with all previous Colonial Gothic editions.

Visit the Colonial Gothic page ( to stay updated when the campaign launches.
Title: Re: [KICKSTARTER] The RPGsite Thread for Information About Kickstarter Projects
Post by: RI2 on May 31, 2024, 11:59:15 AM
The Colonial Gothic 4th Edition has launched

Our Kickstarter is simple.  We want to bring you a high-quality, lovingly crafted, and insanely huge core rulebook without all the fancy extras.  It's a book, and the more we can improve on it, we will during this funding round.  So why not tell your friends to pledge and push this project over the mark?