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Is #DnD Twitter Worse Than Coronavirus?

Started by RPGPundit, March 01, 2020, 07:50:34 PM

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Quote from: S'mon;1126206I am now satisfied that coronavirus is worse than D&D Twitter.

Sorry to hear that, S'mon. I'm glad that he is recovering, at least.

Also, I noticed this from earlier in the thread, less than a month ago:

Quote from: Shrieking Banshee;1124296Il put that under "World Ender" level. Maybe I should have called it "Catastrophic!". If it kills 1% of the world population Il consider that enough to accept my folly. (I mean Il bow down if it reaches 100,000)

I just feel I had been hearing enough "Conservative" estimates from "The worlds top science-tists" about so many criseses over my relatively short life that all didn't come true or where grossly overstated that Im just spectical about the whole thing.
Sadly, today confirmed deaths have passed 100,000.



When it is all over, i will be curious to see how they qualify deaths being caused by covid.  Right now i would not be shocked if some places could have a guy fall 10 stories, test him positive for covid and put coronavirus on the death certificate.  I also would not be surprised if some places have a hospital full of covid fatalities calling the deaths heart failure.  I feel there should be a uniform standard for hospitalizations and fatalities.  Regardless of its actual fatality, its social effect is between disastrous to apocalyptic.



Perhaps I am a jaded, cynical Tyrannosaur, but it strikes me that there are more than a few politicians, medical officials, various activist-types, as well as media entities that deep down inside them, they are eager to see as many people as possible die from the virus. They want those virus death tallies to keep spiraling upwards. In some macabre way, they hope for the more dying, the better. I don't suppose there is a conspiracy, or any single reason that such people embrace, but several diverse reasons. I think some of them are really hoping for a huge catastrophe.

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b


Quote from: S'mon;1126206I am now satisfied that coronavirus is worse than D&D Twitter.


Funny, after my week I'm less convinced than ever.
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Quote from: SHARK;1126442Greetings!

Perhaps I am a jaded, cynical Tyrannosaur, but it strikes me that there are more than a few politicians, medical officials, various activist-types, as well as media entities that deep down inside them, they are eager to see as many people as possible die from the virus. They want those virus death tallies to keep spiraling upwards. In some macabre way, they hope for the more dying, the better. I don't suppose there is a conspiracy, or any single reason that such people embrace, but several diverse reasons. I think some of them are really hoping for a huge catastrophe.

Semper Fidelis,


Nothing wets the media entity's panties like a global catastrophe to get the easily panicked public glued to their respective mediums giving them clicks. And the political class is working overtime to see how many civil liberties they can get way with restricting--and the media-controlled public is begging them for it! And just like the Patriot Act any powers they write for themselves aren't going away, but people will convince themselves it's only temporary and that thinking otherwise is paranoid conspiracy nonsense.


People are reacting as if the only the lives lost to the virus matter, and the jobs, growth, opportunities, liberty, and yes, lives, lost due to the overwhelming governmental response don't exist. It's a classic example of Bastiat's seen and unseen.


Dr. Birx even admitted the death toll is bullshit. She said "If Someone Dies With COVID-19 We Are Counting That As A COVID-19 Death". What a joke!

100,000 dead worldwide! Oh noes! Gotta shut down the world!!!

In October 2019, the Journal of Global Health told us a fun fact. The average annual worldwide death toll from the flu is 389,000 which makes CoronaChan a lame media SHAMdemic.  


Quote from: Pat;1126455People are reacting as if the only the lives lost to the virus matter, and the jobs, growth, opportunities, liberty, and yes, lives, lost due to the overwhelming governmental response don't exist.

Don't forget kids from K-12 just lost a year of education.

But wait, aren't the kids only losing a couple of months and doing online school?


"Online school" is fine for highly self-motivated learners, AKA the kids who barely need the teacher and can learn from the book themselves. AKA, the honor students. Also, some autistic kids benefit from the lack of distraction.

For the rest of the student body, "online school" is a fucking disaster. Even if they do the work, retention of concepts learned is remarkably poor. And let's be honest, unless a parent is on top of them, most aren't going to do the work.

And let's not even discuss kids with special education needs. They're fucked with fuck sauce.

But its only a couple of months! Why would they lose a whole year of education?

Here's a dirty little secret in education. Summer vacation DESTROYS retention of concepts for kids. Kids' brains aren't adult brains. In general classes, the assumption is teachers spent August/September to December refreshing and reinforcing the concepts of the previous year. Then, teachers spend January to May teaching that grade year's work...knowing most of it will be half-forgotten over summer.

Now we have nations of kids whose year ended in March and won't restart until August/September.

If we gave a shit about education, we'd institute mandatory summer school this year. Personally, I would just have everyone redo the entire 2019-2020 school year.


Quote from: jhkim;1124779Spinachcat - I'm curious, has your opinion changed at all since the start of this thread at the beginning of March?

Nope. Laughable bullshit remains laughable bullshit.

However, I am impressed by how happily and easily Americans have thrown away their rights. The Constitution got erased by the sniffles!!!

Quote from: jhkim;1124779So is the implication that Hanks isn't infected and it's just a publicity stunt? Is this also be true of Senator Rand Paul?

I'm no fan of Rand Paul. He's a pale imitation of his father Ron Paul. No idea what's up with his health.

As for Tom Hanks, I've been on many movie sets. Dozens of staff are in constant close interaction with actors. Many of those staff are touching the actors, or touching their clothes and other articles the actors have been touching. Makeup, hair, wardrobe, catering, props, camera, lighting, etc. There's a lot of people and when you have a movie star on set, there's always even more people.

Oh noes! Here comes the super contagious Flu Manchu onto the movie set!! Booga-booga-booga!!!!

Did dozens or hundreds got sick? Did they spread it thousands? Nope. Just the movie star. Nobody else.

It's a Tom Hanks miracle!!!


We all have to remember that, like Rappers, Twitterati are vincible and have feelings too:

Who da Drow?  U da drow! - hedgehobbit

There will be poor always,
pathetically struggling,
look at the good things you've got! -  Jesus


Quote from: Spinachcat;1126465Dr. Birx even admitted the death toll is bullshit. She said "If Someone Dies With COVID-19 We Are Counting That As A COVID-19 Death". What a joke!

100,000 dead worldwide! Oh noes! Gotta shut down the world!!!

In October 2019, the Journal of Global Health told us a fun fact. The average annual worldwide death toll from the flu is 389,000 which makes CoronaChan a lame media SHAMdemic.  

You do realize that coronavirus reached the 100.000 mark in a much shorter time than a year, and with the world basically shutting itself down explicitly to stop it from spreading further, don't you?
Do you seriously think the whole fucking planet is wrecking its own economy just to make Trump look bad? Here's a shocking reveal: he isn't that important!


Quote from: Luca;1126510You do realize that coronavirus reached the 100.000 mark in a much shorter time than a year, and with the world basically shutting itself down explicitly to stop it from spreading further, don't you?
Do you seriously think the whole fucking planet is wrecking its own economy just to make Trump look bad? Here's a shocking reveal: he isn't that important!

You realize that the very post you quoted mentions the fact that they're counting every single death of people that happened to have the virus as having died because of it regardless of their actual cause of death, making the death estimates fundamentally suspect and flawed?

They're not wrecking the world economy just to make Trump look bad. They're doing it because people are dumb panicky animals who are easily duped and mislead, and have been misinformed with contradictory information by the media since day one. And with the advent of the internet and 24/7 "news" media people are oversaturated and bombarded with misinformation all the time to the point of generating mass panic.

People are also very dumb in general and politicians are no exception. I mean Democrats were willing to agitate a nuclear power (Russia) over loosing an election, you think politicians care about what they wreck when the public and future generations are the ones who're gonna have foot the bill? Fucking things up and making the public pay for it is what the political class does best.

Shrieking Banshee

Quote from: VisionStorm;1126518You realize that the very post you quoted mentions the fact that they're counting every single death of people that happened to have the virus as having died because of it regardless of their actual cause of death, making the death estimates fundamentally suspect and flawed?

I'm with you on this. Not many people know this, but I have a superpower. And that superpower is 'Having a Memory for past events'. And while the coronavirus is worse than previous spoopy outbreaks in the past, just like them it's being overblown.
A year later we will get the more accurate results and then we will be told how so much of what we did was super wasteful, and how there were much better intermediate alternatives, and how irrational people acted.

While 'economy' has become a buzzword, its still a real thing. People will end up starving or sick from other diseases because they could not accrue resources. I'm not saying we should run kissing competitions, but at least some intermediate solution must be reached.


Quote from: LucaYou do realize that coronavirus reached the 100.000 mark in a much shorter time than a year, and with the world basically shutting itself down explicitly to stop it from spreading further, don't you?
Do you seriously think the whole fucking planet is wrecking its own economy just to make Trump look bad? Here's a shocking reveal: he isn't that important!
Quote from: VisionStorm;1126518You realize that the very post you quoted mentions the fact that they're counting every single death of people that happened to have the virus as having died because of it regardless of their actual cause of death, making the death estimates fundamentally suspect and flawed?
Conversely, there are claims that China is *undercounting* its death rate, with thousands of deaths unrecorded.

But let's suppose that it's all overcounting. We can engage in some math here. I'll take the official counts at first as a baseline -- but we'll also shift the numbers if those official counts are wrong.

Over the past 10 days, officially from 0.7 to 1.2 million people were confirmed actively infected, and around 50,000 people have died. (ref)

In ordinary times, the world death rate is about 7.5 per 1000. That is, out of a thousand people, about 7.5 will die every year. Given that rate, out of a million people over ten days, we'd expect about 200 deaths. That would indicate that out of 50,000 deaths, they might have overcounted by 200 (i.e. overcounted by 0.4%).

But let's suppose that the official estimates are wrong - and I hope they are. Say the infection counts are wildly off - and there are ten times as many active cases, so 10 million active infections. That population would have 2000 expected deaths over 10 days. That's still just a small fraction of 50,000 (4%). Even if there were 100 million active infections, that's still only has the potential to move the needle from 50,000 to 30,000 - which is pretty similar.

These 50,000 deaths are over 10 days -- during a period when most of the world is taking extraordinary measures to control the disease. I think there's good reason to think that if we hadn't had social distancing, then there would be even more deaths, and the economy would be disrupted anyway because of the disease spreading wildly and a much higher death rate.

Shrieking Banshee

Quote from: jhkim;1126527These 50,000 deaths are over 10 days -- during a period when most of the world is taking extraordinary measures to control the disease. I think there's good reason to think that if we hadn't had social distancing, then there would be even more deaths, and the economy would be disrupted anyway because of the disease spreading wildly and a much higher death rate.

Thing is we don't know. One example I heard was that we have extreme social distancing....except at a generally regular basis when people are getting food....Which would make the whole thing rather redundant.

It's important to not fall into the pattern of 'Well we know its working because the bad thing didn't happen', otherwise you can attribute any sort of scam as working. Correlation =/= causation.

But as I said, il be the first to say I don't know.