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I have an issue in my current RPG group. One I hqve tried to address. But failed to.

Started by Darrin Kelley, October 08, 2017, 03:02:37 PM

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Quote from: Spike;999492And this is the problem with crusty old guys. They never let anyone younger than them have any fun. I bet you formed plenty of lynch mobs in your game groups when you were young, but when WE want to do it?  Wha wah... its BAAAADDDDD...

Gronan is cantankerous, he's always been this way.  Tongue his pee-hole, that calms him down a bit*.

* So I've heard...


Quote from: Redforce;1000366What do you suppose is the way to fix this?  Maybe pre-gens- a set of basic skills / abilities, and a quick personality sketch to let the player build on it?  Don't let guys like this play?  Just play Toon??

Everyone generates characters together, in the same room, where this sort of bullshit can be challenged upfront.
Currently running: Tyche\'s Favourites, a historical ACKS campaign set around Massalia in 300BC.

Our podcast site, In Sanity We Trust Productions.


Quote from: Kiero;1000371Everyone generates characters together, in the same room, where this sort of bullshit can be challenged upfront.

Of course.  Still might have trouble with Contrary Guy, though.


Quote from: Redforce;1000373Of course.  Still might have trouble with Contrary Guy, though.

Except he looks like an idiot in front of the whole group, at the same time. Instead of being able to have private conversations with the GM where he can wheedle his way into getting a better character than everyone else, and the first the group knows is when they turn up to play the first session.
Currently running: Tyche\'s Favourites, a historical ACKS campaign set around Massalia in 300BC.

Our podcast site, In Sanity We Trust Productions.


Quote from: Kiero;1000387Except he looks like an idiot in front of the whole group, at the same time. Instead of being able to have private conversations with the GM where he can wheedle his way into getting a better character than everyone else, and the first the group knows is when they turn up to play the first session.

I don't think that would help much if he / she is the GM's buddy / boy-girlfriend, and the GM's going to use favoritism.
Still, it is what I would do if I were running a game.

Willie the Duck

Quote from: Redforce;1000373Of course.  Still might have trouble with Contrary Guy, though.

Yeah, but the 'everyone generate characters together' solution is a solution to the generalization of the problem, not the OP's specific situation, anyways. OP doesn't have the authority to make people roll up new characters.

Honestly, cantankerous or otherwise, Gronan's (and Ted's and Headless's) advice is still the right course. Talk to people. Say roughly, "____'s character, by nature of being a child of a past character, and by being played by the player most well versed in the universe, is dominant and making me and my character feel like a sidekick. What can we do about this?"

Even if they don't agree to change anything in specific, voicing (maturely) that you're finding the experience dissatisfying might help people err on the side of making a place for your character (however that manifests).

Darrin Kelley

I built my character based on what the group needed. I asked specifically so I could do my best to fit in and not be a disruption.

I constantly ask the GM and other players for suggestions and ideas that would make my character more fun to interact with. I'm on top of that because I don't want to be seen as a selfish player. I want everybody to have fun. And if there is an issue with my character: I would rather know of it up front. So I can do something about it.

So far. My character is a well liked member of the party. Regardless of having a Lawful Evil alignment. And I'm playing that to the hilt.

The biggest thing asked for by the players and GM in a new character was: That it be a Necromancer. Even in preference to a Cleric.

In the homebrew game system we are using for this game. Necromancers and Clerics share a great number of common abilities. In general: A Necromancer is considered to be able to do nearly everything a Cleric can. Except for the divine interaction parts. They can even reverse their spells that do harm into healing spells. Makes them very versatile and very valuable.

My character is a half demon. But she is honorable. Her word is her bond. And she let the group know that: Her goals align with the group. And if that should ever change. She would simply leave. She's not there to make any more enemies than everyone already has.

She needs to help save the world so that her own ambitions can bear fruit.


Quote from: RPGPundit;999939It's curious, but I've far more often had situations where I had players wanting to play characters totally irrelevant to the campaign than ones where they want to play characters absolutely central to it.

I say, this has been my experience as well, in fact sometimes I have to try to explain to a player why her PC won't have much to do if she continues the row she's hoeing and try to get her to create a PC concept that will suit the game.


Quote from: Redforce;1000364Really?  Maybe I'm a weirdo, but the few times I've roleplayed, I made sure my character fit in with what the GM wanted as far as campaign world / playstyle. Of course, it was usually the GM who didn't have either figured out, so...
I also like to give a reasonably short backstory that would have story hooks for the GM.  Especially if it's superheroes.  I don't care if the GM screws with my character as long as it's central to the story and in reasonably good taste.

Can I get you to join my next campaign?


Quote from: Redforce;1000366What do you suppose is the way to fix this?  Maybe pre-gens- a set of basic skills / abilities, and a quick personality sketch to let the player build on it?  Don't let guys like this play?  Just play Toon??

I'm trying to get a Toon game going, actually...although I'd like to play Ghostbusters as well, since Halloween is just a couple of weeks away.


Quote from: Dumarest;1000560Can I get you to join my next campaign?
If it's play by post, I'll consider it.


Quote from: Redforce;1000569If it's play by post, I'll consider it.

Maybe! Mexican Ghostbusters versus the Aztec Mummy?


Quote from: Dumarest;1000576Maybe! Mexican Ghostbusters versus the Aztec Mummy?

Can I be a Luchador Ghostbuster?


Quote from: Redforce;1000577Can I be a Luchador Ghostbuster?

Well, crap.  That was stupid considering the thread this is in...


Quote from: Redforce;1000577Can I be a Luchador Ghostbuster?