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Homosexuality in your campaign

Started by RPGPundit, February 17, 2013, 06:59:14 PM

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First, let me preface that this thread subject is not an excuse to start arguing about real-life politics; nor is this supposed to be a thread for debating about the morality of homosexuality or the like; nor is it a place to talk about people on rpg.net or elsewhere engaging in crusading regarding the treatment of or ignoring-of homsexuality or homosexual characters in RPG campaigns.

What this thread is for is to ask people, in their actual campaigns, whether or not their campaign setting features homosexual characters, or bring up the topic in their settings at all, or if this is something that never comes up in your campaigns. What's more, if it does come up, you can talk about how its come up.

Part of the purpose here is to see just how the actual experiences of campaigns run by people on this site (which tends towards old-school gamers) matches up with some of the impressions that people have or allegations people have made about the way regular roleplayers deal with the subject.

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Zak S

The gender and sexuality of the PCs usually maps 1-to-1 to the real people playing those PCs so: lots of bisexual women.

NPCs I just roll randomly if it comes up, which it hardly ever does.
I won a jillion RPG design awards.

Buy something. 100% of the proceeds go toward legal action against people this forum hates.

David Johansen

It's come up from time to time.  Generally pretty sophmorically.  I tend to avoid it a bit for that reason.  It's rare to get a uniform level of understanding or comfort with the topic at the table.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com


Had a pair of NPC lesbian assassins running around. At first, we were like "Cool!". Then they made us miserable for several sessions, and caused two player deaths. Then we hated them.
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It happens, and doesn't map at all to the players, as we are all straight. Last time was in September or October, one of the playtests for Volant.

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It seldom comes up... and less than it used to it seems... though I've got it in my notes for the setting that the mainstream culture does not really make much of a distinction between homo/hetero affections accept in regards to bloodlines/marriage/dynasties.


It's rarely came up. If I ever do need to rule on my own character's sexuality, and it doesn't seem obvious, I generally just make a quick random roll (Usually 2d6, 10+ is gay).

My WFRP character strongly disapproves of Dwarf / Elf relations, as we once found out (Someone asked him what he thought, so I broke out the random table. d10; 1 was "creepily enthusiastic", 2 - 9 "no comment", 0 "very no"). But we were all in a silly mood that night.
one two FUCK YOU

Planet Algol

There's generally as many homosexual npcs in my games as there is in real-life, homosexuality has generally been a non issue in my milieu, aside from bigots.
Yeah, but who gives a fuck? You? Jibba?

Well congrats. No one else gives a shit, so your arguments are a waste of breath.


Rarely comes up, homo or hetero. I can't remember the last time a character or NPCs orientation was worth mentioning.
The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.


Hardly ever comes up.  As most of my group is hetero, not too many gay characters are introduced.  In those few times where homosexuality does come up, it's usually secondary to anything else.  I imagine because my group is 30+ is the reason why there aren't any homosexual jokes and whatnot.
D&D is not an "everyone gets a ribbon" game.  If you\'re stupid, your PC will die.  If you\'re an asshole, your PC will die (probably from the other PCs).  If you\'re unlucky, your PC may die.  Point?  PC\'s die.  Get over it and roll up a new one.

K Peterson

It's something that's rarely come up.

I've had a homosexual NPC in exactly one of my campaigns in 30 years of gaming. And that was because I was using a published adventure that included the NPC (for the record, it was a Kult adventure, printed in Pyramid Magazine, called Et in Arcadia Ego. I converted it to CoC, and intended to use it as an intro to a Dreamlands campaign).

I've had one homosexual player in a couple campaigns in the early 00's. A short-lived Star Trek TOS campaign, and a run-through of the Iron Kingdoms Witchfire Trilogy modules using WFRP1. The subject of his character's sexual preference didn't come up in either campaign.


Poly, bi and gay care some 15% of celtricia, more in some cultures, less in others.   Much of the cradle is matriarchal, and this is a much bigger deal.
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.


It comes up on occassion.

What weirds me out is that I run into the idea that it shouldn't be there. One of the Players in my Labyrinth Lord group is a lesbian, she wanted her character to be a lesbian and I responded with, "Sure. Why not?"

That threw her off a bit, because she wasn't used to someone being indifferent to either her sexuality or her character's sexuality when it came up. She was expecting that since the rest of us were guys and straight, that there was not going to be any deviation from the heterosexual norm. It surprised her a bit that we were open minded and it surprised me a bit that she was expecting us not to be.


i ran a campaign that had an overly homosexual recurring villain. the players frequently underestimated him because they perceived that his sexual preferences made him weak. they did learn to shift their thinking in this regard eventually but not until they had been bested a few times.