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GURPS for (D&D-esque) Fantasy?

Started by grubman, November 03, 2007, 06:51:23 PM

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Quote from: grubman. . . but the representatives from the GURPS community certainly didn't like the idea and thought GURPS Lite was the only entry tool the game needed.
Remembering that there's a difference between "representatives of the GURPS community" and "representatives of SJ Games," of course. I'm not averse to suggestions such as yours at all, but . . . those of us on the design end of things simply don't call the shots. I get my marching orders via the usual chain: Sales tells Marketing what's hot at shops and what's being preordered, Marketing talks to Editor in Chief about paying the needed dollars to staff and freelancers to get stuff like that, EIC authorizes Managing Editor to get that stuff created, ME tells me my next project.



 Why not just go ahead and try it ?

My book offer still stands.

If you run into a hitch -  register on the SJG forums...-OR-   justask questions of the people on here that run GURPS.

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


Some of the 3e Powered by Gurps games came pretty close to being playable versions of expanded Gurps Lite. Something I'd like to see in 4e but isn't likely to happen for numerous reasons.

The Discworld RPG was fairly close to Gurps D&D though I think you'd likely need one or two of the magic books and a creatures book (or that online document linked up thread) unless you're willing to stat out a lot of things.


Quote from: KoltarGrubman,

 Why not just go ahead and try it ?

I got a copy of the unrevised 3rd edition hardcover, the specific edition (in hardcover) I'd been searching for for a while.

Rereading it after all these years I have to admit I'm very impressed.  I never realized what a pivitol RPG GURPS was.  I mean, almost every "genreic" RPG I've seen obviously drew heavily from this particular book (and many ohter games).  I see bits here that I've seen in tons of games since.  Savage Worlds, for instance (with all due respect), is almost a clone of GURPS with a diferent system and simplified content...all the elements are the same, and most of the bits.  After reading the book again there is no doubt in my mind that GURPS was close at hand when Shane was working on Savage Worlds.

I also see many elements that were lifted for D20.  Cover really sticks out, becasue of the illustrations.

In any case I would LOVE to give it a try.  I've searched the interenet for anyone in my genral area (around Green Bay Wisconsin) that has an active group (so I could play a session with expereinced players) but can't find anyone.:(

I still have other game systems to go through before I present my final choices to my gaming group, although I'm sure GURPS will be on the short list.  I mentioned it to them casually , but no one jumped at the idea, so I let it reast for now.


Quote from: RPGPunditI've always found GURPS could do a great job of low-level fantasy. It really can't do high fantasy though.
What do you mean by 'high fantasy'? I'll do D&D fantasy handily. I'll do high-powered fantasy handily. I'll do heroic fantasy handily, too.


Quote from: RupertWhat do you mean by 'high fantasy'? I'll do D&D fantasy handily. I'll do high-powered fantasy handily. I'll do heroic fantasy handily, too.

Nope, nope and nope. I don't think GURPS does any of those three particularly well. It does the first and third inelegantly, and the second it can't really do right at all.

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Quote from: RPGPunditNope, nope and nope. I don't think GURPS does any of those three particularly well. It does the first and third inelegantly, and the second it can't really do right at all.


Maybe Rupert is just the kind of GM where he can make those work with ANY system, he just prefers GURPS or is at a comfort level with it.

- Ed C.

 (Oh God!! Did I just do an accidental versioon of "system doesn't matter" in the above thought???)
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


Quote from: grubmanIn any case I would LOVE to give it a try.  I've searched the interenet for anyone in my genral area (around Green Bay Wisconsin) that has an active group (so I could play a session with expereinced players) but can't find anyone.:(
You might want to give the SJGames Gamer Finder a try.  


Only found one guy in Green Bay, but quite a few in Madison (I have no idea of the geography in that area).
"The difference between being fascinated with RPGs and being fascinated with the RPG industry is akin to the difference between being fascinated with sex and being fascinated with masturbation. Not that there\'s anything wrong with jerking off, but don\'t fool yourself into thinking you\'re getting laid." —Aos


Quote from: RPGPunditNope, nope and nope. I don't think GURPS does any of those three particularly well. It does the first and third inelegantly, and the second it can't really do right at all.
Depends what you mean by 'right'. If you mean 'to my [RPGPundit's] taste', I'm happy to assume that you are right, as only you can really know what your opinions and tastes are. However, GURPS certainly can manage high powered fantasy to the satisfaction of others. Kromm's group seems to have had, and be having a blast: http://www.dawnofmagic.net/ in a high powered game. Maybe you consider that unfair because Kromm is the Line Editor, but his group isn't the only one - there's at least one such campaign been mentioned on the SJGames forums, and at least one other mentioned on the Pyramid boards.

I intend for my current GURPS 4th edition fantasy game to reach high power levels. It started at the 'normal' 150-points, which isn't exactly low-powered any way, and I'm handing out ~5 points per session for the first 5-10 sessions, and intend giving out some nice packages of advantages worth 25-50 points, if only I can get my players to actually decide what they actually want. Thus in 5-6 months (we play fortnightly) it'll be a decently high powered game (with what GURPS calls 'Larger-than-Life' PCs, moving on to 'Legendary' in a year or so), and I'll be able to tell you first-hand whether the system deals with high-powered fantasy.

Oh yes - the game is also fairly D&D-esque (as in I'm running it the same way i'd run a D&D game with the same theme), though not as heavy on the resource management (one reason to use GURPS rather than D&D was I wanted more tactical thinking, and less resource management - we've already done that), and we're intending for the characters to be heroes and do heroic things. I really can't see what's inelegant about GURPS handling of the latter at all. The former, we shall see.