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GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Is NOT A Failure

Started by David Johansen, March 06, 2019, 08:04:37 PM

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Quote from: sureshot;1079120If TFT does poorly or poorly for SJGames I'm not sure what it will mean for Gurps.

Even if we were to keep The Fantasy Trip limited to direct sales only -- through Kickstarter, Warehouse 23, and our own Amazon account -- the game would already be a success that justifies investing resources in more support. The three containers landed at our warehouse this week and will begin shipping to Kickstarter backers on Monday, while we also have:

* Adventures, a hardcover book that generated over $50,000 in support on Kickstarter (plus more in preorders and funding on BackerKit). The book is in the final stages and headed to print this month.
* Hexagram, a small zine we did when Kickstarter launched their Zine Quest campaign. Steve and the team had a blast working on this, and the project goes to print next week.
* Decks of Destiny, an upcoming Kickstarter campaign for cards . . . lots of cards. Cards are incredible resources for an RPG, we know how to print cards, and Steve's almost finished creating everything. We have no reason to expect anything but success from this project. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sjgames/the-fantasy-trip-old-school-roleplaying/posts/2445417
* A not-yet-revealed book of monsters that Steve has finished writing . . . and now it is time for art.
* Other things in the works we're not yet ready to discuss.

We are also discussing the second printing of the Legacy Edition box and trying to determine where that best fits into our schedule. Late 2019? Early 2020? We don't know at the moment; we'll make a decision next month or in May.

The Fantasy Trip is doing amazing for us and we have a lot of support for the game in the works.


I'm glad to hear TFT is doing well. As SJGames needs and deserves all the successes they can get.


Quote from: sureshot;1079176I'm glad to hear TFT is doing well. As SJGames needs and deserves all the successes they can get.

Thank you. The response has been phenomenal, with the Kickstarter campaigns going well, the creative team completing work on schedule, and retailer response at the GAMA show this week better than we had expected. We have more projects in the works and plan to give the game all the support that it can handle for the foreseeable future.


Quote from: Toadmaster;1078946I'm in the same boat as Lurtch, I bought Savage Worlds, I wanted to like it, but I just don't get it. I've been told it has much in common with GURPS and HERO, but I'm not seeing that.

Not a case of I don't like it, just that it doesn't make sense to me. Probably one of those things where if there was an experienced group for me to join I could make some sense of the rules, but reading the book in a vacuum it goes nowhere.

  I think you have to play it.  I read it and it seemed goofy to me too.  Ran a few sessions with it, and the players got it very quickly and the bennies and drawing cards seems to really jazz up the flow of the game.  Runs combat and task resolution fast and easy.   I would say try a game out before you rest on your current judgement.


So why with TFT doing so well, does Gurps Dungeon Fantasy need to exist?  

While he's somewhat disgraced now, at the time I thought Ryan Dancey has a point about TSR and competing with itself with different game systems for the same genre. And in this case, TFT is one of the best FRPGs ever made, while GURPS is well, GURPS. It's like Marc Miller's strange insistence that people want his version of the reverse D6 system in his Traveller 4 and 5 (and presumably 6 and 7 and until he passes away), while most people love Classic Traveller (and Mongoose's updated Classic Traveller was very popular).


Quote from: JeremyR;1079294So why with TFT doing so well, does Gurps Dungeon Fantasy need to exist?  

Two completely different audences with, in our experience, minimal overlap. The market will tell us what type of support is best for each.

David Johansen

I'll be bringing in TFT when my distributor gets it in, and grabbing a copy for myself.  So that's 100% of a sample size of one.

I introduced my players to Illuminati last night, they had a blast.  TFT can fill the one shot roll very nicely.

They've added Amazon POD orders to the kickstarter to get it over that last hump. It's sad it didn't go faster but, the reality is that it's a thin little booklet and a reprint of a set that most of the fans already got.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com


Risking a derailing here.

If a guy wanted to get into The Fantasy Trip, what does he have to order beyond "In the Labyrinth"? Melee + Wizard? I'm headed into my FLGS today.


Quote from: Eisenmann;1079353Risking a derailing here.

If a guy wanted to get into The Fantasy Trip, what does he have to order beyond "In the Labyrinth"? Melee + Wizard? I'm headed into my FLGS today.

The game won't be in stores until late April.

The Legacy Edition box is the best if you're gonna go wild. Otherwise, start with just Melee and Wizard, either as the individual boxes or in the retro-inspired combined package.



Quote from: oggsmash;1079275I think you have to play it.  I read it and it seemed goofy to me too.  Ran a few sessions with it, and the players got it very quickly and the bennies and drawing cards seems to really jazz up the flow of the game.  Runs combat and task resolution fast and easy.   I would say try a game out before you rest on your current judgement.

You're probably right. There is a big difference in reading versus playing a game.

Dungeon Fantasy is $750 away from funding.

David Johansen

If every backer adds a dollar to their pledge, we're there!
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com


Quote from: philreed;1079359The game won't be in stores until late April.

The Legacy Edition box is the best if you're gonna go wild. Otherwise, start with just Melee and Wizard, either as the individual boxes or in the retro-inspired combined package.


Thanks for the info, Phil. My FLGS is pretty great about being able to pre-order. I went with the Melee & Wizard pocket box, but I'm hoping that they get everything in.



Quote from: oggsmash;1079275I think you have to play it.  I read it and it seemed goofy to me too.  Ran a few sessions with it, and the players got it very quickly and the bennies and drawing cards seems to really jazz up the flow of the game.  Runs combat and task resolution fast and easy.   I would say try a game out before you rest on your current judgement.

That has been my assumption, I just haven't had the opportunity to play it.

David Johansen

I guess the question now is whether it's worth doing little booklets to reprint some of the hardbacks.   A collection of aliens of and/or vehicles when they reprint GURPS Space and Ultratech or some such.  I do think having the whole line, or at least the really core books like Magic, High Tech, Martial Arts, and Ultra Tech back in print would help GURPS regain some of its market position.

As far as material that exists that could be re-used fairly cheaply, GURPS Aliens, GURPS IST, and GURPS Cabal seem likely subjects.  I wonder if full color is really that much of a selling point for a reprint the main book kickstarter?  Would monsters 2 be as successful in black and white at twice the page count?

A Dungeon Fantasy style space opera or supers box doesn't seem likely.  The boxed set format is expensive to produce and it looks like SJG is being pretty cautious when it comes to GURPS.  I also expect small boxed sets aren't that much cheaper though they would be cool.  It also becomes an issue of looking too much like TFT.

I'd rather see some new content.  I'll always believe the absence of some form of vehicle book is a gaping hole in the line when it comes to doing science fiction.  At least we got Spaceships and some Pyramid articles (does anyone know which ones have the rules for wheeled and tracked vehicles)  A more complete and integrated book based on Spaceships might do it.  But I'd also love a book with lots of stats for real vehicles.  A WWII vehicle compendium would be great.  I'd still prefer an updated physics based system but I'm guessing simulating realistic vehicle movement on the table top isn't a priority for most people.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com