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Found game

Started by stu2000, June 05, 2011, 11:54:18 AM

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You know when you're putting on a coat for the first time in the year and you put your hand in the pocket and find a twenty you didn't know was in there? That's a sweet deal.

So I've been going through game stuff to see if thre's anything I want to put in the summer auction at the flgs, and I realize there's something jammed in my Dark Conspiracy book. I'm a 3x5 card guy, so I think it's some npcs or campaign notes. But instead of a nostalgia rush, I find two tiny little staple-bound books--Pocket Universe and Teenage Demon Slayers, clearly a Buffy-style sourcebook for the game.

I don't remember picking this game up at all. That's not surprising. It's dated 2001, and it looks small enough to have been a impulse buy. Or maybe someone from the last Dark Conspiracy game was showing it to me, and I stuck it in there and forgot about it. It appears to be by Jeff Dee, who I like. It seems structured like a GURPS ultra-lite, with a Prime Directive-like gimmick to the damage rules. That's a little interesting, because like those games, this one came out of Austin. Its just generic characters and combat--no magic or vehicles or whatnot--but for 16 tiny pages, it seems pretty neat.

I'll have to run something with it at the shop this week, just like I would have to get a cup of coffee or comic book or some other luxury with found money.

Has anyone else had any experience with either this particular game, or with a found game moment?
Employment Counselor: So what do you like to do outside of work?
Oblivious Gamer: I like to play games: wargames, role-playing games.
EC: My cousin killed himself because of role-playing games.
OG: Jesus, what was he playing? Rifts?
--Fear the Boot

David Johansen

Ooooh that sounds like TWERPS, I've got Magic and Rocket Rangers myself.  It's very lite and very silly.  I don't think it's possible to play TWERPS seriously without breaking the space time continum.  This really should be collected and reprinted in its entirery.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com